July-August_14_Connector_AX web.pub

The Alexandria District Connector
Connecting local United Methodist Churches to one another and to the World
“Survey Says…”
When it comes to issues facing the United Methodist Church today, a new survey of United Methodists in the United States shows that nearly 4 in 10 United Methodists said the first or second most important issue facing the church is “crea ng disciples of Christ.” You sure don’t get that impression if you only listen to the media these days! Did you know that every month the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church highlights 5 ways to be er equip Vital Congrega ons and make disciples of Jesus Christ? They introduce these items on the GBOD website (www.gbod.org) … they’re also the ones who do “Chuck Knows Church.” Let me share this month’s selec on:  Equip those inquiring about membership in the United Methodist Church. Always a good idea to pass along some wri en material about our denomina on or your local church – remember, not everyone went to Sunday School.  Learn a kind and gentle way to restart dying churches. We accomplish this by honoring their past, learning their history; and offering a way forward toward vitality and new life. Clergy Association
Welcome Picnic  Do you hunger for deep spiritual experience? Find out about spiritual retreats, learning weekends, or weekly classes that may be offered through the Conference, District, or local church (may or may not be UMC). Some may even want to explore the on‐line dimension. Sat., Jul. 12, 4:00‐7:00 PM St. George’s UMC 4910 Ox Rd., Fairfax WHO: All Alexandria District clergy and their families  Establishing discipling systems in your congrega on. A new book by Thomas R. Hawkins, “Appren ced to Jesus:
Discipleship Prac ces for Growing
Chris ans,” is an excellent resource for those responsible for discipleship forma on. WHAT: Annual picnic to welcome the incoming District clergy and their families.  Looking for a way to support military or prison chaplains? Have one or more of your Sunday School classes join other generous donors whose gi s provide copies of “The Upper Room” daily devo onal to both military and prison chaplains. You may want to be on the lookout for next month’s selec on … Blessings, John Meeuwissen District Lay Leader Join us for great fellowship and wonderful food ‐ chicken, barbecue, and all the standard picnic dishes will be served. RSVP to Herb Brynildsen by July 7: or 703‐820‐7200
Rising Hope needs drivers to pick up weekly dona ons at the following loca ons: 
Thursdays and Fridays: Fort Hunt Safeway Mark your calendars and watch for more informa on on the annual fundraising gala: Dona ons of the following are appreciated at this me: deodorant, Fri., Oct. 3. at The Waterford in
toothpaste, shampoo, crew socks, Springfield. For more informa on, Lorton summer clothing, and backpacks for the contact Sharon Emory at Rising Hope, 
Wednesdays: Trader Joes and Safeway in homeless. Contact Sarah Heckman at 703‐360‐1976.
Old Town Alexandria 703.360.1976 ext. 14 
Tuesdays: Capital Area Food Bank in www.novaumc.org/703-820-7200
12345 West Main St., An 1
Notes from the DS
Grace to you and peace, in the Triune God. By the grace of God, with the discernment of the bishop, and with no small trepida on on my part, I begin my ministry with the Alexandria District churches and clergy. I know God has been doing amazing things in and through the United Methodist churches of the Alexandria District. I have spent 1/3 of my ministry here, as an associate at Aldersgate and as the senior pastor at St. Stephen’s; so am familiar with many of you already. But there is so much more for me to learn and experience! God is blessing us with many opportuni es to keep on doing amazing things, reaching more people for Christ, especially the next genera on and the wonderful growing diversity of people. The “fields” of Northern Virginia, urban and suburban as they are, brim with people who are becoming more spiritual and less religious with each passing year. posi oned, with many opportuni es, resources, and a passionate desire to be frui ul in God’s Kingdom. One of my major responsibili es is to be a missional strategist for this district. I look forward to this with excitement, wonder, and hope. I have been familiarizing myself with the sta s cal reports and demographic studies. What I am really looking forward to is ge ng into the “fields” this summer, visi ng with all Alexandria District pastors at their churches, ge ng a tour of the community, hearing about their visions for ministry, and listening for how I can help. For the next couple months, I want to devote myself, in prayer and in ac on, to discover and discern what God is doing among us, and try to see how best I can get in on that life‐giving and life‐saving mission. In the fall, I look forward to mee ng with the leaders from every congrega on for individual charge conferences, again with an ear to learning and a heart for discerning how best to lead our district on the path of renewed frui ulness, grounded in spiritual vitality and growing in missional zeal. Blessings, Our Wesleyan style of Chris anity is well‐suited to our mission. People are looking for an intellectually engaged, ac on‐oriented, heart‐sa sfying spirituality; if it is rooted in me‐tested spiritual prac ces and soul‐inspiring means of grace, then it is even be er. God has prepared us for the people we are being called to reach. Our district is well‐
Welcome & Installation
Services for DS Mickle
set for July 20, 3:00 PM
Please join us to welcome Jeff and his family as he is installed as the Alexandria District Superintendent at Annandale UMC 6935 Columbia Pike, Annandale A light recep on will follow the service; all are welcome. Sponsored by the Alexandria District Commi ee on the Superintendency 2
Save the date!
