<} }< Adiabatic rf Pulses: Applications to In Vivo NMR ROBIN A. DE GRAAF and KLAAS NICOLAY Department of in vivo NMR, Bijvoet Center, Utrecht University, The Netherlands ABSTRACT: Adiabatic pulses are amplitude- and frequency-modulated pulses that are insensitive to the effects of B 1-inhomogeneity and frequency offset. From the classical adiabatic passage experiments, the adiabatic condition is derived and analyzed. From the adiabatic condition, amplitude and frequency modulation functions are derived and optimized over predetermined radio frequency amplitude and frequency offset ranges. Description of the selective inversion and refocusing properties of adiabatic full-passage pulses leads to the principle of plane rotation pulses, of which the BIR-4 (B 1-insensitive rotation) pulse will be discussed in detail. Theoretical simulations based on the Bloch equations, three-dimensional vector diagrams, and experimental applications demonstrate the utility and performance of the adiabatic pulses for in vivo NMR and for liquid state high-resolution NMR. Q 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Concepts Magn Reson 9: 247]268, 1997 KEY WORDS: adiabatic pulses, adiabatic condition, amplitude and frequency modulation, B 1-insensitive rotation, frequency offset, frequency selection, plane rotation, rf inhomogeneity INTRODUCTION The transition energies between various energy states encountered in NMR are extremely small compared with normal thermal energies, so the energy states are almost equally populated, which leads to a small net energy absorption when an NMR experiment is performed. This makes NMR an intrinsically nondestructive and noninvasive technique, ideally suited for studying the metabolism and anatomical structure of intact biological systems. However, the almost equally populated energy states also make NMR an inReceived 18 September 1996; revised 6 February 1997; accepted 7 February 1997. Correspondence to: Robin A. de Graaf, Department of in ¨ i¨ o NMR, Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research, Utrecht University, Bolognalaan 50, 3584 CJ Utrecht, The Netherlands. Phone: q30 2535515; Fax: q30 2535561; E-mail: degraaf@bijvoet.ruu.nl. Q 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 1043-7347r97r040247-22 sensitive technique. Moreover, given the fact that metabolites in ¨ i¨ o are present only in the millimolar range Žor lower., it needs no further explanation that optimized signal detection in an in ¨ i¨ o NMR experiment is critical, especially with low-sensitivity nuclei such as 13 C and 31 P. Conventional NMR radio frequency Žrf. coils, such as solenoidal and saddle-shaped coils, are not optimal in this respect, because of their large size relative to the volume of interest ŽVOI. under investigation. Surface coils, on the other hand, can be relatively small and can be placed adjacent to a larger object. Therefore, the surface coil receiver can obtain a higher signal-to-noise ratio ŽSrN. from a restricted area than can any other NMR rf coil. Other useful characteristics of surface coils are that they provide a degree of spatial localization and that their geometry and size can be designed to suit the shape of the object and the VOI. 247 248 DE GRAAF AND NICOLAY Surface coils and conventional coils differ greatly in the rf fields they generate. Conventional coils generate, in principle, a homogeneous rf field; the field strength B1 is constant over the region in which the sample is placed. Surface coils, on the other hand, produce a highly inhomogeneous rf field, in which B1 decreases with distance from the coil. Figure 1 shows the sensitivity profiles in the xy plane Ž z s 0. perpendicular to the direction of the main magnetic field B 0 for a 2.0 cm diameter, circular, single-turn surface coil lying in the xz plane Ž y denotes the axial distance from the coil.. The sensitivity is proportional to B1Žr.sinŽ uŽr.., where B1Žr. is the rf field strength, and uŽr. is the flip angle at position r from the coil. Figure 1ŽA. shows the sensitivity profile when the flip angle is independent of r Žuniform excitation with a B1-insensitive, adiabatic rf pulse.. In this case, the sensitivity is proportional to B1Žr., the spatially dependent rf field strength. Close to the coil, the B1 magnitude Žand, through the reciprocity principle Ž 1. also the sensitivity. is very high and decreases smoothly with increasing distance from the coil. To a first approximation w 2 x, the sensitive volume of a circular surface coil can be described as a hemisphere of 1 coil radius. The inhomogeneous rf field has major implications when the surface coil is used not only for signal reception but for rf pulse transmission as well. The flip angle generated by a conventional Žsquare. rf pulse is given by u Ž r . s 2 p gB1Ž r . Tp w1x uŽr. is the flip angle Žin radians., gB1Žr. is the rf field strength Žin Hertz. at position r, and Tp is the pulse duration Žin seconds.. Figure 1ŽB. shows the sensitivity profile when the surface coil is used for transmitting a conventional square 908 rf pulse. The rf pulse was calibrated to give a 908 flip angle at the coil center Žspin]echo sequence with repetition time TR , 2000 ms; echo time T E , 75 ms; and B1-insensitive, adiabatic, slice-selective refocusing pulses Ž 3, 4 ... In this experiment, the volume that contributes the signal is significantly reduced, when compared with the situation where the flip angle is B1-independent ŽFig. 1ŽA.., and the profile close to the coil oscillates and even becomes zero and negative Žnot visible. because of larger flip angles Že.g., B1Žr.sinŽ2708. s yB1Žr... For more sophisticated experiments, such as multiple-quantum coherence filtering Ž 5, 6 ., consisting of three 908 and three 1808 rf pulses, the signal received will be restricted to an even smaller region, as shown in Fig. 1ŽC.. Figure 1 1 H NMR images obtained with a 2.0 cm diameter surface coil of a 1.5 cm diameter sphere containing water when using ŽA. B1-independent Žadiabatic. and ŽB. ] ŽD. B1-dependent excitation. In ŽA. an AHP pulse achieves uniform excitation irrespective of the B1 magnitude. The profiles on the top and to the right of the images represent the total integrated signal in that specific direction. For ŽA. this profile is simply determined by the B1 profile of the surface coil Žthe B1 field strength is high close to the coil and decreases with distance from the coil. and the sample dimensions. In ŽB. and ŽC. excitation is accomplished with a square 908 rf pulse and a gradient-enhanced MQC ŽgeMQC. filtering sequence consisting of six square rf pulses, respectively, calibrated to give the correct flip angle Ž908 or 1808. at the coil center. In ŽD. the square rf pulses of the geMQC sequence were calibrated on the spectral water signal. The profiles of ŽB., ŽC., and ŽD. no longer represent the B1 profile of the coil but also are modulated by the B1-dependent flip angle, consequently leading to signal loss. The integrated intensities of the profiles shown in ŽB., ŽC., and ŽD. are 79%, 34%, and 24%, respectively, of that shown in ŽA.. ADIABATIC RF PULSES: IN VIVO APPLICATIONS It must be noted that Figs. 1ŽB. and 1ŽC. show the most favorable, but not the most realistic, cases. Normally, the flip angle would be calibrated on the spectral water signal Žand not on the image readout profiles., so the optimal pulse length would not give a 908 flip angle at the coil center but farther away from the coil. Figure 1ŽD. shows the sensitivity profile of the multiple-quantum coherence ŽMQC. filtering sequence when the flip angle is calibrated on the spectral water signal. The profile is shifted farther away from the surface coil, leading to more signal loss. Although undesirable in most experiments, the B1-dependence of conventional rf pulses can, in some cases, be used to advantage. When rf pulses with correctly calibrated flip angles are used, the B1-dependence can be used for a crude spatial localization, as shown in Fig. 1ŽD.. This is essentially the basis of spatial localization with depth pulses Ž7, 8 .. It can be concluded from Fig. 1 that, in most experiments, signal is forfeited and SrN is decreased when a surface coil is used for the transmission of conventional Žsquare. rf pulses. This problem can be solved by using a circumscribing volume coil for Žrelatively. homogeneous pulse transmission and a surface coil for signal reception. However, incomplete elimination of residual inductive coupling between the coils can cause distortions in the rf field and, consequently, signal loss. Signal loss with this experimental