Quality Handbook Section 7 – Assessment boards August 2011 Section 7 – Assessment Boards Contents 1. Principles 1 2. The role of External Examiners at assessment boards 1 3. Terms of reference and membership 2 4. Operational details of assessment boards 8 Appendix 1 – Module Assessment Board Agenda 11 Appendix 2 – Award Board Agenda 12 Appendix 3 – Student Progress Board Agenda 13 Appendix 4 – Interim Student Progress Board Agenda 14 Appendix 5 – Joint Assessment Board Agenda 15 Appendix 6 – Guidance for staff on Academic Advice after Student Progress Boards for full-time Undergraduate students regarding progression 17 Section 7 – Assessment Boards 1. Principles Assessment Boards operate with authority vested in them by the Academic Board and will have due regard to the relevant regulations. They ensure that the following functions are carried out in the interests of maintaining academic standards: by reference to the University‟s commitment to equal opportunities to consider all matters relating to the assessment and award of individual students; to assure the academic standards of all programmes and programmes leading to a University award; to determine accurate and fair marks for individual students and apply professional judgement as to the appropriateness of any moderation or mitigation by taking into account the circumstances of students and the judgements made by assessors; to determine whether students are required to be re-assessed, may proceed or may receive an award; with the help of External Examiners, to analyse the performance of students within and across academic programmes, with a view to ensuring academic standards are consistent within the University and comparable to standards in other universities. Assessment Boards for students studying with the University within a collaborative partnership arrangement will follow the same principles as those stated above and will operate under the same rubrics and regulations as those stated below, unless the Academic Board has formally ratified any differences. Assessment Boards will consist of University staff and External Examiners only. The sole exception will be for Assessment Boards for collaborative partnerships, where representatives of a partner institution shall be expected to attend where University students within a collaborative partnership are being considered. 2. The role of External Examiners at assessment boards External Examiners will be present for detailed review of the standards achieved in the modules in their specialist field of expertise. They will be full members of the appropriate Module Assessment Board and will exercise their authority in agreeing with the final list of module marks to be forwarded to the relevant Award Board/Student Progress Board (SPB). Appropriate External Examiners will be present at Assessment Boards and will sign off the relevant matrix for each cohort of each programme to ratify the decisions of the board. Although recommendations of External Examiners should be given due weight, External Examiners do not have the authority to unilaterally change marks, External Examiners are asked, however, to be especially vigilant in ensuring that judgements made by assessors and boards about the academic standards of students are acceptable, and to ask that any concerns they have be minuted at the board in question. University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 1 Section 7 – Assessment Boards 3. Terms of reference and membership For undergraduate programmes, the University normally operates a two-stage system of assessment boards. Where particular circumstances prevail, however, (e.g. for professional, statutory and regulatory body (PSRB) requirements) a one stage process may be deemed suitable. 3.1 Module Assessment Boards A Module Assessment Board (MAB) will be established by the relevant School Board for each subject area which is concerned with modules that are assessed by the University. The MAB is responsible for determining the assessment results for each module within its remit. This responsibility extends to all modules whether within the modular scheme, Edexcel provision or under the purview of a PSRB. Furthermore, it should seek to use the occasion of the meetings of the MAB with its External Examiner(s) or Edexcel moderator, if appropriate, to assess comparability of standards and achievements in the subject from year to year and across the whole range of modules within the remit of the MAB, and, as far as time permits, to engage with the External Examiner(s) in debate on technical and professional matters relating to the assessment process and the general development of the subject area. A MAB will: consider the results of assessment and examination of modules, including the performance in supervised work experience where applicable, and decide, in accordance with the approved module regulations, on the results of the assessment; ensure that the marks and the recommendations for re-assessment are reported accurately for forwarding to the Award Boards/SPBs; reconsider its decisions, either as the full MAB or part thereof acting as a review panel, if it is required to do so by the Academic Board; ensure, where this is required by the regulations, that the External Examiner or Edexcel moderator(s) are fully associated with its deliberations and concur in its decisions or those of any formally constituted sub-committee of the Module Assessment Board; ensure that any matters of policy which arise from its deliberations