L.._ 1967, No. 9 271 The skin effect H. B. G. Casimir and J. Ubbink 1. Introduction; the current distribution for various configurations IT. The skin effect at high frequencies Ill. The skin effect in superconductors "It was discovered by mathematical reasoning that when an electric current is started in a wire, it begins entirely upon its skin, infact upon the outside ofits skin; and that, in consequence, sufficiently rapidly impressed fluctuations of the current keep to the skin of the wire, and do not sensibly penetrate its interior. Now very few (if any) unmathematical electricians can understand this fact; many of them neither understand it nor believe it. Even many who do believe it do so, I believe, simply because they are told so, and not because they can in the least feel positive about its truth of their ownknowledge. As an eminent practician remarked, after prolonged seepticism, 'When Sir W. Thompson says so, who can doubtit? " These were the wordsof Heaviside in a pleafor the use of mathematical methods in 1891. Now, seventy-five years later, the skin effect is such common knowledge that one sometimes thinks one understands it even without "mathematical reasoning". The expression for this effect put forward in 1886 by Rayleigh and now often used as a matter of course, does however have its limitations. For example, its application to pure metals at very highfrequencies leads to incorrect results, as noted by H. London in 1940. Superconductors are another special case, where theformula predicts an infinitely thin skin layer. These are afew of the problems which will be dealt with in this article, showing as far as possible their inter-relationship. The article is divided into three parts, the first of whichfollows here. I. Introduction; the current distribution for various conûgurations If a direct current flows in a conducting wire, it will be distributed uniformly over the cross-section. With alternating current, however, the current distribution is not homogeneous and, if the frequency, conductivity and dimensions of the conductor satisfy certain conditions, to be dealt with later, the current flows mainly in a thin layer at the surface of the conductor. This phenomenon is called the skin effect. It is an electrodynamic effect, that is to say, it is a result of the way in which time-varying electric and magnetic fields and electriccurrents areinterrelated. The skin effect phenomenori is quite different from the action of a Faraday cage, for instance, which acts as a barrier to a static electric field purely and simply as a result of the fact Prof. Dr. H. B. G. Casimir is a member of the Board of Management of N. V. Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken; Dr. J. Ubbink is with Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven. that the charges in the wall of the cage are mobile. The tendency of the current to flow at the surface is closely connected with the stable character of the electromagnetic phenomena. We see this in the following way. Let us assume that inside the metal there is a filamentary current I which is increasing in strength (fig. 1). This current is associated with a rotational magnetic field H around it which is also increasing. A changing magnetic field induces a rotational electric field E which, in turn, induces a current in the metal. According to Lenz's law, the direction of E is such that it opposes the increase of I, thus keeping the situation stable. The figure shows that simultaneously at some distance from I a current is generated parallel to I. The net result therefore is that the current is forced outwards. Furthermore, we see that this effect increases with frequency (E is larger the more rapid the change ~ ~~__ ~_ PHILIPS TECHNICAL t Fig. 1. A filamentary current J is accompanied by a magnetic field H. As J and H increase, an electric field E is produced whose direction near J is such' astto oppose the increase in J, whereas further away from J the induced field E produces a current in the conducting medium parallel to J. ofH) and with conductivity (the larger the conductivity, the larger the current caused by E). In this :first article, we shall consider in some detail the configuration of the current for one or two special situations. The skin effect can be a disadvantage in transporting alternating current energy along a wire or cable. To keep the resistance low, the cross-section of the conductor should be as large as is practicable but the effect of increasing the diameter is far less than with direct current. For alternating currents it is advantageous to use hollow cables (in power engineering), or braided cable (in radio engineering). At microwave frequencies the skin effect can be put to good use: the effect makes it possible to transport and store electromagnetic energy without radiation losses by using closed waveguides and resonant cavities. At high frequencies the skin layer may be regarded as a layer screening electromagnetic radiation incident upon the metal: as a result ofthe conducting properties of the metal the radiation penetrates into the metal no further than the depth of the skin layer. Even a single electron, whether bound or free, possesses screening properties to a certain extent: incident radiation is scattered by the electron so that the power travelling straight on is less than the incident power. As cu(the angular frequency) or (J (the conductivity) increases, the penetration depth ~ decreases. In simple electron theory, (J is proportional to the mean free path I of the conduction electrons. As (J or cu increases, there will therefore be an instant at which ~ becomes smaller than I. The current density at a given point will then no longer be dètermined simply by the local field intensity and the static