SECOND-ORDER ACTIVE FILTER USING A SINGLE CURRENT CONVEYOR Doru E. Tiliute. str. Mesteacanului No.2, Bl.24, Sc.A, Apt. 10, Suceava 5800, Romania, Email: ABSTRACT In this paper the author presents a new second-order currentmode active filter. It uses a single minus type current conveyor and the minimum number of passive components. Low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and notch responses are provided by this circuit without any modification. 1. INTRODUCTION Since its introduction [1] the current conveyor becomes very attractive in the active filter implementation due to the important advantages that current-mode operation has over the conventional voltage-mode operation [2]. In second-order active filters simulation the RLC shunt circuit is a useful circuit prototype. For the simulation of the shunt RLC circuit, various methods are used. These methods simulate either the ideal inductors by means of gyrators [3], or lossy inductors [4], or shunt LC circuits [5], [6] and use at least two current conveyors or a single current conveyor and an additional active device [7]. This letter presents a new current mode active filter based on the non-ideal inductor simulation which uses a single inverting current conveyor. Z in = sC 1 R1 R 2 = 1 + sC 1 ( R1 + R 2 ) sL eq L 1 + s eq R eq (1) R1 R 2 R1 + R 2 (2) where Leq and Req have the expressions L eq = C 1 R 1 R 2 , R eq = If a shunt capacitor is connected between X terminal of the current conveyor and the ground, as shown in figure 2, an equivalent resonant RLC circuit is obtained. 2. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Figure 2 Current mode active filter and its equivalent circuit It was demonstrated [8] that the circuit presented in fig.1 is equivalent with a floating non-ideal inductor, whose parameters are: Leq= C1R1R2 and Req= R1R2/(R1+R2). The behaviour of noninverting second-generation current conveyor is described by the equation 3. iY 0 0 0 vY v = 1 0 0 i X X iZ 0 − 1 0 vZ (3) Solving the circuit using the equation above, this leads to the next expressions for the currents in circuit: Figure 1 Non-ideal floating inductor simulation using a single second generation current conveyor If instead of consider the output node as being floating, we will consider it as being grounded, the input impedance of the circuit is found: sC 1 R 1 R 2 Ii s 2 C 1 C 2 R 1 R 2 + sC 1 ( R 1 + R 2 ) + 1 s 2 C 1 C 2 R1 R 2 Ii = 2 s C 1 C 2 R 1 R 2 + sC 1 ( R 1 + R 2 ) + 1 I R1 = (4) IC2 (5) that are the band-pass and high-pass responses of the circuit. The angular frequency ωo and the quality factor Q are given by the next expressions: C 2 R1 R 2 1 1 , Q = ω0 = 1/ 2 ( C 1C 2 R1 R 2 ) (R1 + R 2 ) C1 1/ 2 (6) Since high-pass gain is equal to one, the gain of the band-pass response, at the angular frequency (ω = ωo) depends on the resistor ratio: R2 <1 R1 + R 2 (7) In order to obtain higher outputs impedance for the currents of interest, additional current followers or current conveyors may be used. The circuit sensitivities are small: S Rω1o = S Rω 2o = S Cω1o = S Cω o2 = − S RQ2 = − S RQ1 = 1, 1 S CQ 2 = − S CQ1 = , 2 2 R1 − R 2 2 ( R1 + R 2 ) The magnitudes of the last two sensitivities are smaller than 0.5. If we consider the non-ideal current conveyor, its current and voltage gain are not exactly equal to one, as they were assumed to be in equation 3. In this case, the function of the device is described by the hybrid equation 8 iY 0 0 0 vY v = β 0 0 i X X iZ 0 ± α 0 vZ (8) sβ C 1 R1 R 2 Ii β s 2 C 1 C 2 R 1 R 2 + sC 1 ( R 1 + R 2 ) + α (9) IC2 = Figure 3 Frequency response of the circuit from fig.2 - High-pass response (IC2) - Band-pass response (IR1) The results from figure 3 show a good match with the theoretical prediction. 4. CONCLUSIONS Certainly the transfer functions change I R1 = GAIN H BP (ω o ) = and the resonance gain, for the band-pass output, is HBP(fo)= HBP0= 0.9. β s 2 C 1 C 2 R1 R 2 Ii β s C 1 C 2 R1 R 2 + sC 1 ( R 1 + R 2 ) + α A new current-mode active filter is presented. It is very simple and contains a minimum number of components required to achieve a second-order transfer function. Two types of transfer functions are available at once, without any circuit modification. However, due to the circuit simplicity, fo, Q and HBP0 are not independently adjustable. (10) 2 REFERENCES and the new expressions for the angular frequency and Q are βC 2 R1 R 2 1 α , Q= ω0 = 1/ 2 (R R ) C1 + ( βC1C 2 R1 R 2 ) 1 2 1/ 2 The sensitivities of ωo and Q to the device’s gains are small too. 1 Sαωo = −S βωo = − S βQ = , SαQ = 0 2 Unlike the circuit in figure 1 where the output currents, IR1, IC2, are floating, in the proposed circuit they flow towards the ground. In this way it is easier to extract them and is possible to directly drive other current-mode circuits, as Gilbert cells, in order to process these signals. In addition, because the simulated inductor is a lossy one, only a single current conveyor is necessary to achieve the filter. No additional shunt resistor across C2 is required to control the Q factor; the equivalent shunt resistance is a function of R1 and R2 which are used to bias the current conveyor. 3. SIMULATED RESULTS To verify the theoretical results, SPICE simulations were performed. The high-pass, low-pass and band-pass responses of the circuit are displayed in figure 3. The components’ values are R1= 5K, R2= 45K, C1=1n, C2= 100n; the current conveyor is of high performance type and uses an AD844 operational amplifier and simple Wilson current mirrors. In these conditions the resonance frequency is fo=1.06KHz, the quality factor is Q = 3 [1]. Smith K. C. and Sedra A., ‘The current conveyor: a new circuit building block’, Proc. IEEE, Vol. 56, Aug. 1968, pp.1368-1369. [2]. Barrie Gilbert, ‘Current Mode Circuits from a Transliniar Viewpoint’, Analogue IC Design The Current Mode Approach, C. Toumazou, F.J.Lidgey (editors), Peter Pelegrinus 1990, pp.127-178 [3]. Sedra A. S. and Smith K. C. ‘A second- generation current conveyor and its application’, IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, 1970, 17, pp. 132-134 [4]. S. Ozoguz and C. Acar ‘Universal current-mode filter with reduced number of active and passive components’ Electronics Letters, 22nd May 1997, Vol.33, No.11. pp 948-949 [5]. C. M. Chang ‘Universal active filter with single input and three outputs using CCIIs’ Electronics Letters, 28th October 1993, Vol. 29, No.22, pp 1932-1933 [6]. C. M. Chang ‘Current-mode lowpass, bandpass and highpass biquads using two CCIIs’ Electronics Letters, 11th November 1993, Vol. 29, No.23, pp 2020-2021 [7]. D.-S. Who, Y.-S. Hwang and al. “New multifunction filter using an inverting CCII and a voltage follower’ Electronics Letters, 31st March 1994, Vol. 30 No.7, pp 551-552. [8]. R. Senani, ‘Novel higher-order active filter design using current conveyors’ Electronics Letters 24th October 1985, Vol.21 No.22