Apparatus and method for digital to analog conversion

US 20020121995A1
(19) United States
(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2002/0121995 A1
(43) Pub. Date:
Sep. 5, 2002
Publication Classi?cation
Int. Cl.7 .
US. Cl. ............................................................ .. 341/145
H03M 1/66
(75) Inventor: John A. Tabler, San Jose, CA (US)
Correspondence Address:
The invention includes a segmented digital-to-analog con
verter (DAC) processing an N-bit input digital signal. A ?rst
segrnent converter processes the most signi?cant bits and
subsequent segrnent converters process the least signi?cant
bits of the N-bit input digital signal. The ?rst segment
converter includes ballast resistors that nullify the effect of
(73) Assignee; SUMMIT
any imbalance of the resistance of the ?rst segrnent DAC
versus the sum of the resistances in the remaining segment
(21) App1_ NO_;
DACs. The ?rst segment may be a 2, 4, 6, 8 or higher bit
(22) Filed:
Dec. 29, 2000
larly be 2, 4, 6, 8, or higher bit DACs.
DAC While the second or subsequent segrnents rnay sirni
> R1
./‘ I
N 3 L—_"
. B2
NC8 :
Patent Application Publication
Sep. 5, 2002 Sheet 1 0f 4
VOH 56
D-LSB 60
US 2002/0121995 A1
VOL 58
D-MSB 70
Patent Application Publication
Sep. 5, 2002 Sheet 3 0f 4
US 2002/0121995 A1
M.mgb w
Sep. 5, 2002
US 2002/0121995 A1
subsequent segments may be 2, 4, 6, 8, or higher bit DACs
and the principles and approach of the architecture Would
1. Field of Invention
FIG. 1 is general schematic diagram of a seg
[0002] Invention relates to digital-to-analog converters
(DACs) and more particularly to digital-to-analog convert
ers With cascading segments.
mented digital-to-analog converter according to one
embodiment of the present invention.
[0003] 2. Description of Related Art
[0011] FIG. 2 is a more detailed circuit diagram of a ?rst
segment of a digital-to-analog converter according to one
DACs are presently available to produce an analog
voltage output by selectively tapping a resistor string con
nected betWeen the high voltage reference and ground or the
embodiment of the present invention.
loW voltage reference. HoWever, once the resolution of the
DAC is over siX or eight bits, the number of components
[0012] FIG. 3 is a How chart of the process in the
digital-to-analog conversion according to one embodiment
of the present invention.
required is fairly high. For example, a 10-bit DAC of this
topology Would require 1024 resistors, 1024 sWitches, and
1024 logic drive lines. A DAC design that does not require
[0013] FIG. 4 is an architectural diagram of a dual 10-Bit
non-volatile digital-to-analog converter according to one
embodiment of the present invention.
the high number of elements is desirable as the silicon area
needed for the circuit Would be reduced Which in turn Would
loWer manufacturing costs.
[0005] Several DAC architectures have concentrated on
cascading segments Where a ?rst segment includes a resistor
string that produces a ?rst voltage corresponding to the most
signi?cant bits (MSB) and the second segment includes a
resistor string that produces a voltage corresponding to the
least signi?cant bits (LSB). The second segment uses the
output voltage of the ?rst segment of the DAC such that the
second segment effectively interpolates the selected ?rst
segment voltage to correspond With the LSBs. One such
device is described in US. Pat. No. 3,997,892.
[0006] Other prior art approaches for cascaded segment
converters suffer from linearity problems and other perfor
mance characteristics When applied to higher resolution
DACs. Thus, there is a need for a DAC architecture that
reduces the number of circuit components While achieving
satisfactory linearity characteristics.
