-,: .' ", ~ .: ' C N' II T r £' If HAPPY BIRTHDAY I Carlos - Febru~ry 4 G Valencia - February G To!:'" ;,cpez Jr - r'eo:"'lar".' 7 Joo~ .{ .);'0'111 '" 1.' r)J!'u!:lry 7 Alb·::,:,t,:, ~':·~'·':'6\.·-ra .. }'I:'cruary 14 , Uy. "1,",:" tk::-.:r.:.:ra(l,J hfl cie ser este amigo 111.(;id':> en 'IAL2W;:IiiL '3 Dft" I) tho S+:<..c'J;'., soon. Lrs. Gha.c6n is the d,lUgil r.vr of l.r t.nd :,~rc E .1 Frolliugcr, 37 'il :-'bt', 3't:, -:r!'".;:,;.' SIlO ..;.nd hoI' ~'hrc" cniJdron ll.r.' r ,si lin.:.'. Josuph w:.. s employoJ by t~c ~rl~oc~ HOQC Supnl]. Zszu~t~ Do~inr,o ... , .....:' tI T"l'. perr~rio.G F~ralt~ - ~Abru1ry 24 MJd0Sto Ver~6 - Febr~ary 21 'Alex G P0r~lta - Fobru~ry 26 B~ll ROdenb~rg, .J~ - February 26 (:J~~st--but not least I) , 1 FOR THOSE p.Cit~r JAl1UP.RY 20 TO FELRTJARY 19 (AQUA;{lU::;) BIRTW!A:( , 1/ • 'I ~ I REJ~DIi;G ~hose born under this siGn are apt to be' the. dref:l1f',or type. They 8ccornnJ.ish 1I\uoh tn their ima,;iuat L'll1s, b'lt in everyday Ufs t:lI'lY cOtll(~ h,c 'I:;,)t<\l failur~,; i f tp.ey did not or-oek thnrnsd'rcr;. They are i,pl.lpirille peoplE:, cO!'J.pl rdn littl'; W:len wron~cd by friond~. Th~y nre di~Diried and resort-ad and 8.re vc't'y neat Ll dres" and nppot.ranp0, Th,~y arc ./'ai thrill 'md tru'l ,;vTorthy' a.nd ~ood juug0 .. I) •.' ~:;aractur. . Bec ,use of their lac:~c'~ so~f-com'id(Jnoo, th~se poople non~tn.nl;ly S'JdV ~\('vico from otr0rs. T~oy should k~vp th3msclv0s ac.ti'l·:q.y ortg'-'.ged 'in S')ffiO wozok, beoause they . a ~(-:l i n~ lined to b0 ;rloody. jlquc.ri us pooplt'l :1hould' ·l'o::.rn to devolor thulr t'nlurits, Becuuse thuy Vlllnc to gi Vv up <:uinkly, thoy should strive to finish ,)v<Jry job thoy undortu ko. Mr u.nd. ;;!':, ;~ic:-:: Di;.rr,os, 140.1 ~ i'i~l)tJl,' hnv0 rcocivd t"·) Pur;,l" HV"rt o.w."\.rdud t-he:ir um, ~ct C;orp:.)·;; DL~j,:os, for' w~ur.:is r0c:nv..:;d 0(';;00,.1- 19 in ?rlllcc. G00r~0 ~rit~c his rol:~ t~lt h~ i9 f0dlinp; fin.) end ;X)J~)cts to r.;';oin hi;j rl:gi1'l0nt of t.il" Th",rd j,r-:r\;{ vcr:, s00n. S/Sg;G j,r;·:ul.f'o ~ Fl~r ,r; I 50:1 of Mr and i,'irs s, t->6 '.'[ ::UU'I,:dJ, "las ,cl In.ction DCCclT.bcr 30 in BoJ.{I:.t1:.!1, A1'nv:fa cnlisclJd in th,..) COQst "rt.lH,.'r./ ill 1.;;'8 r ':lfl" lr'st yu~.r roturned fro;;' '~hI' .)(\ :le\'U'S ir Jd,:\sb,. l~rnulf() i:. J:1'] or sligil'~-l y ·.,ro".nd pre ~rr~k ~ Ri.co, tro+her of Mrs Frank }f0Vo.I'es, 3:~O :.:; I:'lstric:; a(~ti'Jn I ':ms lI>TOunded in In the .1..;ur0r.~Rl1 ·t-;h'3'1tr"l of w'i,r. Pfc :,lb~rt IT t{C'rr,-3I'o, huslm~1U 0£ nrs Vir1;inil1 ROMero, 132'') :l Sonar:" ',rus se1'iO'.1:;Iy wounuAd in f.Ctj on in Ge:--r.J/)'~'Y on )ec";mber 113. Al L3 the son of :iI' 'ond br::; Albert It K.Ou1erO, 66~' N Anita. :Ie u~,tundJd Ros!cruge Jr :Ti anu \V"S <Jr.l;>lO'T,-,d at the Dickey-Davis Pronuce • Cpl perfecto S Soto~ayor, Jr, SJn of ~r and 1:1's PGY'i'octo 1:: "otomn.yor I 714 N Anita, h,-,o been a:ntI'(~ed th.:: Purplr) Hf',,-rt. lle he,s beVel in t:'le Indl'l-i)urmll thc~\i;r8 since Fobrun.r/ 1, 1.)44. AB9UT OUR SOLDERS KILL-::'D IN ACTIONs A t'orlHor No./I h:s ili Snlro'")} and U of A footbll.ll· r;t'l.l·, Capt J IT:l.!.~ Peter Panas, wea.r0r of the Brc>llze i::tl r "r:d c l1.ts-ter and Silver S tnr und clust~-: \'r'J.~ 'killed in 9;ction in Sell;iUlrl on SdFt~mb,)r 6. Si;1; Henry pnrrn, a. p:\ratroorer, 'Those parAnts. Mr and Mrs Frank P~rra, res,10 at 5?G S l)th f\, e, was killt3d in aC'tion Janu- ary ~ 'in B~lg:i.u:m, Honry entered the armed forceH 2 1/2 years ugo and hud be~n overseas for over 5 months. WOU1~ED Mrs Angel Ch~c6n, ,tife of Pvt Joseph N ch~co,nl has receiv0d from h0r husband his Purp10 Heart 1,1<;do.l whie h Wt\S ~1warded to him ;"h'm he waf.: wounded while engo.god on tho German border novcmbGr 21. H<J is nol'l ro(;ovoring in a hespitu1 in England and is expected b~ck in the IN ACTIONl Pvt 1I.l·)jr. miro '! V:, ,1dlJ2'" ·.v110S0 wif,} , Celia, ..lnd p:' r'.Ir'-(;;:;, lir ,.n. t ; .r~; F'.;lix Vuld.8z, r'Cr.id·J :-.t 7.3:) 3 i .:11",)0('., ,:r:;lS ',vo\",ncLn in lction in jkl;riclm J ILu',ry 1. Pvt RU~16n '!' ispinoz", 'son of j.lr Jesus Espinvzi,', 34'! 3 i,,<rt.r St, :-res 30riously Nounr1.ou in L-::-td on iJv~0lJ1.'1·.;r 14. ;{o ',as ..:nployc rl b',: t'k "'uc~on I)u~)lic L'.rl-::·)1;. l~o hl.'s ·~'-wo br::.,th.rs i!1 tiL s.;r,,~.('c:: Pvt Arm.,ndo T ES,)ir.oz", 1 1 j,:,;','r .'VLIUI, :t;lrl Pvt G;, 1b"rto T Es t ·inoz'1, ill ~ ~:';J Poo,)ri:;s, C:...liforuL\. prc R.... :IT:lUndo 0 Durin, ;;on of ;'.:rs :tOS·.l 0 Dur~n, 19 'if :,:c}e.,ml.A, ':ms ::;1i'!:1.~1/ ·.roun,Ld in :letion in G01-r;l(...n'.- on' D,)c..;=:tb.;r IS. Of' "{An, sis",'" ".<' ' (''''l'~lla PRI ""J,·,r.n 1\ _I'\.L\. ' t : ..., CI1' r • 1" .1.";.... f"•• -,,I...... ..., of Ajo, brotiH"r of Joe Corel.lfl, leUl ); Gra.u<'e, Tucson, is a pris-:mer of w",r in Germany, CharliE'! h[<d been nmorted miss- (OVER) 'J \ -J . l oJ MRS HORTEN~ VERDuGO - AbSI~TJ.NT lng in action in France on September 10. I. I. \ beHave: the Army hc.s hulpod him '.l.lrea.dy. or are his oars pinned back by his hatt (T~1is nephew of mine has promised me a good old-fashioned wood-shed beating 'when ~le comes on furlough for e.ll this ri"obing.) • MISSI NG IN AC'rIONs Pfc Carlos Cnball.ero, son of Mr'and Hrs Loreto Caba.llero, of 416 W 44th St_ is uussing in action in Luxembourg. Carlos ha.s been in the servioe since 1941, 1 1/2 years of whic~ time he Pfc Frank C Br~m, brother of 1~s has spent overseas. He is a former employEdward C (Riverside) Jacobs, has receivee of tho Esp~e •. Besides his parents, Charlie has his brothors, Basilio and Eddio ed his honorable disnha.rr;e fJ.nd is in Tucson. He holds the EAI!iE'l' Camp'lign also workin~ for tho Espeu; Armando, n Ribbon, Bron~e St13.r, and Purple Heart, pl\ra.troopcr at Ft Benning, Q:orgia.; und havin~ boen wounded in action uuy 7, his sistE:rz, t.irs Elv' oblGS :-..nd Julia ·Co.ballero, of Tucs' ...l1a.ry Cnbilllero, 1944, near Gasino, !taly. of Los Angoles. . ccontly visited his folks. Carlos F (Edgar) Calles ha~ been com:nissioll')d !i second lieutenant of infanS/Sgt Louis L try at Fort Benning, G~orgia. His sisPfc f.Io.rk L L\:I11oy, brothers, h ·roportcd llu3ving in ters, Evelyn and Charlotte, and mother, action in oan theatro. Th~ir 5i3- Mary, formerly of Tuc:,on, are ulso in Coronado, livQ3 ~t 219 ~ tel', Mrs G00r~iu, whoro Evelyn's husband is staWashing is, whos(.· wH·..; liveG in st tlon.;d. Cl1'lrlotto's husband is in the rtcd mis,: hl: D~cc::lbo1' 15; Svuthwest P'.l.cif'ic. P~ul ~ 1tnrk ·te und son livo in Bisboc, was missing: D,;co:abor 20. Sgt RoblJrt G C~,rrillo, :Jon of Mr and Mrs ~':.l.nuol B C.:..rri 11 0 , 5~n s Star, is now in ·0 cady, 19, son of ~~ and Mrs thv Philippin':-:~ , whore he is a mo.chino dy, 402 N M0ycr, who was prcviousgunner ill a. c'lvulry Ji vision. II,) has ted missing in Qction on th~ W0stbo ...n OVlJrs.;l~.s. 18 months and po.rticipClt0'd opoan front since Junu~ry 2, roin thre.) c:llllpaigns: Nc-.'T Guina::,., Admirulto duty on January .8. ty IsIQllds, und the lunding on th~ Philippinvs. UALTY LISTS PU]LISHE~ BY LOCAL PAPZRSs '.fOUNDED IN ACTIONs Cpl Ram6n J EnriPfc FlJlix C G:lrcia, husb~nd of Josephine quez, 348 E Ponnoylvnnia Drive Gj,rcia, 428 E 19th St, has roturnod to Pfo Frank J Lopoz, son of Rum6n J Lopez, ttw st~ tos :lftor 9 months t>orvicc in the 189 n Meyer. Europ'J:ln tho'ltrc, and is t.JI,lporarily b0Pfc GuudalupoU Murtino?, son of Mrs inr; trv:.l.ted at Sti'.rk GOllor::..l IloGpi hI, Juana U Murtino~, 1327 Sonora st. , Churles'con, S.C. Felix we'.rs th~ EuroPvt Frank C Rddriguez, btothor of iliss pea.n Campnic;n ribhon, Purple aeart, Com\~u& q Rodriguez, 903 Contzen. bat Infantryman's Badge, and one ma,jor Pvt Antonio G Sanchez, 412 ~ 18th st bnttle s'lQ.r. He Vlorked for tho City of Cpl Carlos A Vaequer-, 1029 S 7th Ave 'r '.le ;.; on. Pvt Marcelino S vavm~ueln'f Son of Mrs Luce S Valen~ueln, Route Pfc Cnrlos T Ga:d;elum, s on of I~r and Mrs . pro Charles~ Ible, 260·S lfuin Sl.tntingo G~.l.stolum, 1~;l Blias st, is a ko~r man hel1ind tho scenes of the supply AND, while we're still on the subject of uo.r in ;::t1rope. He hus thr'3Cl brothers · "oasualt1Gel ," kids, s'ome of your folks in tlW servioes Pvt Ralph, Southwest don,tt approve of my giving you this int'orPn.cii'ic; Pf'e Mr.muI~l, North Afrioa; Cpl mation. COIne on, let's h,Jar from you--Do Ado.:n, Eel~ium. · you or don't you want to know who is ki Hed, missing, or wounded in aotion? Thoy fool prc hgust!n Jrtoomo, of Jacome's Dept. that suoh news demoralizes you. It is my 3torG, is now stutionod in the ljariaZlas, opinion that, on the oontrnry, you h9.VC survine: wi th :..\ materiel squadron. eOm£thing to ri~ht for, and 'furthJr, you'll knqw' who not to expect to BdO in town whon Pvt :tudy Lo6n, now sorvinc-, in New Guinea, you oome back, w'hlch God wi llinr; may bl;) hus forwardod to tho City for usc in the · soon. war memorL.l grove, a supf.lly of paw-paw s~eds, th~ fruit of which tree (?) scens OH, WHERE, on, i'rIIERE? to b0 r.l f'uvori to of th0 Austro.linn soldiers a.nd. llatives. I;ill Rosenberg, Jr, Cpl Carlos G Alvnrt'>z, 521 :V Carrillo st, ill !..!fM· Guil1oil, hHS J.lso sont in C:.. goodly 1e now sorving with a P-47 Thunderbolt unit bunch of su~ds. Onefcll~n at thJ City at an o.dvancod buso in Frl..nc0. Hull s~id,' "Gosh, if Rosio k<3vps on s r.mding s ucds, we'll he. VI) to nwno tho r:;rovc; Cpl Gilbert Pino Aro.netn, 40 ~ 1st st, "Rosenborg i-iol'!loriul Grov0." ~s survinc with 0. station complement squadron nt ~n air service commnnd depot in Pvt Jam0s Rhonoos, son of 1.Irs T..:.:d RhodaEngland. Gil hus boen ovorsoas 16 months. os, 402 E 22n1 st, is s<Jrving on th:; GerHe 1s the husb~d of·Aurelia poyron Aranoma.n bordor with a U.S. o.rmor;)d divi3ion. ta and hus u brothur, Sgt Alfonso Aranotu, sorvin b in Italy. Sgt Frank T S~laza.r, 705 S 6t~, is in Fra.nco with the Tigvl'" Stripo Maraud,::;r And now letts sec w'hGro our Little BunGroup of the U.S. Ninth Airfurco. ny·Rabbit, aorncrd Aros, Jr, 1304 E 13th ~t, h:ls hopped to. H·) has succe:ssfully Pvt Armun1~ A Salg:J.do, 1302 N l~'Sth Ave:, passed :1.11 his physico.l and o.ptitudc 0X:lmi- is c~ momber of 't combo. t ollc;inuoring unit nations for pilot-bombnrdior-ll~vigator~nd fi ghting ~V'i th tho 7th Army in Franc.;;. is sta.tionod ut Keosl')r Fiold, Mississippi. He sont me: his pioturv roce:ntly, und I do Pfc Reynnldo Snntn Ma.r!