"V •,-s. i>* •iK WV- Ait>- 5. 1$49 * ' • » • » • Mkhi^anMirrar . Albert V •nBakcum Chromtlogy Ante Ac««tn!s i ^urrefU^omful W g M G - ~ Q . Msnnnu WlttSains May 5 Senior play "HUlbUiy j Gerald McOetxr- p u The icy jxnejnensi oi last Tues Slglexsj anpeinlae to the state *$q i Albeit Oayiji VaaBlafeaiDVwqe and Wed. oaused a number of Courtski|>" put on. Oayl* Pettier ©i Shiawasse county has uar control amwnierim\* was in- ^boxn at HoweJL Mica* Gs* i. accidents Jeanon Shirey who dies. High school ball team loses j <*«* case on his hands, anguaieied Goeftmcc ei .Mfch.1***. )h# saa oi J*§* and Ma* vent in the ditch Dtfe. night near I to Manchester 1 to ft to Dexter ^ 9 ° Rios. wiie oi a Me_ beer an New Y*cafs Day. Uon VanBkmcum r j * died at the School!©* Lk. is e g l in McFher I ? ] u to e. Soft ball team beats Cos-1 *>n hand has onnfoL^ He rje*nteedtn»<xxtti wUK— ^ fhaoie oi^his daughln. Mis, J sidy Lake 7 \o 4. Ernest Packer I ^q her 3 weeks old J a hospital He bad no broken I 1 ju:vd Lillian Kukasiewicz married, 'death. She is 23 yeaL old ^ ^ ^ ^ *• e x p a n d me Moore, in r onion Dec 23L but a cacJted hip bone. I Church Aews in 1886 be woe nwabed to . Wed. oJernoon tbn Stofflet News I j May 12-; Pinckney council so has a 19 mouthv 0 \ d SOI Jnry F*nsetutar who was swept *~™* S T A ™ Vbuo* the governor's office on te> Anna Jan* Marks* at Knckney. [truck irom Ann Ai^or anU a car I , \otJ8 to stay on slow time. J-Hop, iamU^ live at r^f.tid. f i ' ^ ^ ^ H S P i ^ leiornrwave only k> be ^Vrfrrd j * * children were bom to this un- crashed on the come* of Pearl St. Sunday Mosses. a « J 3 .n ™ held •kzxnes Livennore dies. F r e d N w happened J&c. 23. to years later in a similar "pro- ! 3 J01*** Bkuce of Pincbney and and UnadUla 8t M b cars were D a U y ^ a s . T » £ £ ° 0 0 Singer, Elaine- Younq ' married reason,the wornrvn gave w> test Williams now has the op- i Albert % oi Lansing- fight dau- battered up and * • two drivers Confessions Sat. 7:30 to 9-rr lean Shoup and Thomas 'Dofinelly she hated little ^irls- Gerak_ porti^nn* and responsibility of jghter*. Mrs. Kcrthryn Reasons* hurt The drivers were Preston S u n d a y s ^ f o i e 8:00 * c m ~ •m. mqrried ^ _ fi°W% Pinckney hoy the s o n j writing l i s own record during iMrs. Minnie Moore. Mrs Bertha late Mr. and Mis. Gene MJ Kruse and Otto Snipe both oi Ann Fridays-after Novennq Devo'ion* May 17. School . opeietta 1949 and* • 1950. Pettis, all of Fenton Mrs. Myrta Arbor but not related. Novenna to Our Sonowful Mo* -i Snow white and Seven Pwaiis" He graduated front Pinckney! Out chanter of this record will JKeiss oi Flint Mr*. Gladys Thurs. evening Welton Cham*!Fridays a* 7:30 P.M. school and starred in to) put on. Robert Rudolph dies Jiin '_ cover" his stand on maintaining Brown and Mrs. Gertrude Drown berlain had the hood and finder and baseball ~ \ tin'roughs shuts out Manchester ' law and order through the arm oi Lansing. Mrs, Bernloe Howell oi car dinged in when he coll COMMtTNrrr CRURC--> i u (j. Pinckney soh bail „tpCMU • We see the Democrat stat< of the Michigan State Police dur oi Brighton and Mrs. Ruth Ogley ided with Cyrus lathers truck (Congr*a€rtionai) beats Muaith. ^to 2 ^ Jng labor strikes, "Soapy" Wffl- oi CaHiA sen, Wm. died m 192a which was backing out ia front Rev. D. D. Biady. Minuter ral com. has refused to fii M«y 26 Howard Real and the recount oi votes in set Choir Practise ... .. Wed. N^ght / f g m s , so known to his Mends, For. 29 years the family lived of the posoffice Organist * f^hoir Director,._ Mary Ellen Cook married m Ann j ial race last Nov. between 1. bad the hrnaric support oi CIO south of Pinckney on the Hi land 1 Mn. Merwui C a m p ^ Arbor. Frank Dolan dies. Grand or Ferguson and Farmer 1 unions during the 1948 Jail camp Lake Rd Twenty four years ago MRS, MAHYPAYN 1111 , S. ^ 1 ^ ^ . . ^ ^ 1 1 7 ^ 7 ^ ^ 6 ^ 1 1 , 1 1anc ^ d e P o t ' Reads Lumbei yard gressman Frank Hook Oi aign. He delivered numerous they sold the farm and moved to l«5rs. Mary Perm died at McPh Choir Practise Wed 7:30." * Farmers Elevator r >bbed talks in union halls. He propos- Pinckney. Mrs. VanBlaircum died erson hospital, Howell, Sunday. Wednesdorjf- 4:00 Junior vChoir here Thuisday mght.L\til«» taken. iace of the returns Hcok was ed repeal of the Bonine-Tripp lab in 194& Since then Mr. VanBlair She was the mother of Mrs. P r a c t i s * . ^ 7:30 Senior Choir by about 40,000 votes. Hook Hardball team losci to Brighton or relations act He urged increa I cum has lived with his children Claude Fawcett and Mrs.Ciifford Practise^ ed his petition on the fact th 8 to 7, . ^ ^ ion. old age and mothers' pens- and sister, Mrs. Fred Smith oi Parker. Funeral wa» at Howell a number of counties there * Thursv^8.Q0iRSfe* Study at the l he in unemployment campensat Howell June 2 . 6 local Masons c: end mole vo'es cast than there v^ today^ Parsonqip :*(*'• ions, and changes in the state During his residence here be grand lodge in Detroit Common registered. 