Electronic Circuits I Instructor: Dr. Alaa Mahmoud alaa_y_emam@hotmail.com Chapter 3 METHODS OF ANALYSIS Outline: Introduction Nodal analysis Nodal analysis with voltage sources Mesh analysis Mesh analysis with current sources INTRODUCTION Two powerful techniques for circuit analysis: Nodal analysis à based on a systematic application of Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) Mesh analysis à based on a systematic application of Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) We can analyze almost any circuit by obtaining a set of simultaneous equations that are then solved to obtain the required values of current or voltage One method of solving simultaneous equations involves Cramer’s rule, which allows us to calculate circuit variables as a quotient of determinants node voltages as the circuit variables. Choosing node voltages instead of element voltages as circuit variables is convenient and reduces the NODAL ANALYSIS method (node-voltage method) number of equations one must solve simultaneously. To simplify matters, wefor shall assume in thisusing section circuits do Nodal analysis: general procedure analyzing circuits nodethat voltages as the circuit variablesvoltage instead of element Circuits voltages that contain voltage sources will be not contain sources. àanalyzed reduces the of section. equations must solved innumber the next In nodal analysis, we are interested in finding the node voltages. In this analysis: we assume that circuits do not contain voltage sources Given a circuitthewith n nodes voltage sources, thenode nodal We determine voltage at eachwithout node relative to the reference (or analysis ground) of the circuit involves taking the following three steps. For circuit of n nodes without voltage sources, the nodal analysis involves 3 steps: Steps to Determine Node Voltages: 1. Select a node as the reference node. Assign voltages v1 , v2 , . . . , vn−1 to the remaining n − 1 nodes. The voltages are referenced with respect to the reference node. 2. Apply KCL to each of the n − 1 nonreference nodes. Use Ohm’s law to express the branch currents in terms of node voltages. 3. Solve the resulting simultaneous equations to obtain the unknown node voltages. . the number of independent equations that we e Select a node aswill derive.or datum node or ground node (has zero potential) the reference A reference node is indicated by any of the three symbols e n Earth potential is Earth potential is used as reference used as reference e eethods of Analysis 77 n Fig. 3.1(b) is ase, enclosure, he potential of Fig. 3.1(a) or (a) (b) (c) e chassis ground chassis acts as a reference point for all circuits e Figure 3.1 Common symbols for ,voltage desig- indicating The number of nonreference nodes is equal to reference circuit in Fig. the number of a independent equations that wenode. 2 are will derive. testhat1 and the node (c) for (a) (b) 3.1 Common symbols ions to nonreference nodes. Consider, the circuit in As second step, apply KCL towhere eachAs nonreference node in the the number of independent equations voltages are defined with respect toexample, the reference node.add As illustrated inFigure with respect tothe the node. circuit in Fig. 3.2(a) isreference redrawn in Fig.for 3.2(b), we now iFig. es are defined with respect to thewe reference node. illustrated in 1 , i2 , indicating a(a) reference node. (b) (a).and Node 0 is the reference node (v = 0), while nodes 1 and 2 are circuit. To avoid putting too much information on the same circuit, the will derive. Fig. 3.2(a), each node voltage is the voltage rise from the reference node As the second step, we apply KCL to each nonreference node in the i as the currents through resistors R , R , and R , respectively. At 3 1 2 3 Figure 3.1 Common symbols for 2(a), each circuit node voltage is theis voltage rise from thewhere reference node in Fig. 3.2(a) redrawn in Fig. 3.2(b), we now add i , i , igned voltages v and v , respectively. Keep in mind that the node 1 2 2 1 to the corresponding nonreference node or simply the voltage of that node circuit. Tononreference avoid putting tooormuch information on the same circuit, the indicating a reference node. node applying KCL gives 1,Assign voltage to nonreference nodes orresponding node simply the voltage of that node andrespect i3 aswith thetocurrents through resistors R1node. , R2 , and At Figure 3.1I2 Common s 3 , respectively. tagescircuit arewith defined respect to the node. reference AsRillustrated inadd theisreference in Fig. 3.2(a) redrawn in Fig. 3.2(b), where we now i , i , indicating a (b) reference n espect toeach the reference node. node 1, applying KCL Node 0voltage issecond the reference node (v 0), while nodes 1node and Ithe = voltage I2 + i1 + i2 =from (3.1)2 are1 2 (a) 1gives . 3.2(a), node is rise the reference As the step, we apply KCL to each nonreference node in the I2 (c) (a) (b) and i3 asassigned the currents through resistors R1 , R2 , andnode R3 , in respectively. At As the second step, we apply KCL to each nonreference the voltages v and v , respectively 1 too he At corresponding node or that nodecircuit, I1 = I2simply i2 voltage (3.1) 2 + iinformation 1 +the circuit. Tononreference avoid putting much onofthe same the node 2,applying R2 Common node 1, KCL gives Figure 3.1 sy 1 2 .h To avoid putting too much information on the same circuit, the respectcircuit to the reference node. AtThe voltages are defined with3.2(b), respect to the I innode Fig. is redrawn in Fig. where wereference now add i1Figure , i2 , 3.1 Common 2 node 2, 3.2(a) symbols for indicating no i2 = i3where we now add i , i ,(3.2) I2 + Ra2 reference (c) (a) (b) 1 in As Fig.theand 3.2(a) is redrawn in Fig. 3.2(b), 2 second we apply KCL in2the I1 =toIresistors + i1nonreference +Ri12, R2 , andnode (3.1) node i3 as step, the currents through R3 ,1respectively. At 2each indicating a reference node. + + + i = i (3.2) I 2 2 3 v2 v1 + R1 as We theTonow currents through resistors R1 , R andon R3the , respectively. R3 apply Ohm’stoo law to express the2 , unknown currents i1 , i2 , At and cuit. avoid much information same circuit, thei3 I1 node 1,putting applying KCL gives + Each node voltage is the voltage rise from the reference node Figure 3.1 Common symbols At node I2 !v ! R for v inin terms of2, node The key idea to bear inwe mind isadd that, We now apply Ohm’s in lawFig. to express the unknown currents i1 ,i1i2since cuit Fig. 3.2(a) isvoltages. redrawn 3.2(b), where now ,,iand R I , applying KCL gives 2 1 2 , i3 3 R 2 1 1 1 indicating a reference node. to the corresponding nonreference node 0 I I = I + i + i (3.1) 1 2 1 2 ! ! 2 in terms ofthrough nodeelement, voltages. to bear in mind is that, is a passive byThe the sign current d i3resistance as the currents resistors R+ ,passive R2 2idea , and R respectively. Atsince (3.2) 1key 3 ,convention, i = i I 2 3 0 Ia1passive = I2 + i1potential + i2by the (3.1)current element, convention, must always flow from a higher to apassive lower sign potential. + de 1, applying KCL gives Atresistance node 2, is R 1 2 Apply KCLflow to each node in potential. the circuit must always from higher potential a lower lawanonreference to express the to unknown currents i1 , i2 , and i3 e 2,We now apply Ohm’s I1 = I2 +The i1 + (3.1) (3.2) Ikey 2 iidea 2 i+ 2 = ito 3 bear in mind is At node 1: voltages. in terms of node that, since Currentisflows fromIa2 higher potential to athe lowerpassive potential sign in a resistor. + i = i (3.2)i , i current a passive element, by 2 3 noderesistance 2, We At node 2: now apply Ohm’s law to express the unknown currents Current flows from a higher potential to a lower potential inconvention, a resistor. 1 2 , and i3 mustinOhm’s always flow a higherunknown potentialcurrents to atolower terms law of node voltages. bear mind is that, since w apply tofrom express i1 , in ipotential. I1 i2 =The i3 key idea I2 +the 2 , and i(3.2) 3 We can express this principle as resistance is a passive element, by the passive sign convention, current Applying Ohm’s lawidea to express i-smind in terms of vsince of the node ms ofnode voltages. The to bear in is that, We can express thiskey principle as now apply Ohm’s law tofrom express the unknown currents i1 ,potential. i2 , and i3 I1 must always flow apassive higher potential to a lower since resistance is a element nce is a passive element, by the passive sign convention, current vhigher Current flows from a=higher potential to a lower potential in a resistor. erms of node voltages. The key idea tovlower bear in mind is that, since v− higher − vlower i (3.3) I1 I lways flow from a higher potential to a lower potential. i = 1 R istance is a passive element, by the passive sign convention, current (3.3) R I1 (a) (a)R2 1 I2v11 ! I2 + R1 2 2 0 I R2v21 + R12 ! v2i R3 R2 i22+0 v I + 11 v1 Ri12 ! v+1v i2 R2 ! (a) v22 v v1 01 R 2 i3R3 i11 i i 1 ! ! 3 I2 0RR11 (a) R R33 I2 à from Currenta flows frompotential a higher potential to a lower potential in a resistor. (a) st always flow higher to a lower potential. i2 R Note this principle isprinciple in agreement we defined resistance 2 Note that thisthis principle is in agreement withway the way we defined resistance We that can express as with the v1 (a) I 2 Current flows from potential a lower potential inwea resistor. in Chapter 2 (seea higher Fig. 2.1). inthis mind, we obtain fromfrom Fig.Fig. 3.2(b), in Chapter 2 (see Fig.With 2.1).tothis With in mind, obtain 3.2(b), i2 i1 R (b) (b) 2 We can express this principle as I vlower in a resistor. 