Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83 – 96 Hydrodynamic permeability of membranes built up by particles covered by porous shells: Cell models S.I. Vasin a , A.N. Filippov a , V.M. Starov b,⁎ a Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Moscow State University of Food Production, Volocolamskoye shosse 11, Moscow, 125080, Russia b Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK Available online 26 January 2008 Abstract A review is presented on an application of a cell method for investigations of hydrodynamic permeability of porous/dispersed media and membranes. Based on the cell method, a hydrodynamic permeability is calculated of a porous layer/membrane built up by solid particles with a porous shell and non-porous impermeable interior. Four known boundary conditions on the outer cell boundary are considered and compared: Happel's, Kuvabara's, Kvashnin's and Cunningham's (usually referred to as Mehta–Morse's condition). For description of a flow inside the porous shell Brinkman's equations are used. A flow around an isolated spherical particle with a porous shell is considered and a number of limiting cases are shown. These are compared with the corresponding results obtained earlier. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Permeability; Porous shell; Membranes; Porous media 1. Introduction Most particles in nature do not have a smooth homogeneous surface but have a rough surface or a surface covered with a porous shell. The roughness of the surface can be modeled by a thin porous shell. Investigations of flow in concentrated disperse systems, built up by porous particles or particles covered with a porous shell, are important for both natural and industrial processes. The most important examples of such processes are underground flows of oil and water, filtration of water through soils and rocks, filtration of various solutions through porous membranes or filters and so on [1,2]. Flow in porous media can be successfully modeled using a cell model described in Ref. [3]. Currently the cell model is one of the most effective tools for investigation flows in porous media, concentrated dispersions and membranes [4]. The cell method has been successfully used for investigation of electrokinetic phenomena in concentrated dispersions [4]. ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (S.I. Vasin), (A.N. Filippov), (V.M. Starov). 0001-8686/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.005 The essence of the cell method is as follows: the system of particles which re-chaotically distributed in space is replaced by a periodic array of spheres imbedded in identical spherical liquid cells. The major problem of the cell method is the formulation of the boundary conditions on the outer surface of a cell. These boundary conditions determine the influence of surrounding particles on the particle in the centre of the cell. The presence of porous shells on solid surfaces substantially modifies both hydrodynamic [5–7] and electrokinetic [8–12] phenomena. Hydrodynamic interaction of two particles covered by a porous shell is substantially different from that of nonporous particles [5–7]. From now on we refer to any dispersed or porous media as “a membrane” for abbreviation. The presence of a porous shell on the particle surfaces introduces a new internal degree of freedom in the membrane performance. In the course of filtration of a liquid solution through the membrane the structure of the membrane can undergo a substantial change. The latter can be caused by either partial dissolution of the particle or fibre surfaces [8], which build the membrane, or by adsorption of polymers on the same surfaces (“poisoning”) [13]. As a result a porous shell (or gellayer) forms on the particle's surface, which is usually difficult to remove [13]. In the case of partial dissolution of the particle 84 S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 surfaces, the membrane hydrodynamic permeability increases because of the increase of the total porosity, however, the selectivity decreases. In the case of polymer adsorption just the opposite occurs: the total porosity decreases and the hydrodynamic permeability decreases, while the selectivity increases as a rule. The presence of porous shells on the particle surface always alters a hydrodynamic drag force exerted to the particle by the flowing liquid [5–7,14–17]. The presence of a porous shell results in a modification of a diffusion coefficient inside the membrane [17,18] and the overall hydrodynamic permeability [19]. Hydrodynamic effects caused by the presence of adsorbed polymers on the particle surface were considered in Refs. [13,18,20], where the thickness of a polymer shells was assumed much smaller as compared with the particle radius. Special cases of the problem under consideration were investigated earlier in Refs. [21–25]. The flow around and inside a completely porous particle was considered in Refs. [21,22] using the cell model. The exact analytical expression was deduced for the hydrodynamic permeability of a membrane built up by such particles and various limiting and special cases were considered [21,22]. Hydrodynamic permeability of particles covered by a porous shell was investigated in Ref. [23]. In Refs. [21–23] the Mehta–Morse boundary condition was used. In Ref. [24] the problem was solved on a motion of an isolated particle covered by a porous shell in an unbounded liquid, viscosities of outer and inner liquid were assumed to be different. Note, that the cell method is now frequently used as first step in a new version of a mean field approximation [26,27]. The aim of this review is to investigate, in the framework of different cell models, a flow around a particle with a porous shell and to calculate a hydrodynamic permeability of the porous media build up by such particles. Different boundary conditions on the outer surface of cells are considered. 