D5.1: Functional Specification of INTEGRIS integrated devices INTEGRIS Project Partners: Coordinator: 1 INDEX 1 INDEX ..................................................................................................................... 2 2 Historical versions ................................................................................................... 4 3 Acronyms ................................................................................................................ 5 4 Abstract ................................................................................................................... 7 5 Introduction and objective ....................................................................................... 8 5.1 Objective .......................................................................................................... 8 5.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 8 6 Architecture Overview ............................................................................................. 9 7 Covered scenarios ................................................................................................ 13 8 Integris Devices ..................................................................................................... 15 8.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 15 8.2 Integris Communication Functionality ............................................................ 16 8.3 BPL MV Device .............................................................................................. 20 8.4 BPL LV AMI CPE ........................................................................................... 25 8.5 BPL LV AMI Head-End .................................................................................. 32 8.6 Meter Data collector ....................................................................................... 36 8.7 Smart meter ................................................................................................... 39 8.8 RTU + Zigbee sensors + Gateway 61 850 ..................................................... 49 9 Conclusions........................................................................................................... 55 10 References ....................................................................................................... 56 11 Annex 1: AAA Protocols .................................................................................... 57 List of Figures Figure 1: INTEGRIS system architecture (toplevel) ...................................................... 10 Figure 2: INTEGRIS system architecture (PS) ............................................................. 11 Figure 3: INTEGRIS system architecture (SS) ............................................................. 12 Figure 4: INTEGRIS communication functionality overview ......................................... 16 Figure 5: Three possible options for Ethernet layer in INTEGRIS communication functionality .................................................................................................................. 18 Figure 6: Broadband powerline in the different segments of the network ..................... 21 Figure 7: Example of architecture of BB-PLC modem used in CPE side ..................... 26 Figure 8: AMI Frequency Modes chart ......................................................................... 29 Figure 9: connections of LV side devices ..................................................................... 42 Figure 10: Measurement at PS..................................................................................... 49 Figure 11: Type B ......................................................................................................... 50 Figure 12: Measurement at SS..................................................................................... 51 List of Tables Table 1: Considered use cases .................................................................................... 14 Table 2: INTEGRIS list of relevant devices .................................................................. 15 Table 3: Testing of MV-BPL devices ............................................................................ 24 Table 4: Main features of LV-BPL devices ................................................................... 26 Table 5: Testing of LV-BPL devices ............................................................................. 35 Table 6: Testing of Data concentrator device ............................................................... 38 Table 7: Advantages of centralization .......................................................................... 40 Table 8: Smart meter functional specification ............................................................... 43 Table 9: Main features and functions - SINGLE - PHASE METER (EMIEL-EBM-M65) ..................................................................................................................................... 45 Table 10: Main features and functions - THREE- PHASE METER (EMIEL-EBM-T80) 46 Page 3 de 59 2 Historical versions Following is the summary of the different versions of the document and a brief description of the changes incorporated. Version Author Date Change from the previous version 1.0 MHSL 30/05/2011 ToC proposal. 1.1 1.2 SCH URL 16/06/2011 17/06/2011 SCH contribution URL additions 30/07/2011 Final version 2.0 MHSL 4 / 65 3 Acronyms AMI Advanced Meter Infrastructure AMR Automatic Meter Reading BPL Broadband over Power Lines DC Distribution Center DMS Distribution Management System DN Distribution Network HAN Home Area Network ICT Information and Communication Technologies I-DEV INTEGRIS Device IP Internet Protocol LAN Local Area Network LV Low Voltage LVDN Low Voltage Distribution Network EMS Energy Management System MV Medium Voltage MVDN Medium Voltage Distribution Network NMS Network Management System PLC Power Line Communication PS Primary Substation QoS Quality of Service RFID Radio Frequency Identification RT Real Time RTU Remote Terminal Unit SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SEN Smart Electricity Networks SS Secondary Substation TCP Transmission Control Protocol VPN Virtual Private Network WAN Wide Area Network WiFi Wireless Fidelity WiMax Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access 5 / 65 WSN Wireless Sensor Network 6 / 65 4 Abstract This paper provides an overview of the different INTEGRIS integrated devices that will be developed in the framework of the project in order to include them in the different field trials defined in the description of work. The document is divided in sections, dialing with: Section 5 provides an overview of the objective of the document Section 6 provides an overview of the architecture of INTEGRIS system and the place of the different equipments in the architecture Section 7 provides a brief description of the scenarios that will be covered with the proposed architecture and equipments Section 8 provides, for each of the equipments of the list, a bried description of the functionality, its place in the architecture and the interfaces that it provides. This section will be the seed for the developments within WP5. Section 9 provides a list of conclusions and future steps towards the integration of the equipments. Finally, Annex A provides an overview of different communication protocols that will be used within INTEGRIS 7 / 65 5 Introduction and objective 5.1 Objective The goal of this document is to provide an overview of the specifications of the different building blocks of the INTEGRIS solution. It reflects the work performed within WP5 of creating the HW and SW necessary to cover the requirements presented in previous work packages. This document will be completed with the deliverable D5.2 “Implementation of INTEGRIS integrated devices” where more details about the implementation of the different devices will be provided. 5.2 Introduction In previous phases of Integris project, we have defined the overall system architecture (Deliverable D2.3, [1]) and the different use cases and scenarios (Deliverable D2.2, [2]) that will be covered. The present document complements the previous work by identifying the equipment (both hardware and software components) that will be necessary to fulfill the use cases and implement the applications. This document will be completed with the deliverable D5.2 “Implementation of INTEGRIS integrated devices” where more details about the implementation of the different devices will be provided. 