arXiv:hep-ph/0411007v1 30 Oct 2004 A sum rule for elastic scattering G . Pancheri LaboratoriN azionalidiFrascati,IN FN ,Frascati,Italy and Y .Srivastava N ortheastern U niversity,B oston,U SA & IN FN ,U niversity ofPerugia,Italy and N .Staffolani U niversity ofPerugia,Perugia,Italy A sum rule is derived for elastic scattering ofhadrons at high energies w hich is in good agreem p ent w ith experim entaldata on pp available upto the m axim um energy s = 2T eV . Physically,our sum rule re ects the way unitarity correlates and lim its how large the elastic am plitude can be as a function of energy to how fast it decreases as a function of the m om entum transfer. T he universality ofour resultis justi ed through our earlier result on equipartition ofquark and glue m om enta obtained from the virialtheorem for m assless quarks and the W ilson conjecture PA C S num bers: PA C S num bers com e here 1. Introduction C onsider the elastic scattering oftwo hadrons (A and B ) w ith the follow ing kinem atics A (pa)+ B (pb) ! A (pc)+ B (pd) w ith s = (pa + pb)2 = (pc + pd)2; t= (pa pc)2 = ( pb + pd)2 = (1) ~ 2; q 2 yogi printed on D ecem ber 21,2013 pd)2 = (pc u = (pa pb)2; (1:1) and let us norm alize the elastic am plitude F (s;t) so that the elastic differential cross-section and the total cross-section (for high energies) read as d (1:2) ( )= jF (s;t)j2; T O T (s)= 4 = m F (s;t= 0): dt In the im pact param eter representation Z 1 F (s;t)= i p (bdb)Jo(b t)F~(s;b); (1:3) o and the partialb-wave am plitude is given by F~(s;b)= 1 (s;b)e2i (s;b); (1;4) w here the inelasticity factor lies between (0 (s;b) 1) and (s;b) is the realpart ofthe phase shift. D irectly m easureable quantities are (a) jF (s;t)jthrough (ddt )and (b)= m F (s;0)through T O T . In the nextsection 2,we shallobtain lowerand upperboundsfora dim ensionlessquantity Io(s) constructed by integrating jF (s;t)jover allm om entum transfers t. U nder rather m ild assum ptions,at high energies (s ! 1 ) it is sharpened into a sum rule Z s 1 Io(s)= (1=2) o d = (dt) dt Z 1 (qdq)jF (s;q)j ! 1: (1:5) o In sec 3,we com pare these predi pctions w ith the experim entaldata and nd that already at the Tevatron s = 2 T eV , the integral has the value 0:98 0:03 very close to its asym ptotic lim it 1. O ur extrapolation for LH C gives 0:99 0:03. A lso,a briefdiscussion ofthe assum ptions and an estim ate of the elastic cross-section is presented here. In sec. IV ,we present argum ents based on an equipartition ofenergy between quark and glue derived earlier,for the universality of the above result for allhadrons m ade oflight quarks. In the concluding section,we considerfuture prospectsand possible applications. 2. Low er and upper bounds and the elastic sum rule T he dim ensionless b-wave cross sections are d2 el = 1 d2b 2 (s;b)cos2 (s;b)+ d2 inel = 1 d2b 2 (s;b); 2 (s;b); (2:1a) (2:1b) 3 yogi printed on D ecem ber 21,2013 d2 tot = 2[1 (s;b)cos2 (s;b)]: (2:1c) d2b T he m axim um perm issible rise for the di erent cross sections allowed by unitarity [1,2,3,4]isw hen there istotalabsorption of\low " partialwaves, i.e.,w hen (s;b)! 0; as b ! 0 and s ! 1 ; (2:2) and the \geom etric" lim it is reached d2 tot d2 el d2 inel = = ( 1=2) ! d2b d2b d2b 1 (b ! 0;s ! 1 ): (2:3) M ost m odels w ith rising totalcross-sections satisfy the above[5,6,7,8,9, 10]. O ften tim es,one de nes (s;b) = e n(s;b)=2 and n(s;b) is interprpeted as the num ber ofcollisions at a given im pact param eter b and energy s. N ow let us consider bounds for the dim ensionless integralIo(s) de ned in Eq.(1.5). T he lower bound is easily obtained Z Z 1 Io(s) 1 (qdq)j= m F (s;q)j o (qdq)= m F (s;q); (2:4a) o w hich upon using Eq.(1.3) leads to Z Io(s) Z (qdq) (bdb)Jo(qb)[1 (s;b)cos2 (s;b)]; (2:4b) so that we have nally Io(s) 1 (s;0)cos2 (s;0) 1 (s;0): (2:4c) T he upper bound requires m ore input[23]. Ifwe assum e (an ugly technical assum ption) that sin2 (s;b) does not change sign (to leading order in s), then one has the follow ing upper and lower bounds (1 + K ) ln(s=so) Io(s) 1 (s;0); (K > 0): (2:5) T hese boundshave been obtained incorporating (i)unitarity,(ii)positivity, (iii) correct behavior near b = 0 and (iv) the asym ptotic behavior for b! 1 . Som e usefulrem arks: (1) For hadrons(notquarks and glue),the lowest hadronic state has a nite m ass (m > 0),hence there is a nite range of interaction. T hus,in the lim it ofboth b and s going to 1 ,we have 1 (s;b)cos2 (s;b) ! 