Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 10, 2016, no. 32, 1595 - 1602 HIKARI Ltd, Laplace Type Problem with Non-uniform Distribution Giuseppe Caristi Department of Economics, University of Messina Via dei Verdi, 75, 98122, Messina Italy Ersilia Saitta Department of Economics, University of Messina Via dei Verdi, 75, 98122, Messina Italy Marius Stoka Sciences Academy of Turin Via Maria Vittoria, 3, 10123, Torino, Italy c 2016 Giuseppe Caristi et al. This article is distributed under the Creative Copyright Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract Laplace type problems for different lattices have been considered intensively in the recent years. Particularly, in paper [6] the authors consider a Laplace type problem for a trapezoidal lattice with rectangle body test. In this paper we consider a lattice with fundamental cell composed by a trapezium as for the first time we consider as body test a random rectangle not uniformly distributed. We compute the probability that a random rectangle of constant sides intersects the a side of lattice when the position of the rectangle is a random variable with exponential and γ (2) distribution. Mathematics Subject Classification: 60D05, 52A22 Keywords: Geometric Probability, stochastic geometry, random sets, random convex sets and integral geometry 1596 1 Giuseppe Caristi et al. Introducion In [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] and [6] the authors consider several different BuffonLaplace type problems. Starting from the results obtained by Caristi and Ferrara in [5] where for the first time the authors considered together with the traditional Buffon type problem also the different cases for the deformations of the considered lattice. Caristi and Molica Bisci [6] extended this method to a stochastic geometric problem on a circle. In [2] Laplace type problems for a triangular lattice have been considered but the authors focused their attention considering different testing bodies on the same network and in the same time. In [1] the authors studied the problem of the different bodies test but considering different lattice with axial symmetry. Now, considering a fundamental cell composed by a trapezium we consider as body test a random rectangle not uniformly distributed. In fact we solve a Laplace type problem considering a random body test distributed according to an exponential distribution and in according to a γ(2) distribution. 2 Main Results Let < (a, b; α) be a lattice with the fundamental cell C0 an trapezium with sides a < b and π4 ≤ α ≤ π3 fig.1 By fig. 1 we have that: areaC0 = (b2 − a2 ) tgα . 4 (1) 1597 Laplace type problem with non-uniform distribution Theorem 1 The probability that a random rectangle r of constant sides l, m with 0 < m ≤ l < a2 intersects a side of the lattice < is: Pint = Z 2 (b2 − a2 ) tgα Rα 0 f (ϕ) dϕ · α {(a + b) (l sin ϕ + m cos ϕ) + 2 (b − a) tgα (l cos ϕ + m sin ϕ) − 0 l2 [sin α sin 2ϕ + (1 + cos α) (1 − cos 2ϕ)] − sin α lm 3 2 m sin 2ϕ + [cos 2ϕ − (1 + cos α) sin 2ϕ] + lm f (ϕ) dϕ, 2 sin α 2 (2) where ϕ is the angle formed by the side of lenght l of the rectangle r with the line BC (or AD), the position of r is determined by its center and by the angle ϕ. Proof. We consider the limiting positions of r, for a specified value of ϕ, in the cell C0 . We obtain fig. 2 fig. 2 and the formula b0 (ϕ) = areaC0 − 4lm − areaC 12 X areaai (ϕ) . i=1 By fig. 2 we have: areaa1 (ϕ) = l2 sin ϕ sin (α − ϕ) , 2 sin α (3) 1598 Giuseppe Caristi et al. m2 ctg (α − ϕ) , 2 1 b − a l sin ϕ + m cos ϕ areaa3 (ϕ) = [l sin (α − ϕ) + m cos (α − ϕ)] − − 2 cos α sin α 1 lm + m2 ctg (α − ϕ) , 2 m2 cos ϕ cos (α − ϕ) areaa4 (ϕ) = , 2 sin α l2 areaa5 (ϕ) = tgα, 2 1 1 m cos (α − ϕ) + l sin (ϕ + α) areaa6 (ϕ) = (l sin ϕ + m cos ϕ) b − − l2 tgϕ + lm , 2 sin α 2 areaa2 (ϕ) = l2 sin ϕ sin (ϕ + α) , 2 sin α m2 areaa8 (ϕ) = − ctg (α + ϕ) , 2 b−a l sin ϕ + m cos ϕ 1 − areaa9 (ϕ) = [l sin (ϕ + α) − m cos (ϕ + α)] + 2 2 cos α sin α areaa7 (ϕ) = lm m2 ctg (ϕ + α) − , 2 2 m2 cos ϕ cos (ϕ + α) areaa10 (ϕ) = − , 2 sin α l2 areaa11 (ϕ) = tgϕ, 2 2 1 l sin ϕ − m cos (ϕ + α) l lm areaa12 (ϕ) = (l sin ϕ + m cos ϕ) a − − tgϕ − . 