[0007] Invention resides in a cascading DAC design that
achieves the reduction of number of circuit components and
maintains good performance characteristics. The present
invention includes a segmented DAC architecture Where the
?rst segment DAC processes N1 most signi?cant bits of an
N-Bit DAC and the subsequent segment DACs process the
[0014] FIG. 1 is general schematic diagram of a voltage
output segmented digital-to-analog converter (DAC)
according to one embodiment of the present invention. A
high voltage reference RHI 50 and a loW voltage reference
RLOW 52 are input to the ?rst DAC segment 54. The most
signi?cant bits (MSB) of the input signal is selected by a
decoder, (not shoWn), and comes in through D-MSB 70 into
the ?rst DAC segment 54. D-MSB 70 is used by ?rst DAC
segment 54 to activate the sWitches based on the values of
the MSB. A high voltage output VOH 56 and a loW voltage
output VOL 58 comes out of the ?rst DAC segment 54 and
connect into the high input reference voltage RSHI 65 and
the loW input reference voltage RSLOW 66, respectively, of
the second DAC segment 64. It should be noted that this
segmented DAC architecture does not require a buffer
ampli?er betWeen the ?rst DAC segment and subsequent
DAC segments. The least signi?cant bits (LSB) of the input
digital signal selected by the decoder becomes digital input
to the second DAC segment 64 as input D-LSB 60 and
DB-LSB 62. D-LSB 60 and DB-LSB 62 are used by the
second DAC segment 64 to activate the sWitches based on
the values of the LSB. The output voltage of the DAC is
VOUT 68, Which may go through a buffer ampli?er, (not
shoWn), before being used by an application.
balance of the bits, (N—N1), of the N-bit input digital signal.
The DAC architecture includes ballast resistors that nullify
DAC segment processing of a tWo-segment DAC according
the effect of any imbalance of the resistance on the ?rst
segment DAC versus the sum of the resistance in the
to one embodiment of the present invention. This diagram is
for the ?rst segment of a 10-Bit segmented DAC, the ?rst
remaining segment DACs.
segment being a 2-Bit DAC processing the MSB coupled to
a second segment 8-Bit DAC processing the LSB. The ?rst
segment 2-Bit DAC processes bits 8 and 9 of the input
[0008] One embodiment involves a tWo-segment cascad
ing design for a 10-Bit DAC Where the ?rst segment
processes the tWo MSBs and the second segment processes
the eight LSBs. In one application of the present invention,
tWo 10-Bit DACs, With their associated circuits comprising
a 10-Bit volatile data latch, a 10-Bit nonvolatile data regis
ter, and a unity gain operational ampli?er, are integrated
With a con?guration register and a standard tWo-Wire serial
[0009] The present invention may have a ?rst segment that
is a 2, 4, 6, 8 or higher bit DAC While the second or
FIG. 2 is a more detailed circuit diagram of the ?rst
digital signal and comprises a string of resistors, tap points
for the output high voltage VOH, tap points for the output
loW voltage VOL, tWo sWitching netWorks, 72 and 78, and
three ballast resistors, RDUMl, RDUM2, and RDUM3, for
rectifying a mismatch betWeen the resistance of the ?rst
segment DAC versus the resistance of the second segment
DAC. The tWo sWitching netWorks are the sWitching net
Work 72 controlling a set of single-pole-double-throW
sWitches determining the path for the ballast resistors and
the sWitching netWork 74 controlling single-pole-single
Sep. 5, 2002
US 2002/0121995 A1
throw switches determining the paths for the taps of the
output high voltage VOH and for the taps of the output loW
voltage VOL. The series string of resistors that decrements
the reference high voltage RHI to the output high voltage
VOH and output loW voltage VOL consists of R1, R2, R3,
and R4, With equal resistance values. The ballast resistors,
consisting of RDUM1, RDUM2, and RDUM3, have equal
resistance values. The resistance value of each of the ballast
resistors RDUM1, RDUM2, or RDUM3 is equal to the sum
of the resistors in the second segment DAC, expressed by
the folloWing formula:
second segment DAC.