setup also will occur because each coil produces a different B1 flux, causing the phases of transmission and reception to be mismatched as a function of position. This leads to phase cancellation of signal Ž 9 .. Alternatively, rf pulses that operate according to adiabatic principles Ž 3, 4, 6, 10]16 . can be used. Adiabatic pulses generate a uniform flip angle despite variations in B1 , provided that the B1 field is above a threshold. In this way, surface coil NMR experiments can be executed conveniently in a single-coil mode, in which the high sensitivity of surface coil reception and a constant phase relation between transmission and reception are maintained. Another practical advantage of adiabatic pulses is that they eliminate the time-consuming calibrations of rf power Žor pulse length. required for conventional pulses. Adiabatic pulses require only a one-time experimental determination of the minimum threshold B1 at which the pulses become operational with a particular rf coil. Using a slightly larger B1 than the determined minimum threshold eliminates the 249 need for B1 calibration in subsequent experiments. This article reviews the fundamental principles of adiabatic pulses, starting with pulses based on the classical adiabatic half-passage ŽAHP. and adiabatic full-passage ŽAFP. experiments, which induce spin excitation and inversion, respectively. However, these two pulses have limited use; they cannot induce plane rotations Žthey cannot rotate the magnetization about any arbitrary axis., which, for example, are needed in spin]echo and polarization transfer experiments. The development of adiabatic plane rotation pulses has greatly broadened the applications of these pulses. The variable flip angle pulse BIR-4 ŽB1-insensitive rotation, four-segment pulse. Ž 13 . is the most versatile adiabatic-plane rotation pulse. The principles of BIR-4 are discussed later in detail. ADIABATIC PRINCIPLES Rotation Frames The general principles of adiabatic pulses are best illustrated with a single set of spins with Larmor frequency v 0 . The motion of spins induced by an adiabatic pulse can be visualized best in a reference frame x9 y9z9 that rotates about z9 Žwhich is collinear with the main magnetic field B 0 . at the instantaneous frequency v Ž t . of the pulse. This reference frame is here called the frequency frame. In the frequency frame B1Ž t . does not precess in the transverse plane: B1Ž t . has a constant orientation Žarbitrarily chosen along x9, Fig. 2ŽA... Because adiabatic pulses are amplitude- and frequency Žor phase. modulated pulses, the frequency of the pulse v Ž t . deviates from the Larmor frequency as a function of time. Consequently, the spins will encounter an additional magnetic field along z9 of magnitude Ž Dv Ž t .rg ., where Dv Ž t . is defined as Ž v Ž t . y v 0 . and g is the magnetogyric ratio. Therefore, the magnitude of the effective magnetic field Be Ž t . in the frequency frame becomes B e Ž t . s <Be Ž t . < s 'B Ž t . q Ž Dv Ž t .rg . 2 1 2 w2x In all adiabatic transformations, the orientation and the magnitude of the time-dependent Be Ž t . vector is modulated. The motion of spins in the presence of an adiabatic pulse can be divided in two categories: Žspin. components that are 250 DE GRAAF AND NICOLAY Figure 2 The relation between magnetic field vectors in rotating frames used to describe adiabatic pulses. ŽA. The frequency frame x9 y9z9 precesses at the instantaneous frequency of the rf pulse, making the B1 orientation, abitrarily chosen along x9, static. ŽB. The second rotating frame x0 y0 z0 rotates about y9 with angular velocity Ždardt . of the Be rotation in the frequency frame. In the second rotating frame, the Be orientation is static, leading to an additional vector ŽŽdardt .rg . along y0 as Be is rotating. collinear with or perpendicular to Be Ž t . at the onset of the pulse. Both types of motion can be described best in a second rotating frame x0 y0 z0 ŽFig. 2ŽA... In the second rotating frame, the orientation of Be Ž t . is constant Žexcept for discontinuous inversions, as for the BIR-4 plane rotation pulse.. The second rotating frame changes its orientation with Be Ž t . at the instantaneous angular velocity of Žda Ž t .rdt ., relative to the frequency frame. a Ž t . is given by a Ž t . s arctan ž Dv Ž t . gB 1Ž t . w3x / In the second rotating frame x0 y0 z0, there is an additional contribution to the effective field along the y0 axis of magnitude ŽŽda Ž t .rdt .rg ., by analogy with the existence of Ž Dv Ž t .rg . in the frequency frame x9 y9z9. The effective field in the second rotating frame, BXe Ž t ., becomes the vector sum of Be Ž t . and ŽŽda Ž t .rdt .rg .w y0 x, where w y0 x is a unit vector along y0 ŽFig. 2ŽB... The magnitude of the effective magnetic field in the second rotating frame is given by BXe Ž t . s 'ž Be2 Ž t . q ŽŽ da Ž t . rdt . rg . 2 / w4x Provided that <Ž da Ž t . rdt . rg < < <Be Ž t . < w5x y1 or < gBe Ž t .Ž da Ž t . rdt . < 4 1 This is known as the adiabatic condition, BXe Ž t . f Be Ž t .. When the adiabatic condition is satisfied, magnetization vectors that initially are collinear with Be Ž t . will stay that way during the pulse when Be Ž t . changes with time. Magnetization vectors that are perpendicular to Be Ž t . at the onset of the pulse will remain in the plane perpendicular to Be Ž t . and will rotate in the second rotating frame x0 y0 z0 about Be Ž t ., through an angle bŽ t . given by Eq. w6x: bŽ t . s g t H0 B Ž t9.dt9 e t H0 'ž B sg 2Ž . 1 t9 q Ž Dv Ž t9 . rg . 2 / dt9 w6x Because of B1 inhomogeneities, bŽ t . will be a function of position. Adiabatic Half- and Full-Passage Pulses Adiabatic pulses are characterized by specific rf amplitude B1Ž t . and frequency D v Ž t . modulation functions. The magnetic field vectors encountered ADIABATIC RF PULSES: IN VIVO APPLICATIONS in the frequency frame can be written as follows: B1Ž t . s B 1 max f B Ž t .w x9 x ž D vŽt. g s / ž Dv max g / f v Ž t .w z9 x w7x 251 known Silver-Hoult hyperbolic secant pulse Ž 10 .. Adiabatic pulses can be implemented with amplitude and phase modulation, and the time-dependent B1 phase fŽ t . is given by Eq. w9x: w8x where f B Ž t . and f vŽ t . are unitless, normalized modulation functions; B 1 max and Dv max are the modulation amplitudes of B1Ž t . and D v Žt., and w x9x and w z9x are unit vectors that identify the x9 and y9 axes of the frequency frame, respectively. Figures 3ŽA. and 3ŽB. show the B1Ž t . and D v Ž t . modulations for f B Ž t . s sechwbŽŽ2 trT . y 1.x and f vŽ t . s tanhwbŽ1 y Ž2 trT ..x, with t varying from 0 to T and b defining the cutoff points for the infinite sech and tanh functions. b is typically chosen as sechb s 0.01 Ž1% cutoff level.. This pair of modulation functions defines the well- fŽ t . s t H0 Dv Ž t9. dt9 w9x The fŽ t . modulation of the hyperbolic secant pulse is shown in Fig. 3ŽC.. Alternatively, as is often done in the earlier literature on adiabatic pulses, the B1Ž t . and D v Ž t . modulations can be visualized in a frame xyz rotating with a constant frequency about z Žwhich is collinear with the main magnetic field B 0 ., at, for instance, the Larmor frequency v 0 of the Figure 3 ŽA. rf amplitude B1Ž t . and ŽB. frequency D v Ž t . modulation functions of a hyperbolic secant pulse. ŽC. Phase fŽ t . modulation can be used instead of frequency modulation by calculating the time integral of the frequency modulation. The maximum phase modulation was set to 20008. To describe the rf pulse in the laboratory frame, real and imaginary rf amplitudes, ŽD. B1 x Ž t . and ŽE. B1 y Ž t . can be used. 252 DE GRAAF AND NICOLAY spins. B1Ž t . can be described as a time-dependent complex number: B1Ž t . s B 1 max f B Ž t . e iD v ma x H0 f v Ž t 9.d t 9 t s B 1 max f B Ž t . e ifŽ t . s B 1 max f B Ž t .w cosf Ž t .w x x q i sin f Ž t .w y xx s B 1 x Ž t .w x x q iB 1 y Ž t .w y x w 10x The real and imaginary parts of B1Ž t . in this rotating frame, B1 x Ž t . and B1 y Ž t ., are along x and y, respectively. These modulations are shown in Figs. 3ŽD. and 3ŽE.. Although used in some Žearlier . papers about adiabatic pulses Ž 3, 10 ., this representation does not give any insight about the principles of adiabatic pulses, and therefore the formalism for the B1Ž t . and D v Ž t . modulations given by Eqs. w7x and w8x is preferred and will be used here. All adiabatic pulses are derived from the classical adiabatic passage experiment, which originates from continuous-wave NMR. In this experiment, the rf frequency v Ž t . is varied at a constant rate from qŽ Dv maxrg . to yŽ Dv maxrg .; that is f vŽ t . s 1 y Ž2 trT .. B1Ž t . remains constant Ž f B Ž t . s 1.. At the onset of the experiment, v Ž t . deviates substantially from the spin Larmor frequency v 0 , so that < Dv Ž0.rg .