8 / 65 6 Architecture Overview Following the work performed within WP2, WP3 and WP4 of the project, WP5 members have proceeded to analyze the different building blocks that are necessary in order to cover all the aspects of the future use cases and to test the main topics of the project. In order to achieve this goal, a general architecture of the equipment has been achieved. At the first step of the process, the building blocks have been described as “functionalities” without considering the final practical implementation (except in the cases where the decision implementation was obvious). This way, the splitting or decision between HW/SW implementation will be done, in the majority of the cases, during implementation phase. This architecture has been defined by taking as starting point the overall project architecture, scenarios and use cases requirements. Once this was clear, the group went through a process of refinement to define the basic functionalities, position in the architecture and inter-relations between blocks. The result of this exercise is a list basic building blocks of the system and the interconnections between them. The final result is divided in three sets of diagrams: The first fiagram (Figure 1) represents the overall architecture of the system The second diagram (Figure 2) represents the architecture of a Primary Substation (PS) The third diagram (Figure 3) represents the architecture of a Secondary Substation (SS) In each of the diagrams, the different entities that compose the system are labeled with a number. This number will be used in table (Table 2) and through the rest of the document to show the different entities that have to be developed by the partners within the project. 9 / 65 Toplevel BPL ETH Wi-Fi/FO Wi-Fi/FO PS-IDEV BB-PLC SM GW (?) DMS NMS SS-IDEV SS-IDEV ZigBee LV sensors Analog IN MV sensors BB-PLC Home gateway Figure 1: INTEGRIS system architecture (toplevel) 10 / 65 modem PS-IDEV FO Wi-Fi BPL modem modem modem PS-IDEV PC platform BRIDGE ETH Bridge DB ZigBee Analog IN RTU Protocol GW Figure 2: INTEGRIS system architecture (PS) 11 / 65 SS-IDEV FO Wi-Fi modem 13 BPL modem modem modem SS-IDEV PC platform ETH Integris Communication Functionalities Bridge RTU Data Collector FO (ETH) Analog IN RTU Protocol Gateway Switch Meter Data Collector DB modem BB-PLC ETH ETH Smart Meter modem Switch ZigBee RFID ETH Smart Meter DC ETH Home GW Figure 3: INTEGRIS system architecture (SS) 12 / 65 RFID 7 Covered scenarios The architecture proposed in the following sections has been designed in order to cover the scenarios presented in deliverable D2.2 “Requirements, Application Scenarios and Use Cases and Domain Analysis “ ([2]) The following table summarizes the LV scenarios and the different steps in the use case: Scenario Description 1. 2. 3. LV01 4. Monitor P,Q,V,I 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. LV02 Monitor ppower 4. quality 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. LV04 3. Manage power 4. flows and voltage 5. 6. Steps RTU (SCH), smart meter (INDRA) and ThereGate (TUT) collect measurements and calculate average values ThereGate provides data to smart meter via HTTP API (TUT) Smart meter and ThereGate values are aggregated to same DLMS message (INDRA) Data consentrator collects DLMS data (CTI, GURUX) DLMS data is provided to protocol gateway to translated to IEC 61850 (CTI, GURUX) RTU data is provided to protocol gateway to translated to IEC 61850 (SCH) RTU and DLMS data is requested to PC via protocol gateway (TUT) Data is stored to database (TUT) Power quality meter send data to ThereGate (TUT) ThereGate provides data to smart meter via HTTP API (TUT) Smart meter and ThereGate values are aggregated to same DLMS message (INDRA) Data consentrator collects DLMS data (CTI, GURUX) DLMS data is provided to protocol gateway to translated to IEC 61850 (CTI, GURUX) DLMS data is requested to PC via protocol gateway (TUT) Data is stored to database (TUT) Report is writen (TUT) Read latest synchronized RTU and smart meter measurements from database (TUT) Calculate state estimation for 3-phase low voltage feeders and secondary transformer based on static network data and realtime measurements (TUT) Check if network limitations are exceeded (TUT) Decide where and how much distributed energy resources are controlled to manage network limitations (TUT) Send control commands to protocol gateway (TUT), DLMS data concentrator (CTI, GURUX), smart meter and finally to ThereGate (INDRA) ThereGate decides what distributed energy resources are controlled and possibly how much they are controlled (TUT) 13 / 65 Scenario Description 1. 2. LV05 Manage fault 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Steps NB! Due to possible communication challenges of broadband PLC in low voltage network during fault situation the communication between ThereGate and PC is realized in local area network (use case was defined on time when communication between ThereGate and PC was planned to be wireless). Power quality meter detects fault, isolate customer if necessary (send control command to switching device) and send fault data to ThereGate (TUT) HTTP is used between ThereGate and PC (TUT) PC store data to database (TUT) PC makes a request to SCADA/DMS to find possible MV faults on supplying MV feeder (TUT, A2A) Localize network fault: Is the fault on MV or LV side and if on LV side what is faulted area (TUT) Disconnect all generation units within faulted area by sending control command to ThereGate using HTTP (TUT) Send faulted area information to SCADA/DMS (TUT, A2A) Table 1: Considered use cases 14 / 65 8 Integris Devices 8.1 Overview The different devices that are needed in the different use cases defined within the project are summarized in table Table 2 Device Name LV FEEDER MONITORING MV FEEDER MONITORING RTU Smart Meter Meter Data collector BB-PLC HE modem BB PLC CPE modem Data Base / Communication infrastructure Description Zigbee sensor monitoring LV feeders Sensor monitoring mV feeder Remote terminal Unit Smart meter Collects required data from the smart meters BPL Low Voltage AMI Head-End BPL Low Voltage AMI CPE Function sembedded in the PC in order to provide data and communication above the PS/SS Section Comments 8.8 8.8 Integrated in RTU 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.2 Protocol GW Translates data to 61850 8.8 BPL HE BPL MV Device. 8.3 BPL CPE BPL MV Device 8.3 RFID - 8.2 Provided by SCH; Commercial platform Can be configured as HE; CPE and Repeater Can be configured as HE; CPE and Repeater Commercial platform Table 2: INTEGRIS list of relevant devices 15 / 65 8.2 Integris Communication Functionality 8.2.1 Description The integris communication functionality is in charge of managing the communication aspects of the INTEGRIS device. It integrates the following four subsystems: Cognitive Subsystem Configuration and Quality of service subsystem Security subsystem Distributed database subsystem. The overall picture of the integration and relationship among the different modules is shown below. Figure 4: INTEGRIS communication functionality overview The relationship between the four subsystems defined above and the the description of the modules shown in the diagram above are: 1. Congnitive Subsystem: involves the development of the “Congnitive system perception action agent” and the “Cognitive system domain management agent”. The first one is the agent developed inside the I16 / 65 DEV which collects the information related to the communication devices where it is deployed. The Second one is deployed in the NMS and is the central point of the cognitive system where the XCS algorithm is run. 2. Configuration and QoS Subsystem: This system has been divided in the Forwarding plane and the Control plane. The Forwarding plane is in charge of switching the packets as fast as possible with the desired QoS and the control plane manages all the logic and algorithms required to control the communications and QoS aspects of the IDEV. This subsystem has interfaces with BB PLC, IEEE 802.11n card, Fiber Optics port,…. 3. Security Subsystem: Is the security plane who contains all the required tools to manage the security aspects of the systems. (NOTE: this picture is adapted to a Linux system in openindiana, some modulus could change but we are working to update the modulus). 4. Distributed Subsytem: Is shown as Storage Manager which control the replication and consistency of the stored information that is received in this module. This system stores disnormalized information, in case that some interface with a relational database is required, this integration has to be studied and requires extra development, which now is not considered. 