February 2015 City of Prairie Grove Arkansas FYI Legislature in Session The 90th General Assembly of the Arkansas State Legislature convened on Monday January 12th. Already a number of bills have been introduced which could have an affect on Cities. HB 1003 ; Changes requirements on outdoor lighting and light pollution. HB1024 ; Requires all government bodies to record and retain those recordings of executive sessions. HB1067 ; Allows ADEQ to establish a procedure and system which will involve credits, offsets, exchanges, and trades in regards to water nutrient pollutions. HB 1079 ; would make it illegal to use any unmanned vehicle or aircraft to take a picture of any private property without owners consent. HB1087 ; would prohibit any employer form making mandatory requirements to change privacy settings, or “add” the employer in order to allow the employer to see content on the employee’s social media pages. HB1089 ; Would appropriate tax dollars to assist county and municipal animal shelters HB1097 ; State Turnback appropriation Cont’d next page Former Public Works Supervisor Passes Away –Al Bessinger Al Bessinger was hired by the City in 1995 to oversee the day to day work in the Public Works Departments. He had previously been a maintenance supervisor at Washington Regional Medical Center and Prairie Grove Schools as well as working at Florida Power and Light. the accident. He continued to work for the City following recovery, but was limited by seizures that were a result of the injury. He took early retirement in 2004. Bessinger was the first to hold the Bessinger passed away on January 27th at Operations supervisor position. In the age of 67. addition, he was certified to do plumbing and HVAC inspections, and was licensed in wastewater treatment as well as water treatment. Bessinger was in a serious truck accident in July of 2003, when a woman crossed the center line and hit the City Truck he was driving. Bessinger was one of two passengers. The impact drove the rear axle out from under the truck and caused it to do a complete circle before rolling in the ditch. Bessinger suffered a permanent brain injury in Page 2 Continued from previous page SB77 ; Raises the requirement for a HB1106 ; would allow residents outside a city limits to sit on a Park and Recreation Commission. HB1193 ; would require revenue from District Courts to be deposited in the General Fund of each political subdivision if the General Fund contributed to the expenses of the court. HJR ; would eliminate the even year fiscal session of the General Assembly. SB 37 ; Would require Cities that engage in non-consent towing to create by ordinance a procedure to hear and investigate complaints. SB56 ; Would require sex offenders to report directly to local law enforcement instead of the ACI and would require they report any volunteer work they might be involved with. licensed architect from $100,000 to $125,000 on fair market value of commercial buildings. SB83 ; Removes the exception which allows level 3 or 4 sex offenders to attend events on school campuses for which admission is charged or tickets are distributed. SB95 ; Would create a sales tax exemption for service organizations such as Lion’s Club, masonic Lodge, etc. SB149 ; Would direct the AR Fire Protection Services Board to adopt physical fitness test for preemployment of fire fighters. HB1210 would allow cities to contract with neighboring cities for fire service HB1163 ; Would prohibit cities from disciplining employees for exercising their rights under FOIA by contacting elected officials. NEW BANNERS Thanks to the Prairie Grove Telephone Company, downtown Prairie Grove is a little more dressed up. Banners to be HB1203 ; Would change the requirements to the use of deadly force. The bill removes the reference to a person’s dwelling and replaces it with “premises in which a person has a property interest”. HB1240 ; Another deadly force law, would eliminate the duty to retreat when it comes to the use of deadly force. The “stand your ground” law would allow anyone who feels threatened of a violent act to protect themselves using the use of deadly force. SB202 ; would prevent any city or county from passing a antidiscrimination law that contains provisions not covered in state law. This law is targeted at Fayetteville’s recent ordinance that was overturned by voters. displayed on the street lights advertise historic downtown Prairie Grove. Two different banner styles are alternated down the street and replace the Holiday Season banners that are placed before Thanksgiving and left up until after New Years. DAM CLEARED BY CITY WORKERS City crews wrapped up a project of clearing brush and trees off the Prairie Grove Lake Dam. Crews used ropes to tie on to the trees and pulled them to a location where they could be burned using backhoes. The project took approximately two weeks to finish. A commercial spay applicator sprays most of the backside of the dam as well as part of the front side of the dam, but must keep the spray back a minimum of 50’ from the water edge. This allows trees and shrubs to grow along the water edge where they must be manually removed periodically. Hundreds of trees, some as big as 6” in diameter, were removed. 2015 Page 3 C AT H O U S E C O N S T RU C T E D P OUND AT House in its place. The new house will have climbing shelves and other structures as well as an attached solarium, where on nice days the cats can go outside and enjoy the sun and weather. The room itself is full of windows and is attached to the existing pound, cat cage area. The Stray Cats of the world got a new playhouse recently. City Staff tore down what was an eyesore and dilapidated storage room at the pound and built a new Cat C I T Y S TAF F WOR K O N Last year the City bought an additional strip of land on the east side of Stills Road from the highway department. It joined an existing small piece that the city already owned. City staff recently started stripping top soil, and hauling in fill material to build up a base for the future parking lot that will be City staff built the new room on an existing concrete slab and Friends of the pound will complete the interior space. P A R KI N G L O T P RE P built on the site. The Sugar Maples on the lot are being preserved. The lot will serve as an overflow for busy days, such as when court is in session, and will also provide direct access to highway 62 allowing it to be used as park and ride, and car pool lot. Ozark Regional Transit, already picks up riders just T R AI L E R R E P U RP O SE D When the City built the new drainage ditch to Viney Grove Road a couple years ago, it cut off the back of the sewer plant property making it nearly impossible to reach. A 54’ used semitrailer has been purchased for scrap price and will be repurposed as a bridge across the AS across the street from the proposed lots. N E W B RI D GE ditch. Once all the sides and top have been removed, the trailer will be put into place, then the axles removed and the new bridge will be used to get tractors and mowers across the ditch so they can maintain the north side of the property. Page 4 FYI City of Prairie Grove staff news City of Prairie Grove PO Box 944 www.prairiegrovearkansas.org Larry Oelrich was appointed to the Arkansas Water Environment, first ever Certification Program Committee. The committee was established this year to oversee certification programs being initiated by the State Environmental Association. A wastewater collection certification program has been implemented and the board has submitted its application to be approved by the national ABC testing board. In addition to the collection system certification AWEA has plans to implement a lab tech certification and a pretreatment certification program in the future. The first meeting will be on February 12th in Russellville. Oelrich will attend a board meeting of the Arkansas Water Works and Water Environment Association on February 10th in Little Rock Oelrich will attend a board meeting of the Arkansas Water Environment Association on February 19th in Little Rock. Larry Oelrich was appointed to the AWEA awards committee recently. Granville Pankey, Ron Corey, and Justin Flumm will all attend the NW District AWWWEA meeting in Rogers on February 11th. Justin Flumm will attend a basic water treatment class in Lonoke on February 24th through 26th. David Faulk and Bo Mitchell are both attending the Arkansas Police Academy beginning this month. W AYF I N DE R S I G N S H E L P C I T I E S G E T N OT I CE D The Northwest Arkansas Council started the Wayfinder Sign Program two years ago to give NW Arkansas cities a uniform look in regards to tourism. The signs were designed and specifications developed, that although not all identical, have similar features and themes. Color differences are allowed, but only within a range of color combinations provided by the wayfinder committee. The signs have been ap- proved for use by the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Dept. along Highway right of ways. Initially the City was told the cost would be around $6000 per sign, but recently it was learned that the city may contract out with local sign companies to create and install the signs as long as they meet the program specifications. One sign company has given and estimate that they can do them for $3000—$3500 per sign installed.