Greenhithe Village News

Greenhithe Village News
August 2011
Hi Greenhithe Residents,
I don‘t know about you but I am so looking forward to Summer! I go walking in the early hours of each morning and its slowly starting to
get lighter. Finally! And how about that new motorway? Isn‘t it awesome! May I suggest a explorative drive if you haven‘t yet. It now only
takes me 5minutes to get home instead of my usual 20min drive....Heaven!
We have another great nomination for this months Nice Neighbour award, you can read below for the details. And also another big
congrats to Steve & Kim Long who won last month. Keep those nominations coming in. I love reading about our awesome residents.
Until Sept, Gabrial Heath
View on
Nice Neighbour of the
Hi there,
I would like to
nominate Aurelia
Northin of Austin Rd as
Nice Neighbour of the
When my husband
died unexpectedly late
last year I had no
relatives to turn to but
Aurelia was always there for me, helping and
consoling me with her kindness and gentle
humour, and quiet common-sense when I
needed advice.
She also helped me meet the kind people of
Greenhithe, whom I regard as in a class of
their own.
It is indeed a wonderfully friendly community.
I received this letter after last months publication and thought it would make a nice
contribution to the news. We try hard to keep this Newsletter as focused on the
community as possible and its a great feeling to know that its being noticed. Thanks
again to Phillipa, you made my day!
A Special Thanks
Reading the Greenhithe Village News, July 2011, was especially heartening. There
was the Nice Neighbour Award, The Twins Polka Dot Party, the Greenhithe Village
Store‘s stance on Kronic and the proprietor‘s personableness. The Fire Brigade
Report, the Police Report & the thank you to the gentleman who rescued the
‗scooter crash boy‘, all reflecting the support & caring of a true village. There were
other articles that were also constructive & positive.
To this end, I think both Gabrial Heath & David Cattanach of Harcourts, Greenhithe
need to be acknowledged for the enormous effort they put into both encouraging
and fostering this spirit and to making the Greenhithe Village News what it is.
Hopefully those of us who live in Greenhithe can continue to take the time to think
about and support others in the Greenhithe Community and to make interesting &
meaningful contributions to the Greenhithe Village News.
All of this is what makes Greenhithe Village so special.
Nancy Hayward Malins.
Kind Regards
Congratulations to Aurelia for winning this
months award. There is some flowers and
chocolate coming your way soon!
Do you have a Nice Neighbour who deserves
the award? Email: and we‘ll honour
one lucky person each month!
Phillipa Maria Hamblin-Wong
Classical Pilates Instructor
If you have something on your mind that you think the Greenhithe community would
enjoy, a short story, poem or perhaps a thank you to someone. You can email me
on: and I may just start up a ‗letters to the Editor‘
Proudly Printed for the Greenhithe Community by
Harcourts Greenhithe
Shop 1, 10 Greenhithe Road,
Greenhithe, Auckland
P 09 413 6255
F 09 413 7551
Greenhithe Residents Be Aware
The week of the 7th of July, I had a courier package
delivered to my house in Marae rd. The package was
placed outside my front door a good 30m back from the
road. This package was taken sometime over the course
of the day. Please return the package to the same place
with no questions asked.
(If you are aware of a courier package being delivered,
make sure you keep a vigil eye out or get a ‗signature
required‘ post. This will ensure the package will be delivered to you with much less chance of it being stolen.)
If you have small children and would like to meet some other moms then
pop along to Greenhithe‘s playgroup. The morning is full of fun for the
children, they are free to play with all the various toys and we also do a
craft each week. Morning tea is held for all the children and there is tea
and coffee available for the adults.
Playgroup meets on a Thursday from 09h30 to 11h30 in the Greenhithe
Community Hall, opposite the dairy in Greenhithe Road. Call Adele (413
5181), Paulette (413 8969) or Joanne (413 5153) for more information.