2 v1 Current flows from a higher lower−potential v1potential − 0v1 −to0vahigher (3.3) I1 i1 = i1 = i = or ori1 = iG 1 = 1 v1G1 v1 iR11 i i R1 R1 v R − v 2 2 Figure3.23.2 Typical circuit for for nodal R2circuit Figure Typical lower n express this principle as v1 − v2i = higher v v2nodal 1 analysis. i i (3.3) I v1i −=v2 2 1analysis. R2 2 R1v or i = G (v − v ) (3.4) canNote express this principle as 2 2 2 1 2 v R = or i2 =with G2 (v v2 ) we defined(3.4) 1 i1 i32 1− that thisi2principle in2 agreement the way resistance Rv2 is R − vlower i3 i1 higher in Chapter 2 (see Fig. 2.1). With this in mind, we obtain from Fig. 3.2(b), v − 0 2 i = (3.3) I R R Note that this principle agreement vi23− 0is in− v=higher vloweror with 1 3 1 i3 =the G3way v2 we defined resistance R (a) Note that this principle is in agreement with the way we defined resistance Noteinthat this principle in agreement with the we wayobtain we defined resistance Chapter 2 (see Fig.is2.1). With this in mind, from Fig. 3.2(b), in Chapterto 2 (see Fig.potential 2.1). With in mind, we obtain from Fig. 3.2(b), r potential a lower in athis resistor. v1 − 0 i1 = or i1 = G1 v1 v1 −R0 1 i1 = or i1 = G1 v1 R v1 − v12 i = or i2 = G2 (v1 − v2 ) 2 v −v e as 1 2 R2 i2 = or i2 = G2 (v1 − v2 ) R2 v2 − 0 i or i3 = G3 v2 vhigher − vlower 3 =v −R0 2 3 = (3.3) (3.4) i3 = G3 v2 or With this in mind, we obtain Fig. + + 3.2(b), I1 = I2 from 0 0 or ▲ | | ▲ ▲ or vR Rv22 1− 1 v2 = v −Rv2 vR3 I2 + i1 = G1 v1 (b) (b) (3.4) v I1 R Eq. (3.4) inREqs. Substituting (3.1) and (3.2) results, respectively, in 3 Substitute v1 (3.2) v1 − v2 Substituting Eq. (3.4) in Eqs. (3.1) and results, respectively, in greement with the way we resistance I2 + + (3.5) I1 =defined R2v2 v1R1 v1 − i3 = I2 i2 Figure 3.2 Typical circ analysis. Typical c i23.2 RFigure 2 v 2 analysis. 1 i1 i3 R1 R3 (3.5) (3.6) (b) n − 1 simultaneous equations (3.6) Figure 3.2 Typical circuit for nodal R2 R3 Solving Workbook C e-Text Main Menu| Textbook Table of Contents |Problem analysis. i2 = G2 (v1 − v2 ) (3.4) I2 + 1 2 = 2 Table ofvContents Solving Workbook Menu | Textbook |Problem e-Text SolveMain Eqs. to obtain the node voltages any standard 1 and v2 using or method, i3 =such G3 vas2 the substitution method, the elimination method, Cramer’s rule, or matrix inversion (3.1) and (3.2) results, respectively, in v1 v1 − v2 I2 + + (3.5) R R calculators as HP48 or3 with −Gsuch GPro. v2 softwareI2 packages such as Matlab 2Quattro 2+G Mathcad, Maple, and calculators such as HP48 or with software packages such as Matlab, Mathcad, Maple, and Quattro Pro. whichMathcad, can be solved to get v and v . Equation 3.9 will be generalized 1 2Pro. Maple, and Quattro in Section 3.6. The simultaneous equations may also be solved using calculators such as HP48 or with software packages such as Matlab, Mathcad,the Maple, Quattro Pro.circuit shown in Fig. 3.3(a). Calculate node and voltages in the Calculate the node voltages in the circuit shown in Fig. 3.3(a). 5A 5A Calculate the node voltages in the circuit shown in Fig. 3.3(a). Solution:Solution: 5 A E X A M P L E 3 . 1 Solution: Consider Fig. 3.3(b), where thewhere circuitthe incircuit Fig. 3.3(a) has beenhas prepared for Consider Fig. 3.3(b), in Fig. 3.3(a) been prepared for 4" Consider Fig. 3.3(b), where the circuit in Fig. 3.3(a) has been prepared for 24 " nodal analysis. Notice how the currents are selected for the application Calculate the node voltages in the circuit shown in Fig. 3.3(a). 2 nodal analysis. Notice how the currents are selected for the application 1 51 A 4 " 2 nodal analysis. how the current currents are selected for the the labeling application ofSolution: KCL. Except forExcept theNotice branches with the labeling of the of the of KCL. for the branches withsources, current sources, 1 ofisKCL. Except for the but branches with current sources, the labeling of the currents arbitrary consistent. (By consistent, webeen mean if,forfor currents is but arbitrary consistent. (By consistent, wethat mean that if, for 2" Consider Fig. 3.3(b), where the circuit in Fig. 3.3(a) has prepared 2 "6 " 6 "10 A 10 A currents is arbitrary but consistent. (By consistent, we mean that if, for 2" 4" 62 " 10 Aexample, we assume that i enters the 4 ! resistor from the left-hand side, 2 the example, we assume thatcurrents i2 entersare theselected 4 ! resistor from the left-hand side nodal analysis. Notice how for the application 1 example, we assume that i enters the 4 ! resistor from the left-hand side, 2 i2 of must leave the for resistor from thewith right-hand side.) The reference node iExcept leave resistor from the right-hand side.) The reference node KCL. thethe branches current sources, the labeling of the 2 must i must leave the resistor from the right-hand side.) The reference node 2 is currents selected, the node voltages v1 (By andconsistent, v2v1are now to mean be determined. isisand selected, and the node voltages and v2we are now to arbitrary but consistent. thatbeif,determined. for 2" 6" 10 A is selected, and the node voltages v and v are now to be determined. 1 2 At node 1,Atapplying and Ohm’s law gives node 1,iapplying KCL Ohm’s example, we assume that enters the 4 ! and resistor fromlaw thegives left-hand side, (a) 2KCL (a) At node 1, applying KCL and Ohm’s law gives (a) i2 must leave the resistor from the right-hand node v1 side.) − v2 vThe v1reference v− 0 1− 2 0 v1 − 5A v − v − 0 v = i + i "⇒ 5 = + i 5A = i + i "⇒ 5 = + i 1 2 1 1 and 2the node 13 2 3 is selected, voltages v and v are now to be determined. 1 2 5 = 5A "⇒ i1 = i2 + i3 4 2 4 + 2 4 2 At node 1, applying KCL and Ohm’s law gives (a) Multiplying term the last equation 4, we obtain each termeach in the lastinequation by 4, weby obtain i1 = 5 i1 = 5 i1 = 5 Multiplying i1 = 5 Multiplying each term in the last equation by 4, we obtain i1 = 5 v − v v i1 = 5 1 2 1−0 5 Ai 5+ = i1 = i2 + i3 20 "⇒ i4 = 10 − v2 + + 2v 20v= v 2v i = 10 = v1 − i2 4 2v1 1 2 4 "i2 2 v2 4 " 4 20 = v21 −1 v21+ v2 i4 = 10 4" v2 v1 v1 or each term in the last equation by 4, we obtain orMultiplying iv11= 5 i =5 or E X A M PE LX EA 3M . P 1L E 3 . 1 E X A M P L E 3 . 1 i3 i2i3 i 5 i2 1 i i2 i i4 =5 10 5 −2vv12 = 20 − 203v =1 v− 1 20 v2v3v = (3.1.1) (3.1.1 1 3v 2+ (3.1.1) 1 − v2 = 20 6 " 2 " v 10 A 6" 2" 1 10 A node 2, we do the same thing and get 2,At we do the same thing and get 6" 2" 10or A At node At node 2, we do the same thing and get i2 i i3 5 v1 − v2 v2 − 0 = 3v v1 20 − vv21 − 0(3.1.1) v= 1 − v2"⇒ 2− v − 0 v 2 2 + i = i + i + 10 5 + i 2 4 1 5 i1i+ i5 i1 + i5"⇒ "⇒ + 10 = 10 5+ i2 + i4 i= + = + = 5 + 2 4 4 6" 2" 10 A 6 6 6 At node 2, we do the same thing and4 get 4 Multiplying each12 term by 12inresults in Multiplying each term Multiplying eachby term results by 12 results v1 −inv2 v2 − 0 + i = i + i "⇒ + 10 = 5 + i 2 4 1 5 (b) − 3v= = 60 + 2v2 6 2+ (b) (b) 460120 3v123v− +1 3v 120 + 60 2v 3v1 − 3v 120 = 2+ 2v2 2+ Multiplying or each term by 12 results in Figure 3.3 For Example 3.1: (a) original or or Figure 3.3 Figure For 3.3 Example (a) original For3.1: Example 3.1: (a) original circuit, (b) circuit for analysis. (b) =1 60 + 22v=2 60 3v1 − 3v2 + 120 +605v (3.1.2 −3v circuit, (b)circuit, circuit (b) for circuit analysis. for analysis. 5v =5v (3.1.2)(3.1.2) −3v1 + −3v 12+ 2 = 60 or Figure 3.3 For Example 3.1: (a) original i2 i3 4" v2 4 2Eqs. (3.1.1) and (3.1.2). We can solve Now we have two simultaneous M E T H O D 1 Using the elimination technique, add and anywe method and obtain the v1Eqs. and (3.1.1) v2 . but (Byusing consistent, we mean that if, values forweof in consistent. the the lastequations equation by 4, obtain Now we have two simultaneous Eqs. (3.1.1) and (3.1.2). We can solve (3.1.2). hat 20 i2 enters the resistor from the M Evequations T1H− O Dv42 1! Using themethod elimination technique, we add (3.1.1) the andleft-hand obtain theside, values of Eqs. v and v2 . and +using 2v1 any = !⇒ v2 = 20 V 1 4v 2 = 80 stor from the right-hand side.) The reference node (3.1.2). MSubstituting E T HvO1Dand 1 vvUsing technique, we add Eqs. (3.1.1) and ode voltages are20the now to(3.1.1) be!⇒ determined. in elimination Eq. gives 22 = = 80 v2 = 20 V 4v 2 (3.1.2). ying KCL and v2 Ohm’s = 20 law gives (3.1.1)40 3v1 − 20 = 20 !⇒ v = 20 V= 13.33 V =−20 in Eq. (3.1.1) gives Substituting v3v 2 1 !⇒ v21 = 4v2 = 80 3 v − v − 0 v 2 1 o the same thing and get1 40 i3 "⇒ 5 2= in20 Eq.+ (3.1.1) Substituting 13.33 V − !⇒ vwe 1 =need = 2 vgives M E T H Ov3vD1v1− 2=v20220 To=4use Cramer’s rule, 2−0 3 to put Eqs. (3.1.1) and "⇒ + 10 5+ 40 (3.1.2) in3vmatrix as= m in the last equation 4, 20 we obtain 13.33 V − by 20form = !⇒ v = 6 14 1 ! 3to"=put ! " ! we" need M E T H O D 2 To use Cramer’s rule, Eqs. (3.1.1) and 20 3 −1 v 1 by 12 results in v2 + form 2v1 as 20(3.1.2) = v1in−matrix = (3.1.3) −3 "rule, 5! "vwe 2 need M E T H O D 2 To use !Cramer’s ! 60 "to put Eqs. (3.1.1) and = 60form + 2vas2 3 −1 v1 3v1 − 3v 20 2 + 120 (3.1.2) in matrix = (3.1.3) The determinant of the matrix is v v !−31# 52" !v#2 " !60" 20 3## −1 (3.1.1) 3v1 − v2 = 20 3 −1v##1 = (3.1.3) ! = = 15 − 3 = 12 The determinant of the matrix is #−3 5 # 5v#2 60 −3 # 5v2 = 60get # (3.1.2) 1 +thing do the−3v same and # 3 −1 # !and =matrix The v##−3 Wedeterminant now obtainofv1the 2 as is 5# = 15 − 3 = 12 # # #v2 − 0 v1 − v2 # # ## 3 −1 # "⇒ + 10 = 5 + 20 −1 5 # # #= 15 − 3 = 12 ! = # We now obtain 4 v1 and v2 #as # 6 −3 5 # !1 # 60 # 5# 100 + 60 #20 −1# = = = 13.33 V v1 = m by 12We results in now obtain v1 and!v2 ##as ! ## 12 !1 #60 # 5# #100 + 60 #220 # −1 # =# = = = 13.33 V 60 + 2v 3v1 − 3v2 + 120v= 1 # 3 # 20 # 12 # ! ! # #−35# 60 # #100 180 + 60 !1 !2 #60 # #= = + 60 = 13.33 = 20VV v1 =v2 = = = 3 20 ! ! ## ! ! ## 12 12 180 + 60 #−3 60# 60!2result (3.1.2)method. −3v giving us 2the elimination #= v=2same = = # as3did20the = 20 V 1 + 5v # ! # ! 12 #−3 60# !2 180 + 60 giving usIfthe result as thecan elimination method. we same need the currents, them v2 = = did we =easily calculate = 20 V from the values ! ! 