Town of South Bruce Peninsula Quotation PW 15-16

Town of South Bruce Peninsula
Quotation PW 15-16
P age |1
Friday, August 14, 2015
Wiarton Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades
Referring to the above Document PW-15-16, please note the following:
The following are instructions to Vendors:
Tender Closing Date (Extension) and Tender Validity
The tender closing date has been extended from August 21, 2015 to August 27, 2015 at
2:00pm at the exp office as stated on the tender package.
Tender shall be valid for a minimum period of 30 days.
Contract Schedule
A concern has been expressed by some bidders that contract end date is difficult to achieve. Please
note the following in this context:
The federal and provincial funding applicable to this project requires substantial completion
by March 31, 2016. Therefore, despite requests, we cannot move it.
The funding authorities also require a completion report by May 31, 2016, and it is
anticipated that the contractor will assist the Town in achieving that. In other words,
contractor can be on site longer than March 31, 2016 to complete sundry items as long as
MBBR unit is substantially complete.
However, Town understands that the proposed dates are challenging but is committed to
work flexibly with the contractor to achieve the required schedule including pre-billing to
help achieve funding objectives.
To achieve schedule; it is foreseen that MBBR completion will be critical as it is the core
process to the proposed improvements. It can be achieved by pouring the concrete for the
MBBR building in early Fall and competing the MBBR installation indoors after that.
The MBBR vendors that the design team contacted during the design phase are aware of the
project schedule and will work expeditiously to achieve it. The shop drawings should
therefore be available on an accelerated schedule.
As the building has been designed to accommodate MBBR; pouring of the concrete can
proceed at the same time as the shop drawings are being prepared by MBBR vendors. Most
piping can be anticipated based on early discussions with vendors and remaining ones can
be drilled in as required.
Town of South Bruce Peninsula
PO Box 310, 315 George Street
Wiarton ON N0H 2T0
519-534-1400 ext 106
Town of South Bruce Peninsula
Quotation PW 15-16
In order to expedite the start of work, the Town has following dates in mind:
Potential contract award date: September 2, 2015.
Potential pre-construction meeting: September 4, 2015.
The potential construction start date would be September 14th, 2015 or earlier if
Based on above guidance, please provide a construction schedule as part of the bid for
evaluation by the Town. It will be critical item of evaluation.
Revisions to the Contract and Form of Tender
List of Major Equipment
Please supply in your tender a list of major equipment included in your bid.
List of Major Suppliers
Please provide a list of major suppliers used in your bid.
Lump Sum Details
Please provide details of how the lump sum price was arrived at.
The “Reference” form on page 17 of the tender is replaced by the attached form (attached).
Supply, Install, Maintain and Subsequently Remove Field Office
Under this item, the Contractor shall supply, erect and maintain a Field Office to be used by
representatives of the Town and Consultant upon award of the contract and remove it after
final completion of the contract works. Item to be priced per month for a period of 9
The Field Office shall have a minimum area of 20m2 and shall be furnished with a desk, a
first aid kit, a drawing table and six chairs. The office shall be equipped with electric light
and propane or electric heat thermostatically controlled (winter) or air conditioning
(summer). A sanitary facility (portable toilet) or equivalent must be provided by the
Contractor and erected and maintained within 10m of the field office. This facility shall be
for the sole use of the Town and Consultant and its representatives and must have an
exterior padlock with two keys available to the Town and Consultant staff. The office shall
be erected and serviced as a first priority.
The office, equipment and furniture shall be subject to acceptance by the Town and
Consultant and shall not be removed from the site without the Town and Consultant’s
The Contractor shall bear the costs of heating, cooling, and lighting the field office and the
installation and rental charges for the telephone. The Contractor will not be required to pay
for long distance calls made by the Town and Consultant or its representative. The
Contractor shall indemnify the Town and Consultant against loss and fire, theft and injury
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Town of South Bruce Peninsula
Quotation PW 15-16
to the building and its contents. The office shall be made vandal proof to the greatest extent
Failure of the Contractor to provide a field office when instructed will result in the Town
and Consultant taking responsibility for this item. All costs incurred, including trailer
rental, utility costs, sanitary facility, janitorial costs, insurance and 25 per cent overhead
will be deducted from the Contractor’s Process Payment Certificate.
The office shall have a power supply (110V@15A min) and an internet connection for the
Town’s and Consultants use.