The only requirement is a $2 donation towards coffee and a fruit for the children‘s morning tea. We
look forward to meeting you.
Albany Iris Group, Greenhtihe NZ Iris
Society Inc, meets at 10am second Tues. of
the month. Phone Mary 413 8541
Greenhithe Tennis Club: General
enquiries: Chris Ellis 4158994, David Ison
Juniors/Club coach: Iain MacDonald 021
991 297 Ladies: Alison Jones 4137345
Greenhithe Playgroup , at the village hall
Thurs at 9.30 am Adele 413 5181 or
Joanne 413 5153
Greenhithe Garden Group meets 4th Thurs
of each month . Tel: Rosemary 413 8552
Alison 413 9442
Veterans Tennis Phone Peter 413 9244
Girl Guiding NZ Greenhithe and
surrounding areas Phone Andrea Smith
Tauhini Sea Scouts - to join Keas, Cubs,
Scout, Venturers Phone Anita Mansfield
416 4451
Greenhithe Residents, Ratepayer and
Community Hall Ass (INC) meets every
two month.Phone Brian Carran 413 7417
Greenhithe Men’s Soccer Phone Peter
413 8293 or 021 473 789
Lion’s Club - Phone President Dave
Cheetham (413-8177) or Secretary Patricia
Boland (413-9432) for more information
about our group254
7:30pm Contact: Stephenie 413-9902 and
Shore Grace Church meets at Greenhithe
School Hall, Sun family service 10 am
Pastor Mike Yates
Phone : 413 9902 Website:
Albany Greenhithe Anglican Mission
District, St Michael Church. Service and
Sunday School 9 am. Contact Richard 415
8244 or
Greenhithe Mainly Music at St Michael
Church Hall Phone Sue Beale 444 9057
every Monday @ 9.30am
St Thomas More, Glenfield, your local
Catholic Church, contact Louise Raynes
413 9356 or Helen Elliis 413 7400
Glenfield Citizens Advice Bureau Phone
444 9451
Greenhithe Mainly Music at St. Michael‘s
Church Hall. Contact Sue Beale 444 9057
Malthouse Fishing Club
Club Captain Mark Humphris Ph 413 5171
Greenhithe Garden Group
This months meeting was at
Leeanne Lanes house. Because
of the rain lately we decided to
just have a lovely shared
morning tea instead of our usual
garden walk about. A talk was
done on ―Things to feed Garden
Birds‖ and a demonstration on
how to make some lard bird
feeders. We were also lucky to
have Christine from ―Herald
Island Garden Club‖ displaying
and selling her cup and saucer
bird feeders Alison showed her
lovely plants from her
garden and we had plant swap
and a raffle.
If you want any information
about our Garden Group
telephone Alison 4139442 or
Rosemary 4138552
Wool or Acrylic yarn to make blankets & jerseys for
women's refuge. Phone Sally 413 9853
Garden netting wanted, any kind.
0274 875 805
WANTED Voice recorder-Standard CasettePlayback,Pause, Extension Microphone and headphone
input. Leo King, phone 413 8541.
Memories of my time in Greenhithe. By Noel
Schelling, Part Eight, August, 2011.
I recall that when I was about 13 years old, in 1954/5, I
secured a part-time job working for the late Mr. Joe
Crowther who owned the Greenhithe Store. I was still at
school obviously and after school used to go directly to
the Store to weigh up sugar, flour, dried fruit, etc, and
also serve customers at times. (I think this is where I
got my interest in grocery, as my first job was at
Farmer‘s Trading in Hobson Street, in the Foodhall.
Only for 4 weeks though! They expected young guys to
carry 25lb bags of sugar to the car park! Enough of that
now… The post office at that time was in the Store,
and in 1976, this moved to a caravan site down outside
Collins House. At the end of 1976, a new post office
was opened, next to the Greenhithe Hall, and they then
established post boxes. I was able to pick my own post
box number (and secured the box underneath mine for
the Sea Scout Group, which the Lions Club now share),
and I still have that same P O Box number now ! Some
35 years later !
