Electrical, Instrumentation, Monitoring and Control Systems Guidelines for the Preparation of Functional Specifications LMW 8.2 S008 ACTEW Water a business name owned by ACTEW Corporation Limited ABN 86 069 381 960. Table Of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Objective ......................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Scope ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................................................................3 References ..................................................................................................................................................................................................5 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................6 5.1. Document Structure ..............................................................................................................................................................................6 5.2. Approval Status during Development ....................................................................................................................................................7 5.3. Functional Specification Templates (Under Development) ....................................................................................................................7 6. Functional Specification ...............................................................................................................................................................................8 6.1. Definitions of Functional Specification Sub-Headings ......................................................................................................................... 10 6.1.1. Standard logic: .............................................................................................................................................................................10 6.1.2. Tag name prefix: ..........................................................................................................................................................................10 6.1.3. Location: ......................................................................................................................................................................................10 6.1.4. Parent asset:................................................................................................................................................................................10 6.1.5. General Description: ....................................................................................................................................................................10 6.1.6. Functionality:................................................................................................................................................................................11 6.1.7. Drawings:.....................................................................................................................................................................................11 6.1.8. Operator Interfaces: .....................................................................................................................................................................12 6.1.9. Operating modes: ........................................................................................................................................................................14 6.1.10. Automatic Sequences: .............................................................................................................................................................15 6.1.11. Hard-wired interlocks: ...............................................................................................................................................................17 6.1.12. Software interlocks: ..................................................................................................................................................................17 6.1.13. Parameters, Alarms and Trends: ..............................................................................................................................................17 6.1.14. Data Reporting: ........................................................................................................................................................................38 6.1.15. Control Source: ........................................................................................................................................................................39 6.1.16. References: ..............................................................................................................................................................................39 A. Functional Specification - EXAMPLES ........................................................................................................................................................40 Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 2 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 3 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the 1. OBJECTIVE The aim of this document is to establish guidelines for the development of Process, System and Equipment Functional Specifications for implementation within ActewAGL Treatment Branch Plant Control and SCADA Systems. Adherence to these guidelines will ensure a uniform standard of Functional Specifications; in particular, appearance, format and content requirements. Adherence to these guidelines will also allow the Functional Specifications to be maintained for the life of the processes, systems and equipment by ensuring that additions and other amendments can be integrated into existing functional specifications. 2. SCOPE These guidelines shall apply to Process, System and Equipment Functional Specifications relating to ActewAGL Treatment Branch Plant Control and SCADA Systems. 