PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 The regular meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee was held in the Council Chamber, Lobby Level. PRESENT Eric Falkjar, Chair Councillor Gerry Lowe Anne McShane Keith Brideau Rick Stephen Patrick Beamish Mark Reade, Senior Planner Jody Kliffer, Planner Kristen Flood, Planner Lynda Lockhart, Recording Secretary REGRETS Andrew Miller, First Vice-Chair Philip Hovey, Second Vice-Chair Derrick Mitchell Item 1: Agenda and Minutes It was MOVED and SECONDED that the minutes of the August 18, 2015 meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED RS/PB Planning Advisory Committee Minutes September 15, 2015 Item 2: Page: 2 Constantine Vlamakis 169 Charlotte Street Application Type: Conditional Use Kristen Flood provided a brief overview, via a Power Point Presentation, of the Conditional Use and Variance application to continue renting parking spaces commercially on the site. To meet the current Zoning By-law standards, the applicant proposes to upgrade the existing commercial parking lot with a paved surface, painted lines, front yard landscaping, and cast-in-place concrete curbs. In addition variances are required to reduce the required width of the access aisle and depth of the side and rear yard landscaping to allow for the development of the parking spaces within the limited dimensions of the site. Staff are recommending approval subject to conditions. Constantine Vlamakis, the applicant, appeared before the Committee and indicated he was generally in agreement with the recommendations as contained in the staff report with the exception of landscaping the front portion of the parking lot as it would make snow plowing/removal efforts difficult. Mr. Vlamakis responded to questions from the Committee with respect to the number of parking spaces which are rented. The Committee expressed concern that they will be considering a number of similar applications in the near future, and the possibility this case will set a precedent, questioned the criteria staff used to determine if a parking lot meets the intent of the by-law. Staff responded in this particular case the commercial parking lot is permitted, subject to conditions which staff has recommended. With respect to the proposed reduction in aisle width, staff determined this would not negatively impact drivers as the parking lot has two accesses to facilitate traffic flow and the parking spaces are typically occupied continuously during business hours. Staff further responded as the site is located within the uptown parking exemption area, there is no requirement to provide parking for the tenants or the restaurant business. Staff also noted the requirement for landscaping is important as it serves as a separation between the parked cars and the sidewalk. No one else appeared before the Committee. After considering the report, the presentation and discussion the Committee resolved to adopt the recommendation based on the reasons outlined in the staff report. It was MOVED and SECONDED 1) That the Planning Advisory Committee approve the following variances from the requirements of the Zoning By-law that would: a) Reduce the minimum aisle width to approximately 5 metres, whereas the Zoning By-law requires an aisle width of 6 metres; and b) Reduce the minimum side and rear yard landscaping to nil, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum side and rear yard landscaping of 1.5 metres. Planning Advisory Committee Minutes September 15, 2015 Page: 3 2) That the Planning Advisory Committee impose the following conditions on the establishment and operation of a commercial parking lot at 169-173 Charlotte Street: a) All work shown on an approved site plan must be completed no later than one year after permit approval; and b) The applicant’s engineering consultant must submit a stormwater management plan and design brief to the City for review and approval. No stormwater is to be directed to adjacent lands. CARRIED Item 3: KB/RS East Canada Hi-Tech Advertising Inc. 10 Crown Street Application Type: Variances to: a) Permit intermittent illumination (i.e. digital display); b) Reduce the front yard setback (along Hanover Street) from 3 metres to approximately 2.6 metres; and c) Reduce the spacing from an existing billboard sign from 300 metres to approximately 290 metres. Mark Reade provided a brief overview, via Power Point Presentation, of the Variance application to construct a double-sided digital billboard at the Crown Street / Hanover Street intersection. As large scale LED digital display signage is relatively a relatively new technology, staff consulted recent work completed by the City of Ottawa and the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC). The Ottawa report provides a broad overview of the regulatory aspects of digital signage including those to manage impacts on adjacent land use and the public realm while the TAC report provides information focusing on the impact of digital signage on roadway safety. Staff are recommending denial as the proposed digital sign will result in a visual impact on an adjacent residential neighbourhood. Staff are also recommending denial of the variances to permit the reduction in spacing and the required front yard setback. Staff advised