Final Exam Monday, May 3, 5:00 to 7:00 pm McMaster Hall room 2002 You may bring in 1 standard sheet of paper (8.5” x 11.0”) to the Final Exam. -- both sides ok Constants and some math formulas provided. Review Definitions Scalar: length, speed, mass, energy, potential, pressure, temperature, entropy, power, moment of inertia Vector: displacement, velocity, force, momentum, torque Classical Mechanics Newton’s Laws of Motion Conservation Laws (Total Energy, Momentum), collisions Fluids, waves, equilibrium Thermodynamics Thermodynamics Laws For constant acceleration Five quantities involved: (x−x0), v0, v, t, a Equations Involves missing v = v0 + a t v, v0, a, t (x-x0) x - x0 = v0 t + ½ a t2 (x−x0), v0, a, t v v2 – v02 = 2a ( x – x0 ) (x−x0), v0, a, v t x – x0 = ½ ( v0 + v ) t (x−x0), v0, v, t a x – x0 = v t – ½ a t2 (x−x0), v, a, t v0 Above equations only apply for a = constant Chapter 3: Vectors To describe motions in 2- or 3-dimensions, we need vectors A vector quantity has both a magnitude and a direction. e.g., acceleration, velocity, displacement, force, torque, and momentum. To describe 3-D motion, we will dissect it into 3 one-dimensional motions. Each 1-D will be a component in the larger 3-D vector. Add vectors by components r a = a x î r b = b x î r r r r = a + b = ( a x + b x ) î + a y ˆj + a z k̂ + b y ˆj + b z k̂ + ( a y + b y ) ˆj + a x = a cos θ a y = a sin θ a= a 2x + a 2y tan θ = ay ax ( a z + b z ) k̂ Multiplication of Vectors • Multiply a vector by a scalar: b = s a – Magnitude of b: s times the magnitude of a – Direction of b : same as a if s > 0, opposite of a if s < 0 • Multiply a vector by a vector – Scalar product (tells you the projection of a onto b.) • results in a scalar – Vector product (tells you the area subtended by a and b.) • results in another vector perpendicular to both a and b. Forms of energy Kinetic energy: the energy associated with motion. Potential energy: the energy associated with position or state. (Chapter 08) Heat: thermodynamic quanitity related to entropy. Conservation of Energy is one of Nature’s fundamental laws that is not violated. That means the grand total of all forms of energy in a given system is (and was, and will be) a constant. Etotal = K1 + U1 + Wnc = K2 + U2 = ½ mv12 + mgy1 + ½ kx12 = ½ mv22 + mgy2 + ½ kx22 Law of Conservation of Energy Count up the initial energy in all of its forms. E i = K i + U i + E thermali + E internali Count up the final energy in all of its forms. E f = K f + U f + E thermalf + E internalf These two must be equal. E i = K i + U i + E thermali + E internali = E f = K f + U f + E thermalf + E internalf Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem Work is energy transferred to or from an object by means of a force acting on the object v v W = ∫ F ⋅ ds The change in the kinetic energy of a particle is equal the net work done on the particle ∆K = K f − K i = Wnet 1 1 2 = mv f − mvi2 2 2 final kinetic energy = initial kinetic energy + net work 1 1 2 2 K f = mv f = K i + Wnet = mvi + Wnet 2 2 Force Potential Energy Relationship F(x) = −dU(x)/dx Thus, the force in the x-directions the negative derivative of the potential energy! The same holds true for y- and z-directions. ∂U( x , y, z) F( x ) = − ∂x ∂U( x , y, z) F( y) = − ∂y ∂U( x , y, z) F(z) = − ∂z v ∂U( x , y, z) ∂U( x , y, z) ∂U( x , y, z) ĵ + − F = − î + − k̂ ∂x ∂y ∂z Potential Energy Curve We know: Therefore: ∆U(x) = −W = −F(x) ∆x F(x) = −dU(x)/dx Now integrate along the displacement: v v dU W = ∫ F ⋅ dx = − ∫ dx dx v v dU ∫ F ⋅ dx = K f −K i = − ∫ dx = −(U f − Ui ) = Ui − U f dx v v dU ∫ F ⋅ dx = − ∫ dx dx = K f − K i = U i − U f Rearrange terms: K f + U f = K i + U i Center of mass for a system of n particles: n n n 1 1 1 y c.m . = ∑ m i y i z c. m . = ∑ m i z i x c. m . = ∑ m i x i M i =1 M i =1 M i =1 n M is just the total mass of the system M = ∑ m i 1 n v v Using vectors, we have: rc.m. = ∑ m i ri M i =1 i =1 Continuous mass distributions: x c. m . 