8.2.2 Interfaces The detail shown in the figure above has several interfaces, the main part of them are internal interfaces to intercommunicate the different modules. These interfaces have to be developed and integrated, but in this section we focus on external interfaces used to interact with the overall module. Network layer: This interface deliver IP packet (in and out) with destination/origin the upper layers within the IDEV. In this diagram this interface is connected to the storage manager. Ethernet layer: This is the physical layer connected to the Ethernet devices (PLC or WiFi), this interfaces uses TRILL (Rbrige) protocol implemented in the OpenIndiana or a developed version from zero. The following picture show the logical difference between the three possible options using a Linux Machine: use a virtualized openIndiana, a developed software or using a native openindiana machine (the arrow represents the network layer). 17 / 65 Linux Machine Linux Machine Openindiana Machine OpenIndiana VM RBridge rtls0 tap0 Open vSwitch Software developed rtls1 tap1 br0 Open vSwitch eth0 tap0 br1 Open vSwitch eth1 br0 eth0 tap1 Open vSwitch RBridge br1 eth1 eth0 eth1 Figure 5: Three possible options for Ethernet layer in INTEGRIS communication functionality The internal interfaces are used to intercommunicate the internal modulus, although this interfaces are not used to interact with other components they will have to be developed in any case. The detail of these interfaces and the dialogs can be seen in deliverables D3.2. 8.2.3 Functional Specification This section includes a brief list of the functional specification Data plane o Swtiching packets (TRILL forwarding plane) o QoS assurance (policing and shapping) Control plane o Configuration (manage the policy repository) o Monitor agent (defines the MIB and SNMP server) o Topology control with TRILL control plane (ISIS) o Neihbor discovery and monitoring (ISIS adjacency) Security Plane o Logging system o Authentications services AAA Server (manages authentication, authorization and accounting) Controls the authentication for management access inside the IDEV Manage the certificates inside the IDEV for authentication o Encription services 18 / 65 Manages the encryption and hashing algorithms used by the IDEV (IPSEC) Managemente of the key for the encryption algorithm Cognitive System Domain Management Agent o Run the algorithm to manage the Cognitive response o Host the decision maker to select the correct policy, based on the corgnitive response Cognitive System Perception Action Agent o Receive the information of the tracked communication parameters o Host the action dispatcher Storage Manager o Neighbor Manager detects the neighbours capabilities and establish a relationship with them with storage o Runs the algorithm to assure the consistency and replication to control data stored using the storage manager 19 / 65 8.3 BPL MV Device 8.3.1 Description The MVBPL will be a compact stand-alone Broadband PLC product for electrical utilities for communication over Medium Voltage networks. The MV-BPL device will be based on OPERA technology. It must be designed for utility substation environement. The design should be compact with integrated functionalities like built in filter and splitter supporting dual BPL connection for connection of two BPL couplers directly. BPL MV system In this section we will present roughly the main characteristics of the broadband powerline solution to be used as communication backbone in INTEGRIS. Note that this section is common to any MV-BPL equipment, acting as HE, CPE or repeater. This technology allows any electrical medium voltage to low voltage grid to be converted into a high-speed data access delivery system. The provided technology has also Repeater capabilities, enabling the PLC signal to reach any corner of the electrical grid and into the consumer’s residence, from the primary substation to the home. Last mile connectivity is provided using the power cabling that connects every building to its transformer substation. It’s even possible to fit medium voltage secondary substations with Marvell-based equipment, allowing quick and inexpensive deployment of metropolitan area networks using the medium voltage power lines (10-66 kVolt cables) as a transmission medium. The following drawing depicts a sample BPL network using both medium voltage and the low voltage distribution lines. 20 / 65 Figure 6: Broadband powerline in the different segments of the network 8.3.2 Interfaces RJ45 10/100Mbit Ethernt Port for device access RJ9 port for console access RJ45 port (PLC signal) for connection to ASDB (Active Signal Distribution Box) 2 * 50Ohm BNC port (PLC) for connection to third party couplers 21 / 65 8.3.3 Functional Specification Key Requirements: Head-End, CPE and Repeater for medium voltage BPL networks Simple and Safe installation Secure data transmission Full remote network management Selectable filters PLC Signalling: Frequency usage: Low Band:2-7MHz / High Band: 8-18MHz Modulation OFDM Sub Carriers # up to 1536 Signal bandwidth 5, 10, 20, 30 MHz optional Data rate up to 205Mbps (PHY Layer) Transmit Power up to -50dBm/Hz 64 slaves / 1024 MAC addresses Physical: Dimensions (HxWxD) max. 250 x 150 x120 mm Wall, DIN rail mounting Electrical: Voltage 48VDC +/-20%, 420mA Power consumption < 15W Environmental: Operating Temperature Range -20°C to +60°C Storage Temperature Range -25°C to +70°C Humidity 0 ~ 95%, non condensing Protection class IP 51 Management/Provisioning: SNMP, HTTP based Console (Telnet, Serial), Configuration file Security: 22 / 65 802.1Q VLAN for PLC network DES/3DES encryption for PLC signal External Interfaces : 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet RJ45 Service RS232 RJ45 BPL Signal Coupling RJ45 and 2*BNC Protocols : SNMP V2, TCP/IP, DHCP, FTP, VLAN, HTTP, IEEE 802.1D STP, 802.1p QoS Standards : EN55022/EN55024 EN60950 IEC60664 Installation Category 4 Additional Requirements : The product shall meet all requirements when installed with 3rd party MV Couplers, including those from Arteche, Eichhoff , and Premo. The product shall include user selectable filtering capability to support a dual frequency MV BPL deployment. In particular, it must allow filtering among the following bands: FREQUENCY_BAND_1 = 2 – 7MHz FREQUENCY_BAND_2 = 8 – 18MHz No filtering The product shall allow one to configure either a single or dual output to MV BPL couplers. When configured for dual output, the splitter shall have a loss no greater than 3dB. The output ports for the coupler(s) shall be for use with 50 ohm BNC terminated cables The product shall work with the ASDB Testing: Test Method and conditions Acceptance Criteria 23 / 65 Radioelectric disturbances Radioelectric lead Radioelectric radiated EN 55 022 Ver (a) Ver (b) Class A, ver (a) Class A, Ver (b) Isolation Dielectric strenght Resistance of isolation EN 60 255-5 Ver (c) Ver (d) Ver (c) Ver (d) Isolation with impulses Ver (e) Ver (e) Immunity ESD Radiated RFI Burst (Fast Transient) EN 60 870-2-1 EN 61 000-4-2 EN 61 000-4-3 EN 61 000-4-4 Level 4, Crit.A Level 3, Crit.A Level 4, Crit.B Surge EN 61 000-4-5 Level 3 for DC Magnetic Field EN 61 000-4-8 Level 5, Crit.A EN 61 000-4-10 EN 61000-4-12 EN 61 000-4-13 Level 5, Crit.A Level 3, Crit.A Level 3, Crit.A Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field Immunity Oscillatory Waves Immunity Harmonics Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on d.c. input power port immunity) Mechanical Tests Vibration Shock EN 61 000-4-11, Ver (f) Level 3, Crit.A, Ver (f) EN 61 000-4-29, Level 3, Crit.A (c,d) y Crit.B Ver (g) (a,b), Ver (g) EN 60 870-2-2 EN 60 068-2-6 EN 60 068-2-27 class Bm, Criteria A class Bm, Criteria A Table 3: Testing of MV-BPL devices 24 / 65 8.4 BPL LV AMI CPE 8.4.1 Description The LV BPL device will be a compact stand-alone Broadband PLC product to be connected to a smart meter or any other device connected at the user side on the Low Voltage network. The BPL LV AMI device will be based on UPA technology (based originally on OPERA technology). It must be designed for utility meter-room environement. The chosen technology supports bi-directional communication over existing electricity wires. The solution offers a solution to effectively manage and support Smart Grid applications. 