As an AmeriCorps VISTA Member at FL |CC, you are responsible for various reporting documents throughout your service year. These reports will detail the work that you do in your community, the goals you achieve in your Volunteer Assignment Description (VAD), and track the number of days you take off every month. Please read the following carefully and file it in your records to refer back to as you begin filling out the necessary reporting documents. Remember to be mindful of deadlines and contact your VISTA Leader if you require any assistance.
Monthly Responsibilities:
1.) Fill out your Leave Report, review with your supervisor, and have them sign and date it. Submit this form to FL |CC by the 5 th
of every month.
2.) Scan and email, or fax this report to Shelly Herman, Program Coordinator
Reporting Period Responsibilities:
1.) Fill out the PPR template Word Doc or PDF. This work sheet is for your convenience to fill out at your leisure. This information will ultimately be entered into Survey Monkey once complete. You’re your PPR worksheet is completed, submit your Project Progress Report and updated VAD (reflecting any changes in this reporting period) to your Supervisor for their review and approval.
Your site supervisor will sign the PPR cover sheet (Page 1) acknowledging they have reviewed and approved of the information being submitted.
2.) Once your PPR is approved copy your data into the Survey Monkey form by clicking on the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DPYFM5Q Please note once you start the Survey Monkey you cannot save it and go back. Please make sure you have enough time to copy the information collected for your PPR into the Survey Monkey in one sitting.
3.) Send the signed copy of the cover page (Page 1) via fax or email long with any attachments (pictures, stories, newspaper articles, etc.) you wish to share with the FL |CC office to the program coordinator.
The PPR is not a cumulative summary of your VISTA year thus far. The reporting periods are broken down into dates of the calendar year, and not your individual service year. They are as follows:
Reporting Dates ___________________FL|CC Due Date
January 1 through March 31………………………….……..April 15
April 1 through June 30 ……………………………………..….July 15
July 1 through September 30……………………………..October 15
October 1 through December 31 ………………….….January 15
As you begin work at your host site, you will begin to accomplish the goals outlined in your VAD. Please update your VAD by writing in your accomplishments as you complete them. You will scan and email or fax the updated VAD with accomplishments in every reporting period. Please make sure that you review this with your supervisor and have them sign the document before submitting it to FL |CC.
The results that you report in your PPR are imperative to the success of the FL |CC VISTA Program, and provide data for The Corporation for National and Community Service’s Bi-annual Reports. Please fill your PPR in detail, being as specific as possible. In order to assure that you are able to continue the good work you do every day, it is important to make sure this data you submit is as accurate as possible.
You are part of a state and nationwide VISTA Member team! We love to share stories between our members and organizations including photos, videos, news articles or any other sort of resource you’d like to highlight to the rest of the team. Please email these pieces of information directly to your VISTA
Quantitative analysis can be measured as how many, how much, etc. In this section, we request numeric data in regard to the question asked. Some information to consider:
*CNCS makes Veterans and Military families a priority for all programs. Please track data concerning how this group is engaged as volunteers AND how they are served by programming where indicated on the report.
*Many FL |CC VISTA Projects include programs that facilitate and support college access and completion through mentoring. Please provide numeric data that distinguishes between college students recruited as mentors, the number of youth mentored (mentees), and also how many youth mentees were involved in volunteer projects.
*Cash resources include any and all grants, monetary donations, etc. These differ from non-cash or in- kind donations.
*In-kind donations are resources developed to support your organization that can include snacks, equipment or any goods donated directly to an organization or for an event.
All questions in this section concern data specific to National Days of Service and how you participated in them as VISTA. National Days of Service include:
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service
Cesar Chavez Day of Service and Learning
Global Youth Service Day
National Volunteer Week
AmeriCorps Week
9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance
Make a Difference Day
This section provides a detailed list of new and expanding community partnerships. Keeping a detailed list is necessary for your records and to assure that partnerships focus on a CNCS Priority area.
CNCS Priority Areas:
( http://www.nationalservice.gov/sites/default/files/page/2014_VISTA_Program_Guidance.pdf
Economic Opportunity
Healthy Futures
Veterans and Military Families
Qualitative data is extremely varied in nature. It includes virtually any information that can be captured that is not numerical in nature. We know that you are accomplishing many great things in your community and this section allows you to describe how— especially in the Accomplishments and Stories sections. Read the short explanations below for guidance on what you should be reporting on in each section.
1.) Challenges: In this section, you describe any challenges you are facing for the period that you are reporting on. Please include whether these challenges have been resolved, or, if they remain unresolved, your plans to address them.
(Ex: This period, I faced the challenge of trying to track volunteer hours throughout the university. To resolve this I have signed up with Sweat Monkey for our volunteers to log in and track their hours.)
2.) Training/ Technical Assistance Needs: What types of trainings or professional development do you feel that you need in order to be successful in your VISTA placement? Are there specific tools that FL |CC may be able to provide in order to make your service more effective? If so, please indicate specific requests in this section.
(Ex: One of my goals in my VAD is to research and write proposals for grant funding to support our volunteer appreciation program. Having never written a grant, I am in need of workshops/training in order to complete this goal.)
3.) Sustainability: Describe specific organizational strategies that are in place to sustain the project.
What is your plan for transitioning your project away from AmeriCorps*VISTA resources?
4.) Story / Accomplishments: Describe, in detail any accomplishments you have achieved this reporting period. This can include awards received, projects that occurred, and additional side projects you have been working on. Include stories on successful projects that you have done in your community that follow the mission of AmeriCorps VISTA and the alleviation of poverty. Please be as detailed as possible, explaining how you worked to get this project started as well as your results in the end. Also include any quotes or special moments during this project that made it so great. Lastly, talk about your efforts to sustain this project in the future.
5. VISTA Satisfaction Survey: Please answer the questions indicated on a scale to 1-5 ranking FL |CC services.
* The Corporation for National and Community Service provides the VISTA Progress Report Supplement
(VPRS) as an addendum to the regular quarterly progress report required of organizations approved to sponsor a VISTA project. The VPRS is the vehicle through which projects submit specific data elements needed by the Corporation to report on performance. Corporation personnel will use the reports to track Corporation and VISTA specific performance measures on an annual basis.
* The project supervisor should complete the VPRS. AmeriCorps VISTA members should be allowed to review the completed reports, but should not be required to complete the report.