INNHOLDSFORTEGNELSE / TABLE OF CONTENTS Beskrivelse / Description Side / Page Beskrivelse / Description TAU-FIBER / ROPE-FIBER Side / Page 103-113 SERVICE / SERVICE 2 TJENESTER / SERVICE 2 ATLAS 103 VERKSTED / WORKSHOP 2 DURAFLOAT / WINCHLINE 104 FLÅTESERVICE / RAFTESERVICE 3 DANLINE KONTROLL / INSPEKSJON 4 KVADRATFLETTA / SQUARE BRAIDED DANLINE 107 X-FLETTA / X-BRAIDED DANLINE 107 SILVER TAU / SILVER ROPE 108 NYLON / NYLON 109 HANEFOT TAU / BRIDLE ROPE 109 TERYLENE TAU / ROPE 110 COULRENE TAU / ROPE 110 SJAKKLER / SHACKLE 6-18 KROKER / HOOKS 19-30 KJETTINGLÅS / CONNECTORS 31-32 KJETTING / CHAIN 33-37 LØFTE UTSTYR / LIFTING EQUIPMENT 38-43 LØFTEØYE - BOLT / EYE BOLTS - NUTS 44-55 SVIVLER / SWIVELS 56-58 RINGER / RINGS 59-61 TALJER / HOIST 62-66 STREKKFISK / TURNBUCKLE 67-71 LASTE STRAMMER / LOADBINDER 72 BLOKKER / BLOCKS 73-77 KAUSER / THIMBLE 78-80 WIRE LÅS / WIRE ROPE CLIP 81-82 SOCKET / SOCKET 83-86 STÅLTAU / WIRE ROPE 87-101 DYNEMA TAU / DYNEMA FIBERROPE 102 105-108 O-FLETTET / O-BRAIDED NYLON 111 X-FLETTET / X-BRAIDED NYLON 111 GARFIL MR NYLON ROPES 112 HOT LINE 113 NOTH SEA 113 FENDER / FENDER 114 BØYER / BUOYS 115 OFFSHORE BØYER / BUOYS MSB 234/3 116 ANKER / ANCHOR 117 RUNDSLINGS / ROUND SLINGS 118 BÅNDSROPPER / WEBBING STRAP 118 VANNVEKTER / VATER WEGHTS 119 LASTECELLE / LOAD CELLS 120 HOVEDKONTOR / MAIN OFFICE SELSTAD AS Postboks 163 6701 Måløy NORGE TLF +47 57 85 25 00 FAX +47 57 85 25 25 Contact info: Sales: Direct: E-mail: Selstad Industry & Offshore Klaus Edler +47 96 01 81 45 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 1 SER T IFISER I N G OG GODKJ E N N IN G Hos Selstad settes sikkerhet og kvalitet meget høyt for alle produkter, tjenester og aktiviteter, og også gjeldende regler, krav og standarder blir overholdt. Selstad er sertifisert av Norsk Sertifisering som sakkyndig virksomhet(SV242) innenfor løfteredskaper, kjetting, fibertau, ståltaustropper, løst utstyr, betongtobber, stålkasser og pallegafler. I tillegg er Selstad sertifisert som produsent og leverandør av fortøyningssystemer, og er akkreditert leverandør i Achilles JQS. Selstad er medlem i Maritim Forening Sogn og Fjordane og medlem i Kran Teknisk Forening. De årlige kontrollene som kan bli utført av Selstads kvalifiserte kontrollør er kontroller på Tårnkran, G2, G3, G4, G7, G8, G10, P1, R, R1, R2, R3, R4, T, TX, M, S og allt løfteutstyr (G11/RX). Service og Tjenester Selstad har sakkyndig, erfarent, utdannet og kvalifisert personell som er behjelpelig med mange forskjellige jobber innen behandling av ståltau, kjetting, tau og annet løfteutstyr – både på verkstedet hos Selstad og direkte hos kunden. Spoling Selstad tilbyr spoling av både ståltau og tau ved flere avdelinger langs den norske kyst. Socketer Med erfarent og kvalifisert personell kan Selstad tilby støpning av socketer i alle størrelser. Selstads personell gjennomfører også reterminering av socketer med rens/sandblåsing, og tilhørende NDT kontroller og overflatebehandling. Prøvelast-Testing Selstad kan gjennomføre kran- og utstyrskontroller med våre laste-celler og vannvektsekker (side 110 - 111). Testbenk 150 tonn Med en 150 tonns testbenk kan Selstad gjennomføre tester på tau, ståltau, kjettinger og annet løfteutstyr. Selstad gjennomfører også rutinemessige prøver og tester av alle løfteprodukter. Verksted Ved Selstads velutstyrte verksted kan alt innen spleising av tau og wire og behandling av løfteutstyr gjennomføres. I tillegg kan det etter avtale gjennomføres sveising både på verkstedet og/eller ute hos kunde. Wire-, kjetting-, rundslingskrev Selstad kan lage alle typer skrev etter kundens ønskede spesifikasjoner, standard skrev eller etter DNV. Flåteservice Selstads servicestasjon for redningsutstyr ligger i Måløy hvor Selstad stiller sertifisert og erfarent personell til disposisjon for kundene hele døgnet (side 3). 2 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I FLÅTES TASJ ON , F L ÅT E S E R V IC E O G R E D N IN G S U T S T Y R Hos Selstad er sertifisert og erfarent personell disponibelt 24 timer i døgnet for å sikre at livsviktig utstyr er i forskriftsmessig stand og i tråd med gjeldende regelverk. Selstads flåtestasjon er lokalisert i Måløy. Her kan det foretas service på flåter for inntil 150 personer. Flåtestasjonen ligger ved kaikanten til en dypvannskai, så hos Selstad er det tilrettelagt for at både lasting og lossing av flåter eller annet utstyr kan foregå uproblematisk. For å sikre best mulig service og for å sørge for kortest mulig leveringstid, jobber tre personer for fullt ved flåtestasjonen i Måløy. • Selstad leverer følgende produkter og tjenester: •Service •Redningsflåter •MOB-båter • Redningsdrakter og redningsvester • Tilgang til bytteflåter • Leveranse av pyroteknisk materiell, livbøyer, og brannslukningsutstyr, m.m. +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 3 VERTIKAL SERVICE Selstad er opptatt av å kunne tilby kundene gode tjenester til gode priser. Fra Selstads samarbeid med Vertikal Service kan et bredere spekter av tjenester og service tilbys. Tjenester og service utover Selstads sakkyndige kontroller innenfor kraner og løfteutstyr omfatter blant annet sveiseinspeksjoner, sakkyndig kontroll og tilkomstteknikk. SVEISEINSPEKSJON SAKKYNDIG KONTROLL Kontroll og service: • • • • • • • • • TILKOMSTTEKNIKK Tilkomstteknikere med riggutdanning og fagkompetanse innen følgende fagfelt: Tårnkran G2 Portalkraner(G3) Traverskraner(G4) Vinsjer, spill, taljer, vegg- og søylevinsjkraner(G7) Manuelle kraner og taljer(g10) Løfteredskap(G11/RX) Personlig verneutstyr Fallsikringsutstyr Klatreutstyr • • • • • • Mekanisk Elektrofag Sveis og sveiseinspeksjon NDT, alle metoder Visuell inspeksjon Rørleggerfag Inspeksjoner: • • • • • • • • • • • NDT, alle metoder VT, visuell inspeksjon MT, Magnetpulver PT, Penetrant RT, Røntgen UT, Ultralyd ET, Virvelstrøm Sveiseinspeksjon IWT/IWE Trykkelsesmåling iht DNV 402 A NDT Nivå 3 tjeneste Sveiseinspeksjon, NDT og tilkomstteknikk: Selstad tilbyr mulighet for å kombinere sveiseinspeksjon og NDT med tilkomstteknikk for en enklere, mer rimelig og mer sikker tilkomst. Digital Plattform: Digital datafangst, ny digital plattform tilbyr en kostnadseffektiv løsning for lagring og behandling av all informasjon knyttet til inspeksjoner og sakkyndig kontroll. Sertifikater, historikk og rapporter vil være digitalt tilgjengelig for inspeksjon og kunde til enhver tid 4 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Notater Notes +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 5 Sjakkel Shackles GREEN PIN® STANDARD SHACKLES Bow shackles with screw collar pin • Material • Safety Factor • Standard : bow and pin high tensile steel, Grade 6, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 6 x WLL : EN 13889 and meets performance requirements of US Fed. Spec. RR-C-271 Type IVA Class 2, Grade A • Finish : hot dipped galvanized • Temperature Range: -20°C up to +200°C • Certification : at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate, material certificate, manufacturer test certificate, EC Declaration of Conformity and all shackles starting from 2 t can be supplied with DNV 2.7-1 certificate. VARE NR PART NO WORKING DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER WIDTH LOAD BOW EYE EYE PIN LIMIT A B C D T MM MM MM MM 0.33 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3.25 4.75 6.5 8.5 9.5 12 13.5 17 25 35 42.5 55 5 7 9 10 11 13.5 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 45 50 57 65 6 8 10 11 13 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 42 50 57 65 70 12 16.5 20 22.5 26.5 34 40 46 52 59 66 72 80 88 103 111 130 145 WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH BOW LENGTH LENGTH BOLT WIDTH WEIGHT EACH E MM F MM G MM H MM I MM J MM KG 5 7 9 9.5 12 13.5 22 29 32 10 11 13 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 45 50 57 65 17 19 22 27 31 36 43 47 51 57 60 74 83 95 105 36.5 43 51 64 76 83 95 108 115 133 146 178 197 222 260 16 20 22 26 29 32 43 51 58 68 75 83 92 99 126 138 160 180 36 48.5 56 63.5 74 89 110 129 144 164 185 201 227 249 300 331 377 433 29.5 38 46.5 54 59.5 73 89 103 119 137 153 170 186 203 243 272 310 344 26 34 40 46 51 58 75 89 102 118 131 147 162 175 216 238 274 310 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.14 0.19 0.36 0.63 1.01 1.5 2.21 3.16 4.31 5.55 7.43 12.84 18.15 26.29 37.6 G-4161 6 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Sjakkel Shackles GREEN PIN® STANDARD SHACKLES Dee shackles with safety bolt • • • • • • Material : bow and pin high tensile steel, Grade 6, quenched and tempered Safety Factor : MBL equals 6 x WLL Standard : EN 13889 and meets performance requirements of US Fed. Spec. RR-C-271 Type IVB Class 3, Grade A Finish : hot dipped galvanized Temperature Range: -20 °C up to +200 °C Certification : at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate, material certificate, manufacturer test certificate, EC Declaration of Conformity and all shackles starting from 2 t can be supplied with DNV 2.7-1 certificate. VARE NR WORKING PART NO LOAD LIMIT T 2 3.25 4.75 6.5 8.5 9.5 12 13.5 17 25 35 42.5 55 85 DIAMETER BOW DIAMETER PIN DIAMETER EYE A MM 13.5 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 45 50 57 65 75 B MM 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 42 50 57 65 70 83 C MM 34 40 46 52 59 66 72 80 88 103 111 130 145 162 WIDTH WIDTH LENGTH EYE INSIDE INSIDE D MM 13 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 45 50 57 65 73 E MM 22 27 31 36 43 47 51 57 60 74 83 95 105 127 F MM 43 51 59 73 85 90 94 115 127 149 171 190 203 229 LENGTH G MM 81 97 112 134 154 167 180 209 230 271 305 345 376 427 LENGTH WEIGHT BOLT EACH H MM 82 98 114 130 150 166 178 197 202 249 269 301 330 380 KG 0.39 0.67 1.08 1.66 2.46 3.4 4.51 6.1 7.63 13.25 18.53 25.94 35.33 52.97 G-4153 GREEN PIN® HEAVY DUTY SHACKLES Dee shackles with safety bolt • • • • Material Safety Factor Finish Certification : : : : bow and pin alloy steel, Grade 8 quenched and tempered MBL equals 5 x WLL shackle bow painted silver, pin painted green (120 tons shackle is hot dipped galvanized) at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate, material certificate, manufacturer test certificate, EC Declaration of Conformity and all shackles starting from 150 tons are supplied with a Lloyd’s Register of Shipping Certificate on proof load VARE NR WORKING DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER WIDTH WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH WEIGHT PART NO LOAD LIMIT T 120 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1250 1500 BOW PIN EYE EYE INSIDE INSIDE BOW A MM 95 105 120 130 140 170 180 200 210 210 220 240 260 280 B MM 95 108 130 140 150 175 185 205 215 220 230 240 270 290 C MM 208 238 279 299 325 376 398 444 454 464 485 515 585 625 D MM 91 102 113 118 123 164 164 189 204 204 215 215 230 230 E MM 147 169 179 205 205 231 256 282 308 308 328 349 369 369 F MM 400 410 513 554 618 668 718 718 718 718 718 718 768 818 G MM 238 275 290 305 305 325 350 375 400 400 420 420 450 450 BOLT H MM 647 688 838 904 996 1114 1190 1243 1263 1270 1296 1336 1456 1556 I MM 440 490 520 560 575 690 720 810 870 870 920 940 1025 1025 +47 57 85 25 00 I I P-6036 EACH J MM 428 485 530 565 585 665 710 775 820 820 860 900 970 1010 KG 110 160 235 285 340 560 685 880 980 1100 1280 1460 1990 2400 Side / Page 7 Sjakkel Shackles GREEN PIN® HEAVY DUTY SHACKLES Dee shackles with safety bolt • • • • Material Safety Factor Finish Certification : : : : bow and pin alloy steel, Grade 8, quenched and tempered MBL equals 5 x WLL hot dipped galvanized at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate, material certificate, manufacturer test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity VARE NR WORKING DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER PART NO LOAD BOW PIN EYE LIMIT A B C T MM MM MM 120 95 95 208 WIDTH EYE WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE LENGTH LENGTH BOLT WEIGHT EACH D MM 95 E MM 147 F MM 274 G MM 521 H MM 440 KG 110 G-6038 GREEN PIN® SLING SHACKLES Bow shackles with safety bolt • • • • • Material : Safety Factor : Finish : Temperature Range: Certification : bow and pin alloy steel, Grade 8, quenched and tempered MBL equals 5 x WLL shackle bow painted silver, pin painted green -20 °C up to +200 °C at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate, material certificate, manufacturer test certificate, EC declaration of Conformity and all shackles from 75 t are supplied with a Lloyd’s Register of Shipping Certificate on proof load. An MPI and/or US inspection certificate can be supplied on request WORKING DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER WIDTH LOAD BODY PIN EYE EYE LIMIT A B C D T MM MM MM MM 18 35 35 69 30 30 40 42 90 35 40 55 51 109 45 55 60 57 115 55 75 68 70 125 54 125 85 80 154 85 150 94 95 179 89 200 110 105 199 100 250 126 120 227 110 300 135 134 245 122 400 160 160 293 145 500 170 180 328 160 600 190 200 348 170 700 200 215 392 190 800 218 230 420 200 900 242 255 466 220 1000 260 270 490 240 1250 285 300 510 260 1500 285 320 550 280 8 Side / Page WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH BEARING WEIGHT INSIDE INSIDE BOW BOLT SURFACE EACH E MM 52 69 84 90 110 137 147 158 179 195 231 263 289 315 342 368 399 452 483 F MM 147 165 199 240 290 366 391 481 542 601 576 681 741 751 851 851 851 931 950 G MM 102 126 140 160 185 220 253 280 300 350 370 450 490 540 554 580 614 650 680 H MM 239 279 331 389 473 583 645 759 859 947 985 1131 1234 1284 1426 1488 1532 1666 1710 I MM 165 207 252 294 327 426 435 470 519 575 675 748 809 879 942 1023 1103 1227 1300 J MM 180 200 235 270 317 390 434 482 530 620 690 790 865 901 947 1023 1107 1182 1253 L MM 64 79 97 100 120 150 170 205 240 265 320 339 370 400 420 440 460 530 560 P-6033 KG 7 13 21 30 48 92 140 205 264 360 580 780 980 1360 1430 1650 2120 3700 4000 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Sjakkel Shackles GREEN PIN® SUPER SHACKLES Bow shackles with safety bolt • • • • • • Material : bow and pin alloy steel, Grade 8, quenched and tempered Safety Factor : MBL equals 5 x WLL Standard : meets performance requirements of US Fed. Spec. RR-C-271 Type IVA Class 3, Grade B Finish : hot dipped galvanized (175 ton shackle is painted) Temperature Range: -20 °C up to +200 °C Certification : at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate, material certificate, manufacturer test certificate, EC Declaration of Conformity and all shackles starting from 150 tons are supplied with a Lloyd’s Register of Shipping Certificate on proof load WORKING PART NO LOAD LIMIT VARE NR DIAME- DIAME- DIAMEWIDTH TER TER TER BOW PIN EYE EYE A MM 13.5 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 45 57 70 83 95 105 T 3.3 5 7 9.5 12.5 15 18 21 30 40 55 85 120 150* 175* B MM 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 42 50 57 70 83 95 108 C MM 34 40 46 52 59 66 72 80 88 103 117 143 162 208 238 D MM 13 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 45 57 70 83 91 102 WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH INSIDE INSIDE BOW E MM 22 27 31 36 43 47 51 57 60 74 83 105 127 147 169 F MM 51 64 76 83 95 108 115 133 146 178 197 260 329 400 410 G MM 32 43 51 58 68 75 83 92 99 126 138 180 190 238 275 BOLT H MM 89 110 129 144 164 185 201 227 249 300 341 437 535 647 688 I MM 82 98 114 130 150 166 178 197 202 249 286 344 403 511 561 J MM 58 75 89 102 118 131 147 162 175 216 252 320 356 428 485 G-5263 THICKWEIGHT NESS NUT EACH K MM 13 17 19 22 25 27 30 33 19 23 26 32 40 50 60 KG 0.44 0.79 1.26 1.88 2.78 3.87 5.26 6.94 8.79 15 22 42 70 112 160 * = round headed bolt GREEN PIN® POLAR SHACKLES Bow shackles with safety bolt, for use under extreme climatic conditions • Material • Safety Factor • Standard : bow and pin alloy steel, Grade 8, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 8 x WLL : EN 13889 and meets performance requirements of US Fed. Spec. RR-C-271 Type IVA Class 3, Grade B • Finish : hot dipped galvanized • Temperature Range: -40 °C up to +200 °C • Certification : Can be supplied with many different sertificate, DNV 2.7-1 certificate. G-5163 WORKING PART NO LOAD LIMIT VARE NR T 2 3.25 4.75 6.5 8.5 9.5 12 13.5 17 25 35 42.5 55 85 DIAME- DIAME- DIAMEWIDTH TER TER TER BOW PIN EYE EYE A MM 13.5 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 45 50 57 65 75 B MM 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 42 50 57 65 70 83 C MM 34 40 46 52 59 66 72 80 88 103 116 130 145 162 D MM 13 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 45 50 57 65 73 WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH INSIDE INSIDE BOW E MM 22 27 31 36 43 47 51 57 60 74 83 95 105 127 F MM 51 64 76 83 95 108 115 133 146 178 197 222 260 329 G MM 32 43 51 58 68 75 83 92 99 126 138 160 180 190 BOLT H MM 89 110 129 144 164 185 201 227 249 300 334 377 433 527 I MM 82 98 114 130 150 166 178 197 202 249 269 301 330 380 J MM 58 75 89 102 118 131 147 162 175 216 238 274 310 340 +47 57 85 25 00 I I THICKWEIGHT NESS NUT EACH K MM 13 17 19 22 25 27 30 33 19 23 26 29 32 40 KG 0.42 0.74 1.18 1.77 2.58 3.66 4.91 6.54 8.19 14.22 19.85 28.33 39.59 62 Side / Page 9 Sjakkel Shackles GREEN PIN® HEAVY DUTY POLAR SHACKLES Bow shackles with safety bolt, for use under extreme climatic conditions • Material :bow and pin alloy steel, Grade 8, quenched and tempered • Safety Factor :MBL equals 5 x WLL • Finish :shackle bow painted silver, pin painted green (120 tons shackle is hot dipped galvanized) • Temperature Range:-40 °C up to +200 °C • Certification :Can be supplied with a works certificate, material certificate, manufacturer test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity. VARE NR PART NR WORKING LOAD LIMIT T 120 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1250 1500 DIAME- DIAME- DIAMEWIDTH TER TER TER BOW PIN EYE EYE A MM 95 105 120 130 140 170 180 200 210 210 220 240 260 280 B MM 95 108 130 140 150 175 185 205 215 220 230 240 270 290 C MM 208 238 279 299 325 376 398 444 454 464 485 515 585 625 D MM 91 102 112 118 123 164 164 189 204 204 215 215 230 230 WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH WEIGHT INSIDE INSIDE BOW E MM 147 169 179 205 205 231 256 282 308 308 328 349 369 369 F MM 399 410 512 554 618 668 718 718 718 718 718 718 768 818 G MM 238 275 290 305 305 325 350 375 400 400 420 420 450 450 BOLT H MM 646 688 837 904 996 1114 1190 1243 1263 1270 1296 1336 1456 1556 I MM 440 490 520 560 575 690 720 810 870 870 920 940 1025 1025 EACH J MM 428 485 530 565 585 665 710 775 820 820 860 900 970 1010 P-6031 KG 110 160 235 285 340 560 685 880 980 1100 1280 1460 1990 2400 GREEN PIN® WIDE MOUTH SHACKLES Bow shackles with safety bolt • • • • • Material :bow and pin alloy steel, Grade 8, quenched and tempered Safety Factor : MBL equals 6 x WLL Finish :hot dipped galvanized Temperature Range: -20 °C up to +200 °C Certification :at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate, material certificate, manufacturer test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity G-4263 VARE NR PART NR WORKING LOAD LIMIT T 4.75 6.5 8.5 9.5 12 16 25 30 55 75 10 DIAME- DIAME- DIAMEWIDTH TER TER TER BOW PIN EYE EYE A MM 22 25 28 32 35 38 45 50 65 75 Side / Page B MM 25 28 32 35 38 42 50 57 70 83 C MM 52 59 66 72 79 88 103 118 145 166 D MM 22 25 28 32 35 38 45 50 65 75 WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH WEIGHT INSIDE INSIDE BOW E MM 63 75 82 90 100 106 127 146 165 184 F MM 112 135 148 162 180 216 248 273 314 330 G MM 88 105 115 126 140 159 175 207 213 254 BOLT H MM 173 204 225 248 274 319 370 411 487 530 I MM 157 182 201 217 240 248 296 338 389 432 EACH J MM 132 155 171 190 210 235 265 307 343 404 KG 2.08 3.14 4.36 5.95 7.87 12.5 18 25 48 70 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Sjakkel Shackles GREEN PIN® ROV RELEASE POLAR SHACKLES With locking clamp • Material : bow and pin alloy steel, Grade 8, quenched and tempered • Safety Factor : MBL equals 8x WLL for shackles with WLL 17 t and 25 t, MBL equals 6x WLL for shackles with WLL 55 t and 85 t • Finish : body white painted, pin green painted • Temperature Range : -40˚C up to +200˚C • Certificates : at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate, material certificate, manufacturer test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity. VARE NR PART NR WORKING DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER WIDTH LOAD BOW PIN EYE EYE WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH WEIGHT INSIDE INSIDE BOW BOLT EACH LIMIT A B C D E F G H I J T MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG 17 38 42 88 38 60 146 99 250 217 175 8.19 25 45 50 103 45 74 178 126 300 250 216 14.22 55 65 70 145 65 105 260 180 433 330 310 39.59 85 75 83 162 73 127 329 190 527 380 340 62 P-5365 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 11 Sjakkel Shackles GREEN PIN® ROV RELEASE POLAR SHACKLES With spring