8.4.2 Interfaces The LV AMI broadvand PLC modem will be Connected to the smart meter through a meter connector based on Ethernet through the MII interface (see figure below) by adding an external Ethernet PHY. To the power line through the coupling unit, allowing the node to communicate to the HE equipment or to a repeater equipment 25 / 65 DE95B BLOCK DIAGRAM SPI FLASH MEMORY 32 MHZ XTAL SPI2 GPOs SDRAM To 5 / 4.5 Vdc DC/DC POWER SUPPLIES TX 3.3 Vdc RX DSS7800 SPI1 5 / 4.5 Vdc 1.4 Vdc DSS9501 80 MHz VOLTAGE SUPERVISORY COUPLING UNIT LED 1.4 Vdc DC/DC 3.3 Vdc LDO 3.3 Vdc 5 Vdc (4.5 Vdc) MII CONNECTOR METER CONNECTOR PLC 12 Vdc PLC ZERO CROSS DETECTOR ZCD ZCD CONNECTOR 5 / 4.5 Vdc DC/DC GPOs PROTECTIONS PLC INTERFACE 5 / 4.5 Vdc UART(UART_TXD, UART_RXD) ZCD (GPIO_1) MII HPF GPIO_0 & GPIO_3 & GPIO_4 3.3 Vdc 1.4 Vdc RESET RESET ... From DSS7800 Figure 7: Example of architecture of BB-PLC modem used in CPE side 8.4.3 Functional description Summary of main features of the modem: Feature MAC TCP/IP Stack Management Repetition Authentication Max nodes in Time Division segment Max Shared Bandwidth Available Frequency Band used Provided solution Access Plug & Play Complete (IP, TCP, UDP, ARP) SNMP Automatic Time Division Repeating RADIUS 300 80 Mbps Fixed 10Mhz Table 4: Main features of LV-BPL devices Main functional specifications: A fully scalable network – up to 300 nodes in one segment 26 / 65 The AMI MAC allows up to 300 nodes to work together in the same Time Division network segment where one Master node (or Head-End) controls the network and all the other nodes act as automatic repeaters extending the network reach. Any new node added to the network automatically integrates and establishes a communication path and without the need for manual configuration. An AMI MAC network is built automatically. The software provides reconfiguration mechanisms that ensure that if an intermediate node disappears, the nodes connected to it change their connection path by selecting a new node to re-establish a new communication path. Complete SNMP standard network management The provided solution includes a fully-featured SNMP v2 agent to leverage existing management tools like HP OpenView or Tivoli NetView. The agent implements both standard (RFC 1213) and extended MIBs. This allows network management software to remotely access and control a wide range of information in each node to check the network state, generate alarms, and help the troubleshooting process. Fully customizable solution – Application Programming Interface (API) The provided solution is designed with a modular structure that easily allows the inclusion of new software modules to provide new functionalities. The software comes with a complete Application Programming Interface (API) that allows create new applications Global Regulatory Compliance The provided solution supports programmable frequency notching and output power levels ensuring compliance with current and future global regulatory requirements and to simplify compliance to national standards. Within the frequency band used for transmission (by default from 2MHz to 12 MHz), any frequencies can be removed or attenuated by simple software commands. Plug ’N’ Play Configuration As AMI networks must be easily deployable and require only a minimum of maintenance, all modems must be installable in a plug ’n’ play fashion so that neither configuration expertise nor later configuration is required by the installing personal. 27 / 65 This is achieved by an easy pre-configuration of the modems with all necessary parameters and automatic assignment of IP relevant parameters through DHCP. DHCP / Fixed IP The modem can either use a fixed IP address configured in the NVRAM or use the DHCP protocol to obtain its IP address from a DHCP server. The latter is the most likely option for AMI networks. Depending on the usage of DHCP, the modem’s subnet mask, gateway address and DNS server address are read from NVRAM or obtained from the DHCP server. In case DHCP is in use and the DHCP server does not provide one or more of the mentioned parameters, the modem uses the value stored in the NVRAM for the missing parameters. Power Mask Control The Power Mask (PM) is the modification over the default transmitted Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the PLC equipment. The PM is used to avoid or decrement the transmitted power in some frequency bands, giving the PSD a particular shape along frequency either to notch out certain forbidden frequencies, or to adapt the PSD to existing regulation. Default Alma AMI Power Mask draws a flat PSD with the following notched frequencies, as required by the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) recommendation. Frequency Modes Alma AMI allows the usage of 5 different frequency bands, however, it is strongly recommended to use default Mode 21 in order to facilitate coexistence with other technologies. 28 / 65 Figure 8: AMI Frequency Modes chart Advanced SW architecture The provided solution will incorporate and advanced SW architecture based on the following building blocks covering the main requirements for the project: Operating System (OS), POSIX layer and hardware drivers o The operating system is a pre-emptive priority-based real-time kernel driven by interrupts. o The OS offers a full range of programming facilities such as semaphores, mutexes, message queues. For a more extensive description of OS features see Alma AMI Public API document. o A Posix layer is also provided to the end user so that API based customer code can take benefit through a standard interface of typical OS services (Thread creation, mutexes....) The following table provides information about API capabilities for added-value customer applications. Node Keep Alive mechanism o Default configuration provides self-recover mechanism for Head End and Nodes after 6 hours without connectivity towards backbone. UART driver 29 / 65 o The UART driver is enabled by default for all AMI products with configurable settings: speed, parity and stop bits (default is 9600 8N1). This port is useful for the connection with the smart meter Ethernet Device Driver o The Ethernet device driver assumes that a standard MII PHY is installed on board. It can be configured to: Work as 10/100 megabit/s Work as MAC mode or PHY mode Customize the physical MII address on board Work as half/full duplex mode Encryption Control o The provided solution has encryption disabled by default. However, it is possible to enable, without performance penalty, and configure it through API. The supported encryption capabilities are DES (56 bits), 3DES (168 bits), AES (128 bits) and AES (256 bits): Adaptive Bit Loading Control o Alma AMI has been designed to provide error free transmission based on a robust Adaptive Bit Loading with a maximum OFDM constellation complexity of 6 bits per carrier. Layer 2 ACKs o Layer 2 acknowledgements and retransmission system are enabled by default in every connection and cannot be disabled. Adaptive Load Balancing (ALB) o ALB mechanism allocates transmission opportunities only to active Nodes willing to send traffic in order to keep low latency in high density Cells. Adaptive Load Balancing allows final nodes of the topology to enter in idle state when they are not involved in any transaction. TCP/IP Stack o The firmware includes a TCP/IPv4 stack supporting IP, UDP, TCP, ARP, and ICMP protocols and the following applications built on top of them: FTP Client for secure flash upgrade download process or user data upload to central repository DNS Client for domain name to IP address resolution DHCP Client for TCP/IP dynamic configuration at boot time 30 / 65 HTTP Server for web based operation listening at TCP port 80 TELNET Server for console based operation Listening at TCP port 40000. Login user is admin and password maxibon Channel Estimation Agent listening on UDP port 40004 for SNR and CFR collection TCP to UART and UART to UART tunnels to enable direct replacement of low speed communication technology SNMP v2 Agent for remote management using single Community Name. Traps are available but without Variable Binding RADIUS Client for authentication (included in API, but not used by the firmware; usable for API customizations) 31 / 65 8.5 BPL LV AMI Head-End 8.5.1 Description The BPL LV Head-End will be a compact stand-alone Broadband PLC product for electrical utilities for communication over Low Voltage networks. The BPL LV AMI device will be based on UPA technology (based originally on OPERA technology). It must be designed for utility substation environement. The main body of the specification is common to the LV BB-PLC CPE already described in section 8.4. In addition, and since the equipment is located in a SS where the operating conditions are special, the following requirements are needed. 