Archer Procedures Fundamentals of Flight: § Cruise flight power 2100 – 2450 rpm depending on desired speed § Begin a climb – full power, pitch for VY § Level off from a climb – pitch (let airspeed accelerate), power (desired setting), trim (as necessary) § Begin a descent – power 1500 to 2000 rpm, pitch desired rate (500 fpm) § Level off from a descent – power for cruise, pitch for horizon, trim as necessary § Turns – require more back pressure for decrease in vertical component of lift § Always trim to relieve control pressure – trim doesn’t fly the airplane, you do! Steep Turns: § Perform clearing turn § Establish heading and altitude using reference point § Power 2300 rpm or more as needed § Begin turn, at 30° bank apply more back pressure § Maintain 45° bank angle (look 80% outside 20% inside, hold a picture) § Roll out about 20° before desired heading releasing back pressure Turns around a point, S-turns § Perform clearing turn § Establish altitude and line up with point/road in advance § Power set at 2100 – 2450 rpm § Maintain altitude with pitch, hold a picture § Continue to look outside for traffic (scan between point, outside, and altimeter) § If wind blows plane closer shallow bank, if wind blows plane away steepen bank Unusual Attitude Recovery: § To recover from nose high attitude = power, pitch, bank § To recover from nose low attitude = power, bank, pitch § Essentially it is simultaneous, but if slow motion follow order above § If nose needs to go down/forward, throttle goes forward/full § If nose needs to go up/back, throttle goes back/idle § Yoke and throttle move same direction Emergency Procedures: A – AIRSPEED for best glide B – BEST place to LAND: airport, field/golf course, lonely road keep in mind safety of not only you but those you are landing around C – CHECKLIST, first review flow through memory, then use checklist, can it restart? D – DECLARE/DIALOGUE current frequency, nearest tower, or 121.5, squawk 7700 § “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday Cessna (N#) over (location) engine failure landing at (location) with (#) of passengers on board E – prepare airplane for EXIT: seat belt tight, doors open, everything off (mixture idle, fuel selector off, master off after necessary flaps) Slow Flight: § Power 1700 rpm § Let airspeed slow to white arc, add 10° of flaps (hold the outside picture for altitude) § Watch heading and altitude (picture) and increase to 25° flaps § Watch heading and altitude (picture) and increase to 40° flaps § Slightly before desired speed, add power to around 2100 rpm to maintain altitude § RIGHT RUDDER!!! § Pitch for airspeed, power for altitude § Speed should be just above VS0 § Turns no more than 10° bank Recovery from Slow Flight: § Smoothly apply full power § 1st notch of flaps up § maintain heading and altitude § positive airspeed, altitude, rate – 2nd notch of flaps up § let airspeed accelerate to VY – 3rd notch of flaps up § allow airplane to accelerate § power return to cruise flight 2100 – 2300 rpm § trim as required Power-off Stalls: Approach to Landing Stall § Enter slow flight § Reduce power to allow for 500 fpm descent (simulating descent to land) § Reduce power to idle, gently pitch up using rudder to maintain direction, wings level § Stall = stall warning horn, buffet, nose drops § Recovery = nose to horizon, smoothly full power, 1st notch flaps up § Will need right rudder when applying full power § Positive airspeed, altitude, rate and raise 2nd notch of flaps § Positive airspeed, altitude, rate and at VY bring last notch up § Maintain constant altitude and heading and return to cruise flight Power-on Stalls: § Reduce power to 1700 rpm § Maintain altitude and heading (picture) § Let airspeed slow to just above rotation speed (about 65 knots) § Add full power while gently pitching up, yoke all the way back § RIGHT RUDDER!!! § Stall = stall warning horn, buffet, nose drops § Recovery = nose to horizon, rudder to maintain heading § Let airspeed increase and start a climb to initial altitude § Level off and return to cruise flight Short Field Takeoff: § Holding Short – One notch of flaps, lights, fuel pump, camera, action § Taxi to the very beginning of the available runway and hold breaks § Apply full power holding breaks § Verify positive RPM and engine instruments in the green § Release breaks and let aircraft accelerate to just below VR then rotate § Climb out at VX adjusting pitch for speed § Once obstacle is clear, slowly let nose come down to accelerate to VY § At VY flaps up and continue climb Soft Field Takeoff: § Holding Short – One notch of flaps, full back yoke, lights, fuel pump, camera, action, § Apply full back pressure to keep weight on mains and off nose § Avoid applying breaks and smoothly apply full power § Continue to hold back pressure and let nose come off ground § Once lifting off apply forward pressure to keep plane in ground effect § Maintain in ground effect until reaching VY § At VY begin climb § Positive airspeed, altitude, rate then flaps up, continue climb Short Field Landing: § Continue approach similar to a normal landing § On final slow to slowest allowable approach speed § Pick the touchdown point and aim slightly before to give time to flare § At touchdown allow nose to come down § Put flaps up, apply full back pressure and simulate maximum breaking Soft Field Landing: § Continue approach similar to a normal landing § During the flare add little power to allow airplane to gently settle to the runway § Once down, reduce power and continue to keep nose off as long as possible § Hold full back pressure to keep weight off mains and off nose § Avoid applying breaks and smoothly exit off runway while holding yoke back Slip to Land: § Apply flaps § Reduce power to idle § Note wind direction § Turn into wind (like a cross-wind landing) and apply opposite rudder § Hold slip as long as necessary to lose altitude § Roll out and align runway with rudder and land § Can add final notch of flaps if time permits