Performance Security
A performance bond of 25% and maintenance bond of 25% of the tender amount is to be
provided in a form acceptable to the municipality no later than 30 days after award. The
bond shall be retained by the municipality until the satisfactory completion. The
maintenance portion of the bond shall be held until the satisfactory period 2 year
Changes related to Section 46 21 51.01 SCREEN Article Chain links and bushings shall be in 304 stainless steel Article 2.3.2: The phrase “forming a frame width of 520mm.” is deleted. Article 2.3.8 is revised as below:
“In order to facilitate routine service, repair or replacement of damaged parts, the
screen shall be equipped with a pivot system that allows the bottom part of the screen
to be lifted to a level above the top of the screen channel. The pivot system shall not
interfere with the operation and maintenance of the screen and the compactor hover.
All designs shall ensure that day-to-day maintenance, replacement of chains and/or
elements shall be done from the operating floor level. ” Article 2.9.2 is revised as below:
“The control system shall be automatically operated by a PLC. The required start/stop
signals, timers and logic shall be included to control the equipment based on its
sequence of operation.” Article 2.9.4 is revised as below:
“The control system shall be rated for the following classifications:
Main control cabinet: NEMA-12, for installation in the electrical room (nonclassified)
Local control station: NEMA-7 Epoxy painted aluminum enclosure, for
installation in Class I, Division II, Group D”
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Town of South Bruce Peninsula
Quotation PW 15-16
ADDENDUM 3 Article is revised as below:
“Safety barrier for digital signal (float switch) and a backup high level signal from the
ultrasonic level transmitter;” Article 2.12.1 The following item is added to the scope of supply:
“.4 One (1) float switch”
Changes related to Section 46 21 21 73 WASHER & COMPACTOR Article 2.1.1 is revised as below:
“All electrical equipment, fixtures and controls of shall meet the requirements of NEC
Class I, Division 2, Group D.” Article 2.11.1 is revised as below:
“The screening bagging unit shall be made of stainless steel 304 with bag cassette in
Changes related to Section 2.6 INSTRUMENTATION Please add the following article:
Provide the control philosophy of the MBBR process. The MBBR process
programming is the responsibility of Section 40 90 00.”
1.3.10. Add a fixed screen of 6 mm x 6 mm openings in the by-pass channel as shown in the
attached drawings ADD3-MP-01 and ADD3-MP-02
1.3.11. Changes related to Section 46 53 33 MOVING BED BIOFILM REACTOR: Design load The influent characteristics in Article 1.2.2 INFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS are
revised as below:
Average load
Maximum load
CBOD5 (total)
422 kg/d
629 kg/d
CBOD5 (soluble)
211 kg/d
315 kg/d
609 kg/d
910 kg/d
102 kg/d
138 kg/d
51 kg/d
69 kg/d
Total phosphorous
9.8 kg/d
14 kg/d
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Town of South Bruce Peninsula
Quotation PW 15-16
Revision of drawings
Plan MP-01 and MP-02
Drawing MP-004: Is modified per Drawing ADD3-MP-01 (attached).
Drawing MP-006: Should be read in conjunction with Drawing ADD3-MP-02
(attached), as drawing ADD3-MP-02 provides supplemental information.
Plan S03
Drawing S-03: Section A of Drawing S-03 is modified per Drawing ADD3-01
Install polyurea coating on the interior of MBBR tank as shown in Drawing ADD301(attached).
Drawing MP-001 Replace the table entitled “List of equipment” by the following table.
List of Equipment
Mechanical screen, openings of 6 mm dia.
Screenings washing and compacting unit
Fixed screen, SS 304, openings of 12mm x 12mm
Fixed screen, SS 304, openings of 6mm x 6mm
Air blower, 35 m³/min, 55 kW, 600/60/3, with VFD
Air blower, 35 m³/min, 55 kW, 600/60/3, with VFD
Odor treatment scrubber, 1,000 cfm, 3.75 kW, 600/60/3
Automatic sampler, 24 bottles, 120 v
RCL-1 to RCL-13
Circulators, 2,25 kW, 600/60/3
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Town of South Bruce Peninsula
Quotation PW 15-16
ADDENDUM 3 Replace the table entitled “Design Influent Concentrations and Loads” by the following
Design Influent Concentrations and Loads
- SS
- NH3+NH4 as N
- P total
Revised Table of Contents
A Revised table of contents is attached.
