Chromosomes of Some Op isthobranchiate Mollusks from Eniwetok Atoll, W estern Pacific' ] . B. BURCH2 and R. NATARA] AN3 ABSTR ACT: Chromosome numbers are reported for nine species of opisthobranchiate mollusks from Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands, western Pacific. In the N udibranchia, both D endrod oris nigra (Den drodori didae) and H erviella mietta (Favorinida e) were found to have 13 bivalents during male meiosis. In the Anaspidea, D olabrif era d olabrifera and Stylocb eilus longicallda (Aplysiidae) both had 17 bivalents during male meiosis. In the Ceph alaspidea, H amin oea linda and H. musetta (Atyi dae) each had 17 pairs of chromosomes during male meiosis and Latb opb tbalm us smaragd imts and Smaragdinella calyculata (Smaragdinellidae) had 18 pairs. In the Soleolifera, Onchidella eoelinae had 18 bivalents during male meiosis. Th e extreme conservativeness of chromosome numbers in opisthobranchiate mollusks is demonstrated by that fact that all 18 nudibr anchs from 10 families studied so far have the single haploid chromosome number 13, and that 18 of the 21 species of the orders Entomotaeniata, Anaspidea, Cephalaspidea, and Sacoglossa have 17 pairs of chromosomes. Th e haploid number 18 is here reported for the first time for nonsoleoliferan opisthobranchiate mollusks. Th e more advanced, mostly fresh-water, order Basommatophora, in which the haploid number 18 is the basic number, may well have been derived from a taxon with in or related to this cephalaspid superfam ily (Philin acea) . IN RECENT YEARS, detailed investigations have been made on the chromosomes of many basommatophoran and stylommatophoran snails (Burch, 1965) , but relatively few species of the opisthobranchiate! orders have been studied, 1 The field work for th is investigation was sup ported by the D ivision of Biology and Medicin e, U . S. Atomic Energy Commission . The research was supp orted ( in par t) by grants from the N ational Science Found ation , W ashingto n, D . C. ( GB 787 ) and the N ational In stitute of All ergy and Infectious D iseases, U. S. Pu blic H ealt h Service ( 5 T1 AI 41-08 ) . Manuscript received March 14, 1966. 2 Mus eum and D epartment of Zoology, University of Mi chigan, Ann Arbor . Supp orted by a Public H ealth Service research career program award ( N o. 5-K 3-AI-19, 451-03 ) . 3 Museum of Zoology, Uni versity of Michigan, Ann Ar bor. 4 Boett ger (1955 ) considers the orders Opis thobranchiata and Pulmona ta ( togeth er equivalent to the subc lr-ss Euthyneura ) to be unnatu ral ones, and instead divides the Euthyne ura into seven orders . While we do not disagree with th is, it is still convenien: to speak of his five lower (m ainl y marine) euthyneur an ord ers (Nudibranchia, Soleolifera, Cephalaspidea, Sacoglossa, and Anaspidea) as " opistho - mainly because of the difficulties they pr esent in collection and identification. Relying on the studies of various authors during the early part of the pr esent century, Makino (195 1) listed the chromosome numbers of 16 opisthobranchiate species, but recent investigations by Inaba and our present studies indicate that the earlier records are not dependable and so are obsolete. Previous reliable reports on the chromosomes of opisthobranchiate gastropods are those of Inaba and H irota (1954, 1958), Inaba (1959a, 1959b, 1961) , N atarajan (1959, 1960), Mancino and Sordi ( 1964a and b) , and Burch ( 1965) . These authors give the chromosome numbers of 36 species belonging to 21 families and 7 orders (Tables 1 and 2) . This is a very small number when compared with the great multitude of species currently recognized in the opisthobranchiate orders. Th e present pap er presents the chromosome numbers of 9 opisthobranchiate branchs" as distinguished from th e more advanced Basommatop hora (m ainly freshwater) and Stylommatophora (l and inhabita nts). 