conductivity, and the simple theory of the skin effect will no longer apply. This situation is referred to as the "anomalous skin effect". . As the frequency increases, other effects may become significant, namely, relaxation effects: the electron is REVIEW VOLUME28 subject to many cycles of the alternating field between two collisions and within the mean time that it spends in the skin layer. Broadly speaking, the field then "sees" in effect a layer of free electrons. Finally, at still higher frequencies, the "plasma frequency" of the metal will be reached above which the metal becomes transparent to the radiation. These skin effect complications at high frequencies form the subject of part IL Metals in the superconducting state form a special class of conductors. These will be discussed in part "rIL We consider the two-fluid model, in which the electrons are divided into two types, normal and superconducting. The superconducting electrons, although they dissipate no energy, do have screening properties (even at cu = 0). They-therefore cause a skin effect: fields can penetrate only to the London penetration depth, which is independent ofthe frequency, and the "supercurrent" in this layer does not cause energy losses. The normal electrons within this layer do, however, absorb electromagnetic enemy for cu =!= 0, givmg some (small) high frequency losses. There is, however, a frequency limit above which the superconducting electrons also absorb energy. This absorption is due to the transfer of electrons from the superconducting to the normal state by the radiation, via a quantum process. A superconductor differs very little from an ordinary metal at frequencies above this frequency limit (which lies in the microwave range). Since the skin effect is based entirely upon the dynamic properties of electromagnetic fields and currents as given by Maxwell's equations, it will be useful to set down the four equations here: + J, curl H = oD/of curl E = -oB/Ot, (2) div B = 0, (3) div D = (J. (4) (1) The following points should be noted: a) In what follows we shall in general regard the material as a medium with a given relative dielectric constant and permeability er and pr (so that in the material D = eE, B = pH, with e = ereO,p = prpo), in which the free electrons carry the current. er and pr are generally of the order of unity for non-ferromagnetic materials. Interesting complications which may arise when pr becomes much greater than unity (ferromagnetism) will be discussed in the last section of part 1. b) Over a very wide-frequency range, the term oD/Ot (the ·"displacement. current") in the metal is negligible with respect to the current density J and may therefore be ignored. When J can be represented simply as (JE, 1967, No. 9 SKIN EFFECT, this amounts to taking w as negligible with respect tb a/e. For copper at room temperature for instance, a F::::i 108 (Qm)-l and a/ e F::::i 1019 S-l, which is very much higher than the frequencies with which we shall be dealing in this article. 'öD/'öt can become comparable to J only in the relaxation range, where J becomes smaller than (jE; even then 'öD/'öt begins to become really significant only at frequencies near the plasma frequency. I 273 the wires are thin and long compared with their separation: rw« a e; L (rw is the radius of the wires, L their length and a is the spacing). It follows from (1), using Stokes's theorem, that if H is thè.field at-a dis-, . tance x from a wire carrying a current I: = I, 2nxH hence = I/2nx, H and the total flux through a surface bounded by two values of x, x = p and x = q, is: Parallel wires The case of a number of parallel wires lying in a plane and connected in parallel may be used as a simple illustration of the essential features of the skin effect. The currents in. the wires affect one another by induction so that the current in the innermost wires is less than in the outer wires. Let us consider three equidistant wires, 1, 2 and 3, connected together at their ends and connected to an a.c. source of angular frequency w (fig; 2). If the frequency is so low that induction effects can be ignored, the currents h, 12and Is through 1, 2 and 3 are all equal in phase and amplitude. This is no longer the case at higher frequencies. Consider the circuit (1, 2) formed by wires 1 and 2. There is a flux CP3, produced by la, through this circuit. An increase in Is induces an e.m.f. in (1, 2) opposing 12 just as it does h since 12 and Is are on the same side of (1, 2). An increase in la therefore tends to oppose 12 and to reinforce h; a decrease in la tends to reinforce 12; this has the result that 12 lags slightly in phase behind I: and Is. Once there is a difference between hand 12, h - 12 represents a circulating current in (1,2) producing a flux which, in turn, largely determines the difference between hand h. The net result is that 12 lags in phase behind Is. and Is but has virtually the same amplitude. The situation is easier to grasp at very high frequencies because of the consideration that the net flux through a circuit must be almost zero, because any net flux would produce almost infinitely high e.m.f.'s. Let us assume that the fluxes through (1, 2) as a result of h, 12and la are CP1, CP2 and CPa respectively (fig.2b). Owing to the geometry and as Is. and la are equal in phase (and also in magnitude), due to symmetry, CP1 and CPa are in opposite phase. Because the net flux is zero, CP2 must also be in phase or in antiphase: because 1 and 2 are symmetrical with respect to the zone (1, 2) and 3 is further away, CP1 = Ah, CP2 = Ah and CPa = ala, with a < A. It then follows from CP1 = ([>2 + CPa and Ia = Is, that Ah = Ah ah, hence 12 = h(A - a)/A. 12 therefore has a smaller amplitude than Is, and there are no phase differences. For a quantitative calculation let us assume that + The total flux between 1 and 2 is therefore: poL (ah In - - 12In -a - Ia In -2a) = 2n rw' rw a 1 [(h - 12) In -a - Ia In 2 = poL 2n rw . Let us assume that the fields and currents vary with time as exp (jwt). It then follows from (2) and Stokes's --i I I ! I [ I rv L _ ---- (--I ..... _ <P3 111, I I --- ---- I t 13 12 I 1 1 1 I _..