APPROVED/ CIRCULATED Heriot-Watt University QUALITY AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE MINUTES In the Chair Prof P John Date: 16 December 2015 Present also: Ms H Frances; Prof L Galloway; Dr M Gul; Prof F Grant; Dr D Jamieson; Dr M King; Mrs F Pankhurst; Prof J Ritchie; Dr M Salama (by Skype from Dubai); Dr G Thomson; Prof J W Sawkins; Dr M Storey; Prof D Willison In attendance: Ms H A Crosby (Clerk); Mr C Powrie (for item 90) Apologies: Dr G Buckingham; Dr C Donnelly; Dr J Sanders Action 84 WELCOME The Chair welcomed members to the final meeting of the calendar year. A particular welcome was extended to Mr C Powrie, Director of Administration in the School of Management and Languages, attending for Item 90. 85 MINUTES OF MEETING ON 14 OCTOBER 2015 The minutes were approved as an accurate record. 86 RATIFICATION OF DECISIONS MADE BY MEMBERS ON 14 OCTOBER 2015 On 14 October 2015, whilst the meeting was inquorate, (from Item 70 onwards, with exception to Item 73, which was discussed out of order, and after Item 63) members recommended a number of decisions which were ratified and approved by the Committee on 16 December 2015. It was reported that, for some items, further progress had been made, which was either reported within the Matters Arising paper (QSC/15/82, appended), or was to be discussed as an agenda item. It was noted that Item 90 would be discussed immediately after Item 87. 87 MATTERS ARISING NOT ON THE AGENDA (QSC/15/82) The Committee noted the report on matters arising from previous meetings; the report is attached as an appendix to these minutes. Other points were raised as follows: 87.1 Item 64.2, Oct 15: QAA ELIR3, Location of Study (Certificates/Transcripts) It was confirmed that, with regard to the recording of the location of study on certificates and transcripts, although the recommendation, and consequent approval, had been specific to ALP award certificates or transcripts, as recommended within the QAA ELIR3 report, the practice applied to all University awards, regardless of mode or location of study. 87.2 Item 73, Oct 15: Examinations: Breaches in Security and Cheating It was reported that a discussion had taken place at Senate, with regard to the Regulatory changes, and particularly the volume of non-carbonated water permitted within examination venues. Due to a lack of understanding amongst the student body, the Senate had recommended that there might be a need to communicate the rationale for the changes being made. The Student Union President reported that the changes were not popular amongst students and that discussions were to take place at the next Student Union Executive Committee meeting. It was suggested that the University, and possibly the Committee, should take responsibility for communicating the message to students. However, it was emphasised that the changes had been made following concerns raised by the Student Union. 87.3 Item 74, 14 Oct 15: Learning and Teaching Board Annual Strategic Review Report i. In relation to the review of the Academic Management Structure being undertaken by the Learning and Teaching Board, members were invited to submit comments to the Head of Academic Quality, as the Clerk to the Board. ii. With regard to a joint meeting of the Committee and Learning and Teaching Board, it UNAPPROVED/ CIRCULATED was reported that, unless there were specific agenda topics to discuss, a joint annual meeting would not be required. 87.4 87.5 Item 76, 14 Oct 15: Approved Tutor, Teacher, Marker Applications: Updates to Forms and Guidance i. It was agreed that it would be prudent to wait for the outcome of the University’s review of its Committee structure and operation, before considering further the processes that are administered within the Deans’ separate constituencies. Members alluded also to other impending structural changes which would also need to be taken into consideration, such as the possible integration of the School of Life Sciences into other Schools. ii. It was reported that, within three Schools, there is clear differentiation between the role of ‘Demonstrator’ and ‘Approved Tutor’, whereby the former assists the lecturer and is not left alone with students, and the latter will have additional responsibilities, including sole supervision of students. It was agreed that the need to formally recognise these roles should be taken into consideration as part of the wider review of the Approved Tutor, Teacher, Marker process being undertaken by Academic Registry. Item 78, 14 Oct 15: Academic Review (Malaysia): Petroleum Engineering The Committee noted the progress report and confirmed completion of the review process. 88 NEW STUDY ABROAD APPROVAL PROCESS (QSC/15/78) The Committee was presented with a draft approval summary sheet which had been developed initially to expedite a number of one-way study abroad partnership agreements, being set up by the Malaysia Campus, after which a full approval procedure will be developed and submitted to the Committee for consideration. It was reported that the approval process being followed was in line with that already in place for other University partnership arrangements. It was clarified that the proposed summary related to one-way study abroad arrangements, but not individual study placements. It was agreed that there was a requirement to define the different type of partnership arrangements. Academic Registry The importance of ensuring that Schools are involved in the early stages of discussions around such partnership arrangements was emphasised; potential impact upon professional accreditation was cited as one example of what would need to be considered during the early stages. The Committee agreed to give approval, in principle, for the Study Abroad Partner Approval Summary and noted that full procedures would be submitted to the Committee for approval in due course. 