are referred to the School Board; ensure that its duties are fulfilled within the schedule agreed by the School Board. The final list of marks will be signed by the Chair of the MAB and External Examiner(s) and forwarded to the relevant Award Board/SPB. If a MAB is in possession of information affecting the assessment of a whole module group, then it may exercise discretion in regard to the agreed list of marks and report the facts to the Award Board/SPB, along with the agreed mark list. Marks established as correct by the MAB cannot be changed by the Award Board/SPB. University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 2 Section 7 – Assessment Boards 3.1.1 Membership of MABs The members of each MAB shall comprise: The Module Leader or nominee for each module within the remit of the MAB. Attendance by staff at the MAB, as required, shall be given the highest priority; In the case of Level 5 and Level 6 modules (and, where appropriate, Level 4 modules), the External Examiners having interest in the subject area; In the case of modules forming part of an Edexcel programme, the Edexcel moderator is entitled to be present and to be consulted about the arrangements; The Chair shall normally be the Head of School. The Head of School may authorise a small number of experienced academics to act as designate Chairs in exceptional cases. All Chairs must have completed the requisite training; A representative of a partner institution shall be expected to attend where modules from a programme offered wholly or in part at that institution under a collaborative agreement are being considered by the MAB. Note on quoracy: In order for a MAB to be quorate the following attendees must be present: The Head of School (or authorised designate) as Chair. The Chair cannot act as a nominee for a Module Leader *At least one External Examiner (unless only Level 4 modules are being considered) A Module Leader or nominee for each module being considered If no Module Leader or nominee is present, consideration of the module must be deferred. No person may represent more than two modules unless they are the designated Module Leader for more than two modules. *In the case of resit boards the board may proceed in the absence of the External Examiner provided always that: The External Examiner has viewed and commented on an appropriate sample of assessments; The External Examiner has provided written authorisation for the MAB to proceed in his/her absence; The External Examiner subsequently signs off the relevant matrices. A standing agenda for a MAB can be found in Appendix 1 to this section. 3.2 Award Boards Award Boards will be established by the School Board for each set of programmes in the University. The School Board will determine the timings of Award Boards, together with the academic programmes covered by each board. An Award Board may meet in more than one session with a variable membership to cover the range and volume of results to be considered. The Award Board will receive the modular marks, duly attested by the MAB, for all programmes for which it is responsible. It will interpret the performance of individual students according to the rubrics of the relevant assessment regulations. University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 3 Section 7 – Assessment Boards The board will: consider the results of assessment and examination of an individual student's work, including the performance in supervised work experience, where applicable, and decide, in accordance with the approved regulations and the relevant policies of the Academic Board, in the case of successful final year students, the Award to be made or to be recommended to external awarding bodies; receive, consider, and accept or reject mitigation recommendations; receive and record report(s) from Disciplinary Panel(s); reconsider its decisions, either as the full board, or part thereof acting as a review panel, if it is required to do so by the appeals procedure, acting on the authority of Academic Board in accordance with the agreed procedures of the Academic Board; ensure that External Examiners are fully associated with its deliberations and concur in its decisions or those of any formally constituted sub-committee of the Award Board. 3.2.1 Membership of Award Boards The members of each Award Board shall comprise at any time: the Programme Leader (or designate) of each programme within the remit of the board; the Head of School responsible for modules which contribute significantly to programmes within the remit of the board or designate; The Chair shall normally be the Head of School. The Head of School may authorise a small number of experienced academics to act as designate Chairs in exceptional cases. All Chairs must have completed the requisite training; The Edexcel moderator, and such other external representative as may be appropriate in respect to other programmes not within the Modular Scheme shall have the right to attend but their presence is not a requirement of the Award Board membership; External Examiner(s); A representative of a partner institution shall be expected to attend where a programme offered wholly or in part at that institution under a collaborative agreement is being considered by the Award Board. Note on quoracy: In order for an Award Board to be quorate the following attendees must be present: Head of School (or authorised designate) as Chair. The Chair cannot act as a designate for a Programme Leader At least one External Examiner A