~, husband of row -2- tiIlviEO GRAPHER Philrnoro Gomez, tC'rp"do~:').n soc son of 1ir J.nd Ers 'P' A GO!nuz, 7 from ovorsc~s sorvicu of 8 N;.vy ErTLIS'r~;ENTS: Frc.ncis Potor Br~dy, sor. of },ii' 'md ;.!rs Chc',rLs A Br::.dy, 427 E 3d. ;,v,,; l\lltonio yc'L.JS Urba1ejo, son of Jos~ Ii Urba1ejo, 652 Y! 41st St; RJ.lph L Carmona., 142 ''[ ;icCormiok; ErneSi; Henry iunadril, son of Lucien J', llrlO.dril, 720 N 7th i.ve. .S3, h St, Soam~n ?C Arthur G J~couo, ',Dbpt Stord, from the South P~c' he took p~rt in tho inv~sion o~ hora n. BIRTRS s Sgt and :rrs I.;tmuel Gomez, 194 34th st, a .girl. . . Pvt .and I.~rs ~\rank Sa~chez J. 1121 S 1.ri5sibn, a girl. Pvt and i.irs'Frank Zazueta, 376 S Stone, , of J M Nerancisoo. ti ars. 0. jJlrs L Di3g0. u3band of ~rS:Lily M and 1;1'5: i.,{ n, O,ronf:l.. t . < ~on. Sgt o.ndJ.irs Vivia.n Garza, 759 River.:.. ,side Driv~, a ,son. P'Vt i:\nd ~.irs i~a.nuel llos!l,. 2102 S 8th Ave, 9. girl. DZ:,TlIS: Csca.r ;.rr.lOntu ,32, 600 '.., 29th \ Survivors I Paronts 1 j'r 'J.nd l~rs . , , ,po:ul f,rmenta; brothcn~s: 1.. 1 be;rt, Paul, • . J~st1s, :R:::.y,'. Enriqt1~, and ;~n'lfonio; sistors I .n;s·~cllo.. ::md ].uFcliu ;,nncntn :lnd !.irs' viei£:)ri:J. Vi v).r. . ' st. Surv~VO~SJ wife. . .\ , ," ,?iig..l~l Coronado, 58, 3644 S LiQ(jlrt~. \ SurlLvorst vrife;,Ritt\; daughters" :rrini: , . -:'Seott" Ri t9. rr~rlquer.; l.!J.d~e .l:ohteverde,; , Dol'ores, ~g~lE\.., ~yz and Al1o:j..e. Coronado .. Sons: lak~, Joe., Frank, D.nd .LeYfis·Coronn.do J brother, Fran..lc Co~on~do;, siste-rs:"'l Trini'tiad Cont-r-erns f Dolores Carrillo., and :iagdf:llena Bndilh',' DP of l'u·c s oXl.. " .:., ; , I.,:' . _, ';;1'5 Ft";::'~lci'SCll GUi, 30, EIZ. N 6th Ave: Survivo'rs: Francisco ·and S:mtos'Gillj ,J d.J.u€ht,ers 1 j ;a.~~ Alvnnez, Loretta. Co.rri,... llQ, Joe0'rn Riosgo, ncs~'l'io Ut!IlS, Do~...-:· t~l~~ :lillis, and Guadcllupe DuPont •. ,. P~dro ,llic;U<)N, 84, 6~~ N 9th Ave. men I r ~., I, Sur..,· Car- wif~ •. COhcopci~n; ~iqtorsl .~om0ro:J Sflr~ Castro, and' Anita. B~n\i:Y. I vivors • I , J '. ,l ~ i , It' : :rs Do1?res ~ :jnd'i bILl,S J.l 60 t 410 ;( 30t~ St., " .,'" ') Sllrvl VOl'S r 5.C!ln., vontura J d.:l.ugh:t;ers, Aur()-. ,,: ""i~ ')ic..' V::"l';I'lzueln; ~ !C\r!1c Vallas, ·c.nd FrCln'-I else:;;. ~~orCl.les. " 1 " ::rs. RUlnonu So.gd,3tO J 85 J 606 Convent St. "Surv1. vors I sons,. RCUl\On r, nd GucLdo.lupe }).u.:-lCl.<; !~hd Ihlir.c:l,o Lopez; ~o.u6ht\.)r, r:rs Ri t,.l l"'loro5.. J;~y ':bi th, formal' .cr~ptnin of tr':'.ffi c <it tht? 'Tucson pol~cc Depc...rtmont, diod in dumi. . Lr Smi tl1 wns with thl3 loc~,l. i-o" ~lico dep~rtncnt for 11 yo~rs, until hu 'mov'ad to Lio.:ni in 1941. I 'John P Steffes, 60, 2010 E ','j:::.tcr st, 10cO:~ oontr~ctor, vr.:..s lq.1lcel whIm' ll~s.cC'.r struck tho side of D. Souti10rn P:::"c1.f1.C freight train (.l.t th~ South Fourth A',r:::nuo cfo.ssing.• His wifv t Ro:':", survives hila. Alicin Torres t 4-months~old d~ug[~vr of :~r 'und i.:rs R~·.l'o.01 TorNs, 40C E 15th st. -4- WIIJ,J:S C.ALJ?BELL, ART:J:S';r Mrs Roan S:lnta. 1.i:u·!~~, gunner '\on thv Lib "Flying l\iongoose," ho..s boon urtOIJlotod to surgv:"',.nt. l:i:::..nny is tho _~on\ ?~{Mr c.nd Ml'S G S j'!I~.ldonCtd(), 513 W .T..lS .1~'1l~ili..G.p. 1015 OntLrio St, is • in the Philippines sorving e.s r..n interpretor o..s woll o.s Q s01di~r. RiC;~rd&' S! Peyron, Pfo Frn.nk P S:lyro, Jr, son of Mrs D H S:.'.yro, 1319 W Spoodwny, is serving y~th :l First Inf'.llltry unit in Fr::J.rlcc. corporA. , ¥:,~rino Pvt Gilbort Uda3, son of Er :'.nd Mrs Tony Urlns, 2S04 E 3rd St, is sorving uboard Ct fbgship in the P(1.cii'ic ::tS a. communio:ltion o~dvrlY. Sgt Rndolfo'G Vill::tlobos 1 ~nd Perfecto Sainz Sotoma.yor, Jr, s ali· of' lir and Lrs Sotomayor, 521 N li0r'b~~::t, h:1S beun promotod to GorgoQnt in ~ndill.\ Pvt Forno..ndb R Ruiz, husb~nd of Ophcli~ ~uiz~ 1405 « St Clo.1r St, is now st~tioned " r .. Ho racontly completed f1vo a.t ~:m~ Roberts, p"t; ,I •. . Gu~­ J '. in Gormfmy. I \ \ . CONGRATUIJ~TIONS ,T dtUlll:l.c-l)o,· son of Mrs R1t~, C::unn.c he, 428 Samani~go. has beert promoted to PFC. He has been oVersoas.for 18 months and is n~~ ~tationed at an air service command depot , 1n lrl)lland. Pvt i.:.1.11U",l R V,:tldoz, Iltlsb,.nd of Annie S and son of l',jr :..:.nd l~rs Ro.r!lon R Vnldc~, of donto Vist..1. Driv(~, was (1.warded tho Good Conduct :.{cda). in .the Europoem -the;:, t l'e;. Fli~ht Officer Uich~ol A Za.?pin.. son of Lr ~.nd Lr~~ J R Z:::.ppi:l, 502 S 4th Avo J won hiE silver navig:,'cor l swings :·.nd AAF cOlluni~sion ,··t :[onuo Army Airfivld, I-~ondo, TUJos. Lik0 C Za.zuet,., SOl1 of Hrs Z(;furin~ Za.1'.U{;t~:, 512 ;j Grande, h~~s l;()~n promotud to PFC som~~horo in tho Soutlnvost Pa.cific. T/Sgt Pa~riok L Gonzules, 30n 'of t,it . lind Manuel Gon'zalos" 215 E 29th st, and " .h~s ,fellow soldier nlCchnnios ~'.t nir t10r< vice command depo'l; in Enghnd, wound up ,1944 by\settin~ a world production record. In a s~nglo,b~ngar, the group completed pr~~~o~bu:t m.odific~\tlons on ti10ir loOOth , . planu', .' - ,Ws Eddi:J Cocio, husb~'.!.t<i of ) ~l'S ~Gliu Cecio, 135 E .30th St., h~,s bo.m ,?ror:lotcti to P0tty 0f1'ic...:1' 'fhird Gbss in ~-{:·w~ii. Opl. G~orto R Kingman of Tucson was promotod ·t~ the runk of sergdant t:.t Sa.nta Rosa, CQliror~iu, Ar~y Airfield. st.Jv,,; C i'l"rillo, wJ:lo h:·.s bClen promoted to tho rC\nk of Boatsw;\in's ·,.j~'.t;,;, ['.nd 1'orJa0r omp10ye...: of Tuc son Jj ArSI.):"p..:rs, Inc is sedn;; C'octivl. d'.lty in thu SoUt:l p:..cific in thl,.. Phi l i prine inv:.::;; ion. · AJ:th~,r Lopo z, son of 1ir o.nd· Mrs Ram~n Lope;, 189 N NCy0r, vms pl'omotod to oorporal at Color.ado SprinGS ,J Colornclo. Sgt Richurd L LOp0Z, son of Mrs Luc!a Lopaz, 1030 ''1 Colorndo, hus bc.m uvr~.rdod 11 eocond Oak Le:lf Ch\stor to thG Air Moq:..tl. Dick is G. tail gunnor on c. B-17 Flying Fortress and h~s particip~tcd in u number of ~ttnoks on G~rman targets. FURLOU~H Se::.mo.n Suooncl Ch'.ss Poter Alm::.d,., visitod his ..-rif0 C'.nd d\ ildrun of G05 S Frcr:lont from s.::m DiuEo. Cpl Tony Duarte, son of t.ir '~nd hrs Rc..m6n Du::l.rtu, 256 S ;!"·.in, from Ft I:liss, T(Jx::,s. R E.:tldon:::.do, enginocr :lnd top turret -3- .' (t Vn.ldo~ : ~~Pvt, ijen~y'F Gallego, son of Steve M Gallego, n,oute, 3, ha~ b~en ci ted bi thE: 338th l1 ,I ~£antry Regi ,lent of the 8Gth "Custer .Dlvi~ion and awarded the Combat Infantry~~. ~adge foT. participation in conbat It..ainet tho enemy,·o.ccordin~ tha word reI oel ve!i here from the Fift:l Army in It3-1,!. M~uel ' ,(;:nJ· i:.i..lrial1O Tapia, (;1'1: Sit;rra St, has ' bOvn aw~rdod tho Good Conduct liudJ.l at. '\ Fo:rt Dvs i"oines, row..... Tho mod~,l is .' a.warded to ,iACs vTllO he-v\;} shO\"m uxc:mplary rJohc.vior, (;fficiency ~md i'iuoli ty o.nd, who h~wG 30rvcd in tfh; cl.rmy for a. yet~r or rnorv. ,.d11u~o 'Go.~t9lum. 440 7f liL'\.ssion RoC'.d, is -. V" .f"~herl;) lir..r!u G Tapi\\, daught,1r of Lr i'.~ru C~lif. 01'1 Jim S ·'GC'.st(;)lum, :Jon of I',ir :'nd. Hrs A Tech 5C pc..u1 G Ruqio, 102 t'( ~lst St, has been awardod tho Comb~,t:rnfilltryman Dadge for exumplary conduct fn Genlany• · in .ire-noo/, • Pvt Concep~:"~~.p Rios, 425 '.'J Columbia, is l'. member ~fquartermaster company of !l service ,g'fo~P that has been a'Jrarded the Feri torioUii~.S~rvice Plaque for outsbnding servid'e iIl Itr.:ly. '. . Sgt Alejo.ndro Fimbres, 723 St E~ry's Roo..d, . is' ~bw -Nith·o.. r~i1wCty apernting bntnllion tr'.linin~ at "lalla 'Nulla. Army Airfield. '\ Pi\1 Vincent V Rosas, t>on of i.lrs Irene . \ Valencia, 406 U Car-men\, hus been uWllrded thu Bronze star for out~tnndin~ service i.n fighting against the ·~(;l'IMns. Pvt S~'e"c l·icKonnr' t husb::.nd of Ers Alfonse 'MoKepnn, 135 S ltdn, has ',rl:"ivcd s::J.i'vlyin ·tI:lWl'l11 • ~vrs~Cl.s. \ r Pvt Jos6 Burruel,' son' of 'Mr ::~nd Mrs Simon Bu~ruol, 1016 .Erio, hc.sbe.Jn honor::1bly di soh:.i.rgod from tho Army. .mpnths of 1 Fre. E"ie'lluud, son of Mrs B Rena.ud, 814. S 3rd Ave ,\hr<s be.en promoted to 1st Sgt in Nmv GUi;.ll~ .. his bud Fr~nk, o.n M.P., mot rocontly for. tho first timu in throo yo~rs in Europe. They ~ro tho sOt,'ls .of Mrs Rlto. G ;rilblobos, 513 S t'/loyor. ! son of Mrs C P Dupont, 905 "\':{,G .ngress st, has been promoted to Sgt George ~;{ Durc..zzo, son of !.irs Royvl1C1. Duruzzo, 392 N Gr::J.n:--.d ... , o.ft;;r 28 months servico \'1i t:1 th·~ lStll Air Forct,,;. ( OVER) I / « (D&~THS) cianuel Suarez, 46. Survivorsl Wife, Herminia; daughters, Rebecca, Mar!u, Ofelia, and Armida Su~rez; son, Edgardo; sisters, Valentina Su~rez, Josephine Rosales, Prudenciu Salg~do, Juana Sspinoz~, Rit~.Le6n; brothers, Vicente o.nn R~yes SU"lrez. A white wcdding in SS Peter and P~~l Church at 10 ::I..m. on January 27 un~ tod Eiss Dolores Thelma OChOlt and Jo.:nes D Van Horno, both monwers of prominent Tucson 1"'!l1ili03. The bride and groom are both -te;iJ.chers at Tucson Hi. "ilr Vln1 Horne W~3 r0contly r~leo.sed from sorvico as a sorgcunt in th,) U3 1.i:1ri110 Corps und \vill Fred '~inn, writer, painter of western return to his position in thE; Chemistry SC9ne? ,. J.nd for 35 ye':rs c<t·~:::.ch0d to the D0p:-.rtm::;nt. Tho bridv \'1:,5 attundod by U.S. Forest Service in New !lexico Ll.nd Ariz- her 5i::,.l:;or-in-lnw, I,irs Stophcm T Ochoa., ona, died rece~tly from ~ heart attack and ~i ven in m:,rrL4go by hoI' moth0r, i.Irs whilo reo.dine; the in iiasonic Temple libr::..- Stephon ilcCh.o.ry Ochoc~; Stephen T Ocho~~, rYe hor brothur, was best rr~n, ~nd Dr Fra.ncis Roy ;'l::1d T "Danny" Ronoro anted as usllors. ltC\ymundo N Lopez, 72, 125 3 19th St. After a. roc opti on ::t t the Ari ~,onu Inn, the S~rv'i.V;o~s I daughters, ljrs, Cn.rmen Espinoza, couplo 1uft by pL.m.;) for a. two-we0k trip !.irs Annie l.1cj{C\, ::md ;irs liary Esquerr:.\.; to Hoxico City. They will be at home a.t son, R~ymundo Lopoz, 347 N l.il:'dn. J Junn Camacho. 62, 130 'I Armijo. Surwif'o} i,Irs Balbo.nod:l C::tm~·.cho; ~ons, Rodol,to. Ra'dl. and Educ..rdo; sisters, i Irs 1~r1Q Pona. and lirs Guud:ll~pc Barrios; bro.' thor, Ea.ria.no CC-.llI....l.C ho. TUCSOH TOPICS vivor~l , , '-'[o.l1:'.1.c0 S Br~,nsford he,s rosigncd his position an Chief Duputy in the Pima County Troasurer's Offico to t~ko ~ position with tho Arizona. Indu::>tri"..l Commission •. W111is~S (P~p) Young, 71, 1324 E 4th St. "Pop" wo.s an employee at tho Pimu County Th;) French C:.tfo is now kno om a.::; pauLos Tre~suror's offioo for 16 ye~rs. CC\f0. It h'1.S boon complotel~r rvnov:.:t<.;d. Ysidro Zo.zuf,ltn ,48. Cot::l.. Survivor: iirs E~tildo Welv\) held good duck weather b.toly. Uid-yo~,r' gr~,du'ltion l,.ARRIA(1E LICENSES l ;' R~n Y'tiui'ioz 22 - l::-..ry ;.~ Ochoa. 19 " . Flt\vi-o C Hond!vil, 27- IIlaZlla C Aivaror. 20 /.;;.' ,( . ',John A Hormi.ndoz, 28 - Fra.ncos pn.rra.,. '1; \. (ThoBo la.st two t\ro. Bushmnstvr.s rocontly : . '. '1' ' r6turnod from. Now Gt:inoC\) . , l> ~! PnP1i,Q, I.iondozo.,:84 _ Ynocuncla Ruh, 67 ...;' ,Jamol P ja~onhoim9r, 26 (Richmond, V:.\..) Edna C Agutrro, 21 . 