The following are responses to questions from Vendors:
How will the Contractor be notified of any Addenda that are issued for this Tender? Or is it up to
the Contractor to frequently check the Owners site?
Town response: Addendums will be e-mailed to parties who have registered their intent to
bid. The addendums will also be posted on the Town’s website.
Can I please get the list of bidders who have expressed interest in the project?
Town response: The names of the companies who have contacted exp Services about this
tender include:
Allen-Hastings Limited
Aqua Technical Sales Inc.
Baseline Constructors Inc.
BGL Contractors Group
Core Tec. Contracting
EC King Concrete
Infilco Degremont Inc.
Jeviso Construction Corporation
K & L Construction Limited
Kenaidan Contracting Ltd.
M.J. Dixon Construction Limited
Miller Group
SPD Sales Limited
Terrapin Water
Veolia Water Technologies Canada
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Quotation PW 15-16
Wilhelm Concrete
Wellington Construction
Xterra Construction Inc.
Will a list of potential General contractors and Mechanical contractors be listed for this project?
Town response: See 2.2 above.
Section 031000 – Page 3, line item .15 – project calls out for formliner, however no specific
formliner is specified (i.e. Zemdrain) and the locations specified are from a bridge tender. Please
clarify where you would like formliner (i.e. for all surfaces in contact with liquid).
Town response: Apply polyurea coating on the interior walls and bottom of all tanks as
shown in drawing ADD3-01.
We cannot fit the proposed construction works into the schedule provided. Is there any chance
this date could be changed, or is it tied to a funding requirement?
Town response: The funding for this project is tied to federal and provincial funding and
hence the project must be substantially completed and invoiced prior to March 31, 2016.
I just wanted to clarify bonding requirements for the above noted tender. I did not see anything in
regards to bonds in the documents. Are final bonds required for this tender?
Town response: Please see Item 1.2.2
Section 2.4.5, indicates that Lateral Piping Diffusers shall be in Schedule 5. Based on our
experience on similar project with such reactor dimension, Lateral Piping diffusers shall be in
Schedule 10. Can you confirm which schedule has to be used for Lateral Piping diffusers.
Town response: Article 2.4.5: The first sentence is revised as below:
“All Schedule 10, 304 Stainless Steel Lateral Piping Diffusers shall be welded to the main
pipe and spaced equally to provide uniform air diffusion throughout the reactor cell's
Section 2.4.9 mentions that each lateral diffuser shall end with a 90 degrees drop-leg bend. In
terms of process operation the 90 degrees bending does not any additional value. Can you confirm
the aeration grids can be provided without the 90 degrees bending?
Town response: Article 2.4.9 is deleted.
Section 46 53 33 1.2 2: Mentions the MBBR influent loads which equate to a certain concentration
for influent parameters to the MBBR. However these are significantly higher than the design
influent criteria provided on Drawing MP-001. Please confirm which loads and concentrations are
to be used for the design i.e. the loads on Drawing MP-001 or Section 46 53 33 1.2 2? Particularly
please confirm the influent concentrations for BOD, TKN and Ammonia-N to be used for the
MBBR system design.
Town response: See Item 1.3.11.
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Town of South Bruce Peninsula
Quotation PW 15-16
2.10. Section 46 53 33 1.2 2: Mentions the MBBR influent loads which equate to a certain
concentration for influent parameters to the MBBR. Please confirm if the effluent guarantees are
to be met for the average flow and loads or maximum flow and loads?
Town response: The MBBR process shall be designed for treating the Maximum Daily Flow
(5,700 m³/d) and Maximum load.
2.11. Section 46 53 33 1.2 2: Mentions the MBBR influent loads. It is our understanding that these are
monthly 30 day averages. Please confirm.
Town response: The average load corresponds to the annual average. The Maximum Load
corresponds to the daily maximum.
2.12. Section 46 53 33 1.2 4: Mentions the treated effluent concentrations required. It is our
understanding that these are requirements at the end of the aerated lagoons after the MBBRs.
Please confirm.
Town response: These requirements are for MBBR effluent before entering the lagoons
2.13. Section 46 53 33 2.7: Mentions the blower and VFD requirements for the MBBR system. It is
our understanding that the MBBR system process air blowers and associated VFDs and
instrumentation are to be provided by the Contractor and not the MBBR system supplier. Please
Town response: The blowers, VFDs and instruments described in the Section 46 53 33 are to
be provided by the MBBR system supplier.