< 4 B1 and therefore Be Ž0. f Dv maxrgw z9x. M, initially collinear with Be Ž t ., will remain so throughout the rf pulse, provided that the adiabatic condition is satisfied. Because Be Ž t . rotates from qz9 to yz9 in the classical adiabatic passage experiment, M will be inverted Žcalled AFP.. In the case of an AHP pulse, Be Ž t . rotates by only 908 from qz9 to qx9, and M will be excited onto the transverse plane. Figure 4 shows the on-resonance rotations of magnetization vectors M x and M y , initially perpendicular to Be and M z parallel to Be . The f B Ž t . and f vŽ t . modulation functions are not specified, but they satisfy the adiabatic condition during the entire pulse. Furthermore, B1 s 0 and Ž D vrg . s Ž v maxrg . w z9x s Be at the beginning of the pulse, B1 s B1 max w x9x s Be and Ž D vrg . s 0 in the middle, and B 1 s 0 and Ž D vrg . s yŽ v maxrg .wz9x s Be at the end ŽFig. 3.. From Fig. 4 it can be seen that because the B1 magnitude merely determines the rate at which Be rotates the inversion of M z from qz9 to yz9 is relatively insensitive to the B1 magnitude, and, as long as the rate of change of Be Ži.e., Žda Ž t .rdŽ t .. is much smaller than its magnitude Žwhen the adiabatic condition, Eq. w5x, is satisfied., M z will remain along Be . Another feature that can be Figure 4 On-resonance rotations of the effective field Be during an AFP pulse. Vector representations show ŽA. the onset of the pulse, ŽB. halfway through the pulse, and ŽC. the end of the pulse. deduced from Fig. 4 is that AHP or AFP pulses can execute only well-defined excitation Ži.e., M z ª M x y or inversion Ž M z ª yM z . transformations. For these transformations a unique rotation axis, y9, exists, and the transformation induced is either a 908 or 1808 rotation about this axis. When M has components that are parallel and perpendicular to Be at the onset of the rf pulse, the ADIABATIC RF PULSES: IN VIVO APPLICATIONS rotations induced by AHP and AFP pulses can no longer be described by a single rotation axis. The component of M parallel to Be at the onset of the rf pulse Ž M z in Fig. 4. will rotate by 908 or 1808 about y9, as described above. Components of M that are perpendicular to Be at the onset of the rf pulse Ž M x and M y in Fig. 4. will rotate about Be through an angle b given by Eq. w6x, which depends on the distance from the coil as well as on the B1Ž t . and Ž D v Ž t .rg . modulations used. By contrast, the aforementioned inversion and excitation transformations are relatively B1 insensitive and can be achieved with a wide range of pulse modulation functions. Pulses that are based on adiabatic passage principles induce only the transformations Ž0, 0, M z . ª Ž M x , 0, 0. Žspin excitation by adiabatic half passage. or Ž0, 0, M z . ª Ž0, 0, yM z . Žspin inversion by adiabatic full passage.. In general, these pulses cannot induce plane rotations, because a plane rotation pulse rotates all magnetization vectors with arbitrary orientations about a single rotation axis through the same angle. Such rotations are required in many NMR experiments. For example, plane rotations that induce the transformation ŽM x , M y , M z . ª Ž M x , yM z , M y . Ž908 plane rotation. are required in stimulated-echo and polarization transfer experiments; rotations such as Ž M x , M y , M z . ª Ž M x , yM y , yM z . Ž1808 plane rotation. are needed in spin]echo experiments. Even though pulses that are based on adiabatic passage principles have limited application, they are still of great value in a variety of NMR experiments, including those that require spin excitation, T1 measurement, and multidimensional localization. Furthermore, because of their relative simplicity they are suitable for demonstrating some of the adiabatic principles, as shown in the next section. f vŽ t ., respectively., according to B1Ž t . s B 1 max sin ž D vŽt. g s / ž Dv max g pt w x9 x ž / / ž / 2T cos pt 2T w 11 x w z9 x w 12 x t varies from 0 to T, and T is the duration of the AHP pulse. The same modulation function can be used for AFP inversion simply by varying t from 0 to 2T. For these modulation functions, the adiabatic condition can be calculated with Eq. w5x and is given by Eq. w13x: gBe Ž t .Ž da Ž t . rdt . y1 s Ž 4Dv max Tr2 p . ¨ y1 = cos 2 pt ž / 2T q ¨ 2 sin 2 pt 3r2 w 13x ž / 2T where ¨ s gB 1 maxrDv max . From Eq. w13x it can be seen that, for the on-resonance case, the adiabatic condition}and with it the adiabaticity of the pulse}can be described by two parameters, ¨ and Dv max T. Equation w13x can be rewritten in many forms and hence several combinations of parameters can be used to describe the adiabatic condition; in this article we use ¨ and Dv max T. The adiabatic condition is satisfied and the desired rotation is executed when < gB e Ž t . Žda Ž t .rdt .y1 < 4 1 over the duration of the pulse. So by evaluating Eq. w13x, qualitative information about the B1 range over which the pulse works according to adiabatic principles can be obtained Ž 14 .. Quantitative information about the adiabaticity of AHP pulses can be obtained by numerical integration of the Bloch equations, typical results of which are shown in Fig. 5. Calculations were performed for the sin]cos-modulated AHP pulse described by Eqs. w11x and w12x and for a tanh-tan-modulated pulse described by B1Ž t . s B 1 max tanh Modulation Functions of Adiabatic Passage Pulses The choice of modulation function will determine to what extent the adiabatic condition is satisfied and thereby the B1 range over which the pulse executes the desired rotation. For example, an AHP excitation pulse can be executed with sinercosine modulation functions Ž 16 . Žfollowing convention, the adiabatic pulses are specified according to the modulation functions for f B Ž t . and 253 ž D vŽt. g s / ž Dv max g zt T w x9 x tan k 1 y / ž tan w k x w 14 x t T / w z9 x w 15x The constants z and k are set to 10 and arctan w20x, respectively Ž 13 .. One also can calculate a sech]tanh-modulated pulse, which defines the hy- 254 DE GRAAF AND NICOLAY Figure 5 The operational gB 1 maxrDv max ŽlogŽ ¨ .. range versus Dv max T of an AHP pulse with B1Ž t . and Dv Ž t . modulations given by sin]cos Ž----., tanh]tan Ž-?-?-?-. and sech]tanh Ž }} ., respectively. The lines show the range at which the transformation M z ª M x y is executed for 95%. perbolic secant pulse of Silver and Hoult Ž 10 ., as described above. F igu re 5 sh o w s th e D v m a x T a n d gB 1 maxrDv max Žs ¨ . region, where the pulses execute the rotation M z ª M x with G 95% efficiency. Figure 5 clearly illustrates that the particular modulation functions used have strong effects on the performance of the pulse. The sech]tanh-based pulse works at lower Dv max T values Žwhich is in general favorable when slice selection is required ., but needs higher gB 1 maxrDv max to start working. The tanh]tan pulse works at lower gB 1 maxrDv max values, but has a relatively low upper gB 1 maxrDv max limit Žnevertheless, the range of B1 insensitivity is still )100. and operates only with higher Dv max T values. ŽThis is favorable when a large spectral width needs homogeneous excitation.. The sin]cos-based pulse has intermediate characteristics. By evaluating the adiabatic condition, it is in principle possible to construct optimized modulation functions that work over predetermined ranges for ¨ and Dv max T. The adiabatic condition can be written with two commonly used modulation functions Žsech]tanh, sin]cos., driven with an arbitrary function of time hŽ t . Že.g., sinŽ hŽ t ..rcosŽ hŽ t .... By numerically evaluating the constructed adiabatic condition over a predetermined ¨ and Dv max T range, hŽ t . can be calculated such that the hŽ t .