24 Sivan 5776 - Flemington Jewish Community Center

Flemington Jewish Community Center
5 Sergeantsville Road
Flemington, New Jersey 08822
(908) 782-6410
Fax: (908) 806-7736
June 2016/24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776
Spiritual Leader
Rabbi Evan Jaffe ‫ז''ל‬
Fellow congregants,
I want to thank everyone who voted for our congregational budget, and
overwhelmingly approved it. I also want to thank those congregants who have
Executive Board:
Jeff Doshna
contacted our Treasurer, Jonathan Weitz, myself, or other members of the Board,
1st Vice President
Neal Wolff
with questions. I hope that we have been able address everyone’s concerns, as
2 Vice President
Mitch Clarin
transparency is at the core of our new pledge-based model.
3 Vice President
Mindy Engle-Friedman
For those who have not yet returned their pledge cards, I urge you to do so
Laurence Shatkin
Jonathan Weitz
as soon as possible. Please remember that the need for a Yizkor appeal and
Immediate Past President
Michael Wolf
additional fundraisers to sustain the synagogue depends on all of our members.
Elected Trustees:
Lifetime Trustees:
For example, if everyone contributes at the Sustaining Level, additional requests
Jerry Atlas
Jack Forman
for support will not be necessary. And for those families with the capacity to
Scott Byne
Dan Gross
give at the Pillar and Guardian level, your support is critical to ensure that we can
Jim Fox
Zel Gerstein
continue to keep our synagogue strong.
Richard Frank
Ed Mehrlust
Judy Gold
Howard Nifoussi
Part of our pledge-based model is the recognition of our donors. A formal
Marsha Goldstein
Phil Stern
invitation will follow, but I want everyone to save the date of June 24 th for us to
Steven Greenstein
Larry Wissner
say thank you. We will acknowledge donors who have fulfilled 2015-2016
Alan Hylton
Michael Wolf
pledges at the Supporting, Pillar, and Guardian level. Siddurim and Chumashim
Marvin Jacobson
Ruth Wolf
Marta Klepner
dedications will also be made at that service. We hope that all of our FJCC
Nathan Lefkow
Sisterhood President:
families will be able to join us.
Bruce Moskovitz
Reena Gold Kamins
Saying thank you is something that we need to improve upon at the FJCC.
Jonathan Nemeth
heard from too many congregants that they do not feel appreciated for their
Sharon Rednor
Bulletin Editor:
family’s contribution to our synagogue community. We need to do a better job
Sandy Siegel
Flo Newrock
in recognizing our donors, acknowledging our volunteers for their time, and
appreciating our staff when they do a good job. I know that it has been a challenging year for everyone, but the last thing I want us
to do is forget to say thank you. This is something we are going to work hard to fix in the months to come.
Jeffrey Doshna
Each year at this time, Rabbi Jaffe would dedicate his column to publishing the essay submissions from our Sisterhood College
Scholarship recipients. To qualify for the scholarship, students must have completed a Bar/Bat Mitzvah project, regularly attend
Shabbat or holiday services, volunteer to serve on the High Holydays as a tutor and/or work as a teacher’s aide if possible, and
attend a minimum number of Hebrew High classes. Those seniors who have met the requirements are invited to apply for the
scholarship by writing a 1000 word essay. As is has been for many years, the topic is “I am a Jew because…”
This year, we have two recipients, Melanie Wolff and Ariel Hylton. Here are their words:
Melanie Wolff
I am a Jew because I was born into a family where my mother was Jewish. But does this automatically make me a Jew? In
my mind, this does not necessarily make me a Jew. I believe there is much more to being Jewish than just claiming you are a certain
religion or being born into a certain religion.
The memories and experiences over the last eighteen years of my life contribute to my definition of why I am a Jew. I remember
when I was in the Gimel Hebrew School class about to lead my very first Friday night service alongside my peers. At the end of
the service, Rabbi Evan Jaffe, gave each one of us our very first siddur to take home. This was so important to me and being able
to practice the prayers within my own home was exciting to me. For eleven years I studied at Hebrew School at the Flemington
Jewish Community Center and learned the alef-bet, the brucha over challah and wine, and the history of our Jewish ancestors. I
loved going to Hebrew School because it gave me the opportunity to not only learn new things, but to learn about things I could
personally relate to as a Jew. Sitting through public school I followed the same curriculum as every other student, but at Hebrew
School I got to learn something new that not everyone got the chance to learn--- including learning a new language. Going to
Hebrew School for so long gave me the opportunity to meet so many new people and create friendships that will last a lifetime. A
great thing about Hebrew School is that you would always have at least one thing in common with everyone else, you are all Jewish.