89 EXTERNAL EXAMINER REPORTS: ROLE OF THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL (LEARNING AND TEACHING) AND DEANS OF THE UNIVERSITY (QSC/15/77) At its meeting on 14 October 2015 (minute 72.2), the Quality and Standards Committee agreed a change to the process for consideration of External Examiner Reports, whereby the Deputy Principal (Learning and Teaching) would no longer review and comment on all UG and PGT individual External Examiner Reports. It was also agreed that the Dean, as the final reviewer, should be the final cosignatory with the School. In December 2015, the Committee was invited to consider the recommendation that the letter should be signed off by the School. The recommendation was approved; members agreed that either the Head of School or Director of Academic Quality or Director of Learning and Teaching should be the final signatories. Any other nominees as signatories, would require approval by the Deputy Principal (Learning and Teaching). 90 THE ROLE OF EXTERNAL EXAMINERS IN MEETING WITH STUDENTS (QSC/15/74) This Item was discussed immediately after Item 87. Members reported current practices within their own Schools in relation to External Examiners meeting with students, which varied across, and within, 2 UNAPPROVED/ CIRCULATED Schools; some External Examiners met with students as standard practice, whilst others did not. Members agreed that the University’s Handbook on External Examining for Taught Programmes complies with the QAA UK Quality Code. It was emphasised that the students with whom the External Examiner meet should be representative of the whole student profile (across all modes and locations of study), or the practice should not take place. It was noted that the University’s Handbook on External Examining for Taught Programmes required updating with regard to the inclusion of IDL and ALP students in meetings with External Examiners, as this was now considered practical, due to the increased use and reliability of Skype and videoconferencing facilities. 91 MANAGEMENT-LED REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY A management-led and initiated review of Psychology took place during semester two of academic session 2014/2015. There were two elements to the review: quality of the student learning experience; academic portfolio, research and management. It was noted that, subsequently, a wider review of the whole School had taken place, the outcomes of which may have superseded those from the Psychology Review. It was agreed that the Committee should have sight of the report relating to the review of the student learning experience. It was acknowledged that any issues raised within that report may need to be (or have been) addressed as part of the over-arching management-led review of Psychology and/or the wider School review. The Chair will contact the Deputy Principal (External Relations) regarding the provision and consideration of the report following the review of the student learning experience. 92 P John INTERNAL AUDIT OF THE SCHOOL OF TEXTILES AND DESIGN: REPORT AND ACTION PLAN (QSC/15/72) An Internal Audit within the School of Textiles and Design took place on 28 October 2015. The Committee approved the Audit Team's report and School's action plan, noted that actions would be tracked by Academic Registry and that the School would be invited to submit a one year progress report in October 2015. The Audit Team had noted that some Exchange Agreements had been approved at the Universitylevel and without consultation with, or authorisation by, the School. The Audit Team and School both agreed that this was an isolated oversight. It was recommended that the issue should be referred to the Academic Registrar. The Head of Academic Quality agreed to take forward the action on the Academic Registrar’s behalf. 93 REVIEW OF ACADEMIC AUTHORISATION BY THE KNOWLEDGE AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (KHDA), DUBAI (QSC/15/75) The Committee was informed that in October 2015, a quality assurance process had been conducted at the Dubai Campus, by the KHDA, and that continued renewal of the Campus had been granted. It was reported that shorter approval periods had been granted for a number of programmes than in previous years. The KHDA had confirmed that the latter decision was as a result of the External Examiner reports being non-specific to the Dubai Campus. The Head of Academic Quality clarified that External Examiner reports have provision for the inclusion of comments specific to different modes and locations of study (which would include Dubai) and that Chief External Examiner reports provide oversight of programmes that are delivered across all modes and locations. The Committee also noted that the Director of Administration and Registrar at the Dubai Campus was to coordinate a formal response to the notification letter. It was emphasised that there should be a formal link back to Academic Registry for the approval of a final institutional response. The Head of Academic Quality will liaise with the Director of Administration and Registrar at the Dubai Campus to ensure that in future, Academic Registry has oversight of reports being provided to the KHDA and that there is formal oversight for an institutional response. An update will be made available at the Committee meeting in February 2016. M King 3 UNAPPROVED/ CIRCULATED 94 QAA EDUCATIONAL OVERSIGHT MONITORING VISIT: WEST LONDON COLLEGE (QSC/15/76) In October 2015 West London College underwent an educational oversight monitoring visit by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). The QAA monitoring team concluded that West London College was making acceptable progress in implementing the action plan from the Review for Educational Oversight (October 2012). The Committee noted the QAA report which had been presented to, and considered by, the West London College Management Oversight Committee on 3 December 2015. 