-modulated functions satisfy the adiabatic condition over the predetermined range during the entire pulse length. Detailed discussions of this NOM Žnumerically optimized modulation. procedure are found in Refs. 17 and 18. The initial choice of modulation functions for the NOM procedure is not important as long as the functions satisfy boundary conditions. This is because, in the NOM procedure, the optimized modulation functions are calculated to compensate for the deficiencies of the initial functions. The calculated NOM functions are in several ways superior to the initial functions: The range of B1 insensitivity of the pulses can be predetermined, they can operate over a larger B1 range Žup to )100 times variation in B1 ., and they can be constructed to achieve B1 insensitivity at lower peak power. The NOM procedure can easily be extended to incorporate off-resonance behavior Ž 14 .. In addition to parameters ¨ and Dv max T, a third parameter DVrgB 1 max is needed in that case to describe off-resonance behavior. DV is the frequency offset. After incorporation of this extra parameter in the adiabatic condition, the rest of the NOM procedure is the same as for the on-resonance case, except that the adiabatic condition is now examined over predetermined ¨ and DVrgB 1 max ranges. An example of the advantages of NOM-constructed adiabatic rf pulses will be given later. Off-Resonance Performance of Adiabatic Full-Passage Pulses The AFP pulse has the attractive characteristic that the inversion is frequency selective: When < DV < - < Dv max <, the pulse executes an inversion; for < DV < ) < Dv max <, the net flip angle is zero Žsee Fig. 6.. DV is the frequency offset defined as Ž v c y v 0 ., the difference between the pulse synthesizer frequency v c halfway through the pulse and the Larmor frequency v 0 . The principle of frequency-selective inversion can be understood best by considering the general modulation functions, given by Eqs. w7x and w8x. Figure 6 shows the rotation of the effective field Be and the magnetization vectors M x , M y , and M z . At the beginning of the pulse, Be is given by gBe s Ž DV q Dv max .w z9x, whereas gBe s Ž DV y Dv max .w z9x at the end of the pulse. Thus, Be is still inverted at the end of the pulse for < DV < - < Dv max < as is shown in Figs. 6ŽA. and 6ŽB.. Because M z was initially parallel to Be , it will remain so throughout the pulse and will be inverted at the end of the pulse. M x and M y are perpendicular to Be and will rotate about Be as a function of B1 and Ž Dvrg . through an angle b given by Eq. w6x. ADIABATIC RF PULSES: IN VIVO APPLICATIONS 255 Figure 6 Off-resonance rotations of the effective field Be during an AFP pulse and the corresponding rotations of the magnetization vectors M x and M y . M z is not drawn because it follows Be throughout the pulse. ŽA. Within the frequency range Ž< DV < - < Dv max <. M z inverts and M x and M y experience a B1- and offset-dependent phase shift b. Outside the slice Ž< DV < ) < Dv max <. M z initially rotates away from z9, but ultimately returns to its initial orientation along qz9; M x and M y are again dephased by b. ŽB. Typical inversion slice of an AFP pulse executed with sech]tanh modulation}the well-known hyperbolic secant inversion pulse. ŽC. Off-resonance rotations of Be during a second AFP pulse, immediately following the first pulse as shown in ŽA.. Within the slice, M z inverts again, thereby returning to its original orientation. Because Be is inverted between the two pulses, M x and M y now rotate through an angle yb within the slice, thereby also returning to their initial orientations. Outside the slice, Be is not inverted and M x and M y will dephase further to a final phase angle of 2b. However, if < DV < ) < Dv max <, Be is not inverted but simply rotates away from the z9 axis as B1Ž t . increases, and Ž Dv Ž t .rg . decreases and rotates back to qz9 at the end of the pulse. M x and M y will again dephase as a function of B1 and Ž D vrg .. Therefore, an inversion frequency band is defined because the magnetization, which is initially along z9, is inverted for < DV < - < Dv max < and is returned to its initial orientation for < DV < ) < Dv max < ŽFig. 6ŽB... Figure 6 once more illustrates that an AFP pulse cannot be used for refocusing transverse magnetization, because M x and M y will be ro- tated Ždephased. as function of B1 and Ž D vrg .. This is demonstrated in Fig. 7. Figures 7ŽC. and 7ŽD. show simulations of the slice profile for a 3.2 ms AFP pulse Žwith Dv max s 1562.5 Hz and maximum B 0 gradient strength G max s 30 mTrm. based on sech]tanh modulation functions. The slice is obtained using the pulse sequence shown in Fig. 7ŽA. Žonly one AFP pulse is used for refocusing.. As an alternative for showing M x and M y , a refocusing pulse can be evaluated by calculating the refocused component and the corresponding phase, as is shown in Fig. 7ŽE.. The refocused component I is defined as the 256 DE GRAAF AND NICOLAY component of transverse magnetization, which is independent of B 0 inhomogeneities and is symmetrical around the refocusing pulse. Mathematically, the refocused component and its corresponding phase are defined as Ž 8, 19 . Refocused component I 2 2 s Ž 1r2. Ž f x x y f y y . q Ž f x y q f y x . 1r2 w 16x Phase us Ž 1r2. arctan Ž y Ž f x y q f y x . r Ž f x x y f y y . . w 17x f ab is the fraction of initial M a Ž a s x or y . magnetization before the refocusing pulse, which is converted to Mb Ž b s x or y . magnetization after the pulse. For a perfect refocusing pulse, the refocused component will be 1 Žfor Ž M x , M y , M z . ª Ž M x , yM y , yM z ., f x x s yf y y s 1 and f x y s f y x s 0.. From Figs. 7ŽC. ]7ŽE. it follows that an AFP pulse can selectively refocus a slice. However, it also can be seen that a nonlinear phase is present across the slice, which is a function of Ž D vrg . ŽFigs. 7wCx ]7wEx. and B1 Žnot shown.. Figure 7ŽF. shows the experimental verification of these results. Two-dimensional Ž2D. images ŽTR rT E s 2000r75 ms. were obtained Figure 7 Theoretical and experimental verification of the refocusing capabilities of an AFP pulse. ŽA. Pulse sequence for obtaining a spatial slice with one AFP pulse. ŽB. Reference image obtained with a 2.0 cm diameter surface coil of a 1.5 cm diameter spherical phantom containing water. The surface coil is placed on top of the phantom. The image plane is a slice of 2.0 mm thickness. ŽC. ] ŽE. Simulations of the refocusing capabilities of one 2 ms AFP pulse Ž Dv max s 1562.5 Hz, G max s 30 mTrm. as shown in ŽA.. Simulations show ŽC. M x , ŽD. M y , and ŽE. the refocused component I. ŽF. Image obtained with the pulse sequence as shown in ŽA. on the phantom as shown in ŽB.. ŽG. Pulse sequence for obtaining a spatial slice with two AFP pulses. ŽH. ] ŽJ. Simulations of the pulse sequence show in ŽG., with ŽH. M x , ŽI. M y , and ŽJ. the refocused component I. ŽK. Experimental image obtained with the pulse sequence shown in ŽG.. From ŽH. ] ŽK. it can be concluded that two AFP pulses do generate a useful, well-defined slice without any distortions. ADIABATIC RF PULSES: IN VIVO APPLICATIONS from a 1.5 cm diameter glass sphere with a 2.0 cm diameter surface coil. All images are displayed in a phase-sensitive mode. Fig. 7ŽB. shows the image Ž2.5 mm slice thickness . of the sphere without any slice selection in the displayed plane. Fig. 7ŽF. shows the same image with slice selection in the plane by using one AFP pulse, as shown in Fig. 7ŽA.. These experimental data confirm that one AFP pulse can refocus a slice, but that the slice is indeed strongly degraded by a nonlinear phase and therefore cannot in practice be used. Application of a second AFP pulse causes the dephasing of M x and M y by the first AFP pulse to be rephased for < DV < - < Dv max <, as is shown in Fig. 6ŽC.. For < DV < - < Dv max <, Be is inverted and M x and M y will experience a total rotation of b y b s 0, where b is again given by Eq. w6x Ž M x and M y return to their initial orientations.. For < DV < ) < Dv max <, Be is not inverted and M x and M y will therefore dephase further through an angle b q b s 2b. Figures 7ŽH. ]7ŽJ. show simulations for two consecutive AFP pulses as depicted in the pulse sequence of Fig. 7ŽG.. Inside the slice, M x and M y indeed return to their initial orientations; outside the slice, the magnetization is dephased twice as much as it is with one AFP pulse Ž 3, 4 .. Because two AFP pulses grouped together as one rf pulse result in a net rotation of 08, B 0 inhomogeneities and B 0 gradient and offresonance effects will not be refocused. By placing the two AFP pulses as shown in Fig. 7ŽG., in analogy with the PRESS localization sequence Ž 20 ., all inhomogeneities will be refocused and a well-defined slice can be obtained without a nonlinear phase roll across the slice ŽFig. 7ŽK... Adiabatic Plane Rotation Pulses As mentioned above, AHP and AFP pulses are not plane rotation pulses, in that they do not rotate all magnetization vectors with arbitrary orientation about the same axis and through the same angle. However, above it was shown that a net refocusing plane rotation pulse can be obtained by executing two AFP pulses: The second AFP pulse rephases the magnetization perpendicular to Be . From