pins • Material • Finish • Temperature Range • Certificates • Note VARE NR PART NR : bow and pin alloy steel, Grade 8, quenched and tempered : body white painted, pin green painted : -40˚C up to +200˚C : at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate, material certificate, manufacturer test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity. : for in-line use only it is up to the user to attach the safety pins with wire ropes etc. and attaching loops or monkey’s fists. Van Beest supplies the shackle body, the shackle pin and 2 spring pins. WORKING DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER WIDTH LOAD BOW PIN EYE EYE WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH WEIGHT INSIDE INSIDE BOW BOLT EACH LIMIT A B C D E F G H I J T MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG 17 38 42 88 38 60 146 99 249 202 175 8.19 25 45 50 103 45 74 178 126 300 249 216 14.22 55 65 70 145 65 105 260 180 433 330 310 39.59 85 75 83 162 73 127 329 190 527 380 340 62 P-5363 12 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Sjakkel Shackles GREEN PIN® ROV SPRING RELEASE POLAR SHACKLES Spring loaded • Material • Finish • Temperature Range • Certificates VARE NR PART NO : bow and pin alloy steel, Grade 8, quenched and tempered : body white painted, pin green painted : -40˚C up to +200˚C : at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate, material certificate, manufacturer test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity. WORKING DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER WIDTH WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH LOAD BOW PIN EYE EYE INSIDE INSIDE BOW LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH BOLT WEIGHT EACH LIMIT A B C D E F G H I J T MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG 12 32 35 72 32 51 115 83 201 262 147 6 13.5 35 38 80 35 57 133 92 227 275 162 7 17 38 42 88 38 60 146 99 249 330 175 14 25 45 50 103 45 74 178 126 300 352 216 16 35 50 57 116 50 83 197 138 334 373 238 21 42.5 57 65 130 57 95 222 160 377 442 274 32 P-5367 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 13 Sjakkel Shackles GREEN PIN® SUNKEN HOLE SHACKLES Bow shackles with square sunken hole screw pin • • • • Material Safety Factor Standard Finish VARE NR PART NO : bow and pin high tensile steel, Grade 6, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 6 x WLL : meets performance requirements of US Fed. Spec. RR-C-271, Grade A : hot dipped galvanized WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH WEIGHT WORKING DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER WIDTH LOAD LIMIT T 2 3.25 4.75 6.5 8.5 9.5 12 13.5 17 BOW PIN EYE EYE INSIDE INSIDE BOW A MM B MM C MM D MM E MM F MM G MM H MM I MM J MM 13.5 16 19 34 40 46 52 59 66 72 80 88 13 16 22 51 64 32 43 51 58 68 75 83 92 99 89 110 129 144 164 185 201 227 249 51 63 74 85 99 110 122 135 145 58 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 22 25 28 32 35 38 42 27 31 19 22 25 76 83 95 108 115 133 146 36 43 47 51 57 60 28 32 35 38 BOLT EACH G-4169 KG 0.31 0.56 0.98 1.46 2.18 3.06 4.24 5.59 7.37 75 89 102 118 131 147 162 175 GREEN PIN® SUNKEN HOLE SHACKLES Dee shackles with square sunken hole screw pin • • • • • Material Safety Factor Standard Finish Certification : bow and pin high tensile steel, Grade 6, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 6 x WLL : meets performance requirements of US Fed. Spec. RR-C-271, Grade A : hot dipped galvanized :at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate, material certificate, manufacturer test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity VARE NR PART NO 14 WORKING DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER LOAD LIMIT WIDTH WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH WEIGHT BOLT EACH BOW PIN EYE EYE INSIDE INSIDE A B C D E F T MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG 2 3.25 4.75 6.5 8.5 9.5 12 13.5 17 13.5 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 42 34 40 46 52 59 66 72 80 88 13 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 22 27 31 36 43 47 51 57 60 43 51 59 73 85 90 94 115 127 81 97 112 134 154 167 180 209 230 51 63 74 85 99 110 122 135 145 0.34 0.6 0.98 1.26 2.14 3.05 3.56 5.17 6.84 Side / Page G H +47 57 85 25 00 I I G-4159 Sjakkel Shackles SHACKLES Bow shackles with safety bolt • • • • Material Safety factor Finish Note VARE NR PART NR : : : : AISI 316 MBL equals 6 x WLL polished marked with WLL, CE and manufacturer identification symbol (VBS) WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER BOW DIAMETER PIN DIAMETER EYE WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH BOW T A MM B MM C MM D MM E MM F MM 0.3 0.4 0.6 1 1.2 3 8 10 12 16 19 25 8 10 12 16 19 25 16 19 24 31 38 49 16 20 25 32 38 50 32 40 49 64 80 100 24 30 36 48 60 75 WEIGHT PER 100 PCS KG 7.2 13.4 23 56.6 95.2 218 R-7827 SHACKLES Dee shackles with safety bolt • • • • Material Safety factor Finish Note VARE NR PART NO : : : : AISI 316 MBL equals 6 x WLL polished marked with WLL, CE and manufacturer identification symbol (VBS) WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER BOW DIAMETER PIN DIAMETER EYE WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE T A MM B MM C MM D MM E MM 0.3 0.4 0.6 1 1.5 3 8 10 12 16 19 25 8 10 12 16 19 25 16 19 24 31 38 49 16 20 25 32 38 50 32 40 48 64 76 95 WEIGHT PER 100 PCS KG 7.2 13.2 22.5 56 95.2 205 R-7823 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 15 Sjakkel Shackles SHACKLES Bow shackles with screw pin • • • • • Material Safety factor Standard Finish Note VARE NR PART NO : AISI 316 : MBL equals 6 x WLL : generally to DIN 82103 : polished : marked with WLL, CE and manufacturer identification symbol (VBS), except for 4 mm as it is too small WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER BOW DIAMETER PIN DIAMETER EYE WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH BOW T A MM B MM C MM D MM E MM F MM 0.12 0.15 0.3 0.4 0.6 1 1.5 2 3 3.5 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 22 25 28 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 22 25 28 8 10 12 16 20 24 32 40 44 50 54 8 10 12 16 20 24 32 40 44 50 56 16 20 24 32 40 48 64 80 88 100 116 12 15 18 24 30 36 48 60 66 75 86 R-7825 WEIGHT PER 100 PCS KG 1.2 1.8 2.8 6.4 15 22 55 97 146 211 285 STAINLESS STEEL BOW SHACKLE WITH SCREW PIN • Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification •Note : AISI 316 : MBL equals 5 x WLL : polished : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity : marked with WLL and CE MLVI VARE NR PART NR WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER BOW DIAMETER PIN DIAMETER EYE WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH BOW LENGTH WIDTH A B C D E F G H WEIGHT EACH T MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG MLV0.4I 0.4 8 8 16 16 32 25 56 41 0.07 MLV0.6I 0.6 10 10 19 20 40 28 67 48 0.12 MLV0.9I 0.9 12 12 24 25 48 36 79 59 0.21 MLV1.5I 1.5 13 16 31 24 52 35 87 60 0.33 MLV2.5I 2.5 16 20 38 28 64 42 108 71 0.62 MLV3I 3 19 22 44 32 72 50 125 87 0.99 MLV4I 4 22 25 50 37 74 60 145 101 1.46 MLV6I 6 25 30 57 40 94 67 157 115 2.17 16 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Sjakkel Shackles D-SJAKKEL, RUSTFRIE MED ØYE D-shacle, screw collar pin, stainless steel VARENR DIMENSJON SWL PART NO SIZE 6:1 A B C D KILO MM MM MM MM 7525RF06 6 MM 175 6 6 12 21 7525RF08 8 MM 300 8 8 16 28 7525RF10 10 MM 580 9.5 10 20 35 700 12 12 24 42 1325 16 16 32 58 7525RF12 12 MM 7525RF14 14 MM 7525RF16 16 MM SJAKKEL, BOSS SL D SJAKKEL Boss D-shacle, SL VARENR DIMENSJON PART NO TYPE SWL TON BRUDDLAST A B C D E F BREAKLOAD MM MM MM MM MM MM TONN 7525BOSS03 D SL11 3 122 62 27 20 70 43 15 7525BOSS06 D SL12 6 136 74 34 24 73 57 30 7525BOSS10 D SL14 10 160 88 42 33 86 68 50 SJAKKEL, BOSS BS H SJAKKEL Boss bow shackle, BS VARENR DIMENSJON PART NO TYPE SWL TON 7525BOSS06B H B6S 7525BOSS08B H B8S 7525BOSS10B H B10S 6 A B C D E F G H MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM 38 25 58 84 27 111 150 62 8 50 33 75 114 31 138 195 70 10 50 37 84 119 34 150 210 82 7525BOSS15B H B15S 15 64 44 101 141 42 185 256 101 7525BOSS25B H B25S 25 79 51 131 180 56 225 319 114 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 17 Sjakkel Shackles THIELE SHACLE Generally to DIN 82101 VARE NR PART NO VARE NR PART NO 18 TRADE SIZE ART-NO SIZE NOMINAL WORKING LIMIT DIMENSIONS WEIGHT MM DIN T E D1 D2 C B1 B2 APP. (KGS) MM MM MM MM MM MM MM 10 - 8 F30311 10 1 3,15 49 15 16 32 21 47 0,35 13 - 8 F30321 13 1,6 5,30 61 19 20 40 27 61 0,74 16 - 8 F30331 16 2,5 8,00 73 23 24 48 33 75 1,30 18/20 - 8 F30341 18/20 4 12,50 91 29 30 60 42 96 2,60 22 - 8 F30351 22 5 15,00 111 33 36 72 47 107 4,00 26 - 8 F30361 26 6 21,20 120 37 39 78 53 121 5,70 28 - 8 F30371 28 8 25,00 140 41 45 90 60 136 10,00 32 - 8 F30381 32 10 31,50 147 45 48 96 66 150 10,50 36 - 8 F30391 36 12 40,00 158 50 52 104 73 167 13,90 40 - 8 F30401 40 16 50,00 185 55 60 120 81 185 20,50 45 - 8 F30411 45 20 63,00 211 61 68 136 90 206 26,60 TRADE SIZE ART-NO NOMINAL SIZE NOMINAL SIZE WORKING LIMIT MM DIN DIMENSIONS TWN 0870 WEIGHT T E D1 D2 C B1 B2 MM MM MM MM MM MM MM APP. (KGS) 6-8 Z04147* 6 0,4 1,12 30 8 10 20 14 30 0,10 8-8 Z04145 8 0,6 2,00 36 10 12 24 17 37 0,20 10 - 8 F30310 10 1 3,15 49 15 16 32 21 47 0,45 13 - 8 F30320 13 1,6 5,30 61 19 20 40 27 61 0,84 16 - 8 F30330 16 2,5 8,00 73 23 24 48 33 75 1,40 18/20 - 8 F30340 18/20 4 12,50 91 29 30 60 42 96 3,10 22 - 8 F30350 22 5 15,00 111 33 36 72 47 107 4,50 26 - 8 F30360 26 6 21,20 120 37 39 78 53 121 6,30 28 - 8 F30370 28 8 25,00 140 41 45 90 60 136 10,10 32 - 8 F30380 32 10 31,50 147 45 48 96 66 150 12,30 36 - 8 F30390 36 12 40,00 158 50 52 104 73 167 15,60 40 - 8 F30400 40 16 50,00 185 55 60 120 81 185 22,20 "45 - 8 F30410 45 20 63,00 211 61 68 136 90 206 26,30 Side / Page Special Shackle Bolt Shackle Type C TWN 0871 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Kroker Hooks EXCEL® SWIVEL SLING HOOK EN1677-2, GRADE 8 •Material : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor: MBL equals 4 x WLL •Standard : EN 1677-2 •Finish : painted yellow (J) or red (R) •Certification: at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity •Note :equipped with needle roller thrust bearing PARTNUMBER WORKING LOAD LIMIT FOR CHAIN DIAMETER LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH WIDTH THICK- WIDTH WIDTH LENGTH THICK- WEIGHT INSIDE INSIDE OPEN- NESS OUT- OUT- NESS EACH ING SIDE SIDE A B C D E F G H I T INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG CSE5/6J OR R 1.12 3/167/32 5-6 99 33 29 25 16 20 73 166 7 0.4 CSE7/8J OR R 2 1/45/16 7-8 123 33 31 29 20 22 85 190 7 0.77 CSE10J OR R 3.2 3/8 10 148 41 36 30 24 30 104 231 9 1.41 CSE13J OR R 5.4 1/2 13 185 45 47 36 31 39 133 288 12 2.53 CSE16J OR R 8.2 5/8 16 215 57 56 43 34 49 168 342 15 4.91 CSE18/20J OR R 12.8 3/4 18-20 264 66 72 79 43 50 190 406 17 7.75 c i b j a h d f e g CSE EXCEL® EYE SELF LOCKING HOOK EN1677-3, GRADE 8 •Material : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor : MBL equals 4 x WLL •Standard : EN 1677-3 •Finish : painted yellow (J) or red (R) •Certification : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity •Note : from 12.8 t without flat part PARTNUMBER WORKING LOAD LIMIT FOR CHAIN DIAMETER LENGTH DIAME- WIDTH THICK- WIDTH WIDTH WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH THICK- WEIGHT TER OPEN- NESS OUT- OUTNESS EACH INSIDE ING SIDE SIDE EYE A B C D E F G H I f b J i j T INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG XLO0J OR R 1.12 3/167/32 5-6 111 24 32 16 26 47 77 147 11 7 0.51 XLO1J OR R 2 1/4-5/16 7-8 134 29 43 23 29 57 92 176 14 7 0.91 XLO2J OR R 3.2 3/8 10 168 35 47 32 35 69 111 219 17 10 1.79 XLO3J OR R 5.4 1/2 13 199 46 61 37 45 87 142 264 20 13 3.36 XLO4J OR R 8.2 5/8 16 247 59 74 43 56 111 185 328 26 16 7 XLO5J OR R 12.8 3/4 18-20 282 69 88 51 63 126 207 374 28 20 9.22 a h c e d +47 57 85 25 00 I I g XLO Side / Page 19 Kroker Hooks EXCEL® EYE SELF LOCKING HOOK, GRADE 8 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 4 x WLL : painted yellow (J) or red (R) : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity PARTNUMBER WORKING LOAD LIMIT FOR CHAIN DIAMETER LENGTH DIAME- WIDTH THICK- WIDTH WIDTH WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH THICK- WEIGHT TER OPEN- NESS OUT- OUTNESS EACH INSIDE ING SIDE SIDE EYE A B C D E F G H I J T INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG 2 1/4-5/16 7-8 113 24 32 17 25 48 77 151 13 9 0.53 GKO2J OR R 3.2 3/8 10 134 30 43 24 29 59 92 180 17 10 0.94 GKO3J OR R 5.4 1/2 13 170 39 47 32 34 75 111 225 20 12 1.86 8.2 GKO5J OR R 12.8 GKO6J OR R 15.5 5/8 16 207 49 61 37 46 93 142 273 22 15 i j GKO1J OR R GKO4J OR R f b a h c e d 3.49 g 3/4 18-20 257 60 74 43 57 117 185 341 28 21 7.33 GKO 7/8 22 290 71 88 52 62 133 207 383 31 21 9.91 EXCEL® SWIVEL SELF LOCKING HOOK EN1677-3, GRADE 8 •Material : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor: MBL equals 4 x WLL •Standard : EN 1677-3 •Finish : painted yellow (J) or red (R) •Certification: at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity •Note : equipped with needle roller thrust bearing PARTNUMBER WORKING LOAD LIMIT FOR CHAIN DIAMETER LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH WIDTH THICK- WIDTH WIDTH LENGTH THICK- WEIGHT INSIDE INSIDE OPEN- NESS OUTNESS EACH ING SIDE A B C D E F G H I T INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG XLE0J OR R 1.12 3/167/32 5-6 122 32 31 32 16 26 77 192 6 0.78 XLE1J OR R 2 1/4-5/16 7-8 148 39 36 43 23 29 92 231 8 1.39 XLE2J OR R 3.2 3/8 10 183 46 47 47 32 35 111 282 11 2.56 XLE3J OR R 5.4 1/2 13 214 57 56 61 37 45 142 336 14 4.56 XLE4J OR R 8.2 5/8 16 269 65 72 74 39 56 185 416 17 9.5 XLE5J OR R 12.8 20 c i j b a d f e Side / Page 3/4 18-20 303 87 81 88 51 63 207 480 22 12.7 g vXLE +47 57 85 25 00 I I h Kroker Hooks EXCEL® SWIVEL CLEVIS SELF LOCKING HOOK EN1677-3, GRADE 8 •Material : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor: MBL equals 4 x WLL •Standard : EN 1677-3 •Finish : painted red (R) •Certification :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity •Note :equipped with ball bearings FOR CHAIN DIAMETER PARTNUMBER WORKING LOAD LIMIT LENGTH WIDTH WIDTH THICK- WIDTH WIDTH WIDTH LENGTH DIAME- WEIGHT OPEN- NESS OUTSIDE OUTSIDE TER PIN EACH ING A B C D E F G H I f b i T INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG XLB05R 0.8 3/16 5 129 7 32 16 26 35 77 167 6 0.7 XLB0R 1.12 7/32 6 129 7 32 16 26 35 77 167 8 0.7 XLB1R 2 1/45/16 7-8 165 9 43 23 29 41 92 211 9 1.3 XLB2R 3.2 3/8 10 200 11 47 32 35 49 111 257 13 2.33 XLB3R 5.4 1/2 13 245 15 61 37 45 60 142 314 16 4.55 XLB4R 8.2 5/8 16 295 18 74 39 56 80 185 388 20 8.6 a h c e d g XLB EXCEL® SHORTENING CLUTCH, GRADE 8 •Material : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor: MBL equals 4 x WLL •Standard : EN 1677-1 •Finish : painted yellow (J) or red (R) •Certification: at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity PARTNUMBER WORKING LOAD LIMIT FOR CHAIN DIAMETER LENGTH WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH WIDTH OUTSIDE WIDTH DIAMETER WEIGHT PIN EACH A B C D E F e T INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG GC6J OR R 1.12 7/32 6 54 22 75 42 7 8 0.22 GC7/8J OR R 2 1/4 - 5/16 7-8 69 30 94 50 8 9 0.41 GC10J OR R 3.2 3/8 10 79 37 116 63 11 13 0.82 GC13J OR R 5.4 1/2 13 105 48 149 79 14 16 1.67 GC16J OR R 8.2 5/8 16 129 60 185 100 17 20 3.1 GC18/20J OR R 12.8 3/4 18-20 140 75 205 111 22 24 4.02 f a c b d GC +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 21 Kroker Hooks EXCEL® EYE GRAB HOOK EN1677-1, GRADE 8 •Material : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor: MBL equals 4 x WLL •Standard : EN 1677-1 •Finish : painted yellow (J) or red (R) •Certification : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity c b PARTNUMBER WORKING LOAD LIMIT FOR CHAIN DIAMETER i LENGTH INSIDE INSIDE OPEN- THICK- WIDTH WIDTH LENGTH THICK- WEIGHT LENGTH WIDTH ING NESS OUTOUT- NESS EACH EYE EYE SIDE SIDE A B C D E F G H I T INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG CRO7/8J OR R 2 1/45/16 7-8 52 20 20 10 33 23 46 108 8 0.31 CRO10J OR R 3.2 3/8 10 53 29 29 12 41 28 58 123 10 0.53 CRO13J OR R 5.4 1/2 13 89 43 39 15 56 40 78 192 18 1.63 CRO16J OR R 8.2 5/8 16 103 44 41 18 66 43 96 211 20 2.49 CRO20J OR R 12.8 3/4 20 130 37 37 22 75 48 128 241 26 4.3 CRO22J OR R 15.5 7/8 22 120 44 44 25 77 57 132 247 26 4.75 CRO26J OR R 21.6 1 26 158 46 46 30 100 82 177 320 32 10 CRO32J OR R 32.8 1 1/4 32 210 57 57 38 91 88 215 395 39 19.7 d a h f g CRO e EXCEL® EXCAVATOR HOOK, GRADE 8 •Material :alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor :MBL equals 4 x WLL •Finish :painted yellow (J) •Certification : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity •Note : respect welding instructions PARTNUMBER WORKING LOAD LIMIT WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH OPENING THICKNESS WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH A B C D E F G WEIGHT EACH T MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG GH0.75J 0.75 59 71 22 14 21 82 20 0.24 GH1J 1 72 78 25 19 28 108 26 0.52 GH2J 2 92 85 33 20 28 114 34 0.7 GH3J 3 105 104 33 26 32 129 34 1.15 GH4J 4 121 130 38 27 37 148 38 1.66 GH5J 5 138 150 43 28 46 167 44 2.36 GH8J 8 145 148 43 42 53 173 51 3.32 GH10J 10 178 197 60 47 61 225 67 6.44 GH15J 15 185 226 65 62 70 251 80 9.7 f b c e d a GH g 22 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Kroker Hooks EXCEL® EYE SLING HOOK EN1677-2, GRADE 8 •Material : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor : MBL equals 4 x WLL •Standard : EN 1677-2 •Finish : painted yellow (J) or red (R) •Certification : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity •Note : from 8.2 t without flat part PARTNUMBER FOR CHAIN DIAMETER WORKING LOAD LIMIT CSO LENGTH DIA- WIDTH THICK- WIDTH DIA- WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH THICK- WEIGHT METER OPEN- NESS METER OUT- OUTNESS EACH INSIDE ING EYE SIDE SIDE EYE OUTSIDE A B C D E F G H I f b i J T INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG CSO5/6J OR R 1.12 3/167/32 5-6 86 23 27 15 19 43 73 115 10 7 0.30 CSO7/8J OR R 2 1/4-5/16 7-8 102 26 27 19 23 51 87 137 13 8 0.56 CSO10J OR R 3.2 3/8 10 121 35 28 23 29 66 106 165 16 11 1.02 CSO13J OR R 5.4 1/2 13 155 41 33 31 36 76 136 208 19 14 1.79 CSO16J OR R 8.2 5/8 16 185 48 46 34 43 92 159 252 22 17 2.89 CSO18/20J OR R 12.8 3/4 1820 272 60 62 53 65 115 236 365 27 22 9.1 j a h CSO22J OR R 15.5 7/8 22 271 71 65 51 62 132 227 361 31 23 8.37 CSO26J OR R 21.6 1 26 251 48 73 55 86 111 236 363 32 32 10.4 CSO32J OR R 32.8 1 1/4 32 292 58 87 67 104 139 286 435 39 39 20.5 c e d g EXCEL® FLAT WEB SLING HOOK, GRADE 8 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 4 x WLL : painted yellow : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity CST PARTNUMBER CST75J WORKING LOAD LIMIT LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH EYE WIDTH OPENING THICKNESS WIDTH INSIDE WIDTH OUTSIDE WIDTH OUTSIDE LENGTH OUTSIDE WIDTH INSIDE WEIGHT EACH A B C D E F G H I T MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG 3 132 79 34 40 75 113 148 199 25 2.63 f b i h c a d e g +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 23 Kroker Hooks EXCEL® CLEVIS SELF LOCKING HOOK, GRADE 10 •Material : alloy steel, grade 10, quenched and tempered •Safety factor: MBL equals 4 x WLL •Finish : painted blue •Certification: at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity PARTNUMBER WORKING LOAD LIMIT FOR CHAIN DIAMETER LENGTH WIDTH WIDTH OPENING THICKNESS WIDTH WIDTH OUTSIDE WIDTH OUTSIDE G A B C D E F LENGTH DIAME- WEIGHT TER PIN EACH H I f b i T INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG UXLC0 1.4 7/32 6 92 7 32 16 26 28 77 131 8 0.49 UXLC1 2.5 5/16 8 116 9 43 23 29 32 92 161 10 0.91 UXLC2 4 3/8 10 143 11 47 32 35 42 111 200 13 1.77 UXLC3 6.7 1/2 13 167 14 61 37 45 54 142 242 16 3.33 UXLC4 10 5/8 16 201 18 74 43 54 68 185 293 20 6.75 a h c e d g UXLC EXCEL® SHORTENING SELF LOCKING HOOK, GRADE 10 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification •Note PARTNUMBER :alloy steel, grade 10, quenched and tempered :MBL equals 4 x WLL :painted blue :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity :supplied with chain stopper UAXLR WORKING LOAD LIMIT FOR CHAIN DIAMETER T INCH MM LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH OPENING THICKNESS WIDTH WIDTH OUTSIDE WIDTH OUTSIDE LENGTH A B C D E F G H MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM WEIGHT EACH f KG UXLR8 2.5 5/16 8 170 143 43 23 29 51 92 211 1.35 UXLR10 4 3/8 10 218 187 47 32 35 64 111 267 2.58 UXLR13 6.7 1/2 13 257 217 61 37 45 83 142 320 4.87 b a h c e d g UXLR 24 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Kroker Hooks EXCEL® CLEVIS SLING HOOK, GRADE 10 •Material :alloy steel, grade 10, quenched and tempered •Safety factor :MBL equals 4 x WLL •Finish :painted blue •Certification :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity PARTNUM- WORKBER ING LOAD LIMIT FOR CHAIN DIAMETER LENGTH WIDTH WIDTH THICK- WIDTH WIDTH WIDTH LENGTH DIAME- WEIGHT OPEN- NESS OUTSIDE OUTSIDE OUTSIDE TER PIN EACH ING a b c d e f g h i t inch mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg UCSC6 1.4 7/32 6 76 7 27 15 19 28 73 108 8 0.29 UCSC8 2.5 5/16 8 95 9 30 20 22 32 85 133 10 0.54 UCSC10 4 3/8 10 113 11 33 24 28 42 106 164 13 1.11 UCSC13 6.7 1/2 13 138 15 35 32 40 54 133 208 16 2.12 UCSC16 10 5/8 16 161 18 43 40 44 67 165 240 20 3.78 f b i a h c e d g UCSC EXCEL® EYE FOUNDRY HOOK, GRADE 10 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification PARTNUM- WORKBER ING LOAD LIMIT : alloy steel, grade 10, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 4 x WLL : painted blue :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity FOR CHAIN DIAMETER f b LENGTH DIAME- WIDTH THICK- WIDTH DIAME- WIDTH LENGTH THICK- WEIGHT TER EYE OPENING NESS TER EYE OUTSIDE NESS EACH INSIDE OUTSIDE a b c d e f g h i t inch mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg UCFO6 1.4 7/32 6 93 18 47 17 22 38 97 125 7 0.33 UCFO8 2.5 5/16 8 124 24 63 22 30 51 129 166 9 0.78 UCFO10 4 3/8 10 157 33 79 28 36 66 160 208 11 1.5 UCFO13 6.7 1/2 13 190 44 93 36 46 85 198 256 14 3 i c a h e d g UCFO +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 25 Kroker Hooks GREEN PIN® SWIVEL HOOKS, GRADE 8 With safety latch • • • • Material Safety factor Finish Certification : : : : alloy steel, Grade 8 MBL equals 4 x WLL painted red test certificates can be supplied upon request j P-6703A VARE NR WORKING LENGTH PART NO LOAD LIMIT a t mm LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH INSIDE b mm c mm d mm e mm f mm 1.25 1.6 2.5 3.2 5.4 8 11.5 16 22 31.5 28 35 43 47 54 69 69 84 107 117 31 40 47 47 64 78 82 92 115 132 24 26 32 34 44 55 61 65 85 90 20 22 27 30 37 49 53 58 78 87 11 14 17 17 21 26 22 24 29 34 118 145 167 180 217 276 310 352 434 512 WIDTH WIDTH DIAMETER WIDTH OPENING OPENING WIDTH WIDTH WEIGHT EACH g mm h mm i mm kg 19 23 27 31 37 49 60 67 80 94 52 68 81 81 106 130 136 154 191 222 30 37 43 43 j 64 77 82 92 108 132 0.45 0.9 1.3 1.6 3.8 6.9 10.6 16 27 60 GREEN PIN® LARGE EYE HOOKS, GRADE 8 With safety latch • • • • • Material Safety factor Standard Finish Certification VARE NR PART NO 26 : : : : : WORKING LOAD LIMIT alloy steel, Grade 8 MBL equals 4 x WLL generally to EN 1677-2 painted red test certificates can be supplied upon request t a mm DIAMETER EYE INSIDE b mm 1.25 1.6 2.5 3.2 5.4 8 11.5 16 22 81 91 105 124 147 190 230 254 316 19 22 27 32 39 50 64 70 89 Side / Page LENGTH P-6714A WIDTH OPENING WIDTH OPENING THICKNESS WIDTH WEIGHT EACH f mm DIAMETER EYE OUTSIDE g mm c mm d mm e mm 24 26 32 34 44 55 64 70 91 20 22 27 30 37 48 53 60 77 16 18 20 24 31 37 47 58 63 19 22 27 31 36 48 60 69 81 37 45 52 62 74 96 123 139 169 0.26 0.57 0.81 1.27 1.68 3.6 7 10.7 16.7 kg +47 57 85 25 00 I I Kroker Hooks EXCEL® STAINLESS STEEL CLEVIS SLING HOOK •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification PARTNUMBER : AISI 316L : MBL equals 4 x WLL : polished : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity WORKING LOAD LIMIT T FOR CHAIN DIAMETER INCH LENGTH MM WIDTH WIDTH OPENING WIDTH THICKNESS WIDTH OUTSIDE WIDTH OUTSIDE LENGTH DIAMETER PIN A B C D E F G H I MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM WEIGHT EACH KG CSC5I 0.5 3/16 5 76 7 25 15 19 27 73 108 6 0.29 CSC6I 0.7 7/32 6 76 7 25 15 19 27 73 108 8 0.29 CSC7/8I 1.2 1/4-5/16 7-8 95 9 28 20 22 32 85 133 9 0.55 CSC10I 1.6 3/8 10 113 11 28 24 28 41 106 164 13 0.97 CSC13I 2.7 1/2 13 138 15 38 32 40 52 133 208 16 1.86 f b i a h c e d g CSCI SLEPEKROK BOSS Boss tow hook VARENR TYPE PART NO. TYPE VEKT PR STK I KG MAX LAST BRUDD LAST WEIGHT/ PC MAX LOAD BREAK LOAD A B C D E F G KG TONN TONN MM MM MM MM MM MM MM 7518SKS5 BOSS S5 0.50 1.00 5.00 27 66 111 18 20 49 24 7518SKS6 BOSS S6 0.60 1.25 6.00 38 77 133 14 26 62 27 7518SKS7 BOSS S7 1.20 2.25 12.00 36 90 155 20 28 66 26 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 27 Kroker Hooks G-KROK, BS 30 G-Hook, BS30 VARENR TYPE SWL PART NO. TYPE A B C D E TONN MM MM MM MM MM 7523121 BS-30 3,0 115 70 42 32 2.5 7523151 BS-50 5,0 130 80 42 36 2,5 G-KROK, VIKING G-Hook, Viking VARENR TYPE PART NO. TYPE VEKT PR STK MAX LAST WEIGHT/PC - KG MAX LOAD KG TONN 7519EVG03 EVG 03 0.65 3.0 7519EVG05 EVG 05 1.20 5.0 7519EVG08 EVG 08 1.60 8.0 7519EVG10 EVG 10 3.30 10.0 7519EVG15 EVG 15 5.70 15.0 7519EVG20 EVG 20 8.40 20.0 SMETTLØKKE, DV VIKING G-Hook Viking DV VARENR TYPE A B C D E PART NO. 752128 TYPE MM MM MM MM MM DV 30 115 70 42 30 2.5 752129 DV 50 130 80 42 36 2,5 752130 DV 80 145 90 42 42 2,5 28 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Kroker Hooks G-KROK, BOSS G-Hook Boss VARENR TYPE PART NO. TYPE VEKT PR STK MAX LAST WEIGHT/PC MAX LOAD A B C D E F KG TONN MM MM MM MM MM MM 75182003G GH3S 0.90 3 118 76 16 27 25 42 75182006G GH6S 2.90 6 178 108 22 36 34 61 G-KROK, 2-4 TONN G-Hook 2-4 ton VARENR TYPE PART NO. TYPE MAX LAST MAX LOAD TONN 75182502G 3/4” 2,0 75182504G 1” 4,0 GILSEKROK Eye foundry hook VARENR TYPE PART NO. TYPE MAX LAST MAX LOAD TONN 7518GIL08 F 64 7518GIL12 CWH18/20 8.0 12.5 DL SMETTLØKKE Boss split link, DL VARENR TYPE PART NO. TYPE VEKT PR STK I KG SWL 5:1 A B C D E WEIGHT/PC - KG TONN MM MM MM MM MM 0,18 0,2 76 44 18 15 50 752118 DL18 752119 DL19 0,29 0,4 80 51 24 19 49 752120 DL20 0,32 0,5 83 56 23 18 49 752121 DL21 0,61 1,3 113 65 23 24 70 752122 DL22 0,63 1,4 110 74 33 23 70 752126 DL 26 1,70 2,1 150 95 39 28 16 752127 DL 27 3,70 5 212 130 58 33 23 752128 DL 28 9,80 12 260 163 61 49 29 DL 18 - 22 DL 26 - 28 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 29 Kroker Hooks SIKKERHETSKROK BKG GRABIQ Safety hook BKG Grabiq VARENR TYPE VEKT/STK Max last PART NO. TYPE WEIGHT/PC Max Load L B G H KG TONN MM MM MM MM 7518BKG08 BKG 8 - 8 + 1.00 2.50 125 36 14 21 7518BKG108 BKG 10 - 8+ 1.80 4.00 150 44 25 33 7518BKG138 BKG 13 - 8+ 3.40 6.50 190 54 32 38 7518BKG168 BKG 16 - 8+ 5.10 10.00 216 63 37 49 SIKKERHETSKROK EGKN GRABIQ Safety hook EGKN Grabiq VARENR TYPE VEKT/STK MAX PART NO. TYPE WEIGHT/PC LAST L B G H KG MAX LOAD MM MM MM MM 7518EGKN08 EGKN 8-8+ 0.50 2.50 110 22 28 35 7518EGKN10 EGKN10-8+ 1.00 4.00 137 25 36 45 7518EGKN13 EGKN13-8+ 1.70 6.50 168 32 44 56 7518EGKN16 EGKN16-8+ 3.60 10.00 208 40 54 70 30 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Kjettinglås Connectors EXCEL® CONNECTING LINK, GRADE 8 •Material : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor: MBL equals 4 x WLL •Standard : EN 1677-1 •Finish : painted yellow (J) or red (R) •Certification :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity b c PARTNUMBER FOR CHAIN DIAMETER WORKING LOAD LIMIT T INCH MM DIAMETER WIDTH OUTSIDE WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE DIAMETER EYE WIDTH INSIDE WEIGHT EACH d A B C D E F G MM MM MM MM MM MM MM e KG MJ6J OR R 1.12 7/32 6 8 42 10 17 45 11 15 0.08 MJ7/8J OR R 2 1/45/16 7/8 9 54 14 20 55 13 19 0.15 MJ10J OR R 3.2 3/8 10 10 66 18 24 64 18 25 0.28 MJ13J OR R 5.4 1/2 13 14 83 21 32 85 24 29 0.64 MJ16J OR R 8.2 5/8 16 17 103 26 40 105 28 36 1.16 MJ18/20J OR R 12.8 3/4 18/20 21 120 33 50 129 33 43 2.01 MJ22J OR R 15.5 7/8 22 23 143 40 55 140 37 53 2.92 MJ26J OR R 21.6 1 26 26 160 45 60 153 43 59 4.18 MJ32J OR R 31.8 1 1/4 32 39 197 52 65 174 49 68 8.2 g a MJ f GREEN PIN® CONNECTING LINKS For connecting Grade 8 chain-slings • • • • • Material Safety factor Standard Finish Certification : : : : : VARE NR PART NR FOR DIAMETER CHAIN DIAMETER A MM MM WORKING LOAD LIMIT T 1.12 2 3.2 5.4 8.2 12.8 15.5 21.6 32.8 Grade 8, alloy steel MBL equals 4 x WLL generally to EN 1677-1 painted yellow or red test certificates can be supplied upon request 6 7-8 10 13 16 18-20 22 26 32 8 9 10 14 17 21 23 26 39 WIDTH OUTSIDE WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE DIAMETER EYE WIDTH INSIDE WEIGHT EACH B MM C MM D MM E MM F MM G MM KG 42 53 66 83 103 120 143 160 197 11 14 18 21 25 33 39 44 51 20 21 24 31 40 50 54 57 64 52 55 64 85 105 129 140 153 174 11 13 18 24 28 33 37 43 55 15 19 25 30 36 43 53 59 68 0.14 0.15 0.32 0.7 1.29 2.08 3.33 4.92 8.2 c g P-6860Y P-6860R +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 31 Kjettinglås Connectors EXCEL® ROUND WEB SLING CONNECTOR, GRADE 8 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification PARTNUMBER : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 4 x WLL : painted yellow : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity WORKING LOAD LIMIT WIDTH DIAMETER PIN WIDTH LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH OUTSIDE THICKNESS WIDTH OUTSIDE A B C D E F G H T MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM WEIGHT EACH KG COS60J 2 14 9 33 35 23 66 15 59 0.18 COS90J 3.2 18 13 44 45 30 86 20 75 0.37 COS150J 5.4 22 16 57 59 38 107 25 94 0.72 COS240J 8.2 28 20 70 72 48 133 31 117 1.35 g a d f b e c h COS EXCEL® ROUND WEB SLING CONNECTING LINK, GRADE 8 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification PARTNUMBER : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 4 x WLL : painted yellow (J) or red (R) : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity WORKING LOAD LIMIT FOR CHAIN DIAMETER DIAMETER WIDTH OUTSIDE WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE LENGTH WIDTH INSIDE DIAMEc TER EYE A B C D E F G THICKNESS WEIGHT EACH d H T INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MJS7/8J OR R 2 1/4-5/16 7-8 9 66 19 21 61 40 14 MM e 14 0.32 KG MJS10J OR R 3.2 3/8 10 12 76 25 24 74 45 19 15 0.54 MJS13J OR R 5.4 1/2 13 16 87 30 30 91 51 24 19 h 1.09 f b c g a d e h MJS f b g a 32 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Kjetting Chain KJETTING, LØFTEUTSTYR Chain, lifting equipment Selstad leverer alt av kjetting og andre sertifiserte komponenter og løfteanordninger. Det kan også leveres anker til fortøyning og annet fortøyningsutstyr. Hos Selstad finnes det til enhver tid forskjellige typer kjetting (klasse 8 + 10), ankerkjetting og ankere i forskjellige kvaliteter samt nødvendig tilbehør på lager. De fleste dimensjoner av utstyret kan leveres. I tillegg kan også bøyer og fibertau i mange dimensjoner og kvaliteter leveres som fortøyning. KJETTINGSKREV / WIRESKREV / RUNDSLINGSKREV / RUNDSLING Det finnes til enhver tid relevant løfteutstyr i forskjellige kvaliteter, varianter og dimensjoner til industri og offshore på lager hos Selstad. Også ferdige løftestropper i standard lengder, aluminiums stållås og sockets er tilgjengelig på lager, hvor det også kan utføres håndspleising. Dersom det er ønskelig kan løftestropper lages etter kundens spesifikasjoner. Selstad har tilgang til nødvendig løfteutstyr for tunge løft og kan dermed levere i forskjellige dimensjoner etter kundens ønske. Eksempler: produseres etter kundens spesifikasjoner. +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 33 Kjetting Chain ARBEIDSLAST PÅ KJETTINGSLINGSER VED FORSKJELLIGE SKREV OG VINKLER. Work loads on chain slings on different angles. For kjetting dim. Rett løft b 0-45 b 45-60 b 0-45 b 45-60 For chain dim. Straight lifting a 0-90 a 90-120 a 0-90 a 90-120 mm WLL (tonn) Factor 1,4 WLL (tonn) Factor 1,0 WLL (tonn) Factor 2,1 WLL (tonn) Factor 1,5 WLL (tonn) 6 1,12 1,6 1,12 2,36 1,7 7 1,5 2,12 1,5 3,15 2,24 8 2,0 2,8 2,0 4,25 3,0 10 3,15 4,25 3,15 6,7 4,75 13 5,3 7,5 5,3 11,2 8,0 16 8,0 11,2 8,0 17,0 11,8 19 11,2 16,0 11,2 23,6 17,0 22 15,0 21,2 15,0 31,5 22,4 26 21,2 30,0 21,2 45,0 31,5 32 31,5 45,0 31,5 67,0 47,5 LØFTEKJETTING, GUNNEBO GRADE 8 Chain for lifting, Gunnebo grade 8 VARENR DIM TYPE PART NO. SIZE TYPE d ARBEIDS LAST LENGDE BREDDE LENGTH WIDTH WORK LOAD A B TONN MM MM KG pr METER KG 7510AK06 6,15 KL6-8 1,12 18 8,9 0,8 7510AK07 7,15 KL7-8 1,50 21 10,4 1,1 7510AK08 8,0 KL8-8 2,00 24 11,5 1,4 7510AK10 10,0 KL10-8 3,15 30 14,6 2,2 7510AK13 13,0 KL13-8 5,30 39 18,4 3,7 7510AK16 16,0 KL16-8 8,00 48 22,6 5,64 7510AK19 19,0 KL19-8 11,20 57 26,0 7,94 7510AK22 22,0 KL22-8 15,00 66 30,0 10,64 7510AK26 26,0 KL26-8 21,20 78 35,0 14,80 7510AK32 32,0 KL32-8 31,50 96 43,0 23,00 34 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Kjetting Chain SHORT LINK CHAIN Generally to DIN 766 • Material • Standard Vare Nr Part No : AISI 316 : generally to DIN 766 Diameter a mm Length Inside b mm Width Outside c mm Weight Per M 3 4 5 6 8 10 16 16 18.5 18.5 24 28 11 14 17 20 26 34 0.17 0.32 0.5 0.75 1.35 2.25 kg R-7880 LONG LINK CHAIN Generally to DIN 763 • Material • Standard Vare Nr Part No : AISI 316 : generally to DIN 763 Diameter a mm Length Inside b mm Width Outside c mm Weight Per M 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 26 32 36 42 48 54 66 12 16 20 24 28 32 40 0.14 0.27 0.43 0.63 0.86 1.1 1.75 kg R-7890 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 35 Kjetting Chain LIFTING CHAIN, GRADE 10 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification Partnumber :alloy steel, grade 10, quenched and tempered :MBL equals 4 x WLL :painted blue :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, manufacturer test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity Working Load Limit Diameter Length Inside Width Outside a b c t inch mm mm mm UCHAIN6 1.4 7/32 6 18 22 Links Per Meter Length Per Drum Weight Per Mtr m kg 55.56 100 0.8 UCHAIN8 2.5 5/16 8 24 30 41.67 100 1.5 UCHAIN10 4 3/8 10 30 36 33.33 100 2.3 UCHAIN13 6.7 1/2 13 39 48 25.64 100 3.9 UCHAIN16 10 5/8 16 48 58 20.83 50 5.8 a b c UCHAIN EXCEL® STAINLESS STEEL LIFTING CHAIN •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification partnumber :AISI 316 :MBL equals 4 x WLL :polished :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, manufacturer test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity working load limit diameter length inside a width outside links per meter length per drum weight per mtr m kg b c t inch mm mm mm CHAIN6I 0.7 7/32 6 18 21 55.56 100 0.78 CHAIN8I 1.2 5/16 8 24 29 41.67 100 1.3 CHAIN10I 1.6 3/8 10 30 34 33.33 100 2.14 CHAIN13I 2.7 1/2 13 39 45 25.64 100 3.64 a b c CHAINI 36 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Kjetting Chain KORTLENKET KJETTING GRADE 8+, BLÅ Chain, shortlink grad 8+, blue VARENR TYPE PART NO. TYPE BRUDD LAST VEKT/M WEIGHT PER MTR MAX LOAD E H TONN KG MM MM 7510AK0808 KL 8-8+ 2.5 1.7 30 14 7510AK1008 KL10-8+ 4.0 2.7 39 18 7510AK1308 KL13-8+ 6.5 4.4 48 22 7510AK1608 KL16-8+ 10.0 6.7 57 26 EXCEL® SHORTENING CLUTCH, GRADE 10 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification Partnumber :alloy steel, grade 10, quenched and tempered :MBL equals 4 x WLL :painted blue :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity Working Load Limit t For Chain Diameter inch mm Length Width Inside Length Width Outside Width Diameter Pin a b c d e f mm mm mm mm mm mm Weight Each e f kg UGC6 1.4 7/32 6 54 22 75 42 7 8 0.22 UGC8 2.5 5/16 8 69 30 94 50 8 10 0.41 UGC10 4 3/8 10 79 37 116 63 11 13 0.82 UGC13 6.7 1/2 13 105 48 149 79 14 16 1.67 UGC16 10 5/8 16 129 60 185 100 17 20 3.1 a c b d UGC +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 37 Løfte utstyr Lifting equipmet EXCEL® MASTER LINK, GRADE 8 •Material •Safety factor •Standard •Finish •Certification :alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered :MBL equals 4 x WLL :EN 1677-4 :painted yellow (J) or red (R) :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity :from 50 t without flat part •Note Partnum- Working ber Load Limit Diameter Chain 1 Leg Diameter Chain 2 Legs ß = 30° inch Diam ß = 45° t inch mm mm MS13J 1.6 7/32-1/4 6-7 - - MS16J 3.1 5/16 8 1/4 7 Width Inside Thickness c Weight Each a b c d mm inch mm mm mm mm mm kg 7/32 6 7/32-1/4 6-7 13 100 60 7 0.33 1/4-5/16 7-8 5/16 8 16 120 68 7 0.56 inch ß = 60° Length Inside MS18J 4.5 3/8 10 5/16 8 3/8 10 3/8 10 18 135 75 9 0.8 MS20J 6.2 1/2 13 3/8 10 - - 1/2 13 20 150 90 9 1.11 MS22 8 5/8 16 - - 1/2 13 5/8 16 22 150 87 11 1.36 MS25J 10.6 3/4 18 1/2 13 - - 3/4 18 25 167 95 13 1.96 2.92 MS28 12 3/4 19 - - 5/8 16 3/4 19 28 200 120 14 MS30J 15 3/4-7/8 20-22 5/8 16 3/4 18 3/4-7/8 20-22 30 200 120 17 3.4 MS36J 20 - - 3/4 18-19 3/4 19-20 - - 36 250 150 17 6.1 MS38J 25 1 26 3/4 20 7/8 22 1 26 38 246 150 21 6.8 MS44J 30 - - 7/8 22 1 26 - - 44 277 170 21 10.8 MS45J 37 1 1/4 32 1 26 - - 1 1/4 32 45 300 200 24 11.7 MS50J 50 - - - - 1 1/4 32 - - 50 300 200 - 14.75 MS55J 63 - - 1 1/4 32 - - - - 55 350 200 - 20 MS70J 100 - - - - - - - - 70 400 250 - 39 MS80J 125 - - - - - - - - 80 400 250 - 52 a b d EXCEL® OMEGA LINK, GRADE 8 •Material •Safety factor •Standard •Finish •Certification Partnumber :alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered :MBL equals 4 x WLL :EN 1677-1 :painted yellow (J) or red (R) :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity Working Load Limit For Chain Diameter Width Diame- Width Length Width Length Thick- Width Width Weight ter Pin Inside Bow Outside ness Outside Outside Each a b c d e f g h i h g t inch mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg CO5J or R 0.8 3/16 5 11 6 7 24 19 50 9 39 28 0.07 CO6J or R 1.12 7/32 6 11 8 7 24 19 50 9 39 28 0.07 CO7/8J or R 2 1/4-5/16 7-8 18 9 9 32 23 70 16 53 32 0.18 CO10J or R 3.2 3/8 10 18 13 11 40 30 81 17 61 42 0.28 CO13J or R 5.4 1/2 13 23 16 14 50 39 104 20 80 54 0.64 CO16J or R 8.2 5/8 16 30 20 17 63 47 130 25 100 68 1.21 CO18/20J or R 12.8 3/4 18-20 35 24 22 80 58 160 30 120 82 2.09 38 Side / Page CO a d e f b +47 57 85 25 00 I I c i Løfte utstyr Lifting equipmet MASTER LINKS • • • • • Material Safety factor Standard Finish Certification • Note Vare nr Part no : Grade 8, alloy steel : MBL equals 4 x WLL : generally to EN 1677-4 : painted yellow or red : at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate and/or EC Declaration. Test certificates can be supplied upon request. : from 50 t without flat part Working Load Limit Diameter Length Inside Width Inside Thickness Weight Each t a mm b mm c mm d mm kg 1.6 3.2 4.5 6.2 8.2 10.6 12.8 15.5 20 25 30 37 50 63 100 125 13 16 18 20 22 25 28 30 36 38 44 45 50 55 70 80 100 120 135 150 150 170 200 200 250 250 280 300 300 350 400 400 60 70 75 90 90 95 120 120 150 150 170 200 200 200 250 250 7 7 9 9 11 13 13 17 17 21 21 23 - 0.33 0.56 0.8 1.11 1.36 1.96 2.92 3.4 6.1 6.8 10.8 11.7 14.75 20 39 52 MS d d MASTER LINK ASSEMBLIES • • • • • Material Safety factor Standard Finish Certification • Note Vare nr Part no : Grade 8, alloy steel : MBL equals 4 x WLL : generally to EN 1677-4 : painted yellow or red : at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate and/or EC Declaration. Test certificates can be supplied upon request. : from 60 t without flat part Working Load Limit Diameter Length Inside Width Inside Diameter Length Inside Width Inside Thickness t a mm b mm c mm d mm e mm f mm g mm kg 2.5 3.5 6.5 8.5 10 13 17 20 27 30 40 50 60 80 100 16 18 22 25 28 30 36 38 45 45 50 55 58 70 80 120 135 150 170 200 200 250 250 280 300 300 300 350 400 400 70 75 90 95 120 120 150 150 170 200 200 200 200 250 250 13 16 18 20 20 22 25 28 33 36 38 38 42 55 58 100 100 120 120 120 135 135 170 200 200 150 150 150 300 300 60 60 70 70 70 75 75 95 120 120 90 90 90 150 150 7 6 9 11 11 14 14 17 17 21 21 23 - 1.2 1.8 2.9 3.9 4.9 6 9.6 12.6 19.7 22.5 24.5 28 34.6 74.7 92.4 +47 57 85 25 00 I I MTS Weight Each a g Side / Page 39 Løfte utstyr Lifting equipmet EXCEL® MASTER LINK, GRADE 10 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification :alloy steel, grade 10, quenched and tempered :MBL equals 4 x WLL :painted blue :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, and/or EC Declaration of Conformity Partnumber Working Diameter Chain Load 1 Leg Limit Diameter Chain 2 Legs ß = 30° t inch mm inch Dia- Length Width Thick- Weight Meter Inside Inside Ness Each ß = 45° mm inch mm ß = 60° inch mm a b c d mm mm mm mm UMS13 2 7/32 6 - - 7/32 6 7/32 6 13 UMS16 3.2 5/16 8 7/32 6 - - 5/16 8 16 c kg 98 60 7 0.33 119 70 7 0.56 UMS18 5.4 3/8 10 5/16 8 5/16 8 3/8 10 18 130 75 8 0.8 UMS22 8.2 1/2 13 3/8 10 3/8 10 1/2 13 22 168 90 11 1.47 UMS25 11.2 5/8 16 - - 1/2 13 5/8 16 25 190 102 13 2.34 UMS30 16 3/4 1820 - - 5/8 16 3/4 1820 30 234 125 17 3.82 b a c d a b UMS EXCEL® OMEGA LINK, GRADE 10 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification Partnumber Working Load Limit : alloy steel, grade 10, quenched and tempered d : MBL equals 4 x WLL :painted blue :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity For Chain Diameter Width Diameter Pin Width Length Inside Width Length Thick- Width Width Weight Bow Outside ness Outside Outside Each a b c d e f g h i t inch mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg UCO6 1.4 7/32 6 11 8 7 24 19 50 9 39 28 0.07 UCO8 2.5 5/16 8 18 10 9 32 23 70 16 53 32 0.18 UCO10 4 3/8 10 18 13 11 40 30 81 17 61 42 0.28 UCO13 6.7 1/2 13 23 16 14 50 39 104 20 80 54 0.64 UCO16 10 5/8 16 30 20 17 63 47 130 25 100 68 1.21 h g a