Volume 5 1A, number 8 PHYSICS LETTERS 5 May 1975 INTERFERENCE STRUCTURE IN THE FAR FIELD OF THE RESONANCE CONE R.W. BOSWELL and A. GONFALONE Space Plasma Physics Division, ESTEC, Noordwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands Received 28 February 1975 The interference structure of the resonance cone below the electron gyro-frequency (Whistler mode propagation) has been observed with electric and magnetic antennas in a large volume experimental magnetoplasma at distances greater than a wavelength from the transmitter. In a cold magneto plasma, the dispersion characteristics of the whistler wave are a function of the angle the wave makes with the magnetic field. In particular, at a certain angle Bc, which is dependent on frequency and density, the group velocity of the wave approaches zero. If the waves are launched from a point source, they propagate within a cone of half angle Bc, hence the name resonance cone. A temperate plasma has little effect on the actual cone angle but an interference structure appears within and close to the cone which has been interpreted by Fisher and Gould [l] and by Kueh [2] as a coupling between the electromagnetic field of the cone and the electric field of a slow plasma wave. Experiments in the near field have been carried out by Fisher and Gould [l] and by Gonfalone [3] and in both cases the interference structure was observed in the near field with the antennae separation being much less than a wavelength. These measurements were made with small electric antennae. Although the theory given by Kuehl [2] predicts that this interference should be observed in the far field, it has been suggested that damping (collisional or collisionless) could remove the structure. It is therefore, of interest to determine whether the resonance cone and its structure still exist in the far field. The experiment was carried out in a large volume magnetoplasma which has been described elsewhere by Boswell and Arends [4] . An argon plasma was formed in a chamber with a diameter of 60 cm and length 120 cm permeated by a magnetic field uniform to * 0.6%. Langmuir probes were used to measure the electron temperature which was of the order of 2.6 eV, in good agreement with other measurements in similar plasmas [5] . With a neutral gas pressure of 4 X lOA torr, this resulted in collision frequency u = 0.0005 wc for a gyrofrequency oc = 180 MHz. By using interferometric techniques, the whistler wave dispersion relation was obtained, from which the average electron density was deduced to be 4 X lOlo cmq3. The transmitting antenna was a 1 cm diameter loop which behaved essentially as a point magnetic dipole and the receiving antenna was an electric probe with an exposed surface 3 mm long and 1 mm diameter which gave a greater degree of spatial resolution. Slmilar results were obtained by using an electric probe as a transmitter as in the experiment by Gonfalone. The interference structure can therefore be seen to be an inherent part of the resonance cone and is independent of the type of antenna used. This is the first measurement, to our knowledge, of the resonance cone and structure launched by a magnetic dipole. The cone was observed for all frequencies and the result presented here was obtained at o = 0.47 oc where the wavelength was approximately 17 cm. Although the cone and interference structure have been measured at distances greater than 10 X, the graph shown in figure 1 was obtained by rotating an electric probe around the transmitting antenna on a circle with a radius of 28 cm. i.e. about 1.5 h distant. The asymmetry of the cone is probably due to a slight misalignment in the orientation of the loop of the transmitting antenna. Following the theory given by Kuehl, and using his notation, the angle of the resonance cone: eM = Bc - 1.8 c~~‘~sin~‘~O~/R~‘~ and the angle of the first maximum of the interference 485 Volume 5 1A, number 8 PHYSICS LETTERS 5 May 1975 10dB NOISE LEVEL I I 1 I 1 1 -60’ -30’ 0 1 I l30* ANGLE I I C l60’ OF ROTATION Fig. 1. Resonance cone and structure measured at w = 0.47 wc. 8M is the cone angle and Bm is the angle of the first maximum of the interference pattern. pattern: em = Bc - 7.4 a113sin4/3Bc/R2’3 where 19~is the angle of the resonance cone given by the cold plasma theory, cr is a parameter involving the frequency and density, and R is the ratio between the antenna separation and the gyro radius. Inserting the measured values into these expressions, yields the angles 19~ = 26.9” and eM - em = 4.4’ From fig. 1 the experimental values are 8 - 27.5 *0.3%ideM-em = 4 .6 f 0 .3’ and are in Eid agreement with theory. In conclusion, it has been shown that the resonance cone and its interference structure exist in the far field, even when the transmitter is a point magnetic dipole. The structure was still associated with the cone and therefore may be regarded as an integral part of it, rather than as an electrostatic wave with free existence. The present results demonstrate that energy is convected away from the near field along the resonance 486 cone. In future space experiments designed to launch waves into the ionospheric or magnetospheric plasmas, it shotrid be noted that a certain amount of the energy radiated from an antenna will not appear in the wave fields, but on the resonance cone. One of us (R.W. Boswell) would like to thank ESRO for providing a Research Fellowship. We would like to express our grateful thanks to H. Arends for his excellent technical assistance. References [l] (21 [3] [4] R.K. Fisher and R.W. Gould, Phys Fluids 14 (1971) 857. H.H. Kuehl, Phys. Fluids 17 (1974) 1275. A. Co&lone, Journal de Physique 33 (1972) 521. R.W. Boswell and H.J. Arends, The ESTEC E.P.V. int. report, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. [5] C. Christopoulos, D. Phil. thesis, University of Sussex (1974).