- I (..... ! I I ---- I I I i _ '-" __ -------/ 1---- ---_ ---......- a a __ ') - j---- I Iv2rw ,i -{ I • 3 Fig. 2. a) Three parallel wires, connected electrically in parallel, of length L, diameter 2rw and spacing a. Wais the flux between the first two wires caused by the current in the third. b) Qualitative indication of the fluxes through the circuit (1, 2) at very high frequencies. VOLUME 2S PHILlPS TECHNICAL REVIEW 274 theorem, with B = /hoH, El = Rd!, E2 = Riiz (RI resistance per ~~~t_lengthof the wires) that: RI(1t - h)L = - or, substituting 13 the frequency. On going to higher frequencies we must bear in mind that RI is the effective resistance per unit length, and that at higher frequencies it no longer corresponds to the resistance at zero frequency - the cause of this being, of course, the skin effect in each wire. jW/hoL [(ft - h) In -a.]- Ia In 2 , -2:n: rw' = It: In 2 (5) 1--, a with a a .2:n:RI (6) In --J--. rw /hOW = The combined effect of the geometrical and electrical factors is contained in the parameter a. As the frequency varies from 0 to infinity, the locus of als parallel to the imaginary axis and hilt describes a semicircle in the complex plane as sketched infig. 3. Although, under the stated condition a» rw, the effect can never become particularly large, it still shows a few essential traits of the skin effect, as may be seen from (5) and (6) and fig. 3; the "inner current" is smaller than the "outer current" and lags behind it; at low frequencies there are phase differences only, which increase as the frequency increases and the resistance decreases. At very high frequencies the distribution of current between the wires, and hence the field distribution outside the wires, is independent of Fig. 3. The current ratio h/ft describes a semicircle in the complex plane as the frequency passes from zero to high values. It is still practicable to calculate the current distribution under the set conditions for four wires. The result becomes more and more complex as the number of wires increases: if there are n wires, n - 1 equations with n - 1 unknown quantities have to be solved. . The current in the wires for three, four and five wires, with a = 3, is shown in fig. 4. This real value of a will 9 Q 9 - - 1.0 o I Q Q 9 i 9 0.5 •1 • 2 •3 •1 • 2 • 3 • 4 . . . . 2 3 4 5 Fig. 4. The distribution of an alternating current over three, four or five wires, with a = 3. The wires are shown below in cross-section, distributed over the same width in the three cases. The current in each wire is shown vertically. The current is normalized to give an average "current density" of 1 (the average current per wire). The fact that a is real implies high frequencies and the value 3 corresponds to a wire spacing/wire diameter ratio of about 10. 1967, No. 9 SKIN EFFECT, I be realized at very high frequencies where the imaginary part becomes insignificant (there are therefore no phase differences between the currents). The value 3 for the real term corresponds to a value of about 20 for a/rw. In each case the wires are distributed over the same width and the total current is chosen such that the average current per wire (a kind of current density) is unity. 275 c5k is a quantity with the dimension of a length, and is called the (classical) "skin depth". Equation (9) cannot be solved by elementary means. However, if a dimensionless complex variable = X is introduced Although, as we have seen, it is possible to calculate the "skin effect" for a small number of parallel wires, there is little sense in performing this type of calculation for an increasing number of wires in order to arrive, in the limit, at the effect in a solid conductor. The analysis of this case is much better dealt with by considering the conductor from the start as a continuum with continuously distributed fields and currents, as below. • c5k the equation x2 d2J - dx 2 +X f (11) dJ - dx + x2J . . . (12) = 0, a Bessel differential equation of order zero. The only solution which remains finite at x = 0 is the' Bessel function of the first kind. The absolute value and arguJ_ ! I The distribution of an alternating current over the cross-section of a cylindrical wire is the standard example in discussing the skin effect. As the problem has circular symmetry, we look for a circularly-symmetric solution in which the electric field E and the current density J are parallel to the axis of the wire and the magnetic field H is perpendicular to a plane passing through the axis of the wire (fig. 5). E, Hand Jare simply functions of the distance r from the axis of the cylinder, with time dependence exp (jWI). Applying Stokes's theorem to an area with a contour a of radius 1', it follows from (1) that for H in the wire: = . . . . reduces to: Wire of circular cross-section 2nr H_ l' (I-J)- I I I r-- E, E2 - 1 dr_ I I b Ï" r- ~ I j_ r 2nr.J dr . o Differentiating with respect to 1': dH H+r- =Jr. dr (7) Ifwe now apply equation (2) and Stokes's theorem to a surface with a contour b, we find: dE El - E2 = - -dr dr = -jwf1Bdr . I With J = aE, it follows that: . H=-j- 1 dJ (8) «uur dr Differentiating (8) and substituting for Hand (7) gives a differential equation for J: d2J 1 dJ 2j - 2 +---J=O dr r dr c5k2 where Fig. 5. Diagram relating to the calculation of the current distribution in a cylindrical wire. Above: longitudinal cross-section. Below: transverse cross-section. ' ..