12 of the nodal voltages. wethe need theresult currents, wethe canelimination easily calculate them from the values givingIfus same as did method. v1 − v2 v1 of thei1nodal voltages.i2 = = 5 A, = −1.6667 A, i3 = = 6.666 4we can easily calculate them from 2 the values If we need the currents, v1 − v2 v1 5 A, voltages. i2 = = −1.6667v2A, i3 = = 6.666 i1 =nodal of the 4 A, i4 = 10 i5 = = 3.333 A 2 v1 − v2 v1 6 v2 A, i2 = = −1.6667 i3 = = 6.666 i1 = 5 A, 10 A, i5 that = the = current 3.333 Aflows2in the direction negative The fact that i2 iis4 = 4 shows tents |Problem Solving Workbook Contents ntents |Problem Solving Workbook Contents 80 3A Figure 2 " 3.5 4" 4" 20 " 2 he voltages at the nodes 1 in Fig. 3.5(a). v1 3A ix At node 1, 2ix 8" de 1, ix i3 4" 4" 3A 2i v1 −x v3 v 1 − v2 3= + 3 = i1 + ix i1 !⇒ i1 i i2 2 2" v2 2 8 "4 v v 3 1 3 Multiplying by 4 and rearranging terms, we get (a) in this example has nodes, 3A 4 " unlike the pre- 2ix 3 Athree nonreference ple which has two nonreference nodes. We assign voltages to At node 2, 3.5 in Fig. For Example 3.2: label (a) original circuit, (b) circuit for analysis. des asFigure shown 3.5(b) and the currents. 0 ix 3v1 (b) ix i3 − 2v2 − v3 = 12 4" 2ix (3.2.1) v 1 − v2 v2 − v3 v2 − 0 = + 2 8 4 4" At node 1, (a) (b) we get Multiplying by 8 and rearranging v1 − vterms, v 1 − v2 3 i1 3 = i + i !⇒ 3= + i2 i2 1 x 2" 8" 4 7v2 − v32= 0 (3.2.2) 2 Figure 3.5 vFor Example 3.2: (a) voriginal circuit, (b) circuit for analysis. −4v1 + 3 Multiplying by 4 and rearranging terms, we get i At node 3, ix = i2 + i3 ix !⇒ 3 4" 3A circuit for analysis. 2ix v3 3A ix i3 4" (a) ix 3A v3 (b) The circuit in this example has three nonreference nodes, unlike the previous example iwhich has two nonreference nodes. i1 We assign voltages to 1 i2 i2 For Example 3.2: (a) original circuit, (b) circuit for analysis. 2" 8 " and label the currents. 8" v2 3.5(b) the three nodes as shown in Fig. 2 3A v1 2 2ix 3 A nonreference nodes,4unlike " " The4circuit in this example has three the previous example which has two nonreference nodes. We assign voltages to the 0three nodes as shown Fig. 3.5(b) labelinthe currents. Determine the in voltages at theand nodes Fig. 3.5(a). 3 i1 v Solution: 4" ix DC Circuits 3 at the nodes1 in Fig. 3.5(a). Determine the voltages 3A ix ix Solution: E X A M P L E 3 . 2 DC Circuits 1 PART 1 2 1 (b) At node 3v 1, 1 − 2v2 − v3 = 12 v1 − v3 v2 − v3(3.2.1)2(v1 − v2 ) !⇒ + i1 + i2 = 2ix v1 − v3 8 v1 −=v2 4 2 At node 2, !⇒ 3= + 3 = i1 + ix 4v − 0 by23, we get Multiplying by 8, rearranging v1 − v2 terms, v3 dividing v2 − and 2 i2 + i3 =terms, we+ ix =Multiplying by!⇒ 4 and rearranging get 2 2v − 3v 8 + v = 04 (3.2.3) 1 2 3 − v = 12 (3.2.1) 3v1 − Multiplying by 8 and rearranging terms, we2v get 2 3 We have three simultaneous equations to solve to get the node voltages Atvnode 2, −4v1 + shall 7v2 −solve v3 =the 0 equations in two ways. (3.2.2) 1 , v2 , and v3 . We v 1 − v2 v2 − v3 v2 − 0 At node 3, !⇒ = M E TiHx O=Di2 1+ iUsing the elimination technique, we+add Eqs. (3.2.1) and 3 2 8 4 2ix ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 2 3, , 1 v2 = v3 = + 7v − v = 0 (3.2.2) −4v ! ! vV V, v2 1= 2.4 2V, 3 v1v3−=v3−2.4! v1 = 4.8 V, v2 = 2.4 V, v3 = −2.4 V 1 − v2 At node 2, 3v1==i14.8 + ix !⇒ 3= + 4to At node where !1 , !2 , and !3 are the determinants as follows. v1we − put v2 Eqs. −calculated v3 to2v(3.2.3) v2be 2 − 0 in M E T H O D 2 To use Cramer’s rule, we put Eqs. (3.2.1) to (3.2 M E T H!, OixD3, 2 To use Cramer’s rule, (3.2.1) = iin iand !⇒ = + 2+ 3 Multiplying 4Appendix rearranging wethe get As explained A, to calculate by 3 form. vterms, v2 determinant −8v3 2(v14of − va23) matrix 1 −2v3 matrix form. by v1 v2 v3 + i = 2i !⇒ + = i 2 xthe first two rows and cross multiply. matrix,1we repeat ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ 4 we get 8 2 Multiplying by 8 and rearranging terms, (3.2.1) 3v1 − 3 −2 −12v2 −v1v3 = 1212 3 −2 −1 v1 12 Multiplying by 8,⎣rearranging terms, and dividing by 3, we get ⎦ −4 −4v 7 1−1 == à ⎣−4 7 −1⎦ ⎣v2 ⎦ = ⎣ 0⎦ +⎦7v⎣2v− (3.2.2) 2 ⎦v3 At node 2, −1 3⎣ 00−2 2 −3 1 0 v3 2 −3 0 v3 v −4 2v 3 −2 −11 −13vv2 1+ − v3 2= 0 v2 7− v−1 v2 − 0 (3.2.3) At node 3, 3 + i3 7 !⇒ = −3 + ix!==i2 −4 = −1 2 1 2 8 From this, we obtain We have three simultaneous to vget node v1 − vto3 solve v2 − 2(v v ) From this, we obtain PART 1 DCequations Circuits 3 the 14− voltages + 2 +3 −2 −1 = i1 + i2 = 2ix2 −3!⇒ 1 3 − −2 −1 v1 , v2 , and vby shall solve the terms, equations in two Multiplying 8 and get 3 . We 8!73ways. 2 !2 !3 !rearranging !24 we −1 + −4 −1 −4 7 !1 1 −4 −1 7 ∆= = 3 − (−2) −1 − −4 7 −1 v = = = , v , v v = = = , v , v 1 2 3 1 2 3 −3 1 get 2 1 2 −3 ! Multiplying rearranging terms, by 3, we ! ! !the−4v !and ! − v3dividing 1= 0 we M E T H O D by 1 8, Using elimination technique, Eqs. + (3.2.1)(3.2.2) and 1 +2 7v 12 −1 = 3 7add 3−2−3 − 3 + 2 −4 + 2 − 12 − 14 (3.2.3). 3v +− v38= (3.2.3) where !,3, !1= , !21 !3+ are42v the determinants to0be calculated follows. 1− 29 2 , and − 12 + 14 − = 10 At node 0 −4 −1 = 3 4 + 2 as −2 − −2where !, !1 , !2 , and !3 are the determinants to be calculated as fo PART 1 DC Circuits in Appendix A, to calculate the determinant of a 3 As explained in Appendix to calculate the determinant of2+a=0310 by 24 3 As −= 4the + !2 = A, 5v 0 − − explained 0 − 0 + 48 = 24 2v5v 1v2=− We have three simultaneous equations to3 12 solve to12 get node voltages 1− 2 0= − v v 2(v − v ) 1 3 1 2 matrix, we repeat the first two rows and cross multiply. matrix, wewe first two rows and cross+multiply. = Similarly, irepeat =obtain 2ithe 2v x shall!⇒ + 12 −1 v1 , vi21, + and in two ways. 3 . We −solve the3equations 4 8 2 + 0 −4 −1 12 −1 3 −−1 3 −2 −1 12 −1 −2 the 3dividing −2 we Multiplying 8, rearranging terms, and byadd 3, we M E1T H O DDC1by Using elimination technique, Eqs.get (3.2.1) and PART Circuits + 3 −2 −1 −4 7 −1 3 −2 −1−1 −4 7 −1 0−4 7 0−−1 (3.2.3). Textbook Table of Contents − 3v + v = 0 (3.2.3) 2v Problem Solving Workbook Contents | 1 2 3 2 −3 1 = ! = 0−42−37 0 −11 1= =20++ 240−−036 −− 0+ 4848 = 24 ! = −4 7 −1 = −3 !! = 84 0 0+−0 1− 0= 1 2= − 5v = 12 5v 12 + 31 − −2 2 −3 1 3 −2 −1 2 −312 −11−1 −2 to−1 − + +2 to3 solve We have equations get the+node voltages 12 −1−4 3 3−2 −−three12simultaneous + −4 7 −1 −1ways.+ − −+equations +7 −4 0 in7 two −1the v1 , v2 ,−and .0−4 We shall −1 70 0 solve − v3−4 −1 + !3 = = 0 ++144 + 0 − 168 − 0 − 0 = −24 0 2 − −3 − + + − − !M2E= = 012 + 0 − we 24 add − 0Eqs. − 0(3.2.1) + 48 = 24 0the elimination 2 1 = 21 − 12 + 4 + 14 − 9 − 8 = 10 T H O D =1 21Using and − 12− + 4 + 143− 9−2 −technique, 8 = 10 + + 12 −1 3 Textbook Contents Problem 0Solving + Workbook Contents (3.2.3).−Table of − 12 −4| + 7 3 −2 Similarly, we obtain Similarly, 0 −1 −4 − we obtain + −4 7− 05v1 −+ 5v2 = 12 − 12 −2Workbook −1 122 Main −2 −10 | ! = 0 + 144 + 0of−Contents 168 − 0 − 0|Problem = −24 Solving −3we Table Contents Menu | 3 = e-Text Thus, find Textbook 0 7 −1 03 −2 7 −1 + 1212 3 −2 − = 84 + 0 + 0 − 0 − 36 − 0 = 1 0 −3 !1 = = 8448 + 0 + 0 − 0 − 36 − 0 =! 482 !24 1 0 −3 1= ! + 1 0 −4 7 − −4 7 −1 + v01 = + = = 4.8 V, v2 = = =−2.4 V12 −2 −1 −2 −Table12of Contents Textbook Problem Solving Workbook Contents + |! 10 ! 10 !3 = −− = 0 + 144 + 0 − 168 − 0 − 0 = −24 0 20 −37 −1 0 + 7 −1 − + + + 3 −2 12 − + − − we !3 −24 Thus, find + v3 = = = −2.4 V 0 −4 7 − ! 10 + !1 !2 48 24 − v1 = as we = obtained = 4.8with V, Method v2 =1. = = 2.4 V ! 10 ! 10 e-Text Main Menu | Solving | Textbook Table of Contents Textbook Table of Contents | Problem Workbook Contents ▲ v1 = flows 2in the The fact that i2 is negative shows that the!current = 0 + 144 + 0 − 168 − 0 − 0 = −24 −3direction 0 3 = opposite to the one assumed. + 3 −2 12 − + 0 −4 7 − PRACTICE PROBLEM 3.1 + − Obtain the node voltages in the circuit in Fig. 3.4. Thus, we find Answer: v1 = −2 V, v2 = −14 V. v1 = 1 !1 48 = = 4.8 V, 1A ! 10 v3 = v2 = 6" 2 !2 24 = = 2.4 V !2 " 10 7 " 4A !3 −24 = = −2.4 V ! 10 as we obtained with Method 1. Figure 3.4 For Practice Prob. 3.1. | ▲ ▲ PRACTICE PROBLEM 3.2 2" Table ofvContents e-Text Main Menu| TextbookAnswer: |Problem Solving Workbook Contents 1 = 80 V, v2 = −64 V, v3 = 156 V. 3" 1 10 A Figure 3.6 Find the voltages at the three nonreference nodes in the circuit of Fig. 3.6. 4ix 2 ix 4" 3 6" For Practice Prob. 3.2. Electronic Testing Tutorials 3.3 NODAL ANALYSIS WITH VOLTAGE SOURCES We now consider how voltage sources affect nodal analysis. We use the i2 i3 NODAL ANALYSIS WITH VOLTAGE SOURCES CHAPTER 3 NODAL VOLTAGE SOURCES " 6" 10 V +ANALYSIS8 WITH ! w consider how voltage sources affect nodal analysis. We use the If a voltage sources affect nodal analysis à two cases: n Fig. 3.7 for illustration. Consider the following two possibilities. The voltage source is connected 1 If 1. a voltage source is connected betweenbetween the reference node nonreference nodesat the nonreference v1 onreferencereference node, weand simply set the voltage à nonreference voltage = voltage ual to the voltage of the voltage source. In Fig.source 3.7, for example, Figure 3.7 A circuit with a supernode. v1 = 10 V (3.10) 10 V + ! Me 4" Super i4 2" i1 5V v2 +! i2 v3 i3 8" 6" r analysis is somewhat simplified by this knowledge of the voltage 2.S E 2If the voltage source (dependent ororindependent) C A If the voltage source (dependent independent) is connected ode. connected between two nodes betweenistwo nonreference nodes, thenonreference two nonreference nodes form a gennode orwesupernode) eralized (generalized node or supernode; apply both KCL and KVL to determine A supernode may b Figure 3.7 A circuit with a supernode. apply KCL & KVL to determine the node voltages the nodeà voltages. enclosing the volta Table of Contents |Problem Solving Workbook Contents CASE 2 If the voltage source (dependent or independent) between two nonreference nodes, the two nonreference node eralized node or supernode; we apply both KCL and KVL the node voltages. A supernode