that the applicant has provided a compromise for the Committee’s consideration to install a timer which would turn off the LED display between 12:00 a.m – 6:00 a.m. Staff further indicated they have provided an alternative recommendation for the Committee’s consideration to permit a one-sided billboard facing towards the north away from the residential area. Paul Deschenes, Atlantic Signs Ltd. appeared before the Committee on behalf of the applicant Sunny Yi, who also was in attendance. Mr. Deschenes indicated he was not in favour of the staff recommendation. Mr. Deschenes indicated in his opinion, a variance from 3.0 metres to 2.6 metres to use the existing foundation was minimal. With respect reduction from 300 metres to 290 metres spacing distance from adjacent billboards was also minimal in his opinion. He further commented the potential impacts from additional light generated by the sign would be diminished by surrounding buildings, trees, and structures. He concluded that his client would prefer to have a Planning Advisory Committee Minutes September 15, 2015 Page: 4 two-sided sign but would be agreeable to staff recommendation if that is the wish of the Committee. Staff responded to questions from the Committee with respect to the applicant’s proposal to install a timer noting it would lessen the impact on the adjacent residential neighbourhood. Concerns were expressed with respect to duration of illumination, degree of illumination, and potential impact to the neighbourhood. No one else appeared before the Committee. Mr. Deschenes reappeared before the Committee to address the concerns the above concerns stating his client’s preference would be a 2-sided sign. It is also his intent to comply with the illumination standards as imposed by the Committee, and further to limit the hours of illumination from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. After considering the report, the presentations and discussions the Committee were of the opinion as the setback variances were minor in nature and further given that the applicant was agreeable to reduce the hours of illumination on the south side facing sign, resolved to amend the recommendation as follows: It was MOVED and SECONDED that the Planning Adviosry Committee approve the following variances for the proposed digital billboard to: (a) (b) (c) permit intermittent illumination (i.e. a digital display); reduce the front yard setback (along Hanover Street) from 3 metres to approximately 2.6 metres; and reduce the spacing from an existing billboard sign from 300 metres to approximately 290 metres. The approval of these variances and operation of the proposed two-sided digital billboard is subject to the following conditions: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The message duration shall be a minimum of ten seconds; The message transition shall be less than one second and be limited to the message fading in and out; The message shown on the electronic message board sign shall not flash or scroll; The maximum brightness of the electronic message board sign shall be 5,000 nits during daytime and 500 nits during night time; and The side of the billboard facing south (towards Hanover Street) must be turned off between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM. On the question, discussion ensued with respect to further reducing the hours of illumination. The Committee agreed to amend the motion as follows: Planning Advisory Committee Minutes September 15, 2015 Page: 5 It was MOVED and SECONDED that the Planning Advisory Committee approve the following variances for the proposed digital billboard to: (a) (b) (c) permit intermittent illumination (i.e. a digital display); reduce the front yard setback (along Hanover Street) from 3 metres to approximately 2.6 metres; and reduce the spacing from an existing billboard sign from 300 metres to approximately 290 metres. The approval of these variances and operation of the proposed two-sided digital billboard is subject to the following conditions: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The message duration shall be a minimum of ten seconds; The message transition shall be less than one second and be limited to the message fading in and out; The message shown on the electronic message board sign shall not flash or scroll; The maximum brightness of the electronic message board sign shall be 5,000 nits during daytime and 500 nits during night time; and The side of the billboard facing south (towards Hanover Street) must be turned off between 9:00 PM and 6:00 AM. CARRIED Item 4: PB/GL Jeff Craft (for Bergman Landscape & Masonry Centre) 700 Somerset Street Application Type: Temporary Approval Jody Kliffer provided a brief overview, via Power Point Presentation of the Temporary Approval application to establish a landscaping material supply business at the subject property. The lot is currently zoned General Commercial (CG) which does not list a landscaping business among the permitted uses. The applicant was unaware that there was a conflict in zoning, which came to light through the building permit process. Mr. Kliffer indicated it is the applicant’s intent to pursue a rezoning application over the next year, but they are seeking temporary approval in the meantime. Staff do not