40000 majority is > " ' a ^ ^ e l — ' Sat, ^ p 0 FirsT session .of Pascement and alumni banquet held. try big one k> overturn ancV labor department His presi sec. sides farming he worked at hiB 8ENIOHP l 0 1 ' 3 Anfirrnatian Class 5k>ft ball team beats City Son-ice chances of doing so are ' was a CIO union eec. in 1948. trade as atone mason and brick Norma Stecker A Mitd Young 8 u ^ ^ m 10:30 of Howell 7 to 2. Hardball ^eani Thero have been many state "> In may be assumed therefore layer. He held several township M a tkmB n t o & r v S "J » r ^ a ' ? | 3 l * * n « « "Are-, the Goswa beats ;South Lyon 8 to 2 recounts but few ever ctycu that Governor Vtu^ams will be offices and served as council8 GaUup, Bt; Mary A n n ^ " f p e j P r t n y ? " U:30 Sunday Sch m most famoiis! friendly to organised labor. He is man In Pmekney for a number of Bt; Rosahe Nash Bt? Robert Am ^ June 9 Michael T. Kelly dies. the results. The ¢ ^ ^ ¾ ^ y 0 M r Memin said to have the personal bless- years. He was a very friendlv ^ w B ^ n e B ^ B ^ a t o l e y ^ o o - p ^ Fellowship Offic- Hard ball te«m beats Grass Ik. the one in the sen<rtorial rqc< F ? to 3. Cyrus AtLee passed state I ween the late Henry Far*;-; ing of Associate Justice Frank j man and a good neighbor and Gyde B: Albert Wqddeli Berfl m 6 e t i n g I bar exam.Mr8 Alice Wilson signs Tnrmfltn Newberry Neyb \ Murphy whose decision not to | never hesitated to go out of his t JUNIORS 8:DO Januarv Trustees Meeting. to teach at Brighton. Mrs. Grant won by 5000} *Jhe recount U enforce constitutional law and or way to befriend people. Mary Ann Campbell, A ; Lois Mon Jan. 10th. Prudential Com Gooley dies Although Pinckney to chanqe iw* Former Goy,- * der in 1937, when he was gov, ^ funeral was held from the Curtis A-•; Ronald Atkinson B+; hit's 3 home runs they lose thsd&gck had two recounts *we 1 and when, the CIO seised indust- <^ ar thoor Funeral flome Sunday Isbel Brady. Bf; M^iy Lou Gcrra first league soft ball game to CI [ve ofi CALVARY ;i»llssj«q^ils was unchenf rial plants, became a key factor l, c f t e n ! 0 O n R e v. Brady officfattna ner, Bt; Wm. JehWy Bt; Patty in^his political defeat two y«ctrs | B u r t e i w a s t e St. Marys cemetery Rebman, Bt; Barbara Slark< B- ME.SNNONiTE CHURCH yde 6 ).o 3 Rev. Exra Beach«y, pa»tor SOPHM0RES ' later. June 16 lk>b Dr^ke enlists in an Morning Worship lOtOO corp,Kev Allard resigns Soh ball President Truman is said tc Joanne Griffithi, A; Norma * 'Early on we. morning of Dec. 1 Sundey .School again considering the matfe__ .die Shcrt^eBpeare plant at Kakrrn \ AoMbulQQ Mien, lakes will be oall team be«;a City Service 15 seeking a special envoy to asoo was invaded and damaged renamed thjs^yeal? this is wnefo John Paul Ware Bt; Virginia Shi Young Peonies Meeting 7:30 to 3,Mrs. Josie Fick.Cnapmdn dies s i a to talk over matters w i * ; by a CIQ "goon eatiad" from a county or area has moae uau riey, Bt Marlen#s Schneider,. B; Evening Worship 8:15 June 23 Cecil Vincent loses Stalm. He suggested it during Henuy, B; CharleU Caird B;June Supt. -Roscoe Darrow eye in auto accident. Harry Pnsk Detroit A CIO official, acting dur one oi the same name. U persons died ot gun accidCarolyn Jaroslawski, B; Kcrthryn Ass't -\ JWaJier Esch and Mrs Peggy Jarlowski go on campaign but it envoked ing_ absence of top CIO com* much opposition not only i mand on the west coast, said he ents us the 1948 deer season, io Bobon. B. ^ Children's" SerVice^-.:. 11:45 boat trip. Mrs.fred Campbiil dies Rep. but members ol his • had ordered the strike demon- did last year. FRESHMAN Prayer Meeting Wed. Eve. 8:00 Dr W C Wylie, Dexter, observes party so. it was abandoned, bobcat nunting is now on in nor' Mary Jean Kirsche, A; Michael , * stration. Much to ^he embarraflsNORTH HAMBURG CHURCH 8Uth birthday.Lambert Hinchcy <S man he wanted ^0 send was 4 + " " ment of his bosses the lawless thern Mich. Gayioxd and Mio \£V*L £ L§rataik AtW|U^n..,BJ:;t(5warthoutRaVB mil** northwest 1 U u r a Neuaan marriedVhaVaball 'Tue'.ice Vinson The'chief of v 'ive"b^'hunt V*-**~ • Ttidrttar-MBBm publldty tag- tb'dve 1 ^ ' hunt planslHIs planslHIs wfck. w*ek. r Richard VarrSlambrook, R; Al- | of Pinckney) i . team beats Saline 13 to 2 icn then was that it would bf The lviason state game farm " " ^vged as a CIO ai:alr-JV grand bert Mroflocr- ftjfc^udy Aschbrenn Sunday School 10.00 June 30 David Whitley, iniant ing over the heads of the Vfc give away a dozen long homed er B. ' Jury is now in session. > | Supt J Maudce Leinbach son of Mr. and Mrs James Whit- is now -come out just what flfj Following an appeal from the owls to crow hunters to use as • " / '. Morning Message 11:00 ley dies Mark Allison dies Russ age Pres. Tiuman intended CABP OF THAWCS | Kalamazoo city manager, Gov. ] decoys, Clark, Marion Helms married. send to