Programme Leader or designate for each award being considered. If no Programme Leader or designate is present, consideration of the student results must be deferred. No person may represent more than two programmes unless they are the Programme Leader for more than two programmes. A standing agenda for an Award Board can be found in Appendix 2 to this section. University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 4 Section 7 – Assessment Boards 3.3 Student Progress Boards (SPBs) A SPB will be established by the School Board for each set of programmes in the University. The School Board will determine the timings of SPBs, together with the academic programmes covered by each board. A SPB may meet in more than one session with a variable membership to cover the range and volume of results to be considered. An interim SPB is one held when students have not reached a progression point. The purpose of an interim SPB is to provide a “health-check” for students and identify those who are failing or not submitting to assessment. The SPB will: consider all continuing students and confirm their right to progress where relevant; (not applicable to Interim SPB) consider all continuing students who have not achieved the level of credit appropriate to their stage of study and agree actions to support students who may be considered to be at risk of not continuing; receive, consider, accept or reject mitigation recommendations; receive and record report(s) from Disciplinary Panel(s); determine the next study pattern for individual students seeking an alternative route to a named award and recommend to the Award Board the title of the award to be conferred in accordance with the regulations. reconsider its decisions, either as the full board, or part thereof acting as a review panel, if it is required to do so by the appeals procedure, acting on the authority of the Academic Board in accordance with the agreed procedures of the Academic Board. 3.3.1 Membership of SPB The members of each SPB shall comprise at any time: the Programme Leader or designate of each programme within the remit of the board; the Personal Tutor(s) responsible for students whose results the board is considering; the Head of School or designate responsible for modules which contribute significantly to programmes within the remit of the board; the Chair shall normally be the Head of School. The Head of School may authorise a small number of experienced academics to act as designate Chairs in exceptional cases. All Chairs must have completed the requisite training; the External Examiner must be present for at least one meeting of the SPB per annum. They must attend the inaugural SPB for a new programme. Other than as specified above, they may at their request or that of the Programme Leader be in attendance, but their presence is not a requirement of the SPB; a representative of a partner institution shall be expected to attend where a programme offered wholly or in part at that institution under a collaborative agreement is being considered by the board. Note on quoracy: In order for a SPB to be quorate the following attendees must be present: University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 5 Section 7 – Assessment Boards Head of School (or authorised designate) as Chair. The Chair cannot act as a designate for a Programme Leader; an External Examiner must be present for at least one (full not interim) meeting of the SPB per annum. They must attend the inaugural SPB for a new programme; a Programme Leader or designate for each programme being considered. If no Programme Leader or designate is present, consideration of the student results must be deferred. No person may represent more than two programmes unless they are the Programme Leader for more than two programmes. A standing agenda for a SPB can be found in Appendix 3 to this section. A standing agenda for an interim SPB can be found in Appendix 4 to this section. 3.4 Joint Assessment Board A Joint Assessment Board (JAB) may be established by the relevant School Board for sets of modules and programmes where this board is appropriate. The JAB can take place only when a programme comprises modules that are not taught on any other programme of study within the University or for programmes of study at collaborative partnerships where it may be best practice to hold the MAB, SPB and Award Board on the same day. The School Board will determine the timings of the JAB, together with the academic programmes covered by each board. A JAB may meet in more than one session with a variable membership to cover the range and volume of results to be considered. The JAB will initially convene as a MAB to: consider the results of assessment and examination of modules – including the performance in supervised work experience where applicable – and decide, in accordance with the approved module regulations, on the results of the assessment; ensure that the marks and the recommendations for re-assessment are reported accurately; ensure that its duties are fulfilled within the schedule agreed by the School Board. If the JAB is in possession of information affecting the assessment of a whole module group, then it may exercise discretion in regard to the agreed list of marks. Marks established as correct at this time cannot be changed. The JAB will then reconvene as an Award Board to: consider the results of assessment and examination of an individual student‟s work, including the performance in supervised work experience, where