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Several announcements were made during the
GMFHOA annual meeting of big changes coming
to the areas around GMF. Braddock Supervisor
John Cook was the guest speaker and he described
the status of the state-owned 79 acres which make
up the Northern Virginia Training Center (NVTC)
property, located directly across Braddock Road
from GMF. The property has been sold but the
name of purchaser and the plans for development
have not been disclosed. Cook said the state will
retain four acres of the original 83 for DMV use. The
DMV presently located in Fair Oaks mall will be
closed and moved to the new location on the former
NVTC property. The DMV will also build a motorcycle test track at the site of the present State Police
Headquarters building. Cook stated that public hearings will be held to get input from surrounding communities prior to any approval of the developer
Cook also said three of four studies for best plan
for widening Braddock Road have been completed.
When all are compete, public hearings will be held
for input to help decide the best plan.
A third area of concern to GMF residents is the
property at Roberts and Braddock Roads. Attendees were told that GMU was interested in the
property to build resident dorms but that idea was
discarded. There continues to be many inquires by
developers about the property for commercial or
institutional use, but Supervisor Cook stated he favors it being used for single family housing. In answer to a question about University Park, Cook
stated that the county rarely sells park property so it
is doubtful if University Park located next to GMFHOA will be sold.
Tena Bluhm - President
Heather Villavicencio-Vice President
Fred Knowles - Secretary
Claire Orth—Treasurer
Kathleen Lieb
Michael Kammerman
Stu Merrill
Shannon Morrow
Leslie Pease
Julie Stewart
Questions were asked about a meal tax, property
taxes, liquor and tobacco taxes. Cook stated the
county financial status is critical. If the present
property taxes are raised four cents for FY2017, the
county will still be behind three and one-half cents in
revenue for the next year. He stated there are no
more cuts that can be made—they have hit the bottom of the barrel. Many options are being investigated by county staff to find more revenue to cover
costs for all of the county services.
The GMFHOA president informed the embers of
the activities and actions of the Board of Directors
for 2015.(See Page 3)
Announcements were also made
of State and Federal legislation activity that could
adversely affect GMFHOA’s restrictive covenants.
VA Senate Bill 238 allowing home based businesses
died in committee. US Congressional Bill 1685
Radio Parity (to permit high ham-radio towers) has
bipartisan support and is in committee. Bob Hutten
tracks this bill. Fairfax County passed a new noise
ordinance in February. For details go to http://
The residents were reminded to clean up after
their pets and walkers asked to pick up trash and
old newspapers in the gutters and streets. Home
owners were also reminded that trash and yard
waste should not be placed on the curb more than
24 hours before pick-up day. Lawn Care companies
must be directed to not leave bags of grass cuttings
on the curb or street.
It is extremely important for residents and
owners to notify the HOA of any change in email
address. The HOA is legally required to have the
contact information for its homeowners.
Resident volunteers the past year were
recognized, especially the many Blizzard Heroes.
Celeste Delahunty and Bob Winstead were
thanked for their years of service on the GMFHOA
board of directors.
Grounds Chair Kathleen Lieb announced that
Professional Grounds is the new grounds
maintenance company, They begin care of the
(Continued Page 2 meeting)
(Continued from Page 1 Meeting)
common areas April 1. The bushes at the Red
Spruce entrance damaged by an auto will be replaced this spring. The majority of the 120 tree
seedlings planted last year survived and are doing
well. Those that died were replaced and any future
losses will be replaced. All Virginia native species
were provided without cost to GMFHOA by ReLeaf
of Fairfax.
The Grounds Chair said some residents have
been seen dumping wood, branches, leaves, and
other debris. Some lawn companies may also be
guilty. GMFHOA governing documents (DCCR Article VII Section 9; ACC Guidelines Section 4 Common Areas) and the Chesapeake Bay Preservation
Act forbid dumping in our Resource Protected Area
common areas. GMFHOA as well as the person
doing the dumping can be prosecuted and steeply
fined by county and federal authorities. Any fine on
the HOA will require an extra assessment of all owners.
GMFHOA Treasurer, Claire Orth, reported the
2015 financial records are at the auditor. All homeowners have paid their 2016 assessments. The Operating Account balance is $39,809 and the Capital
Reserve balance is $26,842. The required five year
review of the Capital Reserve was completed and
the 2015-2020 study was sent to all residents in the
annual assessment notice in February. A chart of
annual expenses was distributed in the meeting
agenda packet.