d e f b UCO 40 Side / Page c i +47 57 85 25 00 I I Løfte utstyr Lifting equipmet EXCEL® STAINLESS STEEL MASTER LINK •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification Partnumber Working Load Limit :AISI 316L :MBL equals 4 x WLL :polished :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity Diameter Chain 1 Leg Diameter Chain 2 Legs ß = 45° ß = 60° Diameter Length Inside a b Width Inside c Thickness c d Weight Each t inch mm inch mm inch mm mm mm mm mm kg MS13I 0.75 7/32 6 - - 7/32 6 13 110 60 6 0.34 MS16I 1.25 5/16 8 7/32 6 5/16 8 16 MS18I 2 3/8 10 5/16 8 3/8 10 18 MS22I 3.2 1/2 13 3/8 10 1/2 13 MS26I 5 5/8 16 1/2 13 5/8 16 110 60 a 6 0.53 135 75 8 0.82 22 160 89 10 1.45 26 179 99 14 2.29 b c d a b MSI d EXCEL® STAINLESS STEEL OMEGA LINK •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification Partnumber CO5I Working Load Limit :AISI 316L :MBL equals 4 x WLL :polished :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity For Chain Diameter Width Diameter Pin Width Length Inside Width Bow Length Outside Thickness Width Outside Width Outside a b c d e f g h i Weight Each t inch mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg 0.5 3/16 5 11 6 7 24 19 50 9 39 28 0.07 CO6I 0.7 7/32 6 11 8 7 24 19 50 9 39 28 0.07 CO7/8I 1.2 1/4-5/16 7-8 18 9 9 32 23 70 16 53 32 0.18 CO10I 1.6 3/8 10 18 13 11 40 30 81 17 61 42 0.28 CO13I 2.7 1/2 13 23 16 14 50 39 104 20 80 54 0.64 h g a d e f b COI c i +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 41 Løfte utstyr Lifting equipmet LØFTEØYE, MF Masterlink MF VARENR TYPE PART NO. TYPE VEKT PR STK I KG MAX LAST WEIGHT/ PC MAX LOAD KG TONN L B D MM MM MM 7518OFLØ06 MF 6-8 0.20 1.25 100 60 11 7518OFLØ86 MF 86-8 0.40 2.50 120 70 14 7518OFLØ108 MF108-8 0.70 4.00 140 80 17 7518OFLØ131 MF1310-8 1.50 8.00 160 95 22 7518OFLØ161 MF1613-8 2.70 15.00 180 105 28 7518OFLØ2216 MF2216-8 5.10 20.00 240 140 34 250 150 40 7518OFLØ2608 MF26-8 7.00 20.00 7518OFLØ2619 MF2619-8 8.00 30.00 BALANSEHODE MT Masterlink MT VARENR TYPE PART NO. TYPE 7518OT06 OT-6-8 VEKT PR STK I KG MAX LAST WEIGHT/PC MAX LOAD L1 L B D l b d KG TONN MM MM MM MM MM MM MM 1.80 5.00 260 150 90 19 110 60 14 7518OT08 OT-8-8 2.80 8.00 300 160 95 22 140 80 17 7518OT10 OT-10-8 6.00 16.00 360 200 120 30 160 95 22 7518OT13 OT-13-8 13.00 30.00 430 250 150 40 180 105 28 7518OT16 OT-16-8 23.00 40.00 500 300 200 50 200 110 32 7518OT19 OT-19-8 32.20 50.00 560 300 200 55 260 140 38 7518OT22 OT-22-8 44 75.00 610 350 200 60 260 140 45 7518OT26 OT-26-8 68 100.00 680 400 250 70 280 160 50 7518OT32 OT-32-8 87 125.00 680 400 250 80 280 160 55 42 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Løfte utstyr Lifting equipmet LØFTEØYE GRABIQ MGD 2-PART Lifting eye, MGD, two parts VARENR TYPE VEKT/STK MAX LAST PART NO. TYPE WEIGHT/PC MAX LOAD L B H KG TONN MM MM MM 75 21 7518MGD088G MGD 8-8+ 1.40 3.50 171 7518MGD108G MGD 10-8+ 2.50 5.60 211 90 24 7518MGD138G MGD 13-8+ 5.00 9.10 263 105 29 7518MGD168G MGD 16-8+ 9.00 14.00 311 120 35 LØFTEØYE GRABIQ, MG 1-PART Lifting eye, MG, one part VARENR TYPE VEKT/STK MAX PART NO. TYPE WEIGHT/PC LAST L B H KG MAX LOAD MM MM MM 7518MG088G MG 8-8+ 0.80 2.50 171 60 18 7518MG108G MG 10-8+ 1.50 4.00 210 175 22 7518MG138G MG 13-8+ 3.00 6.50 260 390 26 7518MG168G MG 16-8+ 5.50 10.00 311 105 30 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 43 Løfte øye / bolt Eye bolts / nuts EYE BOLTS Generally to DIN 580 • Material • Standard • Finish : AISI 316 : generally to DIN 580 : polished R-7840 VARE NR PART NO DIAMETER THREAD DIAMETER BASE DIAMETER EYE INSIDE D MM LENGTH THREAD THICKNESS BASE HEIGHT B MM DIAMETER EYE OUTSIDE C MM A MM E MM F MM G MM M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24 20 20 25 30 35 40 45 36 36 45 54 63 72 90 20 20 25 30 35 40 45 13 13 17 20.5 27 30 36 6 6 8 10 12 14 18 36 36 45 53 62 71 90 WEIGHT PER 100 PCS KG 3 6 10.3 17.7 28 45 74 GREEN PIN® EYE BOLTS Generally to DIN 580 • Material : carbon steel, C15 • Safety factor : MBL equals 6 x WLL S-8140 • Standard : generally to DIN 580 E-8140 • Finish : self coloured electro-galvanized • Certification : at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity. Test certificates can be supplied upon request VARE NR PART NO 44 WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER THREAD DIAMETER BASE T A MM 0.07 0.14 0.23 0.34 0.49 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.5 3.2 4.3 4.6 6.1 6.3 8 8.6 11.5 16 21 28 40 M 6 X 1.00 M 8 X 1.25 M 10 X 1.50 M 12 X 1.75 M 14 X 2.00 M 16 X 2.00 M 18 X 2.50 M 20 X 2.50 M 22 X 2.50 M 24 X 3.00 M 27 X 3.00 M 30 X 3.50 M 33 X 3.50 M 36 X 4.00 M 39 X 4.00 M 42 X 4.50 M 45 X 4.50 M 48 X 5.00 M 56 X 5.50 M 64 X 6.00 M 72 X 6.00 M 80 X 6.00 M 100 X 6.00 Side / Page DIAMETER EYE INSIDE D MM LENGTH THICKNESS BASE HEIGHT B MM DIAMETER EYE OUTSIDE C MM E MM F MM G MM 20 20 25 30 35 35 40 40 45 50 50 65 65 75 75 85 85 100 110 120 150 170 190 36 36 45 54 63 63 72 72 81 90 90 108 108 126 126 144 144 166 184 206 260 296 330 20 20 25 30 35 35 40 40 45 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 100 110 140 160 180 13 13 17 20.5 27 27 30 30 35 36 36 45 45 54 54 63 63 68 78 90 100 112 130 6 6 8 10 12 12 14 14 14 18 18 22 22 26 26 30 35 35 38 42 50 55 60 36 36 45 53 60 62 71 71 80 90 90 109 110 128 130 147 150 168 187 208 260 298 330 WEIGHT PER 100 PCS KG 3 6 10.3 17.7 27.7 28 40.5 42.4 67.3 83.4 122 166 216 265 334 403 521 632 880 1240 2330 3420 4910 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Løfte øye / bolt Eye bolts / nuts GREEN PIN® EYE NUTS Generally to DIN 582 • • • • • Material Safety factor Standard Finish Certification VARE NR PART NO : : : : carbon steel, C15 MBL equals 6 x WLL generally to DIN 582 self coloured electro-galvanized : at no extra charges this product can be supplied with a works certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity. Test certificates can be supplied upon request WORKING LOAD LIMIT T 0.07 0.14 0.23 0.34 0.49 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.5 3.2 4.3 4.6 6.1 7 8 8.6 8.6 11.5 16 21 DIAMETER THREAD DIAMETER BASE A MM B MM M 6 X 1.00 M 8 X 1.25 M 10 X 1.50 M 12 X 1.75 M 14 X 2.00 M 16 X 2.00 M 18 X 2.50 M 20 X 2.50 M 22 X 2.50 M 24 X 3.00 M 27 X 3.00 M 30 X 3.50 M 33 X 3.50 M 36 X 4.00 M 39 X 4.00 M 42 X 4.50 M 45 X 4.50 M 48 X 5.00 M 52 X 5.00 M 56 X 5.50 M 64 X 6.00 M 72 X 6.00 DIAMETER EYE OUTSIDE C MM 20 20 25 30 35 35 40 40 45 50 50 65 65 75 75 85 85 100 110 110 120 150 DIAMETER EYE INSIDE D MM 36 36 45 54 63 63 72 72 81 90 90 108 108 126 126 144 144 166 184 184 206 260 THICKNESS BASE HEIGHT E MM F MM 20 20 25 30 35 35 40 40 45 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 100 100 110 140 8.5 8.5 10 11 13 13 16 16 18 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 40 45 45 50 60 36 36 45 53 60 62 71 71 80 90 90 109 110 128 130 147 150 168 187 187 208 260 WEIGHT PER 100 PCS KG 4.2 5.2 9.4 16 22 24 36 35.2 58.6 70.6 102 132 170 208 260 311 407 502 830 669 930 1500 EYE NUTS Generally to DIN 582 • Material • Standard • Finish VARE NR PART NO : AISI 316 : generally to DIN 582 : polished DIAMETER THREAD DIAMETER BASE A MM M M M M M 6 8 10 12 16 R-7842 DIAMETER EYE INSIDE D MM THICKNESS BASE HEIGHT B MM DIAMETER EYE OUTSIDE C MM E MM F MM 20 20 25 30 35 36 36 45 54 63 20 20 25 30 35 8.5 8.5 10 11 13 36 36 45 53 62 +47 57 85 25 00 I I WEIGHT PER 100 PCS KG 4.2 5.2 9.4 16 24 Side / Page 45 Løfte øye / bolt Eye bolts / nuts EXCEL® EYE BOLT, GRADE 8 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification PARTNUMBER :alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 5 x WLL : painted red :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER THREAD DIAMETER BASE DIAMETER EYE OUTSIDE DIAMETER EYE INSIDE LENGTH THICKNESS BASE DIAMETER A B C D E F G T MM MM MM MM MM MM MM WEIGHT EACH KG AL06R 0.2 M 6 X 1.00 20 34 20 20 17 7 0.05 AL08R 0.4 M 8 X 1.25 20 34 20 24 17 7 0.05 AL10R 0.7 M10 X 1.50 20 38 22 30 19 8 0.08 AL12R 1 M12 X 1.75 25 47 26 36 23 10 0.14 AL14R 1.2 M14 X 2.00 30 57 29 40 28 14 0.25 AL16R 1.5 M16 X 2.00 36 65 35 55 30 14 0.36 AL18R 2 M18 X 2.50 36 65 35 54 30 14 0.38 AL20R 2.5 M20 X 2.50 40 73 39 59 34 16 0.55 AL22R 3 M22 X 2.50 42 82 44 64 38 19 0.74 AL24R 4 M24 X 3.00 55 95 54 84 40 20 1.12 AL27R 5 M27 X 3.00 55 95 54 84 40 20 1.18 AL30R 6 M30 X 3.50 60 108 59 100 49 24 1.84 AL33R 7 M33 X 3.50 60 108 59 100 49 24 2.01 AL36R 8 M36 X 4.00 65 118 67 118c 45 25 2.44 AL39R 9 M39 X 4.00 65 118 67 118 45 25 2.62 AL42R 10 M42 X 4.50 70 139 79 135 56 31 3.97 AL45R 15 M45 X 4.50 70 139 79 135 56 31 4.16 AL48R 18 M48 X 5.00 95 181 97 150 68 43 8.22 AL52R 20 M52 X 5.00 95 181 97 150 68 43 8.55 AL56R 25 M56 X 5.50 95 181 97 150 68 43 8.85 AL60R 30 M60 X 5.50 95 181 97 150 68 43 9.16 AL64R 36 M64 X 6.00 95 181 97 150 68 43 9.55 c d f e b g d f e a b AL 46 Side / Page g a 00 +47 57 85 25 I I Løfte øye / bolt Eye bolts / nuts EXCEL® EYE BOLT LENGTH AS DIN580, GRADE 8 •Material : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor : MBL equals 5 x WLL •Finish : painted red •Certification : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity PARTNUMBER WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER THREAD DIAMETER BASE DIAMETER EYE OUTSIDE DIAMETER EYE INSIDE LENGTH THICKNESS BASE A B C D E F G T MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG AL06RDIN 0.2 M 6 X 1.00 20 34 20 13 17 7 0.05 AL08RDIN 0.4 M 8 X 1.25 20 34 20 13 17 7 0.05 AL10RDIN 0.7 M10 X 1.50 20 38 22 17 19 8 0.07 AL12RDIN 1 M12 X 1.75 25 47 26 21 23 10 0.13 AL14RDIN 1.2 M14 X 2.00 30 57 29 27 28 14 0.24 AL16RDIN 1.5 M16 X 2.00 36 64 35 27 30 14 0.34 AL18RDIN 2 M18 X 2.50 36 65 35 30 30 14 0.38 AL20RDIN 2.5 M20 X 2.50 40 73 39 30 34 16 0.52 AL22RDIN 3 M22 X 2.50 42 82 44 35 38 19 0.67 AL24RDIN 4 M24 X 3.00 55 95 54 36 40 20 0.99 AL27RDIN 5 M27 X 3.00 55 95 54 38 40 20 1.08 AL30RDIN 6 M30 X 3.50 60 108 59 45 49 24 1.66 AL33RDIN 7 M33 X 3.50 60 108 59 45 49 24 1.74 c DIAMETER WEIGHT EACH AL36RDIN 8 M36 X 4.00 65 118 67 54 45 25 2.01 AL39RDIN 9 M39 X 4.00 65 118 67 55 45 25 2.08 AL42RDIN 10 M42 X 4.50 70 139 79 63 56 31 3.37 AL45RDIN 15 M45 X 4.50 70 139 79 65 56 31 3.47 AL48RDIN 18 M48 X 5.00 95 181 97 68 68 43 7.17 AL52RDIN 20 M52 X 5.00 95 181 97 78 68 43 7.25 AL56RDIN 25 M56 X 5.50 95 181 97 78 68 43 7.52 AL60RDIN 30 M60 X 5.50 95 181 97 78 68 43 7.78 AL64RDIN 36 M64 X 6.00 95 181 97 90 68 43 8.12 c d f e b g d f e ALDIN a b g +47 57 85 25 00 I I a Side / Page 47 Løfte øye / bolt Eye bolts / nuts EXCEL® EYE BOLT, GRADE 8, UNC •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification PARTNUMBER : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 5 x WLL : painted red : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER THREAD DIAMETER BASE DIAMETER EYE OUTSIDE DIAMETER EYE INSIDE LENGTH THICKNESS BASE DIAMETER WEIGHT EACH A B C D E F G T INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM KG AL06RUNC 0.2 1/4 - 20UNC 20 34 20 20 17 7 0.05 AL10RUNC 0.7 3/8 - 16UNC 20 38 22 30 19 8 0.08 36 23 10 0.14 55 30 14 0.36 AL12RUNC 1 1/2 - 13UNC 25 47 26 AL16RUNC 1.5 5/8 - 11UNC 36 65 35 AL20RUNC 2.5 3/4 - 10UNC 40 73 39 59 34 16 0.55 AL22RUNC 3 7/8 - 9UNC 42 82 44 64 38 19 0.74 40 20 1.14 40 20 1.21 49 24 1.91 45 25 2.52 c AL24RUNC 4 1 - 8UNC 55 95 54 84 AL27RUNC 5 1 1/8 - 7UNC 55 95 54 84 AL30RUNC 6 1 1/4 - 7UNC 60 108 59 100 AL36RUNC 8 1 1/2 - 6UNC 65 118 67 118 d f e b c g d f e ALUNC a b g a 48 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Løfte øye / bolt Eye bolts / nuts EXCEL® EYE BOLT WITHOUT THREAD, GRADE 8 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification •Note PARTNUMBER : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 5 x WLL : painted red : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity : final WLL of product may change after machining WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER DIAMETER BASE DIAMETER EYE OUTSIDE DIAMETER EYE INSIDE LENGTH THICKNESS BASE DIAMETER WEIGHT EACH A B C D E F G T MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG AL06B 0.2 12 22 34 20 20 18 7 0.07 AL08B 0.4 12 22 34 20 24 17 7 0.07 AL10B 0.7 15 24 38 22 30 19 8 0.11 AL12B 1 16 28 47 26 36 23 10 0.17 AL14B 1.2 19 34 57 29 40 28 14 0.3 AL16B 1.5 22 40 64 35 51 32 14 0.47 AL18B 2 22 41 65 35 54 30 14 0.48 AL20B 2.5 26 45 73 39 59 34 16 0.55 AL22B 3 29 47 82 44 64 38 19 0.94 AL24B 4 30 58 95 54 80 42 20 1.4 AL27B 5 31 61 95 54 84 c 40 20 1.36 AL30B 6 39 66 108 60 94 52 24 2.4 AL33B 7 41 67 108 59 100 49 24 2.5 AL36B 8 41 71 118 67 117 47 d 25 3 AL39B 9 42 71 118 67 118 46 25 3 AL42B 10 51 77 139 79 134 f 58 32 5 AL45B 15 52 77 139 79 135 56 31 5.09 AL64B 36 72 102 181 97 150 68 e 43 9.75 c b g d f e ALB a b g a +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 49 Løfte øye / bolt Eye bolts / nuts EXCEL® EYE NUT, GRADE 8 •Material :alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor :MBL equals 5 x WLL •Finish :painted red •Certification :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity PARTNUMBER EL6R WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER THREAD DIAMETER BASE WIDTH WIDTH INSIDE THICKNESS BASE LENGTH INSIDE DIAMETER THICKNESS WEIGHT EACH B C D E F G H T A MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG 0.2 M 6 X 1.00 31 51 29 14 44 11 6 0.15 EL8R 0.4 M 8 X 1.25 31 51 29 14 44 11 6 0.15 EL10R 0.7 M10 X 1.50 31 51 29 14 44 11 6 0.15 EL12R 1 M12 X 1.75 39 56 31 15 48 12 7 0.23 EL14R 1.2 M14 X 2.00 39 56 31 15 48 12 7 0.23 EL16R 1.5 M16 X 2.00 44 66 36 17 60 14 9 0.4 EL18R 2 M18 X 2.50 44 66 36 17 60 14 9 0.4 EL20R 2.5 M20 X 2.50 44 66 36 17 60 14 9 0.4 EL22R 3 M22 X 2.50 52 81 47 21 75 17 11 0.63 EL24R 4 M24 X 3.00 52 81 47 21 75 17 11 0.63 EL27R 5 M27 X 3.00 52 81 47 21 75 17 11 0.63 EL30R 6 M30 X 3.50 66 98 56 24 88 21 14 1.11 EL33R 7 M33 X 3.50 66 98 56 24 88 21 14 1.11 EL36R 8 M36 X 4.00 85 121 72 38 101 24 g 17 2.22 c d EL39R 9 M39 X 4.00 85 121 72 38 101 24 17 2.22 EL42R 10 M42 X 4.50 85 121 72 38 101 24 f 17 2.22 EL45R 15 M45 X 4.50 90 133 81 39 121 26 22 2.73 EL48R 18 M48 X 5.00 90 133 81 39 121 26 e 22 2.73 c a d g f h e a EL b h b 50 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Løfte øye / bolt Eye bolts / nuts EXCEL® ROTATING HOIST RING, GRADE 8 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Temperature Range •Certification •Note PARTNUMBER : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 5 x WLL : painted red : up to +250°C (482° Fahrenheit) : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity : WLL indicated hereunder are given in the worst conditions of use, i.e. 90° WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER THREAD WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE DIAMETER LENGTH THICKNESS BASE WIDTH OUTSIDE A B C D E F G H I J T MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM ADA08 0.4 M 8 X 1.25 35 41 13 18 35 68 34 ADA10 0.7 M10 X 1.5 35 39 13 18 37 68 34 DIAMETER BASE DIAMETER BASE LENGTH INSIDE HEX KEY TORQUE VALUE WEIGHT EACH MM MM NM KG 38 43 6 6.5 0.43 38 43 8 13 0.44 ADA12 1 M12 X 1.75 35 36 13 22 39 68 34 38 43 10 22 0.46 ADA14 1.3 M14 X 2.0 35 35 13 22 42 68 34 38 43 12 35 0.47 ADA16 1.6 M16 X 2.0 35 42 13 22 43 68 34 38 52 10 55 0.52 ADA18 2 M18 X 2.5 35 40 13 28 45 68 34 38 52 10 80 0.54 ADA20 2.5 M20 X 2.5 35 38 13 32 47 68 34 38 52 10 110 0.59 ADA22 3 M22 X 2.5 53 57 20 33 69 105 49 56 71 14 150 1.88 ADA24 4 M24 X 3.0 53 55 20 33 71 105 49 56 71 14 190 1.93 ADA27 5 M27 X 3.0 53 61 20 36 65 105 49 56 71 14 280 1.96 ADA30 6.3 M30 X 3.5 53 61 20 45 65 105 49 56 71 14 380 2.03 ADA33 7 M33 X 3.5 71 87 30 50 83 146 68 77 98 19 520 5.28 ADA36 10 M36 X 4.0 71 87 30 54 84 146 68 77 98 19 600 5.35 ADA39 10 M39 X 4.0 71 87 30 58 84 146 68 77 98 19 870 4.81 ADA42 12.5 M42 X 4.5 71 87 30 63 84 146 68 77 98 19 1000 5.56 e f d b c d j e c i g a h ADA b i g f j a h +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 51 Løfte øye / bolt Eye bolts / nuts EXCEL® ROTATING HOIST RING LONGER LENGTH, GRADE 8 •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Temperature Range •Certification •Note Partnumber : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 5 x WLL : painted red : up to +250°C (482° Fahrenheit) : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity : WLL indicated hereunder are given in the worst conditions of use, i.e. 90° Width Inside Length Inside Diameter Length Thickness Base Width Outside DiaMeter Base DiaMeter Base Length Inside Working Load Limit Diameter Thread a b c d e f g h i j t mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Hex Key Torque Value Weight Each mm Nm kg ADA08L52 0.4 M 8 x 1.25 35 41 13 52 35 68 34 38 43 6 6.5 0.46 ADA08L92 0.4 M 8 x 1.25 35 41 13 92 35 68 34 38 43 6 6.5 0.47 ADA10L62 0.7 M10 x 1.5 35 39 13 62 37 68 34 38 43 8 13 0.47 ADA10L125 0.7 M10 x 1.5 35 39 13 125 37 68 34 38 43 8 13 0.5 ADA12L62 1 M12 x 1.75 35 36 13 62 39 68 34 38 43 10 22 0.49 ADA12L125 1 M12 x 1.75 35 36 13 125 39 68 34 38 43 10 22 0.53 ADA16L92 1.6 M16 x 2.0 35 42 13 92 43 68 34 38 52 10 55 0.6 ADA16L172 1.6 M16 x 2.0 35 42 13 172 43 68 34 38 52 10 55 0.71 ADA20L112 2.5 M20 x 2.5 35 38 13 112 47 68 34 38 52 10 110 0.75 ADA20L172 2.5 M20 x 2.5 35 38 13 172 47 68 34 38 52 10 110 0.87 ADA24L112 4 M24 x 3.0 53 55 20 112 71 105 49 56 71 14 190 2.16 ADA24L172 4 M24 x 3.0 53 55 20 172 71 105 49 56 71 14 190 2.33 ADA27L90 5 M27 x 3.0 53 61 20 90 65 105 49 56 71 14 280 2.2 ADA30L90 6.3 M30 x 3.5 53 61 20 90 65 105 49 56 71 14 380 2.27 ADA30L240 6.3 M30 x 3.5 53 61 20 240 65 105 49 56 71 14 380 3.05 ADA36L110 10 M36 x 4.0 71 87 30 110 84 146 68 77 98 19 600 5.72 ADA42L120 12.5 M42 x 4.5 71 87 30 120 84 146 68 77 98 19 1000 6.07 d b c d b i g f j e h ADAL j a 52 Side / Page h +47 57 85 25 00 I I c f e a i g Løfte øye / bolt Eye bolts / nuts EXCEL® SMALL LIFTING EYE, GRADE 8 b •Material :alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor :MBL equals 4 x WLL •Finish :painted red •Certification :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity f c e a d OL Partnumber Working Load Diameter Thread Diameter Base t mm mm Diameter Eye Inside Length Thickness Base Width mm mm mm Can Be Combined With Weight Each a OL8R 0.5 M 8 28 8 30 13 6 OL10R 0.9 M10 28 8 30 13 6 OL12R 1.25 M12 28 8 30 13 6 OL14R 1.5 M14 32 9 46 16 10 OL16R 1.9 M16 32 9 46 16 10 OL18R 2.25 M18 32 9 46 16 10 OL20R 3.12 M20 41 13 56 19 11 OL22R 3.8 M22 41 13 56 19 11 OL24R 5 M24 54 16 68 28 12 OL27R 6.25 M27 54 16 68 28 12 OL30R 8 M30 60 20 92 33 13 OL33R 9 M33 60 20 92 33 13 OL36R 10 M36 60 20 92 33 13 OL39R 12.5 M39 75 24 105 39 19 OL42R 15 M42 75 24 105 39 19 kg XLC05, XLC0, CO5, CO6, MP5, MP6, CSC5, CSC6 XLC1, CO7/8, MP7/8, CSC7/8 XLC2, CO10, MP10, CSC10 XLC3, CO13, MP13, CSC13 XLC4, CO16, MP16, CSC16 XLC5, CO18/20, MP18/20, CSC18/20 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.12 0.14 0.15 0.25 0.27 0.53 0.68 0.94 1.03 1.12 1.9 2.02 WELD-ON TRANSPORT RING •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification :base: mild steel, ring: alloy steel :MBL equals 4 x WLL :painted red :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity :Welding must be done in accordance with DIN 8563 resp. 15429, by a qualified welder according to EN 287-1 •Note Partnumber Working Load Limit Diameter Width Inside Length Inside Length Base Height Base Length Weight Each a b c d e f t mm mm mm mm mm mm PAS1 1.2 13 40 42 35 28 84 0.4 PAS3 3.2 18 45 48 42 33 101 0.77 PAS5 5.3 22 55 57 49 44 123 1.42 PAS8 8 26 70 67 64 51 145 2.5 PAS15 15 36 99 90 90 63 191 5.67 kg +47 57 85 25 00 I I PAS Side / Page 53 Løfte øye / bolt Eye bolts / nuts c EXCEL® STAINLESS STEEL EYE BOLT WITHOUT THREAD •Material : AISI 316L •Safety factor: MBL equals 5 x WLL •Finish : polished •Certification: at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity •Note : final WLL of product may change after machining d f e Diameter Diameter Base Diameter Eye Outside Diameter Eye Inside Length Thickness Base Diameter a b c d e f g t mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg AL08BI 0.2 12 22 34 20 24 17 7 0.07 AL10BI 0.4 15 24 38 22 30 19 8 0.11 AL12BI 0.6 16 28 47 26 36 23 10 0.17 AL14BI 0.8 19 34 57 29 40 28 14 0.3 AL18BI 1.5 22 41 65 35 55 30 14 0.48 AL20BI 2 26 45 73 39 59 34 16 0.58 AL22BI 2.5 29 47 82 44 64 38 19 0.94 AL24BI 3 30 58 95 54 84 40 20 1.15 Partnumber Working Load Limit Weight Each b g a ALBI c d EXCEL® STAINLESS STEEL EYE BOLT •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification f : AISI 316L : MBL equals 5 x WLL : polished : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity e b g Partnumber Working Load Limit Diameter Thread a b c d e f g t mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg AL08I 0.2 M 8 20 34 20 24 17 7 0.05 AL10I 0.4 M10 20 38 22 30 19 8 0.08 AL12I 0.6 M12 25 47 26 36 23 10 0.14 AL14I 0.8 M14 30 57 29 40 28 14 0.26 AL16I 1 M16 36 65 35 55 30 14 0.37 AL18I 1.5 M18 36 65 35 55 30 14 0.38 AL20I 2 M20 40 73 39 59 34 16 0.58 AL22I 2.5 M22 42 82 44 64 38 19 0.74 AL24I 3 M24 55 95 