[0016] For eXample, in the 8-Bit second segment DAC,
each of the ballast resistors Would be equal to the sum of the
resistance of the 256 resistors of the 8-Bit second segment
DAC. In practice, the value of each of the ballast resistors is
slightly higher to account for the small circuit connection
resistance encountered in the second segment DAC. Table 1
traces the circuit path for the output high voltage VOH,
output loW voltage VOL, and the ballast resistors for MSB
bits (8,9) values of (1,1), (1,0), (0,1), and (0,0). For eXample,
When the input digital value the MSB bits (8,9) is (1, 1), the
tap for VOH is created by sWitching netWork 74 closing
single-pole-single-throW sWitch SPST31 and the tap for
tapped and relayed to the neXt segment DAC, repeating the
process until the output high and loW signal is input into the
LSB segment DAC 130. The voltage output from the LSB
segment DAC is tapped for further processing 140.
[0021] FIG. 4 is an architectural diagram of a serial input,
voltage output dual 10-Bit DAC according to one embodi
ment of the present invention. The 10-Bit DAC consists of
a 2-Bit DAC segment processing the MSB, (bits 8 and 9),
coupled to an 8-Bit DAC processing the LSB, (bits 0-7), of
the input 10-bit digital signal. The design of the 10-Bit DAC
includes a serial interface and control logic 20 for initial
processing of input data for the con?guration register 32, for
the non-volatile registers 26, 28, and for processing the input
10-bit digital signal. The serial interface and control logic 20
is an industry standard 2-Wire serial interface With coupling
for a serial clock 12 and serial data in/out 14. The top 10-Bit
DAC 30 has a 10-Bit nonvolatile register 22, a 10-Bit
volatile control register 26, and a buffer ampli?er 36. The
bottom 10-Bit DAC 34 has a 10-Bit nonvolatile register 24,
a 10-Bit volatile control register 28, and a buffer ampli?er
38. The con?guration register 32 is programmable to set the
poWer-on options to recall a full-scale value, a Zero scale
value, a mid-scale value, or a nonvolatile register value.
VOL is created by sWitching netWork 74 closing the single
pole-single-throW sWitch SPST30. The output loW voltage
VOL is tapped after the signal passes through the series
resistor R1. Similarly, When the input digital value of MSB
bits (8,9) is (1,1), the circuit path for the ballast resistors is
determined by sWitch netWork 72 activating single-pole
volatile register that holds the current digital value. In
double-throW sWitches SPDT1, SPDT2, and SPDT3 as
listed in Table 1.
by the serial interface and control logic 20; commanded to
The output voltage of the 10-bit DAC is calculated
by the folloWing formula:
Each of the 10-Bit DACs has the 10-Bit nonvolatile register
that can hold a value that can be recalled Whenever the
device is poWered on, based on the setting of the con?gu
ration register 32. Each of the 10-Bit DACs has the 10-Bit
addition, the 10-Bit volatile register can be set to any value
load the poWer-on Zero scale, mid-scale, or full scale value;
or commanded to recall a preset value stored in the 10-Bit
nonvolatile register. The high and loW reference voltages for
the top 10-Bit DAC are labeled as VREFH 24 and VREFL 25
[0018] Where VOUT is the output voltage of the entire
DAC, RHI is the high reference voltage, RLOW is the loW
reference voltage, N is the number of bits of the input digital
signal, and DINPUT is the decimal value of the input digital
signal. For example, if the decimal value of the input digital
signal of in a 10-Bit DAC is 25, (binary 00000 11001), and
(RHI-RLOW) is equal to 5.0000 volts, then VOUT is equal
to 0.1221 volts.
respectively, While the output voltage is VOUT26. The high
and loW reference voltages for the bottom 10-Bit DAC are
labeled as VREFHlll and VREFL110 respectively, While the
output voltage is VOUT19. The dual 10-Bit DACs can be
operated independently or in tandem.
[0022] Other embodiments of the present invention
includes other con?gurations Where the ?rst segment DAC
processes N1 most signi?cant bits of an N-Bit DAC and the
The ?rst DAC segment can be a 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or
higher MSB segment DAC. Similarly, the second segment
subsequent segment DACs process the balance of the bits,
(N—N1), of the N-bit input digital signal. The ballast resistors
DAC can be a 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or higher LSB segment DAC
of any design and the principles and architecture of the
present invention Would still apply.
Would function in the same manner to nullify the effect of
any imbalance of the resistance on ?rst segment DAC versus
[0020] FIG. 3 is a How chart of the process for an N-bit
DAC according to one embodiment of the present invention.