•.. ment of this Bessel function are tabulated, e.g. in the Jahnke-Emde tables, for a variable of the complex dH/dr in form (11). The amplitude of J (the modulus of the Bessel function) is shown in fig. 6 as a function of r/c5k for 0 < r/c5k < 10; the amplitude multiplied by (9) the cosine of the phase (the argument of the Bessel function) is shown by the dashed curves. This last curve give's an idea of the distribution of the current at a ,(10) given time. It can be seen from the figure that no PHILlPS TECHNICAL 276 J J i i 100 I I I I I I I I <, '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 00 50 / / / 0 2 I Fig. 6. The current distribution in a cylindrical wire. The amplitude of the current density is plotted vertically and r/(jk horizontally. The dashed line shows the current distribution at an arbitrary instant. Both curves are also given for small r/(jJ, with the vertical scale enlarged 50 times. . REVIEW VOLUME28 checked with (10» may be used to give an idea of the skin depth at various frequencies. For copper at room temperature (0' = 0.6 X lOs Q-lm-l, fir = 1, . so that . p, = f-lO = 1.26 X 10-6 Hjm) the penetration depth is a) 15k= 1 cm (or, more accurately, 0.9 cm) at 50 Hz; b) 15k= 1 micron at a wavelength of7 cm (microwave region). The skin depth in the microwave region is thus very small. Experimental verification of equation (10) in the microwave region therefore requires very careful attention to the surface quality. Equation (10) èan, for example, be tested by measuring the Q (quality factor) of a resonant cavity. Ij Q is a direct measure of th~ power dissipation in the wall and the dissipation is directly related to the skin depth. The measured Q of a resonant cavity is generally considerably lower than tl.lat predicted by (10), partly because the grooves produced during machining aré deeper than the skin depth, so that the surface becomes effectively much larger. Little improvement is achieved by polishing such a surface. It is however possible to approach the theoretical value of Q very closely by taking the greatest possible care in machining the surface. Gevers [1] obtained 98 % of the theoretical Q for a resonant cavity machined with a feed much smaller than the radius of curvature of the point of the tool: the tool used had a radius of about 100 fLm, and the feed was about 1 fLm. Conductor of arbitrary shape significant amplitude or phase variations occur while rjch < 1, or, in other words, the skin effect is not encountered in wires thinner than the skin depth. For r » 15kwe obtain a relatively large increase in the current density. If we try J = exp (ex) as a solution of (12), we see that the relative value of the second term decreases as x increases. We can therefore consider the extreme case in which the second term is neglected and in this case the simple exponential function is, in fact, a solution. The current is now substantially at the surface of the wire, i.e. R » 15k,where R is the radius of the wire. It is therefore convenient to introduce the variable z = R - r. Returning to (9) and omitting the second term, we find immediately as a solution: J = Jo exp [-(1 + j)Zjt5k] , (13) Jo being the current density at the surface. Bearing in mind that this still has to be multiplied by exp (jwt), it will be seen that the variation of the current density is given by an attenuated wave travelling inwards. The attenuation is very large: at the first point where the phase is opposite to that at the surface, zjt5k = n, the amplitude is exp (-n) = 0.05 times that at the surface. The following rules of thumb (which can easily be If we consider a conductor of any shape in which an alternating current is flowing, then in order to calculate the distribution ofthe current in the conductor, we have to find solutions of Maxwell's equations in the conductor and in the space around it that are compatible at the bounding surface. Once more we shall restrict ourselves to a single frequency low enough to permit the displacement current to be neglected and again assume that the currents and fields have the time dependence exp (jwt). If we now take the curl of (1) and substitute J = 0 outside the conductor and J = O'Eand curl E = -jwp,H (from (2» inside it, we find (since curl curl = grad div-tl and div H = 0): = 0, inside the conductor: tlH = jWf-loH. outside the conductor: tlH (14) (15) It is not practicable to search for solutions to these equations that are compatible at an arbitrary boundary surface. The case of the cylindrical wire was so simple because the solutions for the regions inside and outside tn M. Gevers, Measuring the dielectric constant and loss angle ofsolids at 3000 Mc/s, Philips tech. Rev. 13, 61-70,1951. 1967, No. 9 SKIN EFFECT, 1 the wire can in fact be obtained independently other, ourselves provided with circular that we restrict symmetry. tions is no problem, both solutions and only ternal The matching for the phase are constants these constants solution distribution conductor have circular symmetry. The problem very from which it follows, with of the we does not Let L be a length considerably curvature down much into two parts: vary along than per- than L is then the skin depth, much itself or the apparatus the conductor the component very slight. surface (length pletely containing Gauss's the theorem, "box" the is at the Ok) re COIll- (see fig. 7). The com- the H«, varies inward box. flux From very (3) and passing through the surface, boundary r-(1 + j)Z/Ok] Ho exp with the current condition that , distribution already in (13). found Part (b) of the problem with can be formulated a simple boundary as a poten- condition, since It H can be derived from a magnetic potential tp, i.e. H = grad ip. Since div H = 0 we have at once 6.cp = div grad cp = O. The boundary