2 sin α 2 2 Replacing these relations in (3) it follows that b0 (ϕ) = areaC0 − areaC 1 (a + b) (l sin ϕ + m cos ϕ) + (b − a) tgα (l cos ϕ + m sin ϕ) − 2 l2 m2 [sin α sin 2ϕ + (1 + cos α) (1 − cos 2ϕ)] − sin 2ϕ+ (4) 2 sin α 2 lm 3 [cos 2ϕ − (1 + cos α) sin 2ϕ] + lm . 4 sin α 4 Denoting by M the set of all the rectangles r which have their center in the cell C0 . We denote by N the set of the all rectangles r completely contained in C0 . In view of [8], we get: 1599 Laplace type problem with non-uniform distribution µ (N ) , (5) µ (M ) where µ is the Lebesgue measure in Euclidean plane. To compute the above measures we use the Poincaré kinematic measure [7]: dK = dx ∧ dy ∧ dϕ, Pint = 1 − where x, y are the coordinates of the center of r and ϕ the angle already defined. Considering that the direction of r is a random variable with density of probability f (ϕ), we have: Zα ZZ µ (M ) = f (ϕ) dϕ dxdy = 0 {(x,y)∈C0 } Zα Zα (areaC0 ) f (ϕ) dϕ = areaC0 0 f (ϕ) dϕ, (6) 0 and Zα µ (N ) = ZZ f (ϕ) dϕ 0 dxdy = Zα b0 (ϕ) f (ϕ) dϕ = areaC 0 {(x,y)∈Cb0 (ϕ)} Zα areaC0 f (ϕ) dϕ− 0 α Z 0 1 (a + b) (l sin ϕ + m cos ϕ) + (b − a) tgα (l cos ϕ + m sin ϕ) − 2 l2 m2 [sin α sin 2ϕ+ (1 + cos α) (1 − cos 2ϕ)] − sin 2ϕ+ 2 sin α 2 lm 3 [cos 2ϕ − (1 + cos α) sin 2ϕ] + lm f (ϕ) dϕ, 4 sin α 4 then Pint = Z (7) 2 Rα · (b2 − a2 ) tgα 0 f (ϕ) dϕ α {(a + b) (l sin ϕ + m cos ϕ) + 2 (b − a) tgα (l cos ϕ + m sin ϕ) − 0 l2 [sin α sin 2ϕ + (1 + cos α) (1 − cos 2ϕ)] − m2 sin 2ϕ+ sin α lm 3 [cos 2ϕ − (1 + cos α) sin 2ϕ] + lm f (ϕ) dϕ. 2 sin α 2 (8) 1600 2.1 Giuseppe Caristi et al. Exponential random variable Considering f (ϕ) = e−ϕ , by the change of variable e−ϕ = u, we obtain Zα f (ϕ) dϕ = 1 − e−α . (9) 0 In the same way, we have: Zα e−ϕ sin ϕdϕ = 1 1 −α − e (sin α + cos α) , 2 2 e−ϕ cos ϕdϕ = 1 1 −α + e (sin α − cos α) , 2 2 0 Zα (10) 0 and Zα e−ϕ sin 2ϕdϕ = 1 2 − e−α (sin 2α + 2 cos 2α) 5 e−ϕ cos 2ϕdϕ = 1 1 + e−α (2 sin 2α − cos 2α) . 5 0 Zα (11) 0 Replacing in (9) the relations (10) and (11) we obtain the following: Theorem 2 The probability that a random rectangle r of constant sides l, m with 0 < m ≤ l < a2 and distributed according to the exponential distribution, intersects a side of the lattice < is: Pint = 2 (b2 − a2 ) tgα (1 − e−α ) 1 [l (a + b) + 2m (b − a) tgα] 1 − e−α (sin α + cos α) + 2 1 2 1 1 + cos α −α 2 [m (a + b) + 2l (b − a) tgα] 1 + e (sin α − cos α) + l +m − lm 2 5 2 sin α 1 1 + cos α 2 1 −α 2 − e (sin 2α + 2 cos 2α) + l + lm 5 sin α 2 sin α 3 −α −α 1 + e (2 sin 2α − cos 2α) + lm 1 − e . 2 Laplace type problem with non-uniform distribution 2.2 1601 γ (2) random variable Considering now f (ϕ) = ϕe−ϕ , we obtain Zα ϕe−ϕ = 1 − (1 + α) e−α , 1 Zα ϕ sin ϕe−ϕ dϕ = α 1 1 −α − e cos α − e−α (sin α + cos α) , 2 2 2 0 Zα 1 α ϕe−ϕ cos ϕdϕ = e−α (sin α + cos α) + e−α (sin α − cos α) 2 2 0 and Zα ϕe−ϕ sin 2ϕdϕ = 4 1 + e−α (3 sin 2α + 8 cos 2α) + αe−α (sin 2α − 2 cos 2α) , 5 25 0 Zα ϕe−ϕ cos 2ϕdϕ = 1 1 + e−α (4 sin 2α + 9 cos 2α) + αe−α (sin 2α − cos 2α) . 5 25 0 We have: Theorem 3 The probability that a random rectangle r of constant sides l, m with 0 < m ≤ l < a2 and distributed according to the γ (2) distribution, intersects a side of the lattice < is: Pint = 2 (b2 − a2 ) tgα (1 − e−α ) 1 [l (a + b) + 2m (b − a) tgα] 1 − e−α cos α − αe−α (sin α + cos α) + 2 1 −α e [m (a + b) + 2l (b − a) tgα] [sin α + cos α + α (sin α − cos α)] − 2 1 + cos α 2 2 l +m + lm 2 sin α 4 1 −α −α + e (3 sin 2α + 8 cos 2α) + αe (sin 2α − 2 cos 2α) + 5 25 1602 Giuseppe Caristi et al. 1 1 + cos α 2 l + lm sin α 2 sin α 1 1 −α −α + e (4 sin 2α + 9 cos 2α) + αe (sin 2α − cos 2α) − 5 25 1 + cos α 2 3 l − lm 1 − (1 + α) e−α . sin α 2 References [1] D. 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