'F,Il11x Soto, 31 - :land:'. Smith, 20 (Eloy) Ph }!nnuol P Srlnd,ova.h 26 - Virgini~: Vnloncuolo., 2'2 RetQgio P.RbYQs, 31 - Lupo W LOpOl, 27 , llnnuo;L 1I Hughon, 21 - l.ia.rfa. Socorro Bl1.Hos,teros, 21 ., . Do:n Loa '9nu.th, 29 -' Hilda. Cruz, 24 J~os D V(\n Horno ,- Dolores Tholm". OChon, both'logal '-'-go. Willinm G~lvuz, 22 - Blonnor So.mornno, 20 Oso('.r G yn.lenzu0lt1., 21 - Volb Londc.:z, 16 Dnv1d S Br1to. 2 /1 - Coso.ria i.:a.r!:-. Herrora.s. 17 J~lburt:Vordo, 23 - Elvil"a. No.v~., 24 ~rd Nufl.cz, 18, -, Holen Corr:llo$, 18 R:iJn~n NCnm'.:\cho, 2\3 - Torusc. ali v~\S t 21 .Ralph ~C'••UJlinn liont>llnot:;ro, 22 - ','fo,nan PO::1.r1 , ~,Groon I .1.8: (Pla.inview, TcxC\s) Fr:'l.tt k G Aroc, 22 -, Ho1un Aguil ~,r Crur.., 17 oX0rcices WEJrc held ~.~ rocently at the schools. .~. ,.t'-;~;.~.' ;:,- I Is /; ~ , . ,. ~ I .. 'tl;Jti ...... - Joe :'{ T::mc Tucson e;rocer W:lS finod 1';5000 in rodor".. l court n.rtvr VIithdro.vring ., his plv', of i:nnocl)llQe,:~nd cntering C'. ploC'. of nolo contendere to c~,rges that ho f, Dud to p:-.y ~~1 ,665. '/4 on inoomo t~x returns for th,~ y·,);;"r 19:37. A nolo contendON plu,"\ doCJs not o.dmi t guilt but subjvc:ts thc d,;fCJIldcmt to conviction. It dOLis not pr .;cludo T::-.uJ:, from dunying the truth of thu ch~rgus in ~ coll~t0r~1 proc00dinr. , J ~)sds C:\II\('.cho, who for 33 y(;o.r~ h·.'s ~'.idCJd irn policing thu City of run~on, has handad in his r'.lsigna.tion 0fi'octivc FCJbru::-,ry 1. III hl;:tl th ~-,nd :1 deo:::ir0 to rast from his ~trunuous dutio$ woru givon ~s the re:lsons. Tuoson is r;oing l8.11-out" for the; Infa.ntilo Po.r~~lysis drive. lifo hC'.vo a milk bottlv stc,tion :J.t Congruss ::nd stonv with forty-oir;ht vmpty ~ott10s, eo.ch bbo ed a.fter 0. st~d:;'J. Tho plan he.s plT0;V;J)d .succ0ssful, ~mJ thu dim0S',re po'urfi~', t\~' r l ../:, ,i; " Como Spri.ng, thv Ci ty 0L-ctio"n'~ 'trdl<-l, 'blJ " , U.SS I.~\ry Jo Qua.ckcnbush, dc.ughtvr of i:r~ h'old. I-Lnry:) J~to.Gt'~d, inc~umbont,&~:tormcr '"Rosa., It Quackonbush WC\.3 rooontly II\('.rriod to Chief of police H:lrold C "{heeler \'/ill run :Edup.rdo E Nolson ::lot il.l1 Sc-.ints Church. ,., ;'or i:l".yor on thu D<.:mocrc.tic tickot I Clnd Th.oy ~rc honeymooning in 1.:0:<1co City and .i< l -dcolm :iiddldon, Ch:.tirman of til\) RcpUbwill I'csick :.l.t 42Q S j :ain. L'lry Jo is ,',n' .'~ i.c'~.n Centr".l Committee, on thu R0publiomploYOb of .J~,\.can" s Dop,trtmont Storo. ':.: ,c'n.;' .tick.:t. Ch:-.rlus A BrC\dy I 427 N 3rd, (~~~\l'...oppos0 Homer L 3ho.r.tz. incul'lbvt,J),{iss Stella Meza I daughter of j,irs Manuela ~o~ thu D0mocr~tic COQncilrnr~nic nom Meza.' and Louis Lopez, son of 'i.ir and l..rs tior. in '."f:crd 1; Gt,;-n0 n Getty, :.\ VO Fr~oi30o Lopez, were united in marriage of 'b.'\o prc..s.:JT't w,r, who l1v0s r.t r at the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Euclid, :'V!.i 11 sc"k the: Republic:i.n LaW)'lllemorial Par,k, Glendale, California. m".ni~ m)~ n~~tion in ·'fe.rei No.2, ( . Both jir o.nd },Irs ~opel:\ attended Tucson Sr J. 0., 1~9ji.:\nn, 517 E ~)th St, Demo Hi; lirs'Lopez was omployed at La Uopulera. incumoGit H<.:nry Holton Collins, Studio for f:lve ye~J,rs and I.Ir Lopez at Con- D0mocr,:,,1. J )cgro, of 122 iT ,±th St t Bolide-tad Vultec. They plan to make.thoir C\lso run for Conmittooman from ~f~'.r home in L.A. (OVER) l'l" , 1 ' , -5- r ,J.~'.:,.. ~ ~-' l' ' .. .....: - Frank Dawson, Councilman from ~Yard 4, has HIT PARADE decided not to run, but Dr Willium J Pistol', January 6, 1945--1. Don't Fence Me In. of the Ucf A faoulty, and Otho Books, an 2. There Goes That Soug Again, 3. I'm attorney, bpth on the DemoQrntic ticket, lJaking Believe, 4. I Dr~am of You, 5. will seek this nomir~tion. The Trolley Song, 6. Dance with a Dolly, 7. Together, 8. I ~on't ~ant Representntives of tbe City xnd Tuoson to Love You, 9. Sweet Dreams, SweetChnmber of Corr~erce were hosts recently to he!\rt. Captain Eddie Rickenbucker, ~10rld W~r I Aoe nt an early mo~ning breukfa.st meeting ~t January 13--1. Don't Fence rie in, 2. the Old Pueblo Club. The~e Mike Mendoza, blind dsOolar a.t the City Hall, received n ~el~ted ~lUS p~cknge tram his .. bud , Pte. Abe Mendoza. t who is· s ta. tioneda. t ~ehern(l, Iran, wi th"the Ruilwn.y Shop 8Q,t·',t,nli,on•. 'Mike, em ardent sports tnn, found ,1n,the, package u b~sebnll ~utog~~phed by , , CM'l Hubbj)il f 'Fred F.i tzsir:unons • 'J'oi'tQ P Ct..r~ohnel"H~rryHilllnan~nu gill S~r•• . In ~fidition;to thj,s, Mike nlsQ 1'". . .ITol1 ~. p.tl.ire ,of lO\ld, Ire-nian ~8ooks, un ~Ted , ~ aig~rGtte ,holder, ::lon ~sh tr.. y, ~ nn an,_ ~,gr~V'ea, shoe hon:; . Hike t s ,son, R1IIy t 1,' a. "', lfb.'l"'1ne ill, ~Q;wnh. ·The, ..$p<\ni~p-.fune.riccm M<Ytllers .:xnd tTi'V'''J . AS50qip.tion recently: gavo n llo.nque't at thlf El Ch~r,ro C~fc in honor ot· tho Bushm~sters ;" hore ori ·t'Url~u.gh •. Direotor ot tho '.'l.ssooi:t- . ,: ' - (". tlon '~.~\/; tlo·snl'l.o Ronqu·tuo, ,nonry:~.; Jr:;'D.}lta.d ,gtl'V>3 wr~3 He. ' lk".yor ) s6 r-t 0ron:1., Sgt 'ro6filo . R' Gnrc!", ;', Pt" D:i.'mY Drig-., " ,t ,. ' , 0 'F.', QUiro~, ,Pro }rO~TY 0 . ~.," \,,>:' ". Ql"fn~t1$~,\ pro' Aton'zo., C A.~ln~i llC'.~, Pfc nu4;r ~,l";;.' " ,\E"~0p'ez'ti'P~o,.F1Q. ,10 M()n~l.vl.li ,~t:e ...To~y. ';~ ,aor~ndc:z, at'~';Jucm 01~v{1ros p-.,t Jo,o Iii :::, .. , 0;' : Q1t.~8·, '~~.,'PYt.:Rdph· T ".GI"Q.UH!o. A' dnnec ','''if. ':., <i,}.'.,:'~' hole! (l t ,~() It.1ir'.rz.l'. h':l.ll' :c~ft.?'r. ~hO Mr.,,(J'<QI }:('{~:ot , " (~, n.~uli~n.o~'S, q\to ~m~o.,b~ 10,s pOal.,·" ~"f'~~~;-'; 7;~, ',r,l)~' ~B}l1l'l')m.""~~Q~8 oU3'ndo lvs, jJroG'G!ltClf9n , "''':: ""con: '01 p'dblioo I ) '. ," t .. ". ! I .,,:'i: ) ... \}I~: I" ~ '.~' '" .. ,..' '. I . \ l' ,.. , r: j. . l" . I I \~~.$,.~~:-Ja'r ror.ool1 '"S~<>t- F.rom'thq sky" , , 0, ~. • cxKi:blt wct,a" hold. o.t Do 1I.n1<>. t»C'.rk Stonq' ".~~; ,~, . and, ~poomv:lY, with th:3 hrgost dIs.p l'1.Y ,of . ',: ~ " o(W~ur,9'd. <mFt. ~u1 ptn'Jrrt , oyor. 'pr(jscnt~d. ",\ ':, : ~.,~: ; ,: ,. f~. 1 ... \; I ~ >: ~ .~ ,.' '.,' • ~. !~. ~ • ~Oriton • I sin'. 9. Toset~er. Jnnu~ry 20--1. Don't Fence i!i13 in, 2. There Goes That Song; AgEl. in ,3. I'm i~aking Reli~ve, 4. I Dra~m of You, 5. The Trolloy Song, 6.Ac6~ntunte the Po~itiv$, 7. I Didn't<}illow ~bout You" 8. Danca t!lri th u Dolly., 9 ~ Alvr:.ys • . , January 27--1. Don't Fence Ue'In, 2'. Thor.e Goes Tho.t Song'~gaint 3. 1,Dreo.m of You, 4. Aooontua~e tHe Positive, 5.' I'm M~king Bciie~e. J " > " . • '.~. TH~ COmplllsky.'Trloyrr;t~ prosontod o.t tho " '.' '. Tonipln of M\ts~o l'.nd Art. " " . 'f i. ... I I '. ',' I.. • ',. , I , . . ',;. "',,"'f. ' SfJ1't;o't Jrlt,rorr' U;71~ h~s o'r1'f$in:l.~ Don .Co~sn.ek I. " ( , l .•:, Gh9~~ ~d,. D\.\.llpOrS'lIffis pr<;:sontod :.lot tho •• :'~ I lliJ;h' $o:ho61 .\uai'tol"i\G. ' 6. Sweet Drenms, Sweethenrt,'7. Trolley Song, . 8~ Don't,You ~1~V I C~rc. 9. Don't r.:ver Chc.ngo. DON t 1'~ FE~:~ ~E IN (r'rom l\Hollf.'Tood 'G:lnteerl~ Oh, give rna Llnd, lo.ts of hna., Undur'st~rry ,. skius above, Don't.f(mcc mb inl . . t(;t m" rine through tho wid<3 opon , country th:.1.t I love, . ,Mion't fonce role in, ,, . tot mf'j be' by myself in th\; avtnipg bre~zG . lL1'!d list.au to tho murmur o~ the cott.oJi~ : MOQd truo3 'S~nq m~ off forover, but I'~sk y6u ,p~~nsc . Don't tonco mo in . JUJt ,turn ir.c lo'ose', Lot'mo Gtr~ddl8 myoId s:ldd19 on I '),.,. I ' ,to 301;1' tho mount::.ius r.ise; w~nt rinG to the ridge , ::{<jst cOJ!llllono.,Js·, where ,tho iLlld. g'lze :It tho moon till I 1050 :r-~! ,senGos", I o"n' t look Clt hobbl.:ls, c.nd I ann' t stn.nd tonc~)s, Don't fcncomc in. ~.sSOCIJ·.Tr.ON l be , un ' , ',' ',. undorne:lth tho wosturn skrcs me w:\nder. over yoi;lder NE"iS, Nt',¥- l>.iEJ,lDERS I Juuni to. 'Luos, Lupa R S:llnl, 'i"'-' ._,-"...,. , Rosr', Iblo, Ftanc·.;s C., Hcrucmdo&, J'eeU3 o:kot ,t-hn:ok""'!'or the 5~"lo .ot. B· ;.gbilc\r, Ri \;n Quihuis, Virgini!', Soto', bo)tcs .~nd ,soOots, Wo.6 .sat.up 'Antonin li.' Gl",l'dill:-'.3, Luz C Rodrtguol, " oo'~'~~\OJ~o'~'::>'hd t.,ovy.t s . , p::\ulin~ R~miruE, LpUcm SEBq~1ycl, .... Th.o·o,rt'.~,<i:'.1 rod99,:dc,nco,the lln.rf;Q.ritc,·V(jgtl, iiar!n Esther Carrillo, _ , g.;.l~~1,) \J.~. drmco>, '",'11'1 b~ n i"er,turc o~ Artit::\ F'i.,tll.bre:g, Luc!n rl Fresn'O • • !' .. Fl'l'h~ul\Py'21'at tl'}o PJ.ono0r b."'. 11 room. Il n '" HI' Roy L:1.05. 'Prosidcnt of the Club J'/ \a.r.'t. (b.y was .!<"ob:ru::\J"v 3 nnd officin.ll~ Lo,tino, vp.s our spec'i:,l 1:>' "".lost :::.t one: of V " :, ,!,.' opon~d. tho "tA Fio.eta. de los Va.quoros our Ineetinfs. He extended a meG t cor" sto.rt/-:ng 'Fob~tU"y 22. di!'ll invi ktion to the:: mo:nbcrs of our \ :'.'(~' , r . "'~I ' " AssooiOotion to ~uests of his club o.t .\,';" "'8 olci'ost rosident, Francis M::\ party givon in honor of tho BushmD.s" ,,' obrQ.tod his birthdC'.:r reoon tore ::1.t th~~r clubhousu. hr. L'-.05 h:\8 ,tpon topped oft tho dOoy pl\3dgod tho coopcr"'.tion of his org~.',nizutd'on :lOO listoning to St tion. \ie carnc6tly upprcci ':'.te it, for rchosirn' ' . ~"e ne"d tho help of evo'ry Sp~~nish ;.mortTo HonrY1Riosgo, Jr Co ". onn nssocintion if we ~rG to erect· thu 't ,JOo. 0 Snla.z in Go' . recre:\tion center for our ,soldiGrs. "Ie ottars. (Hanry mc~~ lope do' . th~nk you, M~ L~os, ~nd I know you w~ro S5 t-o yOu for your Uncl}; /f" c. Joe,' ,l)1nc~r~ i!l your pr91'1'J.so. l:{E ~i1JST FIGTI' ._ .... , r;: ou ~nd Lo~':\r1isbs I)' ..--i.1ID FIGHT TOGETlERl ',,-' - . . '~'shi;ld th';:,l.st ~.nd 3rd Sundny of 0:1ch month b Jr thc.3p'1:1ish. 't , M l~sspe-i:"tion. " ,r.. 1w"~nyuse let till I I , nond his orehestr.", phyod :xt· '1.\10 J,Ioon.', ,.. , \ ",: • ,"~... ,' .$tpt Goes Thut Song Again, 3. The Song, 4. I Druam of You, s. I'm Laking Believe, 6. P.lore nnd Hore, 7. DfUloe With ~ Dolly, 8. I'm Co!U'es- T~olley tfl:o' WClOOll1ing .uddroS8 and ,ROY :~t(lhj,~l.o.o ·Care.l t thJ b'J!1vd.l.ction. -' worCI Toch Sgt Cc~nr Rn.- .. , ' 1 " I HA E T COMPLIMENTARY ,ISSUE TUCSON, ARIZONA MARiCH 4, 1945 --------------------------It is through the generositYjplanning ways. which will:.. ~orld War and campaigne?