condition for this potential is Hn = àcp/àz = O. In follows other from region outside the conductor. this that words, the magnetic minate at right ductor. It should find a potential L, parti- to the surface, a flat layer wallof the mag- a distance to the surface, upper of than in the magnetic "'" L, thickness the skin perpendicular over over consider and width radius smaller exciting perpendicular Now the surface? the smallest netic field, such as a coil. The variation outside In conforrnity = curl H = 0 in the vary in a direction greater smaller of the surface. the conductor H tial problem then breaks the the fields are zero in the interior, the of the surface, along little in the metal: =jw,uaH, vZ~ that in which even if the conductor do field and current ponent vary so that o2H current to the surface? b) How little fields ~ The ex- to the dimensions do field and current pendicular then o2H/oz2, plane radial case and the radii of curvature the problem cularly the 6.H "'" for boundary by the the limiting can simplify field cause in the wire. skin layer is thin compared but amplitude to be matched. affected If we now consider a) How to sol utions of the two soluand at the have is not of each 277 equipotential angles to be noted which the surfaces surface that we must of For every revolution ing wire, there around is a certain increase tercon- be prepared to function of is not a single-valued position. the a current-carryin the magnetic potential. If we now restrict necessarily (b) can ourselves to a cylindrical, circularly-symmetric, be reduced but not conductor, to a potential question problem in another current distribution along the sur/ace is the same as the distribution of the charge over the surface of an insulated, charged conductor of the same shape. In other words, the boundary way. Under condition these conditions the is that the potential is constant at the surface of the cond uctor. That this is so may magnetic be seen from field may be described A the following. by a vector potential A such that Fig. 7. The magnetic fields at the surface enclosing the skin layer. of a flat volume for A we choose the walls and, of the box is the same since no fl ux passes HnL2 is, at most, the fluxes through pensate one In the limiting therefore disregard the magnetic We choose the surface problem a local is case thus at most Ok« where wall, L, we can to at the surface. co-ordinate and z-axis perpendicular system very simple. with origin to the surface. div A = O. (17) the gauge: It follows at once from (I) (with curl curl = grad div -6.) corn- components: has now become (16) 6.A in Be- The solution current that interests is parallel oD/Ot = us is the one in which the to the longitudinal (the x direction), pendicular to it and all the quantities of x (the longitudinal problem such of the field is per- are independent two-dimensional). a vector Ax direction the magnetic is ,evidently situations, direction: J = 0 and o. conductor describe = 0, that about perpendicular to the tangenrial field is tangential Part (a) ofthe lower H; flux, of Ht.OkL (or even less, the component with respect the the side walls virtually Hn another). (ol<fL)Ht. the surface through of the order because as the outward = curl A element potential = A, Ay = Az To A in the = 0, is a VOLUME28 PHILlPS TECHNICAL REVIEW 278 convenient choice. Equation (16) is then equivalent to Hy = bA/~z,.l{z.= -bA/by. Let us again take at some point on the surface a local system ofaxes, with the z axis perpendicular to the surface. In our limiting case <5k « L the magnetic field has, as we saw, no vertical component at the surface: Hz = 0, so that M/by = 0, which means that A is constant at the surface. The two-dimensional problem thus reduces to finding a scalar function A(y, z) which satisfies !lA = 0 outside the conductor and is constant at the surface. Flat strip We shall use the above to calculate the current distribution over the width of a flat strip for the case of a very small skin depth. If we consider a flat strip (width . B, thickness D) in which an alternating current flows in the longitudinal direction, we can distinguish between various frequency ranges. At very low frequencies (direct current) the current is uniformly distributed over the cross-section. At higher frequencies there is a range in which the current is still uniformly distributed over the thickness (<5k » D) but no longer over the width. The calculation of the distribution over the width in this situation has been carried out by Belevitch, Gueret and Liénard [2]. At very high frequencies the current flows in a skin layer that is thin compared to the strip thickness (<5k« D), and here, again the distribution is not uniform over the width. It is this distribution that we shall now calculate. We take <5k« D, so that the above considerations apply, and D « B. With this latter condition we can idealize the strip as infinitely thin so that its cross section becomes a line and our boundary condition becomes: A is constant over the line. The two-dimensional potential problem .can now be solved by conformal mapping. We take co-ordinates X, Y in the plane of our problem. Consider the complex variable Z=X jY and write down an analytical function w + ofZ: IV = U + j V = IV(Z). .This relation maps the Z-plane on to the w-plane. The relationship tlA = 0 remains valid in the w-plane for it follows from the Cauchy relations for analytical functions, bu bv bv bX bY' bX bu =- bY' that: tlzA in which = bX + (bV)2J bY: [(bU)2 !lwA , so that the requirement !lzA = 0 becomes !lwA = O. Let us assume that the line on which A is constant is Y = 0, -1 ~ X ~ +1. Now, by choosing a relation between wand Z which maps this line on to a circle, we reduce our problem to a simple circular-symmetric