applicable, and decide, in accordance with the approved regulations and the relevant policies of the Academic Board, in the case of successful final year students, the Award to be made or to be recommended to external awarding bodies; University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 6 Section 7 – Assessment Boards receive, consider, accept or reject mitigation recommendations; receive and record report(s) from Disciplinary Panel(s). The JAB may then reconvene as a SPB to: consider all continuing students who have not achieved the level of credit appropriate to their stage of study and agree actions to support students who may be considered to be at risk of not continuing; receive, consider and accept or reject mitigation recommendations; receive and record report(s) from Disciplinary Panel(s); The JAB will: reconsider its decisions if it is required to do so by the Academic Board; ensure, where this is required by the regulations, that the External Examiner or Edexcel moderator(s) are fully associated with its deliberations and concur in its decisions or with those of any formally constituted sub-committee of the JAB; ensure that any matters of policy which arise from its deliberations are referred to the School Board (in the first instance); ensure that its duties are fulfilled within the schedule agreed by the School Board. The final list of marks will be signed by the Chair of the JAB and, where appropriate, External Examiner(s). 3.4.1 Membership of JABs The members of the JAB shall comprise: a Module Leader or nominee for each module within the remit of the board; the Programme Leader or designate for each Programme within the remit of the board; attendance by staff at the JAB shall be given the highest priority; in the case of Level 5 and 6 Modules (and where appropriate Level 4 Modules) and in the case of programmes, the External Examiners having interest in the subject /programme area; In the case of modules forming part of an Edexcel programme, the Edexcel moderator is entitled to be present and to be consulted about the arrangements. The Edexcel moderator shall have the right to attend the board, but their attendance is not a requirement when convened as an Award Board; The Chair shall normally be the Head of School. The Head of School may authorise a small number of experienced academics to act as designate Chairs in exceptional cases. All Chairs must have completed the requisite training. A representative of a partner institution shall be expected to attend where a programme offered wholly or in part at that institution under a collaborative agreement is being considered by the JAB. A standing agenda for a JAB can be found in Appendix 5 of this section. University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 7 Section 7 – Assessment Boards The JAB encompasses elements of the MAB, Award Board and SPB. As the agenda suggests, it may be advisable to allow the elements of the SPB to be considered last, to allow the External Examiners and Module Leaders to leave to board if appropriate Appropriate University regulations should be applied to the relevant section of the board. The JAB will receive both module matrices and programme matrices for all students for all programmes within its remit. In the presence of the External Examiner, the board will confirm all module marks are accurate and all awards for finalists, i.e. those who have achieved their award destination. It will also award any exit qualifications to students who have formally withdrawn from the programme. The JAB will confirm the current award entitlement of all continuing students. This can be achieved through a statement from the Chair asking the board to acknowledge the credit accumulated by all continuing students included in the matrix and stating that in the event of any of these students subsequently withdrawing from their programme of study they would be entitled to one of the interim qualifications depending on their credit status. In such circumstances the award would be made through Chair‟s action. The quoracy requirements for the MAB, SPB and Award Board shall apply to the relevant elements of the JAB 4. Operational details of assessment boards 4.1 Administrative arrangements Conduct of meetings and minutes will be in accordance with University practice. Guidance will be published and circulated to relevant staff regarding operational details such as data entry requirements. Any matters affecting policy or giving cause for concern about academic standards or assessment practice, should be forwarded to the Chair of the Academic Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC). The following are excluded from formal membership of boards but shall be entitled to attend and speak and to receive agenda items and minutes on request: the Vice-Chancellor; the Director of the Academic Quality and Standards Office (or nominee); the University Secretary (or nominee). 4.2 Responsibilities of the Head of School within the assessment process The Head of School, or equivalent, will be responsible for: ensuring that draft examination papers are properly vetted before being finalised; ensuring that resit papers are set; University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 8 Section 7 – Assessment Boards ensuring that marking is completed on time by colleagues so that (i) External Examiners have proper time for scrutiny and (ii) information is fully available to the appropriate assessment board. 