252 Chromosomes of Eniwetok Opisthobranchiates-s-Bun cn AND NATARAJAN 253 TABLE 1 CHRO MOSO ME NUMB ERS PREVIO USLY R EPORT ED IN T HE O PI ST H OBRAN CHIAT E O RDERS NOTASPID EA AN D N UDIBRAN CH IA CHROMOSOME N UM BER SPECIES 20 n LOCA LIT Y 24 12 J apan Inaba, 1959a 26 26 13 13 13 13 13 J apan J apan J apan J apan It aly In aba and H irota, 19 58 Inaba and H irot a, 1954 ; 1958 Inaba, 1959a Inaba , 1959a Mancino and Sordi, 1964a 26 26 13 13 J apan Japan Inaba and H irota, 1958 Inaba and H irot a, 195'8 ; In aba, 1959b 26 13 13 J apan Japan In aba and H irota, 1958 In aba and H irota, 1958 13 J apan Inaba and Hi rota, 1958 13 Ja pan Inaba , 19 59a 13 J apan Inaba, 1961 13 J apan Inaba and H irota, 1958 13 J apan In aba, 1961 13 13 J apan Ja pan Inaba and Hi rota, 1958 Inaba and H irota, 19 58 REFEREN CE N OT ASPIDEA Pleurobran chid ae Pieu robrancbaea nauaezealandiae N UDIBRANC H IA Dori didae Glossodoris [estiua Glossodoris pallescens Rostanga arbutus Discodoris pardalis D oris uerrucosa D endrodorididae D endrodoris miniata D endrodoris nigra Trioph idae Kaloplocamus ramosus Plocamopberus tilesii Goniodorididae Okenia barnardi Fimb riidae Melibe papillosa D otonidae Doto bella Arminidae D ermatobrancbus striat us Cuth on idae Catriona pup illae Facelinidae Facelina ceylonica Facelina [aponica 26 26 species belonging to 6 families and 4 orders (Table 3) , which were collected in shallow water s around thr ee island s of En iwetok Atoll in the western Pacific by th e senior author and Dr. W illiam H . H eard du ring early 1960. MATERIAL AND METHODS The species studied in this investigation and the localitie s wh ere th ey were collected are listed below. Duplicate specimens have been deposited in the collections of the Mu seum of Zoology at the Univers ity of M ichigan, the University of Sao Paulo , and the University of H awaii. NUDlBRANCHIA L D endrodoris nigra (St impson ) (Fig. 1). N orth end of Japt an Island , und er loose p ieces of dead coral. Ap ril 1, 1960 . 2 . H eroielln mietta M arcus and Burch ( Fig. 2 ) . N orth end of En iwetok Island on the lagoon side , in about 10 em of water at low tide, under submerged pieces of dead coral. Ap ril 2, 1960. ANASPIDEA 3. D olabrif era dolabrifera (Rang ) ( Fig. 3) . Und er loose p ieces of coral on seaward tid e flat at the north end of Parr y Island . M arch 25, 1960. PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XX I, April 1967 254 TA BLE 2 CHROMOSOME NUMBERS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED IN THE O PISTHOBRANCHIATE ORDERS ENTOMOTAENIATA, CEPHALASPIDEA, ANASPIDEA, SACOGLOSSA, AND SOLEOLIFERA CHRO MOSO ME NUMBER SPECIES 2n ENTOMOTAENIATA PyramideJlidae T iberia fasciata ANASPIDEA Apl ysiidae Petalifera punctulata N otarcbus leacbii [reeri CEPHALASPIDEA Acteonidae Cylicbn atys angusta Philin idae Pbiline japonica Agl ajidae A glaja gigliolii SACOGLOSSA Elysiidae Elysia amaku sana Elysia oiridis Stil igeridae Alderia nigra H ermaeopsis oariopicta Placida dendr itic« Placida viridis Stiliger uesiculosus Juliid ae Bertbelinia limax Polybranchiid ae Bosellia mim etica SOLEOLIFERA Ve roniceJlid ae V eronicella fioridana Laeuicaulis alte On chidiidae Oncidie ll« kur odai Onch idium uerraculatu m 34 34 34 34 34 14 36 n LOCALITY 17 J apa n In aba, pers . comm . 17 17 J apan J apan Inaba, 19 59a Inaba, 19 59a 17 J apan Inaba, pers . comm . 17 J apan Inaba, 19 59a 17 J apan Inaba, 19 59a 17 17 J apan It aly Inaba, 19 59a M ancino and Sordi, 1964b 17 17 17 17 17 J apan It aly It aly It aly It aly In aba, 1961 M ancino and Mancino and Mancino and M ancino and 17 J apan In aba, 1961 7 It aly Mancino and Sordi , 1964b 16 17 U .S.A. India Burch , 1965 N ataraj an, 1960 17 18 Japan I ndia In aba, 1961 N atar ajan, 19 59 4. Stylocheilus longicauda (Quoy and Gaimard ) (Fi g. 4) . In tide flats of Eniwetok Island. March 4, 1960. CEPHA LASPIDEA 5. Haminoea linda Marcus and Burch (F ig. 5) . Parry Island, in sand, in about 2 m of water, in lagoon, about 17 m from shore. March 31, 1960. REFERE NCE Sord i, Sordi, Sordi, Sord i, 1964b 196 4b 1964b 1964 b 6. Haminoea musette Marcus and Burch (Fig. 6) . Middle part of Parry Island on seaward tide flats. April 2, 1960. 