Russia. Itjvas tha r * "" Slgler ordered the Mich State Wmterkill of fish is here caused I want .to thank the Kings Dou* f Mrs. Lola LobdelUo teach at' Bri war between this country THE V". T W. TEAM M i c e to ae L-t in maintenance by the inability of the sun to get ghters, my Sunday school^ does . ghton, Sott bail team'oeats Fow. of law and c ier. This wa3 done, j through the ice due to heavy and all my friends who sent m*j The V. F. W. basketbal: Ram lerville 6 to 0 and Ferd a favem Russia, he, Fres. T-Jinan, wc bo forced to give the army Jecau£«_Jhe State Police inter- snow. Fisherman are asked to re- -greeting-and remembrances for wc^Jwo i^ssjses last week and of Dexter 2 to 1. — — — mission tcrdrop atomic bcrnbf Arnold Berquist H to venes in such « situation only port any lakes where fish are in Xmas( lost oije. They, beat Dexter H JJuP/ 7.. Ann Liyetmoijs an6 Russian cities. In the meant 21 and spfl^ even in twf gomes by , order of the gov.* following distress and the lakes will be opVincent UiRosa ma.-riii jt Dex^r matters between the two nati MARRIAGE LICENSES at Cassidy lake Thms night 'hey Wm. H- Cansfield dies, Don Boss an appeci" frarn a local law enfor ened to let the sun light in. Lack have not Improved and the c defoat#d WghteB here 4R to 28 12. drowns at Portago Late. Scf4 cement authority, the decision is of oxygen kills the fish auestion i** "How long , Vei Ernest Richmond, fo !Jewell, a n far 4he chief' executive to Only 08 deer were killed in Alball team loses at Milford 2 to 1, they will come top. showddw Mildred Thomas 25. •Howe. M-' make. Inevitably a similar situat legan county Dec. 1 10 compar Hard ball team heats Nr> \ 14 « v 0 ion Thomas 25, Brighton, PauHae WtttrAM-SHOR' ion~win arise JrT 194¾ ed WIS IdsTyear. 47 were kiilecTf Brown. 17, Bnglilon"; Don Leuf-r Wftl!am Short, a resl< «nt of 2. :ae whole nation iffqfrtit(\ i Governor Wijtems v/ill have in the special bow arrow season July 14 Pinckney mill pond dam 19, Detroit, Eula jjfluckey, 16, Bri p Lake, died at a Detroit atterson interest the rescue of tl)f l2 xU two choice*. Will he p^" politics ending Dec 15. goes out. Wm. Jeffreys. Mrs C ^ ^ , ilyers wao who were were strandifd Jast paving ©ft* a*«rmpaign debt., or The state, general fund is $880, * * * • Carles P.fLackf, ? t row h c s p , a l Palmar r*^i««*-j . . . uyers suanaemjasi « ..*:__ .^, u _ . . i . ^} lerville, Manone Ludwig, 24, Ox. 8 <w& b e en£'>rce the law imparti. 000 richer this year through oil i Bert ^ w WyUe . , ^ and / Rose * « * Neuman « * b " on Greenland tee A • ford making a survey when *&m t W>'v and gas lease money married Mrs..Addie' Sigler Pierce to' rnake a forced landing flev< w anftwet will be part ©x^his dies Soft bail team loses at Dex- attempts to rescue them f*?****' *"* ^ f 6 ^ " ^ CHANOE OF MEETING PLACE ed 35 miles away from the exper ter, Hard ba.'l team loses at Ann and only added to the The Pinckney £irde of KiQgs iment station where is was re Tom Gcode has returned 10 Pin Arbor,,, Mrs. Addie Hendee stranded. They were in little, Daughters & Sons will meet (leased. July 21 Gregory plane era ckney from Pittsburg, Pa. of death a s joodtents, The rabbit take^was no* very with Mrs>?va Reason Jan. "ft for Miiw Janet ^i&er~5^T T^t^ed"T^ W ICUBJ- iarm Puot^etc /were dropped to $T soldiers big this year. Hunters paid too an afternoon meeting.* ** Sec. ^ t m n s ol P a t t e r s o n Lk- unhurt rrarn rescfr rtanfff Finally d to her home __ in Detrc;: walter' tnaliy 1 ids was much attention to deer and there •pending 4he bo^o^rys^atthe G e o ' l H 8o n 1 8 T ,eyrnvni c ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ fii '^** M were rescued by a ANNUAL GUEST NIGHT noted brought here kx r # a l Monday, was a lack of tracking snov Thompson home ^ ° » « on Iosco school bd. pjane flyer who specialixes in in St Maiy's 6*tf**Y on his The 13th gas well in Livingston Livingston Lodge No. 76 F <S A Sunday visitors of Mr. and R e v D D B r a d Y accepts call to tic flying. 40 *re«rs ago proba parents TotFuoiBcar was at Chay county was brought last week on M will hold their annual guest M".. fr.o Thompson v/ero Mi 1^°^ church here. 5 local boys all would have been k i t Th the Elmo Kuhns farm in section 7 jtotte his ic^ras^bome^ffis parents. night cmd Vension Banquet at the ai.i Mrs Paul Keiser and fomiiy ^enlist in navy. Pinckney soft ball would have been no way to Mr. a*i Mrs. MicHael McClosson hall on Sat. night Jan. 15. Every of Detroit and IVlr and Mrs.iva team beats Eagers of Howe? 10 food or sheitec to them except to 0 s*-, o w n s * She George Roes farm Mason is permitted to bring one Nay of Hi land Lakedog sled and then they might July 29Ruby Collins and -cck |» ttaaabtag township, now own guest a non Mason if he so de Mr. and Mrs. Ead fiaughn spent have been located. Many no ad ilttjfc* conservation deptHa I want to feafifc all my friends 1 siBi *- *h* lull program will be New Years at the Franklin home McFadden married, also •lames artic explorers lost festr lives McKubn and Marie VonderBoscli ^cousin oi the Stackablee and neighbofs for the nice cards published next week. Nearly 300 in Howell ^ mong the most fomaas oi wh which helped so much to bright-1 attended this event last year Mr.and Mrs- Lynn Hendee call John Dinkel dies. 0 . 