2.14. Section 46 53 33 2.7: Mentions the Controls and VFD requirements. It is our understanding
that these items i.e. the control panel, VFDs and associated hardware and software would be
provided by the Contractor and not the MBBR system supplier. Please confirm.
Town response: MBBR system supplier is to provide all equipment described in this section,
as well as the control philosophy of the MBBR process. The control system programming is
by others (see Section 40 90 00).
2.15. Section 46 53 33 2.7: Mentions the Controls and VFD requirements. It is our understanding
that the MBBR system supplier shall only be responsible for providing the functional design
specification for the controls and the remaining items would be provided by the Contractor. Please
Town response: See response to Question 2.15.
2.16. Section 46 53 33 2.5: Mentions Aeration Control Valve which is a manual aeration valve that is
located near the flange at the end of the vertical feed line connecting to the aeration grid in each
reactor cell. It is our understanding that this valve is in the scope of supply of the Contractor and
not the MBBR system supplier. Please confirm.
Town response: This valve is in the scope of supply of the MBBR system supplier.
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Quotation PW 15-16
2.17. Section 46 53 33 2.5, Drawing MP-001 and IC-002: Mentions the Valves requirements. It is
our understanding that all Automatic and Manual Valves mentioned are to be provided by the
Contractor and not the MBBR system provider. Please confirm.
Town response: The valves described in section 2.5 are manual valves, and are to be
provided by the MBBR system supplier
2.18. Please confirm if the Dissolved Oxygen, Ammonia, pH, Temperature and level sensors in the
MBBR reactors are to be provided by the MBBR system supplier or the Contractor.
Town response: The MBBR supplier is to provide the instruments described in section 2.6
2.19. Drawing IC-003: It is our understanding that the drain screens are in the scope of supply of the
Contractor and not the MBBR system supplier. Please confirm.
Town response: The MBBR supplier is to provide the drain screens
2.20. Drawing IC-003: If the drain screens are in the scope of supply of the MBBR system supplier,
please advise the dimensions of the drain.
Town response: The drain screens are to be sized by the MBBR supplier. Each drain screen
should be sized to allow the tank to be emptied in about 4 hours
2.21. The responses to the above questions would necessitate significant changes to the
overall bid preparation, in order to provide the Wiarton WWTP a competitive
and complete system proposal. Therefore, we request an extension of one week to
the current submission date.
Town response: See Section 1.1.
Michael Humble CPA, CGA
Treasurer / Manager of Financial Services
Town of South Bruce Peninsula
PO Box 310, 315 George Street
Wiarton ON N0H 2T0
519-534-1400 ext 106
1-877-534-1400 ext 106
The Addendum number and date must be included in the Form of Tender in order for your bid to be
given consideration.
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Town of South Bruce Peninsula
Quotation PW 15-16
Revised Table of Contents
Updated References Page
Drawing ADD3-01
Drawing ADD3-MP-01
Drawing ADD3-MP-02
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WIARTON – Table of Contents
Page 1
Section No
Division 00/01
00 01 07
00 01 10
00 11 21
00 21 13
01 11 00
01 29 00
01 31 19
01 32 16.07
01 33 00
01 35 29.06
01 35 35
01 35 43
01 41 00
01 45 00
01 51 00
01 61 00
01 71 00
01 73 00
01 74 11
01 77 00
01 78 00
01 79 00
01 91 13
01 91 31
01 91 33
01 91 41
02 00 00
Division 03
03 10 00
03 20 00
03 30 00
03 35 00
04 05 12
04 05 19
04 05 23
04 21 13
04 22 00
05 12 23
05 21 00
05 31 00
05 51 29
General Requirements
Seals Page
Table Of Contents
Request For Proposal
Instructions To Bidders
Summary Of Work
Payment Procedures
Project Meetings
Construction Progress Schedule − Bar (Gantt) Chart
Submittal Procedures
Health And Safety Requirements
Dnd Fire Safety Requirements
Environmental Procedures