Hebrew school also helped me find my passion for teaching. Once I became a Bat Mitzvah, I started teaching Hebrew School
and tutoring students for their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, and I loved it. I love being able to teach the kids their alef-bet and work with
them on Friday night service parts because I remember sitting right where they are learning Hebrew. Teaching Hebrew has given
me skills I will use the rest of my life. In addition, getting to know families and our Jewish community always make me feel
welcome at the FJCC since I consider these individuals as my friends. The FJCC is a huge part of my life, and the memories I have
made here will stay with me forever.
I believe a big part of being a Jew is giving. Giving tzedakah and giving back to our community, just like Rabbi Evan Jaffe
did throughout his life, is part of my life as well. Rabbi Jaffe taught me that everyone has the opportunity to make a difference in
this world, big or small, but it is the people who actually take that opportunity to do this who really stand out. Every year the
Hebrew School does two major tzedakah projects, which include collecting money, clothes or cans to donate to organizations to
help the people in need. I love giving tzedakah because I know whatever I am giving away is going to someone who needs it much
more than I do, and this taught me from a very young age that there are always going to be people who we need our help. I would
say tzedakah is a big tradition for Jewish people just like lighting the menorah for eight nights every year, participating in a Passover
Seder, and fasting on Yom Kippur. These Jewish traditions are an important part of me as well because they bring my family
together and reinforce the values Jewish people possess.
My Bat Mitzvah was one of the most important and special days of my life because according to Jewish law, it was when I
officially became a Jewish adult. Going through years of Hebrew School and tutoring was all in preparation for this big day in my
life. I think it was so special to me because it was a huge milestone for not only me, but for my whole family. It was the first time
I read from the Torah, and I enjoyed being able to be a part of such a special tradition. My Bat Mitzvah was a day filled with pride
as a Jew as I stood up on the Bimah and read my first aliyah. It reinforced my Jewish identity and expressed my uniqueness as a
person because not everyone has a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. I was lucky to have everyone there to celebrate with me and support me as
I went through this transformation and achieved this milestone.
As I look towards the future, I look forward to carrying out our Jewish traditions with my children. For example, my family
has been using the same Haggadahs for our traditional Passover Seder for my entire life. I hope I can read from these same
Haggadahs with my children in order to keep our traditions alive for many generations to come. Also, I cannot wait for the day
when I get to watch my own children up on the Bimah reciting their first aliyah and knowing how special it really is welcoming
them into our community as a Jewish adult.
In conclusion, I think being a big part of the Flemington Jewish Community Center, teaching, and participating in Hebrew
School, attending services, and giving tzedakah is a big part of why I am a Jew. Being surrounded by such caring people from
within the Jewish community at a young age has made me who I am. I feel like I have a second home and a second family when I
go to the FJCC. And, I know in my heart I am a Jew because of who has influenced my life the most throughout the Jewish
community. I am very proud to be Jewish because it is who I am, and I can't wait to see what my future as a Jew has in store for
Ariel Hylton
I am a Jew because… I am a Jew, just because. I am not saying this because of what I believe in with respect to Judaism; or
what I do with respect to Jewish customs. My mother is Jewish, so that means I am Jewish. That’s plain and simple. It sounds
plain and simple, yet there is so much more. My life long experiences will forever tell my story and with great pride, why I am a
Tradition is such a wonderful piece of who I am. There are so many Jewish traditions I care for and cherish. I was given my
Hebrew name: Zeporah Chanah which means ‘kind bird’. I am named after my great grandmother Fannie Finkle Hayfer and
Grandfather Kurt Emil Hylton. They believed in their faith, continuously performed Mitzvot, were very active in their communities,
and held various leadership positions in their synagogues. I was proud and honored to be a part of such an engaged family and
wanted to see how I could be just like them. Their names and practices are a part of me. I have carried on their lives in my
synagogue and home. Even though I was not with them at their Passover Seders or family gatherings, I am able to envision their
ways of Judaism in my life. I have been a member of the FJCC since my birth with my mom and dad; I have strong ties to our
synagogue and maintain my involvement as a leader in our youth group, Hebrew School, and congregation. As I develop my own
Jewish beliefs, I am able to learn more about myself and who I have become. This is why I am a Jew.