3. DEFINITIONS The following abbreviations and definitions are used within these guidelines: Approved Approved by the Principal’s Representative. Quality Procedure Existing management system procedure, instruction, standards or specifications established by ActewAGL Treatment Branch LMWQCC Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre. SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. A primary means used to remotely monitor and control industrial processes, predominately from a central control room. FOIP Field Operator Interface Panel. A secondary means used to remotely monitor and control industrial processes, predominately closer to the equipment in the field. HMI Human Machine Interface. A means used to remotely monitor and control industrial processes. This could be applied to both SCADA and FOIP. Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 4 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the LCS Local Control Station. A local means to control the equipment, usually located in the immediate vicinity of the related item and commonly consisting of push buttons/lamps/dials, etc Instrument Loop An instrument loop consists of all items, cabling or pipe work used to measure, transmit, indicate or process an electrical or pneumatic analogue signal. An instrument loop generally consists of all items linked by a single current, voltage or pneumatic loop. For the purposes of simplicity the term “instrument loop” terminology may, however, also be extended to cover discrete digital signal control devices which do not relate to a single specific instrument loop or primary equipment item; i.e. Common pressure switch, flow switch, etc. Each instrument loop is identified as per ActewAGL Treatment Branch Quality Procedure TB 8.1 P601 (3.1.3) with reference to TB 8.1 P601 T3. Plant Equipment Item Each major item of plant equipment is identified as per ActewAGL Treatment Branch Quality Procedure TB 8.1 P601 (3.1.2) with reference to TB 8.1 P601 T3. Essentially this procedure states that each item of equipment shall be uniquely identified according to its location and function. Asset Hierarchy An ordered and structured list of plant equipment and instrument loops, with their equipment and loop numbers, arranged into a systematic hierarchy to bring together the various processes and systems within those processes by which the plant functions as a whole. Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 5 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the 4. REFERENCES ActewAGL Treatment Branch Electrical, Instrumentation, Monitoring and Control System Standards LMW 8.02 S001 Basis of Design LMW 8.02 S006 PLC/RTU Programming Guidelines LMW 8.02 S007 Citect Programming Guidelines ActewAGL Treatment Branch Quality System Procedures 199551 Treatment Identification and Registration of Plant Assets Instruction. TB 8.?? P??? Plant Control and SCADA Systems Software Management & Control TB 8.?? P??? Identification of Plant Control and SCADA Systems Software Miscellaneous EIP RF R007 EIP Report ACTEWAGL Logic Systems Review Phase 2, Functional Specification Guidelines Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 6 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the 5. GENERAL The purpose of a Functional Specification is to define the requirements of a control and SCADA system with enough clarity to allow a programmer to develop the PLC/RTU application program and the Operator Interface for the facility being controlled. A secondary purpose is to provide maintenance and operational personnel with a clear statement of the role played by each item of the plant and how each item within a system interacts with the other items. 5.1. Document Structure The structure of the Functional Specification is based on the ActewAGL Treatment Branch Asset Hierarchy. A brief overview of the Asset Hierarchy as applicable to the Functional Specification is detailed below: Level 1: Plant/Facility Example: LMWQCC Level 2: Major Processes (grouped by Plant/Facility) Example: Primary Treatment, Tertiary Treatment, Solids Management processes at LMWQCC Level 3: Systems (grouped by Major Process) Example: Backwash Water Supply, Waste Backwash Water systems within the Tertiary Treatment Process Level 4: Individual Items Of Equipment Or Instrument Loops (grouped by System) Example: 5301PU, 5302PU – Backwash Supply Pumps, part of the Backwash Water Supply System Each plant/facility, major process, functional system and individual item of equipment and instrument loop shall have a functional specification developed. At the plant/facility and major process level the functional specification will normally be an overview description of the plant/facility or major process and will also identify each of the lower level major processes or functional systems respectively that constitute that grouping. Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 7 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Similarly, at the functional system level, the functional specification shall describe the operation and role of that system in the higher-level process, to which it belongs. The functional specification for each individual item of equipment and instrument loop shall describe in detail all aspects of the operation of that particular equipment item or instrument loop. The specific data and information requirements for each level of Functional Specification are detailed in Section 6 of this document. Further to the requirements of Section 6, an extra component is included in the plant/facility level functional specification to identify the revision status and/or date of issue of the Plant’s Asset Hierarchy used for the Functional Specification. In addition to the plant/facility, major process, system and individual equipment/instrument loop components of the ActewAGL Treatment Branch asset hierarchy, the ActewAGL Treatment Branch Functional Specification also includes an “ActewAGL Treatment Branch Standards” component (at Level 2). This component describes the standard equipment and instrument loop control and SCADA functionality to be applied in the plant control and SCADA systems. The ActewAGL Treatment Plant’s Functional Specification shall consist of a number of individual files residing in a common directory (e.g. LMWQCC on Jeeves /LMFunc-Spec). The filenames used shall be as defined by the ActewAGL Treatment Branch Operations & Process Manager based on established practice. The Functional Specification files shall be written in Microsoft Word format. All references to Standard Logic, Sites, Systems, Processes and Equipment (as defined in the Asset Hierarchy) shall be hyperlinked to the appropriate document (refer Attachment A for examples). 