is formed by enclosing a (dependent or independent) voltage source connected between two nonreference nodes and any elements connected in parallel with it. A supernode is formed by enclosing a (dependent or independent source connected between two nonreference nodes and an In Fig. 3.7, nodes 2 and 3 form a supernode. (We could have moreelements thanconnected in parallel with it. ernode isconnected formed bybetween enclosing a nonreference (dependent ornodes independent) voltage source two and any A supernode is formed by enclosing a nodes (dependent or independent) voltage nected between two nonreference and any source connected between two nonreference nodes elements connected in two parallel with it. nodesandandanyany source connected between nonreference lementsProperties connected inconnected parallel with it. with it. elements in parallel of a supernode: elements connected in parallel with it. nodes1.2 and 3 form a supernode. (We could have more than The voltage source inside the supernode nd 3 form a23supernode. have more than forming single supernode. Forcould example, see the circuit nodes 2 aand form a constraint supernode. (We could have more than g. 3.7, nodes and 3 form a (We supernode. (We could have morein than provides equation needed to We analyze aacircuit with supernodes using the same three in single supernode. For example, see the see circuit nodes forming single supernode. For example, seethe thein circuit in forming a single supernode. For example, circuit solve for the node voltages ioned in previous section except that theusing supernodes 3.14.) Wethe analyze asupernodes circuit supernodes the sameare three yze circuit with using the same three Weaanalyze a circuit withwith supernodes using the same three mentioned inprevious the Because previous section except that supernodes are erently. Why? an that essential component of he previous section except the that supernodes arenodalare oned in the section except thethe 2. A supernode has no voltage of itssupernodes own ed differently. Because an essential component nodal applying KCL, which requires knowing the current through v1 Why? Because an essential component of nodal erently. Why?Why? Because an essential component ofof nodal ysis is applying KCL, requires knowingthrough the current through nt. There isAnosupernode way ofwhich knowing the current aof voltage KCL, which requires knowing the current through applying KCL, which requires knowing the current through 3. requires the application element. However, There is noKCL way must of knowing the current through a voltage dvance. be satisfied at a supernode like is no way of knowing the current through a voltage nt. There is no way of knowing the current through a voltage both KCL and KVL ce in advance. KCL must be 3.7, satisfied at a supernode like ode. Hence, atHowever, the supernode in Fig. 10 V + owever, KCL must besupernode satisfied atFig. a supernode like like! dvance. However, must be in satisfied other node. Hence, atKCL the 3.7,at a supernode Applying supernode: ce, the supernode ode.atHence, at the supernode in iKCL iin =Fig. i2 +3.7, i3 Fig. 3.7, 1+ 4at i1 + i4 = i2 + i3 i1 + i4 =i1i2++i4i3= i2 + i3 CHAPTER 3 Methods of A 4" Supernode i4 2" i1 5V v2 +! i2 v3 i3 8" 6" (3.11a) (3.11a) (3.11a) (3.11a) v1 − vv2 − vv1 − vv3 − v v2 −v0 − 0v3 −v 0 − 0 1 + 2 1 = 3 2 3 (3.11b) 5V (3.11b) +4 =8 + +6 2 Figure 3.7 A circuit with a supernode. 5V 2 4 8 6 v − v − 0 − 0 v v v v2 v1v− − v − 0 − 0 v v 1 2 3 2 3 3 + +! ! 1 2 3 (3.11b) + = + irchhoff’s voltage law to the supernode in Fig. 3.7, we redraw (3.11b) + = + + pply Kirchhoff’s voltage law to the8supernode6in Fig. 3.7, we redraw + 5 V 5 V ++ 2 4 4 8 6 as shown in Fig.in3.8. around the loop in the clockwise ircuit as shown Fig. Going 3.8. Going around the loop in the clockwise + ! + ! is C A S E redraw 2 If the voltage source (dependentv2orv2independent) v3vconn rchhoff’s voltage law to the supernode in Fig. 3.7, we 3 + + Applying KVL at super node: voltage law to the supernode in Fig. 3.7, we redraw ives + + tion gives between two nonreference nodes, the two nonreference nodes form a as in Fig. 3.8.around Goingthe around loopclockwise in the clockwise n shown Fig. 3.8. Going loopthe in the eralized node or supernode; we apply both!KCL ! v and KVL to!!deter v −v2 +−v 5 2++v53 + = v03 = 0 "⇒ "⇒ v2 −v2v3−=v35= 5the node(3.12) (3.12) v v3 2 2 voltages. ves Figure Applying KVL a supernode. m(3.10), Eqs. (3.10), (3.11b), and (3.12), we obtain the node voltages. Figure 3.8 3.8 Applying (3.11b), and (3.12), we obtain the node voltages. !to toa supernode. ! ! KVL ! −v + 5 + v = 0 "⇒ v − v = 5 (3.12) + v23 = 0 3 "⇒ v2 − v3 =2 5 3 (3.12) A supernode is formed by enclosing a (dependent or independent) voltage 2= in terms of the node voltages Example 3.3. 2 + 4 supernode application of both KCL and KVL. + 73. A "⇒ 8 =requires 2v1 + v2the + 28 or v2 − 0 + v2 = −20 − 2v1 E X7 A M P"⇒ L E 3 . 83 = 2v1 + v2 + 28 4E X A M P L E 3 . 3 (3.3.1) To get the relationship between v1 and v2 , we apply KVL to the circuit For the circuit shown in Fig. 3.9, find the node voltages. 10 " thecircuit loop, we obtainin Fig. 3.9, find the node voltages. For the shown 10 in " Fig. 3.10(b). Going around Solution: v2 = v1 + 2 (3.3.2) The supernode contains the 2-V source, nodes 1 and 2, and the 10-! rev1 v2 2V The supernode contains the 2-V source, nodes 1 and 2, and the 10-! rev2 (3.3.1) and (3.3.2), we write Applying KCL to the supernode as shown in Fig. 3.10(a) gives hip between vv11 and v2 From , we Eqs. apply KVL to thesistor. circuit sistor. Applying KCL to the supernode as shown in Fig. 3.10(a) gives ng around the loop, we obtain v = v1 + 2 = −20 − 2v1 2 = i1 + i 2 + 7 2A 7 A2 2" 4" 2 = i1 + i 2 + 7 2A 7A 2" 4" or 2 + v2 = 0 "⇒ v2 = v1 + 2 (3.3.2) i1 and i2 in terms of the node voltages Expressing Expressing i1 and i2 in terms of the node voltages "⇒ v v− = −7.333 3v1 = −22 v2 −V0 1 1 0 nd (3.3.2), we write "⇒ 8 = 2v1 + v2 + 28 2= v2 − 0 + 7 v1 − 0 + 4 +does and v2 = v1 + 2 = −5.333 V. Note + resistor 7 not make "⇒ 8 = 2v1 + v2 + 28 2 = that the2 10-! Example 3.3. 2 4 v1 +3.92 =For −20 − difference 2v v2 = Figure any because it is connected across the supernode. or 1 Figure 3.9 For Example 3.3. or v2 = −20 − 2v1 (3.3.1) v2 = −20 − 2v1 (3.3.1) 1 v1 2 v2 2 relationship V To get the between v and v , we apply KVL to the circuit 1 2 = −22 "⇒ v1 = −7.333 V 2 1 To in getFig. the3.10(b). relationship v1 and , we apply KVL to the circuit Goingbetween around the loop,v2we obtain i2 7 A i1 2A + + Fig.make 3.10(b). Going around the loop, we obtain −5.333 V. Note 2that the 10-! resistor doesinnot 7A 2A " 4" −vv12 − 2 + v2 = 0 "⇒ v2 = v1 + 2 (3.3.2) v1 use it is connected across the supernode. −v1 − 2 + v2 = 0 "⇒ v2 = v1 + 2 (3.3.2) From!Eqs. (3.3.1)! and (3.3.2), we write From Eqs. (3.3.1) and (3.3.2), we write (b) v2 = v1 + 2 = −20 − 2v1 (a) v2 = v1 + 2 = −20 − 2v1 2V or 2 Figure 3.10 1Applying: (a) KCL to the supernode, (b) KVLor to the loop. "⇒ v1 = −7.333 V 3v1 = −22 + + "⇒ v1 = −7.333 V 3v = −22 10-! resistor does not make and v2 = v1 + 21 = −5.333 V. Note that the v2 v1 difference because it V. is connected theresistor supernode. Workbook Contents e-Text Main Menu| Textbook Table of Contents = v1 + 2Solving = −5.333 Note that across the 10-! does not make andany v|2Problem ! ! any difference because it is connected across the supernode. v2 = −20 − 2v21 V (3.3.1)"⇒ −v1 − 2 + vSolution: 2 =0 +! +! +! +! 10 A E X A M P L E 3 . 4 4" E X A M P L E 3 . 4 1" Find the node voltages in the circuit of Fig. 3.12. 3" Find the node voltages in the circuit of Fig. 3.12. Figure 3.12 + vx ! 20 V For Example 3.4. 1 3" Solution: + v ! Nodes 1 and 2 form a supernode; so do nodes 3x and 4. We apply KCL to 3vx V 3.13(a). At supernode the two supernodes as in20Fig. 1-2, 6 " 3 2 +! +! 1 i3 + 10 = i1 + i2 Expressing this in terms of the node voltages, 2" v3 − v210 A v1 − v4 v1 + 10 = + 6 3 2 or At supernode 3-4, Figure 3.12 i1 = i3 + i4 + i5 For Example 3.4. v1 − v4 v3 − v2 v4 "⇒ = + + 3 6 1 2 +! 2" +! 4 1" 4 Figure 3.12 For Example 3.4. PART 1 1" Solution: DC Nodes 1 and 2 form a supernode; so do nodes 3 and 4. We apply KCL to the two supernodes as in Fig. 3.13(a). 3 "At supernode 1-2, i3 + 10+ =vxi1 !+ i2 i1 Expressing this in terms ofv the node6voltages, " v3 2 v1 v3 − v 2 v1 − v4 v1 + 10 = + i3 v3 3i3 2i5 i2 6 4 or 10 A 2" 4" 5v1 + v2 − v3 − 2v4 = 60 i1 (3.4.1) i1 = i3 + i4 + i5 "⇒ v4 i4 1" (3.4.1 v1 − v4 v3 − v2 v4 v3 = + + 3 6 1 4 (a) or i3 + 10Table = i1 of+Contents i2 Solving Workbook Contents e-Text Main Menu| Textbook |Problem + 2v2 − 5v 16vto 4 = Figure 3.13 4v1Applying: (a)3 − KCL the0 two supernodes, (3.4.2 (b) K Expressing this in terms of the node voltages, ▲ ▲ ▲ 3vx 3 4" 10 A Solution: or Nodes 1 and 2 form a supernode; so4 do apply3-4,KCL to 2v2 − 5v3 − 16v = 0nodes 3 and 4. (3.4.2) 4v1 + AtWe supernode the two supernodes as in Fig. 3.13(a). At supernode 1-2, | 6" 86 4" 5v1 + v2 − v3 − 2v4 = 60 ▲ | 2" We now apply KVL to the86branches involving the voltage sources PART 1 as shown in Fig. 3.13(b). For loop 1, e two supernodes, (b) KVL to the loops. DC Circuits 3" −v + 20 + v = 0 "⇒ v1 − v23 = 20 (3.4.3) We now1apply KVL2 to the branches involving the" voltage sources + vx ! as shown For loop 2,in Fig. 3.13(b). For loop 1, i1 i1 2 − −v1 + 20 + v−v 0 3vx +"⇒ v1v4 = 0 vv 2 = 1 3+ Forvloop 2,1 − v4 so that But x =v i3 i2 2" −v1 3−+v3v 3v 2vv4 4==00 x + 3− 6" v2 = 20 i3 v3 Loop 3 i5 i4 (3.4.4) 1" Butloop vx =3,v1 − v4 so that For + v1 +! Loop 1 ! 