7. Lathophthalmus smaragdinus ( Ruppel and Leuckart) (Fig. 7) . Collected at the south end of Parry Island, under loose pieces of coral on seaward tide flat. March 15, 1960. 8. Smaragdinella calyett/ata (Broderip and Chrom osomes of Eniwetok Opi stbob ranchiates-i-Buncn 255 AND N ATARAJAN T A BLE 3 CHROMOSOME NUMB ERS OF O PIST H OBRAN CHS O BSERVED IN THIS STUDY SPECIES N UM BER OF SP ECI MENS GIVING RESU LTS CHROMOSO ME N U M BER ( n) N UDIBRAN CH IA D endrod ori didae D endrodoris nigra Favorin idae H eruiella miette 13 13 ( 2n 5 = 26 ) AN ASPIDEA Ap lysiidae D olabrifera dolabrijera Stylocbeilus longicauda 17 17 9 2 CE PH ALASPID EA Atyidae H aminoea linda H aminoea musetta Smaragdinellidae Lathophthalmus smaregdinus Srnaragdinella ealyeulata 17 1 17 2 18 18 2 2 18 2 SOLEOLI FERA Onchidiidae Oncbidella euelinae Sowerby) (Fig. 8) . In lagoon at north end of Eniwetok Island . camera lucida and reproduced at a table-top magni fication of 4260 X . SO LEO LIFERA 9. Oncbidella euelinae Marcus and Burch (Fi g. 9). In cracks in coral slabs above water lin e ( at low tide) 0;1 the lagoon side at the north end of Eniwetok Island . Apr il 5, 1960. The materials examined consisted of ovotestes fixed in either N ewcomer's (1953 ) or Carney's (1 887) fluids, or the fixative of Sanfelice (191 8) . The material fixed in Newcomer's or Carney's fluids was stained by the acetic-orcein squash technique (L a Cour, 1941) , and reproductive tissues fixed in Sanf elice's fluid were sectioned at either 8 or 10 micra and stained with Newton's (1926) crystal violet. All observations were made on meiotic cells of spermatogenesis (ex cept in H eruiella mietta, where spermatogonial cells were also stud ied ) with a Nikon (Nippon Koga ku) microscope equipped with a 100 X (n .a. 1.25) oil immersion objective and lOX , 20 X , and 30X oculars. D rawings were made with the aid of a OBSERVAT IONS 1. D endr odoris nigra (Fig. 10 ) . The five indi viduals of this species on which we were able to obtain satisfactory observations all had 13 bivalents dur ing prophase of the first meiotic division. 2. H eruiella miette (Fi g. 11) . Only one specimen of this species gave satisfactory results. It had 13 bivalents durin g diakinesis and 26 chromosomes durin g metaphase in spermatogoni al cells. 3. D olabrifera dolabrifera (Fi gs. 12 and 13) . N ine specimens had meiotic cells that were satisfactory for chromosome numb er determin ations. All had 17 bivalents dur ing Pro ph ase I and Metaphase 1. Th e chromosomes of a cell durin g diakinesis from an acetic-orcein squash preparation are shown in Figure 12. Metaph ase I bivalents from a cell of paraffin sectioned material are shown in Figure 13. PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XXI, April 1967 256 (\ I' \'e.\, \ } '.: ;' \\ ...~ . .... ~~J~'it- ...0 ('II Chromosomes of Eniwetok Opisthobranchiates-i-Buaca -. ...,.c.~ "~c;'c;.a , .~ -' ..t 257 AN D N ATARAJAN ~ °f'~ It • • II .,. •• ""0" ........, " 12 ~ . -.. •. ••• .. . .. .. , .•.-. '.f ..... V,. 4t't~"" ..... ...-r,) ,..... ..,,"," , -.9• ,....", .-'-- . -.. 10 ,. ... .... .• • 11 . ,pit $C .~ AI~" 'V., 1) ~ 15 14 f 13 al·" ••••• •• 19 ft. I ... W t; t' ... '\~ 16 ., • ~ ~ •'•••• II 18 20" 17 FIGS. 10- 20. Chromosomes of Eniwetok opisthobranchs. 10, Dendrodoris nigra. 11, Herviella mietta. 12 and 13, Dolabrif era dolabrifera. 14, Stylocbeilus longicauda, 15, Haminoea musette. 16, H . linda. 