We have organized a morning tea for any residents,
past or present, who have/had lived in Greenhithe for at
least 25 years or so on Tuesday, 6th. September, at The
Old School Building in Collins Park, at 10.00am until
11.30am. We all take along a plate.We do have a list of
folk, but anyone interested in coming along for a good
yarn, please feel free to give me a ring at 4433217 or
email: or Lynn McNamara at
413.9466 or email: A gold coin
towards the tea and coffee would be appreciated
thanks. See you all then!
Room to Let
Delightful bedsitting room, en suite, tastefully furnished with queen size bed. Some
kitchen facilities such as small fridge, microwave, tea & coffee maker, toaster, etc. TV
in room.
Conveniently situated on Greenhithe Road. Up a private drive with parking available.
Outside unit which is attached to the family home but completely self contained.
Available for short or long term rent at $175.00 per week, inclusive or power &
Please telephone 09 413 6564
Shin Splints
'Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome' more commonly known as Shin
Splints defines the condition in which stress, over time, causes
injury to the medial (inside) part of the tibia (lower leg). It is very common with high impact
athletes - runners, netball, basketball, etc.
What causes Shin Splints?
The pain associated with shin splints is thought to correspond to the area where the soleus
muscle of the calf attaches to the lower, inner shin bone. Repeated unaccustomed loading of
the muscle attachment to the bone can cause an inflammatory response. This in turn can
lead to breakdown of tissue with a spectrum of injury which sometimes can lead ultimately to
stress fracture.
What are the Symptoms?
- Pain located on the medial (inside) part of the lower leg
- Pain initially on running which may ease during early phases but deteriorates with late phase
- Pain may be related to training on exceptionally hard surfaces
- Pain may linger after cessation of the offending activity
- May be associated with tight calf muscles
What are the underlying causes?
Typically this is an overuse injury but there are some common underlying causes:
- Training load – Too much too soon / hard surfaces
- Poor shoe condition or incorrect shoe selection
- Poor biomechanics / running technique / muscle balance issues
- Poor calf flexability
How is this managed?
Most important is identifying which factors are contributing to the underlying cause. It may be necessary to reduce the
training load or cross train to allow healing of tissues. Physiotherapy management may include:
- Soft tissue manipulation / massage - Acupunture
- Muscle balance exercises
- Proprioceptive taping
Gait analysis – We now have the ability to perform slow motion digital kinematic analysis of your running technique.
This gives valuable information to improve running efficiency and help you run faster and pain free. Speak to Craig
for details.
If you think you are experiencing Shin Splints, early management ensures your best chance of recovery. Call us at
Hobsonville Physiotherapy for assessment, treatment and advice. Sports injuries are covered by ACC. We are able
to generate ACC claim forms with no referral necessary
187 Hobsonville Road
09 4164455
Companionship for Seniors
Do you have a few spare hours each
week? Why not attend CMA as a
regular guest! There are vacancies at
a centre near you that combine with
others to enjoy a safe & happy
environment where seniors enjoy each
others company, plus engage in
organized activities with visiting specialist coordinators.
Regular outings are planned together with other
centres! For more information visit the website or phone 09 489 8954.