Alexandria District Conference 2014 and
Annual Mee ngs of the Board of Missions and Camps & Conferences Sat., Sept. 27, 9:00 AM Centreville UMC 6400 Old Centreville Road, Centreville Clergy Appointments - July 2014
ALEXANDRIA DISTRICT CHURCH/POSITION New Clergy Alexandria District Superintendent Jeffrey P. Mickle Acco nk merged w/Cana to become Acco nk‐Cana UMC Joo Sup Park Aldersgate UMC Associate Heather M. H. (Hedy) Collver Who Comes From Former Clergy Who Went To Saint Stephen's Senior Kenneth J. Jackson Life Eternal on 3/10/14 Pastor Robin BeMiller Cana Salem & Falmouth (Fd) (Acco nk) Florida Conference New Posi on Annandale UMC PT Associate for Posi on Discon nued Hispanic/La no Outreach Luz M. Zuleta No appointment at this me Bethel Fauquier UMC Part‐Time Associate Andrew M. Hudgins First Appointment (L) New Posi on Burke UMC Associate Deborah Porras St. Luke's (Ar) Morgan Guyton Director, NOLA Wesley Founda on, Tulane & Loyola Ghana Wesley UMC Part‐Time Associate Akwasi (John) Obeng First Appointment New Posi on Grace UMC Associate Janet P. Salbert Wesley (A) Meredith L. McNabb Director, Office of Clergy Excellence, VA Conference Lincolnia UMC Raymond Max‐Jones Arlington Associate (Ar) Vernell M. Carter Re rement Messiah UMC Reginald D. Tuck Blacksburg (Rn) Ralph W. Rowley Virginia Beach (ER) Saint Ma hew's UMC Neil R. Hough Main Street, Waynesboro (S) Jay M. Hanke Return to Re rement Saint Ma hew's UMC Associate Grace Han First Appointment Brian W. Johnson Salem (YR) Saint Stephen's UMC Margaret T. Kutz Re rement Jeffrey P. Mickle Alexandria District Superintendent Saint Thomas UMC Associate Edward H. Johnson Jr Virginia Beach Associate Ma hew G. Smith (ER) Calvary (Ar) Silverbrook UMC M. Garey Eakes Sydenstricker Associate Martha A. R. (A) Ambrose Minute Ques on 22 Sydenstricker UMC Associate Kathy B. Gochenour Zion (YR) M. Garey Eakes Silverbrook (A) Warrenton UMC Associate Jiyeon Kim Charlo e (F) Sarah Harrison‐
McQueen Central (Ar) Wesley UMC Lydia E. Rodriguez Colon Arlington Associate (Ar) Janet P. Salbert First Appointment Grace Associate (A) Andrew (Drew) Ensz Trinity (Smithfield) (YR) Alexandria District Bi‐District Program Coordinator & Herbert Brynildsen, Jr. Ministries with Young People Program Coord. Elizabeth G. Caudill Madison Charge (C ) Bi‐District Church Revitaliza on & Sarah L. K. Calvert Leadership Development New Posi on Leave of Absence (Ar PC) N/A District Abbrevia ons (Virginia Conference) A‐Alexandria, Ar‐Arlington, C‐Charlo esville, D‐Danville, E‐Eastern Shore, ER‐Elizabeth River, F‐Farmville, Fd‐
Fredericksburg, JR‐James River, L‐Lynchburg, Rd‐Richmond, Rn‐Roanoke, S‐Staunton, W‐Winchester, YR‐York River www.novaumc.org/703-820-7200
12345 West Main St., An 3
Clergy Appointments - July 2014
ARLINGTON DISTRICT CHURCH/POSITION New Clergy Who Comes From Former Clergy Who Went To Arlington UMC Discon nued N/A Lydia Rodriguez Colon Arlington UMC Discon nued N/A Raymond Max‐Jones Lincolnia UMC (A) Arlington UMC Nelson Neil & Elizabeth H. Neil Lay Supply Patricia Warden Calloway UMC Chenda I. Lee Mount Olivet UMC (Ar) Sonja F. Oliver Calvary UMC Ma hew G. Smith Sarah Harrison‐
McQueen St. Thomas UMC (A) Stephen B. Hassmer Re red Warrenton UMC (A) Richard E. Cobb Charles Wesley UMC Livingston S. Dore Chamberlayne UMC (R) Candace L. Mar n Crossroads UMC (Ar) Clarendon UMC Tracy McNeil Wines Vale UMC (Ar) Eugene F. Thomas Re red Charles Wesley UMC James H. Chandler Crozet UMC (C) Central UMC Crossroads UMC Associate Candace L. Mar n Wesley UMC (A) Returning to Central TX Conf. No appt. at this me Re red Floris UMC Associate Nadeem Khokhar First Appointment New Posi on N/A Galilee UMC Jason B Duley Macedonia UMC (W) M. Wayne Snead Elizabeth River DS Galloway UMC James E. Page, Jr. John Mann UMC (W) Kotosha D. Griffin St. Ma hews UMC ‐ Lousianna Conf. Mount Olivet UMC Associate Kathleen R. Royston First Appointment Chenda I. Lee Calloway UMC (Ar) St. Luke's UMC