<!,OTHERS KILLED of Mr. Roy Laos, President of assure them of 1Od~pende~c~. r10 the same area where hl~ 'I IN AJ0l10N the Club Latino, and the mem They stick to the Job until It son later met death. Sgt Edward B. Acuna 559 bers of his association, that is finis.hed whic~ d~monstra-VIS. M~yer; Pfc. Manu~l J. "OH'ATTER" is being printed tes their d~term1OatIOn. They Pfc. Frank Kempf, 19, son Urias, 420 Samaniego St; .at their expense. We hope, sho~. tld. stnye to overcome of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Ke~pf, Staff Sergeant Fernando Betherefore, to bring you more their. lmpabence, worry and ~403 ~. iBr0'ldway, was kl~led lis, son of Mrs. Nemesia Benews and thus bring you cIo- frett1Og. 10 actIOn on the BelglUm lis, 710 N. 10th Ave; Lt. Jose ser to horne. The Spanish-Vfront January 21. . V. Ortega Jr., 1036 Colorado American Mothers and Wives KI1JUED IN ACTION I .Frank was well know. 10 Street. Association thanks the Club high school as an outstand1Og -VLatino for its splendid coope- : Iathlete ~nd played semi-pro WOUNDED IN ACTION ration. baseball 10 Tucson. Issue No. 16 I -V- V I HAPPY BIR:nIDAY! - • Alberto R. Lopez-'March 4 I Cpl. Albert Otero, son of Mrs. F. Otero, 273 North Nicolas D. Garcia-March 5 Armando G. Leon----March 5 IChurch. was killed in action' Gilbert Juarez-4March 7 in Belgium, January 14. Al , George Nunez-'M'lrch 7 bert was nltive of Tucson bu ! Jose P. Castro'-';March 13 i had resided in Los Angeles Victor R. Aros-iMarch 15 i for 17 years before entering Cornelius Warner---March 15 Ithe army. He is survived by Joe G. Gradillas-March 17 his wife, Mrs. Mary Otero, of Ernesto R. Molera-'March 17 Los Angeles; his Mother; and Joe M. Mendez-March 19 four b. others, Cpl. Edward,' Jose Molin8l--'March 19 .Pfc. 3teve, Staff f'ergeant ' Steven M. Mendez-March 23 'I'Daniel, all in the service, and Ladislao Dominguez March 24 Arthur, of Tucson. I Raul Gomez-M,arch 24 -VI Art Lope74-March 25 Rumelio Carrillo-March 26 Pfc. Joseph A. Wagner, son Manuel Gomez-March 30 of Mrs. Carlota E. Wagner, .. / 'Birthday Greetings also to Pfc. Carlos Y. Burruel, 21, 283 North Meyer St. was Ruben Gabusi, February 4 son of Mr. and Mr~. Simon kil1e~ in action J.anuary. 18 in I Geronimo Villalobo- Febru A. Bu~ruel, .1016 ~ne. Street, ~elglUm. Joe. was. With .an, ary 27 was killed 10 acbon 10 Ger- 10fantry outfit serv10g With; Rudy Mendoza, February 28 many on Jam;lary 30. .1 ~he First Army. He had been Your Mothers gave me your Overseas SIX. months, ~I' 10 the armed forces almost a ... • birth dates after the Febru-, mon h'ld bee~ 10 t~e serv~ce, year and o.verseas ov~r four Pvt. Joe A. Campbell, 21, ary issue hid been pUbished.! three years, .flrst be10g asslg- months. Pnor to enter10g the , son of Mr. and Mrs. William -Vned to t~e air corps ~nd later army ~e was employed at l A. Campbell of 320 East 35th Birthday ~Reading for those I transferr10g to t~e 10fantry I Con.s<,>hdated .vultee here. I.nl Street, was wounded in action Born February 19 to I He attended Carrillo and Sa~- addl~IOn to hiS mothe~, he lSI in the European theatre on March 21 (,PISCES) I fo~d schools and Tucson HI survlve~ by three sisters: I November 21 and his mother Those born under this sign HIS b~other, Arturo Y. Bur- H?rtensla Wagner; Mrs. TonYI has received the purple he'lrt are trustworthy and honest in ruel, IS. h.ome on f.u~lough, Hld'l1.go, and Mrs. Henry R.i which was awarded him. Joe all their dealings. They are' from hiS ~nfantry tram10g at\ MontIel, all of Tucson. ,was born in Tucson, attended kept from attaining higher' Camp Maize, ~exas. -Vschools here and worked at positions in life due to the - I ! Davis-Monthan field before fact that they lack self-contiPfc. Ch~rles M. Ible, son of Frank Potter, husband of! entering the service in Februdence. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ible, .. : Mrs. Charlotte Flynn Calles ary. 1944. They are constantly 'seek-1260 South Main Street, was Potter, forme~ly: of. Tucson' ing knowledge but because killed in action in Luxembou. ' but now resld10g 10 Port -vthey hck confidence in them-: rg on January 23. Charle/ Went~orth,. Ge<,>rgia, was ki- l Pvt. Manuel R. Herrera, sel~es they do not progress as, was 25 years old and hadi lled. ~n ach?n 10 .the . Sout.h: son of Mrs. Ernestina R. Herrapidly as they could. These been in the army two years I PaCIfIC. BeSIdes ~IS wife, hlsl rera, 119 Convent Street, people are very careful about and nine months. He was a' son, Robert, survives. was wounded in action in money maltters. dThey dare ge- former student at Slfford/ -VLuxembourg on January 12 nerous. ca m an goo natu- High School, Safford Arizona, and is recovering in a hospired. They· have a fondness where he enlisted. Thomas Killed in the European a- tal. His brother, Roberto, was for beauiifu~··things in nature Ible, his father, also served rea: Pvt. Frank P. Romero,.. also wounded in action in the and art. They are constantly with the infantry in the first 1011 North Anita; Pacific area. i I i MAOOH 4, 1945 TUCSON, ARIZONA CHATTER * -v<MISSING IN ACTION "lion. This blttalion arrived at~ Pfc. Ernest C. Felix, 19,; .. Casablanca, French Morocco son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. in February, 1943 and three F'elix, 29 Kennedy Street, was months later the battalion seriously wounded on Januawas strung out along 1400 ry 8 while fighting in Luxemmiles of rail line, from Casabourg. Felix attended schools blanca to Mateur. here and was employed as a -Vmachinist apprentice at the Alonzo Arriag3, husband of SP Shops before his induction' Mrs. Anita Arriaga, 54 West into the army in June, 1943 Simpson, is in the South PaHis brother, Pfc. Albert R. cWc. Felix, Jr., has been fighting -Vin the Pacific for over a year. . Pvt. Ray D. Benites, one of -Vthe seven fighting Benites Pfc. Gilberto C. Haro, son brothers, who participated in of Mrs. Soledad Haro, 221 the invasion of the Philipines West Kennedy Street, was and is currently in a Hawai slightly wounded in action in rest camp, recently enjoyed a France on January 20. Gil day's visit from one of his six entered the service on Novembrothers. Technical Sergeant ber 2, 1941 and h:ls been over Ernest D. Benites, of the AA seas since September, 1944. F. I His wife, Delia Garcia Haro, Pvt. Joseph Ayup, nephew All of the fighting Benites resides in Tucson. He has a )f Mrs. Margaret Ganem, 123 are serving overseas. Three brother Johnny Haro in the ~outh Meyer is missing since are in the Navy-Ben, Charservice in Belgium. December 21, after action in les, and Robert; Cpl. William -VLuxembourg. He is a native is in Belgium and Cpl. EdROSE RODRIGUEZ Pfc. Fred O. Valencia, 24, I of Tucson and attended Tuc- ward in New Guinea. They I son of Mr-s. Rita Quihuis of.. 50n and Nogales schools. Joe are ~ons of Mr. and Mrs. Ben I THE EDITOR OF CHATrER 1211 South 9th Avenue, was has been in t~e service sin~e Bemtes, 1140 South 5th Ave-I slightly wounded in action May, 1943, gomg overseas 10 nue. A A January 14 in !Belgium. He is June, 1944. -VWI • .a member of the medical corps -VS Ed I and has been in North Africa Pvt. Refugio A. Mixton, 412 gt. ward V. Casanova, Italy, France and Belgium' l.iverside Avenue, has been I t ~4th5 Ethastth~odrt~ fStretet, dn.o~ I Cox Gilbert A. Ward, son of .. . t' . L ux em-I. WI B ef ore entering the service,. mSSJ.ng 10 ac IOn 10 f e h Ir ' 10 han ry IVI. ! Mrs. Teresa Castro, 841 Nort h F'reddy was employed by the 'ourg since I'ecember 18. ~~~n~e t e s~; ent tt ardm~ t~n !Anita, is in the Admiralty Sunt Construction Company -VI'mmacu'lraetcenC y a t~n e .e iIslands. "Gordito", who opeh' d e oncep IOn serVId h EI M C f 107 e ~s a .gra uate of Safford ?RISONERiS OF WAR ces held in Strasbourg. This Irate t e oro a e, Jumor HI. marked th f t t" e South Meyer, reports that he His brother Pvt Jesus 0 Tech. Egt. Eddie E. Maseeh, th f e Irs tlhmt 10 mOh~e Ihas a Betty Grable figure ' I . . ,. . h h b ... an our years a wors Ip I h' It' d ' \. a encla,. IS a paratrooper and ~ 0 .as een mlssmg 10 a~- services had been held in' now, avmg. os sixty poun s IS now · In England -he now tiPS the scales at ' and he hon smce. July 24, f 1944, .IS thOIS f arne d ca th e d ra.I . h 3S a slster,Mrs. Virginia now a prisoner 0 war In Th 't f th th ~ I' a mere 210. AIl thIS sheer Soto, and a brother A. O. Va- Germany. Eddie is a Tucson b r eds\ e e ca .e ra IS emaciation no doubt is due lencia, who reside 'in Tucson. Hi graduate and was attend-I e Ive 0 eIta~ fClent ~o- to the scarcity of beer at the f -Ving the U. of A. when caBed ma~ . oru~. IS 7~~n t~r Islands and his exertion at in the Army. He served as Icer am, ?~ever, 3 e scrubbing decks. OmERS WOUNDED first radioman on a B-17 present bUlldmg stan~s on the IN AiOTION ~omber with the 15th air c;;~me place where Kmg Clo-V. :orces in Italy after April,. vhls · abn .eltarIy hFrenhch f ruler , Quien no eonoee al D P v. t S amu~I 0 . C on t'reras" 1944 . H'IS paren t s, Mr. an. d a d cia UI a c urc 0 woo d IPerfecto Elias? ' on and son of Mrs. Rita C!. Contreras, \Irs. George Mas~eh, reside y. Es un "old timer" de mu1219 West Ontar1O Street. at 73 West Councll Street. -Vlehas simpatias. Sgt. Jose A. Carranza, 1426 1 -VWest Delaware Street. O'I1HERS HELD CAP11V'F~ Pfc. Antonio C. Sanche?:. of -VPfc. Epigmenio 0 Braca- BY THE GERMi\NS' 1095 Contzen Avenue. IS a .. · . 0 .. medical technician with the Ronny ElIas tJene dos meat monte , S 0 n 0 f Mrs. I gnacla . . ' . t B th B3ker 419 S R'I d A Pfc. Jose 1. Morales and 182nd stat10n hospital which IJom s, ro er, can you spare . al roa ve. P vt. Alf onso C. P' . t s.? Pvt., Alejandro G. Canez am ( no a d - f or 16 months has been a vitaliIa few ex t ry POlO husband of Maria M Canez' dresses given) part of a base section in Italy -V344 West 39th Street' 'Pvt. Jose Arcadio Ochoa, I the important supply and Pfc. Felipe S. Ferr~, son of son of Angelita and Arcadio s~r.vices organiza~ion for the M~guel Bustam~nte del (ias Mrs. Francisca O. Ferra, 322 OChOl. 1015 Huron S.tr~et, fIf.h army. Tony IS the son of EqUIpment Servlce-Ay, eaWest 37th Street who was reported as mlssmg Mn. Carmen C. Sanchez and Iramba, no puedo aeabalarPfc. Luis O. R~driguez, son in action ir: France or: Sep- w~s employed as a sales clerk I'm getting nervous. of Mrs. Faviana O. Rodriguez. tember 12, IS now a prisoner ~I·.h the ~armers Market be-, -VFrank Sanchez 1124 South of war of the German govern- .ore entering the armed forCit' d d J M' . 'ment ces on a len a e aeome ISS10n Aven~e. . -VRichard M. McAlpin ("Ma- hay q!1e tratar-Porque ~peOH, WH,ERE. carpio del Cheri"), husband nas aSI puede ~no eeonomlzar. Pvt. Jose Valenzuela, 315 Corp. Gilbert M. Facio. ()68 of Mrs. Conchita Navarro McWest 27th Street, is a mem- North Anita Street, and Pfc'IAIPin, 704 South 2nd Avenue I Cuando quieran su divorcio ber of the 756th Railway Iginio C. Martinez, 1002 Co- has been honorably disch3r- I hay que ver a Carlos Robles Shop Battalion with the Six-, lorado, are members of thf~ Iged from the Navy, and is '-Para deshaeerse de su viejo th Army Group in France. 