this notion, two general principles in the construction of plane rotation pulses can be deduced. First, in the second rotating frame, the transformation of any magnetization vector must be an identity transformation: The net rotation in the second rotating frame at the end of the pulse must be zero. Second, the desired plane rotation will be achieved by rotating 257 the second rotating frame relative to the frequency frame through the desired angle. The first principle is satisfied by executing one or more Be inversions. This can be seen in the following way. During an AHP or time-reversed AHP, components of M initially collinear with Be remain so throughout the pulse. Similarly, components of M initially perpendicular to Be will remain so, but they also will rotate about Be through an angle b given by Eq. w6x, or by gH M = Be dt. If a Be inversion is executed, the second part of the pulse will rotate components of M perpendicular to Be through and angle yb about Be so that the net rotation of M will be zero at the end of the pulse ŽM achieves an identity transformation in the second rotating frame.. Be inversions can be achieved by inverting Ž D vrg . halfway through the pulse, when B1 s 0, or by inverting B1 Žby adding a 1808 phase shift. when Ž D vrg . s 0. However, for relatively simple adiabatic pulses Ž 11, 14 . consisting of only two segments, the Be inversion can be properly executed only on resonance Ž DV s 0.. Off resonance, b s gH M = Be dt of the second segment can no longer completely compensate b induced by the first segment. Hence, M no longer executes an identity transformation in the second rotating frame. More complicated pulses, such as the plane rotation pulse BIR-4, do not have this problem for < DV < - < Dv max <. Variable-Angle Adiabatic Plane Rotation Pulse The BIR-4 ŽB1-insensitive rotation. pulse Ž 13, 21. is composed of four segments ŽFig. 8. each of which is an AHP pulse Žsegments 2 and 4. or time-reversed AHP pulse Žsegments 1 and 3.. The B1Ž t . and D v Ž t . modulation functions shown are given by Eqs. w14x and w15x for an AHP segment. Although BIR-4 can be executed with many modulation functions, this particular pair closely approximates a numerically optimized set of functions derived by the NOM procedure Ž 12, 18 .. The frequency modulation D v Ž t . can be replaced by the equivalent phase modulation fŽ t ., which is calculated as the time integral of D v Ž t . according to Eq. w9x ŽFig. 8.. The flip angle generated by BIR-4 is determined by the values of two discontinuous phase shifts, Df 1 and Df 2 , which occur between the first and second segments and between the third and fourth segments of the pulse. To induce an 258 DE GRAAF AND NICOLAY Figure 8 rf amplitude ŽB1 ., phase Ž f ., and frequency Ž Dv . modulation functions of BIR-4. These specific functions Žtanh]tan. closely resemble optimized functions obtained with the NOM procedure Ž 15 .. arbitrary flip angle u, the discontinuous phase shifts are Df 1 s 1808 q ur2 and Df 2 s yŽ1808 q ur2. s yDf 1. Figure 9 shows the rotations during BIR-4 in the second rotating frame and of the second rotating frame relative to the frequency frame. Although Fig. 9 shows the rotations only for one magnetization vector Žthe thermal equilibrium magnetization vector., these rotations are valid for any M perpendicular to Be Ž0.. Vectors parallel to Be Ž0. are not considered because they remain parallel to Be Ž t . throughout the pulse. At the onset of BIR-4, Be is along x9 Žand x0 . and M is along z9 Žwhich is collinear with z0 . ŽFig. 9ŽA... The first segment of BIR-4 rotates M about Be Ž t . over an angle b away from z0. At the same time, Be Ž t . and the x0 y0 z0 frame are rotated about y0 by 908 ŽFig. 9wBx.. Between the first and second segments, Be Ž t . is inverted from qz9 to yz9 and B1Ž t . is simultaneously phase shifted by an angle Df1 s 1808 q ur2 ŽFig. 9wCx.. During the second segment, M is rotated back Figure 9 Rotations of the thermal equilibrium magnetization vector in the frequency frame x9 y9z9 and the second rotating frame x0 y0 z0 during a BIR-4 pulse. Vector representations depict the situation ŽA. at the onset of the pulse, ŽB. at the end of the first segment, and ŽC. at the beginning of the second segment, after the first Be inversion and B1 phase shift. ŽD. The situation in the middle of BIR-4. In ŽE. and ŽF. the situation at the end of the third segment and at the beginning of the fourth segment Žafter the second Be inversion and B1 phase shift. are shown, respectively. ŽG. The net rotation in x0 y0 z0 is zero at the end of the pulse. The two discontinuous phase shifts, Df 1 and Df 2 , cause a net rotation of x9 y9z9 relative to x0 y0 z0 by an angle u. ŽReprinted with permission from Ref. 6.. to z0. At the end of the second segment, z0 Žand consequently M. makes an angle ur2 with z9, because of the Df 1 phase shift ŽFig. 9wDx.. In the third segment, Be Ž t . is rotated rom the x9 y9 plane to z9, thereby causing z0 to make an angle u with x9. At the same time, M is rotated over an angle b away from z0 ŽFig. 9wEx.. Between the third and fourth segments, Be Ž t . is inverted again from qz9 to yz9 ŽFig. 9wEx. and B1Ž t . is phase shifted by an angle Df 2 s yŽ1808 q ur2. s yDf1. In the final segment, Be Ž t . is rotated to x9 and M is ADIABATIC RF PULSES: IN VIVO APPLICATIONS rotated to z0. Because z0 makes an angle u with x9 at the end of the third segment, M now also makes an angle u with z9 ŽFig.9ŽG... Figure 9 clearly demonstrates the two general principles underlying the design of adiabatic plane rotation pulses: identity transformation in the second rotating frame and the generation of flip angle u by rotating the second rotating frame relative to the frequency frame. At the end of BIR-4, the magnetization in the second rotating frame has experienced an identity transformation Žthe spins have experienced a spin]echo in the second rotating frame., and the actual flip angle is generated by the transformation of the second rotating frame relative to the frequency frame. Although Fig. 9 shows only the on-resonance generation of a flip angle u by BIR-4, the principles hold for off-resonance magnetization vectors Ž DV / 0., provided that < DV < - < Dv max <. For the on-resonance case, the b values generated by the four individual segments are equal in magnitude and their absolute sum is zero Žb 1 y b 2 y b 3 q b 4 s 0.. When an inversion of Be occurs, the sign of b in the segments that follow also is inverted and does not change until Be is inverted again. For the offresonance case, the magnitudes of b are different in all four segments, because Ž D v Ž t .rg . is offset by a constant amount. However, their sum is still zero: b 1 s yb 3 and yb 2 s b 4 . When < DV < ) < Dv max <, Be cannot be inverted and the magnetization vectors are not refocused. BIR-4 is an adiabatic plane rotation pulse that can generate any arbitrary flip angle despite large B1 inhomogeneities. When compared with AHP pulses, the time symmetry of BIR-4 provides a superior tolerance to off-resonance effects and B1 inhomogeneities Ž 13 .. ŽThis is analogous to the improved performance of composite pulses relative to a simple square pulse.. Derivatives of BIR-4 The unique property of BIR-4 to generate an arbitrary flip angle by the introduction of discrete phase jumps within the pulse opens the way to useful derivatives of BIR-4. It was stated earlier than an adiabatic pulse can execute a plane rotation only when the net rotation is zero in the second rotation frame x0 y0 z0. The flip angle is generated by rotating the second rotating frame relative to the frequency frame through the desired angle. However, another way to generate an 259 arbitrary flip angle is to introduce a frequency-dependent phase shift by means of a delay within the pulse. Consider a 08 BIR-4 pulse, Df1 s yDf 2 s 1808. The net rotation in the second rotating frame is zero, as for all BIR-4 pulses, as long as < DV < - < Dv max <, and the flip angle is zero. A frequency-dependent phase shift can be generated by introducing a delay t in between the first and second segment of BIR-4 Žor, alternatively, between the third and fourth segments., when the magnetization is excited onto the transverse plane. On resonance Ž DV s 0., the delay does not lead to any additional rotation and the final flip angle is zero. However, off-resonance Ž DV / 0., the magnetization will rotate through an angle 2 pDV t. At the end of the delay, BIR-4 is executed further, refocusing all rotations except for the additional phase shift 2 pDV t, leading to a final