Alternatively, why not consider joining CMA as a
volunteer assistant. CMA are looking for volunteer
helper‘s and drivers for a center near you. Further
information is available by phoning 09 489 8954, email or visit the website
Your Harcourts Greenhithe Team
Greenhithe Bridge Club
The wintry season is in full swing, with cold and
wet evenings seemingly the norm. Nevertheless,
the hardy breed of bridge players defy the
elements and continue to gather in satisfying
David Cattanach
weekly attendance. Is it the attraction of the
shared social companionship, or the fascination
Branch Manager
of the game itself? Probably a bit of both in equal
measure. The second half of the years
M: 021 971 338
"Partners' competition has commenced with new
pairings formed, and this will surely bring some
exciting competition amongst the
members. They each try to partner someone of
roughly equal ability rather than an uneven
combination which can produce some unsettling
Sarah Sherlock
outcomes leading to humorously delivered
remarks along the line of -- 'The difference
Sales Consultant
between genius and stupidity is that -- genius has
it's limits.' The Club welcomes any who wish to
M: 021 480 636
join with them on Club nights in the Old School
E: Hall - 7.30 p.m. every Monday evening, except
Public Holidays. For information ring: Roger:
413.8580 Pat: 410.6272 Alison: 413.8339
Living Legends is a community
conservation project that is coordinating 17 native tree planting projects throughout
New Zealand during Rugby World Cup 2011 to plant
85,000 trees in 2011. Each planting is dedicated to a
rugby legend. There are three plantings in our region
at Uretiti Rest Area near Waipu in honour of Richie
Guy, Long Bay Reserve, North Shore in honour of Buck
Shelford and Motuihe Island, Auckland in honour of
Bryan Williams.
The target for this national campaign is to raise $1
million to be used for children‘s projects by depositing
old coins at Resene Shops or calling 0800 OLD
MONEY (0800 653 666) for coins to be collected. A
Collection box is now located at the Dairy so please
hunt out any old coins you have and give generously.
Thank You.
This wonderful historic building is available for hire for
community events, parties, exercise classes etc at very
reasonable rates. Please contact Jane or Justin on 950
3308 for more details or e-mail:
New or prospective members are always welcome to
join our fun group. Please Contact President Greg
Boland (413-9432) for more details.
Our Business Meetings are held on the first Wednesday
of each month with our social dinner meetings on the
third Wednesday of the month.
Beautiful Border Collie puppies !
Available to best homes from 1st September for
Born on 7th July, they will be vet checked,
wormed and have had first vaccination.
Brought up in a family home with children and
This intelligent breed will need daily exercise/
walking rain or shine and make excellent loyal
family pets!
For more info ring Sue on 4138602.
Mark Ftizgerald
Greenhithe Playcentre
Kia Ora from Greenhithe Playcentre
We would like to extend a very warm welcome
M:021 357 020
to our new Playcentre members – Emma
E: Ostwind with her son Arlo and Amanda Penny
with her son William. We hope you enjoy
being part of the Playcentre family and we
look forward to sharing your new adventure.
We recently had our Movie Night Fundraiser
Susan Isles
which was a huge success and we made a
Sales Consultant
$480.00 profit. A HUGE thank you must go to
Careena Lawler for her organisation of this.
M: 021 447 537
We would also like to thank those who came
to movie night and a big thanks for the yummy
food that was provided by the
Greenhithe Playcentre Chefs. Congratulations
Local Greenhithe Business joins Hobsonville
to all those who won spot prizes and a special
Point Farmers Market
congratulations to Sarah who most
Greenhithe local Riyaz Jalil runs the Limejuice Man, a
deservingly won the hamper.
mobile business that offers 100% fresh fruit juices,
We are now into Term 3 and everyone is
smoothies and fresh fruit salads. He purchased the
looking forward to the arrival of the Spring
franchise business in February 2011 and says that as
which brings with it gorgeous blossoms and
well as providing a great work/life balance, its relabeautiful spring flowers.
tively low overheads mean that it is well placed to
If you would like to find out more about
weather the current economic climate.
Greenhithe Playcentre, please give Sarah a
Joining the Hobsonville Point Farmers Market was a
call on 413 6480, or check out our website
logical choice because Riyaz liked that the market
was well run and that there already was a vibrant
bunch of stallholders, creating a great environment for GREENHITHE PLAYCENTRE
Sales Consultant
his customers.
―Our objective of promoting healthy living is also supported by the Hobsonville Point Farmers Market.
It just fits in well for both of us.‖ says Riyaz.