1713th railway operating batta- !back in Tucson. I-tiene ideas muy nobles! D I b I· . I D TUasON, ARIZONA MAoR<JH 4, 1945 CONGRA:T,ULATIONS Pvt. Henry O. Montano, brothers in the service: Pvt. Ignacio F. Elias, Seaman Mr. Manuel Cocio, 405 N. husband of Mrs. Mercy G. Ralph, in the Pacific area; Second Class, is in Tucson on Court St. whose son, Cpl. Montano, 2196 South 8th Pfc. Manuel, in Africa; and a 5 day leave visiting his paWilliam Cocio, former state Avenue, was awarded a cer- Cpl. Adam, in Belgium. rents, Mr. and Mrs K. Guzamateur boxing champion, Itificate of proficiency after -Vman 46 West Simpson, and was killed in action last fall in completing a special course on his wife, Mrs. Helen Santanthe battle of Saipan, has re-I the maintenance of the big I 'Bernabe S. Robles, 87 year Ider Elias, and son, 819% ceived numerous letters of i trucks which haul bombs and lold .wealth descendant of South Fifth Avenue. He has sympathy from his son's ma- gasoline to the Fortresses Spamsh land grant barons I been at the training center in rine comrades-in-arms and blasting Germany. He is at an and grandbat~er of .June RO-j San Diego and will report officers. air service command depot in bles, whos~ kl~nappIng .start- there at the conclusion of his England. Henry was emplo- l~d the nation In 1934, died ~n Ileave. He entered the Navy Among the letters of con- yed by the Gregory Texaco his home 157 West Franklin in November, 1944. I . . dolence was one from Lt. Col. Station as a mechanic before recently. K. A. Jorgensen, William's he entered the service. The disappearance of his I .~f.c. R~be~ L. Fehx, IS battaion commander. It states then 6 year old favorite grand I vIsiting hiS wife and daughter in part: "It was a privilege to -vdaughter precipitated a man/at 4~ South Meyer St. after have a man of his calibre in hunt such as the Southwest i serVing 18 months overseas in Pvt. Manuel R. Valdez, hus Ith e quart~rmaster corps. It is my commmd. He always per- Jand of Mrs. Annie G. Valdez had not seen since pioneer formed his work very well md son of Mr. and Mrs. Ra- days. While the search was at the first tIme he has seen his and was well liked by all the non R. Valdez, Monte Vista its height, June's grandfather daugh.ter. Ruben, who has officers and men of this bat- )rive, has been awarded the made a mystery trl'p I'nto 80- been In the army two years, ta Iion. He was in addition a '::ood Conduct Medal. nora, Mexico, reputedly to was an employee of the Espee great athlete. 1 watched him obtain counsel of a crystal-ga- befo~e he entered the armed the night he won the division A -Vzer whose fame was wI·de. serVICes. 'ddl rturo J. Hutton, son of ml eweight and light heaVY.,frs. Carmen Heredia, 947~. ;pread in. Mex~co, but the jour Cpl. Ruben Gabusi, who re,-- weight championships and he 3th Ave. has been promoted ney was In val. The ChI!d was cently completed his aerial fought a marvelous fight. He ~o corporal in the European rescued 19 ~ays later trom a gunnery training and won was the greatest softball pit- h t cramped prison box sunk in his gunnery wI'ngs at Tyndall cher 1 have ever seen and it ; eAa reo ~h d t f was largely through h' f rt has been overseas four- : e eser; aransom o~ .... Field, Florida, is visiting his forts that we won theIS e i: teen m.onths and ha~ partici- )15,OO~ for her return neve~' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John re mental championship g I;ated In tht; Itahan and was pa~d. .. B. Gabusi, 822 South Fifth . .' rench campaigns. He gra?uryI'.'mg are ~IS Wife, Mrs Aven.ue wh~le on a furlough "Under heavy enemy fire iuated from Tucson Hi and JOaqUInC! Robles, four :';ill1~: IpendIng assignment to a new he was very cool and self- vas a student at the U. of A.Bernabe, Alfcnso, Fernando· station. -v'md Carlos; three daught.~rs: -Vpossessed, the same as he was in the ring or on the ball Libero Ernest Leoni, son 'Mrs. Mar!a Gomez, Mrs Seaman Second Class Mafield. 'f Mr. and Mrs. Libero Leo- M~rcy M,lrhne? and Mrs. Joa- nuel Herrera, Jr. son of our "I feel that no greater tri- ni, Route I, Box 788, has re- qUina Kengla. deputy sheriff 2102 South bute can be paid him than ~ently been promoted to the -vEighth Avenue, was on a that he was an excellent ma- rank of radio technician seIshort furlough from San Dierine". :ond class. Libero has been in Our Little Bunny Rabbit, go. -Vthe Navy 20 months and is Bernard A. Aros, son of Mr I -Vcurrently serving overseas in and Mrs. B. E. Aros, 1034 E., Staff Sergeant Henry L. John Aboud, of Tucson, the Pacific area. He gradua- 13th S1. (or should 1 say ILeon, who has been in Tucpost judge advocate at the ted from Tucson Hi and is ,a Bunny Rabbit, Senior?) has Ison since December 28, recenPrisioner of War Camp at former employe of Consume- been awarded the carbine tly returned to Fort Bliss Trinidad, Colorado, has been 'S Market. s~arpshooter medal and the: Texas, for further orders. H~ promoted to captain. John re-VpIstol marksman medal. He is has been in the service since - ceived his law degree from Enrique R. Molera, son of at K~esler ~ield, Mississippi, 1941, 29 months of which he the U. of A. in 1939 ,and was Mrs. Juana Molera, 130 S. a~d IS a~ air cadet. (Wow served overseas. His folks rean attorney here before enter- ';onvent Street, was promoted r m gettmg outa his way- side at 327 East 13th Street" ing the armed f o r c e s . ; o sergeant. He is stationed but fast! Don't t~ink I'd bel- and he has three brothers i~ -V1t the Santa Maria Army air tel', keep on t.easl!1g my nc- the service: Gilbert P. Araneta, whose field, fourth air force, where ph€w about hIS bIg ears). iPvt. Tony, Corporal Julian wife, Mrs. Aurelia P. Araneta, he is assigned as an airplane -Vand Pvt. Eleazar. ' and daughter, Veronica, live mechanic. His wife, reHa, reBushmaster Mike McKenna, _ at 40 West First Street, has sides at 317 North Main. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike McEI Senor Jacobs Hene mubeen promoted to sergeant in -v~enna, 135 South Main, has cha cerveza-Y tambien de aEngland. He' has been overThe promotion of Manuel been promoted to Sergean:; in quello que se sube a la ('!Iseas 16 months. Gil, who gra- T. Chiaffino, son of Mr. and New Guinea. He has two beza. dUlted from Tucson Hi, was ',frs. Joe Chiaffino, 1012 On- brothers in the servic,~, Steve I -Vemployed as a mechanic at ~ario Street, to the grade of and Manuel. Joe Soltero es muy casado Davis-Monthan before enter- Private First Class, has been -vI-Con su madereria se ha ing the services. His folks, 'lnnounced by a headqu:lrters Pfc. Thomas B. Durazzo is destacado. -VMr. and Mrs. Luis Araneta, of a ninth air force service "pending a short furlough, also reside at 40 West First ::ommand unit now serving here visiting his mother. Mrs.! Le tengo horror a Leo CarSt. in Belgium. ~oyella Durazzo, 392 North rillo-Cuando agarra en sus -VGranda Street, and his brother uoas .. ni quien diga "pio-" -V-VCarlos T. Gastelum, son of Sgt. George W. Durazzo, who Sgt. ,Lucas J. Enriquez, Mr. and Mrs. Santiago Gaste- is on a 30 day leave here af-I Tony Urias tiene muy buePennsylvania Drive, was "1m. 431 Elias Street, has tel' 28 months service i~ Eu- nas. ideas-Pero, podra pintar ecently awarded the Bronze been promoted to corporal in rope. Tommy has been In the bonatas a las feas? medll for "heroic or England. Charlie, who has armed forces 1 1/ 2 years, and I -Veritorious achievement" in been overse,s 15 months, at- is currently attached to a Tiene muchas vacas este mbat. He is a member of an tended Safford School and military band unit as a mu- Don Gustavo-Si nos regalara nfantry unit. was employed by the Tucson sician at Camp Bowie, Texas. !una cuantas-Ie diera al puro _~_ .~Steam Laundry. He has three -V:clavo. I t MAoOOH 4, 1945 TUCSON, ARIZONA CHATTER Petty Officer Thirl Class -VWolters, Texas. Though he 9. Sweet Dreams Sweetheart Elbert E. Lopez is spen~i~g' Manuel Fimbres, fire con- had the moral support of hiS,1 There Goes That'Song Again ~ 30 ?ay furlough here VISlt- trolman 3C, son of Mr. and Mom at the last meeting, he, From (Carolina Blues) mg hIS parents, Mr. and Mrs., Mrs. Felix Fimbres, 921 South like Joe Vega answered, "II'There goes that song again, J. Lopez, 1036 South Fourth eighth Avenue, will be home have nothing to say", when We used to call it our sereAvenue, after ~6 mont~s over, on furlough shortly after ac- asked for a speech His bud, nade, ' seas. Elbert Is·a native of tive duty in the Pacific. He Pedro, recently returned from We fel in love when we Tucson, ~here he attended! has two brothers in the servi- England. heard it played Over and over the pubhc schools. He ~~s ce overseas. I -vand over again awarded the South PacIfIc I -VI Pvt. Tony Soto, son of Mr:>.1 I still remember when and America~. t~eatr.e rib-! Corporal Bernardo G. Leon'l Artemis3- Soto, 150 West Jack! I sang the words and they bons for partiCIpatIOn m na-, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cayeta- son, has returned to Ft. Mea- made you mine, val engagements. I no Leon, 1632 South Highland de Maryland after spending I'd steal a kiss and repeat --:,V- . Avepue, is home on furlough a short furlough here. I each line Pvt. OctavIO Pam, ~on ofl from Las Vegas, New Mexico. ......VlOver and over and over and Mr. and ~rs. Albert Pam, 318 He has three brothers in the Cpl. Frank Armenta, son of, over, and then, So~th RaIlroad Avenue, hasi service: Rudy, in New Gui- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Armenta, We drifted apart, you walked arrived home on furl~ugh' nea; Gonzalo, in Honolulu, 513 North Cuesta, has retur- off with my heart, it's funny fron Camp Roberts, Cahfor- and Armando in the SOUt!1 ned to March Field California' how one listen . nia, where he is stationed. Pacific.' after spending a f~rlough he- Just starts me reminiscin". Oct~vio was inducted into the -Vreo He was an employe of the I'd soon forget that yen. I told servIce on September 18, .. Bushmaster Mike ArreolC', Arizona Studio before enter- myself when you said, "So 1944 and was f~rmerly em- son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike AI' I ing the service. ! long", But I was wrong ployed at Consohdated. reola, 126 West Cushing, is -VThere goes that song again. ---Vhome on furlough after serv- A D I O S ! . -VCpl. .Fernando Raba~C', ing overseas. Mike was S' havy Recruits: William Ed CHATTER is published whose wl~e, Mrs. Ernestmel cial guest at our meeting his ward Netherton, son of Mr. every first and third Sunday Rab~go, hves at 526 Westl mother being a member of and Mrs. Raymond \iayne by Spanish-American MotheDaVIS Street, has been home our assn. His encouraging talk Netherton, 1116 East