0; (s;b)sin2 (s;b) ! 0; (2:6) 4 yogi printed on D ecem ber 21,2013 faster than an exponentialin b. (2) T he higher m om ents Z In (s)= (dt)( t)n jF (s;t)j; (n = 1;2;:::); (2:7) are dim ensionaland go to zero in the asym ptotic lim it. T hus,they are less usefulthan the zeroeth m om ent. From Eq.(2.5),we obtain the sum rule as s ! 1 Io(s)! 1; as s ! 1 : (2:8) 3. C om parison of the sum rule w ith experim ental data T he integral I0(s) should rise from its threshold value 2ja0jk ! 0, w here a0 is the S-wave scattering length (com plex for pp) and k is the C M 3-m om entum ,to its asym ptotic value 1 as s goes to in nity. In Fig.(1),we show a plot ofthis integralfor available data [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18] on pp and pp elastic scattering forhigh energies[19]. H ighestenergy data at p s = 1:8 T eV forpp from the Ferm ilab Tevatron [11],give an encouraging value of0:98 0:03 dem onstrating that indeed the integralis close to its asym ptotic value of1. W e expect it to be even closer to 1 at the LH C (our extrapolation gives the value 0:99 0:03 for LH C ). 4. U niversality of the sum rule It can be show n that the centralvalue ofthe inelasticity (s;0)! 0 at asym ptotic energies s ! 1 for allhadrons m ade oflight quarks. H ence, we have the universalresult[23]that IA B (s) ! 1 as s ! 1 ,w here A ;B are either nucleons or m esons m ade of light quarks. T he reasons are as follow s: (i) For nucleons as wellas light m esons,halfthe hadronic energy is carried by glue. In Q C D such an equipartition ofenergy is rigorously true[20,24] for hadrons m ade ofm assless quarks ifthe W ilson area law holds. (ii)Ifwe couple (i)to the notion thatthe rise ofthe cross-section isthrough the gluonic channel,w hich is avour independent,the asynptotic equality ofthe rise in allhadronic cross-section autom atically em erges. 5. conclusions O ur (dim ensionless) sum rule re ects the fact that unitarity strongly correlates the fall o in the m om entum transfer to the m agnitude of the scattering am plitude athigh energies. Its satisfaction by experim entaldata 5 I0 (s) yogi printed on D ecem ber 21,2013 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 pp pp LHC 0.2 0 1 10 10 2 10 3 10 4 s [GeV] p Fig.1.A plotofI0 (s)vs. s using experim entaldata [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18]. T he last point is our extrapolation for LH C . at the highest energy con rm s our initial hypotehsis that the rise in the totalcross-section as a function ofthe energy is indeed proportionalto the fallo in the m om entum transfer. A s a by product,we nd that the ratio el ! (1=4), w hich is again in very good agreem ent w ith data at the tot p highest Tevatron energy s = 2 T eV . W e also nd universality. T hat is, asym ptotically, IA B ! 1 for any hadrons A ;B m ade oflight quarks. T hese m ay be testable at future LH C and R H IC m easurem ents w ith heavy ions (or by other m eans [21]. C urrently, we are extending sim ilar considerations for one particle inclusive cross-sections. 5.1.Acknow ledgem ents It is a pleasure to thank Paolo G irom iniand A llan W idom for fruitful discussions. W e also take the opportunity to thank B ill G ary and other organizers of this m eeting for their kind hospitality and for m aking this conference stim ulating and enjoyable. 6 yogi printed on D ecem ber 21,2013 R EFER EN C ES [1] M .Froissart,Phys.Rev.123 (1961) 1053. [2] A .M artin,Phys.Rev.129 (1963)1432. [3] A .M artin and F.C heung,\A nalyticity properties and bounds on scattering am plitudes",G ordon and B reach,Science Publishers,N ew York (1970). [4] N .N .K huriand T .K inoshita,Phys.Rev.B 137 (1965)720. [5] A .G rau,G .Pancheriand Y .N .Srivastava,Phys.Rev.D 60 (1999)114020;A . C orsetti,A .G rau,G .Pancheriand Y .N .Srivastava,Phys.Lett.B 382 (1996) 282. 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