[0023] Foregoing described embodiments of the invention
The N-bit input digital signal is decoded and the decoded
output signals are routed to the appropriate segment DAC
sWitching netWorks 100. The sWitches of the MSB segment
the sum of the resistance in the remaining segment DACs.
are provided as illustrations and descriptions. They are not
intended to limit the invention to precise form described. In
particular, it is contemplated that functional implementation
DAC are activated based on the value of the decoded MSB
of invention described herein may be implemented equiva
of the N-Bit input digital signal 110. Concurrently, sWitches
lently in hardWare, softWare, ?rmWare, and/or other avail
of the neXt segment DAC are activated based on the value
able functional components or building blocks.
of the decoded neXt set of bits of the N-Bit input digital
signal 111. This process is repeated until the sWitches of the
LSB segment DAC are activated based on the value of the
decoded LSB of the N-Bit input digital signal 119. The
output high and loW signal from the MSB segment DAC is
[0024] Other variations and embodiments are possible in
light of above teachings, and it is thus intended that the
scope of invention not be limited by this Detailed Descrip
tion, but rather by claims folloWing.
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US 2002/0121995 A1
ment converter connect to the second input high
reference voltage and the second input low reference
voltage respectively of the second digital-to-analog
BIT (9, s)
1, 1
RHI, Nc1 sPsT31, Nc4, NC7, NC8, VOH
RHI, L1, Nc1, R1, RTAP3, sPsT30, NCS,
NC6, NC9, Nc10, voL
RHI, L1, Nc1, R1, RTAP3, Nc2, RDUM3,
sPDT3, B3, NC17, Nc11, Nc12, RDUM2,
SPDTZ, c2, NC15, RDUMl, SPDT1, c1, G1,
1, 0
RHI, L1, Nc1, R1, RTAP3, sPsT21, Nc4,
RHI, L1, Nc1, R1, RTAP3, Nc2, Nc20, R2,
0, 1
segment converter is an 8-Bit digital-to-analog converter.
3. The segmented digital-to-analog converter of claim 1,
wherein the input N-Bit digital signal is a 12-bit digital
Nc10, voL
segment converter is an 8-Bit digital-to-analog converter.
RHI, L1, c3, sPDT3, RDUM3, Nc2, Nc20,
R2, Nc11, Nc12, RDUM2, sPDT2, c2,
NC18, RDUM1, SPDT1, c1, G1, RLoW
RHI, L1, Nc1, R1, RTAP3, Nc2, Nc20, R2,
Nc11, Nc12, RTAP2, Nc13, SPST11,
RHI, L1, Nc1, R1, RTAP3, Nc2, Nc20, R2,
sPsT10, NC9, NC10, voL
RHI, L1, c3, sPDT3, RDUM3, B2, sPDT2,
Nc2, Nc20, RDUM2, Nc12, RTAP2, R3,
Nc14, NC18, RDUM1, SPDT1, c1, G1,
RHI, L1, Nc1, R1, RTAP3, Nc2, Nc20, R2,
NC11, Nc12, RTAP2, R3, NC14, RTAP1,
to-analog segment converter.