At the Flemington Jewish Community Center, I began as a young girl in Ka-ton-ton. I learned how to say the blessings for the
wine, challah, and Shabbat candles. I remember I would come home from Sunday school and immediately tell my parents what I
learned. I was excited. Although at the time, I was very shy—Rabbi Jaffe was very encouraging. “Alan…Debbie… Not to worry.
Ms. Ariel will be on the bimah someday. It might take time.” I wanted to go on the bimah, but it wasn’t necessarily my time to
move away from pews. After the numerous nudges and taps on the shoulder, I stepped onto the bimah. I could not take it one more
time and knew it was time to move on. I am so incredibly happy once I did. I am a Jew.
As I made my way to 3rd grade, I learned how to read Hebrew. I was prepared to go up to the bimah to lead the congregation
at Shabbat Services and receive my very own Sim Shalom Siddur. At that time, I lead my first service with my Hebrew School
class. When I think about it, not everyone can say they know how to read Hebrew. It has taken me years to perfect reading Hebrew
after working with my Hebrew School teachers and my parents. It is a different language with a unique and artful alphabet. I can
say that as a Jew, I feel unique. I am able to share my faith and religious beliefs with others who are unaware of what Judaism truly
is. I like that. It makes me feel good to share my Jewish upbringing with them. I am a Jew and I am proud.
There was a lot to study leading to the day of my Bat Mitzvah. By now, I have gained more confidence in myself and embraced
my Jewish identity more than ever. Rabbi Jaffe was certainly right when he told my parents that in time I would gain the confidence
to approach the bimah and lead services. That day I did it all. I felt the best I’ve ever felt. My Jewish heritage, Jewish traditions,
and various celebrations all stem from the birth of my Jewish mother. I am a Jew because.
It amazes me to see how I have grown as a person. There have been so many opportunities for me, yet one in particular stands
out the most. It stands out the most because I was able to travel with Rabbi Jaffe. Let’s face it, how many can say that they’ve
traveled with their rabbi—let alone even wanting to travel with their Rabbi. I completed the extensive application and was on my
way. This experience changed my life and made me feel even more connected to my Jewish faith. I traveled to Washington D.C.
and participated in a program called Panim el Panim: Face to Face. Panim el Panim is a three-day seminar that explores the
Connection between public policy, advocacy, and Jewish values. This program gave me the opportunity along with other 10th
through 12th graders from across the country with strong ideals, enthusiasm, and commitment to make change. I was able to speak
with Congressman Leonard Lance and truly told him what my group and I would like to see in Hunterdon County. Rabbi A.Y
Kook once stated, “I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent.” My
words can change the community for the better. One cannot do this every day. But I was given this opportunity to do mitzvoth and
to gain a better understanding of the world outside my local community. I not only spoke with Congressman Leonard Lance, but
also spoke with those less fortunate. I provided them with items necessary to live a life full of spirit and connection to their own
communities. My background on Judaism and doing mitzvoth allowed me to put my knowledge into our world.
With this thought in mind, I am proud of my participation at the Flemington Jewish Community Center. I am an active member
and part of that is doing mitzvoth. I do make that very effort a priority. I have grown to learn how to do more than opening a door;
I now have the confidence to open those doors for others in my neighboring communities. Rabbi Jaffe was able to do that for me.
He gave me the opportunity to practice my religion, stand up for myself in difficult situations, and do mitzvoth. Rabbi Jaffe is the
core of my Jewish identity. Without him in my life, I would not be the Jewish adult I am today. Reading Torah, teaching students
how to embark on their journeys to becoming their own Jewish adults, and the list continues. He made such a huge impact on my
own life and I want to be able to do the same for others. No matter what the case was, Rabbi treated everyone with respect and
care. I am honored and extremely grateful to say that I was able to know Rabbi Jaffe. His warm heart and telling smile gave me
hope for all the good I can do for humanity.