54 84 40 20 1.12 54 Side / Page Diameter Base Diameter Eye Outside Diameter Eye Inside Length Thickness Base Diameter Weight Each +47 57 85 25 00 I I a ALI Løfte øye / bolt Eye bolts / nuts EXCEL® STAINLESS STEEL EYE NUT • Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification c : AISI 316L :MBL equals 5 x WLL :polished :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity d g f e Partnumber Diameter Base Width Width Inside Thickness Base Length Inside Diameter Thickness Working Load Limit Diameter Thread a b c d e f g h t mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm a Weight Each kg EL12I 0.6 M12 39 56 31 15 48 12 7 0.23 EL14I 0.8 M14 39 56 31 15 48 12 7 0.23 EL16I 1 M16 44 66 36 17 60 14 9 0.37 EL18I 1.5 M18 44 66 36 17 60 14 9 0.37 EL20I 2 M20 44 66 36 17 60 14 9 0.37 EL22I 2.5 M22 52 81 47 21 75 17 11 0.63 EL24I 3 M24 52 81 47 21 75 17 11 0.63 EL27I 3.5 M27 52 81 47 21 75 17 11 0.63 h b ELI STAINLESS STEEL WELD-ON TRANSPORT RING •Material •Safety factor •Finish •Certification :AISI 316L :MBL equals 4 x WLL :polished :at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity :Welding must be done in accordance with DIN 8563 resp. 15429, by a qualified welder according to EN 287-1 •Note Partnumber Working Load Limit Diameter Width Inside Length Inside Length Base Height Base Length a b c d e f t mm mm mm mm mm mm kg PAS0.75I 0.75 13 40 42 35 28 84 0.4 PAS1.25I 1.25 18 45 48 42 33 101 0.6 PAS3.20I 3.2 22 55 57 49 44 123 1.2 PAS5I 5 26 70 67 64 51 145 2.4 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Weight Each PASI Side / Page 55 Svivel Swivel GREEN PIN® SWIVELS Eye - Eye • • • • • Material Safety factor Standard Finish Certification Vare nr Part no : : : : : Working Load Limit high tensile steel, quenched and tempered MBL equals 5 x WLL generally to US Federal Spec. RR-C-271, Type VII, Class 2 hot dipped galvanized test certificates can be supplied upon request Diameter Length Outside Width Outside Length Inside Width Inside Length Inside Length Weight Each t a mm b mm c mm d mm e mm f mm g mm kg 0.39 0.57 1.02 1.6 2.4 3.3 4.5 5.7 8.2 20.5 6 8 10 13 16 19 22 25 32 38 87 106 129 164 199 221 257 295 337 501 32 41 51 64 76 89 102 114 143 178 18 21 24 33 40 44 52 59 68 102 19 25 32 38 44 51 57 64 80 102 27 32 38 51 60 67 78 89 94 150 75 90 109 138 167 183 213 245 273 425 0.1 0.18 0.32 0.6 1.13 1.82 2.83 4.06 7.43 20.8 G-7713 GREEN PIN® SWIVELS Jaw - Eye • • • • • Material Safety factor Standard Finish Certification Vare nr Part no Working Load Limit : : : : : high tensile steel, quenched and tempered MBL equals 5 x WLL generally to US Federal Spec. RR-C-271, Type VII, Class 3 hot dipped galvanized test certificates can be supplied upon request Diameter Length Width Outside Length Inside Width Inside Length Inside Length Width Inside Diameter Pin Weight Each t a mm b mm c mm d mm e mm f mm g mm h mm i mm kg 0.39 0.57 1.02 1.6 2.4 3.3 4.5 5.7 8.2 20.5 6 8 10 13 16 19 22 25 32 38 84 98 121 154 186 211 242 290 329 501 32 41 51 64 76 89 102 114 143 178 18 21 24 33 40 44 52 59 68 106 19 25 32 38 44 51 57 64 80 102 22 22 27 33 38 44 52 71 71 113 67 75 92 114 135 154 178 217 230 364 12 13 16 19 24 29 30 44 52 73 6 8 10 13 16 19 22 29 35 50 0.11 0.17 0.32 0.65 1.12 1.76 2.66 4.46 7.14 24.8 G-7723 56 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Svivel Swivel EXCEL® NEEDLE BEARING SWIVEL, EYE-EYE, GRADE 8 •Material : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered •Safety factor : MBL equals 4 x WLL •Finish : painted red •Certification : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity •Note : equipped with two needle roller thrust bearings Partnumber Working Load Limit Diameter Length Outside Width Outside Length Inside Width Inside Length Thickness Weight Each a b c d e f g t mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg c a g ELD0R 1.12 11 140 52 33 29 118 6 0.36 ELD1R 2 12 150 56 32 31 126 6 0.58 ELD2R 3.2 14 185 66 39 37 155 8 1.05 ELD3R 5.4 18 228 80 46 48 195 11 1.86 ELD4R 8.2 21 270 99 60 56 227 14 3.1 ELD5R 12.8 24 331 121 67 72 280 17 6.45 ELD6R 15.5 28 379 134 87 81 328 22 7.74 f d e ELD EXCEL® BALL BEARING SWIVEL SMALL EYE-CLEVIS, GRADE 8 • Material • Safety factor • Finish • Certification Partnumber : alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 4 x WLL : painted red : at no extra charge this product can be supplied with a works certificate, a 3.1 certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity Working Load Limit For Chain Diameter Length Inside Width Outside Diameter Eye Thickness Width Length Outside Diameter Pin a b c d e f g Weight Each t inch mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg OLEC5R 0.8 3/16 5 50 34 8 6 7 78 6 0.25 OLEC6R 1.12 7/32 6 50 34 8 6 7 78 8 0.25 OLEC7/8R 2 1/4-5/16 7-8 70 41 9 10 9 105 9 0.51 OLEC10R 3.2 3/8 10 79 50 13 11 11 125 13 0.88 OLEC13R 5.4 1/2 13 109 60 16 13 14 164 16 1.81 OLEC16R 8.2 5/8 16 129 80 20 14 18 200 20 3.6 b e g a f c d OLEC +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 57 b Svivel Swivel SVIVEL, KONISK, STÅL Swivel, tapered roller, steel VARENR SWL PART NO. 5.1 7524A401 A B C D E F G TONN MM MM MM MM MM MM MM 1 126 43 16 15 36 18 35 7524A402 2 157 54 20 20 45 22 45 7524A403 3 189 65 27 26 55 28 55 7524A405 5 220 70 33 30 64 33 60 7524A408 8 250 85 42 34 73 39 75 7524A412 12 295 95 50 41 86 45 86 7524A417 17 395 120 57 52 113 55 108 7524A422 22 435 131 60 52 118 63 118 7524A432 32 500 160 65 59 132 73 140 SVIVEL, RUSTFRITT STÅL, BRONSEBØSSING Swivel, stainless steel, bronze bushing VARENR PART NO. SWL 5.1 A B C D E F G TONN MM MM MM MM MM MM MM 7524A304 4 169 49 29 26 50 25 25 7524A306 6 197 58 34 30 60 31 31 7524A308 8 224 68 40 34 69 35 35 SVIVEL, STÅL, BRONSEBØSSING Swivel, steel, bronze bushing VARENR SWL TYPE PART NO. 5.1 TYPE A B C D TONN Bruddlast Break. load MM MM MM MM TONN 7524SW30S 3 SW30S 120 43 20 20 15 7524SW31S 5 SW31S 138 45 25 23 25 58 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Ringer Rings SNURPERINGER BOSS SR Boss purse rings SR VARENR TYPE A B C D E F PART NO. TYPE MM MM MM MM MM MM 7529040 40 SR 90 80 250 50 48 48 7529050 50 SR 115 80 285 50 50 50 7529080 80 SR 155 120 334 66 75 48 7529090 90 SR 148 100 323 50 40 56 7529100 100 SR 190 120 365 50 50 53 7529180SRL 180 SRL 180 190 370 52 7529150SRL 150 SRL 140 205 325 52 150 SRL 180 SRL SNURPERINGER BOSS 220/285 TYPE Boss purse rings 220/285 VARENR TYPE A B C D E F G PART NO. TYPE MM MM MM MM MM MM MM 7529220S 220 S 75 130 202 24 40 100 39 7529230S 230 S 94 148 235 27 49 120 45 7529240S 240 S 105 170 260 31 53 137 50 7529250S 250 S 106 170 265 35 53 137 52 7529260S 260 S 108 174 270 43 53 140 53 7529285S 285 S 119 185 278 53 55 143 53 220S-285S +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 59 Ringer Rings SNURPERINGER BOSS 300 SERIE Boss purse rings 300 VARENR TYPE A B C D E F G PART NO. TYPE MM MM MM MM MM MM MM 7529365S 365S 115 200 297 42 65 148 52 7529370S 370S 123 208 347 41 76 205 54 SNURPERINGER BOSS 5/6/7S Boss purse rings 5/6/7S VARENR TYPE A B C D E F G PART NO. TYPE MM MM MM MM MM MM MM 752905S BOSS 5S 27 66 111 18 20 49 24 752906S BOSS 6S 38 77 133 14 26 62 27 752907S BOSS 7S 36 90 155 20 28 66 26 60 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Ringer Rings ØRERING STP Ear ring STP VARENR DIMENSJON TYPE SWL PART NO. SIZE TYPE 5:1 MM A B C TON MM MM MM 75301112P 12 125STP 0.8 125 65 24 75301019 20 120STP 3.0 120 70 36 75301022 22 130STP 4.1 130 85 45 75301025 25 160STP 5.1 160 100 45 75301122P 22 130SSP 4.1 130 85 45 75301125P 25 160SSP 5.1 160 100 45 75301022SS 22 130SSP 4.1 130 85 45 RING SSR RUSTFRITT STÅL Ring stainless steel VARENR DIMENSJON VEKT PART NO. SIZE WEIGHT A B C MM KG/100 MM MM MM 60 SS R 5.2 76 60 8 7530116008 7530116010 60 SS R 6.1 80 60 10 7530116012 60 SS R 8.8 84 60 12 7530117508 75 SS R 16.0 91 75 8 7530117510 75 SS R 18.0 95 75 10 7530117512 75 SS R 25.0 99 75 12 7530117514 75 SS R 35.0 103 75 14 7530119006 90 SS R 13.2 106 90 8 7530119010 90 SS R 20.0 110 90 10 7530119012 90 SS R 29.0 114 90 12 7530119014 90 SS R 42.0 118 90 14 7530119019 90 SS R 78.0 128 90 19 75301112100 100 SS R 95.0 124 100 12 753011214 110 SS R 110.0 154 110 22 75301112525 125 SS R 200.0 175V 125 25 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 61 Taljer/Vinsj Hoist/Winch BLOCKVAGN/TROLLEY – 24 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hörnskydd. Hindrar vagnen att lossna från balk Låg bygghöjd Klarar ner till 300 mm innerradie på balk Gjutna kullagrade hjul, utformade för att passa olika balkprofiler Klätterskydd under varje hjul Passar de flesta märken av lyftblock och telfrar Enkelt ställbar, genom den vänster- och högergängade bärbygeln Egna tillverknings nr, samt provbelastade Test och CE-certifikat medföljer Manages down to minimum 300 mm inside radius of the beam Easy to adjust to the actual beam by means of the right- and left-threaded suspension bolt Low headroom design Fits most brands of lifting blocks and electric hoists Cast iron wheels with ball bearings designed to fit various beam profiles Mechanical stops ensure that the trolley is kept on the beam in the event of wheel axle breakage or collision etc Mechanical stops prevent the trolley from climbing the beam Marked with its own manufacturing no. Load tested Test and CE-certificate enclosed "W L L kg" Model "A min-max" B C ØD E F G H ØJ ØK L M P Min curve radius (m) Weight kg 500 20123A 46-160 208 18 62 77 18 45 33 25 19 216 100 24 1,0 6,0 500 20124A 161-280 208 18 62 77 18 45 33 25 19 216 100 24 1,0 6,4 1000 20143A 50-160 212 20 70 85 20 51 40 32 24 264 130 26 1,25 9,4 1000 20144A 161-280 212 20 70 85 20 51 40 32 24 264 130 26 1,25 10,7 2000 20163A 64-180 248 24 100 118 25 63 51 40 32 345 165 30 1,80 19,0 2000 20164A 181-300 248 24 100 118 25 63 51 40 32 345 165 30 1,80 21,0 3000 20173A 74-180 262 28 114 137 31 78 57 46 35 384 180 35 2,20 31,5 3000 20174A 181-300 262 28 114 137 31 78 57 46 35 384 180 35 2,20 34,0 5000 20193A 82-180 270 34 140 165 34 92 64 56 42 455 215 40 2,50 55,0 5000 20194A 181-300 270 34 140 165 34 92 64 56 42 455 215 40 2,50 58,0 62 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Taljer/Vinsj Hoist/Winch KITO LEVER HOIST LB / LX •Standards Vare nr :Freewheel safeguard (not LB-OF without freewheel mechanism) :Quad riveted bottom hook :Nickel-plated load chain grade V (G100) Type Capacity Chain pull to lift full load (t) LX003 0,25 Part no Load chain diam. Weight Headroom (m) (mm) (kg) (mm) 20 3.2 x 9.0 1.7 LX005 0,5 31 4.3 x 12.0 2.7 LB008 0,8 28.4 5.6 x 15.7 5.7 280 LB010 1,0 35.3 5.6 x 15.7 5.9 300 LB016 1,6 33.3 7.1 x 19.9 8.0 335 LB025 2,5 36.3 8.8 x 24.6 11.2 375 LB032 3,2 36.3 10 x 28.0 15.0 395 LB063 6,3 37.2 10 x 28.0 26.0 540 LB090 9 38.2 10 x 28.0 40.0 680 LB LX KITO HAND CHAIN HOIST CB •Standards Vare nr : Freewheel safeguard (not LB-OF without freewheel mechanism) : Quad riveted bottom hook : Nickel-plated load chain grade V (G100) Type Rated load (t) (m) (mm) (kg) CB005 0,5 3.0 5.0 x 15.1 11.0 1 CB010 1 3.0 6.3 x 19.1 12.5 1 CB015 1,5 3.0 7.1 x 21.2 15.5 1 CB020 2 3.0 8.0 x 24.2 20.0 1 CB025 2,5 3.0 9.0 x 27.2 27.0 1 CB030 3 3.0 7.1 x 21.2 24.0 2 CB050 5 3.0 9.0 x 27.2 41.0 2 CB075 7,5 3.5 9.0 x 27.2 63.0 3 Part no Chain pull to lift full load Load chain diam. Weight Chain falls CB100 10 3.5 9.0 x 27.2 83.0 4 CB150 15 3.5 9.0 x 27.2 155.0 6 CB200 20 3.5 9.0 x 27.2 235.0 8 CB300 30 3.5 9.0 x 27.2 310.0 10 CB400 40 3.5 9.0 x 27.2 480.0 14 CB500 50 3.5 9.0 x 27.2 640.0 16 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 63 Taljer/Vinsj Hoist/Winch CHAIN BLOCK - 14 Compact design and low weight Lightweight and durable all steel construction with powder coated finish Safe, well covered automatic load reaction brake (asbestos-free) Sealed ball bearings on the chain wheel maximise efficiency and serviceability Galvanised and hardened high-tensile lifting chain Test and CE-certificate enclosed Vare no Part no WLL kg Model Lift meter Load chain (kg) Test load (kg) Weight kg A B C D E Fall 500 1412 3 5x15 750 8,9 128 75 130 20 22 1 1000 1414 3 6,3x19 1500 12 142 76 150 25 26 1 2000 1416 3 8x24 3000 19,5 175 88 185 33 35 1 3000 1417 3 10x30 4500 29,4 195 95 226 36 37 1 5000 1419 3 9x27 7500 36,6 183 90 255 43 44 2 10000 1423 3 10x30 15000 64,1 195 95 355 44 47 3 LEVER HOIST 15 Compact, lightweight construction Lightweight and durable all steel construction with powder coated finish and plated frame components Safe, well covered automatic load reaction brake Short handle and stroke allows 360° degree operation for rigging in tight spaces Galvanized and hardened high-tensile lifting chain Test and CE-certificate enclosed Vare nr Part no 64 WLL kg Model Standar lift (m) Load chain (kg) Load chain (Ø) Test load (kg) Weight (kg) A B C D E H 250 1511 1 4,0 x 12,0 4,0 x 12,0 375 2,2 100 70 86 18 20 235 500 1512 1,5 5,0 x 15,0 5,0 x 15,0 750 5,3 150 90 118 20 22 310 1000 1514 1,5 6,0 x 18,0 6,0 x 18,0 1500 8 156 95 138 25 26 340 1500 1515 1,5 7,1 x 21,0 7,1 x 21,2 2400 11,1 186 112 145 30 29 400 3000 1517 1,5 10,0 x 28,0 10,0 x 28,0 4800 20,5 208 120 198 36 37 520 6000 1520 1,5 10,0 x 28,0 10,0 x 28,0 9450 29,5 208 120 230 43 43 640 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Taljer/Vinsj Hoist/Winch RATCHET PULLER 15SL12 Compact lightweight construction Swiveling hooks with safety latch Handle engineered to bend when loads exceeds recommended capacity Snap On, quick reversing handle Galvanized aircraft cable guide that minimize cable wear Test and CE-certificate enclose Vare br Part no Max capacity kg Model Lifting height m Weight kg Wire Ø mm A B L (H) Distance between hooks min mm Singlewire 500 15 SL 12 6 6,4 6 165 127 620 460 Doublewire 1000 15 SL 12 3 6,4 6 165 127 620 595 WALLMOUNTED WINCH 61/62 Easy and safe travel Safe automatic load pressure brake (asbestos-free) Cast iron worm wheel. Hardened worm screw Protection guard around the worm wheel Suspension of lacquered steel plate Every wall mounted winch is marked with its own manufacturing number and is load tested Approved by SIS for Showbiz use Vare nr Part no Vare nr Part no Vare nr Part no WLL kg Model Hand rot. per m lift Weight kg A B C D EØ F 250 6211A 32 12 157 210 100 183 14 46 600 6113A 34 27 180 320 120 280 17 63 1000 6114A 38 36 180 350 120 320 17 63 G ØH J K L M N O P R max 71 100 28 225 132 4 116 350 105 225 150 140 28 285 164 8 150 463 145 360 170 140 52 332 189 10 177 540 145 360 Model 4 Ø mm 5 Ø mm 6 Ø mm 6211A 45 27 20 6113A 6114A 83 8 Ø mm 10 Ø mm 60 33 21 155 87 55 12 Ø mm 14 Ø mm 38 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 65 Taljer/Vinsj Hoist/Winch TRACTEL TIRFOR® TU 500 SERIES - Low weight—quick installation No limitation in terms of cable length Manageable, light-weight, robust, powerful Increase load capacity with deflection sheaves Overload protection Precise load placement within millimetres• VARE NR TYPE PART NO WLL MACHINE WEIGHT WIRE ROPE WEIGHT (20 M) SPECIAL RIFOR WIRE ROPE WIRE ROPE BREAKING STRAIN DIMENSIONS OF THE MACHINE LXIXW DIMENSIONS OF THE HANDLE OPENED/CLOSED (kg) (kg) (mm) (kg) (kg) (mm) (mm) T-508D 800 6.6 6.1 8.3 4000 420 x 250 x 59 690 - 400 T-516D 1600 13.5 13.3 11.5 8000 530 x 315 x 127 1150 - 650 T-532D 3200 24 26.6 16.3 16000 620 x 355 x 130 1150 - 650 JEKKETALJE POW`R-PULL Støpt aluminiumslegering i skralle og hjul - støpt i ett stykke. Galvanisert wire og bolter av fly-kvalitet. Herdet stål ramme og håndtak med høy styrke. Krok av smidd stål med låsehake etter OSHA anbefaling. Fullt roterende stål svivel. Permanent, komfortabelt sklisikkert grep. Bruksområde: Strekking av liner, generelt løfting av utstyr. VARE NR PART NO 66 MODEL LØFTE HØYDE M LØFTEEVNE KN VEKT KG 144S-6 3,6 3,50 3,3 144SB-6 1,8 3,50 3,7 A-0 Ubegrenset 4 2,9 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Strekkfisk Turnbuckle GREEN PIN® POLAR TURNBUCKLES JAW - JAW With safety bolt Generally to ASTM F1145-92 • Material • Safety factor • Standard • Finish • Temperature Range • Certification VARE NR PART NO : drop forged alloy steel, Grade 8, quenched and tempered : MBL equals 5 x WLL : generally to ASTM F1145-92 formerly U.S. Federal Specification FF-T-791b : hot dipped galvanized :-40°C up to +200°C : a works certificate, proof load test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity can be supplied upon request WORKING DIAMETER LOAD THREAD LIMIT A T INCH 1 1 1.59 5 2.36 3 3.27 7 TAKE UP INCH LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH OPENING LENGTH DIAMETER DIAMETER WEIGHT CLOSED OPEN CLOSED JAW INSIDE PIN JAW EYE EACH POSITION POSITION POSITION B C D E F G I MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG /2 12 455 739 494 16 26 10 26 1.50 /8 12 496 773 556 18 32 13 33 2.56 /4 18 671 1095 740 24 38 16 41 3.65 /8 18 712 1131 789 27 42 19 48 5.95 18 750 1164 835 30 50 22 55 8.4 1 4.54 1 6.9 1 /4 18 793 1218 900 44 71 29 68 13.6 9.71 1 1 /2 18 825 1244 956 52 71 35 80 19.3 1 3/4 18 933 1310 1095 59 86 42 90 25 12.7 G-6333 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 67 Strekkfisk Turnbuckle GREEN PIN® TURNBUCKLES EYE - EYE Generally to ASTM F1145-92 • Material : drop forged high tensile steel SAE 1035 or 1045 • Safety factor : MBL equals 5 x WLL • Standard : generally to ASTM F1145-92 formerly U.S. Federal Specification FF-T-791b • Finish : hot dipped galvanized • Certification : a works certificate, proof load test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity can be supplied upon request VARE NR PART NO WORKING DIAMETER TAKE LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH DIAMETER WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH WEIGHT LOAD THREAD UP CLOSED OPEN INSIDE INSIDE CLOSED EACH LIMIT POSITION POSITION POSITION A B C D E F G H T INCH INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG 0.54 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.59 5 1.59 5 1.59 5 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 3.27 7 3.27 7 4.54 68 /8 6 292 428 183 10 13 29 49 0.47 /2 6 325 455 193 12 18 36 58 0.84 /2 9 400 607 269 12 18 36 57 1.05 /2 12 476 760 346 12 18 36 57 1.26 /8 6 381 503 203 14 21 44 79 1.35 /8 9 455 655 279 14 21 44 78 1.60 /8 12 531 808 356 14 21 44 78 1.92 /4 6 414 532 213 17 25 54 90 2.03 /4 9 488 684 289 17 25 54 89 2.49 /4 12 564 837 366 17 25 54 89 2.65 /4 18 717 1142 518 17 25 54 89 3.06 /8 12 601 869 376 20 32 61 100 3.98 /8 1 18 754 1174 528 20 32 61 101 5.12 6 497 604 233 24 36 75 118 4.35 4.54 1 12 647 909 386 24 36 75 117 5.92 4.54 1 18 800 1214 538 24 36 75 117 7.17 4.54 1 7.52 24 950 1517 690 24 36 75 116 6.9 1 1 /4 12 711 984 385 30 46 90 145 9.8 6.9 1 1/4 18 861 1286 537 30 46 90 144 11.31 6.9 1 1/4 24 1014 1590 689 30 46 90 144 12.1 9.71 1 1/2 12 756 1023 401 32 54 105 156 14.2 9.71 1 1 /2 18 916 1335 553 32 54 105 160 16.5 9.71 1 1/2 24 1065 1635 705 32 54 105 158 17.1 12.7 3 1 /4 18 1019 1396 577 38 60 119 197 23.1 12.7 1 3/4 24 1171 1701 729 38 60 119 196 26.3 16.8 2 24 1264 1783 746 46 69 147 231 40.7 27.2 2 1/2 24 1429 1965 800 51 80 165 274 64 34 2 /4 24 1503 2038 800 57 84 178 311 88 Side / Page 3 +47 57 85 25 00 I I G-6311 Strekkfisk Turnbuckle GREEN PIN® TURNBUCKLES EYE - JAW Generally to ASTM F1145-92 • Material : drop forged high tensile steel SAE 1035 or 1045 • Safety factor : MBL equals 5 x WLL • Standard : generally to ASTM F1145-92 formerly U.S. Federal Specification FF-T-791b • Finish : hot dipped galvanized • Certification : a works certificate, proof load test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity can be supplied upon request • Note : jaw ends up to and including 5/8” are fitted with bolts and nuts, sizes 3/4” and up are equipped with pins and cotters. VARE NR PART NO WORKING DIAMETER TAKE LENGTH LENGTH OPENING LENGTH DIAMETER DIAMETER LOAD THREAD UP CLOSED OPEN JAW INSIDE PIN EYE LIMIT POSITION POSITION JAW JAW A B C D E F I T INCH INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM 0.54 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.59 5 1.59 5 1.59 5 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 3.27 7 3.27 7 WIDTH WEIGHT INSIDE EACH EYE J MM KG /8 6 283 418 12 21 8 10 13 0.51 /2 6 315 445 16 26 10 12 18 0.89 /2 9 389 597 16 26 10 12 18 1.10 /2 12 465 749 16 26 10 12 18 1.31 /8 6 363 486 18 32 13 14 21 1.58 /8 9 438 638 18 32 13 14 21 1.84 /8 12 514 790 18 32 13 14 21 2.22 /4 6 391 509 24 38 16 17 25 2.34 /4 9 465 661 24 38 16 17 25 2.72 /4 12 541 814 24 38 16 17 25 2.95 /4 18 694 1118 24 38 16 17 25 3.30 /8 12 580 847 27 42 19 20 32 4.35 /8 18 733 1152 27 42 19 20 32 5.46 4.54 1 6 472 579 30 50 22 24 36 4.66 4.54 1 12 623 884 30 50 22 24 36 6.35 4.54 1 18 775 1189 30 50 22 24 36 7.98 4.54 1 24 926 1493 30 50 22 24 36 8.39 6.9 1 1/4 12 676 949 44 71 29 30 46 10.92 6.9 1 1 /4 18 832 1257 44 71 29 30 46 11 6.9 1 1/4 24 988 1564 44 71 29 30 46 12.9 9.71 1 1/2 12 716 982 52 71 35 32 54 13.1 9.71 1 1/2 18 871 1289 52 71 35 32 54 14.7 9.71 1 1 /2 24 1022 1593 52 71 35 32 54 17.8 