3v3v v36i −3 2v vx − − 420==0 0 1− x + For6i loop But v3 − v2 and vx = v1 − v4 . Hence 3 =3, Figure 3.13 3vx i3 20 V (3.4.3) v4 4" 10 A + vx ! + 6" + v2 v3 ! ! +! Loop 2 + v4 ! (3.4.4) (a) (b) Applying: (a) KCL to the two supernodes, (b) KVL to the loops. vx1−−3v +v6i 20 = 20 0 −2v v2x + 3 3+−2v 4 = (3.4.5) But 6iWe v3 −four v2 and vx voltages, = v1 − v4v.1Hence node , v2 , v3 , and v4 , and it requires We now apply KVL to the branches involving the voltage sources 3 =need as shown in Fig. 3.13(b). For loop 1, only four out of the five Eqs. (3.4.1) to (3.4.5) to find them. Although −2v1 − v2 + v3 + 2v4 = 20 (3.4.5) the fifth equation is redundant, it can be used to check results. We can −v1 + 20 + v2 = 0 "⇒ v1 − v2 = 20 (3.4.3) eliminate node voltage that wevsolve three simultaneous equations Weone need four node so voltages, , v , v , and v , and it requires 1 2 3 4 For loop 2, instead of four. From Eq. (3.4.3), v = v − 20. Substituting this into only four out of the five Eqs. (3.4.1) to find them. Although 2 to (3.4.5) 1 Eqs. (3.4.1) and (3.4.2), respectively, −v3 + 3vx + v4 = 0 the fifth equation is redundant, it cangives be used to check results. We can eliminate one node voltage so that we solve three simultaneous equations But vx = v1 − v4 so that 6v1 − v3 − 2v4 = 80 (3.4.6) instead of four. From Eq. (3.4.3), v2 = v1 − 20. Substituting this into 3v1 − v3 − 2v4 = 0 (3.4.4) Eqs. (3.4.1) and (3.4.2), respectively, gives and 2v44 = 6v6v 5vv33−−16v = 80 40 1− 1− For loop 3, (3.4.6) (3.4.7) vx − 3vx + 6i3 − 20 = 0 and Equations (3.4.4), (3.4.6), and (3.4.7) can be cast in matrix form as But 6i3 = v3 − v2 and vx = v1 − v4 . Hence ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ 6v1 − 5v (3.4.7) 3 −1 −23 − 16v v1 4 = 40 0 −2v1 − v2 + v3 + 2v4 = 20 (3.4.5) ⎣6 −1 −2⎦ ⎣v3 ⎦ = ⎣80⎦ Equations (3.4.4), (3.4.6), (3.4.7) can 6 −5and−16 40in matrix form as v4 be cast We need four node voltages, v1 , v2 , v3 , and v4 , and it requires ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ only four out of the five Eqs. (3.4.1) to (3.4.5) to find them. Although 3 −1 −2 v1 0 the fifth equation is redundant, it can be used to check results. We can ⎣6 −1 −2⎦ ⎣v ⎦ = ⎣80⎦ CHAPTER 3 Methods of Analysis 87 Using Cramer’s rule, ! ! ! ! ! 0 −1 −2! !3 −1 −2! ! ! ! ! ! = !!6 −1 −2!! = −18, !1 = !!80 −1 −2!! = −480 !40 −5 −16! !6 −5 −16! ! ! ! ! !3 0 −2! !3 −1 0! ! ! ! ! !3 = !!6 80 −2!! = −3120, !4 = !!6 −1 80!! = 840 !6 40 −16! !6 −5 40! Thus, we arrive at the node voltages as !1 −480 = = 26.667 V, ! −18 v4 = v3 = !3 −3120 = = 173.333 V ! −18 !4 840 = = −46.667 V ! −18 and v2 = v1 − 20 = 6.667 V. We have not used Eq. (3.4.5); it can be used to cross check results. @ PRACTICE PROBLEM 3.4 Find v1 , v2 , and v3 in the circuit in Fig. 3.14 using nodal analysis. Answer: v1 = 3.043 V, v2 = −6.956 V, v3 = 0.6522 V. 6" 10 V v1 +! 5i v2 +! v1 = i 2" 4" v3 3" !40 −5 −16! !6 −5 −16! ! ! ! ! !3 0 −2! !3 −1 0! P R!A3 = C !!T6 I C80E P−2 R !!O=B −3120, L E M 3 . 3!4 = !!6 −1 80!! = 840 ! ! ! ! !6 40 −16! !6 −5 40! Find v and i in the circuit in Fig. 3.11. Thus, we arrive Answer: −0.2atV,the 1.4node A. voltages as v4 = v3 = !3 −3120 = = 173.333 V ! −18 !4 840 = = −46.667 V ! −18 and v2 = v1 − 20 = 6.667 V. We have not used Eq. (3.4.5); it can be used to cross check results. 3" Figure 3.11 For Practice Prob. 3.3. + vx ! 20 V 1 2" +! 2 10 A 6" +! v1 4" +! 2" For Example 3.4. 4" 1" Figure 3.14 Figure 3.12 5i v2 i 4 6" 6" 10 V 3vx 3 2" @ Find the voltages in circuit the circuit of Fig. v1 , vnode v3 in the in Fig. 3.143.12. using nodal analysis. 2 , and 3" i 7V + ! PE RX AA CM TPI LC EE 3P .R 4O B L E M 3 . 4 Answer: v1 = 3.043 V, v2 = −6.956 V, v3 = 0.6522 V. + v ! +! !1 −480 = = 26.667 V, ! −18 +! v1 = 3V 4" For Practice Prob. 3.4. v3 3" 8" 11 " nown voltages in a given unknown currents. Mesh Mesh analysis is also known as loop analysis or the MESH ANALYSIS 10 " sis because it is only apmesh-current method. circuit is In one thatanalysis, can 3.16 be A nonplanar circuit. mesh Figure mesh currents is used as the circuit variables instead of 6 " e another;element otherwise it is currents understand hes and still be To planar if itmesh analysis, we should first explain more about what weloop meanisbya aclosed mesh. path with no node passed more than once Recall: anches. For example, the with crossing awn with no A mesh is a loop which does not contain any other loops within it. ble of Contents |Problem Solving Workbook Contents mesh, osely sis to In Fig. 3.17, for example, paths abefa and bcdeb are meshes, but path Nodal KCL to find unknown voltages abcdefaanalysis is not a applies mesh. The current through a mesh is known as mesh Mesh analysis find unknown currents current. In mesh applies analysis,KVL we aretointerested in applying KVL to find the mesh currents in a given circuit. Mesh analysis is only applicable to a circuit that is planar A planar circuit (≠I nonplanar): is one that can be drawn in a plane with I2 1 R1 R2 b c a no branches crossing one another I3 and still be planar if it can be redrawn A circuit may have crossing branches such that it has no crossing branches i1 + ! V1 f R3 e i2 + V 2 ! d the circuit in Fig. 3.16 is nonplanar, because there is no way to redraw the branches crossing. Nonplanar circuits can be handled PARTit1 and avoid DC Circuits using nodal analysis, but they will not be considered in this text. 2" 88 88 PART 1 Planar circuit 5" 6" 1A 1" 1A 3" 4" 2" 2 8"" 7" DC Circuits Nonplanar circuit circuit in Fig. 3.15(a) has two crossing branches, but it can be red 1" circuit Fig. 3.15(b). 3.15(a) has two crossing branches, but3.15(a) it can beisredrawn as ininFig. Hence, the circuit in Fig. planar. How as the in Fig. 3.15(b). Hence, theiscircuit in Fig. 3.15(a) is planar. circuit in Fig. 3.16 nonplanar, because there isHowever, no way to re 5" theitcircuit in Fig.the 3.16branches is nonplanar, becauseNonplanar there is no way to redraw and avoid crossing. circuits be ha 2 can " 4" 7" it and avoid the branches crossing. Nonplanar circuits can be handled using nodal analysis, but they will 6 " not be considered in this text. using nodal analysis, but they will not be considered in3 " this text. 1" 1" 55" " " 6 6" 44 " (a) 13 " 3 3"" 1A 5" 2" 1" 3" Two crossing(a)branches 4 " but it 5" (a) can be redrawn 1A 8" 2" Figure 3.15 6" 7" 4" 8" 2" 7" 2" A nonplanar circuit. 3" " 12 " mesh analysis, we 9should To understand first explain more about 8" 11 " A mean by a mesh. 9" what5we 12 " 8" 11 " Nonplanar circuits can be 5A handled10using nodal analysis " 2" 3" 5" 1" 3" way to redraw it and avoid 13 " 13 " crossing the branches (b) (a) A planar circuit with crossing 1 branches, " 3 " circuit redrawn with no (b) the same 4" crossing branches. 1" Figure 3.16 No 6" 7" 1A 11 " 4" 6 " 10 " 77"" 8 8"" 5" 12 " 5A 1" 9" 6" A mesh is a loop which does not contain any other loops within it. Figure 3.16 A nonplanar circuit. 10 " In Fig. 3.17, for example, paths abefa and bcdeb are meshes, but path Figureis 3.16 A nonplanar circuit.through a mesh is known as mesh abcdefa not a mesh. The current 4" To understand mesh analysis, we should first explain more about 8" 7" 6" 5" current. In mesh analysis, we are interested in applying KVL to find the what we mean by a mesh. mesh currents in a given circuit. To understand mesh analysis, we should first explain more Although path abcdefa is a loop and not a mesh, 8" 7" (b) KVL still holds. This is the reason for loosely what we mean by a mesh. using the terms loop analysis and mesh analysis to 2 R1 contain any Iother R2 within it. A mesh is a loopawhichI1does not loops b c Figure 3.15 mean(a)theAsame planar thing.circuit with crossing branches, (b) the same (b) circuit redrawn with no I ot a mesh, or loosely analysis to I1 a R1 b I2 R2 c I3 + ! V1 f i2 i1 R3 e + V 2 ! d Paths abefa and bcdeb are meshes, buttwo path abcdefa is not a mesh Figure 3.17 A circuit with meshes. The current through a mesh is known as mesh current In this section, we will apply mesh analysis to planar circuits that do not contain current sources. In the next sections, we will consider In meshcircuits analysis, KVL is applied to find the mesh currents in awith given circuit with current sources. In the mesh analysis n Analysis CHAPTERof3a circuit Methods of meshes, we take the following three steps. We will apply mesh analysis to planar circuits that do not contain current sources S t e p s Table t o D eoft Contents e r m i n e M|eProblem s h C u rSolving r e n t s :Workbook Contents Main Menu| Textbook 1. Assign mesh currents i1 , i2 , . . . , in to the n meshes. 2. Apply KVL to each of the n meshes. Use Ohm’s law to express the voltages in terms of the mesh currents. 3. Solve the resulting n simultaneous equations to get the mesh currents. 3.17, to forget example, paths abefa and bcdeb are meshe of meshcurrents. currents. Solve simultaneous equations the mesh the voltages in of S t e p 3. s tthe o Rvoltages D1 e+the t Re resulting minterms i terms n−R e n3M sthe hMethods eAnalysis nFig. CHAPTER ofIn 89 imesh Vt1 s : 3 ethe 1C u r r 3r abcdefa is not a mesh. The current through a mesh is know = (3.15) currents. 3. Solve the resulting n simultaneous equations to get the mesh −R R + R i −V 3 2 n simultaneous 3i1 , i22, . . . , icurrent. 1. Assign mesh currents to 2the In n meshes. 3. Solve the resulting to get the mesh nequations mesh analysis, we are interested in applying KVL currents. mesh currents in1 a& given currents. Mesh currents ithe i2ofare toUse meshes 2 to circuit. 