flip angle of sinŽ2 pDV t .. This modified BIR-4 pulse is called SSAP Žsolvent suppression adiabatic pulse. Ž 22, 23 . and is very useful for water suppression Ž 23 . or when frequency-selective excitation is required }for example for spectral editing techniques or for the measurement of T2 relaxation times for coupled spins Ž 6 .. SSAP can, for instance, also be used for selective water]fat imaging, which can provide relevant information on the composition of a variety of tissues. Figure 10ŽA. shows a 2D image ŽTR s 2.5 sec, and T E s 25 ms. obtained with a spin]echo sequence and a 2.0 cm diameter surface coil using a 2 ms 908 BIR-4 for excitation and a pair of 2 ms AFP pulses for slice-selective Ž2.5 mm slice thickness. refocusing. The object under investigation was a 1.5 cm diameter sphere containing water in a 2.5 cm diameter cylinder containing fat. Fig. 10ŽA. shows the water and fat compartments; the chemical shift artifact is clearly visible as a spatial displacement of the fat compartment. Figures 10ŽB. and 10ŽC. are water and fat images, respectively, obtained with the same sequence, except that the 908 BIR-4 excitation pulse was replaced with a 2 ms SSAP pulse. In Figs. 10ŽB. and 10ŽC. the offset of SSAP was set on the fat and water resonances, respectively, and the intrapulse delay t was set to completely excite the other resonance Ž t s 1rŽ4Ž DV water y DV fat ... The suppression of the unwanted resonance is complete and insensitive to B1 inhomogeneities. SSAP is essentially the adiabatic analogue of the well-known jump]return pulse Ž908qx ]t]908yx .. This analogy has been extended to the 22.58qx ]t]458yx ] 260 DE GRAAF AND NICOLAY Figure 10 Water]fat imaging using ŽA. BIR-4 or ŽB., ŽC. SSAP for excitation. Slice selection refocusing is achieved with two AFP pulses Žsee Fig. 7wGx.. The phantom consists of a water-filled sphere inserted in a cylinder containing fat. A single surface coil positioned at the bottom of the cylinder was used for rf transmission and reception. ŽA. Nonselective excitation with BIR-4 leads to the observation of both compartments. Frequency-selective excitation of the water or fat resonances with SSAP leads to the selective observation of ŽB. water and ŽC. fat compartments, respectively. t]22.58qx pulse sequence, under the acronym BIRIANI Ž 24 .. The features of BIR-4 can be exploited further by introducing two identical delays between the first and second and the third and fourth segments of a 08 BIR-4. Although this does not in general lead to excitation of magnetization, it can distinguish between coupled and uncoupled spins, because a segmented BIR-4 in this form can be seen as a 908qx ]t]1808yx ]t]908qx sequence, which is standard for exciting coupled spins: B 0 inhomogeneities and frequency offsets are refocused, but J evolution of coupled spins is not, leading to the excitation of MQCs when a proper evolution period t is chosen Ž t ; 1r4 J, where J is the coupling constant.. Uncoupled spins simply experience a 08 BIR-4 pulse and return to their initial orientation. This segmented BIR-4 pulse Žand modifications thereof. has been used for homo- and heteronuclear spectral editing Ž 6, 25]28 .. APPLICATIONS Several examples demonstrate the versatility of adiabatic pulses for in ¨ i¨ o NMR and high-resolution, liquid state NMR measurements. These include fast T1 measurements of 31 P metabolites with BIR-4, improved inversion bandwidths of NOM adiabatic rf pulses, and the use of adiabatic refocusing pulses in multiple-echo spin]echo imaging. Fast Measurement of T1 Using BIR-4 Knowledge of T1 relaxation time is often required for the quantitation of metabolite concentration and for studying exchange mechanisms. Among the most frequently used methods is the inversion]recovery experiment, consisting of an inversion pulse, followed by a variable delay, and an excitation pulse to observe the signal. Although this method gives reliable T1 it is inefficient: The longitudinal magnetization needs )5T1 to fully recover to its initial orientation before the next inversion can be executed. This makes the inversion]recovery experiment less desirable for in ¨ i¨ o T1 measurements. Many alternatives for more rapid T1 data collection have been proposed, including saturation recovery, progressive saturation, and single-scan inversion recovery. One of the fastest methods is the variable nutation angle ŽVNA. method Ž 21, 29]32 ., which is easy to implement and gives reliable T1. In the VNA method, the nutation angle of the excitation pulse is varied, and TR is short compared with T1 ŽTR ; 0.5T1 . and it is kept constant. This leads to saturation of the signal as function of flip angle, TR , and T1. The pulse sequence for the VNA method is shown in Fig. 11ŽA.. The VNA method belongs to a class of steady-state pulse sequences, in which the decrease of longitudinal magnetization due to excitation should equal the increase due to T1 relaxation. This is accomplished by using ‘‘dummy’’ scans, in which the exact pulse ADIABATIC RF PULSES: IN VIVO APPLICATIONS 261 Figure 11 ŽA. Pulse sequence for the VNA method to measure longitudinal T1 relaxation time. After several dummy scans Žwithout acquisition. to create a longitudinal steady-state condition, the actual sequence Žwith acquisition. is executed. The B 0 gradient G eliminates unwanted transverse magnetization before excitation. T1 can be obtained by repeating the experiment with several flip angles u. The sequence is shown with adiabatic BIR-4 pulses. In the case of square rf pulses, the pulse length is varied to obtain different flip angles. ŽB. In 31 ¨ i¨ o P spectra from an intact cat heart obtained with a 18 mm diameter surface coil and the adiabatic VNA method. Flip angles used were 308, 508, 708, 908, and 1108, respectively, with 64 transients and TR s 2.5 s. The spectra were analyzed with a frequency-domain-fitting program. The calculated T1 Žusing Eq. w18x. for PCr, g, a , and b-ATP are 2.75, 1.27, 1.37, and 1.38 s, respectively. ŽCourtesy of C.J.A. van Echteld, Heart-Lung-Institute, Utrecht University Hospital, Utrecht.. sequence is executed except for acquisition of the signal. Once the longitudinal magnetization is in a steady state, the actual pulse sequence is performed. It can be shown Ž 30 . that the transverse steady-state magnetization immediately after excitation for a given TR , T1 , and flip angle u is given by Mx y Ž u. s M 0 Ž 1 y eyT R r T1 . sinu Ž 1 y cosu eyT R r T1 . w 18 x M 0 is thermal equilibrium magnetization. Equation w18x is valid only if there is no transverse magnetization before the excitation pulse. This is accomplished by using a homogeneity B 0 gradient spoiler after acquisition. Although the VNA method is fast, it is reliable only if the flip angles are known accurately. With a homogeneous rf coil, this generally is no problem. However, because square rf pulses generate a range of flip angles when an inhomogeneous rf coil Žsuch as a surface coil. is used, the VNA method is unreliable when it is executed with square rf pulses. The unique characteristic of BIR-4 is that it achieves an arbitrary flip angle independent of the B1 amplitude, making it suitable for the VNA method. T1 was obtained on a sphere containing doped water with BIR-4 and square rf pulses, respectively, using a 2.0 cm diameter surface coil for transmission and reception. Inversion]recovery experiments were performed to verify the T1 data. 262 DE GRAAF AND NICOLAY Inversion]recovery and VNA experiments were performed with eight delays and flip angles, respectively. The experiments performed with adiabatic pulses yield the same T1 of 1.34 s. Because of the strong flip angle dependence of the VNA method, the T1 obtained with square pulses is substantially lower Ž0.84 s. and unacceptable for use in further calculations. The flip angle dependence of the inversion]recovery experiment is much lower, but when executed with square pulses and a surface coil it nevertheless gives a small error in the obtained T1 Ž1.30 s.. Figure 11ŽB. shows a typical set of 31 P spectra obtained with the VNA method and an 18 mm diameter surface coil from an intact cat heart in ¨ i¨ o. The flip angles used were 308, 508, 708, 908, and 1108. The repetition time of 2.5 s for this experiment was dictated by the combined trigger signal of the ventilation rate and cardiac cycle. Each spectrum was the accumulation of 64 transients. After frequency domain fitting of the phosphocreatine ŽPCr. and ATP resonances, T1 was calculated using Eq. w18x. The T1 calculated for PCr, g, a , and b-ATP was 2.75, 1.27, 1.37, and 1.38 