Manlove rs and Wives Association, 38 on furlough. Nas happily received. He used Street; Elio Carranza Guerra, North Church Street, Tucson, . Originally a membe~ of t?e no florid phnses to express son of Pedro Espinosa Guerra Ariz~na. aIr corps, F~rny now IS a.ssl~- lis sentiments, at being home ::)49 West 42nd Street; WiThIS paper for sale at the ned to an mfantry umt m 19ain, but plain that they lliam Ortiz Ruiz, son of Mr. following places: Maryland. were, they brought tears to and Mrs. Ignacio Flores Ruiz; Reuben's Arizona Home -vthe many hopeful mothers and 737 North Elder St. Supply, 187 West Congress St. -VLa -..:asita Restmrant (Nicolas Pfc. Antonio R. Sanchez, wives present. He has a broson of Mr. and Mrs. Bonifaciol ther, Henry, stationed at Abi.A ntn.,io Waical. Rur:ll Rou- Segura) 15 South Court. Sanchez, SP Section House lene, Texas. te 3, Rox 226, died in the Town Shop 135 East Congress No. 34, is home on leave after -V~ounty hospital where he was (donde trabajan las senoritas having served with the engi-I Martin ~errano, son of Mr. taken by passers-by who di~- Mary_Pacho y Julia Urias y neering corps in the South 'md Mrs. Martin C. Serrano,. covered him lying in front of la senora Vicky Cocio de LoPacific for the past 30 mon- 415 Melwood, is on furlough the Soleng Market on South pez) ths. A graduate of Safford Jr. from Big Springs, Texas. His Sixth Avenue, the victim of Huerta's Grocery -509 North Hi, he worked for the SP wife, Amparo, and young a hit and run driver. Grand ;Avenue. before entering the service. daughter, Irene, also reside -VI Sastrena de Rodriguez- 115 His brother, Pvt. Jose R. San here. 'FEBR-UA:RY S, 1945 I South Meyer Street. chez, is stationed at Camp -VL I::on't Fence Me In I -v.Wolters, Texas. Arturo Burruel, son of Mr. 2 There Goes That Song Again Ro La -V':'" and Mrs. Simon Burruel, 1016 3. Accentuate the Positive I chas C!s es due.no d~ muMarine Ramon L. Sotelo, is ~rie, is on furlough from Te 4. I Dream of You I que ti~:nv:as,~u.:nc~iio ~I or' a short leave visiting his' xas. 5. I'M Making Believe e an as es amp. as• .....--mother, Mrs. Dolores SotelC', -v6. Adeline -VR 3, Box 70. T~S Abraham R. Lon,na 7. Sweet Dreams, Sweetheart V son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. L<' 8. Sleigh Ride in July Oel Laos Motor Service es Pvt. Guili;m-;Moreno 401 rona, 47 West 5th Streel, i3 9. More and More d~~iio Don Walterio-Su serWest 21st Street, has ar~ived on furlough from Harlinl~er, FEBRUARY 10, 194!l v.~:o ~s esmeQldo Y de mucho in the states on furlough from Texas. 1. Accentuate the Positive cra erlo. the Asiatic Pacific theatre of -V2. Don't Fence Me In -Voperations where he served Pvt. Joe Vega, son of hlr!' 3There Goes That Song Again Es exportador Don Rodolfo 22 months with the Army M~rgarita Guerrero, 1004 E 4. I Dream of You transportation corps. 17th Street, is on furlough 5. My Dreams are Gettill:~ Higuera-Traten con el, porque es persona sincera. -vfrom Camp Maxey, Texas He Better All the Time Pvt. Jesus Nunez, 1020 So- lttended Safford Junior Hi 6. A Little on the Lonely Sjd~ -Vnora Street, has arrived in and was an Espee employee 7. I'm Making Believe Al ;Club Latino Ie deben las the states on furlough after "efore entering the servicE' six 8. I'm Confessin' gracias spending 21 months with the months ago. Joe was present 9. Every Time We Say Guod Para hacer bienes no tienen quartermaster corps in the at the last meeting of our bye fin Mediterranean theatre. :'\ssociation, but we must FEBRUARY 17, 1945 Porque ellos desembolzaron -V'lave scared him off, as he had 1. Don't Fence Me In Para imprimir este boletin. naught to SlY. ?. Accentuate the Positive DEA'DIS -V3. I'm Confessin' IMrs. Oasilda Valles, 68, .. -VAnother quiet soldier is 4. There Goes That Son Again 1504 Columbia Street. SurviI EI Tucsonense siemtJre COD vors: sons, Merced and Hen- ?vt. Carlos Colmenero, son 5. Saturday Night voluntad nos ha servid()-OOPOl" ry; daughter, Eleanor; sisters of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel CoI- 6. I Dream of You eso es que de nuestra raza .. Mrs.. Luz Escalante and .Mr~. menero, 1004 West On1.ario, 7. Rum and Coca Cola Dolores Moreno, all of Tucson. ....ho is on furlough from Camp! 8. A Little on the Lonely Side al papel preferido. j 'I l I I H A Issue No. 17 - -----_._-- T T E Turson, Arizona-March 18, 1945 5c per copy ~~.~;~~~~:~.~:~~.. '1 i":;::;::====C=h=a==t=t=e=r==--=---=-=:' nr.~~~~~~ ~.~~;.~~. '1 II i ~ f EUROPEAN ARlEA: •••••••••••••••••••••••, i •••••••••••••••••••••••• By Miss Fresia Huerta I Staff Sergeant Arnulfo G. Pvt. Robert M. Pacheco. I Flores, son of Mr. and Mrs. Is published every first and third husband of Mrs. Beatrice D. II A. G. Flores, 56 West KennePacheco, 1007 ~outh 6th Ave : dy Street. Pvt. John D. Ver~unday by Spanish-American Mothers and Wives Assonue, and son of Mr. and Mrl" dugo, 256 ~outh Main; Pvt. Henry P lcheco, 490 North ciation, 38 North Church Street, Tucson, Arizona, :1t the R.lymond R. Montano, 235 Granada, was killed in artion Nest 27th Street; Pfc. Juan expense of the Club Latino. in Germany. V. Ugalde, 1045 South 8th Pvt. Jesus Valenzuela, son I Avenue; Pvt. Santiago E. Roof Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Vale~­ All revenues from the sa.le of tthis paper are to be Idriguez, 240 East 25th Street; zuela, 442 EI Paso St. was, !Pfc. Jose S. Canez,546 South used exclusively for the erection of a Recreation Cenkilled in action in the PhiSanta Rita; Pfc. Adolph A. lippines. Huerta, husband of Mrs. Mary ter for the Spain::;h-American soldiers from Tucson. Pfc. Clarence F. Nunez, ILouise Huerta, 1921 East 13th son of Mr. and Mrs. Prospero -' :-==-=--,-,..,...,.,=-=~======-!- !Street; Pvt. Candido S. Aros, L. Nunez, 1143 N. 13th Ave·~usband of Mrs. Aurelia R. nue was killed in action in The. members of the Go- ~.4-00.4-00.4-00.4-00"""""""""""""""""""""~ Aros, 4007 South fixth AveI Burm.l. :1.ad~ Club a you!1g girls assoMembers of the (,Iub 1nue; Pfc. Manuel G. River 1, Pfc. Louis G. Ybarra, son elatIOn.• ~re servIng"as rep?rLatino who pay for son of Juan Rivera, 409 Ro"f Louis Ybarra, 315 South Iters of CHATTER. ~y Sl~­ the Printing of sales Street; Albert V. RoMain, and brother of Mrs. E.' cerest thanks to you, gl~ls, In son of Mr. and Mrs. this paper: IImero, Sanchez, was killed in action Ithe .name of the Spams~-A- I Albert Romero, 668 Anita in France. ImerIc~n. Mothers and Wives I --v-Lambert E. Puente, 520 \'/est ,Pfc. Paul Varela, Jr, 24 ,AssociatIOn. . I ~~I:~i~as ,27th; Pfc. Filimon C. ChaboWest 26th Street, was killed I Although your work Will be I ya; 401 East 32nd Street; in action in the European volu~tary, you shall .be well Miguel Bustamante' I PAOIFIC A'REA: area. repaid-you, too, Will have Jacome's Dept. Store Pf Lo' E M d b Carlos Robles c. UIS . en i les, .. served. Ed. Jacobs 885 South 11th Avenue; Pvt. WOUNOED IN ACTION Thank you, too, Mrs. Hor-I ,Roy D. Benites, 1140 South tenese Verdugo, Mrs. Elsa Joe Soltero 15th Avenue; Sgt. Manuel R. Hanna, and Mr. Willis CampLeo Carrillo IMaldonado, son of G. S: Malbell, former staff of "Chatter" Tony Urias donado, 513 West W,ashington for your past cooperation. ~:ystaLavoo;asquez I Street; Wilfred Davila, son Miss Rose B. Rodriguez n lof Mr. and Mrs. Monte DaviEDITOR l.,aos Motor Service Ila, 32 North Linda. --V,Higuera Mrs. Rosa O. Duran, 19 I.················ •• · •• ·• Rodolfo EI Tucsonense IMcKenna, has received the Otto Ruelas P H Alberto Brichta I urple eart sent her by her HOME ON FURLOUGH son Pvt. Raymundo O. DuFernando Pacheco :ran, who was wounded in It, •••••••••••••••••••••• George 'Parker ,Germany December 16. Ray is By Miss Fresia Huerta ~olan() 'Leon 'recovering in a hospital in Staff Sgt. Raymond C. Roo J IFrance. driguez. son of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Edgar Romo James Ward, 930 South 8th ¥ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ¥ Pfc. Rosario Ruiz, husband ;of .Mr~. ;Mary RU.i:ll; 370 S. 'venue, from the European INDUCTIONS Manuel Ynesta, Sergia Li-IMa~n, IS In a hospital re~upe­ area. Pvt. Louis M. Babasa, son nrraga Madril, Jesus Delcid ratI~g from burns he recel'.~ed. of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Babasa, Anaya, Francisco Polanco Va- He. I~ attached to a medlral . 30 North Linda, from Muroc, Jles, 'Alej'andro M. Navarro, Unit In France. Raul Rivera Leon, Arnoldo Pvt. Ernesto R. GarCia, son California. Pvt. Jose R. Sanchez, son Samora no, Benjamin Siuohui o~ Mr. and Mrs. Samuel. G3rof Mr. and Mrs. Bonifacio Torres, Arrcadio Borboa, Jr., I c.la, ~ho was. wounde.d In acJulio Gregorio Molina, Fran-! hon In BelgIUm, .arrI~ed re'31nl'hez.- from Texas. Master Sgt. Ernest M. Es- cisro Vega, Agustin Rojas Icently at. a ~ospltal In M~­ pinosa. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernal, Jr., Richard Mocha desto, CalIfornia, where he IS son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben N !Antonio Espinosa. 507 N. 7th Fisher Rene Trujillo Espino- recuperating. ' Continued on Page 4 Col. 1 Mejia, 391 South Convent Continued on IPaJte 4 Col. 2 za. , II I ____====--=-=--:-__ -v- I~ , .' '. '! 1 MAROH 18, 1945 TUCSON, ARIZONA CHATTER •• ~~~~~~~~~I~~~• 4~i ~Jet~' s::~:~~~yw~~sth~r~~~~ '~'~~~~:r regk~:~;" of ~~~i;i~s~:(~~~ ;:~~.~~~. j 'Be ' Cavalry Division currently and awarded the Combat In- ~ LEITERS By MISS tty Davlla serving in Manila. Promotion fantryman Badge. ¥ ¥ ¥ ••• , , , ¥ , , , , , , ••••• , • ¥ . 