Netverify Multi Document Mobile Implementation Guide for Android This is a reference manual and configuration guide for the Netverify Multi Document Mobile. It illustrates how to embed the SDK into your application. Copyright: Jumio Inc. 268 Lambert Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306 Contents Netverify Multi Document Mobile Implementation Guide for Android .................................... 1 Contents.................................................................................................................................. 2 Release notes ...................................................................................................................... 3 Contact ................................................................................................................................ 3 Setup ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Architecture ........................................................................................................................ 5 Integration .............................................................................................................................. 5 Initializing the SDK .............................................................................................................. 6 Configuring the SDK ............................................................................................................ 7 Localizing labels................................................................................................................... 8 Customizing look and feel ................................................................................................... 8 Displaying the SDK .............................................................................................................. 8 Retrieving information ........................................................................................................ 8 Callback ................................................................................................................................. 10 Netverify Retrieval API.......................................................................................................... 13 Global Netverify settings ...................................................................................................... 14 Application settings........................................................................................................... 14 Supported cipher suites ........................................................................................................ 14 Two-factor authentication .................................................................................................... 15 2 Release notes The current version of the Jumio SDK is 2.2.1. Visit Netverify Multi Document Mobile Release Notes to see additions, changes and fixes included in each release. Contact If you have any questions regarding our implementation guide please contact Jumio Customer Service at or The Jumio online helpdesk contains a wealth of information regarding our service including demo videos, product descriptions, FAQs and other things that may help to get you started with Jumio. Check it out at: 3 Setup The requirements for the SDK are: Android 4.1 (API Level 16) or higher ARMv7 processor with Neon, ARM64-v8a Internet connection Required permissions are linked automatically by the SDK. The following permissions are optional: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/> <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/> Note: On devices running Android Marshmallow (6.0) you need to acquire android.permissions.CAMERA dynamically before initializing the SDK. Use getRequiredPermissions to get a list of all required dangerous permissions. public static String[] getRequiredPermissions(); Using the SDK requires an activity declaration in your AndroidManifest.xml. <activity android:theme="@style/Theme.MultiDocument" android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:name="" android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize|screenLayout|keyboardHidden"/> You can specify your own theme (see Customizing look and feel chapter). The orientation is restricted on phones, and sensor based or locked with the attribute android:screenOrientation on tablets. If you are using Proguard, add the following lines in its configuration. -keep class com.jumio.** { *; } -keep class jumio.** { *; } -keepattributes Signature -keepattributes *Annotation* -keep class com.squareup.okhttp.** { *; } -keep interface com.squareup.okhttp.** { *; } -dontwarn com.squareup.okhttp.** -dontwarn okio.** -dontnote 4 Architecture You can filter which architecture to use by specifying the abiFilters. Note: The abiFilters command in the ndk closure affects the Google Play Store filtering. defaultConfig { ndk { abiFilters "armeabi","armeabi-v7a","arm64-v8a","mips","mips64" } } The apk can be splitted based on the architecture if multiple apks should be uploaded to the Google Play Store. Google Play Store manages to deliver the appropriate apk for the device. splits { abi { enable true reset() include "armeabi","armeabi-v7a","arm64-v8a","mips","mips64" universalApk false } } Note: You get an UnsatisfiedLinkError, if the app and the CPU architecture do not match. Integration Use the SDK in your application by including the Maven repository with the following build.gradle configuration in Android Studio: repositories { maven { url '' } } Dependencies Dependency Mandatory x x x x x com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.7.5 Description Jumio Core library Multi Document library Android native library Android native library HTTP client Call the method isSupportedPlatform to check if the device is supported. MultiDocumentSDK.isSupportedPlatform(); Check the Android Studio sample projects to learn the most common use. 5 Initializing the SDK To create an instance for the SDK, perform the following call as soon as your activity is initialized. MultiDocumentSDK = MultiDocumentSDK.create(yourActivity, "YOURAPITOKEN", "YOURAPISECRET", JumioDataCenter.US); Make sure that your merchant API token and API secret are correct and specify an instance of your activity. If your merchant account is in the EU data center, use JumioDataCenter.EU instead. Note: Log into your Jumio merchant backend, and you can find your merchant API token and API secret on the "Settings" page under "API credentials". We strongly recommend you to store credentials outside your app. Use setType to pass the document type. multiDocumentSDK.setType("DOCUMENTTYPE"); Possible types: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BS (Bank statement) IC (Insurance card) UB (Utility bill, front side) CAAP (Cash advance application) CRC (Corporate resolution certificate) CCS (Credit card statement) LAG (Lease agreement) LOAP (Loan application) MOAP (Mortgage application) TR (Tax return) VT (Vehicle title) VC (Voided check) STUC (Student card) HCC (Health care card) CB (Council bill) SENC (Seniors card) MEDC (Medicare card) BC (Birth certificate) WWCC (Working with children check) SS (Superannuation statement) TAC (Trade association card) SEL (School enrolment letter) PB (Phone bill) USSS (US social security card) SSC (Social security card) CUSTOM (Custom document type) The country needs to be in format ISO-3166-1 alpha 3 or XKX for Kosovo. 6 multiDocumentSDK.setCountry("USA"); Use the following property to identify the scan in your reports (max. 100 characters). multiDocumentSDK.setMerchantScanReference("YOURSCANREFERENCE"); You can also set a customer identifier (max. 100 characters). multiDocumentSDK.setCustomerId("CUSTOMERID"); Note: The customer ID and merchant scan reference should not contain sensitive data like PII (Personally Identifiable Information) or account login. Configuring the SDK Custom Document Type Use the following method to pass your custom document code. Maintain your custom document code within your Jumio merchant backend under "Settings" - "Multi Documents" "Custom". multiDocumentSDK.setCustomDocumentCode("YOURCUSTOMDOCUMENTCODE"); User journey Use setCameraPosition to configure the default camera (front or back). multiDocumentSDK.setCameraPosition(JumioCameraPosition.FRONT); Use the following method to disable the help screen before scanning: multiDocumentSDK.setShowHelpBeforeScan(false); Use setDocumentName to override the document label on Help screen. multiDocumentSDK.setDocumentName(“YOURDOCNAME”); Transaction identifiers Use the following property to identify the scan in your reports (max. 100 characters). multiDocumentSDK.setMerchantReportingCriteria("YOURREPORTINGCRITERIA"); You can also set an additional information parameter (max. 255 characters). Note: The additional information should not contain sensitive data like PII (Personally Identifiable Information) or account login. multiDocumentSDK.setAdditionalInformation("ADDITIONALINFORMATION"); 7 A callback URL can be specified for individual transactions (constraints see Callback URL chapter). This setting overrides your Jumio merchant settings. multiDocumentSDK.setCallbackUrl("YOURCALLBACKURL"); Localizing labels All label texts and button titles can be changed and localized using the standard strings.xml file. Just add the Jumio strings (see sample project under /res/values/strings.xml) and adapt them to your required language. Customizing look and feel The SDK can be customized to fit your application’s look and feel by specifying Theme.MultiDocument as a parent style of your own theme. The individual customizing items can be found in attrs.xml. Displaying the SDK To show the SDK, call the respective method below within your activity or fragment. Activity: MultiDocumentSDK.start(); Fragment: startActivityForResult(multiDocumentSDK.getIntent(),MultiDocumentSDK.REQUEST_CODE); Note: The default request code is 200. To use another code, override the public static variable MultiDocumentSDK.REQUEST_CODE before displaying the SDK. Retrieving information Implement the standard onActivityResult method in your activity or fragment for successful scans (Activity.RESULT_OK) and user cancellation notifications (Activity.RESULT_CANCELED). Call multiDocumentSDK.destroy() once you received the result. protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == MultiDocumentSDK.REQUEST_CODE) { if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { // OBTAIN PARAMETERS HERE // YOURCODE } else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) { // String scanReference = data.getStringExtra(MultiDocumentSDK.EXTRA_SCAN_REFERENCE); // int errorCode = data.getIntExtra(MultiDocumentSDK.EXTRA_ERROR_CODE, 0); // String errorMessage = data.getStringExtra(MultiDocumentSDK.EXTRA_ERROR_MESSAGE); // YOURCODE } // multiDocumentSDK.destroy(); } 8 } Error codes Code 100 210 220 230 250 260 Message We have encountered a network communication problem Authentication failed 280 Certificate not valid anymore. Please update your application. No Internet connection available Cancelled by end-user The camera is currently not available 9 Description Retry possible, user decided to cancel API credentials invalid, retry impossible Retry possible, user decided to cancel No error occurred Camera cannot be initialized, retry impossible End-to-end encryption key not valid anymore, retry impossible Callback An HTTP POST with the following parameters is sent to your specified callback URL containing an application/x-www-form-urlencoded formatted string with the result. Note: Mandatory parameters are highlighted. Parameter scanReference timestamp transaction document Type String String JSON object JSON object Max. length 36 Description Jumio’s reference number for each scan Timestamp of the response in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ Transaction related data, see table below Document related data if transaction status = DONE, see table below Parameter "transaction" date status source merchantScanReference customerId additionalInformation merchantReportingCriteria clientIp Type String String String String String String String String Max. length Description Timestamp of