5 Le^widge was the FiwsHin pattr a>*en mr Cnxietmas in the Sanitar- which was started back in 1937. jfed on Mrs. Ned Chubb of Webb goes to upper penur.'tla with Th County League All o<ars and ium Rex Sackert pott master ot Ty erville Sunday •r v Hatha Miller xMrs. Leland Grant km Lodge ol Detest will be •oast' Otfn Robinson sr. attended the ^ F *** *»m™fn* champjoc s | M t court last week the «p ship. Gus pitches one garre Soft oi -' jr* *»^ installation oi the oiflcers oi WOT flsaeof Leaeard Ridenoir vs f >4f^Bv^«^SSSHS dsor Lodge F 6 A M at Canada Bcdl t e a * beats Clyde In 17 in- was a c a n a ^ | a e » » s n s s f j OLD WEST i^uHpI'lRSn^^^^^^^L »j^ewar was tried and takning ansae. Fred Singers ho;ne Monday night urt jsjSsatJgaioae bade! ride your wavftisy adrisssiertThe suit of r ** ' '• V S * W hes Robert Kelly and family oi run Hes ty* score in the 7th and of she Old Isjsjtfsong Code Ce. vs Joe jgs .^, fpe .J Conneticut are visrang at the j £ • * * I^dwidges * l t WeeT. sy^*.>r-- • • ' ^ " b ^ MM i s wee tried a * * then setm "*> ^winning Virgil Amburgey hone. Mrs. &?9« ^ * 1k» eett of Albert fieid vs ** atart bsBoang a Kelly m—Mam Land Co. was f ) iese* of Ifco The high school plays two bae f ke< bcrU games w r i here Friday night Sunday v*sfc»s at Mr and Geo. Meafaoa Sr. wase Mr Mrs. Snas Cetdutss and ^ ^ k - i i i r , and Mr? Cksieaoe I l o t Gattti esses w e l T M ^ m stencud aa4 Mr a«d sini &b**dOrWm+~ * I Herbert Bs4rb«n end fta !~*is?-J«*i;t^^ l r m Clraiit Court News fc.^sr ^ z^ sXr^««L^ •vV--; 0- &4':*& i\*z N L>-' ij PSTWJH-^ ^ feV-w * \ ' < • We4n*yuax, Jaunty & IMS 33 Clearanc i Coats *oi$ Hosiery Suit c!al Off ^ -jb •** off i ©ay s Oblj AH Wain Interlined Broadclolh Suede* Gabardine. Covert Zin in Uners Never Befere 51 « Sizes 10 to 46 One Group Orestes FIRST QUALITY Basic and Short Length AMERICA'S SHEEREST mm Dressy Styles Crepes - Gabardines - Wools Junior, Misses anU Women's Sizes 0 Were $1295 to $19.95 i I Now $10 Slightly Soiled M**m*J> M W HOLEPROOF * APEX - LAROS Save 10 On Your Spring Suit wt Coat A 1 Gloved M One Group Were $3.95 to $8-95 Now $1-35 ha8 m~ I . A Comedy Starring l e c t o c a 1 - Need an Oil Hot 'JITater Slasiter We have several makes the head and injuring him. Dough ' I jj erty claims the Howell man was ! -I P shooting his pigeons j 5 as well as All Bathroom Fbctiires |L^K Anklets Rainwear I I One Group were-$&,$$ 4 o - l $16.95 I I M 4 * « » |M% A F I Odd Lots y2 off Bargain Rack Drosses Blouses a Skirts Valu» SS.9S to S1S45 hand also oil tanks. ckhasgoMto Hi of All The O E.S. will give a dance Fri. Merkers orchestra feme Tupper is teaching-in} Washtenaw County The Wohelo class of the Feder ated c huich will put on the play Not on a hous J ALL SALJES FIMA PEI ROE'S Sor «TCXSBR I e Electric Heaters Pumps Kind? and f Kitchen Sinks. MYRON J- HHJGHES | e Telephone Pinckney 157F11 Repairing a Speaiality | Pr rcm ^ °9 " ^ ^ ^ e cm- 6. The cast is: Mrs. Mable Richardson, Smith. rWntfiy Dqrrow Irene Roy Campbell Wm. Vince and Azel Carpenter. There will also be drills and snog ing. • •**n Miss Maude Richmond oi Dex. ter is visiting Iva PlacewayBorn to John Martin and wife Stovi ;' Dec. 23 a girl f-, We thank Vern Reason lor a !"' box of persimmons frora Virginia. Ethel Durfee entertained a num her of friends in honor of May Cooper oi Fowlerville Fri night % C . P. Sykes is putting in a steam heating plant in the Mct Pherson home in Howell PHONF 3C4 . UAX Mrs Serena Snirfen, 84, died at V the home of her brother, Jerry Drown- Dec. 29. Funeral Tuesday t the holidays with Loz IvIrs-' "oldie Jtowman RevJManuel. Brighton c4fx*rtmg ( er, John Tounidy. She geve has c^uounoed <bs^ This issue contains a letter from ( ty at the hotel Friday nlghi ^n of her a augnter. Beit Lyons who Is wfth the crany jBoff pkxyed fox the donciVg" 30 Fioase c.