95 MEETINGS OF THE WEST LONDON COLLEGE MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (QSC/15/73) The Committee received a combined summary of the minutes from meetings of the West London College Management Oversight Committee that took place between September and November 2015. The Committee will receive all future reports in the teach-out period. 96 ACADEMIC REVIEW OF THE SCHOOL OF TEXTILES AND DESIGN (DUBAI): ONE YEAR PROGRESS REPORT (QSC/15/80) An Academic Review of the School of Textiles and Design (Dubai) took place on 29 October 2014. In June 2015, the Committee approved the Review Team’s report and School’s action plan. The Committee received, and approved, the School’s one year progress report and confirmed completion of the review process. 97 ACADEMIC REVIEW OF CIVIL ENGINEERING: ONE YEAR PROGRESS REPORT (QSC/15/70) An Academic Review of Civil Engineering took place on 17 and 18 November 2014. In February 2015, the Committee approved the Review Team’s report and School’s action plan. The Committee received, and approved, the School’s one year progress report. A statement within the progress report suggested that a non-HWU member of staff was acting in the capacity of Course Leader at the Dubai campus. This was stated to be a mis-phrased sentence, however, the Committee confirmed completion of the review process subject to satisfactory clarification of the latter issue by the School. 98 EGIS ACADEMIC-RELATED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REVIEW OF INFORMATION SERVICES: ONE YEAR PROGRESS REPORT (QSC/15/71) An Academic-Related Professional Services Review of Information Services took place on 5 and 6 November 2014. In February 2015, the Committee approved the Review Team’s report and Service’s action plan. The Committee noted that a number of deadline dates had been extended since the approval of the action plan, for which justification had been given. It was also reported that the Service was adopting an integrated approach for addressing a number of issues arising from various, unrelated reviews, including ELIR 3. After discussion of the delayed implementation of the approved actions the Committee approved the progress report and confirmed completion of the review process. 99 INTERNAL AUDIT OF THE SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES: ONE YEAR PROGRESS REPORT (QSC/15/81) An Internal Audit within the School of Life Sciences took place on 9 December 2014. In February 2015, the Committee approved the Audit Team’s report and School’s action plan. The Committee received the School’s update report (paper QSC/15/81) as well as a verbal update from the Director of Academic Quality in relation to the current status of the partnership arrangement with Tianjin University. The Committee approved the progress reports and confirmed completion of the audit process. 100 LEARNING AND TEACHING VISIT TO THE MALAYSIA CAMPUS (QSC/15/83) The Committee received a summary report following a learning and teaching visit to the Malaysia Campus by the Deputy Principal (Learning and Teaching), when a number of informal meetings with students and staff were held, to explore satisfaction with the student learning experience and the overall quality of programmes. High levels of student satisfaction were reported, and there were no 4 UNAPPROVED/ CIRCULATED academic matters that required escalation to the Vice-Principal (Malaysia), Heads of Schools or the Quality and Standards Committee. The Committee noted the report and also acknowledged that a formal quality assurance process (Academic Review, Malaysia) was in place for the oversight of programmes delivered at the Malaysia Campus. The report will be passed to the Accreditation Project Officer, responsible for the management and oversight of MQA accreditation process. 101 EXCHANGE AGREEMENT APPROVALS (QSC/15/69) The Committee noted the approval of an exchange partnership within the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences. 102 QSC TERMS OF REFERENCE (APPROVED) The Committee received a final copy of its Terms of Reference for 2015/16, following approval by the Senate. 103 ANY OTHER BUSINESS The Chair encouraged members to complete the Senate Effectiveness Midpoint Review survey. 104 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 17 February 2016 at 2.15pm, in the Court Room, Lord Balerno Building. H A Crosby 18 December 2015 5 QSC/15/82 Heriot-Watt University QUALITY AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE, 16 DECEMBER 2015 Matters arising from previous meetings ITEM 63, 14 Oct 15 PROGRESS/UPDATE REVIEW OF QSC TERMS OF REFERENCE The Terms of Reference as agreed by the Committee were forwarded to the Senate for approval. 64.2, 14 Oct 15 QAA ELIR3: LOCATION OF STUDY (CERTIFICATES/TRANSCRIPTS) The Committee recommended, for approval by Senate, that the name of the partner or location of study should not be recorded on ALP award certificates or transcripts. 70, 14 Oct 15 The Senate endorsed the Committee’s recommendation. ANNUAL MONITORING AND REVIEW: UNIVERSITY-LEVEL ACTION PLAN UPDATE 70.1 IT Provision It was agreed that the Committee would strongly recommend to the Senate that an operational plan should be developed for the provision of reliable, University-wide media facilities, enabling the efficient operation of joint campus meetings. 