I want to thank the Flemington Jewish Community Center Sisterhood for this generous scholarship. Also, thank you to all my
Hebrew School teachers—Mrs. Kleiman, Mrs. Kesselhaut, Mrs. Nussbaum, Mrs. Berkman, Mrs. Shapiro, Mrs. Gross, Mr.
Silberman, Mrs. Walsh, and Mrs. Kamins. You have given me the foundation of my commitment to Judaism.
As I begin the next chapter of my life at Syracuse University, I will bring my Jewish faith and traditions. I want to be able to
show my own life and story to others who care as much about Judaism as I do. I will continue to read Torah and perhaps I can
inspire those who have not engaged themselves in Jewish life to connect them as I have. I will continue to light the Shabbat candles.
I will continue to be a Jew because that is a part of my identity. I am a Jew because.
Mazel Tov to Robin Alexander, Sisterhood’s Woman of the Year 2016.
A great many people made the event possible, and I think it’s important to recognize them. Our events would not happen without
the thought, funds, effort, and time our community commits. Volunteering and/or joining committees is not about being part of a
clique; it’s about sustaining the FJCC. Our support comes from a varied group, and I hope you will consider joining it.
My sincerest thanks to:
Barbara Clarin and Debbie Hylton, amazing co-chairs who consistently made me laugh out loud and put the needs of others before
their own.
Sophie Shor for sponsoring a stunning gift for every attendee; for reciting the motzi; for leading by example; and for teaching us
about grace and generosity.
Alissa Fox for sponsoring our centerpieces and enabling us to provide an abundance of produce to the Flemington Food pantry, for
having a big heart, and for continually supporting the community.
Andrea Byne (and Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates) for her continued support of Sisterhood, her beautiful voice, and her
overall coolness.
Cara London, Gil Rosen, Mary Clare Lewy, and Rose Merhlust for their design visions, aesthetic sensibilities, and tremendously
generous spirits.
Kelley Ellenberg, Jodi Weitz, Robin Alexander, Marsha Gerstein, Gil Rosen, Cara London, Julia Sirota, and Leah Greenstein for
setting up and transforming the room.
Elana Korn for a meal that was thoughtfully planned and artfully prepared, for her sincerity, and for baklava that was truly heavenly.
Rachel Liebman, Jonathan Weitz, Mike Kawas, Brad Cohen, Mitch Clarin, and Monica Jakubowski for pitching in on Sunday
morning to cover the last minute things that always pop up.
Rich Frank, Matt Schutz, David Goldman, Zel Gerstein, Alan Hylton, and Nate Lefkow for having singles and small bills in their
Monica Jakubowski, Nomi Forman, Jane Wasserman, and Debbie Hylton for securing fabulous items for the WOTY and our raffle
Elise Cohen and Andrea Byne for their superior sales and basket carrying skills, and for their consistent willingness to help.
Kim Muller and Kimi Mittler for greeting everyone with a smile, always.
We could not have executed a memorable event without everyone above. I am truly grateful for your contributions.
I would also like to recognize, and I think it’s important for our community to recognize, the local merchants who have supported
Sisterhood and therefore the FJCC.
A Cut Above Salon
Be Here Now Yoga
Capuano Restaurant
Coco’s Café & Gelato
Crystal & Co. Salon
Debbie Hylton and Silpada
Flemington Department Store
Jody Reich and Camp Experts
Joe’s Pizza
Retro Fitness
Roman Jewelers
Sherman & Sons Jewelers
ShopRite of Flemington
Starbucks of Flemington
Stephanie’s Village Salon
The Market Roost
The Nail Experts
Top Line Nails
It was wonderful to see the social hall filled with laughter and levity. I hope to see all of you at next year’s WOTY event.
Reena Kamins
Sisterhood President
Our Focus Group Meetings with consultant, Judy Beck, will begin next Wednesday, June 1. We hope these meetings will offer an
opportunity for members of the shul with particular experience and interests to share their unique perspectives. We expect that the
future of the FJCC, the qualities needed in our future permanent rabbinical leadership and initiatives we might undertake to enhance
our synagogue community will be discussed.