5.2. Approval Status during Development During development, all approved text shall be coloured ‘auto’ (black on a white background, white on a black background). Text submitted for approval shall be coloured blue. Other colours may be applied to text under development, these colours and their usage is not defined. 5.3. Functional Specification Templates (Under Development) ActewAGL is currently developing blank functional specification templates. When available, these will be issued to the functional specification developer so that consistent format/styles are adopted. Until these documents are issued, the functional specification shall use the same formatting ‘styles’ contained within the examples in Attachment A. Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 8 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the 6. FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION The Functional Specification shall be contained in the descriptive text and tables following the site, process, system and equipment item/instrument loop headings. The information in the specification shall be divided into the following sections using the following subheadings. The detail required is dependant on the aspect being described. The ticks () show the sub-headings required for the various aspects (site, process, system, equipment item/instrument loop). The asterisk (*) indicates where a sub-heading should be included only where required for the particular application. For instance, there may be specific Data Archiving requirement at the site level such as plant throughput or plant availability. Where a required sub-heading has no meaning for that particular level, include the sub-heading with a note that it is “Not Applicable”. “Equipment item - static” is for use with items with structure but without plant process control system connections e.g. tanks & channels. Any value within a configurable table cell that is not applicable is not to be left blank, but shall be marked by the symbol ‘-‘. If an entire row is not applicable, then the row is to be deleted. There is to be a top-level document, defined by the Site/Plant asset hierarchy labelling scheme, (e.g. WWG – Googong Water Treatment Plant) linking all the separate documents forming the complete functional specification. See the following example: Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 9 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Sub-headings Site Process System Instrument Loop Equipment Item Equipment Item - Static 1 2 3 4 4 4 Standard logic: - - - Tag name prefix: - - - Location: Parent asset: - General description: Functionality: ** Drawings: * * - Operator interfaces: - Operating modes: - - Automatic sequences: - - Hard-wired interlocks: - - - Software interlocks: - - - Parameters, Alarms and Trends: - - Data reporting: * * * - Control source: - - - - Level Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 10 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the References: * Indicates information is required only where applicable. ** refer O&M manuals for description of functionality The Functional Specification is not limited to the use of the above sub-headings, however, where additional headings are proposed, ActewAGL Treatment Branch shall first approve this. Where multiple systems or equipment items/instrument loops have similar or identical functionality then the functional specification of all system parts shall be fully described. 6.1. Definitions of Functional Specification Sub-Headings A guide to the required content of each of the above elements is provided below. Under each table, extra text may be inserted, where required, to clarify/describe a unique item/process. Examples are displayed in the attachment section. 6.1.1. Standard logic: Indicate if Standard logic functionality is used throughout the Site, Process or System. This section shall provide a link to the ActewAGL Treatment Branch PLC Logic Standards. 6.1.2. Tag name prefix: Identify the prefix to tag names to be used to identify variables in the PLC/RTU programming and the SCADA. Tag names shall be the same for both the PLC/RTU and Citect and be based on the current plant identification systems. 6.1.3. Location: Provide a basic description of where the item is physically located. 6.1.4. Parent asset: List the parent asset of the item, including asset number/identifier and description as defined within the asset master register. Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 11 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the 6.1.5. General Description: Provide a basic description of the process, system or item/loop including physical description and type, where applicable. If a drive is not started by Direct On Line (D.O.L.) method, then define its method of starting: Eg. Soft Starter or Variable Speed Drive 6.1.6. Functionality: Describe the role that the process, system or item/loop plays within the plant including process related inputs and outputs. List any nonstandard local controls and indicators. At a system level (Level 3) or above, provide a description and summary of functionality. 6.1.7. Drawings: List the process or electrical drawings applicable to this process, system or unit, including P&I diagrams, networks, schematics, termination drawings, etc. Drawing number and description should correlate with the actual drawing details and attributes recorded within the Drawing Management System (DMS). Refer to Attachment A for worked examples. Drawing type P&I Diagram/s Drawing description Drawing number ?????-???? Description Network/s ?????-???? ?????-???? Description Etc. Schematic/s ?????-???? ?????