1 = ∫ x dm M y c.m . 1 = ∫ y dm M z c.m. 1 = ∫ z dm M Linear Momentum The linear momentum of a particle is defined as v v p = mv Newton’s second law in terms of momentum v v dp d dv v dm v v v = (mv) = m + v = ma = Fnet dt dt dt dt Newton’s Second Law n v v v v Fnet = Ftotal = ∑ Fi = ma i =1 Inelastic Collisions The mechanical energy is not conserved in inelastic collisions. (Ei > Ef) or (Ei < Ef) But, .... linear momentum is conserved! Inelastic Collisions How much mechanical energy was lost in the collision? v 1 (m 1 + m 2 )V f2 = 1 (m 1 + m 2 ) m 1 2 2 m1 + m 2 E lost = E i − E f = E lost 1 1 m 1 v 12i − 2 2 1 = 2 2 2 2 1 m 12 v 1 i = v 1 i 2 m1 + m 2 2 m 12 1 m 1m 2 2 v 1 i = v 1 i m1 + m 2 2 m1 + m 2 m 1m 2 m1 + m 2 2 v 1 i ⇒ Elastic Collisions Perfectly elastic collision: Linear momentum is conserved v v v v v m 1 v 1 i + m 2 v 2 i = m 1 v 1 f + m 2 v 2 f (= M v c . m . ) Perfectly elastic collision: Mechanical energy is conserved 1 1 v2 v E i = m 1 v 1 i + m 2 v 22 i 2 2 = 1 1 v2 v m 1 v 1 f + m 2 v 22 f = E f 2 2 Rotation with constant angular acceleration The equations for constant angular acceleration are similar to those for constant linear acceleration replace θ for x, ω for v, and α for a, missing v = v0 + at ω = ω0 + αt θ – θ0 x – x0 = v0t + ½ at2 θ – θ0 = ω0t + ½ αt2 ω v2 = v02 + 2a(x-x0) ω2 = ω02 +2α (θ - θ0) t x – x0 = ½ (v0 + v)t θ – θ0 = ½(ω0 − ω)t α x – x0 = vt − ½ at2 θ – θ0 = ωt − ½ αt2 ω0 Kinetic Energy of Rotation Consider a rigid body rotating around a fixed axis as a collection of particles with different linear speed, the total kinetic energy is K = Σ ½ mi vi2 = Σ ½ mi (ω ri )2 = ½ ( Σ mi ri 2) ω2 Define rotational inertia ( moment of inertia) to be I=Σ mi ri2 I = ∫ r 2dm ri : the perpendicular distance between mi and the rotation axis Then K = ½Iω2 Compare to the linear case: K = ½mv2 Newton’s second law for rotation n v v v I: rotational inertia v τnet = ∑ ri × Fi = Iα α: angular acceleration i =1 n v v Compare to the linear equation: Fnet = ∑ Fi = mav i =1 Angular momentum with respect to point O for a particle of mass m and linear momentum p is defined as: v r r r r l = r × p = m (r × v ) Magnitude: l = r p sin φ = r mv sin φ The Kinetic Energy of Rolling View the rolling as pure rotation around P, the kinetic energy K = ½ IP ω2 parallel axis theorem: Ip = Icom +MR2 so K = ½ Icomω2 + ½ MR2ω2 since vcom = ωR K = ½ Icomω2 + ½ M(vcom)2 ½ Icomω2 : due to the object’s rotation about its center of mass ½ M(vcom)2 : due to the translational motion of its center of mass Chapter 12 Equilibrium & Elasticity Equilibrium: P = constant and L = constant Static equilibrium: Objects that are not moving either in translation or rotation. P = 0 L = 0 Requirements of equilibrium r r dP Fnet = dt r r dL τ = dt r Fnet = 0 (balance of forces) r τ net = 0 (balance of torques) The equation of continuity ∆V = A ∆x = A v ∆t ∆V = A1v1∆t = A2v2∆t A1v1 = A2v2 (Continuity equation) or: Av = constant Bernoulli’s equation Bernoulli’s equation is based on Conservation of Mechanical Energy = Conserved Potential energy per volume Kinetic energy per volume Pressure p + ½ ρv2 + ρgy = constant p1 + ½ ρv12 + ρgy1 = p2 + ½ ρv22 + ρgy2 = constant Bernoulli’s equation Bernoulli’s equation based on Conservation of Mechanical Energy p + ½ ρv2 + ρgy = constant For fluid at rest, v = 0 p + ρgy = constant p2 = p1 + ρg(y1-y2) For y = constant, p + ½ ρv2 = constant if v increases, then p decreases Thermodynamics -- 1st Law Recall the definition of work: W = ∫ p dV ⇒ dW = pdV 1st Law of Thermodynamics E = Q − W => ∆E = Q − W