The Hobsonville Point Farmers Market is all about
promoting local producers, like Riyaz, and is currently
open every Sunday from 9am – 1pm and,
from 7 September, every Wednesday from 3pm –
On Sunday 4 September the Hobsonville Point Farmers Market Spring Festival will take place. This will
include face painting, Old Macdonalds Farm and
cooking demonstrations ... so bring the whole family
for a fun day out!
Like the Hobsonville Point Farmers Market on facebook to keep up to date with events, cooking demonstrations, music and produce on offer.
The club‘s Ladies vs Men‘s Fun Night resulted in
the Ladies including ―Don‖ella winning by 6
games to 3. The Champ Men‘s and Ladies Pairs
both produced a reversal of the round robin results.
The Ladies Pair of Marj Andrew and Dot McKain
were winners over Gaylene West and Helen Birse
11/2. The Men‘s Pair of Ton Kaan and Len Jenner
defeated Kevin Torrey and Rod West 8/7.
The Greenhithe team of Len Jenner, Bryan Sobey,
Bev Sobey, Raewyn Munroe and Gary Ferguson
finished second in the North Harbour Interclub ―B‖
section. New players are most welcome at the
Greenhithe Village Hall on Thursday evenings at
7:15pm or Monday afternoons at 12:45pm. So why
not come along and join in the fun? For any
enquires please phone any of the following
numbers: 4138229, 4442001 or 4139065.
Fire Brigade Report
As part of the Get Firewise Programme delivered
in schools children are made aware of what to do
in case of a fire, but what about adults
firewise preparedness? Ask your kids and hopefully they‘ll tell you all
about escape plans, safe meeting places and much more. It‘s a good
family time…
In the event of a fire
- Crawl low and fast to escape smoke – 'Get Down, Get Low, Get
- Shut doors behind you to slow the spread of fire
- Meet at the planned meeting place (letter box, neighbor‘s driveway)
- Once out, stay out – never go back inside
- Phone 111 and ask for the Fire Service from a safe phone
- Tell the Fire Service the house number, street, nearest intersection,
suburb and city.
Nothing can really prepare us for the impact of a fire on our family
and property. It can make us feel helpless and unsure of what to do
next. This is entirely understandable. The New Zealand Fire Service
will help you through this distressing situation and in the aftermath
and give you some important guidance including:
- It is normal to feel unsettled and disrupted for a while
- You may well be able to overcome any problems yourself but don't
be afraid to ask for help
- After a crisis, it is often easier to talk to someone who is not involved
and is trained to listen and help you find the assistance you need
- Victim Support provides a free, flexible and confidential service –
free phone 0800 842 846.
Concluding word... ―Discretion is the better part of valor‖. If you
say discretion is the better part of valor, you mean that avoiding a
dangerous or unpleasant situation is sometimes the most sensible
thing to do.
Firefighter Isabelle LARDEUX-GILLOUX
On Saturday the 24th of September 11am – 12.30pm we will be holding ‗The Great Kiwi Bake Swap‖ at Holy Cross Anglican Church in
Albany Village (entrance off Oteha Valley Rd extension). It seems
recently, that with pressures on the household budget many people
have returned to home baking to save some pennies and so they
know what is going into their products. We have some old favourite
family secrets that should be shared and others have mentioned the
same so the idea was dreamt up to get together and taste and swap
recipes. The idea is simple. Pick one favourite recipe, email that to us
at to register and then on the day bring some
of the cooked product for others to taste. For a coin donation people
can if they wish take a copy of the recipe home with them and so
increase their repertoire of home cooked goodies.
If there is sufficient interest we may produce a small booklet containing some of the recipes for people to purchase on the day.