-???? Description Etc. Description Description Etc. IO connection/s ?????-???? ?????-???? ?????-???? Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 12 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the 6.1.8. Operator Interfaces: Describe, in tabular and text format, the interface display requirements that the Operator needs for the safe and efficient control of this process, system or unit. The standard Operator Interface functionality is defined in LMW 8.2 S007 Citect Configuration Guidelines. SCADA project SCADA project 1 name SCADA project 2 name (if applicable) FOIP location(s) ????CP brief description ????CP brief description ????CP brief description (if applicable) SCADA page(s) Page 1 name Page 2 name Page 3 name Etc. Page 1 name Page 2 name Etc. FOIP page(s) Page 1 name Page 2 name Etc. Page 1 name Standard SCADA pop-up used Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Standard FOIP pop-up used Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 13 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Location of local controls and indicators st 1 location / - Description of local controls and indicators E-stop functionality Standard / Shunt trip / - brief description of item 1 / brief description of item 2 / etc 2nd location / - Standard / Shunt trip / - brief description of item 1 / brief description of item 2 / etc Refer to Attachment A for worked examples. Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 14 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the 6.1.9. Operating modes: Define, in tabular and text format, the operation modes of the process or item/loop, the default operating mode/state and the conditions under which the operating mode/state will be changed. The standard modes of control are defined in LMW 8.2 S001 Basis of Design. Level 3 (System) Mode Description Definition Mode 1 Provide a basic description of the mode List conditions that define the mode Mode 2 Provide a basic description of the mode List conditions that define the mode Mode 3 Provide a basic description of the mode List conditions that define the mode Mode 4 Provide a basic description of the mode List conditions that define the mode Etc. Etc. Etc. Level 4 (Instrument Loop/Equipment Items) Instrument loop Default mode Manual available Automatic available Cascade available Offline available Calibrate available Manual / Auto / Cascade Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Drives/Valves Default mode Local manual available Remote manual available Automatic available Offline available Local manual / RemoteManual / Auto Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 15 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the 6.1.10. Automatic Sequences: Identify all automatic sequences this unit performs or takes part in including start permissives, startup sequence, running sequence, shutdown sequence, emergency shutdown sequence, etc. Each item/equipment that is relevant is to be individually referenced, not referred to a generic group of equipment. E.g. do not use “Start all lime sludge pumps”. Instead, use “Start : 1234PU Lime Sludge Pump 1, 1235PU Lime Sludge Pump 2, 1236PU Lime Sludge Pump 3, 1237PU Lime Sludge Pump 4 and 1238PU Lime Sludge Pump 5”. Each automatic sequence shall be documented at the appropriate ‘Level’: • Level 3 (System) – where complex system wide sequences control multiple items/loops. • Level 4 (Instrument Loop/Equipment Items) – where a sequence involves a small number of items/loops that work to support a primary item of equipment. Eg. A pump and its related control valve. The recommended sequence step layout uses a Major step and minor step as follows: Step 0.00 may be used when the Mode is not active. Permissives should start at 0.01. Each separate ‘cycle’ within each ‘mode’ should start at 1.01, 2.01, 3.01, etc. The sub-step (i.e. a, b, c, etc) is not part of the sequence, but is used to assist in reading of this document. It is only used on a step with many conditions. MODE 1 SEQUENCES Mode 1 permissives 0.01. Step description. 0.02. Step description: a. Sub-step description, and b. Sub-step description, and c. Sub-step description. 0.03. a. Step description: Sub-step description, or Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 16 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the b. Sub-step description. 0.04. Step description. 0.05. Etc. Mode 1 cycle 1 sequence 1.01 Step description. 1.02 Step description: a. Sub-step description, and b. Sub-step description, and c. Sub-step description. 1.03 Step description: a. Sub-step description, and b. Sub-step description. Mode 1 cycle 2 sequence 2.01 Step description. 2.02 Step description: a. Sub-step description, and b. Sub-step description, and c. Sub-step description. Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 17 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the 2.03 Step description: a. Sub-step description, and b. Sub-step description. 2.04 Step description. 2.05 Etc. The majority of sequences occur at either an equipment or system level, however in some instances a sequence may exist at a process or site level (eg. plant start-up or shutdown sequences) and should be documented at the appropriate level (i.e. Level 1 or 2). Where there are multiple Automatic sequences for a particular system (eg. Filter DAF sequence, Filter Backwash Sequence), each shall be clearly distinguished through the use of a unique title and description (refer template). 6.1.11. Hard-wired interlocks: Define all process related hard-wired interlocks. Refer Attachment A for examples. 6.1.12. Software interlocks: Define all software interlocks. Refer Attachment A for examples. 6.1.13. Parameters, Alarms and Trends: Define any parameters, alarms and trends in tabular format with the default values that shall be used on the first PLC scan. Where applicable, Standard alarms are to be provided for Loops, Drives and Valves. The tables below shall be used in the functional specification and shall not be modified unless ActewAGL gives approval. All rows that are not applicable to the particular item shall be deleted. Refer to Attachment A for worked examples. An introductory sentence may be provided to outline non-standard, relevant information, further to that contained within the table. Refer to Attachment A for worked examples. Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 18 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Definition of Alarms Alarms shall be given one of five categories: 1. High (H) - alarms that need immediate attention. 2. Medium (M) - alarms that may interfere with the normal operation of the plant. 3. Low (L) - alarms that are of low importance and do not interfere with the running of the plant. 4. Events (E) - alarms that are not displayed on the alarms page. They appear on the summary page only. Includes events such as pumps starting and stopping. 5. Off-Normal (O) - alarms that are not displayed on the alarms page. They appear on the off-normal alarms page only. Off-normal alarms are for equipment that is not in the normal operating mode. Field inputs Define whether field inputs (inputs that are physically wired to the PLC) that generate an alarm, deliver an active high or active low signal. Typically, most inputs are active high, i.e. a signal is received when the condition is true, e.g. the PLC receives a signal when the pump is running. However, some inputs are wired using a fail-safe method (active low), i.e. a signal is absent when the condition is true, e.g. the PLC loses a signal when an intruder is detected. This method provides additional signal reliability by attracting attention to an input failure, possibly caused by several factors, including; signal power failure, rodent interference or poor wiring. This information is only required for alarms based on direct field inputs, and may be left blank for all other alarms that are internally generated within the PLC. Alarm Triggers An alarm may be generated when a Variable becomes either: True, False or some other additional condition/s. The alarm may also have a delay before it is generated. Level 3 (System) Parameters Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 19 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Parameter description Minimum setting Maximum setting Parameter 1 description ?? units / - ?? units / - Parameter 2 description ?? units / - Parameter 3 description Etc. Default value Visible on HMI Control from HMI Trend sample rate (sec) ?? units Yes / No Yes / No ?? / - ?? units / - ?? units Yes / No Yes / No ?? / - ?? units / - ?? units / - ?? units Yes / No Yes / No ?? / - ?? units / - ?? units / - ?? units Yes / No Yes / No ?? / - Additional notification Trend sample rate (sec) Alarms Variable Alarm 1 description Alarm 2 description Alarm 3 description Etc. Field input active low Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Alarm triggers True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - PLC Alarm delay (sec) Alarm priority ?? / - H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) ?? / - H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) ?? / - H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) ?? / - H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) Pager / SMS /Pager / SMS /Pager / SMS /Pager / SMS /- ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - Note 1: For ‘Alarm Priority’, the non-abbreviated description shall be provided in the functional specification document eg. High / Medium / Low / Event / Off-Normal / -. Refer to Attachment A for worked examples. Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 20 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Level 4 (INSTRUMENT LOOP) Instrument Loop configuration Description Type Process range From ?? - ?? mA or V / Comms / RTD Type, Class / Virtual / 24 vDC ?? - ?? mA or V / Comms / RTD Type, Class / Virtual / 24 vDC Virtual Input Output Extended loop parameter 1/ parameter 2 / Etc. Process range To Engineering units Alarm deadband Trend sample rate (sec) ?? / - ?? / - units / - ?? /- ?? /- ?? / - ?? / - units / - ?? /- ?? /- units / - ?? /- ?? /- Refer to Attachment A for worked examples. Parameters Parameter description Minimum setting Maximum setting Default Value Visible on HMI Control from HMI Yes No Yes Yes / No ?? / - Process Variable Yes (Yes)* ?? / - Cascade set-point Yes No ?? / - Calibrate mode time remaining ?? / - Automatic set-point ?? / - ?? / - Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 21 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Trend sample rate (sec) Controller Output Yes No ?? / - Manual Output Yes Yes ?? / - Low Low alarm setting ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - Yes Yes / No ?? / - Low alarm setting ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - Yes Yes / No ?? / - High alarm setting ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - Yes Yes / No ?? / - High High alarm setting ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - Yes Yes / No ?? / - Yes Yes / No ?? / - Cut-in 1 ?? / - ?? / - Set to ?? % / Hold last / Set to ?? % / Hold last / Set to ?? % / Hold last / ?? / - Cut-out 1 ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - Yes Yes / No ?? / - Cut-in 2 ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - Yes Yes / No ?? / - Cut-out 2 ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - Yes Yes / No ?? / - Cut-in 3 ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - Yes Yes / No ?? / - Cut-out 3 ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - Yes Yes / No ?? / - ?? / - No Safe value of controller output when loop faulted Safe value of controller output when offline Safe value of Analog Output when output module faulted PID – Proportional gain No No No Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 22 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the PID – Integral (repeats/second or seconds/repeat) PID – Derivative ?? / - Auxiliary parameter 1 ?? / - ?? / - No ?? / - No ?? / - Yes / No Yes / No ?? / - * Process Variable may only be set when the loop is in Calibrate mode. Additional information may be inserted here as required, e.g. Extended loop description of parameters or any complex calculations, eg. Cascade set-point, etc. Alarms