::"i^-^^'K;;->::-"^-;^:v^"-i-:v---:::;^.;vi</-c':-'^v^;^i:v:!o^^w ABmOXDAOK DAILY E3mE^F~ by Abigail Van Buren i a t X. 2SC. They reaxrf Legionnaire, from the Post stood at Tr-ey weren't alone. A o. i^*^ up to a iin al Ibe do ttes by Sea^iag « u the firsi ixr? aod Hood at aesrrmA IV laocs a* cf j^jQGsoe j ^ o report oo B.. bright tbeir bearti- in £ sav- sssek aod fie a jeist frrst S108 m Cte baft Jorsss -3i»3*r-B 396 peo- _ cas Sad tbesr tax. WESSOHI fife- f s ^ IS saaes. Too eas act ase es^er tae lax sse or 1«BA if yoo was* to Yoe | > rvr- * » i r#»r v> •••*. r*i Hospital Auxiliary Officers!^ ^ ^ Headed By Mrs. Harrington! to cr ESh a ksfl*, sad & isi&e pmx* 'x. tea *rca of £axas&£ Lake Wecafcsdsy Sor h* anarsaaai cor7«r- s .e maet^g. A set «€ sew by-iaws i C. F. . -A-3.J ssop^sdL Cie budget Sac* 13© s **r> p-reseE^&c by tat tr^^ees was ap- \ r*?z*d .prvved see reports of ebareo or- j 7 r*^!*' J&n McLaagblin Wins Day On His Parkin* Ticket tire ttary a Vlllwf* fcy Poiioe Jartkx? Irva*.* Jv^e.^?? i By DOROTHV 1THITC 4: Frvi*> Mr fi£ M Of/1A > • viR. I Former Tupper GirlJ - ^ . * • - - v . , 3 1 * ^ .^ *J I <" Tells Wedding Plans j : ^ o e c j , s ^ p^-n- and Mr. Mr -fjr -^ 'A Mr. Connor of S r fc ^h-e the mrtf/rx; '/rr/; of ' riot; of % vile S35. He can examj S 5 and she can exS35. are is csBed a divto eacj cSssSsg the first B9 of 8 frosa the sneosne yea report. This i *>r 5 rseass besides excluding- the first j tte staadani of yossr dividends, yoa can i of 1© per « s ^ «s yoor a credit of 4 per cent of the i r-e—*JJ> to a rest of yos- dividead income. Yoa caa't do It cm IDtGA. There's | ssore thaa lha* so j ^ s e W i t Yoaroasti dedaetian B if you had divi- [ zezzi zz/i approved. j . deads or irrterest or if vou had i E ; HeriKf ~ Lc^gett « ^ s e»ec?sd eld- j °\ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ j iscoroe from j«ms. royalties, j has ba£t fcfe it a dedacUra! | pestsiofis, aisEiities. partnersM{K, 1 Di5trilrated By er t o f— trje inexpered term of j per cert fen- persoBal j estates, trosSs. aad so on. G w ? * A •. •atiO jjvwed ou$ of« FRENETTTEKROS. doc* hare-^> cbdm j YosH seed C if you were selfc for ra£i terms : ^ P ^ ^ e ? jE*??e ?oa bad mat j erepk^ed or had income from a *y e Wiife*j Mac- =* r r ^ « Tupper Y of personally ensued business or procoerr Bach. Dr. Fred PSer- • When yoa Sgore yoar own tax *,o ':» <z*L Mr*. VlaoeaE ou can claim irrSwot itessaii^ a ^_ - ' Trireie new deaencs, Mrs. ^ 2,£i>r M.-; HJde MsAs and Ja- ;^e&ctMo of !<$ per ^ent of iasr. TTJSS Peacsock were aiso eiected. j ' zTze v& to a SL.OD0 Ibslt. i^. Nimed v.- the Christian edyca'icri {_ Yoa can not ase 1M04 If ym ^ <:-omrr:f** ^K»re Roj- Ro^er^ Mrs. 1 ^Uh to fiie a retara as bead of ^ >T%5,:- ~^>«r, 5»H-s Agnes Jori>- ; :'-frx&rrsM or sorvirir^ spoose. eelf-errpk^ed. claim credit r,i. -or.. Mr- Br.:<r Sa^liv^r. iirs. i •^rere ; '^ff Miclntjre ; for re*;r»*r;<ert LtCKxne. are delinc->errt ir, filJif your retarc claim excljsixj for sick pay, or paM an er:^ated tax in 1362. If you're one of the under-CO90 THAIS DERAILED Wffl Cut To Your people ssicg lO^iA and don't want rTP.EAL P> — The en- *o took op your tax in the table, Specifications Or Hsrioessy. in cfearg* o{ the i g-Jjeer ri a height train bound fin out your return and send d it to In Standard Sizes -.rig cx>:nmittee. preseii^d i 'or Mortr^al froni Massena, N.Y., * the IRS district eoGector. wxg slate of o££cer5 Jor i ^as kG>d Saturday nfefat m the ) He'll £ad your tax for yoa and Mr- Tryjrr^s Harrir-ston. : dersllnjert rA his loccenotive and 1 fVt btfl youforany tax still owed WE WILL DELIVER ANYWHERE IN THIS AEEA "• to -Tic^eed M.- = . Arthur ; - ^ ' boxcars In s^barban Cai^fiac j or *2j sead yoa a refiHid if too Mrs, Francis B Trodeeu. ' Fo«^r -f.r.