12.7 1 3/4 18 980 1356 59 86 42 38 60 22.3 12.7 3 1 /4 24 1131 1661 59 86 42 38 60 27.5 16.8 2 24 1208 1728 63 93 51 46 69 42.9 27.2 1 2 /2 24 1341 1866 75 114 57 51 80 68 34 2 3/4 24 1404 1923 90 110 70 57 84 91 +47 57 85 25 00 I I G-6315 i Side / Page 69 Strekkfisk Turnbuckle GREEN PIN® TURNBUCKLES EYE - HOOK Generally to ASTM F1145-92 • Material : drop forged high tensile steel SAE 1035 or 1045 • Safety factor : MBL equals 5 x WLL • Standard : generally to ASTM F1145-92 formerly U.S. Federal Specification FF-T-791b • Finish : hot dipped galvanized • Certification : a works certificate, proof load test certificate and/or EC Declaration of Conformity can be supplied upon request VARE NR PART NO WORKING DIAMETER LOAD THREAD TAKE UP LIMIT 70 CLOSED OPEN HOOK HOOK HOOK POSITION POSITION A T LENGTH LENGTH THICKNESS THICKNESS OPENING WIDTH INSIDE WEIGHT EACH EYE B C D E F H INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM KG /8 6 286 422 10 15 14 13 0.47 /2 6 318 448 13 19 16 18 0.82 /2 9 392 600 13 19 16 18 1.06 /2 12 469 752 13 19 16 18 1.28 /8 6 369 491 16 23 21 21 1.31 /8 9 443 644 16 23 21 21 1.56 /8 12 520 796 16 23 21 21 1.71 /4 6 403 522 20 27 24 25 2.04 /4 9 477 674 20 27 24 25 4.49 /4 12 554 826 20 27 24 25 2.3 /4 18 706 1131 20 27 24 25 2.85 /8 12 590 858 24 31 28 32 3.33 /8 18 744 1163 24 31 28 32 4.24 INCH 0.45 3 0.68 1 0.68 1 0.68 1 1.02 5 1.02 5 1.02 5 1.36 3 1.36 3 1.36 3 1.36 3 1.81 7 1.81 7 2.27 1 6 488 595 26 35 31 36 3.87 2.27 1 12 636 897 26 35 31 36 5.09 2.27 1 18 789 1202 26 35 31 36 6 2.27 1 24 939 1506 26 35 31 36 7.52 2.95 1 1/4 12 697 968 31 38 37 46 8.12 2.95 1 1/4 18 848 1271 31 38 37 46 10.4 2.95 1 1 /4 24 1000 1575 31 38 37 46 12.1 3.4 1 1/2 12 760 1014 34 45 45 54 12.7 3.4 1 1 /2 18 913 1320 34 45 45 54 15.1 3.4 1 /2 24 1063 1623 34 45 45 54 17.1 Side / Page 1 G-6314 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Strekkfisk Turnbuckle THREADED TERMINALS Swage type • Material • Finish : AISI 316 : polished VARE NR PART NO DIAMETER WIRE ROPE MM 3 4 5 6 8 10 THREAD A MM M M M M M M 6 8 10 12 16 20 DIAMETER DIAMETER INSIDE OUTSIDE LENGTH LENGTH INSIDE B MM C MM D MM E MM 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.3 8.3 10.3 6.3 7.5 9 12 16 18 100 117 130 162 195 230 39 45 51 64 76 89 WEIGHT PER 100 PCS KG 2.7 5.4 7.8 15.1 23.2 59 R-7836 OPEN BODY RIGGING SCREWS Hook - Eye • Material • Finish : AISI 316 : polished VARE NR DIAMETER LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH PART NO THREAD CLOSED OPEN BODY POSITION POSITION A B C D MM MM MM MM M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20 120 150 200 240 310 390 440 170 210 290 355 470 590 675 70 90 120 150 200 250 300 LENGTH LENGTH E MM F MM 58 73 98 117 157 186 214 56 71 95 118 154 190 220 LENGTH OPENING THICKNESS DIAMETER DIAMETER WEIGHT HOOK EYE EYE EACH OUTSIDE INSIDE G H I J K MM MM MM MM MM KG 33 43 56 71 95 116 139 8 9 11 12 14 16 18 5 6 8 9 11 15 19 17 21 28 34 40 54 64 8 10 14 16 18 26 30 0.04 0.08 0.16 0.27 0.51 1.2 1.9 R-7838 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 71 Lastestrammer Load binder GREEN PIN® RATCHET TYPE LOADBINDERS With hooks, according to EN 12195-3 • • • • • • Material Safety factor Standard Finish Certification Note VARE NR PART NO : : : : : : CHAIN SIZE drop forged, Grade 8, quenched and tempered MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity EN 12195-3 painted red test certificates can be supplied upon request Stf = 3000 daN LENGTH DIAMETER THICKNESS MM A MM B MM C MM 8 10 13 16 387 387 387 387 65 65 65 65 14 14 14 14 LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH TAKE-UP LASHING PROOF MINIMUM WEIGHT BARREL OPEN CLOSED CAPACITY LOAD BREAKING EACH LOAD D E F G MM MM MM MM MM T T T KG 255 255 260 260 754 775 870 896 590 610 700 736 11 12 15 19 164 165 170 160 4 6.3 10 16 5 7.9 12.5 20 8 12.6 21.2 32.2 4.5 5.4 7.7 10.2 P-7170 GREEN PIN® RATCHET TYPE LOADBINDERS Without hooks, according to EN 12195-3 • • • • • • Material Safety factor Standard Finish Certification Note VARE NR PART NO : : : : : : drop forged, Grade 8, quenched and tempered MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity EN 12195-3 painted red test certificates can be supplied upon request Stf = 3000 daN CHAIN LENGTH DIAMETER THICKNESS LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH DIAMETER DIAMETER TAKE-UP LASHING PROOF MINIMUM WEIGHT SIZE BARREL OPEN CLOSED EYE EYE CAPACITY LOAD BREAKING EACH INSIDE OUTSIDE LOAD A B C D E F G H MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM T T T KG 8 10 13 16 387 387 387 387 65 65 65 65 14 14 14 14 255 255 260 260 538 546 589 579 374 381 419 419 18 20 25 30 50 55 66 71 164 165 170 160 4 6.3 10 16 5 7.9 12.5 20 8 12.6 21.2 32.2 P-7190 72 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I 3.3 3.4 4 4.1 Blokker Blocks GREEN PIN® SNATCH BLOCKS Type 601S, with Green Pin® Shackle • Material : carbon steel, fitted with conical roller bearings, except for blocks with WLL 2 t and 4 t, these are equipped with bronze bushes • Safety factor : MBL equals 4 x WLL • Finish : painted • Certification : test certificates can be supplied upon request • Note : Working Load Limit is on the headfitting VARE NR PART NO WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER WIRE ROPE T MM 2 4 4 8 12 8 12 15 4 12 8 12 15 8 8 12 15 8 12 15 8 12 15 8 12 15 8 12 15 7- 9 10 - 12 12 - 14 14 - 16 14 - 16 20 - 22 20 - 22 24 - 26 10 - 12 14 - 16 20 - 22 20 - 22 24 - 26 14 - 16 20 - 22 20 - 22 24 - 26 20 - 22 20 - 22 24 - 26 20 - 22 20 - 22 24 - 26 20 - 22 20 - 22 24 - 26 20 - 22 20 - 22 24 - 26 DIAMETER OUTSIDE SHEAVE A MM LENGTH WIDTH WIDTH OUTSIDE WEIGHT EACH B MM C MM D MM KG 75 115 152 152 152 152 152 152 203 203 203 203 203 254 254 254 254 305 305 305 357 357 357 406 406 406 457 457 457 293 363 417 477 555 477 555 585 478 580 526 580 646 582 582 680 705 612 745 771 662 770 798 712 820 848 762 878 898 79 107 107 124 154 124 154 170 107 154 124 154 170 124 124 154 170 124 154 170 124 154 170 124 154 170 124 154 170 82 120 160 160 160 160 160 160 210 210 210 210 210 260 260 260 260 310 310 310 360 360 360 410 410 410 460 460 460 3.8 6.1 9.5 12.6 25 14.6 25 30 12 27.5 16 32 35 19.5 18 39 43 27 53 55 31 60 63 35 67 70 42 75 78 P-6951 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 73 Blokker Blocks SNATCH BLOCKS Type 601H, with hook • Material : carbon steel, fitted with conical roller bearings, except for blocks with WLL 2 t and 4 t, these are equipped with bronze bushes • Safety factor : MBL equals 4 x WLL • Finish : painted • Certification : test certificates can be supplied upon request • Note : Working Load Limit is on the headfitting VARE NR PART NO WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER WIRE ROPE T MM 2 4 4 8 12 15 4 8 12 15 8 12 15 8 12 15 8 12 15 8 12 15 8 10 15 7 10 12 20 20 24 10 20 20 24 20 20 24 20 20 24 20 20 24 20 20 24 20 20 24 - 9 12 14 22 22 26 12 22 22 26 22 22 26 22 22 26 22 22 26 22 22 26 22 22 26 DIAMETER OUTSIDE SHEAVE A MM LENGTH THICKNESS WIDTH OUTSIDE WEIGHT EACH B MM C MM D MM KG 75 115 152 152 152 152 203 203 203 203 254 254 254 305 305 305 357 357 357 406 406 406 457 457 457 292 343 384 445 572 587 435 495 622 638 546 673 689 597 724 740 648 775 791 699 825 841 749 876 892 57 83 83 108 127 127 83 108 127 127 108 127 127 108 127 127 108 127 127 108 127 127 108 127 127 82 120 160 160 160 160 210 210 210 210 260 260 260 310 310 310 360 360 360 410 410 410 460 460 460 4 6.1 6 11.8 23 23 8 16.9 25 26 19 28 28 23 31 31 31 33 33 36 36 36 40 42 43 P-6952 74 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Blokker Blocks GALVANIZED MALLEABLE IRON BLOCKS With eye, three sheaves, for use with wire or fibre rope • • • • • Material Safety factor Finish Certification Note : : : : : galvanized malleable iron MBL equals 4 x WLL hot dipped galvanized test certificates can be supplied upon request Working Load Limit is on the headfitting G-6927 VARE NR PART NO WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER ROPE LENGTH LENGTH DIAMETER THICKNESS WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE T 0.6 1 1.5 3 3.9 5.4 WEIGHT EACH MM A MM B MM C MM D MM E MM F MM KG 12 16 18 24 28 30 170 229 287 342 392 485 120 154 190 235 284 350 45 62 82 98 136 174 83 90 103 133 155 166 14 18 24 30 30 44 25 37 52 59 59 70 1.5 2.6 4.1 7.8 14.5 25 SNATCH BLOCKS 71 •Easy rope fitting turn the suspension hook to •open and place the rope •Automatic locking when the hook is in its normal position. No loose parts •Cast iron pulley with slide bearing type Glycodur •Every Snatch Block is marked with its own manufacturing number and is load tested •Test and CE-certificate enclosed VARE NR PART NO W L L KG MODEL WEIGHT KG A B ØC ØD ØE F G H 500 7112A 2 285 104 78 100 20 49 17 30 ØO – ØR 7 1000 7114A 3,6 357 130 98 125 25 56 24 35 – 8 2000 7116A 6,1 420 157 118 150 30 64 32 49 – 10 3000 7117A 11,8 485 205 160 200 35 71 39 48 5000 7119A 21 685 284 225 275 40 89 48 45 +47 57 85 25 00 I I – 35 12 15 Side / Page 75 Blokker Blocks AMERICAN PATTERN CARGO BLOCKS With eye, one sheave • • • • • Material Safety factor Finish Certification Note VARE NR PART NO : : : : : carbon steel sheave with taper roller bearing MBL equals 4 x WLL painted test certificates can be supplied upon request Working Load Limit is on the headfitting WORKING LOAD LIMIT DIAMETER WIRE ROPE T MM 4 6 6 10 10 20 32 40 10 20 20 20 20 24 26 26 - 13 22 22 22 24 26 28 28 LENGTH DIAMETER THICKNESS WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WEIGHT EACH A MM B MM C MM D MM E MM KG 437 512 610 750 840 1040 1018 1095 156 200 260 305 355 410 430 460 82 104 130 165 165 190 192 210 35 35 40 54 54 73 73 73 75 75 85 125 125 170 170 170 11 20 27 40 55 100 125 150 P-6916 76 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Blokker Blocks VOSSABLOKK Sertifisering/merking Merking og prøving er utført etter Norsk Standard NS 2675, pkt. 4. Enskivede blokker er merket med WLL lik 0,5 ganger tillatt last i opphengsleddet - med hunsvott er WLL lik 1/3 av tillatt last i opphengsleddet. Flerskivede blokker er merket med WLL lik tillatt last på opphengsleddet. Prøving Prøvene er utført ut fra oppgitt WLL (Work Load Limit = sikker last). WLL er i tonn (MP). Enskivede blokker er prøvelastet i opphengsleddet med 4 x WLL. Flerskivede blokker til og med 25 tonn er prøvelastet med 2 x WLL. ART NR ARTIKKEL NAVN OPPHENG TYPE TOT LENGDE MM TAUSKIVE DIAM BREDDE MM MAKS WIRE DIAM MM WLL TONN VEKT KG TB144 S-14K KROK 275 120/28 12 1,0 3,2 TB103 N-10 SVIVEL 319 120/20 12 1,2 2,9 TB1031 N-10B SVIVEL 319 120/28 12 1,2 3,0 TB104 N-10K KROK 361 120/28 12 1,2 3,5 TB105 N-10US BØYLE 322 120/20 12 1,2 2,9 TB113 N-11 SVIVEL 455 180/27 18 3,0 7,3 TB192 NT-19 FLATTSTÅL 550 180/27 18 16,5 24,0 D-16 TR-17 NF-21 N-10 US N-10 K N-10 +47 57 85 25 00 I I S-14 S-14 S S-15 S Side / Page 77 Kauser Thimles THIMBLES According to DIN 3091 • • • • Material Standard Finish Certification VARE NR PART NO : : : : cast mild steel, (GTW 40) according to DIN 3091 self coloured a works certificate can be supplied upon request DIAMETER ROPE WIDTH GROOVE WIDTH OVERALL WIDTH LENGTH DIAMETER LENGTH MM A MM B MM C MM D MM E MM F MM 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 64 72 80 9 11 13 16 18 20 22 24 26 29 31 35 40 44 48 53 57 62 70 79 88 15 17.5 20 23.5 26 28.5 31 33.5 36 39.5 42 47 53 58 63 69 74 80 90 101 112 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 320 360 400 66 82 98 114 130 145 161 177 193 209 224 256 288 320 352 384 416 448 512 576 640 14 18 21 25 28 31 35 38 41 44 47 53 59 65 70 76 81 86 95 104 112 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 64 72 80 WEIGHT PER 100 PCS KG 18 32 52 80 90 121 161 211 271 355 420 630 884 1100 1500 2000 2500 3200 4600 6600 9000 f S-6134 78 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Kauser Thimles THIMBLES Pennant line type • Material • Finish • Certification VARE NR PART NO : mild steel : hot dipped galvanized produced with a welded fillet plate : a works certificate can be supplied upon request DIAMETER WIRE ROPE G-6151 WIDTH GROOVE LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH INSIDE WEIGHT EACH MM A MM B MM C MM D MM E MM KG 16 18 20 22 24 28 30 36 40 44 50 56 64 76 82 90 120 17 19 21 23 25 30 33 38 41 46 52 60 70 81 92 105 130 102 114 127 140 152 178 203 229 254 279 305 356 432 483 559 610 660 75 85 100 110 115 135 155 175 190 210 225 240 290 320 375 410 450 50 50 60 60 70 75 80 110 120 120 140 150 185 225 280 280 280 50 53 60 65 70 80 100 115 120 130 140 150 180 220 240 250 280 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.9 1 1.7 2.5 4 4.5 7 8.3 12.5 19.5 29 35 42 58 THIMBLES For rope • Material • Finish • Certification : mild steel : electro-galvanized : a works certificate can be supplied upon request E-6180 VARE NR PART NO WIDTH GROOVE LENGTH LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH INSIDE THICKNESS BACK A MM B MM C MM D MM E MM 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 35 38 43 50 55 60 66 77 91 100 115 140 140 140 27 30 36 41 43 47 58 67 71 91 91 91 16 19 22 24 26 30 35 38 45 55 55 55 1 1.5 1.75 2 2.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 +47 57 85 25 00 I I WEIGHT PER 100 PCS KG 1.1 1.7 3 3.5 8 13 16 24 25 43 45 45 Side / Page 79 Kauser Thimles THIMBLES Heavy type • Material • Finish : AISI 316 : polished R-7860 VARE NR PART NO 80 WIDTH GROOVE WIDTH INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE LENGTH THICKNESS A MM B MM C MM D MM E MM 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 9 9.5 10 11 13 16 18 20 26 28 34 37 42 45 50 58 66 15 15.7 16 17 20 25 28 32 40 45 56 62 65 78 88 96 105 23 24 25 28 32 39 40 49 55 70 80 85 95 115 125 135 140 1 1 1 1 1 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.9 2 2.2 2.5 2.5 3 3 4 4 Side / Page WEIGHT PER 100 PCS KG 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 1 1.2 1.8 2.9 4.6 7.3 9.7 16.5 21.3 22.3 40.5 49.7 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Wire lås Rope clip GREEN PIN® WIRE ROPE CLIPS Generally to EN 13411-5 Type B • • • • Material Standard Finish Certification : Bridge : drop forged high tensile steel SAE 1045 U-bolt : SAE 1015 : EN 13411-5 Type B Formerly U.S. Federal Specification FF-C-450D : hot dipped galvanized nuts for diameter bow 5 and 6 mm are electro-galvanized : a works certificate can be supplied upon request Vare Nr Part No Diameter Wire Rope Diameter Length Bow Width Inside Length Thread Length Base Thickness Base Height Base Weight Per 100 Pcs inch mm a mm b mm c mm d mm e mm f mm g mm /8 4 5 24 12 11 24 21 10 2 /16 5 6 31 15 13 29 24 13 4 /4 7 8 34 19 13 37 30 18 8 /16 8 10 45 22 19 43 33 19 14 /8 10 11 49 26 19 49 42 25 19 /16 11 12 60 30 25 58 46 26 31 /2 13 13 61 30 25 58 48 31 34 /16 15 14 72 33 32 63 52 31 36 /8 16 14 74 33 32 64 54 36 45 /4 20 16 86 38 37 72 57 38 68 /8 22 19 98 45 41 80 62 40 108 1 26 19 108 48 46 88 67 47 113 1 1/8 30 19 117 51 51 91 73 48 140 1 1/4 34 22 130 59 54 105 79 56 207 1 3/8 36 22 140 60 59 108 79 58 234 1 1 /2 40 22 147 66 60 112 85 64 266 1 5/8 42 25 161 70 67 121 92 67 329 1 /4 46 29 174 78 70 134 97 76 441 2 52 32 195 86 78 150 113 85 603 1 2 /4 58 32 213 98 81 162 116 100 707 2 1/2 65 32 227 105 87 168 119 113 806 2 /4 72 32 243 112 91 174 127 124 1000 3 78 38 271 121 98 194 135 136 1440 1 3 1 5 3 7 1 9 5 3 7 3 3 kg G-6240 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 81 Wire lås Rope clip WIRE ROPE CLIPS Generally to DIN 741 • Material • Standard • Finish Vare Nr Part No : Bridge: AISI 316 Nuts: AISI 316 U-bolt: AISI 316 : formerly DIN 741 : polished Diameter Wire Rope Diameter Length Bow Width Inside Length Thread Length Base Thickness Base Height Base mm a mm b mm c mm d mm e mm f mm g mm 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 16 19 22 26 4 4 5 5 6 8 10 12 12 14 14 20 22 24 28 34 42 55 63 75 85 95 9 9 11 13 16 19 24 29 32 37 41 12 12 13 15 19 22 30 33 38 44 45 21 21 23 26 30 34 42 50 54 61 65 10 10 11 12 14 18 23 26 29 33 35 10 10 10 11 15 17 21 26 30 34 37 Weight Per 100 Pcs kg 1.4 1.4 1.5 2.1 4.1 6.8 13 21 28 40 44 R-7863 82 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Soket Socket GREEN PIN® SOCKETS Closed spelter socket • • • • Material : high tensile steel Finish : hot dipped galvanized Temperature Range : -20°C up to +200°C Certification : a works certificate, proof load test certificate and EC Declaration of Conformity can be supplied upon request VARE NR PART NO NUMBER MINIMUM DIAMETER BREAKING WIRE LOAD ROPE T 296 297 298 299 200 201 204 207 212 215 217 219 222 224 226 227 228 229 230 231 233 240 8 12 20 25 40 55 75 90 125 150 170 225 280 360 425 460 560 625 720 875 1200 1300 MM 6 8 11 14 18 20 23 27 31 37 40 43 49 55 61 69 76 81 87 94 108 120 - 7 10 13 16 19 22 26 30 36 39 42 48 54 60 68 75 80 86 93 102 115 130 LENGTH WIDTH A MM B MM WIDTH INSIDE BOW C MM 101 119 140 162 194 224 253 282 312 358 390 443 502 548 597 644 686 743 788 845 1000 1150 37 43 52 68 76 92 104 114 127 136 146 171 193 216 241 273 292 311 330 362 405 450 22 25 30 37 42 47 57 63 70 79 83 93 100 112 140 159 171 184 197 216 235 260 LENGTH THICKNESS THICKNESS OPENING INSIDE BOW BOW BOW D E F G MM MM MM MM 40 48 58 66 78 90 103 116 130 155 171 198 224 247 270 286 298 311 330 356 425 525 11 14 18 21 27 33 36 39 43 51 54 55 62 73 79 79 83 102 102 108 125 125 13 17.5 23.4 26 32 38 44 51 57 63 70 76 82 92 102 124 133 146 159 178 190 200 8.5 12 14.8 17.6 21.5 24 28 32 38 41 44 51 57 63 73 79 86 92 99 108 125 143 WEIGHT EACH KG 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.5 2.1 3.6 5.8 7 10.5 13 17 26 37.5 50 65 94 115 145 168 210 330 500 G-6411 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 83 Soket Socket GREEN PIN® SOCKETS Open spelter socket with safety bolt • Material • Finish • Temperature Range • Certification VARE NR PART NO NUMBER : high tensile steelv : hot dipped galvanized : -20°C up to +200°C : a works certificate, proof load test certificate and EC Declaration of Conformity can be supplied upon request MINIMUM DIAMETER BREAKING WIRE LOAD ROPE 196 197 198 199 100 104 108 111 115 118 120 LENGTH WIDTH WIDTH INSIDE T MM A MM B MM C MM DIAMETER PIN D MM 8 12 20 25 40 55 75 90 125 150 170 6- 7 8 - 10 11 - 13 14 - 16 18 - 19 20 - 22 23 - 26 27 - 30 31 - 36 37 - 39 40 - 42 109 124 143 172 205 235 275 306 338 394 418 62 75 109 133 145 161 189 208 226 246 256 19 21 26 33 38 44 51 57 63 76 76 16 21 25 30 35 41 50 57 63 70 77 LENGTH INSIDE OPENING E MM F MM KG 30 8.5 12 15 18 21 24 28 32 38 41 44 0.4 0.8 1 1.8 3 4.6 8 11 16 23 27 34 37 49 58 68 75 85 95 127 127 WEIGHT EACH G-6422 84 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Soket Socket GREEN PIN® SOCKETS Open wedge socket with safety bolt • • • • • Material : high tensile steel Standard : generally to EN 13411-6 Finish : hot dipped galvanized Temperature Range : -20°C up to +200°C Certification : a works certificate, proof load test certificate and EC Declaration of Conformity can be supplied upon request VARE NR NUMBER MINIMUM DIAMETER LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH PART NO BREAKING WIRE TO CENTER LOAD ROPE PIN 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WIDTH INSIDE DIAMETER PIN t mm a mm b mm c mm d mm e mm THICKNESS SIDE Plates f mm 8 12 20 25 40 55 75 90 110 125 150 170 7- 8 9 - 10 11 - 13 14 - 16 18 - 19 20 - 22 24 - 26 27 - 29 30 - 32 34 - 36 37 - 39 40 - 42 128 165 175 211 252 288 329 375 423 474 527 580 110 142 146 176 212 240 274 310 350 400 450 500 76 91 109 133 145 161 189 208 226 233 246 256 18 20 25 31 38 44 51 57 63 69 76 76 16 20 25 30 35 41 50 57 63 65 70 77 9 11 12 15 16 19 22 25 28 28 30 33 DIAMETER WEIGHT EYE EACH g mm kg 36 46 57 70 80 95 110 130 146 148 153 160 0.8 1.5 2.4 4 7 11 16 21 30 37 51 64 G-6423 WIRETERMINAL VARENR TYPE FOR KJETTINGLÅS PART NO. TYPE FOR CHAIN CONNECTOR A B C D G Ø MM MM MM MM MM MM MM 75351014 NE14C 13 26,5 48 106 32 25 14,5 75351016 NE16C 13 26,5 48 106 32 25 16,5 75351018 NE18C 16 30,0 60 133 41 33 18,5 75351020 NE20C 16 30,0 60 141 41 33 20,5 75351022 NE22C 19 34,0 72 161 41 38 22,5 75351024 NE24C 19 34,0 72 169 41 38 24,5 75351026 NE26C 22 38,0 78 185 51 42 27,0 75351028 NE28C 22 38,0 78 193 51 42 29,0 75351030 NE30C 22 38,0 78 201 51 42 31,0 75351032 NE32C 22 38,0 78 211 51 42 33,0 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 85 Soket Socket SHORT BOW SOCKETS Closed spelter socket • Material • Finish • Certification DIAMETER : alloy steel : hot dipped galvanized : a works certificate and a proof load test certificate can be supplied upon request LENGTH WIDTH WIRE THICKNESS WIDTH BOW LENGTH WIDTH EYE EYE THICKNESS WEIGHT EACH ROPE A B C D E F G INCH MM MM MM MM MM MM MM KG 1 1/4 - 1 3/8 246 122 38 48 83 76 97 18 1 1/2 - 1 5/8 305 152 40 57 104 92 123 22 1 3/4 - 1 7/8 356 178 47 66 121 112 140 28 2 - 2 1/8 391 202 53 76 133 121 158 32 2 1/4 - 2 3/8 438 221 61 80 146 133 184 44 2 1/2 - 2 5/8 457 264 68 96 165 149 217 56 2 