4.3 Responsibilities of the Academic Registrar within the assessment process The Academic Registrar will be responsible for: ensuring that the continuous collation of marks for all modules occurs throughout the semester and is completed in good time for material to be sent out to External Examiners; ensuring that papers and lists of marks are ready for assessment board meetings; ensuring that full lists of module marks are completed promptly after MAB meetings. 4.4 Responsibilities of the Chair at Assessment Boards The Chair of the board will be responsible for: ensuring that the board proceeds only if it is quorate; ensuring that the correct regulations are available and are explained to the board; ensuring that the board is conducted properly; ensuring that appropriate debate takes place (see below); seeking the views of the External Examiner; ensuring that the matrices are signed off by the External Examiner; checking and signing off the minutes as an accurate record; taking action in respect of deferred students. Under the agenda item “Overview of results and performance indicators”, the board may wish to consider some of the following: Achievement; Withdrawal; Patterns of performance; Comparison of results with those from the previous year; Comparison across modules by level (MABs); Identification of any areas for concern; Identification of topics for discussion at review; Actions or further investigations required. 4.5 Relationship between Award Boards and SPBs Award Boards and SPBs can be held consecutively in either order. The Award Board will receive matrices for all students. In the presence of the External Examiner the Award Board will: confirm the award for all finalists, i.e. those who have achieved their award destination; University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 9 Section 7 – Assessment Boards award interim exit qualifications to students who have formally withdrawn from the programme; confirm the current award entitlement of all continuing students. This can be achieved through a statement from the Chair asking the board to acknowledge the credit accumulated by all continuing students included in the matrix and stating that in the event of any of these students subsequently withdrawing from their programme of study they would be entitled to one of the interim qualifications depending on their credit status. In such circumstances the award would be made through Chairs action. confirm that all continuing students will be (or have been) considered by the SPB. The minutes of the Award Board will be distinct from those of the SPB. The matrices presented at the Award Board will be the same as those considered at the SPB although students who have achieved sufficient credit for their award will not be considered at the SPB. The External Examiner need not be present at the SPB although would not be prevented from attending should that be considered appropriate. For example, Faculties may wish to invite the External Examiner to be present at the SPB when finalist students (who have not gained sufficient credit for their award) are being considered. This may help in considering the performance of the whole cohort. 4.6 The publication of results to candidates Candidates' expected results or grades are provisional until they have been confirmed at the meeting of the Award Board/SPB. The end of semester results will be disclosed to candidates but must be clearly marked as provisional. All proceedings which relate to individual students remain confidential to the members of the relevant assessment board and to those having the right to attend and receive papers. Minutes of the assessment boards will refer to students by number not name. University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 10 Section 7 – Assessment Boards Appendix 1 – Module Assessment Board Agenda School of [Insert name] Module Assessment Board Agenda For the meeting to be held on Insert Date at Insert Time in Insert Room 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Apologies for absence Conflict of interest Minutes of the meeting held on Insert Date Matters arising Report on Chair‟s actions Confirmation of membership of board, including External Examiners List of modules to be considered and list of Module Leaders Confirmation of the regulations (and protocol for confidentiality and disclosure) Consideration of module results (for all modules) 9.1 Confirmation of assessment process and External Examiners involvement 9.2 Deadlines for resit work [NB: Semester 1 resits take place during Spring Break unless the MAB determines otherwise e.g. where a cohort of students are on placement] 9.3 Process for deferred decisions 9.4 Decisions on special awards and prizes Consideration of module results (individual modules) 10.1 Module Leader and External Examiner reports 10.2 APEL / APL 10.3 Module mitigation (if relevant) 10.4 Comparison of module cohort performance across different programmes including collaborative (if relevant) Semester 2 MAB only Consideration of Semester 1 resit results Overview of results and performance indicators Additional comments of the External Examiner Quality issues and action to be taken Items for referral to School Board Any other business Date, time and place of next meeting Sign off of matrices by External Examiner University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 11 Section 7 – Assessment Boards Appendix 2 – Award Board Agenda School of [Insert name] Award Board Agenda For the meeting to be held on Insert Date at Insert Time in Insert Room 1. Apologies for absence 2. 