8.5.2 Interfaces RJ45 10/100Mbit Ethernet Port for device access RJ9 port for console access RJ45 port (PLC signal) for connection to ASDB (Active Signal Distribution Box) 50Ohm BNC port (PLC) for connection to low voltage capacitive or inductive couplers 8.5.3 Functional Specification Key Requirements: Head-End for low voltage BPL AMI networks Simple and Safe installation Secure data transmission Full remote network management Coexistance with BPL MV system PLC Signalling: Modulation OFDM Sub Carriers # up to 1536 32 / 65 Signal bandwidth 5, 10, 20, 30 MHz optional Data rate up to 205Mbps (PHY Layer) Transmit Power up to -50dBm/Hz 64 slaves / 1024 MAC addresses Physical: Dimensions (HxWxD) max. 250 x 150 x120 mm Wall, DIN rail mounting Electrical: Voltage 48VDC +/-20%, 420mA Power consumption < 15W Environmental: Operating Temperature Range -20°C to +60°C Storage Temperature Range -25°C to +70°C Humidity 0 ~ 95%, non condensing Protection class IP 51 Management/Provisioning: SNMP, HTTP based Console (Telnet, Serial), Configuration file Security: 802.1Q VLAN for PLC network DES/3DES encryption for PLC signal External Interfaces : 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet RJ45 Service RS232 RJ45 BPL Signal Coupling RJ45 and 2*BNC Protocols : SNMP V2, TCP/IP, DHCP, FTP, VLAN, HTTP, IEEE 802.1D STP, 802.1p QoS Standards : 33 / 65 EN55022/EN55024 EN60950 IEC60664 Installation Category 4 Testing: Test Method and conditions Acceptance Criteria Radioelectric disturbances Radioelectric lead EN 55 022 Ver (a) Class A, ver (a) Radioelectric radiated Ver (b) Class A, Ver (b) Isolation Dielectric strenght Resistance of isolation EN 60 255-5 Ver (c) Ver (d) Ver (c) Ver (d) Isolation with impulses Ver (e) Ver (e) Immunity ESD Radiated RFI Burst (Fast Transient) EN 60 870-2-1 EN 61 000-4-2 EN 61 000-4-3 EN 61 000-4-4 Level 4, Crit.A Level 3, Crit.A Level 4, Crit.B Surge Magnetic Field EN 61 000-4-5 EN 61 000-4-8 Level 3 for DC Level 5, Crit.A EN 61 000-4-10 EN 61000-4-12 EN 61 000-4-13 Level 5, Crit.A Level 3, Crit.A Level 3, Crit.A Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field Immunity Oscillatory Waves Immunity Harmonics Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on d.c. input power port immunity) EN 61 000-4-11, Ver (f) Level 3, Crit.A, Ver (f) EN 61 000-4-29, Level 3, Crit.A (c,d) y Crit.B Ver (g) (a,b), Ver (g) Mechanical Tests EN 60 870-2-2 Vibration Shock EN 60 068-2-6 EN 60 068-2-27 class Bm, Criteria A class Bm, Criteria A 34 / 65 Table 5: Testing of LV-BPL devices 35 / 65 8.6 Meter Data collector 8.6.1 Description The Meter Data collector (or Data Concentrator) located in the distribution transformer station, will be the gateway to the meters and other in-premise devices. It will manage the higher layer AMI functions for each connected meter, including meter data collection, control and configuration. 8.6.2 Interfaces RJ45 10/100Mbit Ethernt Port for device access RJ9 port for console access 8.6.3 Functional Specification Key Requirements: Data Concentrator for low voltage BPL AMI networks Simple and Safe installation Secure data transmission Full remote network management Smart Metering : Memory capable of storing typical hourly load profile data for up to 2000 meters over 30days in a circular, non-volotile buffer. DLMS/COSEM with ability to retrieve data and control/configure the meter per the meter’s capabilities. Supports retrieval of a full set of meter data records for all or specified meters over a specified time period or on-demand retrieval of real-time data from specified meters. Time synchronization of data collector and meters using NTP Physical: Dimensions (HxWxD) max. 250 x 150 x120 mm Wall, DIN rail mounting 36 / 65 Electrical: Voltage 48VDC +/-20%, 420mA Power consumption < 15W Environmental: Operating Temperature Range -20°C to +60°C Storage Temperature Range -25°C to +70°C Humidity 0 ~ 95%, non condensing Protection class IP 21 Networking, Communications and Management/Provisioning: TCP/IP SNMPv3 and SSH Web/HTML interface or serial console port External Interfaces : 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet RJ45 Service RS232 RJ9 Standards : EN55022/EN55024 EN60950 IEC60664 Installation Category 4 Testing: Test Method and conditions Acceptance Criteria Radioelectric disturbances Radioelectric lead Radioelectric radiated EN 55 022 Ver (a) Ver (b) Class A, ver (a) Class A, Ver (b) Isolation Dielectric strenght EN 60 255-5 Ver (c) Ver (c) 37 / 65 Resistance of isolation Isolation with impulses Ver (d) Ver (e) Ver (d) Ver (e) Immunity ESD Radiated RFI Burst (Fast Transient) EN 60 870-2-1 EN 61 000-4-2 EN 61 000-4-3 EN 61 000-4-4 Level 4, Crit.A Level 3, Crit.A Level 4, Crit.B Surge EN 61 000-4-5 Level 3 for DC Magnetic Field EN 61 000-4-8 Level 5, Crit.A EN 61 000-4-10 EN 61000-4-12 EN 61 000-4-13 Level 5, Crit.A Level 3, Crit.A Level 3, Crit.A Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field Immunity Oscillatory Waves Immunity Harmonics Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on d.c. input power port immunity) Mechanical Tests Vibration Shock EN 61 000-4-11, Ver (f) Level 3, Crit.A, Ver (f) EN 61 000-4-29, Level 3, Crit.A (c,d) y Crit.B Ver (g) (a,b), Ver (g) EN 60 870-2-2 EN 60 068-2-6 EN 60 068-2-27 class Bm, Criteria A class Bm, Criteria A Table 6: Testing of Data concentrator device 38 / 65 8.7 Smart meter 8.7.1 Description The smart meter proposed for the use cases is a comprehensive telemetry, remote control, concentration and communication solution. The meter equipment integrates a automatic measure reading equipment and a concentrator in a unique compact device with reduced dimensions to be installed in meter rooms. The concentrator performs the functions of billing and measurement storage, data display to the user and communication port for remote management. This solution is also applicable in houses where the individual meters are grouped together. Centralization advantages SIMPLIFICATION AND STRENGTH Integrates in one equipment (tertiary concentrator EMIEL-CT3RCC) functionalities that are common to each and every one of the traditional measuring equipment. Otherwise would be multiplied unnecessarily (higher cost and maintenance versus EMIEL compact solution). The hardware of each meter EBM is simplified, while the scalability of the whole group allows the tertiary concentrator EMIEL-CT3-RCC to have more processing power compared to the traditional electronic meter. Improves safety by reducing the probability of electric shock eliminating accessible points under voltage due to the insulating material in which the different components of the power distribution are embedded. Any manipulation is recorded in the concentrator. The equipment is modular and can be stacked to match the number of delivery points in the room meter, with only a single concentrator module. Several EMIEL systems, over the base EMIEL-SD15 can be connected between them through the internal data bus (EMIELBUS-RS422IR). A single tertiary concentrator EMIEL-CT3-RCC manages all the meters connected on the base (maximum 80 EBM´s). The tertiary concentrator EMIEL-CT3-RCC is an equipment capable of transmitting and processing large amount of information collected from individual Emiel-EBM. Reading and management, both locally and remotely is SECURITY SCALABILITY OPTIMIZATION OF READING AND 39 / 65 MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS performed through a single point in the tertiary concentrator CT3-RCC, which allows integration of communication capabilities of different types (Infrared optical Bus, WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, GSM/GPRS, PLC, and other standards for the future). All the management and maintenance operations can be done through the different communication ports. The use of standard communication protocols such DLMS allows its integration in existing networks. This system, given the compactness of the solution requires much less space for installation. In older installations, where there is a REDUCTION OF concentration of supply, but there is no centralization or physical SPACE space, this system may be a viable solution. Table 7: Advantages of centralization Telemetering and demand response capabilities In addition to consumption readings with no human intervention, many other tasks will be possible through the Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) network, such as the change of the contracted power, the change of the different electricity rates for different times of the day, user connection/disconnection, etc…. The information acquired from the measuring points will allow the marketing companies to carry out a more efficient management of the available power for every time period, and provide their customers with new services through the Telemeter network. Functionality The main advantages that provides to an electric distribution utility or retailing company are: Accuracy and a more reliable measurement. Reduction in billing errors. Automatic process without intervention. Improvement in non-estimated bills. Operational efficiency. Particularization of price policies. Minimization of households accesses. Quality of Service. Improvement in the client satisfaction. manual 40 / 65 Demand management (better power control due to