The group composition and group meeting times have been changed to accommodate your suggestions. Please see the updated
schedule of focus groups below.
Focus Group Schedule – Updated
Wednesday June 1
3:00 – Those who are AARP eligible
4:30 - Teens
6:00 – FJCC Board of Directors
Monday, June 6
4:15 – Parents of teens, college age, and adult children
5:30 - Past FJCC Presidents
7:00 - Past Sisterhood Presidents
Wednesday, June 8
4:30 - Parents of young children (changed from 1:00)
5:45 - Hebrew School Teachers
7:00 - Parents of Bar/Bat Mitzvah age children
Wednesday, June 15
5:00 – Intermarried couples
6:30 – Singles
7:45 - Working people
As always, the RSC welcomes your questions and thoughts on
the candidates and process.
Ilyssa & Steve Fox on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,
Robin Alexander for being named Sisterhood Woman of
the Year
Ariel Hylton for being chosen Youth of the Year by the
Flemington Exchange Club
Liz & Ray Slavin on their 50th wedding anniversary
Anneliese & Howard Nifoussi on the engagements of
their daughter, Jenna, and their son, Jake
Sharon & Ken Brooks and family on the loss of Sharon’s
beloved father, Milton Frant
The unveiling for my husband, Rabbi Evan Jaffe, will be held on Sunday, July 17 th, at 11:30, at the Flemington Jewish Community
Center Cemetery on Capner Street, opposite the Middle School field. Following the unveiling, I would like to invite you for
refreshments, at The Pavilion at Mine Brook Park.
I have decided to open it up to all congregants, as he was so much a part of your lives, as you were a part of his.
Thank you to the FJCC Sisterhood for honoring me as the 2016 Woman of the Year. I would like thank all the previous Women of
the Year for this lovely honor. I will wear my new title with pride, and I love and appreciate all the fantastic gifts I was given. So
many more thanks go to our Sisterhood president Reena Kamins, co-chairs Barbara Clarin and Debbie Hylton, Sophie Shor for the
lovely necklace, and Elana Korn who spent countless hours cooking our lunch. Thank you also to all the volunteers who helped
make this event so wonderful. I want to say a special thank you to Debbie for her beautiful words and getting my kids to write
amazing things. Thank you to my daughters, Casey and Jamie, who came back to New Jersey and hid all weekend in order to
surprise me. Thank you to my husband Jeff and my son Jordan for keeping this amazing secret. Thank you to my sister Linda and
brother-in-law Rob, and my dearest friend Peony for coming to celebrate. I was truly surprised and am very honored to be a part of
the FJCC Sisterhood.
Robin Alexander
With just two more classes it is hard to believe that this
year is coming to a close. It has been a challenging year for
teachers, assistants, parents and students. We all miss Rabbi
Jaffe but did not let his absence stop us from working together
in Hebrew School this year. It may appear that it was
seamless, but truth be told, there were many behind the scenes
meetings and many emails in an effort to balance continuity
with change. I want to thank Adah Radzin, Barbara Clarin,
Deborah Kesselhaut, Kimi Mittler, Laurie Rapkin, Lois
Gross, and Saul Katz for their dedication and hard work.
The teaching assistants went above and beyond filling in
the gaps. They took over services in the sanctuary at the end
of Hebrew School, created new and enhanced established
programs, and put in extra time tutoring this year. I want to
thank them for all their contributions: Ariel Hylton, Ben
Doshna, Ben Kestenbaum, Bradley Fox, Brandon Wolff,
Cydney Cohn, Hannah Rosenberg, Jake Clarin, Jenna Clarin,
Josh Ellenberg, Julia Sirota, Marjorie Rednor, Melanie Wolff,
Noah Doshna, Olivia Kleiman, Rebecca Pearlman, and Sam
We are counting up the tzedakah for Family Promise, and
between students' contributions and a donation from a parent
we will have about $500 for this summer.
To the Hebrew School parents: you will be billed the
Registration and Program (RP) Fee in June. All RP Fees are
due by July 22nd. Please make this payment in a timely
fashion (there is a $25.00 per student late fee) to allow the
teachers and me to get our book and supply orders in place.