3/4 - 2 7/8 540 273 74 105 178 163 222 68 3 - 3 1/8 584 295 76 115 194 174 243 100 3 1/4 - 3 3/8 626 319 82 121 216 194 260 120 3 1/2 - 3 5/8 670 340 92 127 219 202 270 145 3 3/4 - 3 7/8 698 356 98 133 235 214 290 190 4 803 412 112 152 270 242 318 250 86 - 4 1/4 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I G-6416 Ståltau Wire rope Ståltau Selstad tilbyr et bredt spekter av ståltau til ulike formål, bransjer og bruksområder, og har mange forskjellige varianter på lager. Vi har ståltau til alle typer kraner; mobilkraner, offshorekraner (Sea/ Subsea), vinsjer, heiser, fortøyning, stropper, stag, skiheis, barduner og skogbruk, med mer. Med vår lange erfaring innenfor løft er vi behjelpelige med å finne den rette ståltaukonstruksjonen for våre kunder Steel Wire Rope Selstad offers a broad spectrum of steel wire rope for differing uses and branches, and has a large variety in stock. We have steel wire rope for all types of cranes: mobile cranes, offshore cranes (sea/subsea), winches, jacks, mooring, straps, guy ropes, ski lifts and forest use, amongst others. Based on our extensive experience within the lifting field, we are ready at hand to aid our customers in finding the right steel construction for them. 6 x 36WS + IWRC Technical data Standard: Type of lay: Surface: EN 12385-4 sZ, zS ungalvanized, galvanized Specific Properties: Flexibility Reverse bending behaviour, Good reeling properties on rope pulleys Application: Shipping: tow ropes, lifting ropes, ramp wire, lifeboat falls, grab ropes, guy ropes, boom hoist ropes, mooring ropes Harbour – shoreside: lifting ropes, trolley ropes, boom hoist ropes, grab ropes, sling ropes Industry – shoreside: lifting ropes, guy ropes, traction ropes support cable, sling ropes Petroleum industry: anchor ropes, winch ropes, lifting ropes ”Ø mm” weight kg/m 1770 N/mm² MBL KN 1960 N/mm² MBL KN 10 0,42 67 74 14 0,83 132 146 15 0,95 150 167 16 1,12 178 197 20 1,75 277 307 24 2,39 378 419 25 2,68 425 471 28 3,32 527 583 30 4,36 691 765 32 4,09 635 726 34 5,02 794 879 36 5,60 886 982 38 6,12 969 1.073 40 6,64 1.052 1.165 42 7,47 1.182 1.309 46 8,83 1.398 1.548 48 9,61 1.522 1.685 50 10,53 1.668 1.847 57 13,90 2.201 2.437 60 14,84 2.350 2.602 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 87 Ståltau Wire rope 6 x 41ak + IWRC Technical data Standard: Type of lay: Surface: EN 12385-4 sZ zS ungalvanized, galvanized Specific Properties: Flexibility, Reverse bending behaviour, Good reeling properties on rope pulleys Application: Shipping: tow ropes, mooring ropes Petroleum industry: anchor ropes 88 ”Ø mm” weight kg/m 1770 N/mm² MBL KN 1960 N/mm² MBL KN 34 4,65 736 815 36 5,23 829 918 42 7,11 1126 1247 44 7,88 1249 1383 46 8,52 1349 1494 48 9,31 1475 1634 51 10,43 1652 1829 52 10,8 1710 1894 54 11,66 1847 2045 55 12,19 1931 2138 56 12,47 1975 2187 58 13,59 2152 2383 60 14,68 2325 2575 62 15,84 2509 2778 64 16,52 2616 2896 66 17,67 2798 3098 68 18,66 2955 3272 70 19,80 3.136 3.472 71 20,26 3.208 3.553 72 21,01 3.327 3.684 74 22,45 3.555 3.937 76 23,24 3.680 4.075 77 24,02 3.805 4.213 83 28,36 4.492 4.974 84 29,1 4.609 5.103 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Ståltau Wire rope 3 x 19s + FC Technical data Standard: Type of lay: Surface: works standard sZ galvanized Specific Properties: Rotation behaviour Corrosion resistance Minimal relubrication required Good elongation behaviour Application: Shipping: deep sea ropes Ø mm Weight Kg/m 1770 N/mm² MBL KN 1960 N/mm² MBL KN 4 0,06 10 11 5 0,09 15 17 6 0,14 22 25 7 0,18 29 32 8 0,23 37 41 9 0,29 47 53 10 0,34 57 63 11 0,45 73 81 12 0,50 84 93 13 0,60 99 110 14 0,68 113 125 16 0,92 152 168 18 1,16 191 212 19 1,36 224 248 20 1,43 236 262 22 1,77 292 324 24 2,05 339 375 Ø mm Weight Kg/m 1870 N/mm² MBL KN 9 0,34 59 14 0,76 133 16 1,01 177 18 1,25 217 20 1,55 269 21 1,73 301 22 1,89 329 24 2,25 394 26 2,56 448 28 3,05 532 30 3,49 610 32 3,97 693 34 4,36 762 36 5,03 879 38 5,57 974 40 6,29 1099 42 7,04 1230 3 x 36ws + FC Technical data Standard: Type of lay: Surface: works standard sZ, zS galvanized Specific Properties: Rotation behaviour Good reeling properties on rope pulleys Corrosion resistance Minimal relubrication required Application: Shipping lifting ropes Industry – shoreside: guy ropes; driving ropes +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 89 Ståltau Wire rope 6 x 25fi + IWRC Technical data Standard: Type of lay: Surface: EN 12385-4 sZ, zS galvanized Specific Properties: Reverse bending behaviour Good reeling properties on rope pulleys Application: Shipping: grab ropes Industry – shoreside: traction ropes, support cable Petroleum industry: drilling ropes, winch ropes 90 Side / Page Ø mm weight kg/m 1570 N/mm² MBL KN 1770 N/mm² MBL KN 1960 N/mm² MBL KN 8 0,25 37 41 46 9 0,32 46 52 58 10 0,39 57 64 71 11 0,48 69 78 86 12 0,58 84 94 105 13 0,67 97 109 120 14 0,78 112 126 140 15 0,90 130 147 162 16 1,03 149 168 186 17 1,13 163 183 203 18 1,28 184 208 230 19 1,47 211 238 264 20 1,60 230 259 287 22 1,92 276 312 345 24 2,32 333 376 416 25 2,48 357 403 446 26 2,71 390 439 487 28 3,13 451 509 563 29 3,32 479 540 598 30 3,58 515 581 643 32 4,08 587 662 733 34 4,65 670 755 837 35 4,92 708 798 883 36 5,21 750 845 936 37 5,45 784 884 978 38 5,78 830 935 1036 39 6,14 884 996 1103 40 6,37 917 1034 1145 41 6,61 952 1073 1188 42 6,99 1006 1134 1256 43 7,36 1059 1195 1323 44 7,755 1116 1258 1393 45 8,18 1177 1327 1469 46 8,48 1220 1376 1524 48 9,32 1341 1512 1674 50 10,02 1441 1625 1800 51 10,6 1528 1723 1908 52 10,8 1554 1752 1941 54 11,67 1680 1894 2098 56 12,46 1793 2021 2238 58 13,39 1928 2173 2407 60 14,29 2056 2318 2567 62 15,25 2195 2474 2740 64 16,5 2375 2678 2965 70 19,78 2847 3209 3917 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Ståltau Wire rope 6 x 36v + IWRC(K) Technical data Standard: Type of lay: Surface: works standard, compacted strands sZ, zS ungalvanized, galvanized Specific Properties: Flexibility,Reverse bending behaviour, Good reeling properties on rope pulleys Optimum coiling properties (single-layer, multi-layer) Application: Shipping: tow ropes, lifting ropes, ramp wire, lifeboat falls, grab ropes, guy ropes, boom hoist ropes, mooring ropes Harbour – shoreside: lifting ropes, trolley ropes, boom hoist ropes, grab ropes, sling ropes Industry – shoreside: lifting ropes, guy ropes, traction ropes support cable, sling ropes Petroleum industry: anchor ropes, winch ropes, lifting ropes Ø mm weight kg/m 1960 N/mm² MBL KN 2160 N/mm² MBL KN 10 0,46 82 90 11 0,55 97 107 12 0,67 118 130 13 0,77 136 150 14 0,89 158 174 15 1,02 181 199 16 1,18 208 229 18 1,48 263 289 19 1,66 294 324 20 1,83 324 356 22 2,19 389 428 24 2,65 469 516 25 2,87 508 560 26 3,11 550 606 28 3,59 638 702 29 3,75 664 732 30 4,10 727 801 32 4,68 829 913 33 5,01 888 978 34 5,29 937 1032 35 5,61 994 1095 36 5,95 1054 1169 38 6,63 1.176 1.295 40 7,34 1.300 1.432 42 8,11 1.437 1.583 44 8,89 1.575 1.735 45 9,25 1.640 1.807 46 9,69 1.718 1.892 48 10,67 1.891 2.083 50 11,46 2.032 2.238 52 12,27 2.174 2.396 54 13,23 2.344 2.583 56 14,24 2.523 2.780 60 15,92 2.821 3.109 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 91 Ståltau Wire rope 6 x 36ws + FC Technical data Standard: Type of lay: Surface: EN 12385-4 sZ, zS ungalvanized, galvanized Specific Properties: Flexibility, Reverse bending behaviour, Good reeling properties on rope pulleys, Minimal relubrication required Application: Shipping: tow ropes, lifting ropes, ramp wire, lifeboat falls, grab ropes, guy ropes, boom hoist ropes, mooring ropes Harbour – shoreside: lifting ropes, trolley ropes, boom hoist ropes, grab ropes, sling ropes Industry – shoreside: lifting ropes, guy ropes, traction ropes support cable, sling ropes Petroleum industry: anchor ropes, winch ropes, lifting ropes 92 ”Ø mm” weight kg/m ”1770 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1960 N/mm² MBL KN” ”Ø mm” weight kg/m ”1770 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1960 N/mm² MBL KN” 8 0,24 38 43 40 5,83 941 1042 9 0,29 48 53 41 6,09 984 1090 10 0,37 59 65 42 6,39 1.032 1.143 11 0,44 71 79 43 6,863 1.108 1.227 12 0,52 85 95 44 7,04 1.137 1.259 13 0,62 100 111 45 7,52 1.215 1.346 14 0,71 116 129 46 7,85 1.268 1.404 15 0,83 134 148 47 8,07 1.304 1.445 16 0,93 149 165 48 8,26 1.334 1.477 17 1,072 173 191 49 8,79 1.420 1.573 18 1,19 195 216 50 9,08 1.466 1.624 19 1,32 214 237 51 9,53 1.541 1.706 20 1,48 238 264 52 9,78 1.580 1.749 21 1,62 261 289 53 10,36 1.674 1.853 22 1,77 287 318 54 10,67 1.724 1.909 23 1,9 307 340 55 11,09 1.792 1.985 24 2,12 342 379 56 11,54 1.864 2.064 25 2,28 369 409 57 11,87 1.918 2.123 26 2,47 399 442 58 12,26 1.979 2.192 27 2,63 425 470 60 13,17 2.127 2.355 28 2,85 460 510 61 13,60 2.197 2.433 29 3,06 494 548 62 14,01 2.263 2.506 30 3,29 531 589 64 14,95 2.415 2.674 31 3,52 568 629 65 15,38 2.484 2.751 32 3,73 602 667 66 15,87 2.563 2.838 33 3,97 641 710 67 16,58 2.679 2.966 34 4,22 681 755 68 16,88 2.727 3.020 35 4,44 717 794 70 17,78 2.872 3.181 36 4,69 758 839 72 18,96 3.062 3.391 38 5,25 847 938 74 19,78 3.196 3.539 39 5,52 891 987 76 21,27 3.436 3.805 77 21,84 3.529 3.908 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Ståltau Wire rope 6 x 36ws + IWRC Technical data Standard: Type of lay: Surface: EN 12385-4 sZ, zS ungalvanized, galvanized Specific Properties: Flexibility Reverse bending behaviour, Good reeling properties on rope pulleys Application: Shipping: tow ropes, lifting ropes, ramp wire, lifeboat falls, grab ropes, guy ropes, boom hoist ropes, mooring ropes Harbour – shoreside: lifting ropes, trolley ropes, boom hoist ropes, grab ropes, sling ropes Industry – shoreside: lifting ropes, guy ropes, traction ropes support cable, sling ropes Petroleum industry: anchor ropes, winch ropes, lifting ropes ”Ø mm” weight kg/m ”1770 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1960 N/mm² MBL KN” ”Ø mm” weight kg/m ”1770 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1960 N/mm² MBL KN” 8 0,26 41 46 41 6,64 1.052 1.165 9 0,32 51 57 42 7,03 1.112 1.232 10 0,40 64 71 43 7,47 1.184 1.311 11 0,49 77 85 44 7,72 1.223 1.354 12 0,58 92 102 45 8,20 1.298 1.438 13 0,68 107 119 46 8,53 1.351 1.496 14 0,77 125 138 47 8,83 1.398 1.548 15 0,90 143 159 48 9,18 1.453 1.610 16 1,02 161 178 49 9,74 1.542 1.708 17 1,15 183 203 50 9,97 1.579 1.749 18 1,29 208 230 51 10,39 1.644 1.821 19 1,45 230 254 52 10,76 1.704 1.887 20 1,61 255 283 53 11,32 1.793 1.985 21 1,75 277 307 54 11,68 1.849 2.047 22 1,94 308 341 55 12,07 1.912 2.117 23 2,11 334 370 56 12,58 1.992 2.206 24 2,32 367 406 57 12,98 2.055 2.276 25 2,50 397 440 58 13,41 2.122 2.350 26 2,71 430 476 60 14,37 2.274 2.519 27 2,86 454 503 61 14,84 2.350 2.602 28 3,15 498 551 62 15,31 2.425 2.685 29 3,35 530 587 64 16,31 2.582 2.859 30 3,61 570 632 66 17,31 2.740 3.034 31 3,82 606 671 67 18,02 2.853 3.159 32 4,09 648 718 68 18,45 2.921 3.234 33 4,33 686 759 70 19,41 3.074 3.404 34 4,62 731 810 72 20,71 3.279 3.631 35 4,89 774 858 74 21,67 3.431 3.799 36 5,15 816 904 76 23,16 3.667 4.061 38 5,77 914 1.012 77 23,72 3.757 4.160 39 6,04 957 1.060 82 27,50 4.237 4.692 40 6,40 1.014 1.123 84 28,86 4.446 4.923 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 93 Ståltau Wire rope 8 x 26v + 6vt Technical data Standard: works standard Schlag: sZ , zS Oberfläche: ungalvanized, galvanized compacted strands, yarn between the strands Specific Properties: Flexibility, Reverse bending behaviour, Good reeling properties on rope pulleys, Rope durability Application: Shipping: ramp wires, boom hoist ropes Harbour – shoreside: lifting ropes, trolley ropes, grab ropes, boom hoist ropes Industry – shoreside: lifting ropes, grab ropes 94 ”Ø mm” weight kg/m 1770 N/mm² MBL KN 1960 N/mm² MBL KN 2160 N/mm² MBL KN 16 1,15 192 212 234 18 1,45 242 268 295 19 1,60 267 296 326 20 1,79 299 331 365 22 2,19 366 406 447 23 2,37 395 438 482 24 2,59 433 480 529 26 3,02 504 558 615 28 3,51 586 649 715 30 4,09 683 757 834 32 4,63 772 855 942 36 5,81 969 1.073 1.183 40 7,16 1.195 1.323 1.458 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Ståltau Wire rope 8 x 26v + DPF Technical data Standard: works standard Type of lay: sZ, zS Surface: ungalvanized, galvanized compacted strands Specific Properties: Breaking forces, Application: Shipping: ramp wires, boom hoist ropes Harbour – shoreside: lifting ropes, trolley ropes, grab ropes, boom hoist ropes Industry – shoreside: lifting ropes, grab ropes ”Ø mm” ”weight kg/m” ”1770 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1960 N/mm² MBL KN” ”2160 N/mm² MBL KN” 10 0,49 83 92 102 11 0,59 99 110 121 12 0,71 120 132 146 13 0,83 140 155 171 14 0,95 160 177 195 16 1,25 212 235 259 18 1,60 272 301 332 20 1,98 333 369 407 22 2,40 404 447 493 24 2,85 481 533 586 25 3,09 521 577 636 26 3,37 569 631 695 28 3,88 654 725 799 32 5,12 865 957 1055 36 6,40 1077 1197 1317 40 7,83 1.322 1.464 1613 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 95 Ståltau Wire rope 8 x 31ws + IWRC Technical data Standard: Type of lay: Surface: EN 12385-4 zZ, sS ungalvanized, galvanized Specific Properties: Flexibility Reverse bending behaviour, Good reeling properties on rope pulleys Application: Shipping: ramp wires, boom hoist ropes Harbour – shoreside: lifting ropes, trolley ropes, grab ropes,boom hoist ropes Industry – shoreside: lifting ropes, grab ropes Petroleum industry: drilling ropes 96 ”Ø mm” ”weight kg/m” ”1770 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1960 N/mm² MBL KN” ”2160 N/mm² MBL KN” 19 1,42 220 244 269 24 2,30 356 395 435 26 2,76 428 474 522 28 3,23 500 554 611 30 3,58 554 613 676 32 4,19 648 718 791 34 4,56 706 781 861 36 5,31 823 911 1.004 40 6,48 1.003 1.111 1.225 42 7,11 1.101 1.219 1.344 44 7,95 1.230 1.362 1.501 46 8,60 1.331 1.474 1.625 48 9,38 1.453 1.608 1.773 49 9,57 1.482 1.641 1.809 50 10,45 1.617 1.790 1.973 51 10,75 1.663 1.842 2.030 52 11,13 1.722 1.907 2.102 53 11,62 1.799 1.992 2.195 56 12,82 1.984 2.197 2.422 60 14,67 2.270 2.514 2.771 64 16,69 2.583 2.860 3.152 84 28,85 4.463 4.943 5.447 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Ståltau Wire rope 8 x 36v + IWRC(K) Technical data Standard: Type of lay: Surface: works standard sZ, zS ungalvanized, galvanized compacted strands Specific Properties: Flexibility, Reverse bending behaviour, Good reeling properties on rope pulleys Optimum coiling properties (single-layer, multi-layer) Application: Shipping: ramp wires, grab ropes, boom hoist ropes Harbour – shoreside: lifting ropes, grab ropes,boom hoist ropes Industry – shoreside: lifting ropes, grab ropes, ”Ø mm” ”weight kg/m” ”1770 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1960 N/mm² MBL KN” ”2160 N/mm² MBL KN” 15 1,03 168 187 206 20 1,79 292 324 357 22 2,21 362 401 442 24 2,69 441 488 538 25 2,84 465 515 568 26 3,11 509 563 620 28 3,54 580 643 708 29 3,73 611 676 746 30 4,00 655 726 800 32 4,65 761 842 928 33 4,79 785 869 958 34 5,21 853 945 1041 36 5,87 962 1065 1174 38 6,61 1083 1199 1321 40 7,22 1183 1309 1443 42 7,82 1281 1418 1563 43 8,12 1329 1472 1622 44 8,73 1429 1583 1744 46 9,30 1523 1686 1858 48 10,66 1745 1933 2130 51 11,53 1888 2090 2304 52 12,02 1967 2179 2401 58 15,35 2513 2783 3067 60 16,51 2703 2994 3299 68 20,68 3386 3750 4133 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 97 Ståltau Wire rope SOLIFLEX, COMPACTED STRANDS 32 X 7 Technical data Standard: works standard Type of lay: sZ, zS, zZ, sS Surface: ungalvanized, galvanized, stainless steel (1570 N/mm² or less) Specific Properties: Rotation behaviour, Corrosion resistance Minimal relubrication required ”Optimum coiling properties – single-layer – multi-layer, Good elongation behaviour Application: Shipping: lifing ropes, lifeboot falls, deep sea ropes Harbour – shoreside: lifting ropes Industry – shoreside: lifting ropes Petroleum industry: lifting ropes 98 ”Ø mm” ”weight kg/m” ”1570 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1770 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1960 N/mm² MBL KN” ”2160 N/mm² MBL KN” 7 0,25 34 39 43 47 8 0,31 44 49 54 60 76 9 0,39 55 62 69 10 0,49 69 78 86 95 11 0,59 83 93 103 114 12 0,71 100 112 125 137 13 0,84 117 132 147 162 14 0,97 136 153 170 187 15 1,10 154 173 192 212 16 1,25 175 198 219 241 18 1,60 224 253 280 309 19 1,80 252 284 315 347 20 1,96 274 309 342 377 21 2,13 297 335 371 409 22 2,34 328 370 410 452 23 2,56 359 404 448 493 24 2,79 390 440 487 537 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Ståltau Wire rope SOLIFLEX 32X7 Technical data Standard: Type of lay: Surface: works standard sZ, zS, zZ, sS ungalvanized, galvanized, stainless steel (1570 N/mm² or less) Specific Properties: Rotation behaviour Robustness against pinching and abrasion Good reeling properties on rope pulleys Application: Shipping: lifing ropes, lifeboot falls, deep sea ropes Harbour – shoreside: lifting ropes Industry – shoreside: lifting ropes Petroleum industry: lifting ropes ”Ø mm” ”weight kg/m” ”1570 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1770 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1960 N/mm² MBL KN” ”2160 N/mm² MBL KN” 8 0,28 39 45 49 54 9 0,36 50 57 63 69 10 0,44 62 69 77 85 11 0,53 75 85 94 103 12 0,62 87 98 109 120 13 0,73 102 115 128 141 14 0,83 117 132 146 161 15 0,97 137 155 171 189 16 1,09 154 174 193 213 17 1,22 173 195 216 238 18 1,36 191 216 239 263 19 1,51 214 241 267 294 20 1,68 238 268 297 327 21 1,84 261 294 325 359 22 2,04 288 325 360 397 23 2,26 319 360 399 440 24 2,44 345 390 431 475 26 2,87 402 453 502 553 34 4,72 668 753 834 920 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 99 Ståltau Wire rope TRIFLEX, COMPACTED STRANDS 37X7 Technical data Standard: works standard Type of lay: sZ, zS, zZ, sS Surface: ungalvanized, galvanized,stainless steel (1570 N/mm² or less) Specific Properties: Rotation behaviour Good reeling properties on rope pulleys ”Optimum coiling properties – single-layer – multi-layer„ Application: Shipping: lifing ropes, lifeboot falls, deep sea ropes Harbour – shoreside: lifting ropes Industry – shoreside: lifting ropes Petroleum industry: lifting ropes ”Ø mm” ”weight kg/m” ”1570 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1770 N/mm² MBL KN” ”1960 N/mm² MBL KN” ”2160 N/mm² MBL KN” 13 0,83 118 133 147 162 14 0,94 133 150 166 183 15 1,09 156 176 194 214 16 1,22 179 202 223 246 18 1,54 225 254 281 309 19 1,72 252 285 315 348 20 1,93 283 319 353 389 21 2,16 308 347 384 423 22 2,27 340 384 425 468 23 2,63 374 421 467 514 24 2,72 408 460 509 562 25 2,98 443 499 553 610 26 3,30 478 539 597 658 27 3,47 508 573 634 699 28 3,88 552 623 690 760 30 4,50 641 722 800 881 32 4,98 722 814 901 993 33 5,30 756 853 944 1.040 34 5,54 824 929 1.029 1.134 35 6,05 862 972 1.076 1.185 36 6,08 926 1.044 1.156 1.274 38 7,12 1.014 1.143 1.266 1.395 40 7,89 1.124 1.267 1.403 1.546 44 9,47 1.349 1.520 1.684 1.855 100 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Ståltau Wire rope TRIFLEX 37X7 Technical data Standard: Type of lay: Surface: works standard sZ, zS, zZ, sS ungalvanized, galvanized,stailess steel (1570 N/mm² or less) Specific Properties: Rotation behaviour Good reeling properties on rope pulleys Application: Shipping: lifing ropes, lifeboot falls, deep searopes Harbour – shoreside: lifting ropes Industry – shoreside: lifting ropes Petroleum industry: lifting ropes ”Ø mm” ”weight kg/m” ”1570 N/ mm² MBL KN” ”1770 N/ mm² MBL KN” ”1960 N/ mm² MBL KN” ”2160 N/ mm² MBL KN” 8 0,29 42 47 52 57 9 0,38 53 60 67 73 10 0,46 63 72 79 88 11 0,57 79 89 99 109 12 0,66 93 104 116 128 13 0,77 108 122 135 149 14 0,90 125 141 156 172 15 1,03 143 162 179 197 16 1,21 169 191 211 233 17 1,31 182 206 228 251 18 1,48 206 232 257 284 19 1,62 226 254 282 310 20 1,79 250 282 312 344 21 1,96 274 309 342 377 22 2,16 302 340 377 415 23 2,36 329 371 411 453 24 2,56 358 403 446 492 25 2,76 385 434 481 530 26 3,02 422 475 526 580 27 3,22 450 507 562 619 28 3,56 497 560 620 684 30 3,99 557 629 696 767 32 4,55 635 715 792 873 34 5,20 726 818 906 998 36 5,81 812 915 1013 1117 38 6,44 900 1014 1123 1238 40 7,13 996 1123 1243 1370 44 8,53 1.191 1342 1486 1638 45 8,92 1.245 1404 1555 1713 48 10,10 1.410 1590 1760 1940 49 10,25 1.431 1614 1787 1969 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 101 Dynema tau Dynema fiberrope DYNAMICA ROPE - SK75 Konstruksjon/Design: Materiale/Materials: Farge/Colour: Egenvekt/Specific gravity: Kritisk temp/Max temp: Elastisitet/elasticity: 12-Flettet/12-strand braided Dynema SK - 75 Blue/Blue 0.98 66 Grader/Degrees Under/Less 1% Applications: Mooring Lines Winch lines Pick-up lines Tug Assist.lines Tow lines SPM Hawsers SubSea Inst.Lines Wire Rope Alternative Pennants VARENUMMER PART NUMBER DIAMETER VEKT BRUDD STYRKE MM WEIGHT BREAK STRENGTH PR 100 7060SK7504 METER KG 3300 4 7060SK7505 5 1,40 7060SK7506 6 2,10 4000 7060SK7508 8 3,50 8100 7060SK7510 10 4,60 10900 7060SK7512 12 9,00 17800 7060SK7514 14 12,00 21700 7060SK7516 16 14,00 26100 7060SK7518 