the scan creation in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ DONE DOC_SDK Your reference for each scan ID of the customer Additional information Your reporting criteria for each scan IP address of the client if provided for the Netverify Multi Document API Parameter "document" status Type String Max. length country String 3 255 255 255 255 15 Description Possible states: UPLOADED (default) EXTRACTED if type = SSC, country = USA and US social security card provided DISCARDED if type = SSC, country = USA and no US social security card provided Possible countries: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code 10 type String images JSON array XKX (Kosovo) Possible types: BS (Bank statement, front side) IC (Insurance card, front side) UB (Utility bill, front side) CAAP (Cash advance application, front and back side) CRC (Corporate resolution certificate, front and back side) CCS (Credit card statement, front and back side) LAG (Lease agreement, front and back side) LOAP (Loan application, front and back side) MOAP (Mortgage application, front and back side) TR (Tax return, front and back side) VT (Vehicle title, front side) VC (Voided check, front side) STUC (Student card, front side) HCC (Health care card, front side) CB (Council bill, front side) SENC (Seniors card, front side) MEDC (Medicare card, front side) BC (Birth certificate, front side) WWCC (Working with children check, front side) SS (Superannuation statement, front side) TAC (Trade association card, front side) SEL (School enrolment letter, front side) PB (Phone bill, front side) USSS (US social security card, front side) SSC (Social security card, front side) CUSTOM (Custom document type) URLs to the images of the scan (JPEG or PNG) To access an image, use the HTTP GET method and HTTP Basic Authentication with your merchant API token as the "userid" and your API secret as the "password". Set "User-Agent: YOURCOMPANYNAME YOURAPPLICATIONNAME/VERSION" (e.g. MyCompany MyApp/1.0.0) in the "header" section of your request. The TLS protocol is required during the TLS handshake (see Supported cipher suites chapter) and we strongly recommend using the latest version. 11 customDocumentCode extractedData String JSON object 100 Your custom document code (maintained in your Jumio merchant backend) if type = CUSTOM Extracted data if type = SSC, country = USA and status = EXTRACTED, see table below Parameter "extractedData" signatureAvailable ssn firstName lastName Type Max. length Description String String String String 255 255 255 "true" if signature available, otherwise "false" Social security number if readable First name if readable Last name if readable Sample callback (URL-encoded POST): UPLOADED timestamp=2016-06-06T12%3A06%3A49.016Z&scanReference=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&document=%7B%22type%22%3A%22SSC%22%2C%22country%22%3A%22AUT%22%2C%22images%22%3A%5B%22https%3A%2F%2Fretrieval.netverify .com%2Fapi%2Fnetverify%2Fv2%2Fdocuments%2Fxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%2Fpages%2F1%22%5D%2C%22status%22%3A%22UPLOADED%22%7D&transaction=%7B%22customerId%22%3A%22CUSTOMERID%22%2C%22date%22%3A %222014-1017T06%3A37%3A51.969Z%22%2C%22merchantScanReference%22%3A%22YOURSCANREFERENCE%22%2C%22source%22%3A%22DOC_SDK%22%2C%22status%22%3A%22D ONE%22%7D Sample callback (URL-encoded POST): EXTRACTED timestamp=2016-06-06T12%3A06%3A49.016Z&scanReference=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&document=%7B%22type%22%3A%22SSC%22%2C%22country%22%3A%22USA%22%2C%22extractedData%22%3A%7B%22firstName%22%3A%22FIRSTNAM E%22%2C%22lastName%22%3A%22LASTNAME%22%2C%22signatureAvailable%22%3Atrue%2C%22ssn%22%3A%22xxxxxxxxx%22%7D%2C%22images%22%3A%5B%22htt A%222014-1017T06%3A37%3A51.969Z%22%2C%22merchantScanReference%22%3A%22YOURSCANREFERENCE%22%2C%22source%22%3A%22DOC_SDK%22%2C%22status%22%3A%22D ONE%22%7D 12 Sample callback (URL-encoded POST): DISCARDED timestamp=2016-06-06T12%3A06%3A49.016Z&scanReference=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&document=%7B%22type%22%3A%22SSC%22%2C%22country%22%3A%22USA%22%2C%22images%22%3A%5B%22https%3A%2F%2Fretrieval.netverify .com%2Fapi%2Fnetverify%2Fv2%2Fdocuments%2Fxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%2Fpages%2F1%22%5D%2C%22status%22%3A%22DISCARDED%22%7D&transaction=%7B%22customerId%22%3A%22CUSTOMERID%22%2C%22date%22%3 A%222014-1017T06%3A37%3A51.969Z%22%2C%22merchantScanReference%22%3A%22YOURSCANREFERENCE%22%2C%22source%22%3A%22DOC_SDK%22%2C%22status%22%3A%22D ONE%22%7D Netverify Retrieval API If your server was not able to process the callback, which is the authoritative answer from Jumio, you can implement RESTful HTTP GET APIs to retrieve status, details and image(s) for a specific scan. Find the Implementation Guide at the link below. 13 Global Netverify settings In your Jumio merchant settings, you can configure the ID verification as follows. Application settings Callback URL Provide a URL which meets the following constraints: HTTPS using the TLS protocol (we strongly recommend using the latest version) Valid URL (RFC-2396) using ASCII characters or IDNA Punycode IPs, ports, query parameters and fragment identifiers are not allowed Whitelist the following IP addresses for callbacks, and use these to verify that the callback originated from Jumio: US data center:,,,,,, You can look up the IP addresses with the host name "". EU data center:,,, You can look up the IP addresses with the host name "". Jumio will post callbacks to your HTTPS URL if you are using a valid certificate to ensure a successful TLS handshake. If you are not receiving callbacks, please check the following article. Supported cipher suites The following cipher suites (listed in server-preferred order) are supported by Jumio during the TLS handshake: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA Two-factor authentication If you want to enable two-factor authentication for your Jumio merchant backend please contact Once enabled, users will be guided through the setup upon their first login to obtain a security code using the "Google Authenticator 15