If you need to make special financial arrangements, please
contact Jonathan Weitz, jonathanwweitz@gmail.com.
I have switched to my summer hours, and will work from
home often. The best way to reach me is by email.
Have a happy, healthy, wonderful summer.
Karen Walsh
Nursery School
Samantha Farber
Sarah Farber
Fourth Grade
Jason Cohen
Samuel Freed
Leah Rudolph
Zachary Rudolph
Middle School
Jason Gertzman
Seth Leibowitz
Ben Melanson
Kylie Mittler
Ethan Rosen
Rachel Rosenberg
Eighth Grade
Joshua Ellenberg
Zachary Kesselhaut
Jacqueline Kestenbaum
Amira Kleiman
Nathaniel Nemeth
Ethan Rednor
Elyse Szych
Hanna Szych
Samantha Wilk
High School
Hayley Fico from Hunterdon Central Regional High School. She will be attending The University of Delaware.
Ethan Gertzman
Ariel Hylton from Hunterdon Central Regional High School. She will be attending Syracuse University’s College of Arts
and Sciences where she will study Communication Sciences and Disorders (Speech pathology and Audiology)
Marjorie Rednor from Rutgers Preparatory School. She will begin studying engineering at Trinity College in Hartford CT
Blake Schipper from Hunterdon Central Regional High School as an NJ STARS scholarship recipient. He will be
attending Raritan Valley Community College in the fall majoring in Business.
Phoebe Stein
Alex Wasserman
Melanie Wolff from Hunterdon Central Regional High School. She will be attending Millersville University of Pennsylvania
with a dual major in Early Elementary Education and Special Education
Jordan Alexander from Quinnipiac University in December with an MBA. He is now working at Merrill Lynch.
Emily Clarin from Goucher College with a Bachelor’s in Spanish. She is graduating with high honors and has been
inducted into Phi Beta Kappa honor Society.
Danielle Rubin from the University of Pennsylvania
Matthew Winnick from SUNY Buffalo
Post Graduate
Alissa McInerney from George Washington Medical School
Chloe Stein with an MS in Nonprofit Management from The Milano School of International Affairs, management and
Urban Policy at the New School
Tzedakah is always “in season.” If you have an event coming up such as an anniversary, a birthday, a yahrzeit, etc., it’s a mitzvah
to contribute to your favorite fund. You can send your check to the FJCC office with a note telling us where you would like the
money used. Some of the funds that you can donate to are: Building Fund, General Fund, Kiddush Fund, Prayer Book Fund, Hebrew
School, Shmuel F Frand Memorial Holocaust Education Fund, and Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund. Do a mitzvah – send a donation.
Todah rabah to all those who made donations to:
Sam Cohen in honor of the 50 wedding anniversary of
Liz and Ray Slavin
Vivian & Fred Daniel in memory of Milton Frant,
beloved father of Sharon Brooks
Lori Findley for the yahrzeit of her beloved nephew,
Edward Mahony
Iris & Bernie Goldband in honor of the 50th wedding
anniversary or Liz and Ray Slavin
Reginald Greene in honor of the 50th anniversary of Liz
and Ray Slavin
Jami Miller for the yahrzeit of her beloved father, Louis
Marla & Matthew Potter in honor of the 50 th wedding
anniversary of Liz and Ray Slavin
Amy & Seth Rubin:
 For a mazel tov to Alissa and Jim Fox on the
engagement of their son, Jonathan, to Michelle
 For a mazel tov to Anneliese and Howard Nifoussi
on the engagement of their daughter, Jenna, and the
engagement of their son, Jake
 In memory of Celia Lerner, beloved mother of
Phyllis Lerner
 In memory of Dr. Gerald Barad
 In memory of Katherine Formica, beloved mother of
Rose Mehrlust
Ruth & Robert Sandak in honor of the 50 th wedding
anniversary of Liz and Ray Slavin
Cathie & Art Wetstein in honor of the 50th wedding
anniversary of Liz and Ray Slavin
Marsha & Zel Gerstein:
 In memory of Milton Frant, beloved father of Sharon
 In memory of Stuart Kamich, beloved brother of
Sue & Rick Rothstein in memory of Milton Frant,
beloved father of Sharon Brooks
Mona & Eric Yorke in honor of the adult education
program sponsored by Sharon Brooks
Sarah & Richard Frank:
 For a happy 70th birthday to Sam Einstein
 In memory of Milton Frant, beloved father of Sharon
Malka Goodman for the yahrzeit of her beloved father,
Samuel Linsenbaum
In memory of Milton Frank, beloved father of Sharon
Cathie & Art Wetstein in memory of Milton Frant,
beloved father of Sharon Brooks
JEWISH LIFE (Learning Is For Everyone)
Jewish LIFE thanks everyone for their support of the
Show your support of Israel and your blue and white
2015-2016 season. Planning is underway for the new season
spirit…the annual Celebrate Israel Day Parade in NYC is
of our community-wide Jewish Adult Education program,
Sunday, June 5.