problem-Such a relation is Z'= tew + l/w). The circle Iwl = 1 described by IV = exp (j-&) as -&varies is converted into Z = cos -&,i.e. X = cos -0-, Y = 0, which describes our line. Taking IV = r exp (j-&),then for a circular-symmetrical A outside the circle, !lA = 0 is equivalent to: 1 bA -=0. ör b2A -+br r 2 The solution is A = e In r, in which e is an arbitrary constant. From (1) and Stokes's theorem the surface current density Js, i.e. the current per unit width of surface Js = J Jdz, is equal to the tangential magnetic field, and hence: bA J« = lim -. bY Y-+O For points close to the surface, r ~ 1: let us put r =1 e (s « 1). Then: + Y = Im Z = ter - l/r)sin -&~ e sin-& and bA - = bY hence öln r e e·--=bY r br -=- bY e ös -=-----. r bY e e Js=--=. sin -& (1 e + e)sin ij. , . Vl-X2 The current along one face of the strip is: . +1 10 = edX .J VI X2 = en -1 (the total current is 210, since both faces carry current). To facilitate comparison with the parallel-wire problem we normalize so as to obtain an average surface current density ofunity. We therefore put e = 2/n (the strip Y = 0, -1 ~ X ~ + 1, has a width of 2). Js is plotted in fig. 8 for e = 2/n. We note that, under the conditions <5k« D« B, the current distribution over the width is independent of the frequency and the conductivity. Further, the solution given here forms an asymptotic approximation in the range of (lower) frequencies where, in contrast with the above conditions, the skin depth is large in comparison with the thickness, but small in comparison with the root of the product of width and thickness [2]. 1967, No. 9 SKIN EFFECT, 1.0 &. x e Fig. 8. The distribution of the surface current over the width of a flat strip (width B, thickness D) with Jk « D « B (the solid curve). The curve is normalized to give a "surface current density" of unity. The points indicated by triangles, crosses and circles, taken from fig. 4, represent the current distribution over three, four or five wires respectively ford = 3 (cf. fig. 4). I 279 H is constant. As the field must vanish for z -+ ± 00, H = 0 everywhere outside the strips; we assume that H = Hobetween the strips. Inside each strip: d2H -_ =jwf.loH. dz2 + With the boundary conditions H = 0 for z = a d and H = Hofor z = a, we find for the field in the "upper" strip (z > 0): sinh a (a +d- z) H=Ho-------sinh ad 05 (18) ' + in which a = (l j)/Ok. The field in the lower strip (with H= 0 for z = -a-d, and H= Ho for z = -a) follows from this by replacing z by -r-Z, For the current density in the upper strip we find (with J = dH/dz): J OL_----------------~ = -aHo cosh a (a +d- sinh ad z) , . . (19) VZZZZZZ?ZZZ7IZZ7ZZZZZZZ77?J One might be inclined to think that the problem of the flat strip could be reduced to a one-dimensional problem by considering the limiting case of an infinitely wide strip (where one need consider only the coordinate perpendicular to the plane of the strip). This is however not possible because the contribution towards the magnetic field from distant current strips cannot be neglected. The field due to a current strip of width dX at a distance X (measured along the width) is proportional to dX/X, and the integral of such a term diverges as the boundary is extended to infinity. Thus the width cannot be made infinitely large, and the co-ordinate along the width cannot be eliminated by such means. This can however be done for the case of two infinitely wide strips placed opposite to each other and carrying current in opposite directions. We shall deal with this briefly. A one-dimensional wide strips problem: two opposite and infinitely Suppose that two strips of thickness d at a distance 2a extend to an infinite distance in both length and width (see jig. 9). In this system, the current can flow lengthwise (equal but opposite currents in the two strips) with the magnetic field along the width, the current and field depending only on the co-ordinate z perpendicular to the plane of the strips. Even if the condition Ok« d is not fulfilled this one-dimensional problem is very simple. Equation (1) becomes J = dH/dz. In the region between and outside the strips, J = 0 and therefore and that in the lower strip follows by replacing z by -z and multiplying the entire expression by -1. The current per unit width in the upper strip is: (' a+d Jdz l'ddzH a+d =, ü-r dz = [Ht d = (20) -Ho. a No complications arise in taking the d.c. limit of (19), 00, i.e. a -+ O. Expanding (19) and neglecting all but first order terms in a, J = =Hejd, as is consistent with (20). The system may be considered as a deformed single-turn coil. Ok -+ Fig. 9. Two strips of thickness infinity in length and width. Ferromagnetic d at a spacing 2a extending to sphere In ferromagnetic metals the skin effect occurs in a frequency range completely different from that in the non-ferromagnetic metals. For a metal in which flr = 5000 and 0 = gOcojJper, the value of uo is 1000 times greater than it is for copper, so that the skin depth is only 1 mm at frequencies as low as 1 Hz. [2] V. Belevitch, P. Gueret and J. C. Liénard, un ruban, Rev. HF 5, 109-115, 1962. Le skin-effe! dans PHILIPS 280 TECHNICAL VOLUME 28 REVIEW In the previous sections we always thought of the magnetic flux lines (which are continuous through the surface) is given by: alternating current in the conductor as being produced by a current source connected to it. It is also possible, tan 'IjJ = !lrtan cp, however, to study the skin effect in a conducting body where in an alternating electromagnetic field, the current betanç = BnI/ÉtI, tan e = BnefBte. ing produced by induction. We shall now consider the . In a static magnetic field, tan cp has a value of the case of a ferromagnetic sphere in an alternating magorder of unity (the field within the sphere is