s, respectively. This example shows that even for relatively simple experiments the advantages of adiabatic pulses over conventional pulses can be substantial. The results are more reliable and SrN is optimized, thereby minimizing experiment time. Improved Off-Resonance Performance of Adiabatic Inversion Pulses The most pronounced characteristics of 13 C NMR spectroscopy are the very low sensitivity Ž0.018% of the 1 H sensitivity. and the broad chemical shift range of more than 200 ppm. The sensitivity can be increased by using higher B 0 fields. However, this will lead to an increased spectral bandwidth Ž200 ppm at 4.7 T Ž v Ž13 C. s 50 MHz. is ; 10 kHz, amounting to ; 30 kHz at 14.1 T Ž v Ž 13 C. s 150 MHz... Recently, much attention in high-field 13 C NMR spectroscopy has been devoted to the development of rf pulses with improved off-resonance performance, mainly for decoupling Ž 33]37 .. Adiabatic rf pulses are almost ideal in this respect: They prevent signal loss due to flip angle errors and their off-resonance performance can be improved with the NOM procedure. The most demanding tasks for improved rf pulses in high-field 13 C NMR are in decoupling and isotropic mixing sequences. For both applica- tions, 1808 inversion Žand refocusing. pulses are required, so most of the recent developments concentrate on the AFP pulse executed with sech]tanh modulation functions as described by Silver and Hoult Ž 10 .. This hyperbolic secant achieves a well-defined frequency-selective inversion, independent of the B1 amplitude, above a minimum B1 threshold. However, sech]tanh modulation is not optimal in inverting large bandwidths with low peak power. Using the adiabatic condition ŽEq. w5x., it is possible to optimize the modulation functions to operate at lower peak power. In general, an adiabatic pulse can be described by its B1Ž t . and D v Ž t . modulation functions: B1Ž t . s B 1 max f B Ž t .w x9 x w 19x D v Ž t . s w DV y Dv max f v Ž t .xw z9 x w 20x With these modulation functions, a general adiabatic condition Žexpressed as a ratio K . can be derived for any time t during the pulse at any frequency offset DV: K Ž DV , t . gBe Ž t . s s Ž da Ž t . rdt . ž žž ž Dv2max gB 1 max gB 1 max Dv max DV Dv max 41 / = 2 fB Ž t . q DV / ž /ž / y fv Ž t . Dv max fB Ž t . dt 2 3r2 y fv Ž t . y fB Ž t . // fv Ž t . ž / dt w 21 x To obtain optimized modulation functions, Eq. w21x can be evaluated with the NOM procedure. However, a simpler method has been proposed to improve the off-resonance behavior of adiabatic pulses Ž 38 .. This method of offset-independent adiabaticity states that the adiabatic condition K Ž DV, t . must be equally satisfied for all DV inside a given bandwidth Ž K Ž DV, t . is constant in DV for < DV < - < Dv max <.. Using this requirement, the adiabatic condition can be calculated during the entire pulse when an isochromat at frequency offset DV is on resonance: f vŽ t . s DVrDv max . At time tD V }i.e. when the isochromat at DV is on resonance}the adiabatic condition reduces to ADIABATIC RF PULSES: IN VIVO APPLICATIONS K Ž tD V . s Ž gB 1 max f B Ž tD V .. 2 Dv max ž d f v Ž tD V . dt w 22 x 41 / Modulation functions that satisfy the offset-independent adiabaticity can now be calculated with the equality specified by Eq. w22x: ž d f v Ž tD V . dt / s Ž gB 1 max f B Ž tD V .. 2 w 23x Dv max K Ž tD V . Essentially, Eq. w23x represents the on-resonance condition Žwhere the adiabatic condition is most difficult to satisfy. for all spins in a given bandwidth. The modulation functions of the hyperbolic secant pulse satisfy Eq. w23x. However, the modulation functions are not optimal when peak power is considered. In general, rf amplitude modulation functions with a flat profile will perform the desired rotation at the lowest peak power, because the rf power is distributed evenly during the pulse. This feature also followed from the NOM procedure Ž 18 . and by stretching existing adiabatic pulses Ž 37 .. From the theory of offset-independent adiabaticity, so called sin40 adiabatic pulses were developed. They are described by Eqs. w24x and w25x: B1Ž t . s B 1 max 1 y sin n ž pt w 24x ž 2T / / w x9x D vŽt. sDv max y2Dv max t n T n H0 ž 1ysin p t9 2 ž 2T / / dt9 p t9 H ž 1ysin ž 2T / / dt9 0 2 0 w z9 x w 25x where n s 40 Žalthough the actual value of n is not critical . and yT F t F qT. These sin40 pulses have a flat rf amplitude profile with rounded edges, making an offset-independent inversion possible at low peak power. Figures 12ŽA. ]12ŽC. show simulations based on the Bloch equations. Figs. 12 ŽA. and 12ŽB. show inversion profiles of a hyperbolic secant Ž Dv max s 12.5 kHz. and a sin40 Ž Dv max s 50 kHz., respectively. In both cases T s 2 ms and gB1 max s 6.5 kHz. For both inversion pulses, gB1 max s 6.5 kHz is the minimum rf amplitude required to perform an inversion on 263 resonance. However, the inversion bandwidth of a hyperbolic secant pulse is reduced to approximately 25% of the sin40 inversion bandwidth, because a hyperbolic secant pulse needs approximately twice the peak power of a sin40 pulse. This is in agreement with the fact that the effective bandwidth of adiabatic inversion pulses scales with the square of the rf amplitude, as was also derived during the description of stretching existing adiabatic pulses Ž 33 .. This relationship can be extracted as well from Eq. w23x, which states that, for given f B and f v modulation functions, the bandwidth 2Dv max scales with the square of the rf amplitude Ž gB1 max . 2 . For comparison, Fig. 12ŽC. shows the inversion profile of a square pulse ŽT s 77 ms, gB1 max s 6.5 kHz.. Figs. 12ŽD. ]12ŽF. show experimental profiles in analogy with the simulations shown in Figs. 12ŽA. ]12ŽC., respectively. Experiments were performed with a Žhomogeneous. solenoidal coil on a spherical phantom containing water. After the inversion pulse, the signal was excited onto the transverse plane with an AHP pulse. Spectra were acquired in 1000 Hz steps in which the transmitter frequency of the AFP pulse ranged from y75 kHz to q75 kHz relative to the water resonance. Figs. 12ŽD. ]12ŽF. confirm the results obtained by numerical integration of the Bloch equations, as shown in Figs. 12ŽA. ]12ŽC.: The high peak power of a hyperbolic secant pulse limits the achievable inversion bandwidth. Because of Žsmall. B1 inhomogeneities, the onresonance inversion with square pulses is incomplete Žthe B1-dependence is most pronounced on resonance.. It can be concluded that, in addition to the tolerance to large B1-inhomogeneities, the offresonance performance of adiabatic pulses is also superior to that obtained with conventional pulses. The off-resonance properties can be improved further with the NOM procedure or by stretching existing adiabatic pulses. However, the procedure of offset-independent adiabaticity yields optimal pulses without intensive and tedious calculations. Multiecho Spin – Echo Imaging In multiecho imaging, a range of echo times is sampled in a single scan, thereby significantly reducing the duration of MRI experiments aimed at spatial quantitation of T2 relaxation times. In multiecho spin ] echo sequences, 908 ] w t ] 1808]t] x n , the echoes are generated by refocusing 264 DE GRAAF AND NICOLAY Figure 12 Off-resonance performance of inversion pulses. The inversion profiles of ŽA. a hyperbolic secant Ž Dv max s 12.5 kHz, T s 2 ms., ŽB. a sin40 Ž Dv max s 50 kHz, T s 2 ms., and ŽC. a square ŽT s 77 ms. inversion pulse are shown, respectively. In all cases, gB1 max s 6.5 kHz, which equals the minimum rf amplitude to perform an inversion on resonance Ž DV s 0.. ŽD. ] ŽF. The complementary results of experiments using the pulses as indicated in ŽA. ] ŽC.. The experiments were performed with a Žhomogeneous. solenoidal coil on a spherical phantom containing water. The profiles in ŽD. ] ŽF. are constructed from 151 spectra covering a total bandwidth of 150 kHz. pulses. Although this eliminates the effects of B 0 inhomogeneities and frequency offset and minimizes the effects of diffusion, it also makes the experiment more sensitive to flip angle errors. This can lead to an exponentially increasing number of unwanted echoes as more echoes are acquired Ž 39 .. Multiecho spin]echo images will therefore be susceptible to artifacts when they are acquired with a surface coil and conventional rf pulses. Figure 13ŽA. shows 2D multiecho spin]echo images Ždata matrix s 256 = 128. of a 6 mm diameter spherical phantom containing water obtained with square rf pulses transmitted with an elliptical surface coil Ž10 = 15 mm2 .. Figure 13ŽB. shows the same