foresee any potential negative impacts in providing the applicant the opportunity to operate the proposed business while a rezoning application is considered over the next year and Staff are recommending approval subject to conditions. Jeff Craft, of Bergman Landscape & Masonry appeared before the Committee and indicated he was in agreement with the recommendations as contained in the staff report and further commented the response from this area has been overwhelming and they could no longer support the demand from their Moncton location thus the need to open another business as quickly as possible. They are very excited to bring the business to the city. Mr. Craft responded to questions from the Committee pertaining to street cleanup from truck traffic and expanding to other parts of the city. Planning Advisory Committee Minutes September 15, 2015 Page: 6 Staff responded to questions from the Committee and indicated the requirement to provide fencing is important to staff from an aesthetic perspective to mitigate the visual impact on what is envisioned as a retail oriented corridor. Staff noted fencing would be a requirement if the property were rezoned. Mr. Craft indicated if the fencing requirement was limited to along Somerset Street it would assist them with the start-up costs for the remainder of the season. After considering the report, the presentation and discussion the Committee resolved to adopt the recommendation based on the reasons outlined in the staff report. It was MOVED and SECONDED that the Planning Advisory Committee grant temporary approval for the establishment of a landscaping materials supply company at 700 Somerset Street until no later than September 14, 2016, as generally illustrated on the submitted site plans, subject to the following condition: That any outdoor area used for the storage of landscaping or masonry products or equipment be enclosed by a fence or landscaping to reduce the visibility of the site from Somerset Street. CARRIED Item 5: GL/KB Full Gospel Assembly (on behalf of Irving Oil Ltd.) 34 Mount Pleasant Avenue East Application Type: Temporary Approval Three letters opposed and/or expressing concerns were received. Kristen Flood provided a brief overview, via Power Point Presentation, of the Temporary Approval application to provide 66 parking spaces located in the existing Church parking area to an office building operated by Irving Oil, located at 2 First Street East. Staff are recommending approval on the basis that the shared parking is a Transportation Demand Management approach supported by the Municipal Plan and the existing parking lot is separated from adjacent residential properties by both elevation and a landscaped buffer which will mitigate its impact on adjacent residential properties. Lindsay Burt, lead Pastor of Full Gospel Assembly and James Walsh of Irving Oil Ltd., appeared before the Committee and indicated they were in agreement with the recommendations as contained in the staff report. Mr. Walsh indicated they had personally canvassed a 200 metre radius door-to-door to address questions/concerns raised by the residents. He also responded to questions from the Committee with respect to lighting, traffic, snow removal, and drainage. Discussion ensued with respect to the location of the entrance/exit and Pastor Burt responded they hadn’t considered locating the entrance/exit on Mount Pleasant but would be amenable if that was the wish of the Committee. Planning Advisory Committee Minutes September 15, 2015 Page: 7 Martha Peters, a neighbour appeared before the Committee indicating she was not opposed to the parking lot and agreed the entrance/exit should be located on Mount Pleasant Avenue; however she noted the large number of cars entering and exiting at approximately the same time every day could be dangerous. Claire Fairweather, of 40 Mount Pleasant Avenue appeared before the Committee and stated she did not object to the use of the parking lot but she was opposed to the entrance/exit being located on Mount Pleasant Avenue as the increased daily traffic would be very disruptive and dangerous. Pastor Burt and Mr. Walsh reappeared before the Committee to address the concerns expressed by the neighbours responding that they will work with the community and the Committee to determine which entrance/exit are the least invasive and will communicate that to their employees. Staff responded the Traffic Engineer did not feel the increase in traffic warrants additional safety measures and were of the opinion the employees will find the easiest/safest way to access and exit the parking lot in due course. After considering the report, the presentation and discussion, the Committee resolved to adopt the recommendation based on the reasons outlined in the staff report. It was MOVED and SECONDED that the Planning Advisory Committee approved a temporary period of one year, use of the church parking lot located at 34 Mount Pleasant Avenue East, also identified as PID Number 00342600, as a parking area for up to 66 vehicles of employees of the office building located at 2 First Street East CARRIED KB/PB There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m. ___________________________ Eric Falkjar Chair ___________________________ Lynda Lockhart Recording Secretary