Three seats on the Board of Directors were vacant. The three candidates, Michael Kammerman,
Stu Merrill and Julie Stewart nominated by the
Nominating Committee were introduced and gave a
short bio. The president asked for other nominations from the floor — none were received. All nominees were elected for a three year term.
The annual meeting adjourned after no other business was brought forward.
In addition to the GMFHOA
ALERTS sent to all subscribing
residents, a new multicommunity electronic bulletin board called
“NEXTDOOR” is now available. This is a private
online network. It is not monitored nor sponsored by
GMFHOA. It can be used to post or find service providers, babysitters, etc. Follow the instructions in
the adjacent flyer and log on to build a better neighborhood.
It pays to keep GMF looking good
Pick up loose trash
ACTIONS IN 2015 –2016
Twenty volunteers participated in the event. The
Board appointed a search committee, Fred
Knowles (Secretary), Kathleen Lieb and John
Mohn, for a new grounds maintenance company.
The committee followed the GMFHOA Procedure
2014-09-00 Procurement of Vendor Services to evaluate bids received.
November 2015 Halloween Party turn out was small
this year. The Board continues to look for a volunteer to run the Halloween event in Oct 2016. The
Board appointed a Capital Reserve Revision committee to meet the state requirements that a Capital
Reserve study be done every five years. Project
completed. Board approved the 2015– 2020 Capital
Reserve Report.
January 2016 Claire Orth prepared the annual audit
and tax information for the audit company. Claire
also sent out assessment letters, included were the
approved 2016 Budget and new Five Year Capital
Reserve. Board approved and awarded the new
grounds maintenance contract to Professional
February 2016 Tena Bluhm was one of a four
member panel invited to present in the Fairfax County Neighborhood and Leaders Conferences on
"Community Association Best Practices and Neighborhood Conflict with Resolution"--in both 2015 and
2016. Tena Bluhm attended Town Hall presentations with state Senator Chap Peterson and Del David Bulova regarding bills before the 2016 General
Assembly. Board planned the GMFHOA annual
meeting. Board appointed Celeste Delahunty as
Nominating Committee chair to search for candidates to fill three GMFHOA Board expiring term
seats. Board organized volunteers to provide emergency transportation during the blizzard. In addition,
many other volunteers cleared drive ways and walks
for others during the blizzard.
Throughout 2015
--Twenty-three (23) GMFHOA Alerts were sent to
subscribing residents/owners. Topics included a lost
kitten, lost property, weather and traffic reports and
special event announcements.
--The Board appointed John Mohn to chair a committee to write Policies and Procedures. After researching the Code of VA, Fairfax County codes and
GMFHOA governing documents, he presented eighteen drafts to the board for approval. The policies
and procedures range from procedure for selecting a
vendor for services to how to set up the annual
meeting. Most policies and procedures are listed on
the GMFHOA website.
--Tena Bluhm wrote and sent out the two GMFHOA
Newsletters in 2015.
--Hours and hours of volunteer time by both board
members and resident volunteers to meet the legal
requirements of managing an association, protecting
March 2015
Tena Bluhm (President) and Ally
Gu worked together to publish the 2015 GMFHOA
Directory. It was distributed by volunteers. The
board directed the Grounds Committee to research
Federal, state and county regulations regarding
maintenance of Resource Protected Areas and Dry
Ponds. Project completed and a presentation made
to the GMFHOA members at the annual meeting.
April 2015 Twenty people participated in the annual GMFHOA clean-up day. The neighborhood
clean-up day was timed to coincide with the Braddock District watershed clean-up day that includes
both the Accotink and the Pohick watersheds. Tena
Bluhm attended the Braddock District Council
monthly meetings throughout the year to learn of
projects that might affect the neighborhood. She
also attended a “Meet the Legislators” event; Fairfax
County school board budget presentation and Fairfax County budget presentation.
May 2015 Under the direction of Kathleen Lieb,
Grounds Committee Chair, 120 trees were planted in
four common land areas with a great success and a
good turnout of volunteer planters. Kathleen Lieb,
Claire Orth (Treasurer) and Tena Bluhm attended a
legal seminar given by the GMFHOA legal firm on
the laws passed by the 2015 General Assembly that
affect homeowners associations.