2. Statement of the problem According to the cell model [3] we will model a dispersed system (membrane) by a periodic net of identical solid particles of radius R̃ each of them is covered by a porous shell of thickness δ̃ (Fig. 1). It is assumed also that each particle with a porous shell is located in the centre of a spherical cell of radius b̃. The spherical cell radius is calculated in the following way: the volume fraction of the particles in the Fig. 1. Spherical cell of radius b̃ with a solid particle of radius R̃ covered by a porous shell of thickness δ̃ in the centre. Ũ is the velocity of the uniform flow; ṽro, ṽθo are radial and angular velocities on the outer cell surface. cell, γ3, should be equal to the volume fraction in the real membrane (Fig. 1): 3 ã 1 e ¼ g3 ¼ ; ð1Þ b̃ where ɛ is an outer porosity of the membrane, and ã= R̃+ δ̃ is the total radius of the particle. Let us introduce a spherical co-ordinate system (r̃, θ, φ) with the origin located in the particle centre and additional axes z̃, directed along a uniform flow with velocity Ũ (|Ũ| = Ũ ) on the boundary of the cell (Fig. 1). The liquid flows at a low Reynolds number inside the cell but outside the porous shell (ã≤ r̃≤ b̃) the flow is described by Stokes equations with the continuity condition: ˜ p̃o ¼ ÃoD˜ ṽo ; ∇ ˜ ṽo ¼ 0; ∇ g ð2Þ : Inside the porous shell (R̃≤ r̃≤ ã) the flow is described by Brinkman's equations and the continuity condition [3]: i ˜ i i ˜ i ∇ p̃ ¼ à D ṽ k̃ ṽ ; ˜ ṽi ¼ 0; ∇ g ð3Þ where ∼ over a symbol marks dimensional values; о and i are superscripts, which mark flow in the cell (ã≤ r̃≤ b̃) and in the porous shell (R̃≤ r̃≤ ã), respectively; μ̃ o, μ̃ i are viscosities in the corresponding zones; p̃ o, p̃ i and ṽ o, ṽ i are pressures and velocity vectors in the corresponding zones; k̃ is the hydrodynamic resistance of the porous shell, which is inversely proportional to the hydrodynamic permeability. Brinkman's equations (3) mean that the flow in a real porous shell is replaced by the flow of an effective liquid with the effective viscosity μ̃ i and the friction between the liquid and the porous skeleton is effectively represented by the friction force with the friction coefficient k̃. The dependency of μ̃ i and k̃ on the local porosity of the shell were considered in Refs. [26,27]. In Ref. [16] the problem of a flow around a particle covered by a porous shell was considered. The flow inside the porous shell was described using Brinkman's equations. However, it was assumed that the effective viscosity of the liquid inside the porous shell was equal to the liquid viscosity outside the shell μ̃ o = μ̃ i. This assumption allows a substantial simplification of all calculations. It has been shown however, that these viscosities are always different [26,27] and the inner effective viscosity is always higher than the real liquid viscosity. However, if the porosity inside the porous shell is very low the deviation of the effective viscosity from the viscosity of the real liquid tends to zero, hence, μ̃ i → μ̃ o. That is, the solution presented in Ref. [16] though valid from the mathematical point of view, can be applied only in the case of low porosity of the shell. It is the reason why in Refs. [21–25] different viscosities inside the porous shell and in the surrounding liquid were used. Note, Einstein equations result in Ãi = Ão ¼ 1 þ 5u=2; ð4Þ S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 where φ is the volume fraction of solid material inside the shell. In Refs. [26,27] the following dependency for the effective viscosity was deduced: i 1 o à = à ¼ 1 uui3 2:5Ai ; ð5Þ where Ai and φi are determined by an internal porosity and structure of the porous shell. The latter equation shows that the internal effective viscosity is always bigger than the real liquid viscosity and tends to the real liquid viscosity if the volume fraction of solid material inside the shell tends to zero. Taking that into account we consider below the case when viscosities inside the porous shell and in the liquid differ. We will discuss the consequences of this assumption. In order to finalize the boundary value problem for Eqs. (2) and (3) we should impose appropriate boundary conditions. No slip boundary conditions are imposed on the surface of the solid kernel of the particle: ṽi ¼ 0; r̃ ¼ R̃: ð6Þ On the boundary between the porous shell and the liquid, r̃ = ã, we assume continuity of velocity, tangential σ̃rθ and normal σ̃rr components of the viscous stress [11,12]: ṽ o ¼ ṽi ; r̃orr ¼ r̃irr ; r̃orh ¼ r̃irh : ð7Þ The physical background behind these boundary conditions (7) is discussed in Refs. [11,12]. Special attention is usually paid to the boundary conditions on the outer cell boundary, r̃ = b̃. There are four frequently used versions of those boundary conditions [3], which are referred below as Happel's, Kuvabara's, Kvashnin's and Mehta–Morse's models. All four models assume continuity of the radial component of the liquid velocity on the outer cell surface (r̃ = b̃): ṽ or ¼ Ũ cos h: ð8Þ Let us consider an additional condition used in each of the mentioned models. According to Happel's model [3] the tangential viscous stress vanishes on the cell boundary (r̃ = b̃): r̃ orh ¼ 0: ð9аÞ According to Kuvabara's model [3] the curl vanishes on the cell boundary (r̃ = b̃), that is the flow is assumed to be a potential one: o rot ðṽ Þ ¼ 0: ð9bÞ According to Kvashnin's model [3] a symmetry condition is introduced as follows: Aṽ oh ¼ 0; r̃ ¼ b̃: Ar̃ ð9cÞ 85 Mehta–Morse's model [3] assumes a homogeneity of the flow on the cell boundary (r̃ = b̃): ṽoh ¼ Ũ sin h: ð9dÞ There are no decisive arguments in the literature to favour any of the four models. Even worse than that: in the case of a flow in flat chamber (which is the limiting case of a cell of an infinite radius) in the centre of the chamber (which corresponds to the boundary of the cell) all four mentioned boundary conditions are satisfied [3]. It is the reason why we consider and compare below all four models. 3. Method of solution By using the following dimensionless variables r̃ b̃ 1 ˜ ã; D ¼ D˜ ã2 ; d ¼ d̃; ¼ ; r ¼ ; ∇ ¼∇ ð10Þ ã ã ã g ṽ p̃ R̃ Ũ Ão R ¼ ¼ 1 d; v ¼ ; p ¼ ; p̃0 ¼ ; p̃0 ã ã Ũ Ãi ã s0 m ¼ o ; s0 ¼ ; s ¼ pffiffiffiffi m; à R̃b qffiffiffiffio where R̃b ¼ Ãk̃ is the Brinkman's length, which is a characteristic depth of penetration of the flow inside the porous shell. The system of governing equations (Eqs. (2) and (3)) in dimensionless form become: 1 ∇po ¼ Dvo ; 1 V r V ; ð11Þ ∇ vo ¼ 0; g ∇pi ¼ mDvi s20 vi ; ð R V r V1Þ: ∇ vi ¼ 0; ð12Þ Using the spherical co-ordinate system Eqs. (11) and (12) take the following form outside the porous shell: Apo A2 vor 1 A2 vo 2 Avor ctgh Avor 2 Avo ¼ 2 þ 2 2r þ þ 2 2 h r Ah r Ar r Ah r Ah Ar Ar ð13Þ 2vo 2ctgh 2r 2 voh ; r r vo 1 Apo A2 voh 1 A2 voh 2 Avoh ctgh Avoh 2 Avoh ¼ þ 2 þ 2 2 h ; þ 2 2 þ 2 r Ah r Ah r Ar r Ah r Ah r sin h Ar ð14Þ Avor 1 Avoh 2vor ctgh o v ¼ 0; þ þ þ r Ah r h Ar r ð15Þ inside the porous shell (the Brinkman's equations): ð Api A2 vir 1 A2 vir 2 Avir ctgh Avir 2 Avih 2vir ¼m þ 2 2 þ þ r Ah r2 Ah Ar Ar2 r2 Ah2 r Ar r 2ctgh 2 vih s20 vir ; ð16Þ r Þ 86 S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 ð A2 vih 1 A2 vih 2 Avih ctgh Avih 2 Avih 1 Api ¼m þ 2 þ þ þ r Ah r Ah r2 Ah Ar2 r2 Ah2 r Ar vi 2 h s20 vih ; r sin h Þ Avir 1 Avih 2vir ctgh i v ¼ 0: þ þ þ r h Ar r Ah r ð17Þ ð18Þ Boundary conditions (6)–(9) in dimensionless form using the spherical co-ordinate system become: vir ¼ 0; vih ¼ 0 at r ¼ R; vor ¼ vir ; voh ¼ ð19Þ g vih ; Avor Avi ¼ pi þ 2m r ; Ar Ari at r ¼ 1; 1 Avor Avoh voh 1 Avr Avih vih þ ¼m þ : r Ah r Ah Ar r Ar r po þ 2 df o 2ð f o þ Uo Þ ¼ 0; þ r dr d2 f i 2 df i 4 f i þ Ui dwi 2 i ; þ s f ¼ r2 dr2 r dr dr d2 Ui 2 dUi 2 f i þ Ui wi þ s2 U i ¼ ; 2 2 r dr dr r r df i 2 f i þ Ui ¼ 0: þ r dr vor ¼ cos h; at r ¼ 1=g: 1 Avor Avoh voh þ ¼ 0; at r ¼ 1=g: r Ah Ar r ð29Þ ð30Þ r df o f o: 2 dr ð31Þ Substitution of Eq. (31) into Eq. (26) results in: ð20Þ 1 d3 f o d2 f o df o wo ¼ r2 3 þ 3r 2 þ 3 : 2 dr dr dr ð22aÞ ð28Þ Let us solve Eqs. (25)–(27). From Eq. (27) we conclude: Uo ¼ ð21Þ ð27Þ ð32Þ Substitution of expressions (31)–(32) in Eq. (25) gives an Euler's equation to determine the unknown function f o(r): r3 3 o d4 f o d2 f o df o 2d f ¼ 0: þ 8r þ 8r 8 dr4 dr3 dr2 dr ð33Þ ð22bÞ We try solving Eq. (33) using a solution in the following form f o = const rn, where n is the exponent to be determined. This procedure gives four different exponent n: n1 = 0, n2 = 2, n3 = − 1, n4 = − 3. Hence, the general solution of Eq. (33) f o is: Avoh ¼ 0; at r ¼ 1=g: Ar ð22cÞ f o ðr Þ ¼ voh ¼ sin h; at r ¼ 1=g: ð22dÞ where b1, b2, b3 and b4 are integration constants. Substitution of Eq. (34) into Eqs. (31) and (32) allows the determination of the unknown functions Φo, ψo: 1 Avor r Ah þ Avoh Ar þ voh r ¼ 0; at r ¼ 1=g: b1 b2 þ þ b3 þ b4 r 2 ; r3 r ð34Þ The liquid flow is axi-symmetric, taking this into account we will try the solution of the problems (13)–(15) and (16)–(18) as a first order spherical harmonics [3]: Uo ¼ b1 b2 b3 2b4 r2 ; 2r3 2r ð35Þ vor ¼ f o ðrÞ cos h; voh ¼ Uo ðrÞ sin h; po ¼ wo ðrÞ cos h; ð23Þ wo ¼ b2 þ 10b4 r: r2 ð36Þ vir ¼ f i ðrÞ cos h; vih ¼ Ui ðrÞ sin h; pi ¼ mwi ðrÞ cos h: ð24Þ Casting expressions (23) and (24) into Eqs. (13)–(15) and (16)–(18), respectively, we arrive at a system of interconnected ordinary differential equations to determine the unknown functions f o(r), Φo(r), ψo(r), f i(r), Φi(r), ψi(r): d2 f o 2 df o 4ð f o þ Uo Þ dwo ; þ ¼ r dr r2 dr2 dr d2 Uo 2 dUo 2ð f o þ Uo Þ wo ; þ ¼ r dr r2 dr2 r ð25Þ These results (Eqs. (34)–(36)) can be combined with Eq. (23) to determine expressions for outer velocity distributions as follows: vor ¼ voh ¼ b1 b2 þ þ b3 þ b4 r 2 r3 r b1 b2 b3 2b4 r2 2r3 2r ð26Þ po ¼ b2 þ 10b4 r r2 cos h; ð37Þ sin h; ð38Þ cos h: ð39Þ S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 The velocity distributions inside the porous shell also need to be determined. In precisely the same way as for outer flow we find: Ui ¼ r df i f i; 2 dr 1 d3 f i d2 f i df i r2 s2 df i wi ¼ r2 3 þ 3r 2 þ 2 rs2 f i : 2 dr dr dr 2 dr ð40Þ Going in the reverse direction allows us to deduce: cosh ðsrÞ sinh ðsrÞ f ¼ c1 2 2 