ACADEMIC REGISTRY QUALITY & STUDENT LEARNING Two Tier Examination Board Process Contents 1 Introduction 2 Timing of Examination Boards 3 Authority of Examination Boards 4 External Examiners 5 Membership of Examination Boards 6 Records 7 Procedures for Review of a Decision of an Examination Board 1 Introduction The University operates a two-tier Examination Board structure: 2 3 • The Module Examination Board (MEB) is responsible for a set of modules provided by a Faculty or part of a Faculty. The MEB will confirm the marks awarded for each module. • Marks from one or more MEBs are supplied to a Faculty Progression and Awards Board (PAB) which determines classification of awards and progression of students. Timing of Examination Boards • The Faculty Registrar determines a schedule for MEBs and PABs. • Exceptionally, where a student has exhausted all retrieval opportunities part way through a progression or award board stage in accordance with Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards, an extraordinary MEB and PAB can be conducted by Chair’s action to determine the outcome for the student. In such cases, consultation with the External Examiner/s should take place. • Faculties should determine the most appropriate arrangements for Education Provision with Others (formerly referred to as collaborative programmes), whilst ensuring comparability of performance and standards with Northumbria provision. It is recommended that separate examination boards are convened where it is not practicable to consider both types of provision at the same examination board, provided that alternative means of ensuring comparability are in place. Authority of Examination Boards Only the PAB has authority to recommend to the University the conferment of an award. The decision of a properly constituted MEB or PAB, acting within its powers and in accordance with the regulations governing its conduct and the regulations for the relevant programme of study, cannot be amended by any other body except in cases of review (section 7). 1|Page Two Tier Exam Board Process (Updated September 2015) ACADEMIC REGISTRY QUALITY & STUDENT LEARNING 4 External Examiners External Examiners are nominated and appointed by Faculties with oversight by the Student Learning and Experience Committee’s Regulations and Frameworks Sub-Committee. • Academic provision at level 3 and level 4 is not normally subject to external examining except for intended level 3 and 4 awards, or where required by professional bodies. • All level 3 and 4 awards must be confirmed at a PAB with External Examiner involvement. This includes lower level awards arising from withdrawal or failure at the next level. • The number of External Examiners appointed to each MEB is determined by the Faculty, taking into account the number and levels of the modules, their academic range and parity of External Examiner workload. At least one External Examiner must be appointed to each PAB. • The role of the External Examiner is to assist the University in ensuring that: • 5 6 2 the threshold academic standards set for the awards are in accordance with 1 the frameworks for higher education qualifications and applicable subject 2 benchmark statements . o the assessment process measures student achievement rigorously and fairly against intended learning outcomes and is conducted in line with the University’s policies and regulations. o the academic standards and the achievements of students are comparable with those in other UK higher education institutions. External Examiners will also advise on enhancing the quality of learning, teaching and assessment. Membership of Examination Boards • In normal circumstances, no student can be a member of an Examination Board or attend an examiners’ meeting other than as a candidate for assessment. If, however, a person who is otherwise qualified to be an examiner for a module or programme (e.g. as a member of staff or as an approved External Examiner) is coincidentally registered as a student on another programme either in the University or elsewhere, that does not in itself disqualify that person from carrying out normal examining commitments. • Any conflict of interest arising from the personal or family relationship of a Board member to a student whose marks are under consideration must be declared to the Chair of the Examination Board. Records • 1 o Detailed and accurate records of the proceedings of both MEBs and PABs, including the marks submitted to/approved by the Boards, are made by the available at available at 2|Page Two Tier Exam Board Process (Updated September 2015) ACADEMIC REGISTRY QUALITY & STUDENT LEARNING Secretary to the Board. The record must refer to each case involving the use of discretion, including a description of the evidence or other good reason relied on by the Board for exercising discretion. • 7 Procedures for the Review of a Decision of an Examination Board • 3 The Faculty Registrar is responsible for ensuring that a definitive file of the records of Examination Boards is maintained. Academic Board, or another body authorised by it to act as a review group may, in the following circumstances, require an Examination Board to reconsider its decision/s: o If a candidate requests a reconsideration and establishes to the satisfaction of Academic Board or review group that his or her performance in the assessment was adversely affected by illness or other factors which he or she was unable, or for valid reasons unwilling, to raise under the procedures for considering personal extenuating circumstances before the Examination Board reached its decision. Medical certificates, or other documentary evidence acceptable to the Academic Board or review group, must support the candidate’s request. o If Academic Board or the review group is satisfied on evidence produced by the candidate or any other person that there has been an internal administrative error, or that the examinations were not conducted in accordance with the regulations for the programme of study or that some other material irregularity relevant to the assessments has occurred. o If a student has appealed against a decision and the appeal is upheld. • Disagreement with the academic judgement of an Examination Board in assessing the merits of an individual piece of work or in reaching any assessment decision based on the marks, grades and other information relating to a candidate’s performance does not in itself constitute grounds for granting a request for reconsideration by a candidate. • If, after reconsideration, the Examination Board does not modify its decision, Academic Board has the power to annul that decision if, in its opinion, due and proper account has not been taken of the relevant factors. • In case of procedural or other irregularity, or where it is impossible to reconvene an Examination Board, Academic Board has the power to annul a decision of the Examination Board without making a prior request for reconsideration. If an error or irregularity is found to have affected more than one candidate, Academic Board may annul the whole examination or any part of it and require a reassessment. When a decision has been annulled, the Academic Board may take action which, if necessary, may include the appointment of new External Examiners. • The procedures for dealing with requests by candidates or with other evidence which may lead to the reconsideration or annulment of a decision of an Examination 3. Board are published in the Handbook of Student Regulations available at 3|Page Two Tier Exam Board Process (Updated September 2015) ACADEMIC REGISTRY QUALITY & STUDENT LEARNING Version 1.1 Last updated September 2015 Document Notes: • this information was included in the Examiners Handbook up to / including 2014/15 (Sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8) 4|Page Two Tier Exam Board Process (Updated September 2015)