which will begin in the fall. The 2016-2017 Jewish LIFE
brochure will be published in the early Fall.
Jewish Family Service is offering a special Job Seekers
Support Group in Hunterdon County. This group will be held
on Thursday, June 16, from 10:00 AM.-12:00 noon, at The
Family Success Center, 87 Park Avenue, Flemington, N.J.
The topic for this group is “Creating your Target List”
presented by Elise Prezant, Career Counselor, JFS.
This group is offered free of charge and is open to the
entire community. Funding for this program is provided by a
grant from The United Way of Hunterdon County. Space is
limited and registration is required. To register, please
contact Elise Prezant at 908-725-7799 X108 or
June 2016
24 Iyar 5776 - 24 Sivan 5776
Focus Group Meetings:
3:00 - AARP eligible
4:30 Teens
6:00 FJCC Board of Directors
24 Iyar/39 L'Omer
§9:11PM 6
Services 9:00
Focus Group Meetings:
4:15 - Parents of teens,
college age, & adult children
5:30 - Past FJCC Presidents
7:00 - Past Sisterhood
29 Iyar/44 L'Omer
1 Sivan/45 L'Omer
28 Iyar/43 L'Omer
§9:15PM/¡¡9:15PM 13
§9:16PM 14
6 Sivan
7 Sivan
2 Sivan/46 L'Omer
8 Sivan
3 Sivan/47 L'Omer
4 Sivan/48 L'Omer
5 Sivan/49 L'Omer
¡¡8:14PM 18
Services 7:30
Services 9:15
Kiddush: Kleiman Family
9 Sivan
27 Iyar/42 L'Omer
¡¡8:11PM 11
Services 7:30
Services 9:15
Focus Group Meetings:
5:00 - Intermarried couples
6:30 - Singles
7:45 - Working people
Services 9:00
Services 9:15
26 Iyar/41 L'Omer
Focus Group Meetings:
4:30 - Parents of young
5:45 - Hebrew School
7:00 - Parents of B/B Mitzvah
age children
25 Iyar/40 L'Omer
¡¡8:07PM 4
Services 7:30
Sisterhood Scholarship
Recipients Speeches
10 Sivan
11 Sivan
Services 9:00
¡¡8:16PM 25
Services 7:30
12 Sivan
Services 9:15
13 Sivan
14 Sivan
15 Sivan
16 Sivan
17 Sivan
18 Sivan
19 Sivan
Services 9:00
20 Sivan
21 Sivan
22 Sivan
23 Sivan
24 Sivan
[¡¡Candle Lighting, §Observance End for Flemington, NJ]
We need congregational participation for Oneg and Kiddush sponsorship!
Do you have a Yahrzeit coming up or a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, anniversary, birthday, or any occasion to sponsor an ONEG/KIDDUSH?
It doesn’t have to be a fancy feast or expensive. Be creative, prepare the food in the FJCC kitchen, pick up kosher food at ShopRite,
or simply send in a check and the shopping will be done for you. Please call Lori in our office 782-6410 or email
office@flemingtonjcc.org and let her know what date you will sponsor.
Gift Shop
June is busting out all over with good times. Graduations, weddings, Bar and Bat
Mitzvah, Father’s Day, and birthdays are all occasions the shop can help you get presents. We’ve got
beautiful jewelry for men and women, t-shirts, books and toys, all religious items including
candlesticks, Kiddush cups, challah plates, mezuzot, and anything else you desire.