homogenenetic field. An interesting complication is that the tenous), so that for a ferromagnetic material tan e » 1: dency of the alternating field and therefore of the flux to be forced outwards by the skin effect is opposed the lines of flux outside the sphere terminate at right by the ferromagnetism of the sphere, which tends angles to the sphere. (For a diamagnetic material, on to concentrate the flux. Certain peculiarities in the the other hand, they are substantially tangential to the behaviour of iron particles in a high frequency field surface.) Let us now consider alternating fields of frequencies may be seen as a conflict between these opposing such that ~k« R: the fields are confined to a layer of tendencies [3]. For the sake of simplicity we assume that the mat- thickness ~k. We may now estimate tan cp to be of the erial has a permeability ftr which is independent of order of ~kfR, so that: !lr~k the frequency. In reality, ftr is in general a function of tan 'IjJ the frequency. Employing the usual notation for comR plex permeabilities, !.Lr = ftr' + jpr", the ftr' tends to For a ferromagnetic material we can now distinguish become unity at high values of w, and {lr" exhibits one three cases (fig. 11): or more peaks as a function of the frequency, these a) R« ~k, "low frequency". The pattern of the flux peaks representing losses. We shall not take these lines is identical to the static case; it is homogeneous effectsinto account. inside the sphere, and outside the sphere it is characterLet us now consider a sphere of radius R in an ini- ized by flux lines perpendicular to the surface (ferrotially uniform magnetic field (fig. 10). Using Stokes's magnetic pattern). b) bk« R «{lrbk, "medium frequency". Inside the sphere the field is concentrated in a skin layer, and outside the pattern is still ferromagnetic. c) ftr~k« R, "high frequency". Inside the sphere the field is concentrated in a skin layer, and outside the pattern is diamagnetic. If we introduce a critical frequency defined by a and R (but independent of ftr), R::j -- • 2 Wc=-- Fig. 10. Refraction of the lines of magnetic induction at the surface of a ferromagnetic sphere. 1 W -«-, (a) = Bni, Hte = He or Bs« = H. B. G. Casimir, Philips Res. Repts. 2, 42-54, 1947. of the 1 ftr W -« -« flr Wc ftr , W (c) !lr« - . Wc In the case of a sphere 1 mm in diameter (i .e. = 5 X 10-4 m) and a = !acopper = 1.2 X 107 (Qm)-l, Wc 5 X 105 radfs. For such a sphere, with {lr = 5000, the frequency boundaries W = wcf ftr and W = flrWc of the medium-frequency region become: W = 100 and W .- 2.5 X 109 radfs, corresponding roughly to 20 Hz and 400 MHz. R::j Bi: ff.lr, from which it follows that the "refraction" [3] (b) R Bne (21) the boundaries between regions (a), (b) and (c) are the frequencies given by: Wc and Gauss's theorems and equations (1) and (3), one arrives at the well-known boundary conditions that must apply at the surface (the suffixes nand t refer to the normal and tangential component, i and e refer to internal and external): . poaR2 ' ]967, No. 9 SKIN EFFECT, I The difference between the three cases shows up particularly in the power dissipated by the sphere. This depends on u, a and w in different ways in the three cases. If we borrow from magnetostatics the result that (because of demagnetization effects) the magnetic flux density in a sphere with a high flr in an originally homogeneous static magnetic field His B = 3floH (i.e. independent of flr), the energy dissipation for case Ca),R« Ök, may easily be found. Consider an 281 Let Jm be the amplitude of J; then (Re J)2 ~ tJIit2. Integration over the sphere gives: P = 6n wflHm2R3 5 (~)2, flrÖk where H,« is the amplitude of H. The dissipation in cases (b) and (c) may be estimated in the following way. The current now flows through a thin broad surface band. This band has a length of Q Fig. 11. Lines of magnetic induction inside and outside a ferromagnetic sphere in an initially homogeneous alternating magnetic field in three frequency regions. a) "Low-frequency": R « 15k, b) "medium-frequency": 15k « R « f.trc5k, c) "high-frequency" ftrc5k « R. elementary ring in the sphere as shown in fig. 12. We once more assume that the field and current are proportional to exp (jwt). With Stokes's theorem, equation (2), J = aE and B = 3 floH, we find for the current density in the ring J = -~ jwaflor H. The actual instantaneous current is ReJ drdz and the resistance is 2nr/adrdz, whence the energy dissipation per second is 2nr dP = (ReJ drdz)" --- adrdz 2nr--- =- (Re J)2 drdz . a about 2nR and a cross-section of about ÖkR. The heat developed per second is roughly: P R:; 2nR (Re JÖkR)2 . -aRök = nJm2R2Ök a . If (jj is the total flux through the sphere (amplitude (jjm), then from (2) and Stokes's theorem: 2nRJ = -jwa(jj, so that: W PR:; -- (jjm2 2nflÖk I I Idz: Ddr The flux through the sphere differs in the two cases (b) and (c). In case (b) the external field pattern and hence the flux through the sphere are the same as in the static case, so that cp = nR2 X 3floH. In case (c) the flux lines are tangential to the surface, so that no demagnetization effects occur. Therefore, in the skin layer, B = flH and (jj = 2nRökB = 2nRHflök. Substituting for the flux in each case gives: b) P I'::::i 9n WfloHm2R3 2 c) P Fig. 12. Annular volume element (radius r at distance z from the centre) of a sphere, used in calculating the power dissipated in case (a), R « 15k•The axis ofthe ring is parallel to the magnetic field. I'::::i (.!!