MARK BARTH 40 Freeman Road Albany, New York 12208 EDUCATION University at Albany, Curriculum, Instruction Research and Evaluation Teachers College, Columbia University Harpur College, SUNY Binghamton Certifications: 459-7078 (h) Ph.D., 2005 Master of Arts, 1980 Bachelor of Arts, 1971 School District Administration (1996); School Administration and Supervision (1994); Grades 7-12 Social Studies Teacher (1981); NYSED Leadership Academy (2005) STATEWIDE EXPERIENCE – May 1988 – April 2011 P-16 Regents Action Plan #11: Reduce Barriers to Teaching and Learning (2007-2011) -Create Social-Emotional Development and Learning (SEDL) Guidelines. Adopted by Board of Regents 2011. -Establish the agenda, research base and public awareness of NYSED’s response to a legislative mandate to establish voluntary guidelines for social and emotional development programs in public schools. -Participate in national meeting and interagency workgroups. -Write NYSED’s portion of the Children’s Plan for the Governor and Legislature, October 1, 2008. Advise Districts and Technical Assistance Centers on Data-Driven School Improvement (1994-present) - Meet with superintendent and visit ten PLA high schools in Rochester to discuss 1003 (a) (g) funding options. - Lead efforts to restructure or redesign Brooklyn and Syracuse middle- and high schools placed under “registration review” to achieve significant improvement and restore registration. - Collaboratively complete first Big Four City School District (Syracuse) Partnership Agreement with NYSED. - Organize inaugural statewide orientation meetings with partners of regional school services centers (RSSCs). - Design and conduct triennial School Self-Review training for regional school teams; and convene external reviews of middle, K-8 and high schools across New York. Leadership to the NYSED High School Reform Initiative (2004-2007) - Create agenda for the P-16 High School Task Force. - Organize widely-attended problem-solving conferences for schools and districts with low graduation rates, collaborating with higher education, professional organizations, and NYC Department of Education. Middle Level Education Policy Proposals for Board of Regents (1996-2004) - Design and conduct public engagement forums on middle level education reform across New York. - Write policy and regulatory proposals and action steps to senior managers for the Regents’ consideration. Lead NYSED Variance Office with Regents Standards and Accountability System (1996-1998) - Manage 1,000 existing curriculum, assessment, seat time and school organization variances and their evaluations, streamline application process, and act on new and continuation requests. - Highlight variance successes in development of rubrics, performance tasks and interdisciplinary curricula. Leadership as Regional Coordinator, NYC (1992-1994-prior to move to Albany NY) - Manage $42.8M of state and federal grants to community school districts in New York City. - Facilitate systems planning; introduce change models that integrate classroom management and challenging curriculum with health and community services. MARK BARTH—page 2 NEW YORK CITY and REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE - 1983-1988 Staff to NYC Department of Juvenile Justice 1986-88: - Bring organizational changes to non-secure and secure juvenile justice schools; implement systems to assess and place students; individualize instruction and design training for supervisors, caregivers, and teaching staff. Staff to NYC Community Development Agency 1985-86 - Supervise administration of grants for community-based literacy and GED centers. - Produce reports and recommendations for Mayor’s Office on dropout prevention, youth gangs, adolescent pregnancy prevention, grade retention and promotion policy. Director Port Chester Head Start program - Administer and expand program to serve 200 children, providing education, health and early identification services to children, job referrals and education for parents (1983-1985). TEACHING EXPERIENCE Adjunct Teacher, BA and MA Level - School of Education, UAlbany (2007, 2008, 2013, 2014) - “Teaching in Urban Schools: Strategies for Implementing the NYS / CC Learning Standards.” Teacher in independent schools in Europe and New York (1971-1982) - Grades 6-12 Geography, European History, Global Studies, International Baccalaureate Contemporary History, Advance Placement United States History. - Designed and taught “Social Problems in America” on racism, sexism, and moral reasoning (1977-1979) - Advised Model United Nations student delegations, Utrecht, Holland. - Directed student theatre and teach drama classes, Zug, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland. - Founding member, faculty representative to a site-based planning council, Brussels Belgium. PUBLISHED WRITING “The Opportunity New York’s Dignity Act Presents” SAANYS Journal v. 41, No. 3 Fall 2012 “Yes, School Boards Do Matter,” Albany Times Union, October 13, 2010. The Role of a Solicited Public in Developing Educational Policy, VDM Verlgag Publisher ©2009. “Camera Adds Extra Eye to Meetings,” Albany Times Union, February 27, 2009. “Criteria for Measuring Successful Interagency Collaborations, NYSED Leadership Academy Group Report, 2005. “School Revitalization A Fragile Process,” Albany Times Union, January 5, 2003. “Follow Up Research Study on the Essential Elements of Middle Level Education,” NYSED 2001. “Some Lessons from High School Testing Variances,” SAANYS Journal v. 29, No. 1 Fall 1998. School Quality Review: Self-Review Guidebook, (Co-author) ©USNY, September 1996 COMMUNITY SERVICE Elected Member, Albany City School District Board of Education, 2007-2010. People Advocating Small Schools, Albany, NY – Gained public support for new middle school, 2002 -2004. Board of Directors Pierce Hall Day Care Center -- Managed relocation, Albany, NY, 1994-1996. Founding Member Board of Directors – Opened 55 Hanson Place Day Care Center, 1990-1994.