Aslam Barkhat Re red (WVA) Deborah D. Porras Burke UMC (A) Sterling UMC Marcela M. Jarman First Appointment Angel Mar nez Or z No appt. at this me Vale UMC Jeffrey J. Haugh Gum Springs UMC (R) Tracey McNeil Wines District Program Coordinator Realigned N/A Elizabeth G. Caudill Madison Charge (C) Bi‐District Program Coordinator & Ministries with Young People Herbert Brynildsen, Jr. New Posi on Bi‐District Church Revitaliza on & Leadership Sarah L.K. Calvert Development Leave of Absence Clarendon UMC (Ar) New Posi on N/A District Abbrevia ons (Virginia Conference) A‐Alexandria, Ar‐Arlington, C‐Charlo esville, D‐Danville, E‐Eastern Shore, ER‐Elizabeth River, F‐Farmville, Fd‐
Fredericksburg, JR‐James River, L‐Lynchburg, Rd‐Richmond, Rn‐Roanoke, S‐Staunton, W‐Winchester, YR‐York River Local Youth Travel to Costa Rica this month: Fi y‐four youth and chaperones from seven churches in the Alexandria and Arlington Districts will spend eight days in Costa Rica with Strong Missions: July 20‐28. Please pray for this team and their mission. 4
The ConneXion NoVA Report *
Lay Servant
for Fall 2014
Please bring a lunch with you for the Saturday training dates; you will not have me to go off site for a meal. Tea/coffee/so drinks and some snacks will be available. Sept. 19, 6:00—10:00 PM and Sept. 20, 8:00 AM—4:00 PM @ Grace UMC, Manassas (courses being offered are Basic and Lay Servants Lead in Worship) Oct. 10, 6:00—10:00 PM and Oct. 11, 8:00 AM—4:00 PM. Loca on and courses to be determined, although there will be a Basic course offered. Registra on and addi onal informa on (such as book and resource purchasing informa on) will be online at the bi‐
district website shortly: www.novaumc.org If you have any ques ons, contact your district’s LSM coordinator: Alexandria District: Rick Ko emann or Arlington District: Vicki Poindexter ConneXion NoVA rebrands as NoVA Unite A er much considera on, the leaders and stewards of ConneXion NoVA have decided that a er almost six years of sharing in God's work amongst young adults in our area churches, the me has come to rebirth our shared ministry in hopes of crea ng fresh, new ministry opportuni es that we hope will be even more effec ve and engaging to both the United Methodist Church and our region in northern Virginia. From here on out, we will be dividing into two different ministry efforts: A.) The Bi‐District offices will look to assess current young adult or related needs and begin a new ministry effort, likely some me in late 2014, that will serve afresh the United Methodist Church in Northern Virginia. If you think you might like to be a part of this new startup, contact Program Coordinator Herb Brynildsen. B.) The fellowship and occasional service events that have been serving young adults in our region will no longer be a Bi‐District ministry, but will instead become an independent ministry effort through our meetup.com group, which has now been rebranded as NoVA Unite. It is our hope that with this new group, we can work in concert with the Virginia Conference of the UMC to con nue to unite UMC young adults in northern Virginia, while also making a more collabora ve effort to be in greater, more united community with those who are "unchurched." We highly encourage anyone who wishes to stay involved to join our meetup group and keep up with this new movement: Bi-District Youth /Youth Leader News
Fall Events for Youth in the Alexandria and Arlington Districts: Jul. 2‐Aug. 27 (Wednesdays) – Jesus and Java (J&J) “Romans and Milkshakes” weekly bible study at Friendship UMC, 3527 Gallows Rd., Falls Church Oct. 5 – OktoberFest event, info to follow Nov. 7 – Youth Leaders’ Night Out, loca on TBD by those who RSVP for this event Nov. 14‐16 – Virginia Conference Middle School Retreat at Eagle Eyrie Conference Center, Lynchburg, VA (see registra on at vaumc.org) Dec. 5‐7 – Virginia Conference High School Retreat at Eagle Eyrie Conference Center, Lynchburg, VA (see registra on at vaumc.org) For more informa on about ministries with young people, contact Program Coordinator Herb Brynildsen, 703‐820‐