the cut-off “intelligent” function, better management of peak demand). Loss reductions (better fraud detection. Energy balance calculations). Average consumption reductions. More efficiency and quality for the customer technical operations (less reading and field maintenance personnel ). Technical data The equipment is based on three main elements: Basic Measurement Element (EBM): Performs the functions of meter. Each equipment can accommodate up to 87 meters. Concentrator: Performs the billing functions, register, visualization, communications and control of the whole system. Internal Bus: Communicates the concentrator with the EBM through the optical bus transducers to RS-232. The meters allow the following measurements: Active and reactive Power (P+,P-,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4) Voltage and Current (V, I) Network Frequency (f) Power Factor (Cos φ) Registers and incremental values: Incremental absolute values of the active and reactive energy Peak demand (based on 15 minute demand average) Load profile (Integration period of 5 minutes) Event and alarm register The meter has an internal Cut-off and reconnection Relay depending on the contracted power (programmable according to the tariff), on the demand management technical restrictions or local/remote command. It also has verification LED diodes. 8.7.2 Interfaces 41 / 65 Figure 9: connections of LV side devices From smart meter to concentrator DLMS Smart meter measurements (active power, reactive power, current, voltage), 1 s RMS values, every 60 s ThereGate measurements (power quality), 10 min values, every 60 s ThereGate measurements (DER status and measurements), 1 s RMS values, every 60 s From home energy management to smart meter proprietary HTTP ThereGate measurements (power quality), 10 min values, every 60 s ThereGate measurements (DER status and measurements), 1 s RMS values, every 60 s From smart meter to home energy management proprietary HTTP Control commands for example to reduce load demand 42 / 65 BB-PLC provides Ethernet connection between I-DEV and INDRA meter concentrator. The protocol used for the communication between the secondary substation data collector and the EMIEL concentrator is DLMS. 8.7.3 Functional Specification This section includes a list of the smart meter functional specifications. The smart meter solution is a system specifically designed for centralizations (group of meters), consisting of: EQUIPMENT MODEL FEATURES Electric single phase EMIEL-EBM-M65 meter static combined /EMIEL-DIN-EBM-M65 (active and reactive) Active class A, reactive class 3, bidirectional 230 V 0.25-5 (65) A. Internal connection/disconnection relay. Electric three phase EMIEL-EBM-T80 meter static combined /EMIEL-DIN-EBM-T80 (active and reactive) Active class A, reactive class 3, bidirectional 3x230/400 V 0.25-5 (80) A. Internal connection/disconnection relay. Tertiary concentrator EMIEL-CT3-RCC /EMIEL-DIN-CT3-RCC Internal communications bus Assembly system EMIEL-BUS-RS422IR base EMIEL-SD15 DIN rail and accessories (rail, cover and screws) EMIEL-DIN-ACCESORIES Tertiary concentrator with telecommunication capabilities and pre-paid managing. Internal infrared bus system for communication between meters and concentrator. Base mounting terminals with wiring DIN rail and accessories Table 8: Smart meter functional specification Main features and functions - SINGLE - PHASE METER (EMIEL-EBM-M65) 43 / 65 Main features and functions EMIEL-EBM-M Instant measures Energy accumulator Load curves registration Automatic disconnection relay Relay reconnection Verification LEDs Active and reactive power (P +, P-, Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4) Voltage and Current (V, I) Frequency (Frq) Power Factor (Cos φ) Have 6 accumulators to store: Active incoming and outgoing energy depending on the bidirectional meter model (A +, A-) Reactive power in the four quadrants depending on the bidirectional meter model (R1, R2, R3, R4) Ability to record and store (3 months) curves or load profiles for the 6 possible types of energy in a bidirectional equipment The integration period of these registers are 5 minutes. Every register has its own quality indicator (voltage variation, neutral loss, voltage failure, parameter changes, time synchronization, overflow, etc..) The meter has an internal connection/disconnection relay according to the contracted power (programmable tariff), technical restrictions of demand management or by local/remote command. Prepaid purposes, the relay disconnection will be ordered by the concentrator once the customer has consumed the total amount of energy charged. The meter has an internal circuit with detection of infinity impedance that allows the customer reconnect the internal relay at home if the disconnection has been produced by excess consumption. If disconnection has been produced by the consumption of the total amount of energy charged, the only possibility to re-connect will be ordered by the concentrator once the customer have been recharged his contract. The meter has two LEDs emitting light pulses in the visible spectrum, located on the front panel. There is a green LED that emits pulses to check the active energy and an orange LED for reactive energy. The constant pulse is 2,000 imp/kWh (kVArh). When there is no idle (I < I start), the LED will find always lit. These LEDs also serve as signaling that the equipment is in service. Each meter includes a module/function for communication between each meter and the tertiary concentrator unit that controls and manages data across the system. It uses an internal communications BUS 44 / 65 Communications Time synchronization Firmware upgrade Event register (EMIEL-BUS-RS422IR), for this bidirectional channel, control commands are received, and sends consumption data and status of each meter. The communication is encrypted. The meters have a real time clock (RTC) that is used to synchronize the measures with the time slot in of the equipment. Synchronization is performed by the tertiary concentrator through the communication channel EMIELBUS-RS422IR. An internal process allows the firmware upgrade. Once received an upgrade message, a function access message is registered and theses internal process will received the new firmware version and will install it. This process will create an event registered. The meter records four different typology of events; standard, quality of service, connection/disconnection realy and infrared bus access. A total amount of 35 events are registered with time stamp. Table 9: Main features and functions - SINGLE - PHASE METER (EMIEL-EBM-M65) Main features and functions - THREE- PHASE METER (EMIEL-EBM-T80) Main features and functions EMIEL-EBM-T Instant measures Average active energies (+,-) in last integration period and the current one Energy accumulator Load curves registration Active and reactive power (P +, P-, Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4) Voltage and Current (V, I) Frequency (Frq) Power Factor (Cos φ) per phase. The meters shows the average energy measures per phase in the current period and previous one, distinguishing the power consumed (PA+) and generated (PA-). The integrated period is 5 min. Have 6 accumulators to store: Active incoming and outgoing energy depending on the bidirectional meter model (A +, A-) Reactive energy in the four quadrants depending on the bidirectional meter model (R1, R2, R3, R4) Ability to record and store (3 months) curves or load profiles for the 6 possible types of energy in a bidirectional equipment The concentrator collects this data and normalizes in integration times of 5 minutes. Every register has its own quality indicator (voltage variation, neutral loss, voltage failure, parameter 45 / 65 Automatic disconnection relay Relay reconnection Verification LEDs Communications Time synchronization Firmware upgrade Event register changes, time synchronization, overflow, etc..) The meter has an internal connection/disconnection relay according to the contracted power (programmable tariff), technical restrictions of demand management or by local/remote command. Prepaid purposes, the relay disconnection will be ordered by the concentrator once the customer has consumed the total amount of energy charged. The meter has an internal circuit with detection of infinity impedance that allows the customer reconnect the internal relay at home if the disconnection has been produced by excess consumption. If disconnection has been produced by the consumption of the total amount of energy charged, the only possibility to re-connect will be ordered by the concentrator once the customer have been recharged his contract. The meter has two LEDs emitting light pulses in the visible