June 2015 The Board approved the plan to construct a boardwalk along the common area path
where it is swampy. Project completed by Kathleen,
Mark and Michael Lieb and Eric Mondschein.
The Board approved an Eagle Scout Candidate project to clear drain pipes in common land and to divert
the natural spring at the end of the Gilbertson trail
head in the common area. Project completed. The
board asked for a volunteer to clean the graffiti from
the concrete drain at the curve of Red Spruce.
Dave Taylor volunteered and completed the task.
July 2015 Tena Bluhm and Heather Villavicencio
(Vice-resident) met with an insurance broker to discuss better insurance coverage for the GMF community. The discussions and search for an appropriate insurance company continues. Broker suggested
making a decision closer to the renewal time (June
2016) of our current policy.
September 2015 Annual GMFHOA Picnic was a
great success. Estimated was the largest turnout
GMF has had.
October 2015 An American Disposal Services discount was negotiated by Board member Shannon
Marrow. Homeowners were notified and instructed
to call American Disposal Services to get $22 rate/
month for the next year. Kathleen Lieb directed the
Storm Drain labeling project. All 57 storm drains in
GMFHOA now are labeled with Chesapeake Water
shed reminders.
3 (Continue on Page 4)
(Continued from Page 3)
the value of homeowners property and keeping up
the appearance of the neighborhood.
The GMFHOA web site tab Documents and
Minutes is pass word protected and requires a user
name and pass word. The user name is gmfhoa
and the pass word is gmfhoa2014-131.
Community Yard Sale
May 14
Community Picnic
Sept 10
Halloween Event
Oct 29
Time to clean out the
closets, attics and garages for
the big GMFHOA community
yard sale May 14, 2016. . Sale
starts at 8 AM but be ready for
the early birds knocking at your
door. No rain date for this event.
Announcements will be posted on social media and
. Love a party and full of ideas for games and
activities for kids ? GMF needs you!! GMFHOA is
looking for several volunteers to share planning
and overseeing the annual Halloween event for
GMF kids on October 29. Limited funds will be
provided to purchase prizes and games. The event
is a “bring and share” a snack or treat. Everyone is
encouraged to dress in costume, bring pets in costume and enjoy the fun.
Interested in helping? Contact Julie Stewart (703
-978-1203 or 571-294-8659)
—GMFHOA Board of Directors hold its meetings
every third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM except in August and December. Meeting site rotates,
call any Board member for information. All GMFHOA members are welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings with prior notice. Time is allowed in each meeting for public comment.
—Board members periodically attend educational
seminars and community meetings to learn of county and state decisions and plans in the surrounding
areas that affect GMF. All GMF members are encouraged to come along.
To stay current with local county news, subscribe to the Braddock Beacon and The Cook Advisory, both put out by the office of the Braddock District Supervisor. To subscribe contact the Braddock
District office at 703-425-9300 and provide your
email address.
— Prior to contracting, owners must contact the
GMFHOA Architectural Control Committee (ACC),
to obtain approval for any change in the exterior of a
home. The ACC guidelines are available on the
GMFHOA web site to describe what is and is not
allowed. Also on the site is the ACC request form. If
there are no issues, the ACC can return a request
within a very short period of time. If it is painting
job, ACC color charts are available. Go to the website and contact or call
703-978-9468 for information .
—The GMFHOA Board is searching for a volunteer
who likes to be in the “know” and likes to write to
produce the GMFHOA newsletter twice a year. Will
provide the Publisher Program to do the newsletter.
Contact for more information.
—-The Annual Community Clean Up Day had 17
volunteers. Over 700 lbs. of bags of trash and debris with were removed from GMF common land.
Workers noted that some residents are still using
the common land as dumping ground for yard debris, wood, and leaves, and storing wood piles.
This is a violation of federal and county laws, and
can result in heavy fines for both GMF and the offending homeowners. Dumping kills native, natural
vegetation and alters the flow of storm water creating swampy areas which become breeding grounds
for mosquitoes. All trash removal companies that
service our neighborhood provide for removal of
yard debris on Wednesday. You are paying for the
service —use it.
— The Board also remains concerned about encroachment of residents onto common land and
4 converting it into lawn to expand property lines.
This must stop.