3. Conflict of interest Minutes of the meeting held on Insert Date 4. Matters arising 5. Report on Chair‟s actions 6. Confirmation of membership of board, including External Examiners 7. List of programmes to be considered and list of Programme Leaders 8. Confirmation of the regulations (and protocol for confidentiality and disclosure) 9. Consideration of programme results (for all programmes) 9.1 Confirmation of assessment process and External Examiners involvement 9.2 Programme Leader and External Examiner reports 9.3 Decisions on special awards and prizes 9.4 Process for deferred decisions (within 14 days) 10. Consideration of student results 10.1 Advanced Standing / APL 10.2 Recommendations of Mitigation Board (if relevant) 10.3 Decisions of Disciplinary Panel (if relevant) 11. Overview of results and performance indicators 12. Additional comments of the External Examiner 13. Items for referral to School Board 14. Any other business 15. Date, time and place of next meeting 16. Sign off of matrices by External Examiner University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 12 Section 7 – Assessment Boards Appendix 3 – Student Progress Board Agenda School of [Insert name] Student Progress Board Agenda For the meeting to be held on Insert Date at Insert Time in Insert Room 1. Apologies for absence 2. 3. Conflict of interest Minutes of the meeting held on Insert Date 4. Matters arising 5. Report on outcomes of agreed actions (Programme Leader) 6. Report on Chair‟s action including ratification of exit awards for withdrawn students 7. Confirmation of membership of the board 8. List of programmes to be considered and list of Programme Leaders 9. Confirmation of the remit if the board, appropriate regulations (e.g. relating to resits, retakes, permitted number of attempts, period of registration and maximum number of modules on which a student may enrol) and protocol for confidentiality and disclosure 10. Consideration of individual student results by programme 10.1 Recommendations of Mitigation Board (if relevant) 10.2 Decision(s) of Disciplinary Panel(s) (if relevant) 10.3 Decision as to whether the student can progress 10.4 Advanced Standing / APL 10.5 Process for deferred decisions (within 14 days) 11. Overview of results and performance indicators 12. Quality issues and actions to be taken 13. Items for referral to School Board 14. Any other business 15. Date, time and place of next meeting University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 13 Section 7 – Assessment Boards Appendix 4 – Interim Student Progress Board Agenda School of [Insert name] Interim Student Progress Board Agenda For the meeting to be held on Insert Date at Insert Time in Insert Room 1. Apologies for absence 2. Conflict of interest 3. Minutes of the meeting held on Insert Date 4. Matters arising 5. Report on outcomes of agreed actions (Programme Leader) 6. Report on Chair‟s action including ratification of exit awards for withdrawn students 7. Confirmation of membership of the board 8. List of programmes to be considered and list of Programme Leaders 9. Confirmation of the remit if the board, appropriate regulations (e.g. relating to resits, retakes, period of registration and maximum number of modules on which a student may enrol) and protocol for confidentiality and disclosure. [NB this SPB does not consider progression or the next study pattern] 10. Consideration of individual student results by programme 10.1 Recommendations of Mitigation Board (if relevant) 10.2 Decision(s) of Disciplinary Panel(s) (if relevant) 10.3 Advanced Standing / APL 10.4 Process for deferred decisions (within 14 days) 11. Overview of results and performance indicators 12. Quality issues and actions to be taken 13. Items for referral to School Board 14. Any other business 15. Date, time and place of next meeting University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 14 Section 7 – Assessment Boards Appendix 5 – Joint Assessment Board Agenda School of [Insert name] Joint Assessment Board Agenda For the meeting to be held on Insert Date at Insert Time in Insert Room 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Apologies for absence Conflict of interest Minutes of the meeting held on Insert Date Matters arising Report on Chair‟s actions Confirmation of membership of board, including External Examiners List of modules/programmes to be considered and list of Module/Programme Leaders Module Assessment Board (must be completed first) Confirmation of the regulations (and protocol for confidentiality and disclosure) Consideration of module results (for all modules) 9.1 Confirmation of assessment process and External Examiners involvement 9.2 Deadlines for resit work 9.3 Process for deferred decisions 9.4 Decisions on special awards and prizes Consideration of module results (individual modules) 10.1 Module Leader and External Examiner reports 10.2 APEL / APL 10.3 Module mitigation (if relevant) 10.4 Quality issues and actions to be taken 10.5 Comparison of module cohort performance across different programmes including collaborative (if relevant) Overview of results and performance indicators Additional comments of the External Examiner Items for referral to School Board Any other business The Chair may wish to invite the Module Leaders to leave at this point This board will now reconvene as the Award Board University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 15 Section 7 – Assessment Boards 