7200. www.novaumc.org/703-820-7200
12345 West Main St., An h p://www.meetup.com/novaunite/ As ConneXion NoVA, it has been our pleasure to be in fellowship and ministry with each of you and we look forward to con nuing to find the many great places that God is at work in our region so that we may join Him there! Email Changes ‐ Time for a Communica ons Update Check! The Electronic Distribu on of 2015 Appor onments and other important Charge Conference informa on will be transmi ed to all churches on or about August 15, 2014. Please be sure your District Secretary has correct contact informa on for your church’s leadership (pastor, lay leader, finance chair, treasurer, SPRC chair, trustees chair). Thank you for working with us in our con nuing efforts to be “green!” Call 703‐820‐7200 if you have ques ons. 5
On‐going by topic: DivorceCare ‐ Mondays (7‐9 PM) ‐ Centreville UMC. Childcare provided. ‐ Wednesdays (7 PM) ‐ Burke UMC. Childcare provided (see events under Support) Exercise/Self Care ‐ Mondays, Wednesdays (7:30 PM) & Saturday (10 AM) ‐ Zumba @ Christ Crossman UMC, Falls Church ‐ Tuesdays & Wednesdays (7 PM) ‐ Zumba @ Arlington Forest UMC, Arlington Prayer & Special Services ‐ Last Sunday (6 PM) ‐ Cel c Evensong & Communion, Trinity UMC, McLean ‐ Wednesdays (6 PM) ‐ Centering Prayer, Trinity UMC, Alexandria ‐ Wednesdays (7 PM) ‐ Jesus & Java “Romans & Milkshakes” Youth Bible Study, Friendship UMC, Falls Church (each Wednesday July 2 through August 27) ‐ Wednesdays (noon) ‐ Holy Communion & Conversa on, Bruen Chapel UMC, Fairfax ‐ Wednesdays (6:30 PM) ‐ Prayer, Franconia UMC, Alexandria Support ‐ Mondays (2nd and 4th ‐ 5 PM) ‐ Caregiver Support Group, Dranesville UMC, Herndon (703‐430‐3137) ‐ Wednesdays (7 PM) ‐ DivorceCare/Single& Paren ng/Advanced DivorceCare, Burke UMC (childcare provided) ‐ Last Thursday (7‐8:30 PM) ‐ Living with Cancer Support Group, Christ UMC, Fairfax Sta on (703‐690‐3401, X113) ‐ First Saturday (9:30 AM) ‐ Life with Cancer Support Group, Bruen Chapel UMC, Fairfax July‐August Events: July 3, 9:30 AM ‐ Arlington District Board of Ordained Ministry, Church of the Good Shepherd, Vienna July 3 ‐ District Offices close at noon and remain closed on July 4 July 8, 10:15 AM ‐ New Clergy Orienta on, St. Ma hew’s UMC, Annandale July 8, 1:00 PM ‐ Kindred Project Gathering, St. Ma hew’s UMC, Annandale (bring your lunch) July 12, 9:30 AM ‐ Alexandria District UMW “Day Apart,” Rising Hope UMC, Alexandria July 17, 12:30 PM ‐ Northern Virginia Chris an Educators’ Fellowship (CEF), Burke UMC (bring your lunch) July 26, 4:00‐7:00 PM ‐ Labyrinth Walk, Charles Wesley UMC, McLean August 5‐10, 9:30 AM‐12:30 PM—Music Camp for Kids, St. John’s UMC, Springfield August 6, 9:00 AM ‐ Alexandria District Board of Ordained Ministry, Burke UMC August 16, 2:00 PM ‐ Alexandria District UMW Exec Comm Mee ng, Wesley UMC, Alexandria REMINDER: the Alexandria and Arlington District offices will close at noon each Friday through August 29 Send your church’s public calendar items to Sharon Sheldon (programsecretary@novaumc.org) and let us help you get the word out! EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES P/T Children’s Ministries Coordinator, Spirit & Life UMC, Montclair F/T Youth Director, Fairfax UMC F/T Office Manager, Arlington Temple UMC, Arlington P/T Administra ve Assistant, St. Stephens UMC, Burke P/T Coordinator of Communica ons, St. Stephens UMC, Burke P/T Choir Director/Organist/Pianist, Graham Road UMC, Falls Church F/T Director, Children's Ministry, Centreville UMC P/T Organist/Choir Director/Pianist, Graham Road UMC, Falls Church P/T Choir Director, Graham Road UMC, Falls Church P/T Organist/Pianist, Messiah UMC, Springfield P/T Administra ve Assistant (a ernoon shi ), Fairlington UMC, Alexandria F/T Director, Music Ministries (organist/choir