17, Lathophthalmus smaragdinus, 18, Smaragdinella calyculata. 19 and 20, Onehidella eoelinae. Figs. 10-1 2, 14, 15, 17, and 20 are of male diakin esis bivalents; 13,1 6, 18, and 19 are of male Metaphase I bivalents. Figs. 10-12, 14, 15, 17 , 18, and 20 are from acetic-orcein squash preparations; 13, 16, and 19 are from sectioned material stained with crystal violet. Measurement line divided into micra. FIGS. 1- 9. Eniwetok opisthobranchs used in this study. 1, Dendrodoris nigra. 2, H eruiella miette. 3, Dolabrijera dolabrijera. 4, Stylocbeilus longieauda. 5, Hamlnoea linda. 6, H . musette. 7, Lathophthalmus smaragdinus. 8, Smaragdinella calyculata. 9, Oncbidella euelinae. Measurement lines are divided into millim eters. 258 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XXI, April 1967 4. Stylocbeilus longicaude (Fig. 14). Satis- ferent family. Each of these three species had factory results were obtained from two speci- a haploid number of 17. In the pr esent inmens. Both had 17 bivalents during diakinesis. vestigation two species from each of two addi5. H amin oea linda (Fig. 16). We were able tional families were studied . H amin oea linda to obtain cells that were satisfactory for study and H. musett a (Bullacea, Atyidae) had a hapfrom only one specimen. These cells had 17 loid chromosome number of 17, but Smaragdin ella calyculata and Latb opbtbalmus smaragbivalents during Metaphase 1. 6. Haminoea musette (Fig. 15). The two dinus (Philinacea, Smaragdinellidae) each had specimens studied both had 17 bivalents in cells the haploid numb er 18. It will be interesting to at the diakinesis stage. The diakinesis bivalents see if species of the other families of the Ph ilinacea ( the Philinidae, Scaphandrid ae, Aglaof one such cell are shown in Figure 15. 7. Laibophtb almus smaragdin us (Fig. 17). jidae, Gastropteridae, and Runcinidae) also Two specimens had meiotic cells that were satis- have 18 pairs of chromosomes. If so, this would factory for chromosome number determinations. separate this superfamily from all other cephaAll dividing cells from which accurate counts laspideids and, addition ally, from all other cytocould be made had 18 bivalents. logically known entomotaenids and anaspideids 8. Sm aragdin ella calyculata (Fig. 18) . Satis- and from most of the sacoglossans. The haplo id factory results were obtained from two speci- number 18 in this group may have another mens. Both had 18 bivalents during diakinesis significance in that it seems to strengthen Pelseneer's ( 1893) and Boettger's (1955) views and Metaphase 1. 9. Oncbidella eoelinae ( Figs. 19 and 20). regarding the origin of the Basommatophora The two individuals on which we were able to from the Cephalaspidea, since the haploid numobtain satisfactory observations both had 18 ber 18 is basic for the Basommatophora. D olabrijera dolabrife ra and Stylocbeilus bivalents during diakinesis and Metaphase 1. longicaud« (Anaspidea, Aplysiidae) both had the haploid number 17, as did the two species DISCU SSION studied from this family by Inaba (19 59a) . The chromosome numbers of the eight genera Onch idella eoelinae (Soleolifera, Onch idiiof opisthobranchi ate mollusks presented here dae) had a haploid number of 18, which is add to the information previously obtained by one bivalent more than that reported by Inaba reliable authors. Of the species studied five (1961 a) for O. kttrodai of the same genus from belong to three families not studied in past re- Japan, but n=18 is the same number reported ports, i.e., the Favorinid ae (Nudibranchia) , and by Natarajan (1959) for Oncbidium uerracuthe Atyidae and Smaragdinellidae (Cephala- laturn from India . Much more cytological spidea). information is desirable for the various species D endrodoris nigra (Nudibranchia, Dendro- belonging to this aberrant order, which is