So come and be part of a fun time and share secrets and gain some
For more information contact the office on 415 8244
Richard Vialoux
Priest in Charge
Albany Greenhithe Anglican Church
Police Report
This month has seen Greenhithe having a few
burglaries on Tauhinu Rd in which jewellery and
other goods were taken. In one of the burglaries
the burglars were disturbed by the alarm but still
managed to take quite a bit due to the delay in
the alarm. The victims did have a gate at their house which was not closed/locked. Had the gate
been locked this might have prevented them from choosing the house. So for all of you that do
have a gate and you are not at home, use it and lock it!!
A fairly new initiative is being launched on the Shore this month. It is called select a dna and for
more information you can go to the website . So called "DNA kits" are
being sold in which items of value (incl items of sentimental value) can be marked with their own
specific "dna". This "dna" kit is enough to mark approximately 100 items like computers, tv's, etc
and the markings cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is almost impossible to remove it without
damaging the items. The items are marked with a dna specific to your goods and will be
registered as such in the database. Together with the SNAP initiative (where one can register
their items' serial numbers on a website for free and for easy access), the initiative will make it
a lot harder to on-sell stolen goods and they will be easily recognisable if come across during
search warrants, checks done on second hand stores, etc. The kits are approximately $100 and
the signage provided with the kits will tell any burglar that your items are marked which should
deter them from wanting to enter your property. The initiative has strong Police support and many
businesses and schools on the North Shore will be introduced to it over the next few weeks.
If you have any query or information about any crimes, please don't hesitate to contact me or if
you want to stay anonymous, you can give information to CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800-555 111.
I am still at the Greenhithe Firestation on Thursdays between 10.00 and 12.00 noon.
Hermien Kok
Community Constable Greenhithe/Paremoremo
Email or
Phone 09 4438039 (Glenfield Police Station)
Mobile 0274 776235
War Memorial Park, Roland Rd, Greenhithe
General inquiries: Chris Ellis 4158994 or David Ison 4139534 Junior inquiries: new club coach David
Mustard 021476606 – see below. There’s been a lot of activity down at the club in recent weeks. Thanks to all
those who’ve helped tidy up the grounds and give the clubhouse a freshen up with newly painted interior
walls and sanded and polyurethaned floors – looking good! Further exterior work is planned for summer.
Dates for the diary:
Thurs 18 August: weekly Thursday morning ladies day commences, 9-30am
Sun 21 August: club OPENING DAY and REGISTRATION: Juniors 11am-1pm; seniors 2-4pm.
We look forward to seeing you there and hopefully having a hit as well – weather permitting. New members
particularly welcome! Also our new club coach David Mustard will be on hand to meet with everyone and
answer any queries you may have. Weather permitting he will organise a few fun activities for the juniors on
the day.
Fri 26 August: West Harbour vs Greenhithe Annual Tennis Challenge at Albany Tennis Centre, 7pm.
Sat 17 Sept: senior interclub starts. If you‘re thinking of joining the club and you‘d like to play interclub tennis,
please contact David Ison (4139534) asap as teams have to be entered during August. Note also there’s a
special discount sub for a senior joining the club for the first time.
We‘d like to introduce our new teaching tennis professional, David Mustard. We enjoyed having David as
coach here a few years ago and now he‘s back! David is very well known in NZ tennis circles. He is TCNZ
Certified Competitive Coach, former NZ Davis Cup player, former ATP touring pro (world ranked 120 singles
and 82 doubles). David has played in all four Grand Slam Tournaments, twice at Wimbledon.
If you‘re interested in combining exercise and fun, simply getting back into the game of tennis, or wanting to
be competitive, then David offers a variety of programmes for both adults and youth.
David’s contact details are: Mob: 021 476606 Email: or check out the website at
After two days of torrential rain Sunday 5th June put on a
beautiful show of sunshine for the community tree planting
at Oratau Reserve. The local residents who came along got
stuck into the job and the 247 native trees and plants were
planted in next to no time, giving everyone plenty of time to
enjoy their sausages and drinks. Huge thanks to the
families and adults who turned up and dug in the trees, to
Harcourts Real Estate Greenhithe for providing the
wonderful refreshments, and to Tim who manned the BBQ.