'o.'lb; \' ~ rT'O_1 was made for outstanding i Paul V. Vasquez, son of M. I From the Editor • 1. ,r . ,are a, rna work in the field and for V. Vasquez, 12'28 K 4th Ave, I' chmlst s mate second class, ' T t" Frank USNR brother of Helen '1 n- I' exemp 1ary mila Ive an d' ag _ has been promoted to corpo- , S. 1/C lI d 'Rossini, Hah • . ' gresslVen€SS during Lie aa- ral with the 12th Armored walan s a~ s, Wj1~ says . e mdad Varela, 109 East Mabel miralt Islands and Leyte Division of the Seventh Army has met with E.ddle ~OCIO, street, has been the 'I l'n France . \c'l St M d 1awarded f ' campaigns. , Gilbert MeJ'ias , Henry Rlesgo ",1 vel' ar e a ~r con~p~- I Cpl. William A. Raymond,' Frederick Eugene Gomez" and others. ~uos gallantry and mtrepldlt, son of Guillermo Raymona, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Go- I Cpl. Steve M. Mendez, Eelm actIOn as a member of th~ 628 West Helen street and mez, 731Y:! East 8th Street, gium., Your, souv~nir was be.lc~ party from th,e USS Staff Sgt. Raoul B. Lopez, son has been promoted to electri- very mter~stmg. (Olgan, mu~resldent .Adams durmgla~d- f M L'b d B Lo cian's mate third class. chachas, mlren que Steve esmg ope~atlons on Bougamville 936 ~~~thl ~~y~r ;tree~e~a~~ Pvt. Elio M. Gomez of 1319 ta muy triste; he says, "How Island m the Solomons, No- been cited by the 36ist In- South 4th Avenue, has been ~bo~t asking some of th~ severnbel' ~, 1~3, the Eleventh fantry Regiment of the 91st cited by the 3j~h "Dattle nontas .to ,drop a few hnes, Naval Dlstnct announced. I"Powder kiver" Livision and Mountain" regiment of the Fi- cause hfe IS pretty lon~some Varela, who wears. the P':lr- awarded the Combat Infantry fth Army in Italy and awar- out he~e w~en you do~ t get pIe ~eart, was cr~dlted w,lth: B d f t i t ' " _ ded the Combat Infantryman letters . HIS address IS as staymg aboard hiS landmg ma~ ~ ge or ac ua 'par lCl Bad e follows: crait, which was hit three pltlOn m. combat ~gamst the g . t" b h t'l 77 Cadet M.muel R. Grace, son Sev Btry 230 F A Bn u n enemy with the Fifth Army .lmes Yl' ,a t oSffl et t mm. gh . in Italy of Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Grare APO' No 30 .. . m a va Ian e or 0 save I S ' 1238 S th 2 d A . f critically injured comrades.I Sanl~tos pC. Perez '60sonS tOh cently ~~mple~ed b~':::~:;df:; C/o Postmaster At east 20 men were woun- A nge I a erez, 2 au. , New Y0rk New York ' " . Meyer street, has been pro- trammg at the Carlsbad, New ded ?~ killed m the actIOn. moted to sergeant at Muroc Mexico Army Air Field, winn Pfc. Jose Castillo, APO 27, w~uld ~e h h'~ from Nogales R.eahzm.g they all remained m A rmy A'II' F'Ie Id ,were e I" ing the rating of flight offi- who originates . killed If that ,stationed with a gunnery ran- eel'. says he enJoys our p:1per. . . . their exposed positIOn, he I t" i lViike H. Villa. ' Jr. son of Pvt. Armando T. Membriworked desperately to retract ge sec IOn. k' , , from the beach and although' Pvt. Albert L. Garcia, son Mr. and Mrs. MI e H. Villa, la, ~outh Pacl.flc son of Mrs. ' f rom 'h"IS own woun- of Mrs . ,Maria , Garcia , ",,"') su ff enng .....- of h 1243 b North 13th t d f Avenue, '_ JesusA Membnla, t' (Ymember boft . . I H'ast 'J.·hlrtyhiI'd s'-eet a as een promo e rom pn our SSO~la IOn. au · d s an d 1ac k mg expenence In ~ "., . f' 1 ' h h '1 f canb ek ' . Ia- ,.;n<>mber of the 1:.)1st Infantry vate a us h In dl mg t h e eraf t, mampu E 1 tod pnvate Irst c ass m ht at t ere h sots "M d ac d ng an . I ere,:", 0 car~, an 0 an t e d contro Is un t I'l h e was a bl e 'which mlde surprise landin'' . ,all thiS suffenng shall not be to clear the shore. Ion the west coast of Luzon, Pfc. AntOniO C. Sanchez son,. .) With his boat in a sinknig! was ree::ntly awarded th.e of Mrs. Carmen C. S:1nchez, m vam . condition, Varela finally rea- :Combat Infantry Badge. Pn- 1095 Contzen Avenue, has I Cpl. Alex C. Renteria, in ched the transport area, only Ivate qarcia who entered the been awarded the Bronze Me- England: (I'll take your bet to find the vessels had been army I~ February, 1944, has da!. Tony is attached to a of two "bobs" I don't remem forced to evacuate to avoid served m the ..Central and medical unit in Italy. bel' you, either, and I'm an air attack. Signaling another Soutqwest Panflc theatres o f . old timer.) boat along side he succeeded war. He we3rs the Phillipines ' Pfc. Damel C. Moreno, son, in getting six of his comrades Liberation Ribbon in addition of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Moreno I. S/S~t. Alfred C. Mendoza, aboard the rescue craft before to the Asiatic Pacific Ribbon 928 North 13th Avenue, has m China. . with two campaign st rs 'been awarded the Good Con-' the stncken boat .went under. P t C E a M !duct Medal in the Southwest S,arge, 'lour letter was m?st Adolfo H. Patmo, son of e e . .rena, son aI's.' P T enhghtemng and "amoozmg but not confoozing". Mrs. Lorensa H. Patino, 452 C. C. Brena was recently pro-I aCI IC. West Nineteenth street, has moted to staff sergeant. A I Staff Sergeant Albert LoiBelieve me, soldier, when been promoted to private gunner o~ a B-24, he went pez, son of Mrs. Candelaria you come back to Tucson, first class. He is serving with Ioverseas I~ September, 19~1, Lopez, 446 Elias, is a mem- God willing, what with the a quartermaster unit of the a~d has ~mce flown 30 mls- bel' 0 f the 158th Regimental' man shortage and all, you'll Fifth Army in 1t:11y. ISlOns against the Jaos. Eer- Combat Team which has been still be folowed around but Pfc. Armando G. Vidal, g~ant Bre.na, a graduate of Commended by Major Ge- not by the chinese so you'd whose wife Clara Vidal lives I .l'Ueson High School, was for neral Innis P. Swift for out- I better start getting used to at 337 North Court Street" merly employed at Consu- standing performance of duty it). recently was awarded the ·mer's Market. for the initial break throul!h I Cpl. Vicente P. Casttillo. in Combat Infantryman Badge., Pfc. Robert R. Molina, 664 in the mountain strangholds the Pacific: "Chatter" shall He is serving with the 91st South Main street, was recen- of the enemy and the sealing be m3iled to you, and we "Powder River" Division on tly awarded the blue and gold of the costal plain north of shall be ghd to have you pay the Fifth Army front in Nor-I badge signifying membership Damortis. ,our club a visit on your rethern Italy. 'in the 350th "Battle Mounta-, --V-turn.Oh, yes, and don't forIt's Pfc. Joseph F. Duarte i in" Regiment's 2nd Bittalion I EI Club "30" held their get to prepare a s'"leech! now, according to a letter reAl which received the Distingui- :mniversary dance at the Blue Cpl. Carlos B. Encinas, in ceived by Mrs. Rosalee Duar- shed Unit Ciitation for its Moon Mond3Y evening the Belgium: I have written to your folks te, 256 South Main Street, Igallant stand on Mount Bat- 26th day of February from, " from her son who is serving tallia. , he is a messenger with 8:30 P. M. Toastmaster of as per your request. in the Pacific theatre with an :his group; Sgt. Joseph R. ceremonies for the evening --N~ engineer battalion. Duarte has IRoss husband of Mrs Adelaide was Mr. Joe Bautista. The Miss Celia Ortiz, daughter been overseas for more than de, Ross. 334 East 22nd Street program fo rthe evening was of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ortiz, two years and has seen action and Pfc. Jose C. Gonzales, started after the President was married on Febrllary 10 four times. husband of Mrs. Maria Gon- Mr. Jose Montano gave a at the Holy Family Church, Robert M. Ortiz, whose pa- zales, 64 West Corn1 Street. warm welcome to all their to Henry H. Moreno, son of rents live at 370 South Main I have been cited by the 361st guests. Mr. and Mrs. Roman Moreno. ~ 4 4'4 4 J '0 ' y, ,,i '· 22 I n' f I TUCSON, ARIZONA I CHATTER MAR'OJII8,1945 Pedro Acuna Rea, 20, Isa- r RODEO jel Fimbres Ruiz, 21. L PI 't d S A t ' lD a, aZl a e an gus 10 Lewis Hyeron Christenson, has become prominent in all DEATHS 22 and Eleanor A. Chacon 23. ,city affairs and the Rodeo ! Teodoro Castano, 65, -.300 Victor Mendoza, 18 and/I was no exception. Daily prolW:est 30th Street. Survivors: Alice Morales 16. grams were held every day ,wife,. Angela; d~ughters: Mrs Prosper~~utierrez, 24 i:~~ya a;~~n;~~~ ;ya~h~r~~~~ 'I Jual~llta Longona and Mrs. Mana Jesus Cardenas; son: (Sacramento, California) Ar- dren of the City. Los mariaIEleazar; sisters: Mrs. Felicia- mida Olivas, 20. chis from Nogales, Sonora In~ Yslas and Mrs. Yg~acia --V-were on the scene every even with South their of beautiful mu, ' ,ing IT m uel az; b ro th er: Cesano. ,The Tucson. Boy s ChOIr 'sic from the Border. ---1,V-wIll play a Major role at the Mrs. Adelaida Morales, 7~, 10th Annual It.;aster service The Rodeo was held four ,209 West 17th Street. Survl- Broadcast from the Grand ,days 'February 22, 23, 24, and ,vors: daughter Mrs. H. E. C,myon. The entire Easter 25, grand entry was at 1:45 Il'Maxey; MARCH 1. Accentuate the 10 Positive 'd J'two sons; h ' Julio and t Sunrise Service will be short I,P. Id. Bronk Riding, Bull Rid: Sl oro r. w 0 IS recupera - waved to all the corners, of i ing, Calf Roping, Team Ty_ 2. Saturday Night II ing from war ~isabilities in the earth. Mr. Edward Caso, Iing, Bulldogging and specialan El Paso hospital. Director of the choir, stated ty acts made the Rodeo this 3. My Dreams Are Getting Better All The Time , ---,v-that 50 boys from the age of, year one of the most success4. Rum and Coca Cola _ Manuel Sanchez, 87, 520 8 to 15 years wil make the liUl ones. 5. 1.Jon't Fence Me In W 17th St 6. Sleigh Ride in July I" journey to the Grand Canyon. --Vr---7. Sweet Dreams, Sweetheart: Survivors: sons, Ramon --V-8. A Little on the Lonely :Sanuto Manuel Miguel ' I MOVIE NEWS Side i Frank, 'Andres a~d Victo~~ ,"Song of Bern~dette" was i Frank Sinatra, the crooner daughters: Mrs. Carmen Oh- given by the High School who put the l'IIation on the 9. I Dream of You AU'll~ ON DIE vas, Mrs. GUldalupe Rivera, 'students of the lmmaculate swoon was in the Oid Pueblo jMrs. Porfirio 'Terdugo, and Heart Academy on, Mlrch 11. and altnough .1 put on my ~N,ELY SIDE ,~vIiss Rita Sanchez. /The play was a big success. boobie soc.....s _ana. ran down I'm a htUe on the lonely, a, ' M ' ---V'-,--V __ I to the ..:lanta rtILa Hotel wnere little on the lonely side; t' ehx G. Ramirez formerly . he was staying I got nary a I keep thinking of you only of T..i.·u?s~n W3S killed a,ccide~- F~a,nk J. Cordis, forme~ ad: glanc~ of either the bow tie and Wishing you were by my tally m Ensenada, Baja Cah- vertlsm~ Manager, and ~ ~eac or Smatra. side' fornia. ;'urvivors: wife and surer of the . 1Jally CItIzen " , acung display manager Tucson IS agam host to ,Film You 'k now my d ear, w h en I ,'our children ' of Ensenada", .lOa f h T L d' ' ' ' 0 l' you're not hel'e, there's no father, Francisco D. Ramire~ /~ t e . uc~on Newspapers than S J.~e. ~ov~e fl u~ ~n d one to romance with; sisters: lli~fc't" led m, Tub c~on after I the Ouldn P ISbio 'le ISm e lon S 'f I' 'th I e Ime spent m usmess po- e ue o. hears t f 10 I 't' ~ seten WI sOtmeodne Clementina Maldonado, Li-Ilitical and Religious end~avo-Ilthis picture are already here. ~ s JUs someone 0 an- dia Rodriguez ' A nzona. . The cast includes Jennifer e sewith. ce . ' .Paulina' Cer- Irs m , E' I tt th t d vantes, brothers. FranCISco G. - - (V~ ,Jones, Joseph Cotten, Gregov ~y e er a y~u sen Abelardo G., Oscar, Enrique . ry Peck, Lionel Barrymore me I read a dozen tImes or and Cesar all of Tucson. (CeConrad ,Thibault and Ro- and Lillian Gish. more. sar, a "Bushmaster", recently bert. O'Con~or we~e presen-, Jennifer Jones who attaiAny wonder that I love you'returned on a furlough from ted m a Jomt ReCital Marl:.h ned her fame as a religious m?re and more Oh-. How I New Guinea) 1st at theJ. emple of MusIc: in the "l'he Song of :dermlSS your tender .klss and, ---JV-and Art. .,.... ..,. I nadetttte" will pay a fiery, long to, hold you hght, ' . ---JVf-Ihalf-breed Indian girl and I'm. a httle on the lonely Side MAiRRlAQE LIJOENSFlS Fred R. Pauli, Vi~e-Presi- IG~egory Peck will play the tomght. 