Variable Field input active low Low Low alarm Alarm triggers True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - Low alarm True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - High alarm True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - High High alarm True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - PLC alarm delay (sec) Alarm priority ?? / - H/M/L/- (note 1) ?? / - H/M/L/- (note 1) ?? / - H/M/L/- (note 1) ?? / - H/M/L/- (note 1) Not in “default mode” (Replace “default mode” with either: Manual, Auto or Cascade) True Off normal Calibrate mode True Off normal Additional notification Pager / SMS /Pager / SMS /Pager / SMS /Pager / SMS /- Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 23 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Trend sample rate (sec) Variable Field input active low Alarm triggers PLC alarm delay (sec) Alarm priority Offline mode True Off normal Faulted True Event Open wire True H/M/L/- (note True ?? / - H/M/L/- (note True ?? / - H/M/L/- (note Additional notification Trend sample rate (sec) Pager / SMS /- 1) Under range 1) Over range 1) Sample failed Yes / No ?? / - H/M/L/- (note True 1) IO module fault True Loop power supply failed Auxiliary alarm 1 Yes / No Yes / No Medium True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - H/M/L/- (note 1) ?? / - H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) Pager / SMS /- ?? / - Note 1: For ‘Alarm Priority’, the non-abbreviated description shall be provided in the functional specification document eg. High/Medium/Low/Event/Off-Normal/-. Refer Attachment A for worked examples. Level 4 – EQUIPMENT ITEM DRIVE Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 24 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Parameters Parameter description Minimum setting Maximum setting Default Value Visible on HMI Current Control from HMI ?? / - Yes ?? / - ?? Yes Drive reversible Yes / No Yes Loadshed enabled Yes / No No ?? No VSD Frequency ?? / - Restore delay preset (sec) Restore delay time remaining (sec) Yes / No Yes ?? Maximum no. of starts/hr No No. of starts remaining within the hour Yes No. of starts/hr time remaining till reset Yes ?? Restart delay preset (sec) No Restart delay time remaining (sec) Yes Duty set Default duty allocation list equip that forms part of the duty set No 1/2/3/4/5/6 No Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 25 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Trend sample rate (sec) ?? / - Parameter description Minimum setting Maximum setting Duty rotation type Default Value Visible on HMI Cyclic (every ?? operations) / Timed (Day, Time) No ?? VSD Contactor Reclosure Delay Control from HMI Trend sample rate (sec) No Thermal capacity used ?? / - Yes ?? / - Auxiliary parameter 1 ?? / - ?? Yes / No ?? / - Yes / No Full listings of parameter settings for VSD’s, E3’s, etc to be contained in O&M. Refer to Attachment A for worked examples. Alarms Variable Field input active low Alarm triggers PLC Alarm delay (sec) Alarm priority Additional notification Not in “default mode” (Replace “default mode” with either: Local manual, Remote manual or Auto) True Off normal Offline mode True H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) True Event Faulted True Event Pager / SMS /- Available False Off normal Pager / SMS /- Running Yes / No ?? / - Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 26 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Trend sample rate (sec) ?? / - Variable Field input active low E-stop lockout CB closed Yes / No Yes / No Reversing Interlocked Alarm triggers PLC Alarm delay (sec) True H/M/L/(note 1) False Off normal True / False True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - Shutdown sequence failed True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / If told to run and no running status; or if told to stop and still has running status Yes / No Yes / No Thermistor trip Yes / No CB protective trip ?? / - ?? / - 2 H/M/L/(note 1) H/M/L/(note 1) H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 27 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Trend sample rate (sec) ?? / - Event Startup sequence failed Thermal overload Additional notification Event True Discrepancy trip Alarm priority Variable CB residual trip E-stop shunt trip Field input active low Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Low flow Yes / No Seal failed High discharge pressure Yes / No Yes / No Under speed Low suction pressure Low discharge pressure Yes / No Yes / No Alarm triggers PLC Alarm delay (sec) True Alarm priority Additional notification H/M/L/(note 1) True High True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - ?? / - True H/M/L/(note 1) H/M/L/(note 1) True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - H/M/L/(note 1) H/M/L/(note 1) H/M/L/(note 1) H/M/L/(note 1) Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 28 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Trend sample rate (sec) Variable Over speed Field input active low Yes / No Alarm triggers True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - PLC Alarm delay (sec) ?? / - Alarm priority True Event No. of starts/hr exceeded True Low IO module fault True Medium True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - Smart Motor Protection Test trip Yes / No Shear pin failed Current imbalance Yes / No Yes / No Comms failed Yes / No Comms idle ?? / - H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) Pager / SMS /- SMP3/E3/SMC/Micom/Yes / No Trend sample rate (sec) H/M/L/(note 1) Load shed active Auxiliary alarm 1 Additional notification True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 29 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the ?? / - Variable Non volatile memory fault Field input active low Yes / No Hardware fault Yes / No Thermistor input trip Yes / No RTD input Yes / No Yes / No Jam protection Yes / No Stall protection Yes / No Underload Yes / No Ground fault Yes / No Phase loss Yes / No Thermal overload Alarm triggers PLC Alarm delay (sec) Alarm priority True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - ?? / - Additional