2. The segmented digital-to-analog converter of claim 1,
wherein the input N-Bit digital signal is a 10-bit digital
signal, the ?rst digital-to-analog segment converter is a 2-Bit
digital-to-analog converter and the second digital-to-analog
signal, the ?rst digital-to-analog segment converter is a 4-Bit
digital-to-analog converter and the second digital-to-analog
0, 0
equal to the sum of the resistance values of the
second set of series resistors of the second digital
Nc12, RTAP2, Nc13, sPsT20, NC6, NC9,
Nc12, RTAP2, R3, RTAP1, NC15,
segment converter and each ballast resistor of the
plurality of ballast resistors of the ?rst digital-to
analog segment converter having a resistance value
RHI, L1, Nc1, R1, RTAP3, Nc2, Nc20, R2,
Nc11, Nc12, RTAP2, R3, Nc14, RTAP1,
R4, NC16, SPSTOO, Nc10, voL
RHI, L1, Nc3, sPDT3, RDUM3, B2, sPDT2,
RDUM2, Nc12/Nc11, NC17, B1, SPDT1,
RDUMl, NC18, R4, NC16, G1, RLOW
*Origination points, resistors, and termination points are in bold charac
What is claimed is:
1. A segmented digital-to-analog converter for processing
an N-Bit input digital signal comprising:
a decoder for decoding an input N-bit digital signal into
a most-signi?cant-bits set and a least-signi?cant-bits
a ?rst digital-to-analog segment converter including a ?rst
set of series resistors, a plurality of ballast resistors, a
?rst set of switching networks for activating the appro
priate switches corresponding to the value of the most
signi?cant-bits set, and a ?rst voltage output high and
a ?rst voltage output low;
a second digital-to-analog segment converter including a
second set of series resistors, a second set of switching
networks for activating the appropriate switches corre
sponding to the value of the least-signi?cant-bits set, a
second input high reference voltage and a second input
low reference voltage, and a second voltage output; and
a high reference voltage source and a low reference
voltage source;
wherein the ?rst voltage output high and the ?rst
voltage output low of the ?rst digital-to-analog seg
4. The segmented digital-to-analog converter of claim 1,
wherein there is no buffer ampli?er between the ?rst digital
to-analog segment converter and the second digital-to-ana
log segment converter.
5. A method of segmented conversion of an N-Bit digital
signal to an analog signal, the method comprising:
decoding an input N-Bit digital signal into a most-sig
ni?cant-bits set and a least-signi?cant-bits set;
routing the most-signi?cant-bits set into a ?rst digital-to
analog segment converter and the least-signi?cant-bits
set to a second digital-to-analog segment converter;
activating a ?rst set of switches of a switching network of
the ?rst digital-to-analog segment converter, the ?rst
set of switches being activated corresponding to the
value of the most-signi?cant-bits set of the input N-Bit
digital signal;
activating a second set of switches of a switching network
of the second digital-to-analog segment converter, the
second set of switches being activated corresponding to
the value of the least-signi?cant-bits set of the input
N-Bit digital signal;
tapping an output analog signal at the output voltage tap
point of the second digital-to-analog segment con
wherein the ?rst digital-to-analog segment converter
includes a plurality of ballast resistors, each ballast
resistor of the plurality of ballast resistors having a
resistance value equaling the sum of the resistance
values of all series resistors in the second digital-to
analog segment converter and the ?rst digital-to
analog segment converter having a ?rst high voltage
output and a ?rst low voltage output connecting to a
second input high reference voltage and a second
input low reference voltage of the second digital-to
analog segment converter, respectively.
6. The segmented digital-to-analog conversion method of
claim 4, wherein the ?rst digital-to-analog segment con
verter is a 2-Bit digital-to-analog converter and the second
digital-to-analog segment converter is an 8-Bit digital-to
analog converter.
7. The segmented digital-to-analog conversion method of
claim 4, wherein the ?rst digital-to-analog segment con
Sep. 5, 2002
US 2002/0121995 A1
verter is a 4-Bit digital-to-analog converter and the second
activating the appropriate sWitches corresponding to
digital-to-analog segment converter is an 8-Bit digital-to
analog converter.
8. The segmented digital-to-analog conversion method of
claim 4, Wherein there is no buffer ampli?er betWeen the ?rst
digital-to-analog segment converter and the second digital
the value of the least-signi?cant-bits set, a second
to-analog segment converter.
