Pearson SuccessNet Troubleshooting

Welcome to the MacArthur/Pearson Troubleshooting page. While we are excited that our new curriculum adoption will bring enhanced experiences for our students and more rigorous application of skills, we know that the technology components have been difficult for some families. This guide is intended to support your ability to access the new textbook and materials at home, but please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you encounter further issues. If you are searching this page, you may be among the 15% of our families who have reported some difficulty in accessing the Pearson materials online. Our research indicates that there are three primary factors that are impacting students and parents: 1) Browser Updates 2) Plug­ins 3) Pop­up blockers * No additional purchase necessary to access textbook materials online through Pearson Success Net, but free updates/installs may be required for some products. The steps below will guide you through the diagnostic and required steps to access the Pearson website and materials: When accessing your textbook online: 1) Go to and Check Your Settings Because there are so many differences between devices, software, and connectivity at home, there is not a “one­size­fits­all” answer to troubleshooting issues. Pearson SuccessNet will run a diagnosis of your specific computer and software to determine what next steps are required. After completing the “Check your Settings” diagnosis, you will see a screen (see below) that indicates the components that are meeting the requirements and which are not. 2) If your Browser and Plug­in Diagnostics window indicates green check marks then proceed to the login option on the main screen. ( You should be all set to access the materials. 3) If your Browser and Plug­in Diagnostics window indicates that you need specific items, you will need to install these items that can be downloaded for free on the web. (Flash, Shockwave, Adobe Acrobat Reader, etc.) 4) You may also select “View System Requirements” within the same window (see red circle in above image) for further system requirements relating to pop­up blockers, browsers, hardware, internet bandwidth, and more. 5) If indicated, you may also need to configure pop­up blockers to include,,,, and in the list of allowed sites. Pearson does not recommend disabling pop­up blockers.These links will provide information and tutorials that may also help you access the materials: Enable JavaScript™ and cookies. Disable the Internet Explorer® Content Advisor. (Disabling pop­up blockers) If necessary, Clear browser’s Cache. * No additional purchase necessary to access textbook materials online through Pearson Success Net, but free updates/installs may be required for some products. 