r 3 s3 r s sinh ðsrÞ cosh ðsrÞ c3 þ c2 þ 3 þ c4 : r 2 s2 r 3 s3 r i ð41Þ ð47Þ Using Eqs. (40) and (41) we get: Substitution of Eqs. (40) and (41) into Eq. (28) results in an equation to determine the unknown function f i : r3 87 3 i 2 i i d4 f i 2d f 2 3 d f 2 2 df ¼ 0: þ 8r þ 8r s r 8 þ 4s r dr4 dr3 dr2 dr ð42Þ i Introducing a new unknown function, uðrÞu ddfr , allows us to lower the order of Eq. (42): cosh ðsrÞ sinh ðsrÞ sinh ðsrÞ 2r2 s2 2r3 s3 2rs sinh ðsrÞ cosh ðsrÞ cosh ðsrÞ c3 þ c2 þ 3 c4 ; 2r2 s2 2r3 s3 2rs 2r Ui ¼ c1 ð48Þ and wi ¼ s2 c 3 2r2 rc4 : ð49Þ Substitution of Eqs. (47)–(49) into Eq. (24) gives: du d u d u 8 þ 4s2 r2 u ¼ 0: þ 8r2 2 þ 8r s2 r3 3 dr dr dr 3 r3 2 ð43Þ ð44Þ The order of this equation is lowered using z = y′, we arrive to Bessel's equation: r2 zW 4rz Vþ 4 r2 s2 z ¼ 0: ð45Þ Solution of Eq. (45) can be expressed via a modified Bessel function of the first kind of order 3/2. The latter functions are hyperbolic functions: r z ¼ c1 r2 cosh ðsrÞ sinh ðsrÞ s r 2 þ c2 r sinh ðsrÞ cosh ðsrÞ : s ð46Þ f cosh ðsrÞ sinh ðsrÞ r 2 s2 r 3 s3 sinh ðsrÞ cosh ðsrÞ c3 þc2 þ 3 þ c4 cos h; r 2 s2 r3 s3 r We try the solution of Eq. (43) in the following form u ¼ yrð4rÞ, where y(r) is a new unknown function. Using the latter representation Eq. (43) can be rewritten as: r2 yj 4ryW þ 4y V yVr2 s2 ¼ 0: f vir ¼ c1 vih ð50Þ g cosh ðsrÞ sinh ðsrÞ sinh ðsrÞ ¼ c1 2r2 s2 2r3 s3 2rs sinh ðsrÞ cosh ðsrÞ cosh ðsrÞ c3 þc2 þ 3 c4 sin h; 2 2 3 3 2r s 2r s 2rs 2r g ð51Þ pi ¼ ms2 c 3 2r2 rc4 cos h: ð52Þ Substitution of the general solutions (37)–(39), and (50)– (52) into boundary conditions (19)–(22) results in a system of algebraic equations to determine integration constants bj, cj, j = 1,2,3,4. This system of algebraic equations depends on the selection of the model used: boundary conditions (22a), (22b), (22c), or (22d). The solution of the mentioned system results in expressions, which are so lengthy that they cannot be presented here. 4. Results and discussion The main value in which we are interested in, is the hydrodynamic drag force, F̃, exerted to the particle by the flowing liquid. After substitution of the general expressions for the velocity components (37)–(38) and (50)–(52) we arrive after integration to the following expression: F˜ ¼ ∯ðr̃rr cos h r̃rh sin hÞds ¼ 4kb2 ã Ão Ũ ; ð53Þ S where integration is over outer surface of the porous shell and b2 is the constant to be determined from the boundary conditions. 88 S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 Fig. 2. Variation of the dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability, L11, of a membrane built up by solid particles covered by a porous shell, with the parameter γ (which is (volume fraction of particles)1/3) at m = 4, s0 = 8, δ = 0.5 for the following models: 1 — Happel, 2 — Kuvabara, 3 — Kvashnin, 4 — Cunningham (Mehta– Morse). The hydrodynamic permeability, L̃11, of the membrane, which is one of the coefficients in the Onsager's matrix [3], is determined as a ratio of the cell flux of the liquid, Ũ, to the cell gradient of pressure, F̃/Ṽ [3,21–23]: L̃11 ¼ Ũ F̃= Ṽ ; ð54Þ 3 where Ṽ ¼ 43 k b̃ is the cell volume. Substitution of expressions for the hydrodynamic drag force (53) into Eq. (54) allows determining the hydrodynamic permeability as: L̃ 11 ¼ ã2 1 ã2 2 1 ã2 ¼ uL ; 11 o o 3b2 g3 à 9g3 X à Ão ð55Þ where L11 ¼ 2 1 1 ¼ ; 9g3 X 3g3 b2 ð56Þ is a dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability of the membrane, Ω is the ratio of the hydrodynamic drag force F̃ and the Stokes force F̃st = 6πãμ̃oU: X ¼ 2b2 =3: ð57Þ The hydrodynamic permeability, L11(δ,γ,m,s0), is paffiffiffiffifunction of four parameters. Parameters δ and γ are geometrical characteristics of the particles and shells; m and s0 ¼ s m are characteristics of the internal structure of the porous shell. In the Fig. 3. Variation of the dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability, L11, of a membrane built up by solid particles covered by a porous shell, with the dimensionless thickness of the porous shell, δ, at m = 1, s0 = 5, γ = 0.3 for the following models: 1 — Happel, 2 — Kuvabara, 3 — Kvashnin, 4 — Cunningham (Mehta–Morse). S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 89 Fig. 4. Variation of the dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability, L11, of a membrane built up by solid particles covered by a porous shell, with the viscosity ratio m at γ = 0.8, s0 = 5, δ = 0.5 for the following models: 1 — Happel, 2 — Kuvabara, 3 — Kvashnin, 4 — Cunningham (Mehta–Morse). general form the expressions for the hydrodynamic permeability, L11, are too lengthy and it is the reason why we do not present them here. The dependence of the dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability, L11, of a membrane on γ is presented in Fig. 2 for all four models at δ = 0,5; s0 = 8; m = 4. The maximum value of γ = 0.905 is reached in the case of hexagonal packing of spheres, while for a simple cubic packing γ = 0.806. Fig. 2 shows that as γ increases, that is as the volume fraction of a solid phase increases, the hydrodynamic permeability of the membrane decreases. The rate of a decrease of L11 is higher at lower γ values (that is low volume fraction of particles). As γ → 0 the membrane hydrodynamic permeability increases unboundedly, however, as γ → 1 the membrane hydrodynamic permeability tends to zero. Fig. 