We are open during Hebrew School and regular office hours. Please fill out a receipt and leave it,
along with your check made out to FJCC Gift Shop, and in the office.
Thanks to Kim Muller for volunteering in May.
Your Gift Case Committee:
Lois Gross
Gayle Neibart
1 - William Rosen
2 - Joshua Butt
- Nathan Lefkow
3 - David Levine
4 - Dina Klepner
5 - Lisa Martin
6 - Marjorie Rednor
- Joan Rogow
7 - Jeffrey Alexander
- Sarah Sornstein
10 - Josy Kestenbaum
11 - Emily Clarin
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -
Rachel Farber
Scott Gerstein
Scott Liebman
Lenore Levine
Craig Sirota
John N. Fellin
Ilene Weinstein
Mark Weinstein
Antje Doyle
Brian Kamins
Andrea Wissner
Neila Green
18 - Ronit Zilberboim
19 - Dan Gross
22 - Barry Mittler
- Aaron Frank
- Scott Schipper
- Ruth Wolf
24 - Jonathan Griffith
25 - Ira Arden
26 - Marjorie Rednor
29 - Jack Forman
- Charlotte Griffith
- Brandon Hubert
15 17 -
Joan & Milton Rosen
Mona & Dein Shapiro
Joyce & Scott Schindler
Nancy & Laurence Shatkin
Shellie & Marvin Jacobson
Rhonda Krupen & Howard Goldin
Stacey Gould & Richard Goodman
Suzanne & Steve Kalafer
Donna & Ricky Braff
Andrea & Scott Byne
18 19 20 25 26 -
Sharon & Austin Rednor
Staci & Scott Schipper
Sharon & Ken Skowronek
Leah & Steven Greenstein
Sue & Steve Rubin
Nancy & Frank Rumore
Cathie & Art Wetstein
Mindy & Eliot Friedman
Elise & Phillip Franklin
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 -
Anne Lubowsky
Sophie Rappaport
Sylvia Stolpen
Temie Nussbaum
Renay Salamon
Isaiah Shapiro
Walter Likuski
David Alan Daniels
Shelley Goldstein-Groussis
Felix Huber
Victory Lonsk
Ruth Radzin
Goldie Goldstein
Leonard Hurwitz
Saul Weisser
Bill Blaher
Morton Engle
Emil Neibart
Kurt Goldman
Rabbi Jeffrey Weisblatt
Hyman Chantz
Eva Klepner
Emanuel Salzberg
Nancy Taub
Mamie Kaminowitz
Irving Kay
Julia Affrime
Harry Arcus
12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 -
Abram Kaplan
Charles Levinston
Natale Formica
Irving Kaplan
Dan Richman
Barnet Taylor
Joseph Arden
Helen Jampel
Sylvia Spiegel
Martin Reich
Anna Chantz
Nicholas Goldman
Jennie Silver Goldstein
Jacob Resnick
Lillian Weinstein
Moses Auerbach
Millie Orlin
Gus Goodman
Rita Kuchinsky
Austin Kutscher
Rebecca Landau
Stanley Strober
Flora Jacobson
Isadore Kanter
Abe Norinsky
Victoria Wakefield
Harold Levin
Bessie Triber
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 -
Harriet Wolfson
Yetta Fersht
Pauline Sage
Ira Stolpen
Tekla Daniel
Max Lubowsky
Lena Rachel Seligman
Bernard Weschler
Ida Brody
Harry Camerman
Norbert Hubert
Arthur Pressman
Mary Levine Sacks
Samuel Stein
Kenneth Ellentuch
David Zucker
Newton Brooks
Edith Hylton
Abraham Lieberman
Shirley Shiffman
Mildred Stempler
Edith Weinstein
Rivia Hurwith
Shirley Richman
Ian Arcus
Milton Asher
Yahrzeit candles are lit the night before the yahrzeit is observed.
PLEASE NOTE: If your birthday, anniversary, or yahrzeit information is missing or incorrect, please bring or mail your information to the FJCC office, or email it
to Flo Newrock so it can be included in future bulletins.
Flemington Jewish Community Center
5 Sergeantsville Road
Flemington NJ 08822