spectrum, located on the front panel. There is a green LED that emits pulses to check the active energy and an orange LED for reactive energy. The constant pulse is 2,000 imp/kWh (kVArh). When there is no idle (I < I start), the LED will find always lit. These LEDs also serve as signaling that the equipment is in service. Each meter includes a module/function for communication between each meter and the tertiary concentrator unit that controls and manages data across the system. It uses an internal communications BUS (EMIEL-BUS-RS422IR), for this bidirectional channel, control commands are received, and sends consumption data and status of each meter. The communication is encrypted. The meters have a real time clock (RTC) that is used to synchronize the measures with the time slot in of the equipment. Synchronization is performed by the communication channel EMIEL-BUS-RS422IR. An internal process allows the firmware upgrade. Once received an upgrade message, a function access message is registered and theses internal process will received the new firmware version and will install it. This process will create an event registered. The meter records four different typology of events; standard, quality of service, connection/disconnection realy and infrared bus access. A total amount of 35 events are registered with time stamp. Table 10: Main features and functions - THREE- PHASE METER (EMIEL-EBM-T80) 46 / 65 Main features and functions - TERTIARY CONCENTRATOR (EMIEL-CT3RCC) Hardware The equipment core is an ARM9 microprocessor. Through an external RS485 port, the equipment EMIEL-CT3-RCC is connected to the internal communication bus EMIEL-BUS-RS422IR. Through this bus reads and manages the various meters EMIEL-EBM that are connected to the bus and the various meters EMIEL-EBM placed on other EMIEL-BUS-RS422IR which is connected to the first. So, it is only needed a concentrator EMIEL-CT3-RCC in a meter room with different bases EMIEL if the various buses EMIEL-BUS-RS422IR are connected together (up to a limit of 80 meters). The opening act of the base frame EMIEL-SD15 is detected by the concentrator EMIEL-CT3RCC through anti-tamper devices placed on the ends of each internal bus EMIEL-BUS-RS422IR. Two external RS-232 serial ports and one external USB prepared to connect the concentrator with external communications devices. A external RS485 with electrical feed to connect to an external display (to place an optional display outsider the meter room) The equipment EMIEL-CT3-RCC has: an optical probe (for local readings), two internal microSD for memory and backup and the system can be electrically feeded in the three phases or single phases with capacity to provide a maximum of 15W if it is required by extra devices connected to the concentrator (ZIGBEE, wire-less M-bus, Wifi, etc..). Software The equipment EMIEL-CT3-RCC incorporates a Linux operating system. The concentrator software applications are responsible for: Manage the communications (via MODEM GSM/GPRS, PLC, etc…), to outsider Systems (Central Dispatch System). The application layer is the standard protocol DLMS. To manage the readings of the EBM meters N connected to the internal EMIEL-BUSRS422IR and classify the consumptions in tariff (depending of the N tariffs defined for every meter). Then, the tariff information (contracts, periods, pre-paid balance, etc…) is in the EMIEL-CT3-RCC concentrator. 47 / 65 Graphical interface with the customer by using OBIS codes. Communication The EMIEL-CT3-RCC concentrator has a micro-processor with high computational resources. This capacity and the external connectivity of the concentrator allow the EMIEL to be opened to future requirements (Communications devices, in-home services, water/gas readings via radio, etc…). For Advance Metering Management, the EMIEL concentrator is supplied with an GSM/GPRS MODEM or PLC MODEM. Syncchronization The EMIEL-CT3-RCC synchronises, if needed, every EMIEL meter connected to it. 48 / 65 8.8 RTU + Zigbee sensors + Gateway 61 850 8.8.1 Description Primary Substation Figure 10: Measurement at PS Schneider Electric will provide FLAIR 200C as represented in fig 1 Gateway EGX 3200 for 61 850 communication Schneider Electric will not provide - Voltage transformer - Any development within the PC platform (interface to feed data base & data base …) Measurement : 49 / 65 Voltage measurement on 1 phase from available MV/LV transformer in the Primary Substation Current measurement on 3 phases of the MV selected feeder with type B depending on CT diameter possibilities principle (figure 2) Figure 11: Type B Secondary substation Schneider Electric will provide FLAIR 200C as represented in fig 3 Gateway EGX 3200 for 61 850 communication Zigbee sensors for LV feeders Current sensors at the MV & LV side (transformer secondary) Schneider Electric will not provide - Any development within the PC platform (interface to feed data base & data base …) - Isolation module for Ethernet (we can buy it if necessary but we haven’t got it in our catalogue) 50 / 65 MV/LV substation MV New inovative RTU enhanced with Zigbee modem for wireless sensors 61 850 EGX 3200 LV Wireless current, power, & powerquality sensors - Figure 12: Measurement at SS 51 / 65 MV Measurement : MV Voltage extrapolation on 1 phase in the Secondary Substation Current measurement on the MV primary side of the transformer. Measurement type B (see fig 2) LV Measurement : LV Voltage measurement LV Voltage harmonics measurements LV Voltage unbalance measurements Current measurement & harmonics on the LV secondary side of the transformer. Power, Energies & power quality measurement from WSN through zigbee technology 8.8.2 Interfaces Gateway EGX 3200 for 61 850 & alimentation Zigbee sensors for LV feeders Analogic sensors for MV & secondary LV Ethernet connexion for Gateway & Flair 200C + synchronization with SNTP 8.8.3 Functional Specification Measurement range for analogic MV CT : from 20 to 500 A External diameter = 110mm, height = 33mm, (for isolated cables 25 mm < < 45mm) o Homopolar torus, external diameter = 190mm, height = 36mm, internal diameter = 132mm, can be used on isolated 3 phase cables diameter 130mm or 3 cables diameter 40mm max. Measurement range for analogic LV CT : choice to be made between 500 A, 1000 A, & 2000 A . 52 / 65 Measurement range for zigbee sensors (feeders) : from 15 A to 480 A Maximul cable : 240 mm2 aluminium Internal diameter : 28,6 mm. External diameter : 56,3 mm Height : 27,4 mm Datas provided in 61 850 : see next tab : 53 / 65 Data available through EGX3200 gateway From 3V extension module From Zigbee sensors x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I1 RMS x E3 - x E2 - x E1 - x E3 + x E2 + x Q3 x E1 + x Q2 x P3 x Q1 x P2 x P1 x THD I3 E3 - x I0 50Hz E2 - x THD I2 E1 - x I3 RMS E3 + x THD I1 E2 + x I2 RMS Q3 Q2 E1 + P3 P2 Q1 P1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x E2 - x x E1 - x x E3 + x x x x x x E2 + x x Q3 x x E1 + x x THD I3 E3 - x x I0 50Hz E2 - x x THD I2 E1 - x x I3 RMS E3 + x THD I1 E2 + x I2 RMS Q3 x Q2 x x P3 x x Energy Q1 x x Power P2 x x Current P1 x x Energy THD I3 x x LV output n°10 Power I0 50Hz x x E1 + x Q2 x Current THD I2 x x Energy I3 RMS x x LV output n°3 Power THD I1 x x Current I2 RMS x x P3 x Energy I1 RMS x x P2 x P1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x THD I3 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x LV output n°2 Power I0 50Hz x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x THD I2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I3 RMS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x THD I1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I2 RMS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Delta V x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Current I1 RMS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x THD V3 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x THD V2 I3 RMS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x V3 RMS I2 RMS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x THD V1 I1 RMS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x V2 RMS I0 RMS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I0 RMS I3 RMS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Voltage (LV side) V1 RMS I2 RMS time stamping (hh:mm:ss) 00:00:01 00:00:02 00:00:03 00:00:04 00:00:05 00:00:06 00:00:07 00:00:08 00:00:09 00:00:10 00:00:11 00:00:12 00:00:13 00:00:14 00:00:15 00:00:16 00:00:17 00:00:18 00:00:19 00:00:20 00:00:21 00:00:22 00:00:23 00:00:24 00:00:25 00:00:26 00:00:27 00:00:28 00:00:29 00:00:30 00:00:31 LV Current I1 RMS MV Current LV output n°1 I1 RMS MV/LV transformer I1 RMS From F200C analog inputs Q1 00:00:01 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 54 / 65 x x x x x x 9 Conclusions In previous phases of Integris project, we have defined the overall system architecture (Deliverable D2.3, [1]) and the different use cases and scenarios (Deliverable D2.2, [2]) that will be covered. The present document complements the previous work by identifying the equipment (both hardware and software components) that will be necessary to fulfill the use cases and implement the applications. However, further work still needs to be done in order to refine the integration between the different elements ans proceed to the final steps of the implementation. It is expected also that this refinement work will be impacted by the works in WP6 that may add some extra requirements on the implementations or add/remove some of the constraints. This way, this document provides a guide on the vision of the project on the different equipments that have to be implemented within INTEGRIS project. All these equipments are now in the phase of implementation. This document will be completed with the deliverable D5.2 “Implementation of INTEGRIS integrated devices” where more details about the implementation of the different devices will be provided. 