2 shows that the hydrodynamic permeabilities calculated for three of the models (Happel's, Kuvabara's and Kvashnin's) almost coincide. Calculations based on Mehta–Morse's model, result in a slightly lower hydrodynamic permeability at higher volume fractions when compared with the other three models. Fig. 3 shows the variation of the dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability with the dimensionless thickness of the porous shell, δ, for all four models at γ = 0,3; s0 = 5; m = 1. All the calculated values are increasing functions of the thickness of the shell (as expected), as the more porous the particles are the higher their hydrodynamic permeability. The calculated hydrodynamic permeability increases in the following direction from the lowest for Mehta–Morse's model, to Kuvabara's, Kvashnin's and reaches the highest possible value for Happel's model. The parameter s0 characterises the depth of penetration of the flow inside the porous shell: the higher the s0 the lower the depth of penetration of the flow inside the porous shell. At high values of s0 the flow only takes place in a thin shell with the thickness roughly equal to the Brinkman's length rather than in the whole porous shell. That is, when the thickness of the shell becomes bigger than the Brinkman's length, the hydrodynamic permeability ceases to depend on the thickness of the porous shell. This is shown by the levelling off of the curves in Fig. 3. The influence of the viscosity ratio, m, on the dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability, L11, is presented in Fig. 4 for all four models at γ = 0,8; s0 = 5; δ = 0,5. Fig. 4 shows that the increase of the inner viscosity results in a decrease of the membrane hydrodynamic permeability, as expected. Fig. 4 shows also that the hydrodynamic permeability decrease sharply in the beginning and then levels off when the inner viscosity inside the porous shell becomes sufficiently high, that is, the flow inside the porous shell practically vanishes. Fig. 5. Variation of the dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability, L11, of a membrane built up by solid particles covered by a porous shell, with the parameter s0 at m = 1, γ = 0.8, δ = 0.5 for the following models: 1 — Happel, 2 — Kuvabara, 3 — Kvashnin, 4 — Cunningham (Mehta–Morse). 90 S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 Fig. 6. Variation of the dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability, L11, of a membrane built up by completely porous particles with the parameter γ (which is (volume fraction of particles)1/3) at m = 1, s0 = 5 for the following models: 1 — Happel, 2 — Kuvabara, 3 — Kvashnin, 4 — Cunningham (Mehta–Morse). In Fig. 5 the dependence of the dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability, L11, on the parameter s0 is presented for all four models at γ = 0,8; m = 1; δ = 0,5. As pointed out before, the dimensionless parameter s0 characterises the depth of penetration of the flow inside the porous shell. The latter depends on the porosity of the porous shell: the lower the porosity, the higher the value of the parameter s0 is. As s0 → ∞ the porous shell becomes completely impermeable. Fig. 4 shows that a limiting value of the hydrodynamic permeability is reached as m increases, however, Fig. 5 does not show that a limiting value is reached as s0 increases because at higher s0 calculations become unstable. As in Fig. 4 the calculations based on Mehta–Morse's model result in lower values of the hydrodynamic permeability when compared with the other models. Note, that the conditions presented here of membranes built up by particles with a porous shell on their surfaces provide a new additional degree of freedom to control the membrane performance as compared with membranes built up by completely porous particles in Refs. [21–23], as well as compared with the consideration in Refs. [3,28–30], where the hydrodynamic permeability of membrane built up by non-porous particles was considered. The new degree of freedom introduced here allows description of a wider range of phenomena including the process of internal poisoning and/or dissolution of membranes on their hydrodynamic permeability in the course of filtration. In the next section important limiting cases of the above theory are considered. 4.1. Completely porous particles Completely porous particles correspond to the condition of δ = 1. Expressions for the hydrodynamic permeability, L11(γ,m,s), for the different models take the following forms: Happel's model: L11 ¼ f 2g6 3g5 þ 3g 2 m2 s2 x3 þ 18 g5 1 ðx1 2x2 Þ: 3m½2s2 g6 ðx1 2x2 Þ þg5 x1 s2 þ 4x2 s2 þ 4x1 8x2 þ 4x3 þ 10 2s2 gðx1 2x2 Þ þ x1 s2 4x1 4x2 s2 þ 8x2 þ x3 10gð58Þ =f3g3 ms2 ½ð6x1 þ 12x2 Þðg5 1Þ þ mx3 ð2g5 þ 3Þg Kuvabara's model: L11 ¼ f2ðg6 5g5 þ 9g 5Þm2 s2 x3 90ðx1 2x2 Þ 3m½2s2 g6 ðx1 2x2 Þ þ 5g3 ðx1 s2 þ 4x1 8x2 þ 2x3 þ 10Þ ð59Þ 12s2 gðx1 2x2 Þ þ 5ðx1 s2 þ 4x2 s2 4x1 þ 8x2 þ x3 10Þg= 45g3 ms2 ð2x1 4x2 þ mx3 Þ : Kvashnin's model: L11 ¼ fm2 s2 x3 ðg 1Þ3 8g3 þ 15g2 þ 21g þ 16 þ 18 3g5 8 ðx1 2x2 Þ 3m½8s2 g6 ðx1 2x2 Þ 3g5 x1 s2 4x2 s2 4x1 þ 8x2 4x3 10 þ 5g3 x1 s2 þ 4x1 8x2 þ 2x3 þ 10 ð60Þ 18s2 gðx1 2x2 Þ þ 8 x1 s2 4x2 s2 4x1 þ 8x2 þ x3 10 g = 18g3 ms2 8 3g5 x1 þ 6g5 16 x2 þ mx3 g5 þ 4 ; S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 91 and for Mehta–Morse's model: L11 ¼ fm2 s2 x3 ðg 1Þ4 4g2 þ 7g þ 4 þ 18 3g5 þ 2 ðx1 2x2 