2. Apply KVL to each theassigned n meshes. Ohm’s law express 1 and h can be solved to obtain mesh currents i and i . We are at liberty 1 2 Although path abcdefa is a loop and not a mesh, m i n e M e sthe h Cvoltages u r r e n in t s :terms of the mesh currents. any technique theloosely simultaneous equations. According KVL holds. for This issolving the reason for Tostillillustrate the steps, consider the circuit in Fig. 3.17. The first We assume mesh current flows clockwise I1 mesh sh currents i1terms ,ai2circuit ,loop . . the .analysis , inresulting to nanalysis meshes. using3.the andthe mesh to ib and R1 1 and I2 R2 Solve n simultaneous equations toaget the . (2.12), if has n nodes, branches, and l independent step requires that mesh currents i are assigned to meshes b c 1 2 To illustrate the steps, consider the circuit in Fig. 3.17. The first mean the same thing. LortoTo each of the n meshes. Use lawbetolthe express currents. illustrate consider circuit in Fig.mesh 3.17. Thearbifirst meshes, then lthe = bsteps, − n +Ohm’s 1. Hence, independent simultaneous Note: 2. Although a mesh current may assigned to each in an The direction tep requires that mesh currents i1 and i2 are assigned to meshes 1 and I3 s in terms of the mesh currents. ions are required toissolve the circuit using analysis. requires that itmesh currents i1toand i2mesh are assigned to meshes 1 and rary direction, conventional assume that each mesh current flows (clockwise or .esulting Although mesh current may be assigned to each mesh in an arbii2 i1 aand i2 are mesh current i The directio 1 simultaneous equations toare getdifferent theassigned meshfrom the +theV vali Notice nthat the branch currents mesh V1 +currents Although a mesh current may be to each mesh in an arbiclockwise. affect 2 R The ! ! direc (imaginary, not measurable directly) 3 ary direction, it is conventional to assume that each mesh current (clockwise o To illustrate the steps, consider the circuit in Fig. 3.17. Theflows first ! "! " ! " the mesh isolated. Towe distinguish between the twomesh types of As theisitsecond step, apply KVL tothat each mesh. Applying KVL yslockwise. direction, is conventional to assume each current flows (clockwis affect the va stepwe requires that mesh currents i and i are assigned to meshes 1 and 1 2 nts, use i for a current and I for a branch current. The I , I and I are branches current, 1 obtain 2 3 okwise. mesh 1, we affect the As the second step, we apply KVL to each mesh. Applying KVL 2. Although a mesh current may be assigned to each mesh in an arbint elements algebraic I1 , I2 , andsums I3 areofalgebraic of the meshf currents. the meshsums currents e d The direction As the second step, we apply KVL to each mesh. Applying KVL he steps, the circuit Fig.to3.17. The ifirst ovident mesh 1,consider we obtain trary direction, it3.17 is conventional assume each from Fig. that1 +inR −V R 0 mesh current flows (clockwise or (real, measurable directly) 1 i1 + 3 (i1 − that 2) = esh currents i1 and i2 are assigned to meshes 1 and Figure 3.17 A circuit with two meshes. affect the vali mesh 1, we obtain clockwise. + Ri21,i1 mesh + R33in (i i2i)2 = 0 horcurrent be iassigned each arbiI1 = I12to = =1an i− − (3.16) may 1 , −V 1to The direction ofKVL the mesh current is arbitrary— As the second step, we apply IKVL each mesh. Applying −Vthat R1 i1mesh + Rcurrent i2 ) = 0 conventional to assume 1 + each 3 (i1 −flows (clockwise orapply counterclockwise)—and does not to mesh 1, we obtain In this section, we will mesh analysis to planar c r Apply KVL to each (R1 + R3 )i1 − R3 i2 = V1 (3.13) mesh affect the validity of the solution. do not contain current sources. In the next sections, we wi ▲ ▲ step, weFor apply KVL each mesh. Applying mesh 1: to−V RR R3R (i1circuits −KVL )Vwith = 0 current sources. In(3.13) 1 ++ 1 i1)i+ the mesh Workbook analysis of a Co circ (R − i =i2Contents Textbook Table of 1 3 1 3 2 1 For mesh 2, applying KVL gives Problem Solving e-Text Main Menu | | n meshes, we take the following three steps. (R + R )i − R i (3.13) or 1 3 1 3 2 = V1 or mesh 2, applying R KVL gives −V1 + R1 i1 + R3 (i1 − i22)i2=+0V2 + R3 (i2 − i1 ) = 0 (Rgives (3.13) mesh applying KVL 1 + R3 )i1 − R3 i2 = V1 | 2,For mesh 2: R i + V + R (i − i ) = 0 or 2 2 2 3 2 1 e-Text Main Menu| Textbook Table of Contents |Problem Solving Workboo | For mesh 2, applying KVL gives i + V + R3 (iR23− 2 2 r (R1 + R3 )i1 − R3R −R i )i2i1(3.13) =) = −V02 (3.14) i2 = V311 +2 (R2 + R2 i2 + V2 + R3 (i2 − i1 ) = 0 Note ingives Eq. (3.13) that−R the3 icoefficient the−V sum in R3i)i (3.14) g KVL 1 2is= 1 + (R2 + of 2 of the resistances or −V + R i + R (i − i ) = 0 1 ofgives 1 1 resistances 3 1 2in 2,i1applying KVL is the sum the −R (3.14) 3 i1 + (R2 + R3 )i2 = −V2 of the resistance 2 is the negative R2 i2 + V2 + R3 (i2 − i1 ) = 0 erve Note that in theEq.same true Eq. of i1 is the sum of the resistances in (3.13)isthat thein coefficient (Rmesh, +R (3.13) 1the 3 )i1 − 3 i2 = V1 of i is the negative y of the writing mesh equations. first while theRcoefficient of the 2 The shortcut way will resistance not apply if one mesh curcommon meshes 1 and 2. Now observe that sameclockwise is trueand in the Eq.other assumed −R3toigives (3.14) rent isthe assumed 1 + (R2 + R3 )i2 = −V2 applying KVL (3.14). This can serve as (3.13) a shortcut way of writing the mesh The sh mesh currents. Putting Eqs. anticlockwise, althoughequations. this is permissible. q. (3.13) of iin the sum of the resistances in 1 is Wethat will rent is R2the i2exploit +coefficient V2 this + Ridea iand Note the coefficient i1Section i2 03.6. 3 (iof 2− 1) = esh, while the oftoi2 solve is thefor negative of the resistance Thecoefficient third step is the mesh currents. Putting Eqs. (3.13) anticlo ! " ! " o meshes 1 andfor 2.the Now observe that the shortcut same is way true of in writing Eq. the mesh andSolve (3.14) in matrix form yields mesh currents using i V 1 serve as 1a shortcut way of writing the mesh equations. his can "! " ! " =equations ! (3.15) The shortcut way will not ap i −V + −R32 i1 V1 (3.14) 2 this−R 21 + (R2 R+13.6. R3R)i32 = −V xploit idea3 iin Section rent is assumed clockwise and = (3.15) −R R2 + R3 Putting i2 Eqs. −V 3 2 third step is to solve for the mesh currents. (3.13) anticlockwise, although this i urrents i1 form andcoefficient iyields atiliberty 3.13) that the 2 . We areof 1 is the sum of the resistances in in matrix which can be solved of to obtain thenegative mesh currents i1 resistance and i2 . We are at liberty h, while the coefficient i is the of the multaneous equations. According " !b branches, " ! Note: if a circuit has"2n!nodes, and l independent loops or to use any technique for solving the simultaneous equations. According R + R2. −R i+1 1that the V1same is true 1and 3observe 3 then meshes 1 Now in Eq. meshes, l = b − n b branches, andifl aindependent =n nodes, b branches,(3.15) to Eq. (2.12), circuit has and l independent −R R + R i −V 3 2 3 2 2 à as l independent simultaneous equations are required to solve the circuit can serve a shortcut way of writing the mesh equations. ence, l independent simultaneous loops or meshes, then l = b − n + 1. Hence, l independent simultaneousThe shortcut way will using analysis oit this idea inmesh Section 3.6.to be using solved to obtain the mesh currents i1 and i2 . We aremesh at liberty rent is assumed clockw uit mesh analysis. equations are required solve the circuit using analysis. step is to solve formesh thebranch mesh currents. Eqs. (3.13) technique for solving the simultaneous equations. According Notice that the currents arePutting different from the mesh currentsanticlockwise, although eird different from the currents 12), ifunless a form circuit has n isnodes, b branches, and l independent matrix yields the mesh isolated. To distinguish between the two types of guish between the two types of eshes, then l =we b −use n +i 1. !currents, "a !mesh " l independent ! " Isimultaneous forHence, current and for a branch current. The and I for a branch current. The R + R −R i V 1 3solve the 3circuit 1using mesh1analysis. are required to current elements I1 , I2 , and I3=are algebraic sums of the mesh currents. (3.15) R2mesh +Fig. R3are i2that from −V2 the mesh currents ce that the branch currents different braic currents. 3of the Itsums is−R evident from 3.17 90 PART 1 DC Circuits E X A M P L E 3 . 5 I1 5" I2 For the circuit in Fig. 3.18, find the branch currents I1 , I2 , and I3 using mesh analysis. 6" I3 Solution: We first obtain the mesh currents using KVL. For mesh 1, 10 " 15 V + ! i1 i2 + 10 V ! −15 + 5i1 + 10(i1 − i2 ) + 10 = 0 4" or 3i1 − 2i2 = 1 For mesh 2, Figure 3.18 (3.5.1) 6i2 + 4i2 + 10(i2 − i1 ) − 10 = 0 For Example 3.5. or i1 = 2i2 − 1 METHOD 1 (3.5.2) Using the substitution method, we substitute Eq. (3.5.2) into Eq. (3.5.1), and write 6i2 − 3 − 2i2 = 1 "⇒ i2 = 1 A From Eq. (3.5.2), i1 = 2i2 − 1 = 2 − 1 = 1 A. Thus, I1 = i1 = 1 A, METHOD 2 I2 = i2 = 1 A, I3 = i1 − i2 = 0 To use Cramer’s rule, we cast Eqs. (3.5.1) and (3.5.2) in matrix form as ! 3 −1 We obtain the determinants "! " ! " i1 1 = i2 1 −2 2 From Eq. (3.5.2), i1 = 2i2 − 1 = 2 − 1 = 1 A. Thus, I1 = i1 = 1 A, METHOD 2 I2 = i2 = 1 A, I3 = i1 − i2 = 0 To use Cramer’s rule, we cast Eqs. (3.5.1) and (3.5.2) in matrix form as ! "! " ! " 3 −2 i1 1 = −1 2 i2 1 We obtain the determinants # # # 3 −2# #=6−2=4 ! = ## −1 2# # # # # #1 −2# # 3 1# # = 2 + 2 = 4, #=3+1=4 !1 = ## !2 = ## # 1 2 −1 1# Thus, i1 = !1 = 1 A, ! i2 = !2 =1A ! as before. M 3.5 + ! Calculate the mesh currents i1 and i2 in the circuit of Fig. 3.19. Answer: i1 = 23 A, i2 = 0 A. 8V E X A M P L E 3 . 6 Use mesh analysis to find the current io in the circuit in Fig. 3.20. i1 Solution: We apply KVL to the three meshes in turn. For mesh 1, For mesh 2, 11i1 − 5i2 − 6i3 = 12 For mesh 3, −5i1 + 19i2 − 2i3 = 0 24 V (3.6.2) 4(i1 − i2 ) + 12(i3 − i1 ) + 4(i3 − i2 ) = 0 In matrix form, Eqs. (3.6.1) to (3.6.3) become ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ 11 −5 −6 i1 12 ⎣−5 19 −2⎦ ⎣i2 ⎦ = ⎣ 0⎦ −1 −1 2 i3 0 We obtain the determinants as 11 −5 −6 (3.6.3) i1 12 " Figure 3.20 But at node A, io = i1 − i2 , so that −i1 − i2 + 2i3 = 0 + ! (3.6.1) 4io + 12(i3 − i1 ) + 4(i3 − i2 ) = 0 or i2 10 " 24i2 + 4(i2 − i3 ) + 10(i2 − i1 ) = 0 or i2 io −24 + 10(i1 − i2 ) + 12(i1 − i3 ) = 0 or A 24 " 4" i3 For Example 3.6. + ! 