Many thanks also to Auckland Council for providing the trees, and to Brad and Liam who helped us to
mulch and barrow the wood chippings to the site during the stormy days leading up to the planting.
Phase one completed, only four more phases of weeding and planting to go!! Those living adjacent to
Oratau reserve please watch your mailboxes and the Greenhithe Website for news of our next
planting day in September, and if anyone wants to join in with the weeding on Tuesday afternoons
please contact us on or call Monique on 413 9045. Keeping
Greenhithe Green: Monique, Harri, Raewyn, Janice, Jo and Tony.
The Ferry family, well experienced in the development and running of hospitals and
rest homes and who are well known in Greenhithe, have completed yet another
quality aged care hospital. Patrick Ferry House Aged Care Hospital which is
located on the Eastern border of Greenhithe, provides state of the art care that
caters to the needs of an increasingly ageing New Zealand population requiring
more than what at-home care can provide. Moving from independent living into full
care is a daunting prospect for many. Patrick Ferry House‘s staff—who are the heart
of the hospital—work hard to make the change less stressful. Many have worked for
the Ferry family for years. Most importantly they are with the residents for their
journey be it as a day stay, a week‘s recovery or longer. They genuinely care. The
residents‘ interests and needs are not squashed into a ―one size fits all‖ schedule.
Activities coordinators fill the days with many fun and interesting activities. Patrick
Ferry House welcomes the residents‘ families and friends, which is so handy if you
live in Greenhithe. To read more about this impressive local facility please go to
At Little Star Montessori we believe in:
• creating a secure, stimulating and joyful environment
which supports the developing potential of each child.
• facilitating and extending children’s learning in their
stages of development.
• encouraging children to be confident, independent,
self motivated, self-discipline, purposeful and
To enroll your child in an environment rich with choices
and opportunities, please call Rachel 09-4169696.
Household. Café/Restaurant/Bar. Marine. All furniture &
Squabs. Indoor & Outdoor. Lounge & Dining Suites,
ottomans, Cushions, Window Squabs, Boat Squabs,
Booth Seats,. Recovered, Repaired, Made-to-Measure.
Discounts on Fabrics, Foams, Scotch Guard. Free
Quotes, Pick-up, Delivery.
*Proudly servicing Greenhithe & Auckland for over
25 years*
Totally Honest. Totally Reliable. Totally Trustworthy.
Totally Professional. Total Quality.
Ph: 414 6099 or 021 2132739 Anytime.
Google us @ B&D Upholstery Ltd Rosedale
Babysitting & after school
care available in
Greenhithe / Albany area.
Phone Louise on
021 074 4493
09 413 7414
Available NOW
16 years experience
Ph: 413 8692
Car Parking for
Rugby World Cup
$10 per car
On free bus route to
First in first served
Fund raising for:
Westlake Boys
Canadian Rugby
Tour 2012
Sort it!
Organise your
- Kitchen/pantry
- Home Office
- Garage
- Wardrobe
Assistance, advice, solutions
Call Sarah, 021 224 7056
Specialist Roofing in Copper, Zinc and Lead
Coloursteel Roofing, Spouting, downpipes, leaks &
repairs Bathroom renovations and small building
Hobsonville Vision Centre
Frank Snell
No job too small, local Greenhithe company
Call Steve
Tel: 021 270 3660
Rose Millener
Visual Examinations, Contact Lenses,
Spectacle Frames & Repairs
2 Clark Road, Hobsonville
P: 09 416 3937
Total Vision Care
To book your ad space in the Greenhithe Newsletter email
Company Name, Contact Name, Landline, Mobile, Email & space wanted to:
Gabrial at: or call 09 413 6255
To advertise in the Greenhithe News, you must either live, work or be holding the event in the
direct Greenhithe area.