Þ 3m½4s2 g6 ðx1 2x2 Þ 3g5 x1 s2 4x2 s2 4x1 þ 8x2 4x3 10 5g3 x1 s2 þ 4x1 8x2 þ 2x3 þ 10 þ 6s2 gðx1 2x2 Þ 2 x1 s2 4x2 s2 4x1 þ 8x2 þ x3 10 g ð61Þ = 18g3 ms2 3g5 þ 2 x1 þ 6g5 þ 4 x2 þ mx3 g5 1 ; where ω1, ω2, ω3 are cosh ðsÞ sinh ðsÞ 1 x1 ¼ 30 2 ; s4 s5 3s 15 cosh ðsÞ sinh ðsÞ 2 2 1þs þ 2 ; x2 ¼ 2 s4 s5 3s 2 cosh ðsÞ s sinh ðsÞ s2 1þ 1þ : x3 ¼ 90 s4 s5 6 2 ð62Þ Note, that in the limiting case when s → 0, which corresponds to the absence of the solid core in the particle centre results in lim x1 ¼ lim x2 ¼ 1; lim x3 ¼ 3: sY0 sY0 sY0 ð63Þ In this case Ω → 0 and the hydrodynamic drag force disappears, which is as it should be in the case of complete mixing of liquids. As we already noted before, the case μ̃ i b μ̃ o is not realistic from the physical point of view [26,27]. However the case μ̃ i ≪ μ̃ o and m → 0 can be easily investigated using Eqs. (58)–(61) from the mathematical point of view. The latter limit gives the following expressions for hydrodynamic permeability: Happel's model: 1 1 1 L11 ¼ 3 2 þ 3 2 : ð64Þ 3g 3g g s0 Kuvabara's model: L11 ¼ 1 2 g3 1 2þ þ 3 2: 3 3g 5g 15 g s0 Kvashnin's model: 1 4 5 1 L11 ¼ 3 2 þ 2 þ 3 2: 5 3g 9g 9g ð8 3g Þ g s0 ð65Þ ð66Þ Mehta–Morse's model: L11 ¼ 1 3 þ 2g5 1 þ 3 2: 3 2 5 3g g ð6 þ 9g Þ g s0 ð67Þ The variation of the dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability, L11, with the parameter γ calculated according to Eqs. (58)–(61) (that is for a completely porous particles) is presented in Fig. 6 at m = 1; s0 = 5. For all models the hydrodynamic permeability Fig. 7. Variation of the dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability, L11, of a membrane built up by non-porous solid particles with the parameter γ (which is (volume fraction of particles)1/3) for the following models: 1 — Happel, 2 — Kuvabara, 3 — Kvashnin, 4 — Cunningham (Mehta–Morse). 92 S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 decreases with volume fraction of particles. Note, the difference between different models in this special case of completely porous particles is less pronounced than in the general case of particles covered by a porous shell. 4.2. Solid non-porous particles When δ = 0, or s → ∞, we arrive at a membrane built up by solid non-porous particles. Expressions for the dimensionless hydrodynamic permeability, L11(γ), for the different models take the following forms: Happel's model: L11 ¼ 2g6 þ 3g5 3g þ 2 ; 6g8 þ 9g3 ð68Þ which coincides with the corresponding expression in Ref. [3]; Kuvabara's model: L11 ¼ 2ðg6 5g3 þ 9g 5Þ ; 45g3 ð69Þ which coincides with the expression deduced in Ref. [3]; Kvashnin's model: L11 ¼ ðg 1Þ3 ð8g3 þ 15g2 þ 21g þ 16Þ ; 18g3 ðg5 þ 4Þ ð70Þ which coincides with the expression in Ref. [29]; Mehta–Morse's model: L11 ¼ ð1 gÞ3 ð4g2 þ 7g þ 4Þ ; 18g3 ðg4 þ g3 þ g2 þ g þ 1Þ ð71Þ which was deduced by Cunningham. It is necessary to mention here that the boundary condition (9d), to which we usually refer as the Mehta and Morse one, following to J. Happel and H. Brenner [3], for the first time, was proposed by Cunningham in 1910 [30]. Mehta and Morse only used Cunningham's condition in their analysis [31], which has an error. We corrected that error and it is the reason why Eq. (71) differs from that of the Mehta and Morse [31]. The semi-empirical Kozeny–Carman equation [3] gives the following expression for the hydrodynamic permeability of solid particles: 3 L11 ¼ ð 1 g3 Þ : 45g6 ð72Þ The variation of the hydrodynamic permeability for the different models with the parameter γ is presented in Fig. 7. These results are calculated according to Eqs. (68)–(72). This figure shows that the dependencies calculated for all four cell models are very close to each other (although the calculations according to the Mehta–Morse's model give slightly lower hydrodynamic permeability values at high volume fractions when compared with the other models). The calculations based on the semi-empirical Kozeny– Carman model, give a higher hydrodynamic permeability when compared with the cell models. The latter deviation is very substantial at low volume fractions but decreases and almost disappears at high volume fractions. 4.3. Uniform flow around an isolated particle Let us consider a particle covered by a porous shell placed in a uniform flow. The solution to this problem is obtained using Eqs. (37)–(39) and (50)–(52) at γ = 0. Note, that all four boundary conditions (22а), (22b), (22с), and (22d) are satisfied and all four models give identical results (see Fig. 2). This observation shows that all four models work equally well at low volume fractions of solid particles. A change of the hydrodynamic permeability caused by the presence of a porous shell on the surface of particles in some cases can be effectively described using an “effective hydrodynamic thickness”, L̃h [3]. This is determined as an additional thickness of a nonporous shell, the presence of which on the particle surface produces identical hydrodynamic drag force exerted to particle with bigger radius, which is caused by the presence of the porous shell. The value of L̃h is a measurable experimental parameter and it is used to S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 93 characterise the effective thickness of the porous shell. To determine the effective thickness of the porous shell the Stokes equation for the hydrodynamic drag force exerted to the solid particle