Dear Colleague: YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO AN~ sponsored by the NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY FOR-!l.-BET-TER -ENVIRONMENT. The students have planned and organized the Te~~ch-Out for the night of January 23rd and have received support from many members of the faculty and administration. The program consists of talks by outstanding scientists and politicians and discussion groups later in the night. A tentative Program Outline is attached for your information. We are also requesting that classes being held on January 22nd and 23rd be devoted to a discussion of environmental problems. Many of the courses in our University already include some material on the environment, and environmental problems can be worked in naturally with the subject material in most other courses. With the growing national and international concern about population, pollution, and the depletion of resources, it is particularly appropriate for Northwestern University to take the lead in educating our students about the true nature of these problems. The Ad Hoc Committee for the Environmental Teach-Out Peter W. Bretsky, Jr. All ison Burnett Anthony D'flmato Lawrence I. Gilbert Wesley O. Pipes James Reisa Casey Juson Geological Sciences Biological Sciences Law School Biological Sciences Civil Engineering Graduate Student Undergraduate Student ENVIRO~~ENTAL TEACH-OUT: PROJECT SURVIVAL January 23, 1970 Northwestern University TENTATIVE PROGRfM OF EVENTS 7:00 p.m. INTRODUCTION Mr. James Reisa 7:05 p vm , PURPOSE OF TEACH-OUT Dr. Allison Burnett 7:15 p vm , READING OF NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION LETTER Dean Robert Strotz 7:30 pvm , DR. LAMONT COLE introduced by Dr. Allison Burnett 7:50 p.m. DR. LAWRENCE SLOBODKIN introduced by Dr. Lawrence Gilbert 8:10 p DR. PETER 'FLAWN introduced by Dr. Peter Bretsky DR. BARRY COMMONER introduced by Dr. James Lippincott introduced by Mr. Charles Sigwart i m, 8:30 p vm , 8:50 p vm , , DR. PAUL EHRLICH 9:20 p.m. HON. ADLAI STEVENSON III introduced by Mr. James Robin 9:45 p HON. WILLltu'1 J. SCOTT introduced by Mr. Casey Jason 10:15 p.m. HON •. PAUL SIMON introduced by Mr. Warren Muir 10:45 p.m. MR. VICTOR YANNACONE, ESQ. introduced by 11:15 p.m. COFFEE Midnight ENVIRONMENTAL SING-OUT WITH FOLKSINGER TOM PAXTON 1:00 a.m. STUDY SESSIONS - EACH ON A HALF-HOUR CONTINUING BASIS UNTIL DAWN i m, BREf~ Depletion of Natural Reserves Psychological Problems of Overcrowding Surplus People and Instant War Medical Problems of Air Pollution How to Save Lake Michigan Legislative Action to Save Lake Michigan Pesticides Don't Labor Under Misconception Nuclear Power and the Public Legal Action Aga i ns t Pollutors Government Spending and Pollution Life or Death for the Oceans Legal As pec t s of Pollution Radionctivity & Prenatal Fatalities Dialogue: Student Environmental Groups 6 :00 a crn, Mr. Anthony D'Amato Dr. Peter Flawn Dr. E. T. Hall Dr. Sidney Peck, Mr. Steven Arch Dr. Julius Goldberg Dr. Julian Haynes St. Rep; -Harold"Katz & Daniel Pierce Dr. Peter Ames, Dr. Daniel Janzen Dr. Lonnie Meyers, M.D. Dr. James Holleman Mr. Victor Yannacone Dr. Colin Wright Drs. McKinsey & Gibbs Dr. Ant hony D' /\mato, Mr. Karaganis Dr. Ernest Sternglnss Mr. James Reisa, Mr. Charl es Sigwart DAWN SING-OUT WITH FOLKSINGERS MICHAEL MARK AND E. KITCH CHILDS .\