images obtained with adiabatic pulses; 908 BIR-4 for excitation and 1808 BIR-4 for refocusing. The images were acquired with TR s 500 ms and T E s 11, 63, 114, and 165 ms. No phase cycling or B 0 crusher gradients were applied. The images of the first echo ŽT E s 11 ms. are similar in appearance, although the B1 dependence of square rf pulses leads to a slight reduction in sensitivity, similar to that shown in Fig. 1. In the later echoes, the images obtained with square rf pulses clearly display artifacts Žmirror images and strong degradation of the actual image. because of unwanted echoes caused by the B1-dependence of the rf pulses. Consequently, detailed structural information or quantitative T2 values cannot be obtained. The adiabatic images do not show an artifact because of the excellent B1-insensitive refocusing capabilities of BIR-4, which minimize the generation of unwanted echoes. The signal intensity decreases purely because of T2 . Artifacts in multiecho imaging that result from unwanted echoes can be eliminated by using large B 0 gradient crushers Ž 39 . or extensive phase cycling. However, neither solution is desirable: B 0 gradient crushers increase the diffusion weighting of the signal and place higher demands on gradient hardware. Extensive phase cycling would lead ADIABATIC RF PULSES: IN VIVO APPLICATIONS to unrealistic measurement times. As shown in Fig. 13, adiabatic rf pulses offer a convenient alternative for eliminating artifacts in multiecho imaging. Adiabatic pulses do not introduce any additional diffusion weighting and do not require any phase cycling, but they do give optimal sensitivity. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Adiabatic pulses in general and BIR-4 in particular offer a wide range of application possibilities. In addition to examples given above, these include multidimensional localization with ISIS Žimage-selected in ¨ i¨ o spectroscopy., with or without OVS Žouter volume suppression. Ž 23, 40 . or with GMAX Žgradient modulated adiabatic excitation. Ž 41., spectral editing Ž 6, 26]28 ., water suppression Ž 22]24 ., cardiac tagging Ž 42 ., ultrafast imaging Ž 21., and spectroscopic imaging Ž 43 .. With their development in recent years, almost all conventional NMR pulse experiments can be executed with adiabatic pulses. Only the inability of frequency-selective excitation has hampered 265 some applications with adiabatic pulses}for single-shot localization, water suppression without spectral distortions, and multislice imaging, for example. Some of these experiments have nevertheless been executed with adiabatic pulses in an alternative manner. BIR-4 pulses executed with NOM functions generate a well-defined slice profile with strong dephasing of signal outside the slice, in analogy with slice selection and OVS. Because the OVS characteristics of the pulses are nearly perfect, localization is achieved in a single shot with complete immunity to B1 inhomogeneities. Additional phase cycling of the pulses does not improve the quality of localization, it merely smoothes the slice profile. Therefore, although BIR-4 cannot achieve frequency-selective excitation as can a conventional sinc or gauss pulse, it can be used for three-dimensional spatial localization Ž 44 .. Two additional selective pulses have been described recently: BISS-8 ŽB1-insensitive slice selection using 8 adiabatic segments. Ž 45 . to achieve single-shot slice selection and BISTRO ŽB1-insensitive selective train to obliterate signal. Ž 46 ., which is capable of frequency-selective signal sup- Figure 13 Multiecho spin]echo images of a 6 mm diameter spherical phantom obtained ŽA. with square pulses and ŽB. with adiabatic pulses. An elliptical Ž10 = 15 mm2 . surface coil was used for rf transmission and reception. Four echoes were acquired at T E s 11, 63, 114, and 165 ms. No phase cycling or B 0 gradient crushers were applied. ŽCourtesy of Y. Luo, Abbott Laboratories.. 266 DE GRAAF AND NICOLAY pression. BISS-8 is an adiabatic pulse that achieves slice selection by executing B1Ž t . and Ž v Ž t . y v 0 . modulation in the presence of B 0 gradient modulation gGŽr, t .. By analogy to BIR4, the flip angle is generated by phase shifts at specific times during the pulse. BISS-8 can be seen as two interleaved BIR-4 pulses, each generating half of the total flip angle. Without B 0 gradient modulation BISS-8 is, just as is BIR-4, not frequency selective. However, because of the B 0 gradient modulation, the total Dv Žr, t . modulation, which is the sum of Ž v Ž t . y v 0 . and gGŽr, t ., is spatially dependent. Within the slice Ž< v max y v 0 < ) gGŽr.. the flip angle is determined as if there were no B 0 gradient modulation: ur2 q ur2 s u. Outside the slice Ž< v max y v 0 < - gGŽr.., the B 0 gradient modulation inverts Dv Ž t . in half of the BISS-8 segments, leading to a flip angle of yur2 in those segments and to a total flip angle of ur2 y ur2 s 0. BISS-8 is the first adiabatic pulse that can achieve slice-selective excitation in a single shot and thus allows multislice imaging, single-shot localization, and OVS with surface coils. BISTRO is in essence an analogue of the projection presaturation ŽPP. method of Singh et al. Ž 47 . Their method consists of several frequency-selective Žsinc. rf pulses interleaved with B 0 gradient crushers to eliminate any excited signal. Although PP offers some B1 insensitivity, the frequency profile deteriorates with increasing rf amplitude. In BISTRO, the sinc pulses are replaced with hyperbolic secant ŽAFP. pulses. Although they operate adiabatically only when an inversion is executed, the profile stays frequency selective with lower B1 amplitudes. This also is the main advantage of BISTRO over PP: The frequency profile remains constant irrespective of rf amplitude. Furthermore, the use of an amplitude-modulated envelope function over the AFP pulses significantly increases B 1 -insensitivity. BISTRO has been implemented for OVS Ž 46 . and for water suppression Ž 44 . with surface coils. CONCLUSION With the recent developments of adiabatic rf pulses, it can be stated that almost all experiments executed with conventional rf pulses can now be executed with a high tolerance to B1 inhomogeneities and other imperfections. This characteristic of adiabatic pulses is valuable in NMR experiments in ¨ i¨ o, where surface coils with an extremely inhomogeneous B1 field often are used for signal enhancement. High-resolution NMR experiments as well can be improved with adiabatic rf pulses, because in general they compensate for all pulse imperfections, including off-resonance effects. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We gratefully acknowledge Yanping Luo for contributing Fig. 13, Cees. J. A. van Echteld for contributing Fig. 11, and Michael Garwood for helpful discussions. REFERENCES 1. D. I. Hoult, R. E. Richards, ‘‘The Signal-to-Noise Ratio of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Experiment,’’ J. Magn. Reson., 1976, 24, 71]85. 2. J. L. Evelhoch, M. G. Crowley, and J.J.H. 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In 1994, he worked at the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Minneapolis, MN, under the guidance of Michael Garwood on adiabatic pulse design, spatial localization, and spectral editing techniques and their application to an animal tumor model. Currently he is a doctoral student at the Bijvoet Center, Department of in i o NMR, Utrecht University, under the guidance of Klaas Nicolay. His research interests are in adiabatic pulses, spectroscopic imaging, spectral editing, and pulse sequence design. Klaas Nicolay received a Ph.D. on in i o NMR studies of the metabolism of microorganisms from the University of Groningen in 1983 Žthesis supervisor, Robert Kaptein.. From 1983 until 1986 he was a postdoctoral fellow of the Netherlands Cancer Research Foundation at Utrecht University Žresearch supervisor, Ben de Kruijff., studying the mechanism of action of anthracycline antitumor drugs with spectroscopic techniques, including NMR. From 1987 to 1991, he was a Huygens Fellow the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research ŽNWO. and developed a research program on mitochondrial membrane structure and function. From 1990 to the present, he has been the scientific supervisor of the Netherlands national in vivo NMR facility. He has approximately 70 publications in the field of NMR, and his current research includes the development of in i o NMR techniques for noninvasive studies of tissue metabolism and the regulation of energy metabolism of striated muscle.