of radius R̃ without a porous shell, which moves with a velocity Ũ F̃ solid ¼ 6k Ão R̃ Ũ ð73Þ is used. After adsorption of a polymer and formation of a porous shell on the particle surface the hydrodynamic drag force exerted to the particle will increase. The effective hydrodynamic thickness, L̃h, is determined by the effective increase of the particle radius to accommodate the corresponding increase in the hydrodynamic drag force: F̃ ¼ 6k Ão R̃ þ L˜h Ũ : ð74Þ Using dimensionless values we can conclude from the previous equation that: Lh ¼ X R ð75Þ where Lh = L̃h / ã, R = R̃/ ã and Ω = F̃/ F̃st is the dimensionless effective hydrodynamic thickness of the porous shell, dimensionless radius of the solid particle and the ratio of hydrodynamic drag forces, Ω, should be calculated according to Eq. (57). After rather lengthy algebraic calculations the expression for the ratio of the hydrodynamic drag forces, Ω, takes the following form in the case of calculations [22,25]: X¼1 m½6sR ð3sR2 þ 3sÞ cosh ðsdÞ ð 3R þ s2 R3 3 þ 2s2 Þ sinh ðsdÞ P ; 3sRmð1 þ mÞ þ 3mð1 s2 R2 mÞ sinh ðsdÞ sm½3 þ mð 3R þ s2 R3 þ 2s2 Þ cosh ðsdÞ þ T where P ¼ 18ð1 mÞ 6R 3 3R 3ð1 þ R2 Þ þ 1 þ 2 2 R3 sinh ðsdÞ cosh ðsdÞ ; s s s s 3ð 1 m Þ 3R 3R þ s2 R3 3R2 þ T ¼ 12ð1 mÞ cosh ð sd Þ sinh ð sd Þ þ 2 s s2 s 2 R 2 9R 3sR3 3sr2 9R 3R s2 R3 s2 þm 7s þ 18 þ þ þs 1 cosh ðsdÞ þ sinh ðsdÞ 4s 2s 4 2 4 2 4 2 9 9 þ 3s2 9R cosh ðsdÞ sinh ðsdÞ þ 2s 2s 2s2 ð76Þ ð77Þ f ð78Þ g At m = 1 (the case of equal viscosities μ̃i = μ̃o) the expression for the dimensionless hydrodynamic drag force ratio Ω takes the following simple form: X¼1 6sR ð3sR2 þ 3sÞ cosh ðsdÞ ð 3R þ s2 R3 3 þ 2s2 Þ sinh ðsdÞ : 6sR þ 3ð1 s2 R2 Þ sinh ðsdÞ ð3s þ 3Rs þ s3 R3 þ 2s3 Þ cosh ðsdÞ ð79Þ In this particular case the effective hydrodynamic thickness of the porous shell, Lh, is equal to Lh ¼ X R ¼ X þ d 1: ð80Þ In the general case an expression for Lh can be obtained using Eqs. (75)–(77), however, we do not present it here because it is too big. Note, in Ref. [16] the problem was solved in the case of equal viscosities μ̃i = μ̃o (m = 1). However, the authors [16] did not deduce the explicit Eq. (79) for the dimensionless ratio of hydrodynamic drag force. They calculated this ratio numerically using a chain of equations. Unfortunately these kinds of calculations result in an instability of the numerical procedure as noticed in Ref. [16], which we also found. It was the reason why we adopted a general approach, which allowed us to deduce Eq. (79) for the dimensionless ratio of the hydrodynamic force ratio. Note, there are no instabilities in the calculations using Eqs. (76) or (79). 4.4. Influence of a porous shell on the motion of a particle In this section we consider some limiting cases of the dimensionless ratio of the hydrodynamic drag force exerted to the particles according to Eq. (76). The cases we will consider here are: 1. No porous shell, that is δ = 0, R = 1. Using Eq. (76) we conclude: Ω = 1, that is the hydrodynamic drag force is equal to the Stokes force as expected. 94 S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 2. Infinite hydrodynamic resistance of the porous shell, that is s → ∞. According to Eq. (76) we conclude Ω = 1, that is the Stokes force is recovered again as expected. 3. Completely porous particle, that is (R = 0, δ = 1). From Eq. (76) or directly from Eqs. (58)–(61) we can show that: 9 1 þ X¼ 1þ 2ms2 2ð1 mÞ m=Q 1 ; ð81Þ where Q¼1þ 3 tanh s 1 1 : s2 s ð82Þ In the case of equal viscosities, μ̃ i = μ̃ o, (m = 1) and using Eq. (81) the following expression for the dimensionless hydrodynamic drag force ratio is deduced: " #1 tanh s 1 3 X¼ 1 þ 2 ; ð83Þ s 2s which coincides with expressions earlier obtained in Refs. [16,21–23,25,32]. 4. If the internal viscosity is much bigger than the external viscosity, that is at m → ∞ then we arrive to the same case as that of a solid impermeable particle and from Eq. (76) we conclude that Ω = 1. 5. At m = 0 from Eq. (76) or at γ = 0 from Eqs. (64)–(67) we conclude: X¼ 2s20 : 3s20 þ 9 ð84Þ In Fig. 8 the variation of the dimensionless hydrodynamic drag force ratio Ω is the ratio of the calculated drag force exerted to a particle with a porous shell to the Stokes force exerted to the particle of the same radius. Those dependencies presented in Fig. 8 are given on the dimensionless thickness of the porous shell, δ at various parameters s0 (that means at various permeabilities of the porous shell). The presence of the porous shell always results in a lower friction and, hence, lower hydrodynamic drag force exerted to the particle when compared with the Stokes force. The latter means that the following inequality should hold: Ω ≤ 1. Dependencies presented in Fig. 8 always decrease as the thickness of the porous shell increases. This decrease is more pronounced at low values of the parameter s0, that is at higher hydrodynamic permeability of the porous shell. At δ = 0 there is no porous shell and in all cases Ω = 1 as should be. As the thickness of the porous shell increases the hydrodynamic drag force exerted to the particle decreases until the thickness δ̃ is less than the thickness of the Brinkman's layer, R̃b. As the thickness δ̃ approaches R̃b the rate of decrease is weakening. As the thickness δ̃ continues to increase (δ̃N R̃b) the liquid flow takes place only in a part of the porous shell, with a thickness of the order