4io −6 11 −5 −1 −1 2 i3−6 11 −5 +0 − 11 −5 −6 !5 +19 −2 + − as!5 19 −2 n the determinants ! = !1 −1 2 + !5 19 −2 + − 11 11 −5+−5−6 −6 + − =− 418!5−!5 30 10 114 −+22 − 50 = 192 −2−−2 19−19 − 30!− 22 −−6 + = 10 − − 114 !1 −1 250 = 192 12 − −5 −5− −2 1910−6 41811 −0 30 − 114+− 22 − 50 = 192 12 −5 −=−6 −1 −2 1 =−−2 !5 0 !19 −62 + = 456 − 24 = 432 120 19 −5 ++= 432 −6− 24 −5 −2 0 19 = 456 0 −1 −− 2 12 −2 19− 114 −−6− 3000−+−1 =50 456 24 = 432 =418 2 − 22+− 1= 10 =− 192 12 !−5 12 −5 −6 ++ 0 19 −−−2 −6 12 −5+ PART 1 −2 DC Circuits + 19 0 − −2 −6 0 11 19+ 12 + PART 1 92 DC Circuits − !1 = 0 !5 −1 0 2 −2 = 456 − 24 = 432 !5 =12144 11 + 120 −6 11 1 !12 DC −62 + 11 12−6 = 24 !1 0 2 =Circuits 12 −5 − !5 19 0 11 !5 12 0−2 −2 !5 − 0 −−20 !5 −6 + + 11 19 12 ! = = 6019 + 2280= 288 !1= 144 0 !5 = 144 24!1+ 120 00 24−2 2+3+ + !5 = 120 = !1 !2− 0= − 2 !1 11 !5 12 − 11 !5!3 = 12 +!1 !1 = 60 + 228 = 288 0 −6 11 12 + − + 11 12 −−6 !5+ 19 0 + 0− + 11 !5 12 !5 19 − + − 11 !512 0−6 −2 + !5 !30= −2 !1 0 + − = 60 + 228 =−288+!5 19 + 0 − !5 !10 −2 ++ 120 + !2 = − !1 110+ = 24 = 144 2 12 the We !5 calculate mesh currents using−Cramer’s rule as Table of Contents |Problem Solving Workbook Contents e-Text− Main Menu | Textbook 19 + 0 !5 −6 11 12 + We calculate the mesh currents using Cramer’s rule as − !1 !2 432 144 = + =+Table = of 2.25 A, i2 = = Solving = 0.75Workbook A 0 |−2i1Textbook !5 Menu Contents Problem e-Text − −Main | ! !2 432 144Contents ! 192 ! 192 1 = = 2.25 A, i2 = = = 0.75 A − alculate | the mesh currents using+ Cramer’s rulei1!=|as3 ! 288 192 ! 192 n Menu Textbook Table of Contents Problem Solving Workbook Contents i = = = 1.5 A !3 288 !1 !23 144 432 ! 192 = = 1.5 A i1 = = = 2.25 A, i2 = = = 0.75 Ai3 = ! 192 ! 192 Thus, io = i1 − i2 = 1.5 ! A. 192 of Contents Problem Solving Workbook Contents e-Text Main Menu| Textbook TableThus, io = i1 − i2| = 1.5 A. P R O B L E M 3 . i63 = !3 = 288 = 1.5 A !1 !2 = 1 A, i2 = =1A ! !5 12 ! 11 as before. !5 19 0 !3 = = 60 + 228 = 288 !1 !1 0 5 11 !5 12 + − + 0 !5 19 − Calculate the mesh currents i1 and i2 in the circuit of Fig. 3.19. + − Answer: i1 = 23 A, i2 = 0 A. We calculate the mesh currents using Cramer’s rule as i1 = PRACTICE PROBLEM 3. 2" 9" 12 " i1 12 V + ! i2 4" Figure 3.19 + ! 8V i1 = !1 432 = = 2.25 A, ! 192 3" i3 = For Practice Prob. 3.5. Thus, io = i1 − i2 = 1.5 A. i2 = !2 144 = = 0.75 A ! 192 !3 288 = = 1.5 A ! 192 | Tableanalysis, of Contents Problem Workbook Contents e-Text | Textbook 6 " Main Menu Using mesh find io in |the circuit Solving in Fig. 3.21. ▲ | ▲ PRACTICE PROBLEM 3.6 io 20 V + ! Figure 3.21 4" i1 Answer: −5 A. i3 8" 2" i2 – + 10io For Practice Prob. 3.6. Electronic Testing Tutorials 3.5 MESH ANALYSIS WITH CURRENT SOURCES Applying mesh analysis to circuits containing current sources (dependent i 4" 6i " 5 3.5iMESH ANALYSIS WITH CURRENT SOURCES + 20 V ! 6 " ANALYSIS WITH 10 " MESH CURRENT SOURCES 6 A2 " 1 i210 " 2 1 3.5 M 4" Electronic Testing Tutorials MESH ANALYSIS WITH CURRENT SOURCES (dependent or independent)4 " pplying mesh analysis to circuits containing current sources (dependent + Applying 6" 10 " i i 4 " mesh analysis to circuits containing current sources (dependent 1 2 ! + i1 easier i2 independent) may appear complicated. But it is actually much 20 V 2 " ! i i 0 may2 appear complicated. But it is actually or independent) much easier 1 6A (b) Exclude these an what we encountered in the previous section, because the presence + what in the iprevious because the presence i1 we encountered elements V than 4 section, " 2 ! (a) theofcurrent sources reduces the the number of equations. + Consider i1the i2 20 V Consider the cases: current sources reduces number of equations. the ! Two 60 A cases. i2 cases. lowing two i1possible following two possible 4" Applyin or indep than wh of the c followin 4" CASE 3" (b) (a) Two meshes having a current source in common, (b) a supermesh, created by excluding the current source. Exclude these elements 1. When aa(a)current source exists only one mesh: When current source exists only inin one mesh: Consider thethe When a current source exists only in one mesh: Consider i i 0 2 and as 1 i a=supermesh 10 V + 6" i2 i1 g. 3.23(b), we create thethese periphery of and write a mesh ! à We set −5 A write a mesh equation cuit in Fig. 3.22, for example. We set i = −5 A 2 (b) Exclude 2 i2 = −5 A and write a mesh circuit in Fig. 3.22, for example. We set 23and (a) Twoitmeshes having a current in common, (b) supermesh, created by excluding the current source. treat differently. (Ifinathe circuit has two ora more elements forthe the other insource usual way uation for other mesh usual way, that is, is, (a)mesh equation for the other mesh inthe the usual way, that circuit i equatio A S EC A1S E 1 5A CASE the circ at intersect, they should be combined to form a larger CHAPTER 3 Methods of cluding Figure 3.22 A circuit with a current source. Fig. 3.23(b), we create a supermesh as the periphery of hy treat the supermesh differently? Because mesh analy−10 + 4i + 6(i − i ) = 0 "⇒ i = −2 A (3.17) −10 + 4i + 6(i − i ) = 0 "⇒ i = −2 A (3.17) 1 1 2 1 having 2 source in common, (b) a1 supermesh, 1 ure 3.23 (a) Two meshes a1 current created by excluding the current source. as show 6" 10 " —which requires that we know voltage es and treat it differently. (If a the circuit has across two oreach more A2S E3.23(b), 2 When a current source exists between two meshes: Consider Ado S ECnot When a voltage current source between two meshes: Consider the across a exists current source adintersect, they should bea combined to form ain larger nthat in2. Fig.know we create supermesh as the periphery of A 2" When aFig. current source exists between two the circuit inmust 3.23(a), for example. We create a meshes: supermesh byexexe circuit in Fig. 3.23(a), for example. We create a supermesh by r, a supermesh satisfy KVL like any other mesh. Why treat the supermesh differently? Because mesh analymeshes and treat it differently. (If a circuit has two or more i i 20 V + 4" ! We create a supermesh by excluding the current cluding the current source and any elements connected in series with it, uding the current source and any elements connected in series with it, ying KVL to the supermesh in Fig. 3.23(b) gives VL—which requires that we know the voltage across each hes that intersect, they should be combined to form a larger 6A as shown in Fig. 3.23(b). Thus, source and any elements connected in series with it shown in Fig. 3.23(b). Thus, we do not know the voltage across a current source in adh.) Why supermesh differently? Because mesh analy−20treat + 6ithe 1 + 10i2 + 4i2 = 0 CHAPTER 3 Methods of Analysis i i 0 a supermeshrequires must satisfy KVL like other across mesh. sver, KVL—which that we know theany voltage each Exclude these e-Text Main Menu | | | Textbook elements (a) plying to the supermesh in Fig. 3.23(b) givessource in adand weKVL do not know the voltage across a current ▲ A supermesh results when two meshes6 "have a (dependent10 "or independent) ▲ 1 2 1 2 A supermesh results when meshes havelike a (dependent or mesh. independent) Figure 3.23 (a) Two meshes having a current source in common, (b) a owever, a supermesh musttwo satisfy KVL any other −206i+1 6i + 210i + current 4i2source = 0source in3.23(b) common.gives 114i 2 20 +to (3.18) 6" 10 " current in common. , applying KVL the = supermesh in Fig. As shown in Fig. 3.23(b), we create a supermesh as the periph 2" the two meshes and treat it differently. (If a circuit has two o to a node in −20 the branch where the two meshes intersect. + that intersect, they should be combined to form a i2 + 6i1 + 10i202 V+ 4i2 =i1 0 4supermeshes " + the supermesh i1 i2 supermesh.) 20 Why differently? Because o node 0 in Fig. 3.23(a) gives ! V treat 4 " mesh ! (3.18) 6i1 + 14i2 = 20 6A sis applies KVL—which requires that we know the voltage acros branch—and we do not know the voltage across a current source (3.19) i 2 = i1 + 6 vance. However, a supermesh must satisfy KVL like any other L to a node in the branch where the|Problem two meshes intersect. Contents i2 Workbook i1 Solving 0 Therefore, applying KVL to the supermesh in Fig. 3.23(b) gives (3.18) 6i1 + 14i2 =| 20 (b) Exclude these L18) to and node(3.19), 0 in Fig. 3.23(a) gives we get Textbook of ContentsProblem Solving Workbook Contents book TableTable of Contents the two meshes and Figure treat3.23 it differently. a circuit hasthese two or more Exclude (a) Two meshes(If having a current source in common, (b) a supermesh, the twosupermeshes meshes and treat it differently. (If a circuit hasbe twocombined or more elements intersect, to form a larger 6that " 10 " they should (a) 6 " 10 " supermeshes that intersect, they should be combined to form a larger supermesh.) Why treat the supermesh differently? Because Assupermesh shown indifferently? Fig. 3.23(b), we create a6 "supermesh as theanalyperiphery of 10 " mesh supermesh.) Why treat the Because mesh analy6 a"current 10 " in common, (b) a supermesh, cr Figure 3.23 (a) Two meshes having source 2" sis applies KVL—which thatvoltage know across each the and treat itwe differently. (Ifvoltage a circuit has two or more 2requires " two meshes sis applies KVL—which that requires we know the acrossthe each i supermeshes that i intersect, 20 +V + 4" !do they should combined to4 periphery form a larger branch—and do not know the across aadcurrent source in adi notwe i 20 V we 4 " voltage branch—and know the voltage across a current source + a in ibe i as ! 20 V As shown in Fig. 3.23(b), we create supermesh the of " + i i ! 20 V ! 