70.3 Following ratification of this decision, it will be forwarded to the Senate for consideration. Transfers The Student Learning and Experience Committee will be invited to develop an appropriate Policy. It was also recommended that the existing transfer application forms be reviewed, to ensure suitability for all transfers. 73, 14 Oct 15 The Senate approved the Committee’s Terms of Reference. EXAMINATIONS: BREACHES IN SECURITY AND CHEATING In relation to the times that students are not permitted to leave the examination venue, and the volume of drink permitted in an examination venue, the Senate will be invited to approve the recommendations and subsequently approve changes to Regulation 9: Assessments and Examinations. Decision to be ratified, however, it can be reported that the issue was also raised at LTB on 21 October, in the context of retention, and it was agreed that a review of the policy, procedures and form should also be wrapped up with a review of how SITO advises students who are thinking of leaving about options for transferring to another School. QSC’s recommendations will be considered as part of a wider review of SITO, being led by the Academic Registrar. On 28 October 2015, the Ordinance and Regulations Committee agreed to recommend for approval by the Senate Business Committee, the proposed changes; approval by correspondence has been attained from the Senate Business Committee. It was reported at the Senate meeting that some students had questioned the need to make the changes to the regulation. It was recommended that there might need to be some need to communicate the rationale to students. 6 QSC/15/82 74, 14 Oct 15 76, 14 Oct 15 LEARNING AND TEACHING BOARD ANNUAL STRATEGIC REVIEW REPORT i. Members also made reference to the remits of the School Study Committee and Learning and Teaching Committee, emphasising that there was a lot of overlap. The Committees had begun operating after the implementation of the Academic Management Structure; it was suggested that a review of their effectiveness might be useful. Response from Deputy Principal (Learning and Teaching): There are clear and distinctive, well documented remits for the School Studies Committee and the Learning and Teaching Committee. It is assumed that overlap must be specific to the operation of the Committees at the School level. The Learning and Teaching Board is conducting a review of the Academic Management Structures in November and December; the review will take into account QSC’s comments. ii. It was expressed that it would be useful if there was an opportunity to link quality assurance and quality enhancement at the University level. It was recommended that an annual joint meeting of the Quality and Standards Committee and the Learning and Teaching Board should be considered. Response from Deputy Principal (Learning and Teaching): There are long-standing, effective (as demonstrated most recently in the QAA ELIR reports) links between quality assurance and quality enhancement, which we achieve extremely well through processes such as Annual Monitoring and Review, Academic Review and, of course, ELIR and the SFC annual report on institutional quality as well as our own internal annual summary reports on AMR, Academic Review, External Examiners and the Learning and Teaching Strategy. All these processes reinforce the links which is a much more effective and efficient means of maintaining and developing our integrated quality assurance and quality enhancement framework, achieving much more than what could be effected by a joint meeting. APPROVED TUTOR, TEACHER, MARKER APPLICATIONS: UPDATES TO FORMS AND GUIDANCE iii. 78, 14 Oct 15 79, 14 Oct 15 There was also a request that one Dean should consider teacher/marker applications from the School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society. The Deans will be asked to consider the request. iv. It was recommended that the definition for ‘demonstrator’ should be included in the guidance notes, in addition to tutor, teacher and marker as this addition would be helpful to those making judgements about the need to complete the LEADS programme. v. Members raised concern about ensuring all tutors and teachers are approved before embarking upon their respective duties. It was reported that Academic Registry was reviewing the situation and that a report will be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee. ACADEMIC REVIEW MALAYSIA, PETROLEUM ENGINEERING Currently these are how the Deans’ constituencies are set up. Until this changes then the applications should be distributed as per the guidelines. A reorganisation of the Deans’ correspondence will be taking place which should make administration much easier. Members requested sight of the report submitted in June 2015. It was agreed that the latter report would be distributed, along with the update, by email to members of the Committee. The report was distributed. Only one comment (of satisfaction) was received. HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITY – ENGLISH LANGUAGE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS The Committee’s comments have been forwarded to the Studies Committees, where responsibility for admissions lie. Academic Registry is seeking further clarification over the use of the term "demonstrator" as this appears to be a current duty of Approved Tutors, not an additional role. Academic Registry is currently scheduling meetings with appropriate staff to discuss the processes within each School. A report will be submitted to a future meeting. It was agreed that SLEC should reconsider the requirements, whilst taking due regard of the University Regulations and the student learning experience. 7