of R̃b. The latter means that in the region of the porous shell R̃≤ r̃≤ R̃+ δ̃− R̃b the liquid is practically immobile. Hence, the influence of the presence of the porous shell should stabilise as its thickness increases and the hydrodynamic drag force exerted to the particle should level off. The latter manifests itself by the presence of horizontal parts in dependencies 2, 3 and 4 in Fig. 8. Variation of the dimensionless drag force Ω (the real drag force divided by the Stokes force exerted to the solid non-porous particles of the same radius) exerted to solid particles covered by a porous shell with the dimensionless thickness of the porous shell δ at m = 3 and s0 = 2 (1), s0 = 5 (2), s0 = 8 (3), s0 = 11 (4). S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 95 Fig. 9. Variation of the dimensionless hydrodynamic drag force ratio Ω (the real drag force divided by the Stokes force exerted to the solid non-porous particles of the same radius) exerted to solid particles covered by a porous shell with the parameter s0 at m = 3 and δ = 0.4 (1), δ = 0.6 (2), δ = 0.8 (3), δ = 1 (4). Fig. 8. The curve 1 in Fig. 8 decreases over the whole range of thicknesses of the porous shell because in this particular case the Brinkman's length R̃b N δ̃. Note, the authors in Ref. [16] came to a similar conclusion at m = 1. In the same reference [16] the physical picture of the flow in the porous shell was investigated in detail and stream lines of the flow were presented for a range of other dimensionless parameters. The variation of the dimensionless hydrodynamic drag force ratio Ω with the parameter s0 at different δ is presented in Fig. 9. Increasing s0 corresponds to a decrease of the Brinkman length, R̃b, that is thinning of the part of the porous shell where the liquid flow takes place (at fixed δ̃ and R̃). Note again, inside the depth of the porous shell outside the Brinkman's layer the liquid is practically immobile. This was the reason why, according to the limiting case 2 (s → ∞), the hydrodynamic drag force exerted to the particle tends to the Stokes force for the solid particle of radius R̃+ δ̃ (Ω → 1). Hence, if the same solid shell is replaced by a porous shell of the same thickness then the drag decreases. The decrease of the hydrodynamic drag force ratio is more pronounced at lower values of the friction coefficient of the porous shell k̃. The increase of the thickness of the porous shell, δ̃, at high hydrodynamic permeability (s0 ≤ 1) also contributes to the decrease of the hydrodynamic drag force ratio. Note, in the case of zero friction coefficient, k̃= 0, s0 = 0 the resulting hydrodynamic drag force is the Stokes force exerted to the solid particle of radius R̃: F̃= 6πμ̃R̃Ũ. The latter means that at s0 = 0 X¼ R̃ 1 : u ˜ d þ 1 d þ R̃ ð85Þ The dimensionless hydrodynamic drag forces ratio Ω is plotted in Fig. 10 against the parameter m at different values of the dimensionless thickness of the porous shell δ. All plots start from an identical point determined by Eq. (84). In the case under consideration this point is Ω = 0.5. As the internal viscosity, μ̃i increases, the hydrodynamic drag force should increase according to the limiting case 4, and Ω → 1 at m → ∞. This limiting value is reached earlier at low thicknesses of the porous shell, δ. In general the viscosity and the hydrodynamic permeability of the Brinkman's media are not independent parameters but are interconnected and should be determined according to self-consistent theory [26,27]. Fig. 10. Variation of the dimensionless hydrodynamic drag force ratio Ω (the real drag force divided by the Stokes force exerted to the solid non-porous particles of the same radius) exerted to solid particles covered by a porous shell with the viscosity ratio m at s0 = 3 and δ = 0.1 (1), δ = 0.37 (2), δ = 0.63 (3), δ = 0.9 (4). 96 S.I. Vasin et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 139 (2008) 83–96 5. Conclusions Flow through a layer built up by porous particles is important in a number of processes both in nature and technology: flows in sand beds, through porous membranes under applied pressure difference, in petroleum reservoir rocks, in aloxite materials, sedimentation etc. [1]. Such flows can be effectively modeled using the cell model suggested in Ref. [3]. 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Glossary Latin ã= R̃+ δ̃ b̃ F̃st F̃solid k̃ L̃11 L̃h i m ¼ ÃÃo p̃ R̃ r̃, θ, φqffiffiffiffi o R̃b ¼ Ãk̃ s0 ¼ R̃ãb s ¼ ps0ffiffiffi radius of the particle with porous shell radius of a spherical cell Stokes force exerted to the solid particle of the radius ã Stokes force exerted to the solid particle of the radius R̃ resistance in the Brinkman's equations hydrodynamic permeability of the membrane effective hydrodynamic thickness of the porous shell the viscosity ratio pressure radius of the solid particle spherical co-ordinate system Brinkman's length m Ũ (|Ũ| = Ũ ) uniform flow with velocity on the cell boundary ṽ velocity Greek δ̃ γ3 ε μ̃ σ̃rθ and σ̃rr θ Ω thickness of a porous shell volume fraction of particles porosity of the membrane viscosity tangential and normal components of the viscous stress polar angle the ratio of the real drag force exerted to the particle to the Stokes force exerted to the particle of the same radius Superscripts ∼ dimensional value o in the cell outside the porous cell i inside the porous shell