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Award Board Confirmation of the regulations (and protocol for confidentiality and disclosure) Consideration of programme results 16.1 Confirmation of assessment process and External Examiners involvement 16.2 Programme Leader and External Examiner reports 16.3 Decisions on special awards and prizes 16.4 Process for deferred decisions (within 14 days) 16.5 Quality issues and actions to be taken Consideration of student results 17.1 Advanced Standing / APL 17.2 Recommendations of Mitigation Panel (if relevant) 17.3 Decisions of Disciplinary Panel (if relevant) Overview of results and performance indicators Additional comments of the External Examiner Items for referral to School Board Any other business Sign of matrices for both Module and Award Board by the External Examiner The Chair may wish to invite the External Examiners to leave at this point The board may now reconvene as the Student Progress Board Student Progress Board Confirmation of the remit if the board, appropriate regulations (e.g. relating to resits, retakes, period of registration and maximum number of modules on which a student may enrol) and protocol for confidentiality and disclosure Consideration of individual student results by programme 24.1 Recommendations of Mitigation Panel (if relevant) 24.2 Decision(s) of Disciplinary Panel(s) (if relevant) 24.3 Decision as to whether the student can progress 24.4 Advanced Standing / APL 24.5 Process for deferred decisions (within 14 days) 24.6 Quality issues and actions to be taken Overview of results and performance indicators Items for referral to School Board Any other business Date, time and place of next meeting University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 16 Section 7 – Assessment Boards Appendix 6 – Guidance for staff on Academic Advice after Student Progress Boards for full-time Undergraduate students regarding progression This advice is mainly concerned with progression resulting from SPB outcomes and students will need factual and current advice on the different options available to them. This advice is in addition to help and advice all students need regarding assessment and the continuation of study. All advice needs to be compliant with programme specific regulations and any designated module pre-requisites. All advice should be in the interest of the student. Any „technical‟ advice below should be accompanied with academic advice on how to prepare and revise for resits and how to improve the student‟s chances to succeed on the programme. After July SPB 1. No advice is necessary for students who have passed all modules and can progress and for students, who have no fails, only passes and resits. These students might need advice after the resits. 2. Where students have one or more fails they need advice. 3. Where the student has a combination of module fails, passes and resits, and is unable to progress, the student may be advised to sit the resits in order to improve his/her pass profile. The student will have to study all failed modules in part-time mode during the next academic year. However, students might not take this advice and will not attend the resits. 4. Where the student has failed all modules, the advice might be to withdraw, to re-apply for the programme or for an alternative programme. 5. Where a student has exhausted all retake opportunities and has achieved credits, the student might be advised to accept an interim exit award. After Resit SPB 1. No advice is necessary for students who have passed all modules and can progress. 2. Where students have one fail and can progress (they have achieved 100 credits), they can retake the failed module during the following academic year. They take this module in addition to their 6 modules (120 credits). 3. Where students have not achieved 100 credits, they are unable to progress. They need advice on the modules to retake in part-time mode. The advice should cover availability of modules. For advice on the financial implications student should contact Student Services. 4. There might be the possibility to re-join the full-time cohort in semester two. However, this situation is rare as the programme needs to have a February start pattern. For most programmes and student profiles the outcome of semester one will not be University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 17 Section 7 – Assessment Boards confirmed until several weeks into semester two. This will make it difficult for a student to join the full-time semester 2 cohort. 5. Students should also be advised if there are approved substitute modules available for the programme. This is important where a student has exhausted his/her retake entitlement. After Interim SPB 1. The Interim SPB will consider giving the student the opportunity to retake in semester two where a student has failed one module and this module is available in semester two. Otherwise the student will need to retake the module at the next available opportunity, e.g. semester one of the following year. The student needs to be made aware of the fact that a module can only be retaken once. University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 18 Section 7 – Assessment Boards University of West London Quality Handbook – Section 7 19 Academic Quality and Standards Office University of West London Walpole House 18-22 Bond Street Ealing W5 5AA Tel: 020 8231 2074 Email: quality@uwl.ac.uk Web: uwl.ac.uk Thames Valley University Quality Handbook – Section 7 64