Regulatory Requirements
Quality Control
Temporary Utilities
Common Product Requirements
Examination And Preparation
Closeout Procedures
Closeout Submittals
Demonstration And Training
General Commissioning (Cx) Requirements
Commissioning (Cx) Plan
Commissioning Forms
Commissioning Training
Existing Conditions
Concrete Forming And Accessories
Concrete Reinforcing
Cast−In−Place Concrete
Concrete Finishing
Masonry Mortar And Grout
Masonry Anchorage And Reinforcing
Masonry Accessories
Brick Masonry
Concrete Unit Masonry
Structural Steel For Buildings
Steel Joist Framing
Steel Decking
Metal Stairs And Ladders
WIARTON – Table of Contents
Page 2
07 13 53
07 21 29.03
07 24 10.03
07 55 56.14
08 11 00
08 71 00
09 91 23
Division 21/23
Elastomeric Sheet Waterproofing
Sprayed Insulation − Polyurethane Foam
Exterior Finish − Direct Applied
Hot Fluid Applied Rubberized Asphalt Roofing
Metal Doors And Frames
Door Hardware
Interior Painting
Mechanical and Heating, Ventilating, and Air
Conditioning (HVAC)
21 05 01
22 05 00
23 05 29
23 31 13.01
23 33 00
23 33 14
23 33 15
23 33 16
23 33 46
23 34 00
23 34 25
23 37 13
23 37 20
Division 26
26 05 00
26 05 14
26 05 20
26 05 21
26 05 22
26 05 27
26 05 28
26 05 29
26 05 31
26 05 32
26 05 33
26 05 34
26 05 39
26 09 23.02
26 12 16
26 24 01
26 27 16
26 27 26
26 28 13.01
26 28 20
Mechanical − General requirements
Plumbing− General requirements
Hangers And Supports For HVAC Piping And Equipment
Metal Ducts − Low Pressure To 500 Pa
Air Duct Accessories
Dampers − Balancing
Dampers − Operating
Dampers − Fire And Smoke
Flexible Ducts
Packaged Roof And Wall Exhausters
Diffusers, Registers And Grilles
Louvres, Intakes And Vents
Electrical − General Requirements
Power Cable And Overhead Conductors (1001 V)
Wire And Box Connectors (0−1000 V)
Wires And Cables (0−1000 V)
Connectors And Terminations
Grounding − Primary
Grounding − Secondary
Hangers And Supports For Electrical Systems
Splitters, Junction, Pull Boxes And Cabinets
Outlet Boxes, Conduit Boxes And Fittings
Raceway And Boxes For Electrical Systems
Conduits, Conduit Fastenings And Conduit Fittings
Underfloor Raceways For Electrical Systems
Lighting Control Devices − Photoelectric
Dry Type, Medium Voltage Transformers
Service Equipment
Electrical Cabinets And Enclosures
Wiring Devices
Fuses − Low Voltage
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters − Class "A"
WIARTON – Table of Contents
Page 3
26 28 23
26 50 00
26 52 00
26 53 00
Division 31/32/33
31 05 16
31 00 00.01
31 23 33.01
32 70 00
32 91 19.13
32 92 19.16
33 31 13
33 71 73.02
Division 40/46
40 90 00
40 90 00.01
46 00 10
46 20 00
46 00 30
46 10 00
46 10 00.01
46 10 00.02
46 10 10
46 21 51.01
46 21 73
46 21 83
46 53 33
46 80 10
46 90 10
Disconnect Switches − Fused And Non−Fused
Emergency Lighting
Exit Signs
Earthwork, Exterior Improvements and Utilities
Aggregate Materials
Earthwork − Short Form
Excavating, Trenching And Backfilling
Floating wetlands and circulators
Topsoil Placement And Grading
Hydraulic Seeding
Public Sanitary Utility Sewerage Piping
Underground Electrical Service
Process Integration and Wastewater Equipment
Instrumentation and Control for Process Systems
Control system Start−up, Verification and Commissioning
Process General requirements
Seismic Restraints
Process piping
Pipe supports
Pipe testing
Mechanical screen
Screenings washing and Compacting Unit
Septage receiving equipment
Moving bed Biofilm Reactor
Other equipment
Field instruments
Appendix A
Geotechnical study report
Town of South Bruce Peninsula
Quotation PW 15-16
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List below, three references of similar contracts (see note 1):
Company Name / Contact
Telephone # Contract Description
Note 1:
In order to be qualified, the reference contracts must meet the following conditions:
1) The contract involves installation of a mechanical system of activated sludge
process for treatment of municipal wastewater in Canada.
2) The reference project has been completed during the last 10 years.
3) The installed system is currently in operation.