notification H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 30 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Trend sample rate (sec) Variable RTD input Field input active low Yes / No Alarm triggers True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - Auxiliary alarm 2 True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - Advanced method of starting VSD / Soft starter VSD / Soft-starter fault Yes / No Yes / No VSD warning Yes / No Shear pin failed Yes / No Jam protection Yes / No Stall protection Yes / No Underload Yes / No Earth fault PLC Alarm delay (sec) ?? / - ?? / - Alarm priority H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - ?? / - True Additional notification Pager / SMS /- H/M/L/(note 1) H/M/L/(note 1) Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 31 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Trend sample rate (sec) ?? / - ?? / - Variable Phase loss Field input active low Yes / No Yes / No Thermal overload Yes / No VSD in local VSD comms failed Yes / No Yes / No Auxiliary alarm 3 Alarm triggers PLC Alarm delay (sec) Alarm priority True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/(note 1) True H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - ?? / - ?? / - Additional notification ?? / - H/M/L/(note 1) H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) Trend sample rate (sec) Pager / SMS /- ?? / - Note 1: For ‘Alarm Priority’, the non-abbreviated description shall be provided in the functional specification document eg. High/Medium/Low/Event/Off-Normal/-. Refer to Attachment A for worked examples. Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 32 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the VALVE Parameters Parameter description Minimum setting Maximum setting Safe analog output position when output module faulted Remote analog manual position set point Safe position when offline Safe position when faulted ?? / - Software interrupter times ?? / - Duty set Default duty allocation Duty rotation type ?? / - Auxiliary parameter 1 Default Value Visible on HMI Set to ?? % / Hold last / Set to ?? % / Hold last / Set to ?? % / Hold last / Set to ?? % / Hold last / Move for ?? secs then stop for ?? secs / - Yes Yes ?? / - Yes / No ?? / - No No No No 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 /- No Cyclic (every ?? operations) / Timed (Day, Time) / - No ?? / - Yes / No Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 33 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Trend sample rate (sec) No list equip that forms part of the duty set ?? / - Control from HMI Alarms Variable Field input active low Not in “default mode” (Replace “default mode” with either: Local manual, Remote manual or Auto) Offline mode Alarm triggers PLC Alarm delay (sec) Alarm priority True Off normal Additional notification True Off normal Closing Yes / No True Event Opening Yes / No True Event Faulted True Event Pager / SMS /- Available False Off normal Pager / SMS /- E-stop lockout True H/M/L/- (note Trend sample rate (sec) ?? / - 1) CB closed Yes / No False H/M/L/E/O/- Fully opened Yes / No True Event ?? / - Fully closed Yes / No True Event ?? / - (note 1) Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 34 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Variable Field input active low Failed to open Alarm triggers If told to open and fully opened status has not been reached. If told to close and fully closed status has not been reached. Failed to close Position loop fault PLC Alarm delay (sec) Alarm priority Additional notification ?? H/M/L/- (note 1) ?? H/M/L/- (note 1) True H/M/L/- (note 1) Yes / No Thermal overload True H/M/L/- (note 1) Yes / No Thermistor trip True H/M/L/- (note 1) Monitor relay fault (In Local or faulted) Yes / No Interlocked True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) True Discrepancy trip Event 2 H/M/L/- (note If told to open and no opening status; If told to close and no closing status; or if told to stop and still has opening or closing status. 1) Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 35 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Trend sample rate (sec) Variable CB protection trip Field input active low Yes / No Alarm triggers PLC Alarm delay (sec) True Alarm priority Additional notification Trend sample rate (sec) H/M/L/- (note 1) CB residual trip Yes / No True H/M/L/- (note 1) Yes / No Battery low Startup sequence failed True Low True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - Shutdown sequence failed True / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - IO module fault ?? / - H/M/L/- (note 1) ?? / - H/M/L/- (note 1) True Yes / No Auxiliary alarm 1 Medium True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm / - ?? / - H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) Pager / SMS /- ?? / - Note 1: For ‘Alarm Priority’, the non-abbreviated description shall be provided in the functional specification document eg. High/Medium/Low/Event/Off-Normal/-. Refer to Attachment A for worked examples. Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 36 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Parameters Parameter description Minimum setting Maximum setting Default Value ?? / - ?? / - Auxiliary parameter 1 ?? / - Auxiliary parameter 2 ?? / - Main incomer – Non Essential Supply present Visible on HMI Control from HMI Trend sample rate (sec) ?? / - Yes / No Yes / No ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - Yes / No Yes / No ?? / - ?? / - ?? / - Yes / No Yes / No ?? / - Alarm triggers PLC Alarm delay (sec) Additional notification Trend sample rate (sec) Alarms Variable Field input active low Alarm priority Main incomer Main incomer – Non Essential Supply present Yes / No Supply A CB protection trip Yes / No True H/M/L/- (note 1) True H/M/L/- (note 1) Supply A CB closed Yes / No False Event Supply B CB protection trip Yes / No True H/M/L/- (note 1) Supply B CB closed Busbar under volts Yes / No Yes / No False Event ?? / - H/M/L/- (note True 1) Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 37 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Variable