18 19,00 35800 7060SK7520 20 22,00 40800 7060SK7522 22 26,00 50500 7060SK7524 24 34,00 60000 7060SK7526 26 36,00 65000 7060SK7528 28 40,00 71000 7060SK7530 30 43,00 77800 7060SK7532 32 48,00 87200 7060SK7534 34 49,00 92200 7060SK7536 36 60,00 106700 7060SK7538 38 68,00 132800 7060SK7540 40 73,00 145000 7060SK7542 42 83,00 155000 7060SK7544 44 100,00 170000 125,00 180000 143,00 195000 160,00 210000 46 48 Dynema + cover 7060SK7550 50 7060SK7552 52 54 Selstad kan også levere dyneematau med kappe Selstad can also supply Dyneema rope with cover 58 7060SK7560 60 68 74 76 82 88 96 I tillegg kan Selstad også levere DYNAMICA - SK60 Selstad can also supply DYNAMICA - SK60 102 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Tau Fiberrope ATLAS Technical data Design: with filling thread Type of lay: cross •No standard, only on special request Specific Properties: High breaking load, Good elongation, Best spooling on winches, Easy handling Application: Shipping ”Ø mm” ”weight kg/m” ”MBL Mp” ”MBL KN” 18 0,22 7,0 68 22 0,35 11,0 107 24 0,40 13,0 127 26 0,47 15,3 150 28 0,52 16,8 164 30 0,56 18,0 176 32 0,65 22,0 215 36 0,83 26,0 255 38 0,82 27,5 269 40 1,05 31,0 304 44 1,25 42,0 412 48 1,48 50,0 490 52 1,64 54,0 529 56 2,00 66,5 652 60* 2,16 70,0 686 62 2,35 79,0 775 64 2,45 81,0 794 68 2,80 94,0 922 70 3,10 103,0 1010 78 3,64 120,0 1177 84 4,25 140,0 1373 90 5,05 165,0 1618 96 5,85 190,0 1863 90 5,05 165,0 1618 96 5,85 190,0 1863 Atlas Tau +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 103 Tau Fiberrope DURA - Float S6 Technical data ”Ø mm” ”weight kg/m” ”kalk. MBL KN” 48 1,40 434 * No standard, only on special request 52 1,59 504 56 1,85 580 Specific Properties: High breaking load, Good elongation, Best spooling on winches, Easy handling 60 2,05 660 62 2,20 685 64 2,30 736 68 2,61 800 72 3,05 930 78 3,40 1060 ”Ø mm” ”weight kg/m” ”MBL Mp” ”MBL KN” 18 0,22 7,0 68 22 0,35 11,0 107 24 0,40 13,0 127 26 0,47 15,3 150 28 0,52 16,8 164 30 0,56 18,0 176 * No standard, only on special request 32 0,65 22,0 215 36 0,83 26,0 255 Specific Properties: High breaking load, Good elongation, Best spooling on winches, Easy handling 38 0,82 27,5 269 40 1,05 31,0 304 44 1,25 42,0 412 48 1,48 50,0 490 52 1,64 54,0 529 56 2,00 66,5 652 60* 2,16 70,0 686 62 2,35 79,0 775 64 2,45 81,0 794 68 2,80 94,0 922 70 3,10 103,0 1010 78 3,64 120,0 1177 84 4,25 140,0 1373 90 5,05 165,0 1618 96 5,85 190,0 1863 90 5,05 165,0 1618 96 5,85 190,0 1863 Design: Dichte: 6-strand, synthetic 0,99 - floating Application: Shipping DURA Float DURA - Winchline Technical data Konstruktion: with filling thread Type of lay: cross, synthetic. Application: Shipping DURA Winch line 104 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Tau Fiberrope DANLINE TAU 3-SLÅTT Danline rope 3-strand Material:Polyethylen/Polypropylen Farge/Colour:Grønn/Green Egenvekt: 0,91 specific gravity VARENR DIM KG/220 MTR BRUDDLAST LENGDER MAX LENGDER PART NO SIZE KG/220 MTR BREAK/POINT STAND.LENGTH MAX LENGTH KG KG MTR MTR MM 531003 3 MM 1.4 290 110 110 531004 4 MM 2.1 320 110 110 531005 5 MM 3.2 410 110 110 531006 6 MM 4.1 525 110 110 531007 7 MM 5.6 890 110 110 531008 8 MM 6.6 1020 110 2000 531010 10 MM 10.0 2060 110 2000 531012 12 MM 15.0 2800 110 1800 531014 14 MM 20.0 3050 110 1800 531015 15 MM 22.0 3200 110 1800 531016 16 MM 25.0 4005* 220/110 1800 531018 18 MM 32.5 4130 220/110 1800 531020 20 MM 39.0 5760 220/110 1650 531022 22 MM 43.0 6850 220/110 1400 531024 24 MM 49.0 8047 220/110 1350 531028 28 MM 65.0 10720 220/110 1250 531032 32 MM 84.0 16200* 220/110 1000 531036 36 MM 105.0 22420* 220/110 770 531040 40 MM 125.0 26500* 220/110 680 531044 44 MM 146.0 28500* 220/110 550 531048 48 MM 185.0 33330* 220/110 440 531052 52 MM 225.0 38000 220/110 400 531056 56 MM 260.0 44200* 220/110 300 531064 64 MM 325.0 56500* 220/110 250 531072 72 MM 395.0 67000 220/110 220 531080 80 MM 550.0 83000 200 * Testet i egen testbenk Tested in our own test bench +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 105 Tau Fiberrope DANLINETAU 3-SLÅTT ETTERSTREKT Danline rope 3-strand stretched Material: Farge/Colour: Egenvekt: specific gravity Polyethylen/Polypropylen Grønn/Green 0,91 VARENR DIM KG/220 MT MAKS BRUDDLAST STANDARD LENGDER/MTR METER PR PART NO SIZE KG/220 MT BREAK/POINT STAND.LENGTH KARTONG MM KG KG METER MTR/BOX 531116E 16 MM 26.0 3550 170 METER 531118E 18 MM 34.0 4130 170 8 X 170 531120E 20 MM 40.5 5760 170 7 X 170 531122E 22 MM 45.0 6850 170 6 X 170 531124E 24 MM 51.0 8047 170 6 X 170 531128E 28 MM 67.5 10720 170 4 X 170 531132E 32 MM 89.0 13800 220 4 X 170 531136E 36 MM 531140E 40 MM 132.0 21000 220 2 X 220 DANLINETAU 4-SLÅTT FORTØYNINGSTAU - Hardt slått Danline rope 4-strand mooring rope - hard lay Material: Farge/Colour: Egenvekt: specific gravity Polyethylen/Polypropylen Grønn/Green 0,91 VARENR DIM KG/220 MT PART NO SIZE MAKS BRUDDLAST STANDARD LENGDER KG/220 MT BREAK/POINT STANDARD LENGTH MM KG KG METER 5410404 40 MM 152 29000 220 5410444 44 MM 191 31000 220 5410484 48 MM 229 35200* 220 5410524 52 MM 267 46100 220 5410564 56 MM 312 49000 220 5410644 64 MM 407 69800 220 5410724 72 MM 515 77600 220 * Testet i egen testbenk Tested in our own test bench 106 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Tau Fiberrope KVADRATFLETTA DANLINE, 8-FLETTA Braided danline, 8-strand Materiale: Farge/Colour: Egenvekt: Specific gravity Polyethylen/Polypropylen Grønn/Green 0,91 VARENR DIM KG/220 MT BRUDDLAST MAX LENGDER PART NO SIZE KG/220 MT BREAK/POINT MAX LENGTH KG KG METER MM 5524 24 MM 57 21100* 2450 5528 28 MM 78 22000 1800 Innvendig Diameter Utvendig Diameter Inside Diameter Outside Diameter 5532 32 MM 101 25000 1400 5536 36 MM 128 28000 1100 30 50 5540 40 MM 158 31100 890 34 54 5544 44 MM 193 37400* 730 38 58 5548 48 MM 220 40100* 640 42 62 5552 52 MM 265 50100 550 47 66 5556 56 MM 312 55100* 450 52 70 5564 64 MM 407 71800* 350 61 82 5572 72 MM 515 83700* 275 70 94 5580 80 MM 638 115000 220 72 102 5588 88 MM 772 137000 180 74 110 X-FLETTA DANLINE, 8-FLETTA X-Braided danline 8-strand Materiale: Farge/Colour: Egenvekt: Specific gravity Polyethylen/Polypropylen Grønn/green 0,91 VARENR DIM VEKT WEIGHT BRUDDLAST MAX LENGD PART NO SIZE KG/220 MT BREAK/POINT MAX LENGTH KG KG METER MM 56D08 8 MM 8.8 810 5000 56D09 9 MM 9.9 1100 5000 56D10 10 MM 11 1200 5000 56D12 12 MM 13.2 1500 5000 56D14 14 MM 15.4 2000 5000 56D16 16 MM 20 2600 5000 56D18 18 MM 23.5 3200 5000 56D20 20 MM 28.0 4100 5000 56D22 22 MM 33.0 5200 5000 56D24 24 MM 37.8 6500 5000 56D26 26 MM 42.9 8200 5000 56D28G 28 MM 48.4 10000 5000 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 107 Tau Fiberrope SILVER TAU 3-SLÅTT Silver rope 3-strand Materiale: Polypropylen/Polyethylen/Polyester Farge/Colour: Grønn/Hvit Green/white Egenvekt: 1.1 Specific gravity VEKT WEIGHT STANDARD KVEILER SIZE KG/220 MT STAND.COILS MM KG Meter KG 531404 4 2.5 110 480 531405 5 3.6 110 610 531406 6 4.4 110 780 531407 7 6.4 110 1335 531408 8 8.4 110 1598 VARENR DIMENSJON PART NO BRUDDSTYRKE MIN BREAKING LOAD 531410 10 12.6 110 2414 531412 12 17.4 110 3080 531414 14 24 110 3660 531416 16 30 110 4260 531418 18 39 110 4950 531420 20 48 110 6910 531424 24 69 110 8220 SILVER TAU 4-SLÅTT Silver rope 4-strand Materiale: Polypropylen/Polyethylen/Polyester Farge/Colour: Grønn/Hvit Green/white Egenvekt: 1.1 Specific gravity 108 Side / Page VEKT STANDARD KVEILER BRUDDSTYRKE VARENR DIMENSJON WEIGHT MIN BREAKING LOAD PART NO SIZE KG/220 MT STAND.COILS MM KG Meter KG 1861 5314084 8 9.2 110 5314104 10 13.8 110 2626 5314124 12 18.9 110 3264 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Tau Fiberrope NYLONTAU 3-SLÅTT HVIT Nylon rope 3-strand Materiale: Farge: Egenvekt: Specific gravity Nylon Hvit/White 1.14 VEKT STANDARD KVEILER VARENR DIMENSJON WEIGHT PART NO SIZE KG/220 MT STAND.COILS BRUDDSTYRKE MIN BREAKING LOAD MM KG Meter KG 704006 6 5.21 110 800 704008 8 9.22 110 1350 704010 10 14.30 110 2080 704012 12 20.60 110 3000 704014 14 28.20 110 4100 704016 16 36.50 110 5300 704018 18 46.20 110 6700 704020 20 57.20 110 8300 704022 22 69.10 110 10000 704024 24 82.10 110 12000 704026 26 97.00 110 13700 704028 28 112 110 15800 704030 30 128 110 17800 704032 32 146 110 20000 704036 36 184 110 24800 704040 40 229 110 30000 704044 44 277 110 35800 704048 48 330 110 42000 HANEFOTTAU 3-SLÅTT NYLON SORT Nylon rope 3-strand black Materiale: Farge: Egenvekt: Specific gravity Nylon Sort/black 1.14 VEKT STANDARD KVEILER BRUDDSTYRKE VARENR DIMENSJON WEIGHT MIN BREAKING LOAD PART NO SIZE KG/220 MT STAND.COILS MM KG Meter KG 701214 14 28,20 110 4100 701216 16 36,50 110 5300 701218 18 46.20 110 6700 701220 20 57.20 110 8300 701222 22 69.10 110 10000 701224 24 82.10 110 12000 701226 26 97.00 110 13700 701228 28 112 110 15800 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 109 Tau Fiberrope TERYLENETAU 3-SLÅTT Terylene rope 3-strand Materiale: Terylene Farge/Colour: Hvit/White Egenvekt: 1,24 Specific gravity VEKT STANDARD KVEILER BRUDDSTYRKE VARENR DIMENSJON WEIGHT PART NO SIZE KG/220 MT STAND.COILS MM KG Meter KG 8 10.6 110 1200 703010 MIN BREAKING LOAD 703012 9 13.0 110 1700 703014 10 15.4 110 1800 703016 11 18.0 110 2100 703018 12 22.0 110 2700 703020 13 25.0 110 3300 703022 14 29.0 110 3900 703024 16 37.0 110 4500 703026 18 63.0 110 6000 PE - COURLENETAU 3-SLÅTT PE Courlene rope 3-strand Materiale: Farge/Colour: Egenvekt: Specific gravity Polyethylene Orange 0,91 110 Side / Page VEKT STANDARD KVEILER VARENR DIMENSJON WEIGHT PART NO SIZE KG/110 MT STAND.COILS BRUDDSTYRKE MIN BREAKING LOAD MM KG Meter KG 702005 5 1.2 110 360 702006 6 2.0 110 430 702008 8 3.5 110 730 702010 10 5.5 110 1090 702012 12 8.0 110 1540 702014 14 10.5 110 2090 702016 16 14.0 110 2800 702018 18 17.10 110 3468 702020 20 22.00 110 4275 702022 22 24.50 110 5080 702024 24 32.50 110 6100 702028 28 40.00 110 8210 702030 30 46.10 110 9450 702032 32 56.00 110 10700 702036 36 72.50 110 13460 702040 40 87.70 110 16320 702044 44 105.00 110 18800 702048 48 127.00 110 22850 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Tau Fiberrope O-FLETTET NYLONTRÅD O-Braided nylon rope Konstruksjon/design:O-Flettet/O-Braided Materiale: Nylon Farge/Colour: Hvit/White Egenvekt: 1,14 Specific gravity Vi leverer i spoler eller i bulkpakninger Delivered on spools or bulk VARENR Vekt Dimensjon Brudd styrke PART NO. Weight Dimension Break load Meter/KG MM N 610023 23 11.0 11000 610033 33 10.0 10100 610037 37 9.0 9600 610045 45 8.5 9200 610053 53 8.0 8600 610065 65 7.5 8100 610075 75 7.0 7900 610090 90 6.0 7000 610110 110 5.0 5000 610130 130 4.5 4500 610150 150 4.0 3250 610170 170 3.5 2900 610200 200 3.0 1950 610230 230 2.5 1600 610280 280 2.0 1350 610380 380 1.0 950 X-FLETTET NYLON X-Braided nylon Konstruksjon/design:X-Flettet/X-braided Materiale: Nylon Farge/Colour: Hvit/White Egenvekt: 1,14 Specific gravity DIMENSJON SPOLER KARTONG VEKT Bruddlast VARENR DIMENSION Spools Cartons Weight Breakload PART NO. SIZE A/OF A/OF SPOLER MM M ANT. SPOLER KG KG 606101 1 100.0 108 0.10 39 606102 2 100.0 75 0.17 120 606103 3 100.0 70 0.55 180 606104 4 100.0 48 0.90 300 606105 5 100.0 30 1.50 500 606106 6 100.0 24 2.20 700 606107 7 100.0 15 3.50 925 606108 8 100.0 15 4.50 1200 606110 10 100.0 9 5.50 2080 606112 12 100.0 6 9.40 3000 606114 14 110.0 LØS 14.10 4100 606116 16 110.0 LØS 18.25 5300 606118 18 110.0 LØS 23.10 6700 606120 20 110.0 LØS 28.60 8300 606122 22 110.0 LØS 34.60 10000 606124 24 110.0 LØS 41.00 12000 Vi leverer i spoler eller i bulkpakninger Delivered on spools or bulk +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 111 Tau Fiberrope GARFIL MR NYLON ROPES Features / Benefits Firm strand formation Full stowage flexibility Maximum strength High energy absorption Excellent shock absorption Working windlass grip-hold Certified by Lloyds Register Asia Application: Towing Part no Nominal Diameter (mm) Std. Coil Wt. for 220mtr (Kgs) Breaking Strength (Kgf) 28 106 15198 30 122 17340 32 139 19584 36 176 24480 40 217 29988 44 262 35802 48 312 42024 52 367 48858 56 425 56100 60 488 63954 64 557 72318 72 704 90474 80 869 110160 88 1052 132600 96 1252 156060 Tolerance On Weight :- +/- 5 % Testing as per BSEN 2307 : 2005 *the above specifications are indicative and are likely to change 112 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Tau Fiberrope Hotline 11 mm IdN BEAL : 1 Performances Performance UIAA Norm Euro Norm • TYPE A • Diameter 11,0 • Statisk bruddstyrke 2500 daN (kg) • Bruddstyrke med åttetallsknute 1900 daN (kg) • Antall fall faktor 1 15 (100 kg) ≥5 • Fangrykk faktor 0,3 5.60 kN ≤ 6 kN • Forlenging 50/150 kg 3,1 % ≤5% • Strømpeslipp 0% • Vekt per meter 79 g • Taustrømpens prosent 42 % ≤ • Kjernens masse 58 % ≥ • Krymping i vann 3,3 % • Materiale "Polyamid (PA) / Aramid (PPTA)" North Sea 11 mm IdN BEAL : 1 Performances Performance UIAA Norm Euro Norm • TYPE A • Diameter 11,1 • Statisk bruddstyrke 3000 daN (kg) • Bruddstyrke med åttetallsknute 1900 daN (kg) • Antall fall faktor 1 > 20 (100 kg) ≥5 • Fangrykk faktor 0,3 5.10 kN ≤ 6 kN • Forlenging 50/150 kg 4,0 % ≤5% • Strømpeslipp 0,9 % • Vekt per meter 75 g • Taustrømpens prosent 44 % ≤ • Kjernens masse 56 % ≥ • Krymping i vann 3% • Materiale Polyamid +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 113 Fender Fender FENDERE, F TYPE Fender F Type Oppdrift Diameter Høyde Øye Vekt/Stk VARENR Buoyancy Diameter PART NO. Kilo MM Height Eye Weight/pc MM MM 802010F1 8 Kilo 145 610 18 1.1 802010F2 802010F3 16 215 610 22 1.9 22 215 745 22 2.1 802010F4 35 215 1050 22 3.1 802010F5 40 290 775 24 3.1 802010F6 70 290 1090 24 4.6 802010F7 95 375 1020 24 6.2 802010F8 150 375 1450 24 7.0 802010F11 310 600 1455 35 11.5 802010F13 750 800 1950 40 24.0 HDF-SERIES HEAVY DUTY FENDER Strong, durable air-filled fenders for commercial crafts. Produced in one piece with extra reinforced ropeholds. The HDF fenders are roto-molded from a strong, 8 mm thick semi-soft thermo-plastic material. Type Volume Weight Net buoyancy Height Diameter Eyelet in ropehold Breaking strength liter kg kg cm cm cm kg* HDF9 140 11 129 120 50 5 2500 HDF10 210 18 192 160 50 5 2500 HDF11 265 20 245 145 65 5 3500 HDF12 400 30 370 185 65 5 3500 *Refers to short-time exposure to load. 114 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Bøyer Buoy`s BØYER Selstad kan levere mange typer bøyer (også subsea-oppdrift) både som enkelt element eller i modulsystem for kobling. Bøyene tåler mye, de synker ikke og kan tilpasses kundens behov. PLAST PREBØYER Plast Pre-buoy VARENR Størrelse Standard Kjetting Vekt/Stk Oppdrift Size armatur Chain Weight/pc Buoyancy BILDE NR PICTURE NO PART NO. Liter Fitting MM Gram NET/KG 8020PRE600 600 Galv Kjetting 16 60.0 515 E 8020PRE750 750 Galv. Chain 16 65.0 650 A 8020PRE850 850 Galv Kjetting 16 73.0 740 F 8020PRE1000 1000 Galv. Chain 16 82.0 875 B 8020PRE1100 1100 Galv Kjetting 16 95.0 1000 G 8020PRE1250 1250 Galv. Chain 16 105.0 1100 C 8020PRE1350 1350 Galv Kjetting 16 118.0 1175 H 8020PRE1500 1500 Galv. Chain 16 122.0 1310 D 8020PRE1600 1600 Galv Kjetting 16 130.0 1400 H 8020PRE1750 1750 Galv. Chain 16 135.0 1540 C BLÅSER, A TYPE Buoy A type Oppdrift Diameter Høyde Øye Vekt/Stk VARENR Buoyancy Diameter Height Eye Weight/pc PART NO. KG MM MM MM Kilo 802010A0 6.5 230 280 25 0.7 802010A1 16 310 390 25 1.2 802010A2 35 400 510 25 2.1 802010A3 62 480 620 25 3.0 802010A4 115 590 730 27 4.1 802010A5 225 750 940 30 8.5 802010A6 430 930 1190 38 13.5 802010A7 670 1100 1420 60 21.0 +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 115 Bøyer offshore Buoy`s Offshore Buoyancy MSB234 Series TECHINCAL DATA SHEET FOR MSB 234/3 The most commonlyDATA used large modularFOR buoys,MSB both for permanent and temporary use. Available in all TECHINCAL SHEET 234/3 depth ratings from surface to 2000 meters. For surface buoys, radar reflector and light system can be The most commonly used large modular buoys, both for permanent and temporary use. Available in all provided as anfrom option, withtoa2000 nominal detection range of four nautical depth ratings surface meters. For surface buoys, radar reflectormiles. and light system can be provided as anhas option, with of a nominal detection rangebright of fouryellow. nauticalBuoyancy miles. Thefigures steel work a seawater The steel work a MBL 85t. Standard color: are has given 3 .bright MBL of 85t.1,025 Standard color: yellow. Buoyancy figures are given with density kg/dm Weight 3 figures are dry weight in air. E seawater with density 1,025 kg/dm . Weight figures are dry weight in air. Figures are nominal. 785mm Depth Surface MSB234/1 MSB234/2 770 mm 4570 mm 3800 mm 1085 mm 2340 mm 2910 mm 2340 mm MSB234/3 Buoyancy Weight Buoyancy Weight Buoyancy Weight 2900(3400) 1170(600) 6300 1770 9300(3100) 2500(570) Buoyancy [kgf], weight [kg]. RISER BUOY CRvP MARINE TYPE 6 1. THE BUOYANCY MODULE DESIGN DEPTH IS 350 METERS. 2. THE FINAL MODULE BU nautical OYANCY IS 480 KG. 3. THE TOTAL SHELL WALL THICKNESS IS TO BE 10mm NORMAL WITH A GENERAL TOLERANCE OG +/- 3mm. 4. THE TOTvAL ENCLOSED VOLUME OF THE SHELL IS 440 LITERS. 5. THE WEIGHT IN AIR OF THE SHELL IS 48,5 KG 6. 42 BUOYS AT OUR STORAGE. 7. INCLUDING TITANIUM CORE. Here is prepared buoys for a AH mobilization AT OUR STORAGE IN FLORØ WE HAVE 2 PCS OF MSB234/3 (9TON) WHICH WE CAN REBUILD TO AN MSB 234/1 OR 234/2. FOR PRICES (RENT OR BUY) CALL US OR SEND AN E-MAIL. SPECIAL PRICES FOR LONGER RENT. 116 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Anker Anchor PATENT ANKER Anchor Vi leverer fortøyningsanker av alle typer fra 300 til 15.000 kg. We supply mooring anchors of all kinds from 300 to 15.000 kg . PLOGANKER Plow Anchor Vi leverer ploganker 150 kg til 3.500 kg. We supply plow anchor from 150 to 3.500 kg HHP ANKER HHP Anchor +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 117 Løft Lifting RUNDSLING Slings of polyesterv BÅNDSTROPP Webbing strap VARENR Lengd OMKRETS FARGE SWL PART NO. Length DIM COLOUR 07:01 MTR MM 7540101RS 1 2 FIOLETT TONN 1 7540102RS 2 4 FIOLETT 1 7540103RS 3 6 FIOLETT 1 7540104RS 4 8 FIOLETT 1 7540105RS 5 10 FIOLETT 1 7540106RS 6 12 FIOLETT 1 7540108RS 8 16 FIOLETT 1 7540110RS 10 20 FIOLETT 1 7540201RS 1 2 GRØNN 2 7540202RS 2 4 GRØNN 2 7540203RS 3 6 GRØNN 2 7540204RS 4 8 GRØNN 2 7540205RS 5 10 GRØNN 2 7540206RS 6 12 GRØNN 2 VARENR Lengd FARGE SWL 7540208RS 8 16 GRØNN 2 PART NO. Length COLOUR 07:01 7540210RS 10 20 GRØNN 2 7540212RS 12 24 GRØNN 2 TONN 7540301RS 1 2 GUL 3 2 4 GUL 3 MTR 75405001BS 1 FIOLETT 1 7540302RS 75405002BS 2 FIOLETT 1 7540303RS 3 6 GUL 3 1 7540304RS 4 8 GUL 3 5 10 GUL 3 75405003BS 3 FIOLETT 75405004BS 4 FIOLETT 1 7540305RS 75405005BS 5 FIOLETT 1 7540306RS 6 12 GUL 3 7540308RS 8 16 GUL 3 75405006BS 6 FIOLETT 1 75405008BS 8 FIOLETT 1 7540310RS 10 20 GUL 3 7540312RS 12 24 GUL 3 75405010BS 10 FIOLETT 1 75405012BS 12 FIOLETT 1 75405201BS 1 GRØNN 2 75405202BS 2 GRØNN 2 75405203BS 3 GRØNN 2 75405204BS 4 GRØNN 2 75405205BS 5 GRØNN 2 75405206BS 6 GRØNN 2 75405208BS 8 GRØNN 2 75405210BS 10 GRØNN 2 75405212BS 12 GRØNN 2 75405301BS 1 GUL 3 75405302BS 2 GUL 3 75405303BS 3 GUL 3 75405304BS 4 GUL 3 75405305BS 5 GUL 3 75405306BS 6 GUL 3 75405308BS 8 GUL 3 75405310BS 10 GUL 3 75405312BS 12 GUL 3 118 Side / Page Andre dimensjoner og styrker på forespørsel. Spesial konstruerte stropper og slingser etter kundens ønsker. +47 57 85 25 00 I I Selstad vannvekter Water weights KRANSERTIFISERING MED VANNVEKT (water bags) NOEN AV FORDELENE ER: Vannsekkene er sammeleggbare for enkel Lagring og transport Størrelse 1 - 10 tonn pakket i transport sekker Størrelse 1,5 - 50 tonn inkluderer ”ship look” Treboks / lager kasse Bruksområde: Skipskraner, offshore rigger, generelle kraner Cellene er abs sertifiserte. Godkjenning av kapasiteten er tilgjengelig. Sikkerhetsfaktor for alle vekter er 6:1 Test av forskjellige kraner med en vekt. Alle vekter er produsert etter iso 9001 : 2000 Quality managment standar. +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 119 Selstad vannvekter Water weights TILGJENGELIG TEST - UTSTYR 1 Stk 1 Stk 1 Stk Laste celle 12 tonn Laste celle 35 tonn Laste celle 100 tonn 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Stk Stk Stk Stk Stk Stk Stk Stk vannsekk vannsekk vannsekk vannsekk vannsekk vannsekk vannsekk vannsekk 1 tonn 2 tonn 3 tonn 5 tonn 12,5 tonn 15 tonn 35 tonn 50 tonn LIVBÅT TEST M / VANNSEKKER Vi har også utstyr for testing av daviter og livbåter 250 kg x 6 stk. - 375 kg x 6 stk. - 400 kg x 6 stk. 1”NPT flens kopling, 3/4” for avtapping m / kuleventil samt sikkerhetsventil følger også med. 2”, 3”, 4” er også tilgjengelig. LASTE CELLER Vi har 12, 35 og 100 tonn tilgjengelig komplett med trådløs avlesing samt sjakkel m / sikkerhetspinne. Høyoppløselig display. Avlesing av flere celler fra samme unit. FOR MER INFORMASJON Vennligst kontakt: Oddvin Høydal: Mobil +47 41 29 41 97 eller +47 57 85 25 00 120 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I Notater Notes +47 57 85 25 00 I I Side / Page 121 122 Side / Page +47 57 85 25 00 I I