4" 6 A supermesh.) Why treat the supermesh differently? Because mesh analyvance. vance. However,However, a supermesh satisfy any other mesh. a must supermesh mustlike KVL any other mesh. 6 A two the meshes andKVL treat itsatisfy differently. (Iflike a circuit has two or more Therefore, applying KVL the KVL supermesh in Fig. 3.23(b) gives sistoapplies KVL—which requires that we know thegives voltage across each Therefore, applying to the supermesh in Fig. 3.23(b) supermeshes that intersect, they should be combined to form a larger i i 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 0 2 1branch—and (b) we do these not know the voltage a currentmesh source in adExclude (b) across supermesh.) Why treat the supermesh differently? Because analyExclude these −20 + 6i(a)1 + 10i + 4i = 0 2elements (a) vance. However, satisfy like anyacross other each mesh. −20 + elements 6ia21 supermesh + 10i 4i 0knowKVL 2 + must 2 = sis applies KVL—which requires that we the voltage or we Figure Therefore, supermesh intheFig. 3.23(b) gives in adFigure 3.23(a) Two (a) Two meshes having a applying current inKVL common, (b)the a supermesh, by excluding current branch—and we do not know voltage across a the current source 3.23 the meshes having a current sourcesource in common, (b) a to supermesh, createdcreated by excluding current source. source. Why treat supermesh differently? or vance. However, a supermesh mustknowing satisfy KVL like any across other mesh. Because mesh analysis the voltage shown in Fig. 3.23(b), we aKVL, as−20 the requires periphery of +a 14i = 20aswhich (3.18) 6i1create As As shown in Fig. 3.23(b), we applies create supermesh the periphery of 2supermesh + 6isupermesh 4i2Fig. = 03.23(b) gives 1 + 10i2 +in Therefore, applying KVL to the the two meshes and treat it differently. (If a circuit has two or more the two meshes and treat it differently. (If a circuit has two or more each branch, but the voltage across 6i a current source is not known + 14i = 20 (3.18) 1 2 supermeshes that intersect, they should be combined to form a larger supermeshes that intersect, they should be combined to form a larger We apply KCL to a nodeorin the branch where the two meshes intersect. −20 +mesh 6i1analy+ 10i2 + 4i2 = 0 Why treat the differently? Because supermesh.) Why treat the 0supermesh differently? Because mesh analy1.supermesh.) Applying KVL to the supermesh Applying KCL to node insupermesh Fig. 3.23(a) gives sis applies KVL—which requires that we know the voltage across each i 1 i 2 sis applies KVL—which requires we know voltage across each We apply KCL to that a node inthethe branch where the two meshes intersect. branch—and we not do not the voltage across a current source branch—and we do know the voltage across a current source in6i ad14i2 = 20 (3.18) 1in+adorknow = i + 6 (3.19) i Applying KCL to node 0 in Fig. 3.23(a) gives 2 1 vance. However, a supermesh mustmust satisfy KVLKVL like any mesh.mesh. vance. However, a supermesh satisfy like other any other 2. Apply KCL to a node in the branch where the two meshes intersect Therefore, applying KVL to the supermesh in Fig. 3.23(b) givesgives Therefore, applying KVL to the supermesh in Fig. 3.23(b) We apply KCL to a node in the two meshes intersect. + branch 14i2 = where 20 (3.18) 6i1the Solving Eqs. (3.18) KCL and (3.19), we0get Applying to node = i + 6 (3.19) i −20−20 +Applying 6i+ +KCL 4i 6i10i 4i02to = node 02 1+ 2 = 01in Fig. 3.23(a) gives 1 +2 10i 2+ 3. Solving applyA,KCL ito a node = −3.2 2.8 Ain the branch where (3.20) the two meshes intersect. i1 We 2 = Solving Eqs. Applying (3.18) and (3.19), we0 get KCL to node in Fig.i23.23(a) = i1 +gives 6 (3.19) 14i = 20 (3.18) 6iproperties 1+ 2 Note the following of a supermesh: 20supermesh: (3.18) 6i1 + 14iof 2 =a Note the following properties + 6A ii22 = =where −3.2 A,not =i1get 2.8 (3.20)(3.19) iEqs. WeWe apply KCL to ato node inSolving the where the two intersect. (3.18) and (3.19), we 1supermesh 1. The current in the is completely ignored; apply KCL asource node in branch the branch the meshes two meshes intersect. 1.Applying TheKCL current source in the supermesh is not completely ignored; it provides the Applying to node 0 in 0Fig. 3.23(a) gives KCL to node in Fig. 3.23(a) gives necessary to solve for the it provides the constraint equation Solving Eqs. (3.18) andi for (3.19), weA,get constraint equation necessary to solve the(3.19) mesh currents the following a supermesh: i2 = 2.8 A (3.20) +i6 + 6properties i2 =i i1= 1 =of−3.2 meshNote currents. (3.19) 2 1 2. 2.AAEqs. supermesh has no of its itsinown. own Solving (3.18) and and (3.19), wecurrent get −3.2 A, is inot =completely 2.8 A i1 =supermesh has no current of 1.(3.18) The current source the ignored;(3.20) Solvingsupermesh Eqs. (3.19), we get Note the following properties of a2 supermesh: 3. 3.AAsupermesh ofequation both(3.20) KVLand andKCL. KCL to solve for the =requires −3.2 A, the i2application =constraint 2.8 A iti1provides the necessary supermesh the application of both KVL = −3.2 A, i = 2.8 A (3.20) irequires 1 Note the2 current following properties a supermesh: 1. The source in the of supermesh is not completely ignored; or or 2i 2 5A 5A 6" 6" i2 i2 o E X A M P L E 3 . 7 i 3io 3io 3 i3 94 8" 8" i4 i4 io + 10 V ! + 10 V PART 1 ! DC Circuits 2" For the circuit in Fig. 3.24, Q find i1 to i4 using mesh analysis. Q i3 i3 Solution: i1 i1 Figure For1Example 3.7. a supermesh since they have an independent 4" 2" Note that3.24 meshes and 2 form P Figure 3.24 For Example 3.7. current source in common. Also, meshes 2 and 3 form another supermesh i2 io 5A because they have a dependent current source in common. The two + 10 V i2 i3 i4 3io 6" 8" ! because they have a dependent current source in common. The two supermeshes intersect and form a larger supermesh as shown. Applying supermeshes intersect and form a larger supermesh as shown. Applying KVL to the larger supermesh, KVL largerMain supermesh, Q Table of Contents |Problem Solvingi2Workbook Contents e-Text | to the 2i1 +Menu 4i3 |+ 8(iTextbook i3 3 − i4 ) + 6i2 = 0 2i1 + 4i3 + 8(i3 − i4 ) + 6i2 = 0 or Figure 3.24 For Example 3.7. or i1 + 3i2 + 6i3 − 4i4 = 0 (3.7.1) because they have a dependent current source in common. The two i1 + 3i2 + we 6i3 apply − 4i4KCL = 0 to node P : (3.7.1) supermeshes intersect and form a larger supermesh as shown. Applying For the independent current source, For the independent current source, we5 apply KCL to node P : (3.7.2) KVL to the larger supermesh, i2 = i1 + 2i1 + 4i3 + 8(i3 − i4 ) + 6i2 = 0 i = i + 5 (3.7.2) 2 1 For the dependent current source, we apply KCL to node Q: or i1 + 3i2 + 6i3 − 4i4 = 0 (3.7.1) For the dependent current source, apply KCL to node Q: i2 = i3we + 3i o For the independent current source, we apply KCL to node P : i2 = i3 + 3io But io = −i4 , hence, i2 = i1 + 5 (3.7.2) But io = −i4 , hence, i2 = i3 − 3i4 (3.7.3) For the dependent current source, we apply KCL to node Q: i2 = i3 + 3io i2 = i3 − 3i4 (3.7.3) Applying KVL in mesh 4, But io = −i4 , hence, Applying KVL in mesh 2i44,+ 8(i4 − i3 ) + 10 = 0 i2 = i3 − 3i4 (3.7.3) Applying KVL in mesh 4, 2i4 + 8(i4 − i3 ) + 10 = 0 or 2i4 + 8(i4 − i3 ) + 10 = 0 5i4 − 4i3 = −5 (3.7.4) or or From Eqs. (3.7.1) to (3.7.4), 5i4 − 4i3 = −5 5i4 − 4i3 = −5 (3.7.4) (3.7.4) i1 = −7.5 A, i2 (3.7.4), = −2.5 A, i3 = 3.93 A, i4 = 2.143 A From Eqs. (3.7.1) to (3.7.4), From Eqs. (3.7.1) to i2 ▲ ▲ i2 . 7 i1 = −7.5 A, i2 = −2.5 A, i1 = −7.5 A, i3P R=A 3.93 A, i = 2.143 A C T I C E P R O 4B L E M 3 . 7 i2 = −2.5 A, i3 = 3.93 A, i4 = 2.143 A PRACTICE PROBLEM 3.7 2" 6V + ! i1 3A 1" | 2" (3.7.4) i4 = 2.143 A Use mesh analysis to determine i1 , i2 , and i3 in Fig. 3.25. Answer: i1 = 3.474 A, i2 = 0.4737 A, i3 = 1.1052 A. 4" i2 For Practice Prob. 3.7. ▲ | ▲ Figure 3.25 i3 5i4 − 4i3 = −5 From Eqs. (3.7.1) to (3.7.4), i1 = −7.5 A, i2 = −2.5 A, i3 = 3.93 A, 8" @ e-Text Main Menu| Textbook Table of Contents |Problem Solving Workbook Contents NODAL VERSUS MESH ANALYSIS Nodal & mesh analyses provide a systematic way of analyzing a network How do we know which method is better or more efficient? The choice of the better method is dictated by two factors: 1. The first factor is the nature the network If networks contain series-connected elements, voltage sources, or supermeshes à mesh analysis If networks have parallel- connected elements, current sources, or supernodes à nodal analysis A circuit with fewer nodes than meshes à nodal analysis A circuit with fewer meshes than nodes à mesh analysis The second factor is the information required If node voltages are required à nodal analysis If branch or mesh currents are required à mesh analysis It is helpful to be familiar with both methods of analysis one method can be used to check the results from the other method since each method has its limitations, only one method may be suitable for a particular problem For example Mesh analysis is the only method to use in analyzing transistor circuits Mesh analysis cannot easily be used to solve an op amp circuit because there is no direct way to obtain the voltage across the op amp itself For nonplanar networks, nodal analysis is the only option, because mesh analysis only applies to planar networks Summary 1. Nodal analysis is the application of Kirchhoff’s current law at the nonreference nodes. (It is applicable to both planar and nonplanar circuits.) We express the result in terms of the node voltages. Solving the simultaneous equations yields the node voltages. 2. A supernode consists of two nonreference nodes connected by a (dependent or independent) voltage source. 3. Mesh analysis is the application of Kirchhoff’s voltage law around meshes in a planar circuit. We express the result in terms of mesh currents. Solving the simultaneous equations yields the mesh currents. 4. A supermesh consists of two meshes that have a (dependent or independent) current source in common. 5. Nodal analysis is normally used when a circuit has fewer node equations than mesh equations. Mesh analysis is normally used when a circuit has fewer mesh equations than node equations.