director), Dulin UMC, Falls Church F/T Minister, Chris an Discipleship, Dulin UMC, Falls Church Contact the lis ng church. Employment opportuni es are kept updated at www.novaumc.org For conference‐wide or other employment opportuni es, please check out the Virginia Conference website at www.vaumc.org Mark your calendars for a fun fundraiser on Oct. 25 at Lake Fairfax Park in Reston! It’s the: Halloween “Hustle for Hope” (5K for adults) & Trick or Trot (one mile fun run for children) Watch for more details and for on‐line registra on! A great way to raise funds for Rising Hope UMMC in Alexandria. Ques ons can be answered by Herb Brynildsen. Please plan to bring family and friends to this fun event!
District Office Updates and Changes
Rev. Dr. Sarah Calvert Joins Bi‐District Offices Staff Sarah is a United Methodist elder who is coming off a sabba cal year to join both Arlington and Alexandria Districts as the Coordinator for Church Revitaliza on and Leadership Development. Sarah says you can shorten the tle to: “I’m from the
district, and I’m here to help!” The Alexandria and Arlington Districts have experienced other changes effec ve this new Conference year in an effort to provide support to our churches. With the excep on of the District Superintendents and the District Secretaries, the rest of the staff now serves both districts. The Program Secretary, Business Manager, and Coordinator for Church Development roles will not change. However, in addi on to Sarah Calvert, Herb Brynildsen will also serve both districts as the Program Coordinator and also con nue his work in Ministries with Young People. Sarah Calvert Sarah grew up all over as a military kid (i nerate from an early age!), ending up in Fairfax at Oakton High School. Then she a ended Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, followed by George Mason Law School, opening a law firm in Fairfax as her first career. A er an overwhelming and literal calling from God, she studied at Wesley Theological Seminary for her Masters of Divinity and then again a few years later for her Doctorate in Church Leadership. Her disserta on work was on clergy support groups. Sarah served as associate pastor for 6 years at Galilee UMC in Loudoun, plan ng the offsite at Leisure World, and then 3 years as a sole pastor at Page UMC in Luray, Virginia. She has moved back to Fairfax near to where she grew up, with her boxer, Sugar Ray. She has one 20‐year‐old son, Ma hew, who lives in Locust Grove, Virginia. NOVAUMC.ORG Gets a New Look The website that serves both districts has go en a new look that will allow for greater flexibility and easier upda ng. Be on the lookout for other ways in which we will create more effec ve and hassle‐free ways to communicate with you. If you have any ques ons about the changes, please call the district offices at 703‐820‐7200. BRIAN MACLAREN AT GMU
Wed., Oct 15, 10 AM Wed., Oct 15, 10 AM ‐‐ 2 PM 2 PM Open to all clergy and laity ‐ sponsored by Arise Campus Ministry at George Mason University (arise.gmu.edu) Registra on is now open at www.novaumc.org www.novaumc.org/703-820-7200
12345 West Main St., An 7
5001 Echols Avenue Alexandria, VA 22311 N
This monthly newsletter is distributed
via electronic means. Paper copies
can be sent via USPS at no charge to
clergy and key leaders within local
Northern Virginia churches. (Please
consider the environment before
making this request.)
Alexandria District Staff:
Jeff Mickle, District Superintendent
Martha Flanagan, District Secretary
Arlington District Staff:
Cathy Abbott, District Superintendent
Artabia Campbell-Marshall, District
Bi-District Staff:
Herb Brynildsen, Program Coordinator
Sarah Calvert, Church Revitalization &
Leadership Development
Larry Domínguez, Business Manager
Melissa Dunlap, Church Dev. Coord.
Sharon Sheldon, Program Secretary
Submit copy by the 10th of each month
to: Sharon Sheldon,
«First Name/Church» «Last Name»
«City», «State» «Zip»