^ Gr< to C u b a " I . • « • P«»»ont A luncheon v a," ser .Clio Ca John Murphy and hride a » ' ved.. Miss Mae i t a s o n was co- master u.ideti' visitiTKT his parents i hostess. died there Alice cr* Jennie McGuiness of I _ Mr and Dexier are ^«!ting Fannie Monies ' Emory Donieaoi Delrcit CdQdaughter u and. Welti* -Gainer ^ M » flha Hooker and son of Ann Doyle Wm. <3o3ng and wile w e i e m w Arbor spent ^Mndar at the Roy Ye«r* ouesH 4f 4ir and MEL ? H X>minghW' Jkome. Calvin haV Sexton a l HosPeR ^oue to « k r |Pack City on bust Farmer's Feed Supply N « w $1.95 3*U'r,'"- on A Complete Line of i0! A small deposit will hold your purchase on 11 Ford officials were here again = our Lay-Away Plan § last week and purchased the pro ' I perty adjoining the pond oi Miss ' * Is a 10 '" Savings an all new spring merchandise—bargains tea numerous to mention flMAL "THE SAINTED SISTERS" throwing a rock tnrough thj win- \f ^_L___T *AL€* , Sunday, Tuesday, lanuary 8, 8 I A public meeting of the Washtenaw county bd, 01 Supervisors has been called to investigate-the controversy between John Cox, 'county engineer and the road corr.rn. The oomm. asked Mr. Cox to resign and he refused The Spencer-Smiih factory at Hov/ell is working ^11 an order for 600 pistons for the Brisco Auto factory of Jackson \\ Gerald Dougherty, a Brighton w o^ir S3 9 51 " I I Take advantage of this SALE as there [ALL ^MO ° * and t Death oi I Veronica Lake. Joan CaulfleW co JL6 is ^ the^ "Birth Cartoon Glass Orchestra Worid3' by 'Dr.W.R.Cady. Bev, Wm- Ccnsidine. pastor of . Comlng:"01d Los Angeles'Inside Story' St. Mary's church, Chelsea for I 'Shaggy' 132 years died at the home oi his f 'brother in Detroit Dec. 24. He re- nifiiuTwHihiiinKL^^ S a v ^ 10 % ou* lay away plan* ' .in Q w wyour - » • Southern « * ^ w Vacation w For Or your Easter Dr#«* In Sheer Rayons -' Beaberas Crepes Just received a large iMpment oi Better Cotton Dresses .mall deposit will hold your purchase on 1/2 off Al Pearce, Arlens Haris Janet Martin, Robert Lower/ 1 f 'J D P \rr\ Vwmm^m Odd LoU bi Ja VIRGINIA" M i d W i n t e r P*Mits,'™ ^ Tf \s ! ^ ^ ^ K , s s t ! 5 Toilet C >ml>!nat oris % • a r Off ^^ large shipment. mQ «<*ai °f Jacksonwere Marysch . ^ "HEART OF J tire.-1 in IS 18 $4.00 HUMMING BIRD, VANRAALjTE A Good Comedy Plus A Horse Racing Feature with. f • 2. by ftey. Fr. Crowe• Ihey will live in the L. C Monks Blouses Off S SD.UU .¾I* *ni ** 11 Wool and Gabardine y 2 off 1 ^ Skirts 35 4 AVON Nnt^^ of ?5 Years A.qo <tC M l wow Limit 3 Pair to a Customer PAIR I Xhs- juiarftage oi ouck C ^ n ? oi iw*. W#d, ttui*. oiocxuj^uge K> Genevieve ±-icKeu Edward G. Robinson. Humphrey! rriday. Saturday, Jan. 7, * ci iViuniLi i& uanounced Vkii, zaueez. / i , cued at Rowe! Bogart, Laurea BacaU "DEEP WATERS" 1» hoe^ucu, bfxaJaxicJge, Dec 24th KEY LARGO" * The new Dexter Theatre opens A Dwna with Jem 15ttk with Lionel Barrymore, Claire Trevor! The Dexter high school girls Comedy Wrvxm Novelty Dana Andrew?, Jaan Porter an< seem to be going to town in bask- Friday. Sajuxday, Jan .7. 9 Cesar Romero etball They recently beat Chel fartoon aad LaWst Joan Leslie James Craig sea 22 to 4 Sun,, Mon., Tues., Ian. 9. 10. U The Dexter Leader finished its "OUT OF THE STORM" 80th year of publication last wk. Thta~ • I It also got out 53 editions in 1948 "HOPE" "NORTHWEST STAMPEDE' J j Miss Jean, Tomion oi Fowlerville In Cinecolor Drama in Technicolor • ' has been chosen to represent that Strudaa • school by the D. A. R. Jam© Lydon, Lois Collier James Stewart. John DalLFaxle: Mrs. Guy Blair oi Fowlerville Cartas ; | Granger* Sir. Cedric Harbrickj| tell down stairs last week, and Sun., Mon., Ian., 9. 1Q~ Cczrloon and Day at the Fair broke her arm Hat Suaaay, 2; 15 P. M, Continuous r ' Miss Edytha Smith has resign George Brent. Francis Giiford Sunday Shows 3 5 7 8 " sd as deputy register oi deeds Linda Darnell Cornel Wilde '. and taken a position in the Mcla Pherson State Eank. Wednesday. Thursday. Jan 12. 13 "LUXURY LINER" HOW GREhN WAS MY VALLEY I A new nonor roll has been erect in Technicolor A Rulsaue ed on the court house lawn at ( CamedV Cartoon News Starring — Howell to replace the one torn Tues., Wed., Ian.' Il7~12 RodUy Marshall. Waiter Pidgeon down- It is a white marble shaft "'FOREVER AMBER" Donald Crisp. Maureen O'Ha.v: In Technicoolox shaft 10 it. high bearing the names Carioo'i Starring of thp R0 men killed in World Shows 7:»0, 9:15 War II.lt will be dedicated mem- Jane Powell Lauritz Melchoir Coming: larr.bi, A f.ou'.hcrn Yank}'. orial day. It is paterned after one Richard Green, George Sanders Cartoon \ in Dewirt, HI. \ Two people were killed on Gd THEATER: River Xmas eve In an auto acrid THEIR DIMES JOIN ent. They were Victor Raper,59, Benton Harbor and Wm. VanBerg Friday, Saturday, January 7, 8 53 Oi Highland Park. Double Feature "MAIN STREET KID" Were $10-95 to $19.95 BEAUTIFUL SILK QUILTED Hats and SPECIAL Robes I We have just received a Long Jacket GUAGE 1 5 - 2 0 - 3 0 Denier Dresses 2 Piece New Slim Skirt Winter and Holida i [Lovely and Gabardine . Sharkskins Men's Wear Flannel THURSDAY, FRIDAYSATURD- AY Sixes 10 to 44 TflEA' - V * 4.. JANUARY StOtvTVide S v* * I 4 • • * ^^nmmmm^jmi^^i^^ji -v "W^lJ IJW'.IJI V* ^ ^ o ' . l a i . January 5- 1949 ^ , ¼ The Pinckney DisF<Jtch , , /fatter Peo Store ^-*^ R 3 *ardJes* ot It', Condition »t P * f « i : ' ~ ^v*rv i-h ery i e CJan Make Vo u r Old Car Wednesday c ^. i ''»n jut 1 <HL, *V. t u » - i n ' t , ) ^- and Act Like New deyeis, Dale i ^ o a v j ^ i ^ n i,.>aohu ana Dav.a j-o-i.va i aavo r^vjxued to u ^ c . La.-.eo l a v al s/Ci-u, and L- D. iic.ij.