^r crew members were ! asuch tax was withheld from your Dial 523-3739 — Allan Drake l.gfctiy. They were treat- pay in 1962. "ice presdent to succeed Mrs { When a husband and wife f3e LAST CHANCE RANCH A xr£*r.: Mrs. E>r3CJ:«?y Sa%*e- ed ir e hovpst&j. p second -vice pr^sii4ent t o Candlac police i&er£5&i fte separate returns and one itemizes Lake Placid, N.Y. d Mrs, Carl Merkel; M r s . deaii n a n as Roeceo Her\ieux, 5^, deductions, both must itemize and claim only what each can prove. s Monroe, secretary: M r s . of MortreaL t r t i s u r e r to succeed Mrs. jr.. «* H Mr. 'rf T'jp- rjorr.inatJoriS were accepted e - r ^ ^ h i p snd Mr?. ^.= ferrlrjffton noETiinated the lay. b*- rr.zrri*A on %ry» -A-:;! be. cjr-.-a Yr^rA'.zuty Mrs. J Hayes Mrs. M^rke-i corre-spo?Kir ^tar.- to &ucc<-ed Mrs. Hej> M>rch of f/.rr^ pslf.y ot B A R B S from *Jb:.^ oxr- t^v-igy. to succeed Mrs Hennessy; Mr-- Ruth Metz, py^Ucily to suco«>-: Mrs. Gronemeijer: Mrs Sag'.'%.'! a n i Mrs. H s - ^ s an*iq»je s. Sf -.>•/*• * o ^ c c e e d Mr>-. W. Wodruff: ar*? ".'.:•-.. ?y<}rM arA M r s . H e n n e s s y . H o l /n the tcmter a healthy :>Hy Ilo-^e; Mrs; F i I ^ m y . furInwjh jfjT zr/rne. jolkz is ju^t ni'jr^ ^ > : Mr*. Buck. 3<^i5;ata spin hp /or others. PSC FXAM PFRTOD kn : M r . ?i!array, memh-ership tea. T-.p. m^mbfrrship unanimously *h'- rr.*'''•• of *"•"'"• rrM— *?-••-rked 'b'y o ^ - o ' n ? prc?;^<?nf. Mr1-. Arthur B'^ck. for her untinng ] Rc-fr«-.hment? were served by continue Mr=. Rob«^f Ehmcan. Mis« EHa A professor says that somt ' P/j*r?er. Mrs. Harrington. Mrs. girls are just like cave girls. pw davs : P^r*r:d?''O srvi M r s . Lamy We 11 agr«t that from 21 to 2-^ is normally the stone age and stion for I Th<- Ho^>ita] Auxiliary will meet the bigger the 'vtont the better. 'rr- fins! r - r r ^ ^ -•73in March 21 at the home of Tan. Vi w-itK r I Mrs. Martin Fitzparrick : Park 1 T/i? hapjjiett people are , Jan 31 3* « oVk A the ones v.ho enjoy doing things that make other people happy. BY HAL COCHBAN Contentment is fine except when it becomes a stumbling block for ambition. GOP Women Tngtall | Mrs. Eleanor Hiilman i Mr* be dow OB 2$S& or HRE WOOD FOR SALE *.rr}~»rzy If fc* own BLACK UBEL k im& retem. emit Y?*-.;T*fr : Mr* »/a L^wnb an/] Mrs Mrs. O/rg Jan*- V#rtfifsr<S. J)fl#r wrretAry. Mr»-. I'.ifh tmaaurer: ajvJ Mm Man* M*»Jd cfurei'ixwy'hnsr H^-rrr^t AviemWyman H^ H Pin^ was g'.yrRt »r after s A Marine Midland Checking Account gives you: i. A baaneadike record of income and outgo, especially valuable for income tax purpose*. *Vin wag be id. SAFE 2. - FAi A safe and convenient Asafc place to keep temporarily idle "spending money." idle"i 3. LOCAL cm/ p j HOWARD WE MOVE WITH CARE . ANYWHERE! : own son's 891-2791 MADDEN'S When yon choose a moving firm, be sore the SERVICE is COMPLETE. New York State and "out of «tate" moving You've the right to expect more than jnst tran& portation from a mover. Expert packing and care -£„ ful handling of precious possession? are jnst as important. That's what E provide. Cal] as! "Our Estimator Will Solve Yonr Moving Problem." FREE ESTIMATES! " WRY WONDERFUL BONELESS FILLETS — $.1.00 French ?reC Potetoe; Tartare Ssuce • Ro!U • ALL YOU CAN EAT • Every WEDNESDAY Night! 5:00 to 8:30 P.M. Lake Placid, N.Y. A safe and convenient way to draw on your "spending money and pay bills from home or office, with a saving in time, money and e£Eort 4. Statement* with canceled checks which axe indisputable receipts for payments made. Let the mailman do your legwork He has to gorightby there anyway. So why not let him payyour bills? By check, of course, drawn on your account at The Northern New York Trust Company. 5. A way to help yoa baUd a good credit rating and readily qualify yoozself for loans. THfi ORTHERN NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY A Marine Midland Bank SARANAC LAKE OFFICE MfMbtr FMtaal Deposft taMwbi CetytnOM