9. A dual cascading digital-to-analog converter for pro
cessing an N-bit digital signal comprising:
a ?rst cascading digital-to-analog converter including a
?rst cascading decoder for decoding an input N-bit
digital signal into a most-signi?cant-bits set and a
least-signi?cant-bits set, a ?rst cascading primary seg
ment converter, and a ?rst cascading ?nal segment
converter; the ?rst cascading primary segment con
verter including a ?rst cascading primary segment set
of series resistors, a plurality of ?rst cascading ballast
resistors, a ?rst cascading primary segment set of
cascading ?nal segment input high reference voltage
and a second cascading ?nal segment input loW refer
ence voltage, and a second cascading ?nal segment
voltage output; the second cascading primary segment
voltage output high and the second cascading primary
segment voltage output loW of the second cascading
primary segment converter connecting to the second
cascading ?nal segment input high reference voltage
and the second cascading ?nal segment input loW
reference voltage respectively of the second cascading
?nal segment converter and each ballast resistor of the
plurality of second cascading ballast resistors of the
second cascading primary segment converter having a
resistance value equal to the sum of the resistance
sWitching netWorks for activating the appropriate
values of the second cascading ?nal segment set of
series resistors of the second cascading ?nal segment
sWitches corresponding to the value of the most-sig
ni?cant-bits set, and a ?rst cascading primary segment
an interface and control logic unit for initial processing of
input data for the con?guration register, for the non
voltage output high and a ?rst cascading primary
segment voltage output loW; the ?rst cascading ?nal
volatile registers, and for the input N-bit digital signal,
segment converter including a ?rst cascading ?nal
segment set of series resistors, a ?rst cascading ?nal
segment set of sWitching netWorks for activating the
appropriate sWitches corresponding to the value of the
least-signi?cant-bits set, a ?rst cascading ?nal segment
input high reference voltage and a ?rst cascading ?nal
segment input loW reference voltage, and a ?rst cas
cading ?nal segment voltage output; the ?rst cascading
primary segment voltage output high and the ?rst
cascading primary segment voltage output loW of the
?rst cascading primary segment converter connecting
to the ?rst cascading ?nal segment input high reference
voltage and the ?rst cascading ?nal segment input loW
reference voltage respectively of the ?rst cascading
?nal segment converter and each ballast resistor of the
plurality of ?rst cascading ballast resistors of the ?rst
cascading primary segment converter having a resis
tance value equal to the sum of the resistance values of
the ?rst cascading ?nal segment set of series resistors
of the ?rst cascading ?nal segment converter;
a second cascading digital-to-analog converter including
a second cascading decoder for decoding the input
N-bit digital signal into a most-signi?cant-bits set and
a least-signi?cant-bits set, a second cascading primary
segment converter, and a second cascading ?nal seg
ment converter; the second cascading primary segment
converter including a second cascading primary seg
ment set of series resistors, a plurality of second
cascading ballast resistors, a second cascading primary
segment set of sWitching netWorks for activating the
appropriate sWitches corresponding to the value of the
most-signi?cant-bits set, and a second cascading pri
mary segment voltage output high and a second cas
cading primary segment voltage output loW; the second
cascading ?nal segment converter including a second
cascading ?nal segment set of series resistors, a second
cascading ?nal segment set of sWitching netWorks for
a serial data connection coupled to the interface and
control logic unit;
a serial clock connection coupled to the interface and
control logic unit;
a ?rst cascading nonvolatile register for storing a ?rst
cascading value that can be recalled and a second
cascading nonvolatile register for storing a second
cascading value that can be recalled;
a ?rst cascading volatile register for holding the current
digital value or receiving a value as determined by the
serial interface and control logic for use in the ?rst
cascading digital-to-analog converter and a second
cascading volatile register for holding the current digi
tal value or receiving a value as determined by the
serial interface and control logic for use in the second
cascading digital-to-analog converter;
a con?guration register for setting options for the dual
cascading digital-to-analog converter, including poWer
on options;
Wherein the input N-Bit digital signal is processed by
either the ?rst cascading digital-to-analog converter
creating the ?rst cascading ?nal segment voltage
output or by the second cascading digital-to-analog
converter creating the second cascading ?nal seg
ment voltage output.
10. The dual cascading digital-to-analog converter of
claim 8, Wherein the poWer-on options comprise recalling a
full scale poWer-on value, recalling a Zero scale poWer-on
value, recalling a mid-scale poWer-on value, or recalling the
?rst cascading nonvolatile register value if the ?rst cascad
ing digital-to-analog converter is being used or the second
cascading nonvolatile register value if the second cascading
digital-to-analog converter is being used.