_), flrÖk 2nwflOHm2R3 (fl~k) '. An exact calculation [3] gives the same results for these limiting cases except that the numerical factor PHILIPS TECHNICAL 282 VOLUME28 REVIEW 9n/2 in (b) becomes 3n and the factor 2n in (c) becomes 3n/2. If we put ,_ 6nfloHm2R3 = W and ~tr(Jk/R = a, 2 P = gW W~tra-2 = gcocW For case (b), i.e. (Jk« R« . i (22a) (:c) flr(Jk or l/flr« co/Wc« flr: Wc/f1.rl (22b) For case (c), i.e. flr(Jk« R or flr« P = !coWa = !cocWfli/2 _- p and once more introduce COc according to (21), and using (10), the final result is: For case (a), i.e. R« 15kor co/wc« 1/flr: -------- 1_---lir:r=l «[os«: (:J 12 / (22c) _W Fig. 13. The power P dissipated in a ferromagnetic sphere in an alternating magnetic field as a function of the angular frequency 00, both plotted on a logarithmic scale, according to equations (22a, b, c) (the factors 1/5, 1/2 and 1/4 being omitted). The solid line applies for f1r = f1rl » 1 (T < Tc), and the dashed line for f1r = 1 (T > Tc). The double arrow indicates the range in which "temperature hysteresis" may be expected. In jig. 13 P is plotted against w/wc for each of these cases, on logarithmic scales, for a given value of flr, the Curie point. If the amplitude of the high-frequency namely flr1. The factors g, -} and t have been omitted fieldis increased,Pshifts upwards, or, effectively,Pc shifts downwards with respect to P. The temperature that in plotting this diagram. A peculiar phenomenon resulting from this inter- the body assumes is given by the intersection of the two curves. As the amplitude increases the cycle passes play of skin effect and ferromagnetism is "temperature hysteresis" [4]. If a conducting body is brought into a high-frequency field, the temperature assumes a value such that the heatdevelopedis equal to the heat radiated. The heat radiated is highly temperature-dependent (cc T4 or T5). In the ferromagnetic case, the following A 8 phenomenon can now occur. The body is gradually brought near to a high-frequency coil. Initially the P.Pe temperature increases gradually, and the body begins to glow a pale red. At a certain point the body will suddenly become white-hot. If it is now gradually removed again, it will continue to glow white until far beyond the point where it first became white hot and then suddenly reverts to the pale red colour. This behaviour may be explained in the following way. As a result of its dependence upon fl1', the heat developed, P, is highly temperature-dependent in the region of the Curie temperature Tc. Let us suppose that flr has a high value flr1 when T < Tc and is unity when T> Tc. P is also plotted for flr = 1 in fig. 13 -T (then region (b) is non-existent). We see from this ~-78-Tc-1D Tó-T£-") that- there is a frequency range in which P increases ~-Ta 78·-Té-Td .... ---~ abruptly when T is raised above Tc. We consider a Fig. 14. The heat developed, P, and the heat radiated, Pc, as a frequency in this range. function of the temperature T (logarithmic scales) for a ferromagnetic sphere in an alternating magnetic field with a frequency Fig. 14 gives a diagram of the heat developed, P, and at which P rises abruptly when f1r jumps from f1rl to 1 at the the heat radiated, P«, plotted against the temperature Curie temperature (in the range indicated by the double arrow on logarithmic scales. The curve for P« is a straight in fig. 13). A point of intersection of P and Pc defines a steady state. When the intensity of the alternating field is increased, P line (with a slope of 4 or 5). P exhibits an abrupt rise at shifts upwards, and thus Pc shifts downwards with respect to i (4] See: J. L. Snoek, Newdevelopmentsinferromagneticmaterials, Elsevier, Amsterdam 1947. P, so that situations A, B, C, D and E arise successively. On traversing the full cycle A ... E ... A, the temperatures corresponding to situations between Band D are different on the forward journey from those on the return journey. 1967, No. 9 SKIN EFFECT, I through situations A, B, C, D and E. Between Band D there are two stable equilibrium temperatures (see, for example, situation C). As the amplitude increases, the temperature rises abruptly from To to Tn' at the moment that the line D leaves the lower bend in curve P. As the amplitude decreases the temperature remains high until, as B leaves the upper bend in curve P, it drops back from TB' to TB. The frequency range in which temperature hysteresis may be expected (indicated in fig. 13 by a double arrow) is given by the conditions: Summary. This first part of three articles on the skin effect contains a general Introduetion followed by a discussion of the current distribution for several configurations. The essence ofthe skin effect is illustrated by the case of a number of parallel wires in one plane, connected in parallel. The standard problem of the cylindrical wire is used to introduce the concept "classical skin depth". The problem ofthe distribution ofthe current over a conductor of arbitrary shape is stated in general terms. If the skin layer is thin, the problem of the distribution in the surface is reduced to a potential problem. For a cylindrical wire of any 283 = 1) ~ PCb, fhr = fhrl) = fhrl), Pea, fhr P(c, fhr = 1) ~ and PCb, fhr where the a, band c refer to our three frequency regions. Using (22a, b, c) we find: 25 -4 fhrl W «-« l Wc y- fhrl. For our sphere (diameter 1 mm, a = 1.2 X 107 [2-1 m-I, fhrl = 5000) this means that the frequency f must be in the range 100 Hz «f « 3 MHz. cross-section, the surface current distribution is the same as the charge distr.ibution over the surface of a charged conductor of the same shape. This consideration is used in the problem of the flat strip. The problem becomes purely one-dimensional for two strips which together form a flat coil. Finally the case of a ferromagnetic sphere in a magnetic alternating field is discussed. The combination of skin effect and ferromagnetism can lead to "ternperature hysteresis", an effect in which the temperature variation of the sphere is hysteretic with respect to an increasing and a decreasing field amplitude. '0