'Francisco Coronado, 50 and dem of Albert Stemfeld & wIldest of the Mccanles boys. ----'V-. Mary Siqueiros, 40. I comp~ny succumeed after a --v~ Tucson has developed qUite long Illnes Sunday March 11. The Senior class of our an interest in skiing. Thanks Henry H. Whitman,24 and --VI--High School will give their to. old man winter ou~ mo\-m- Dolores B. Verdugo, 25. Metropolitan Baritone, Ale- annual play March ~2 & 23rd. t~ms ne~r by offer Just t.he Se S Lo z 24 an d xander Kipnis was presented They have chosen "Junior right skl grounds. Its qUitE> A vter? S· VPeld , l'8 i in a concert March 12 at the Miss' for this years produci t k e m y w ord for I.t . (Lo nasd aCla .N M) a ez, Sl.m pea b Umverslty of Arizona. hon. Y es, Mr. Romero, "0anFirst you strap on a pair I r s urg, . . --VIIny" to must of us is as always Gilbert H. Aros, 21, Tucson J The Chapel .at the St. Marys the power behind the Oomph of skiis, have someone give you a slight push and bingo and Vivien Venegas, 20, (Los Hospital was the scene of the of the Seniors. The play will clown the hill you whoosh. Angeles). ' :largest group of nurses ever be taken to Davis Monthan Of course the object of the Raymond R. Rath, 20 (Kau ,to be capped in one exercise. !Field and to the Veterans game is to go down all the kauna, Wis('onsin) and Ceci-I --V'-Hospital. way on your own two feet, lia C. Haro, 19, Tucson. "Abie's Irish Rose" was I --Vr---Head up, not as yours truly Antonio Sanchez, 22, and ;presented in the old pueblo The Ballet Theatre was Iby the Town Hall. presented at the Auditorium did. All I can say is that the Virginia Rillos, 17. skiis are much too far down. Manuel R. Sanchez. 22 and i It is.a play Where Jews can, of the University of Arizona. ,laugh at the Irish and the ,The performance was an outAll this goes on just 35 miles Carmen G. Ruiz, 18. from Tucson. Louis Villavicencio, 35 and Irish ('an laugh at the Jews. standing success. The First --V,--Genevieve Armijo 25. --Vi-IB:lllet of the evening was R.alph G. Pena, Jr., 22 (La!. Th.e big three Conference ,:'Princess Aur~ra"; breathtak 'Fulton Lewis will.speak in Tucson on March 18, a record, Fena, Texas) Geraldme Tor- IS said to be a good start on mg and beautIful are the crowd is scheduled to attend.' res, 25. Road to World Peace. words to describe it. lIlT 'PARADE BY' Miss Mary Huerta February 24, 1945 1. Accentuate the Positive 2, I Dream of You 3. Don't Fence Me In 4. Saturday Night 5. A Little on the Lonely Side 6. Sweet Dreams, ::>weetheart -I. rtum and Coca Cola 8. ·J.'here Goes That Song Again 9 . ~heigh Ride in July MARCH 3 No Hit Parade broadcast due to wartime curfew I ,TUC80N NEWS !Dy MI'ss Irene nl'az I I I I I I I -I' , . I I ! TUCSON, ARIZONA MARCH 18,1945 CHATTER - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . '---'- Continued from Page 1 col. 4 c.: •••••••••••••• 4 4 4 4 4 • • • • 4 ~Frank Moreno Trujillo, son'f PvL Armando E. Carrillo, Avenue, from the South Pa- \" PRI80N'ERS OF WAJ(, llof Candelario Quesada Truji-Ison of ~r. and Mrs. Arnold cific. I~ IN GERIMANY ,110, 434 S. Meyer St. A. Ca~nllo, N. Maple Bo~leP t M'k B k U Id J ~ -v/vard, IS now In Amanllo, v. 1 e ec ga~, r. • ••••••••••••••••••••••• OH WHER.~ OH WHERE? Tex'3s taking air corps basic son of Mr. and Mrs. MIguel Pvt. Aurelio "Chato" L. ' . ~V t . .' Ugalde of 1534 South 6th Reyes husband of Eva Saw- 'B M' F ~ -H t raining. . yer , uer a A venue, f rom Ca l1'forma. Reyes. :>30 S. 9th A venue I yPf ISSAd resla 1 h C M' d Ernest H. Romero, f'Ireman Staff Sergeant Jose Di::iZ I Pvt Arnulfo M Lopez son 1 ~: tho~. . ' Iran a, 1st class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pulido and his brother, Sea- of ?wirs Ramon Lopez '643: f th:"°fu t A IssI<?n, wasld~me Albert Romero, 668 Anita man Second Class Alfredo,' South M'ain StreeL' 'to e Irs men~'ant so Illerds Street, is in the states for a . . . h' k ' 0 en t er th e anCIen wa '1e w h'l f rom E uropean ae t'IOn. rare VIsIting t elr fol s, Mr. Pfc. Carlos Caballero, son 't t' T t . M 1 e · P u l'd f'Mr. an d Mrs. Loreto Ca-, c" :tJ Y t0 J.n ramuros In am a. B ernar. d A Aros , son of an d M rs. Manue I D Iaz 1 0, 0 H MI" 387 North Meyer Street an ballero 416 West 44th St ' Vb" ufan , 3'9tho EI?a .IS a Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Aros, 1034 . I J f II . . . ' . mem ~r 0 t ne 'ngIneer E t 13th ("t'ls . d t aena 1gtundne3r5 oe .su.ccess u y Pte..Mark L. Lulley, brother I' Combat Uegiment in Italy. tasM' t F>.)' "Id aBn kalr cf~ led comp e e mISSions ovt;r of. h-lrs. FI.:ank M. ~oronado" Pf~. Alfonso (Micke ) Es i- a, . In ~r Ie, a ers Ie , German targets; Alfredo IS d~ ~/est Washington. ! f M d MY CalIforn1'l. with the Navy' l;:1 D' g ",T' 0 h l' , b 21 'nosa, son 0 r. an rs. ",nIn .... ~n Ie o. , . J.v~ISS p e.la Us orn, , tonio Espinosa, 507 N. 7th Cpl. William A. Hall, son PvL Angel S. Rlver~, so~ SISLer ~~ Damel Gorosave,. 232: Avenue. and his brother, 'Iech of Mrs. Petra Hall, 415 West of Mr. and Mrs. Ant<?mo RI- \/est .,,,t\..... treet, and LIOnel '1ician Fifth Grade Robert I Wood Street, is fighting with vera, Rosales Street, IS home Gorosave, 0)7 West 5th Street Esninosa are serving in the' the 'l62nd Infantry ReJiment on furlough . has • been l'b . . ,) . I era t ~ d f rom th e Philippines. 'in Italy which recently.::> broke PvL Joe L. RIvera, s~m of -:.an.o. '~omlS pnson c~mp., ~e;:;l. SgL Manuel R. Mar-1thru the Gothic line in one Mr. and Mrs. Juan RIvera, uphel~a. graduated from 1 uc- .tinez, husband of Mrs. Lu- Iits highest and best defended Rosales Street, and husband son HI In 1940 and soon after '11 M t' 1235 n, t o ' t f M R' f Tu M '1 " n e a r Inez. nes n- sec ors. ?o~k eCraCIYI'fo I~'era, rom r- f~ent to tam a as a mining tario; SgL Monte F. GallegO" .... ! rnla. "If an d "If GIlbert can> f th U S Irm secre ary.t/< Ison 0 f J.:lr. J.y:rs. St eve G a _ Two brothers, sons of Mrs. ew 0 e h" . - - ,-llego, Route 3, Box 627, are Anita G. Alvarez, 521 CarN avy was h orne on a sort Contmued from Page 1 Col. 2 I 'th th 21 t B b rillo Street recently met in leave visiting his parents Mr ! lOW WI e s om er F f ' h f' t t' . d M Ab C .' ' . I PvL Eddie Diaz 832 North '::ommand in the Marianas. rance or t e Irs Ime.In an rs. e aneW. C ' . four years They are FranclsTech SgL Roy Gabusi son armen Street, has returned Pvt. Paul Florentino Med C . 1 G Al of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. B. G~busi, to the United States fr?m :Iina, hus~and of Mrs. ~anue- co an ar os . varez. 822 South 5th Avenue is ho-' .....outhern France after haVing la D. Medma. 135 W. Simnson Pvt. Steve McKennl husme on furlough from Pineda-j been wounded in action. St.reet, is ~~w at Ke~sler Field band of Mrs. Alfonso McKen. Pvt. Ruben T. Espinoza, MIS~, aW'.31tm~ reaslgnment t" na, 135 South Main Street, is Ie, California. Genaro R. Rubalcaba. Sig- ~on of Jesus Espinoz.a, 344 duties WIth th~ AAF. Jnow in the Phillippines. nalman Second Class, USN, -,outh Meyer, Street, IS n0"Y Tech. Sgt. GIlbert L. Prado Pfc. Oscar R. Romero, huss')n of Mr. and Mrs. Genaro at t~e arJ!1Y s Hoff General husband of JI~rs. P()~nrr() T".jband of Mrs. Lupe O. Romeest 33rd, Ho~pltal. In Santa ~arbara, Prado. 75 West Cushing, is Iro 1015 Huron Street. is in Rubalcaba, 243 from New York CIty. Cal~forma, where he IS reco- now flying as an aerial engi- Itthe hillipines with the 96th Pfc.. Frank Caceres, son of yeru~g from a bUI.let wound neer in England. Idivision Mrs. P. M. Oaceres, 130 West m. hIS left leg WhICh he reI . --V-27th Street, will report for celved on Leyte. Pvt. Robert Lopez, son of hospitaization at Santa MarPvt. Jose R. Martinez, hus-! Mrs. Ra~ona Lopez, 6~3 garita Ranch in Oceanside, bmd of Mrs.. Guadalupe R.I South M.am Street, IS now 10 California, after his 30-day Martinez, 221 East 29th INew GUinea. furough. Pancho, a Marine Street, has returned from se-I Three 'fucsonans are U. S. SlW action in. Britain yen months overseas service Army Air forces instructorPalau, and Pel~lheu, where he ~n th~ European ~heatre. He Iinterpreters attached to the was wounded 10 Septt;mbe~,. IS bemg temporanly tre~ted 201st Mexican Fighter SqU'l1944. He holds a PresIdential at Stark General HospItal, dron Mexico's first aerial unit Citation and the Purple 8harleston, S. C. bou~d for overseas duty. They Heart. I --V~ are Staff Sgt. Manuel F. RoSgt. Roberto Arriaga, son AIDIOS bles. son of Mr. and Mrs. Car-I.' of Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Ar- IB M' R Rd' los Robles. 339 East 23rd, riaga, South Mission Road. YM' I,SSC ose °onlgguedz 422 .Technical Sgt. John S. Tsagu. d f 1 h f ISS ruz H . e a 0, . f M d M S ahrr1v.~ I <?n Lour ou~ ~m a North Herbert has enlisted in nS'DsonT 0 .r. a n S rS' 6t.eOSpllll In ngvlew, exas, fh WAC' ve . saguns, 425 out h t h where he is recovering from - e s. Avenue; and Sgt. Alfred M. bullet wounds inflicted by HI NAVY ~avarrette, 857 West 19th Texan. I Jesse Gonzales Gradillas Street. ' Seaman 2C 'Frank Feli~'1 son of Mrs. Angelita Gradilla~ Pvt. Ruben G. Villasenor. I ~"m of .Mr. and Mrs. Corneh.o 429 West Blenman: Genrgf' son of Mrs. Josefinl G. Villa~. FelIx, 1250 South 7th. IS IVill~escu~a, son of Mrs. Hor-I senor. now residing in Cali10 Tuc~on on a 19,day lea,:,e I tencla Vl1lae~rus:i, 152. West fornia. is now in Germany after eIght m.o~ths duty 111 IBroadway; Gilbert Garcia Gas I 'lith the .. Anti-Aircraft Artithe South PaCifIC. telum, son of. Mr. and Mrs.: llery. He is a graduate of, Pvt. Reynaldo Ochoa. SOil Yldefonso Enemas Gastelum,! Tucson Hi Sgt. Rupert M. Figueroa, .. of Mr. and Mrs. Arcadio 0- 119 West 29th Street: Felix . choa, 1015 Huron. is on fur- Manuel Carreon son of Mrs. Pfc. Alex S. Rivera, son of 717 South 6th Avenue, is reslough from Camp Wolters, Rosa Y. Carreon. 311 \I. 18th Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Rivera. ponsible for the repair serviTexas. His brother, Jose A. Fernando C. Benitez. son of Rosales Street, is fighting in cing, and maintenance of OChOl, is a prisoner in Ger-, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Ochoa the Phillipines with the 11th Forts which are almost daily many. Benitez. 420 West 26th Street Airborne Division. bombing Hitler's war targets. I 624 l I 'Y !"lew I 'I