$20 5.5 x 5.5 cm space
$50 5.5 x 16.5 cm space
$35 5.5 x 11 cm space
$65 11 x 11 cm space (maximum space allowed)
(all sizes are approximates)
Payment by cash / cheque at Harcourts Greenhithe or Direct Credit to 06-0153-0222966-07
‘Greenhithe Newsletter’ with reference number (given at booking of ad) & business name.
Obiri Tieku
Dispensing Optician
P: 413-6567
Domestic, Commercial, Industrial
I am currently looking for local work,
tired of traffic!!
Over 16 years experience
Ph: Mark 0274 750 753
Quality Workmanship
Treat yourself
with a hot
back massage,
mini facial &
foot massage 60mins - $75
P: 09 413 9649
in Recovery
/ Redesign of lounge
and dining suites.
Antique & deep buttoned work, custom made suites– designed to
Specialists in Recovery / Redesign
suit your living area, new and recovered
of lounge and dining suites.
squabs & cushions. Range of fabrics with
& deepTradesman
buttoned work,
monthly specials.
35 yrs.
to suit
Experience—All work Guaranteed.
area, new
soil and
& restoracushions.
of fabrics
with monthly
tion services,
call for
a no-obligation
Ph 918
027 687086035 yrs.
Experience—All work Guaranteed. Also
Graham Watts
15 Piermark
Drive, polishing
foam cutting
soil guard,
restoration services, call for a no-obligation
Ph 918 7600
mob 027 6870860
Graham Watts 15 Piermark Drive, Albany
Greenhithe Upholstery
All types of furniture recovered: Lounge
suites, dining chairs, Ottomans & footstoolsSquabs and cushions, Specialized Antique
work, Foam cutting services available, Soil
guarding, Access to wholesale fabrics. Free
quotes, pick up and delivery. City and guilds
qualified Tradesman. Your local upholsterer .
Ph Brian 413 8313 or 021 250 9506
Churchouse Road, Greenhithe
0800 255 433
09 259 2160
“We measure up”
For prompt and personal service
using the latest technology contact:
Jeremy Adams M.N.Z.I.S
18 Rame Rd, Greenhithe
Ph: 413 6386
Mob: 021 295 4655
West Auckland Domestic
Cleaning Services
All products and materials
One off cleans available
Rental Property/ After Move
Oven Cleaning
Husband & Wife Team
0274 875 805
Greenhithe Vets
For Friendly Professional Care of your
Australian & UK export Certification
Full Surgical & Medical Care
Dental Care
House Calls
Health Checks & Vaccinations
Open 7 days
Ph: 413 8387
31 Tauhinu Road, Greenhithe
Full Plumbing Maintenance Services
948 State Highway 16, Waimauku
*Open 7 days *Bulk & Bags
*Loan Trailers *We Deliver
Top Soil– River Boulders– Compost– Pebbles–
Shells– Potting Mix-Bark-White Chip– MulchFeature Rock-Fertilizer-Metal-Grass Seed– Scoria
– Weedmat– Sand-Sleepers-Builders Mix-Ponga
Plus lots more
PHONE 411 9604
Furniture Restoration Service
Is your furniture scratched, marked, broken, torn or
in need of re-lacquering, polishing, painting,
re-upholstering, caning or maintenance? Our team
of experienced craftsmen offer a complete and fine
furniture restoration service for your residential or
office furniture, antique or modern. Enjoy substantial
savings by restoring your existing furniture.
Call us for an obligation free quote
Unit 3 - 162 Kitchener Road, Milford
P: 489 5959 | AH: 413 8678 | M: 0274 920 136
Steve Wong-Kam
We Install
Hot Water Cylinders
Waste Disposal Systems
Water Filters
Washing Machines
Maintenance On
Water Mains
Hot Water Cylinders
Household Plumbing Systems
Pressure Issues
Blocked Toilets
Phone 416-9686
Mobile: 021 626 299
Retain this voucher
for 10% discount
on Labor for any
plumbing work