-o. With Uui Expert ! boJy, K - d t r Repair ^oifi-Ittc Brake Seivice i Mrs- Phillip huod>o.. •*M. ... i.vAis. h a y wiis-ii -i "i" T, on .,. . . bun- guests oi Mi. i ^ *% »* ^ : .ner McAieo j . 4 id i>^ yc • .. rk received a louo. < j iii i...;., , Nay last week stati;.._, 'V . . . u ^ d noi parents W C . J ^ :; ... '•aywxa- Uhio. .- : . . < Mis. V7 h Meyer c i r , . \ • ./ r e a r s Mrs. v ...... ...i - ; n h . _u of Ann A : _ . ^ . . ^ 0 . ax.a iam~y ci ~ c... c .id Gar in h u ^ r a..-* ' I n 7 Y:nrs gu<?i.;s oi !.•. i n-i ! wife o? JVm Clomonj, iv. ,. B. \ ! ..Lc.i Pi);-3 v. .-ro Go.\ P .e , 1) : <^; Doiicit a n d :un Vc:..^, i\ .-. oh hido a:.d hrmii: :-i U> ) Gents Furk ^i Canned i.-K.v. :•-![> tip:out Q:-:J, L_ Battery Service !8 ^akes f t e c /!p.parcel 11 ^ - . ^ : -r»^\*» |c* '-•- ick <J Ycur B..i::k Doalv \,..'\ ; ;i T-.i.i, (V ' - .% *- c. a Edv.-ia a n d v. "> - ^-i -.-^--.- *' :c -vera New Years; cjuc- •:> oi i '• -ird MtJ. C h a r t s Houlo :^ ' 4\ M-.'* | Ho well ^ 1¾^ Lament r C . -^ditla an:'. \'/Jb v,r:.u. •• . , .'..? iiolii.; \Vy:'.-J homo . \ eai's eve ity «.» Motor Tuneup oe •AS' !v; [ Wild- of Ann A i ' - r were S.m-iny 'j r Kennedy P-ro-ir; ! Oi < an * »i."^».. ^^^6HBI^2i3 ^ R r - 3 QOOO NEWS tOSlGHT/ ^ 'vi:l-ro * A «K.. -^:- . / « • * ^•f'-r**fr[ * ^ H A ^ •***><» • •• i.. v • *1 >-- - T - ' r don-o : 1 nf J '• : - .'.. ' - ^ • o ^ v *fc:».w K T < f l » - * ^ ' A r « > l k . j - t . ' . *., FOR DEAD or DISABLED STOCK KORESES rv5.C0 ' Lc-/."d'-.- ' ^-v- ::d I! v Year s w/..h ' Aoii., : ; ; jvh- Moblo S^ii'.''1 or.!.! da..;r<--: ; ! a!- i'z-' oi South Lyon ci)]''.u al '... ' , ivn'5- Maijorie Calkn,,, a n d cir:u «' iiOnj cd tho h o d bi^Xrs ! i ^ ioy " hliL, V.. dor !V:ho:: o-f '>.••••. \ I ; : ^ n : VvoA. with Mr .an-' 1^-:,. hh ' i - t Dviro] ) omo N.^v/ Years. i 1 Re!-, dl Cia? : r, -.d wif- c{ ]r,n t wa-brt ^'.-a-h v;cnj Sun. v;-.••to--; at »ho V/alter Clc-r1: homo i Bilj.o Ciark vi-vitcd at ho }".:! | C!arh home in Anjf-Arbor K^w-f; Yc-axs V':;'jer» *L' jMaf^<>^^^ ;.r :¾ -¾ 4 <.:' t i n P ' ^ ' i 1 cc:lc:rl CAj-flE "5.00 l i t - . HOGS 51.50 Cvrt, ALL ACCORDING TO SIZE AND CONDITION CALVES, SHEEP and PIGS REMOVED i'REZ r- * i Ed\i; fS^' Earl Gchios and iarni'y ci Ho// i .Hod a' tho An:':c:-,v d: : ^:,; ocll L e v : dunday , / :;,; ;c.:j K c i / .07 ; I o .: d IIov.:eli sp2nt the weoJr'vi^d a1 d e i/Tuoay Kennedy h v rno Dr. V/ C V/ylis and -vde of D Lor v/oG iVsv/ Yeato rj1-^''!', o-! r and M:5. Andrew Nc:L..^ Mr. e n d M.c. A:odro-.v v - ? ! . .'t Mr. c-vi Mrs. Ac!:or V ; yd:, MrrBert Wylic, Fred V/yho ir.d a. 1 ghter, Ma-'/, attended opon h -•'• *)n:- -hoiae oi-Dr^- S c a r c e d r i ; d .-.-j ;r- Detroit Sun h o n o i d j their A'.'i'licxc. Drudoe. who on •<.. .xat ;.'- .-1 dhch., S'.a'.c- ^o.c;. ,• : .. <.,• . . o r a n a .aiuv/ -.-0110 r< T\. v Years pa;- / oc tho . ,'•• Robert Bird in vVayno • . .j- . 4 -*Xi 1 - -rf^if^ r <* j o b . V:jL!ro n e w r ' .•-.) ..>" # ,r d^ % warr.?, .".-.••, CL :O;.» c:dd, • -^^4 td. .L-J'-VS to (:)\j'r r >':f i (1 1) . ^ I, . ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . 1 ^ 1 1 . ^ ^ ^ . f -• • • , • • - : ' ; ••;•*• 1 T«; •/-ai^a* 71 j r^-; . ^, •£>* 1 i*f-;-i — / . . ., -siii^." rr—7 r^rfS.—jbCCf r A ' :TiO-f—d*CUiL._ for Fdirhopo, Adc<. 1'ri. , h o a r s gac^.-s ot Mr. a n - , :1.:. -i VanKorn wore 1^*. divi'«.i of Howeli, «aok A^o -..:. jEdva Brov/.i a n i . . . ; | ^-^^- 4 44 + 13= rT •Vmy 11::.^.^ : — ; 6 . : .1 -T^ -^ . 4 ^ ^ r _ .. Mrs. hay tachus c . ?f •"• ._//, . ,-^/-/ P'/" &» • J.».I c a l L - ' i _'. .G 1 / iay - ft|Cl*lC COMFORHRS . . . TH WITHOUT WEIGHT t'U sictr c«<icr. 'leep sounder, ju.omauc elcurk comforter. ELECTRIC COMFORTERS . . . EASif.y STORED AND CLEANED a n d c l o n i n g bills. Real eci.-u.i.-.' ,.*! ^^^fe^. -^^,.. . / • • _ ^.».-. ^ . * i.c_./-v„ . 01 UiUivi i»o^--:.-> hi j > a c t i o n with Mr c o u ...«ai3on br. duzzaid e n d Charles _d'jd on the iormc;rs un Buzzard of Cia:h3'ion |ho 1- 93 yrs. old c o d stdi in health i84 EAS7 JJli-JN ST. D ., '. Amo oi h o v.-oil a n d .„ -m a n d I c o n , . Port v.d.e called at the Curlctt 1 i:.v/ / e a r s Eve ^^.^ ^ i 4 l I i ^ V o i ^ e i and soii ^^- a n a ivLs. W. C AtLee enter Lo VcrnBlraicum and ^wiie ^ ^ _ ^ ^^.^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y . ^ ^ & a ^ H a x r y ^ s s e l c m m y ^ l. ^i' / I t':r .-.1 4^» *"- .