55 / 65 10 References [1]. INTEGRIS D2.3: Global system architecture. [2]. INTEGRIS D2.2: Requirements, Application Scenarios and Use Cases and Domain Analysis 56 / 65 11 Annex 1: AAA Protocols Within this annexe brief description of most important off-the-shelf solutions related to AAA processes will be exposed. RADIUS ¡Error! No se encuentra el origen de la referencia. ¡Error! No se encuentra el origen de la referencia. RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) is an IETF standard which defines Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) services. This protocol follows a client/server model and is located at the application layer of the OSI architecture utilizing UDP as transport protocol. RADIUS, utilize PPP protocol to realize the authentication under different authentication protocols such as PAP, CHAP, and EAP. During the authentication, server may request user from simple credential parameters such as user/password or personal information, up to more complex credential models like security certificates or challenges against the user. All these credentials will very depend of the authentication protocols utilized. In RADIUS, in contrast of other AAA protocols such as TACACS, authentication and authorization are coupled together being not possible to be independent. It means that when RADIUS server sends to client an access-accept packet, it includes attributes and parameters that will be utilized in the session and required to access to services permitted to the client. These parameters could be IP address, maximum connection length, QoS and tunneling parameters. In the RADIUS protocol, accounting management may be managed independently of authentication or authorization. The client provides a service to the dial-in user (PPP, Telnet, etc…) and it has to pass user accounting information to the accounting server. To do so, at the beginning, the client generates a packet called “accounting start” that describes what type of service is being delivered and which user is accessing the service. The server, once it has received the accounting star packet, returns a positive acknowledgement called “accounting response” to the client starting the resource dedication count. At the end, the client generates a packet called “accounting stop” that describes what type of service was delivered and optionally its session statistics (input/output packets, elapsed time, etc). Whenever happened during the session, if the server might not answer the packet to the client within a defined timeout, request is resent for a defined number of times. Whether the primary server is down, the client may send requests to other alternatives RADIUS servers. 57 / 65 DIAMETER ¡Error! No se encuentra el origen de la referencia. ¡Error! No se encuentra el origen de la referencia. DIAMETER is a fairly new framework utilized for the next generation authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) servers in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It was developed to resolve the issues that RADIUS left open and entail new requirements in the network application and protocols. DIAMETER extracts the essence of AAA from RADIUS and defines a new set of messages, which might be the core of the DIAMETER Base Protocol. It means that, although DIAMETER does not provide completely backwards compatibility with RADIUS, it enables transition support. DIAMETER introduces the following improvements: supporting of serverinitiated messages, data object security supporting, application-layer acknowledgements, peer discovery and configuration and capability negotiation between clients and servers. Moreover, it has some capabilities for real-time delivery of accounting information, basing on a server directed model. It means that device generating the accounting data will get information from either information server or accounting server requesting the way accounting data shall be forwarded. Furthermore, DIAMETER provides several built-in failover algorithms and resilience methods to overcome fault situations minimize accounting data losses. Respecting to security, DIAMETER utilizes reliable transport (TCP, SCTP) and confidentiality services with IPsec for intra-domains usage and optional TLS supports for inter-domain uses. Besides, new AAA services may require some new applications. To solve this drawback, DIAMETER permits to applications define their own updates over the DIAMETER base protocol. It might permit this update to get favored from the general DIAMETER core capabilities. Figure 1. Relation between DIAMETER applications and base protocol. As above graphic exposes, DIAMETER protocol is not linked to a specific application, so authentication and authorization mechanisms are not fixed and they can vary among different applications. Therefore, DIAMETER Base Protocol does define neither command codes nor Attribute-Value Pairs (AVP) specific to authentication and authorization process. Hence, applications are responsible of defining their own messages and corresponding attributes according to application features and requirements. This form, DIAMETER Base Protocol may be utilized with a DIAMETER application (mobile IPv4 or network access-NASREQ), or just used by itself for only accounting purposes. 58 / 65 TACACS+¡Error! No se encuentra el origen de la referencia. TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System) is a Cisco proprietary protocol which provides AAA services to computing networks. It is highly scalable and its transactions are based on TCP communications. Due to its Oriented-Connection communications, it supports two level layers acknowledgements and prevents packet losses. TACACS+ provides hop-by-hop confidentiality and authentication. To approach it, protocol utilizes user/password identification and encrypts all data transactions with MDH5-based ciphering and a secret key that is known to both the client and the Network Access Server (NAS).it also provides some integrity protection mechanisms. Nevertheless, it does not support data objects security and this produces that the systems based on TACACS+ cannot be deployed when there are entrusted proxies. Unlike RADIUS, TACACS+ separate AAA service in three different phases: Authentication, Authorization and Accounting. This feature permits this protocol to separate different phases of the AAA service in different devices. It means that authentication and authorization may be realized in a server while accounting service could be deployed in other. During authentication phase, when client request for network accessing, NAS request to the client for user identification and password. Once authentication is successful, Authorization phase comes. During this step, client request NAS for service accessing privileges. These privileges will be required for the client to access the network or NAS resources/devices. Whether NAS accepts client request, it responses the client with the service parameters requested. Finally, when authorization has been completed, accounting service is activated, by starting an accounting session. From this moment on accounting updates will be transmitted until session is closed. The TACACS+ accounting service allows creating an audit trail of User Exec sessions and Command-Line Interface (CLI) commands executed in these sessions. It is appropriate to handle and to usage control of accounting events that need low processing delay The protocol allows a TACACS+ client to request detailed access control and also it allows the TACACS+ process to respond the whole request. 59 / 65