Red Read story with story sack and props PECS/Popat/Ants on Apple song Names/Photo recognition Make a rainbow out of 2d shapes Numicon matching colours Number rhymes/songs Make binoculars Happy/sad Washing hands Self recognition coats Hide and seek outside Weather focus sun/yellow Number rhymes/songs 5 little ducks songs with props Collage yellow bird Making popcorn Obstacle races outside with objects from story Making marks with feathers Investigating real fish Read story with story sack and props Positional language using characters Pencil control dot to dot activity Sorting and counting colour objects Number rhymes/songs Weather recognition cards, clothes, song Water play hot/cold, full/empty Collage blue horse Water safety sign for pond Sorting and matching different sized horses and animals Mark making with feathers Green Investigating grass Numicon Blue Collage red bird/Poppy Read story with story sack and props Read story with story sack and props Making Jam tarts following instructions Yellow/Gold PECS classroom/ character hunt Find me…….. show PECS Purple Bear hunt around the sensory garden Stained glass windows Collaging: tissue paper, fabrics, feathers, cut outs etc Collage green frog Making cat masks Investigating coloured jelly using PECs Using senses to investigate different foods Welsh: Encourage child to join in with colour names in Eng and Welsh. 5 speckled frogs/green bottles Colour mixing sheets Colour Black/White/Grey (Lower 2) Read story with story sack and props under white material Feeling icicles/ice/soap flakes etc Sorting coloured bears/elephants into colour sets 2/3 Counting animals 1:1 correspondence Number rhymes/songs Making ice lollies choosing colour using PECs Healthy picnic Animal sounds lotto game/Animal snap Baa, Baa Black sheep activities Activities for Home Colour hunt around home Water safety IEP targets Day out looking at the different environments in the story Reading/Retelling the story at bedtime Name recognition and writing Animal sounds/snap games People Painting: colour mixing, mark making with rollers, balls, sponges and fingers Christmas presents/wrapping paper Book about people in class, recognising photos, names etc Making emotion faces in mirrors (photos) Identifying body parts, Simon says, head shoulders knees and toes song, find me…. Stick facial features onto a large face e.g eyes, nose, mouth and ears and see if child can identify them.