^// '•••• A*d*Sf:7te»'';v.:d'd • V"'*-^ ^ 1 » . -. i vv>*t Conn, aro vicduig ^ ^ Lut&iQ n o m e a i r g w i u ' . u * . ' vva.uaoo, t h e ikulon tamUy o i Honry Gilbert horne-^ ^ x^ U n a ^ U B ^ J 1 2 Uin iiy u^d ^o^uiwes^ ' l w n i o n a i Jid-and iVjis, . ..... o/ v.ue 1 1 ^ - * - _^_. ^ n i I | e y v ^-^ e ^ /^^JJ^ Ar*x>r *-»cur'i. /•;mmermaa Sunday o I club at a New Years ' * iGy at Ann Arbor Mr and Mrs. how aid : Xeara at the M E. eniertained a* Ivew £eur'- ... o^i.auy ' Jimmie Bidweil of Brighton s p e # Herb F ^ner and wi .. ^o^ an d Mrs n e a Keaa ion ior, ^ ^ ^ ^ Cam^)dl) ^ ^ , i a 8 t w o e k a t tiie Ben V/hite hone." Hocnsbaw bos Head and wite and Do:, d.,~~ Yoiic a t y last weeK n » | g u e s ^ ot th.: 1 ^ - ^ P^enls, Mi. and M » Ca4 it to spend #ie out and wile Lidweli came ior him Sunday will go to rla- lor! » uoa. John. Howard Bead and iamhy rpent :ubert Leawidye and family of Hubert Ledwidge and family d ^ V eaaur larjidy at .Mr. ond Mrs. E L McKMey j ^, ^ ^ ^& ^ - ^R < J V 1 Q ^ o a U w i ^ ^ . pKyl Lewis now New Years at the Wiide hcrai of fcrducted inio the in Ann. Arborm e j e n White horn* have gone to California .io,.e oi Mrs. Eleanor Ledwidge. Mriu Kenneth Wylie Susday r Miss Edna K:x t end Id .. / ¾ bI UL . Cli; , a r t SC:d to be hii W.H-Clo^ writes thof Ae has M; qnd Mrs Edward Grab^ick Mr. and Mis> Wm- ~~ ^ e l e e ^ a w e r Auncaoan oi Marion ca.^d ; . ^gaood on I li u . a> 0.,:1 ^.:.-.. Buffered c slight £lroke but is re v Justine Ledwidge) left by auto New Years eve guests of S b i e i # oind 4ie Andww Campbell home New jAlMIP - cov-dnq frcm it. for Calif, last Fri vi a Texas l,.jbitt and wist end *4Mfa»-Years T B s * Udwidge. Mr. and.MrsW.RKetd«m v:rV*s ircm van The Marshall and Leon Meabon Billy Sheban of A M I **K '/ i Ma- Nellie Vaughn entertained 1^^ C o y k attended- the funer Nuys, Calif, that Mr- Ke.chuiA is families were New Years gaesi* epen* O i e f i a r l t e t m 1*nto fer N«w alflfM * EBen Udwidge » e h a n inuch brtlw ^cmd ^ e y nxry return at the George Meabon j * Home Mn. -,^ gt JPejsXr Teiwrip/ IP if-- r> r i :2*M&&M 1¾¾ < ' -»3 * • * rj & f*f >ISPA- » «:i We've ant it COME AND PWfESSH»UL CMNER taScei/ u ;••« ft. nay ***** *•• ** SEE IT! THE M A R V E L O U S .*•» NEW •CXVanWinkle i**w* H:uO A. M . kTfcQO P. M. I Hest Stale and Savings Bonk Weo***aa« I HowoU Mtrhkqan " \ .RONER > ! |MoiL,Tue*JftLSQfc 7tuvio<fc>m. • . t«: I*? Cemetery Memorials DR. O. B. McCLUSKEY 924 NJdam &Ann Arbor.MloJt M Deans* Karold Chubb. 112*» North Michigan -^¾¾¾¾¾. Local Representative Telephones NEW ^lY-flNI?* IIONIITI 51* Fleming SU Howell /• 935 Residence 814 ,////////?"'<; Phone Howell 439 or 97 Evenings by Appointments Smrtttt 9T Ml IMN»$ Monuments Howell Michigan __ I I ISEI -A •VAX _ SNEEU Co^i^t^^ymtJ^ye^ at 3 at Law m 19» -207½ E.Grand River Brighton. MUh. HowelL Michigan | Phone 13 Estate. Insurance3xokerage !pho^r"l57FU City* Lake and Farm Properly MYRON J. HUGHES Plumbing and Heating A Speciality 8717 Lakeside Drlv* Slate List Tour Property wtth Mo Rush Lake ~LEE LAVEY General Insurance P. H. SWARTHOUT & SON Phone 59F3 Funeral Home Pays for itself in laundry savmfK ickney • MJcniqaa Don C. Swarthout. Director New features galore! TIMEModern Equipment ' X U C T I O NEER TESTED—women have proved Ambulance Service Farm Sales a Speciality Phones 39 & 83* Pmckne^jglch, Ironrite's principles rig?U for over BERT WYUE a quarter centuryl FRED C. IQ2CKHOFF fcrlone Plnckney 78F2* OPTOMETRIST STANLEY BERRIMAN 120 West Grand River Ave* ied 1895 Attorney at Urw HowelL Michigan * Be sure to come fn and see t&t sfcOsf 207 H E. Grand River . Howell ituxy «i quality ironer build For Appointment Incorporated 1915 wanted of all ironers . . . New, "RhylsV Pi >ne 358 Residence 813 ^REr^fiATION^sSViaE won't just take our word for itl mic" Ironrite, the only complete HAROLD RADY LLOYD HENDEE ~~ Cw7 Mggest Ironrite boosters are the on the market! Repairs on All Malces Live Stock Hauling essVoj who have bought and used Iron5 1 3 i Phone ^ ^ ^ • Y . J * ' _* Weekly* Trips Made to letrelt When you drop in, we promise to rites through the years. Now, you'll see m0 C. J.TOWNER General Trucking you the amazing MV features and this built-in Ironrite quality, along with Dentist < Phone 64F14 _ ^ the time-tested ones that Ironrite ! SOW, amazing and modern Ironrite 8044 Portage Lake Road, Deleter "CARL JONES* c °< c! ped and used for over i Improvements! Phone Dexter 3481 , Concrete Products. Gravel NEW YEAR 1949 * To Each and Everyone of You We Wish a Happy and Prosperous New Year JANE TASCH .Wfr SolL Road Gsavel ' Sand. Top nil Din and Road Built Many questions are being ask- Letters or Any Papers Composed | «t & Contrac? ed about 1949. Here are some of or Copied at Your Convenience ^ ^ j ^ L ^t^ All.Work Confidential | 7 6 2 8 Toma Rd. Plnckney Rte. 2 them- What direction are prices going to take? Will 1949 be as 747 MakuPlnckney, Phone 50FU j f^onB Dexter 8119 Kennedy and family, Mr and good a year as 1948, What will Mrs. Murray Kennedy, Gertrude Congress do? A f t * WANTED:- Baby sitting and *dd Any answer to these questions W f M f Spears, Lyle Euler and Bob Hor WW IMtlWl / X f , f f t jobs Bm brady_Phone 164 ( could be right. No two politicians me ^economists, or business men wou LOST:—2 Beagle pups, one is ' ^ HORSES $5-00 CATTLE $940 ^''J?