somedorididae) was studied previously by Inaba and times placed with the "pulrn onates" ( e.g., Hi rota (1958) . We found the same number Baker, 1955) . Th e conservativeness of chromosome number of chromosomes (n=13) for this species from Eniwetok as they reported it to have from in the opisthobranchs indicates that these molJapan. H eruiella mietta (Nudibranchia, Favor- lusks are extremely resistant to changes in inidae) from Eniwetok also had a haploid chromosome number s, regardless of major number of 13, which adds to the growing evolved morph ological diversities within the information regarding the extreme conservative- various groups, and that certain major divisions ness of chromosome numbers of most opistho- (i .e., the Nudibranchia and the orders with branchs. All 16 species of nudibranchs (belong- n=17 and higher chromosome numb ers) have ing to nine different families) stud ied so far probably been separated for an extremely long have this same haploid number, n=13. geological time. In this regard, B osellia mimetAmong the Cephalaspidea three species have ica is either an extremely aberrant species, or been studied previously (In aba, 1959a and per- its cytological evolution has been much more sonal communication) , each belonging to a dif - rapid than has been the evolution of its gross Chromos omes of Eniwetok Opi sthob ranchiates-B u RCH AND NATARA]AN morphology in respect to all other opist hobranchs so far studied. ACKNOWLEDGM ENTS Gr ateful acknowledgm ent is made to the United States Atomic Energy Commission for supporting the study by the senior author at Eniwetok by pro vidin g tr avel funds, logistical supp ort, and use of the facilities of the Eniwetok Marine Biological Laboratory. The cooperation of the U.S.A.E.C. Eniwetok Field Office and of H olmes and N arver, Inc. greatly facilitated the field collecting . A note of gra titude is due D r. I. Eugene W allen, formerly with th e U.S.A.E.C., Dr. Robert W. Hiatt, Uni versity of H awaii, and Pro f. Henry van der Schalie, Un iversity of M ichigan, for promoting th ese studies ; to Dr. William H . H eard , Florida State Un iversity, for assistance whil e at Eniwetok ; and to John 1. Tottenham, Staff Artist, Museum of Zoology, Uni versity of M ichigan, fo r pr eparing illustratio ns of the animals used in this study. REFERENCES BAKER, H . B. 1955 . H eteru reth rous and aulacopod. N autilus 68 :109-112. BOETTGER, C. R. 1955 . Di e Systematik der euthyneuren Schnecken. Verh . dtsch. zool. Ges., 1954, pp . 253-280. BURCH, J. B. 1965 . Chr omosome numb ers and systematics in euthyneuran snails. Proc. First European Malacol. Congr., pp. 215-241. C AR NO Y , H . B. 1887. Confe rence donnee a la Societe beIge de Micro scopie. Appendice : I. Les Globules polaires de l' A scaris clauata. La Cellul e, Rec. Cyto!. H istol. Gen. 3(2 /3) : 227-273. INABA, A. 1959a. Cytological studies in molluscs. III. A chromosome survey in the opisthobranchiate Gastropoda. Annot. Zool. 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II corredo cromosom ico di alcuni Op isthobranchi Sacoglossi del mar Tirreno . Ibid. 71. 12 pp . NATARA]AN, R. 1959. Chromosomes of the slug Oncbidium uerraculatnrn Cuv. ( Mollusca: Gastropod a : Pul monata) . J. Zool. Soc. India 11 (1 ) :30-33. - - - 1960. Further cytological studies in Pulmonata (Mollusca: Gastrop oda) . Ibid. 12(1) :69-79. N EWCOMER, E. H . 1953. A new cytological and histological fixing fluid. Science 118 ( 3058 ): 161. N EWTON, W . C. F. 1926. Chromosome stud ies in T ulip« and some related genera. J. Linn . Soc. 47 ( 316) :339-354. PELSENEER, P. 1893. Recherches sur divers Opisthobranches. Academi e royale de Belgique. Pp. 1-1 57, pls. 1-2 5. SANFELICE, F. 1918. Recherches sur le G enese des corpu scules du MollllSCll1IZ cont agiosnm . Ann . l'Inst. Pasteur 32( 8 ) :36 3-371.