Circuit breaker 1 protective trip Field input active low Yes / No Alarm triggers PLC Alarm delay (sec) True Alarm priority Additional notification Trend sample rate (sec) H/M/L/- (note 1) Circuit breaker 1 closed Yes / No False Event Circuit breaker 2 protective trip Yes / No True H/M/L/- (note 1) Circuit breaker 2 closed Supply equipment comms fault Yes / No Yes / No False Event ?? / - H/M/L/- (note True 1) MCC fault Yes / No True H/M/L/- (note 1) Not in “default mode” (Replace “default mode” with either: Local manual, Remote manual or Auto) Non essential CB protection trip Yes / No True Off normal True H/M/L/- (note Pager / SMS /Pager / SMS /- 1) Non essential CB closed Yes / No False Event Non essential CB contactor closed Yes / No False Event Supply faulted Yes / No True H/M/L/- (note 1) Supply 1 under volts Yes / No Pager / SMS /- ?? / - H/M/L/- (note True 1) Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 38 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the ?? / - Variable Supply 2 under volts Field input active low Yes / No Alarm triggers PLC Alarm delay (sec) Alarm priority Additional notification ?? / - H/M/L/- (note True 1) Lighting control Not in “default mode” (Replace “default mode” with either: Local manual, Remote manual or Auto) True Off normal True H/M/L/- (note Other UPS general fault Yes / No 1) UPS line fault Yes / No True H/M/L/- (note 1) UPS battery fault Yes / No True H/M/L/- (note 1) Intruder detected Yes / No True H/M/L/- (note 1) Fire detected Yes / No True H/M/L/- (note 1) Yes / No Chlorine leak 1 True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm /- H/M/L/- (note 1) Pager / SMS /Pager / SMS /Pager / SMS /- Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 39 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Trend sample rate (sec) Variable Field input active low Yes / No Chlorine leak 2 Yes / No PLC to PLC comms failed Citect server to server comms failed FDIO comms failed DeviceNet comms failed Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Site comms failed Alarm triggers PLC Alarm delay (sec) True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm /True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm /True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm /True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm /True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm /True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm /- Alarm priority Additional notification H/M/L/- (note Pager / SMS /- 1) ?? / - H/M/L/- (note 1) ?? / - H/M/L/- (note 1) Pager / SMS /- Pager / SMS /- ?? / - 1) ?? / - H/M/L/- (note 1) ?? / - H/M/L/- (note 1) Pager / SMS /- Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 40 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template ?? / - ?? / - H/M/L/- (note Approved: the Trend sample rate (sec) ?? / - Variable Field input active low Site power failed Yes / No Alarm triggers PLC Alarm delay (sec) True Alarm priority Additional notification H/M/L/- (note Pager / SMS /- 1) Yes / No Auxiliary alarm 1 Yes / No Auxiliary alarm 2 6.1.14. True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm /True / False / List of combination of conditions initiating alarm /- ?? / - H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) ?? / - H/M/L/E/O/(note 1) Pager / SMS /- Pager / SMS /- Trend sample rate (sec) ?? / ?? / - ?? / - Data Reporting: Define any data reporting requirements in tabular format. Where applicable, standard drive and valve maintenance statistics shall be provided. Standard drive statistics: Hours Run, Hours Available, Number of Starts (FWD/REV), Hours Faulted, % Utilisation, % Availability, Average Current, Number of Faults and Fault History. Standard valve statistics: Number of Operations, Hours Operated, Hours Available, Hours Faulted, % Utilisation, % Availability, Number of Faults and Fault History. The tables below shall be used in the functional specification and shall not be modified unless ActewAGL gives approval. All rows that are not applicable to the particular item shall be deleted. Refer to Attachment A for worked examples. Description Value Rolling / ?? hours / - Averaging type Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 41 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the Description Averaging sample rate Totaliser 1 period Totaliser 1 engineering units Totaliser 2 period Totaliser 2 engineering units Value ?? sec / ?? min / Start and end times / Unit of measurement / Start and end times / Unit of measurement / Data Warehouse Reporting requirements Maintenance statistics Standard drive statistics Yes / No Standard valve statistics Yes / No Special reporting requirements Detail requirements / Operational statistics Report period Daily / monthly / other / Averaging type is rolling Yes / No Averaging sample rate ?? sec / ?? min Minimum value (with time) Yes / No Maximum value (with time) Yes / No Percentile ??th Totaliser Yes / No Totaliser engineering units Unit of measurement Production or Consumption Ratio Define units of comparison Refer to Attachment A for worked examples. 6.1.15. Control Source: Identify the location of the I/O devices and the controlling PLC/RTU. PLC/RTU FDIO MCC Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 42 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the ????PC 6.1.16. ????TC ????MC References: List the references that will provide additional information to guide the programmer. Eg. Existing O&M manuals or third party operational documentation, etc. ATTACHMENTS A. FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION - EXAMPLES A typical vertical slice through the LMWQCC Functional Specification will be provided upon request. This will be provided to illustrate the application of these Guidelines and shows the format, content and wording required in the development of the Functional Specification. Approved: Custodian: File Name: Release Date: Revision No.: Pages: Manager Treatment Operations & Process Mgr Reference 5 - Guidelines for 4 Apr 2007 4 43 of 43 Preparation of Functional Specifications_ACTE W Water template the