***0 RofrigeraTo7 Harold Nuoffer and wife of Holt Id agree completely. enerai HOGS $1.50 Per CWT. WnWn" I ? Hocwte ^ good condit. ft n. brown. black and and white white «mT and" one spent the week-endwith Mr and The best answer, the American black ion. $125'00 Depending on Size & Condition Will pay reward for return. Mrs Lloyd Hendee Calv Sh answer, to these questions is to XM^A . . 1 * * "» Removed Free ^ ^ ^ Jay Shirey, phone 72 Fred Ward and wife of Chubbs determine what each of us as inO l l\LE:WtU seasoned wood, Mettesn Equipment Capable Men Corners spent the week end in dividuals is going to do. Let us FOR SALE: Two Simons sludio icord or tnsl kxtd Also apples. E. L. Parker. Agent Phone 88 Plnckney . davenports cheap. breaktest George Detroit Qiart>onneau. 9040 Farbe economical cmd buy what we The FASTEST Dead Stock Service m Michigan Mr and Mrs Robert Vedder en Jean afford to buy. %Let us follow table and chairs . ladies coat, ly Rd, phono 161F1L Mrs. Skinner phone :59 tertained 50 friends at a semi for the sound business principles I FOR SALE:Montgomerv Ward mal party New Years eve., feat. which havev brought our country | FOR SALE: 1937 Buick 2 door, fuel oil heatinn stove. Good con. uring cards and dancing ditto*. 910 W. Main &L from 1776 to" date. Let us tell Con- good condition and good tires. Miss Marjory Trost, Jimmlo Han gress to legislate with these fund- ) Willmont Plummer, Patterson FURN ACR SALES & REPAM • Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hendee en Miss Helen Cooler of Howell 'ce, Pearl Trost, Barbara Cugath. Wentals in mind- Then 1949 or Lake. ELECTRICAL WIRWO-"* tertcdned New Years eve, Gerry was the guest of Miss Alberta Marlyn and Lucy Trost of Dear . lany year will be a good year. R. L. POND, Mortage Lake FOR Sale: ... 19.-(9 Oevulet bom spent last Tues at the An Eichman and family. Ambrose Dinkel one night last week ' Phone Dexter -2538 Sedan 2 doo? Lawrersre Baugbn drew CamDbeli home ^ Phone Pinckaey ^51F:3 rurl SALE: L^g. Ciimu£ FOR RENT: Modem, * Room Coal stove also black Chester 9.' Max Reynolds told COS*: A savings Account can be open Apartment _jCall 70F3 545 E- Putnam St. Pinckney mdh tun HALL; .... 22x52 n. F i with a» M o as a $1 bill. \_ _Tele. Pinckney 143F2 Money to kwn at reasonable ? j < H?? ^ m ttncKney. Money rates. Interest paid on Savings FOR RENT-Five Toom farm ^ 1 ¾ ^ ^ '^•Wed unm Dec. 0 8 N W o f 1.194a Right reserved to reject looks and Time Certificates of i 2 ? 5 ^ ' * i c k n e y . any . - all bids. v electricity being installed. $15 a Deposit Box ifa Plnckney Att deposits up to $5000.00 insur- month. Inquire Dispatch office. s>iner,jac D2sP£NDABLE:Baby Sitter,35e an an ed by our membership in the Fed t\jR ritiNT: A Two Room mo&-\v*+r£*vus*iavbiB<iBy partly furnished:1hfao^ Call Vivian DyorPmck^T M o r a l Deposit Insurance Corp. -*** qpartment, atam r ? ce* adults only.is phone 141H Over 80 Years of Safe Banking ^ 1 ^ suitable for 2 employed <people.| ,., ,Jf, , . l Thomas Murphy, Phone 108F4 f& mtA* ¥v-V \1 g} I E - Main St Pinckney , Cement ^ 5 ^ 3 1 ^ 2 ¾ ^ ¾ ^ tun Motor and aSALt::Air circulating heater.Windmil'fUa Of ^oetric, l/tiHry TrauSs^dl [sizes bf Mhour, da/ or Week. WiUiamr ^Cooper ~ ' SALKo & RENTAL FOR SALE - . 1942 Nash 4 door ~ IKRV1CE w Sedan E.Bock Portage Lake.j*6121 —• Weet "•— Grand » . . — »*.w-, »—River, Lake FOR S A U i K c t e ' ^ b r c e l a m ' b a h ^ ^3 5T4 W e ^ ^ h t o n . Phono Hew tub. Mrs, Harlow Monsell j f j * fc-Mich. - —pffAMTEDrTo^ buyj an outsideEarl 'Gallup •"OR SALE: Chev. Sedan DeU-.{toilet Yetiow Hnl^qrd vry (Panel; 1940.. 2 50 g a l U ' — Mervil Gyde barrels Emery Hajnal ^ 1 ^ 2 °¾ _ _124 Tfplady Road TeL 55F3 I ^^ 6465 Hinchpy Road , ^ OR "SALE:-30 Whiti" RodTPuir-! F O R -^---3 Christmas Tr#ee \ it laying eggs. $2.50 each. Northern White Pme, W S * • .,44 Coons^053 Richardson Rd. ,Spr-*cO' Colorado Spruce. ^ ^ Howell Rte. George Charboneau, 9040 Farlty FOR"6ALEnSand new Roy ail rU Phone Pmckney 161FU mmmm* IWuT person, or peflMpt ^Oussttportable typewrUerAsiod only two hours actual typtna. ^ 9 my bicycle from befisW Inquire at the Dispatch Onto*. eje* garaoe return same andl • • • ett rmihle Don Tlfi(irnl.le LOST: 2 Dogs* one" 4 while feet 1 yellow col*. fcetV have collars Gust Hannaman OCTRA WCOME FOR YOU your growing crops a few head of good live t to increase roar sarm pro ABES AOTO f Jfrtp We nv-ke loans to buy feed, tUEaet GrandIttnet '" and market hveetock. We. interested in ftnancina; any WMm&XBA* moil reasonable reryosjaoo. YOim CASttBY OS. aom EVERYONE'S TALKING ABOUT '«.• fm$»ib McPherson State Bank Lavey Hardware. Dead c t Alive' S 0 1 2 Central L i a d StoekCo C c n R o q d [ a —^i# 'McPhsrwo State Bank Pin I QUALITY eats Groceries Fruit Vegetables t Fish Service Market Prices Courteous Service ffErTEN OOR NKSRT DBPOSRORY Clarks Mr. and Ma- Leah CojU Htm Y«cm gum* at &• emsr MA2 2 ¾ ^ BANK em Cedar Lake fid. P M m Cse*e* kst « U - * .v \ VI >iy '•»'' at of his f" 4. ! ^5^ '^l# ii