ENVIRONMENTALWAVEDATA FOR DETERMININGHULL STRUCTURAL LOADINGS i This document has been approved for publicreleaseand sale;its distribution is unlimited. SHIPSTRUCTURE COMMITTEE 1977 --- SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE AN INTERAGENCY ADVISORY COMMITTEE OEDICATED TO IMPROVING THE STRUCTURE OF SHIPS MEMBER AGENCIES Ur!, c<ls,.,., co”,, Cuord sea s,,, em, Command NO,,, MI,,.,, M.,,,,”!, ADDRESS CCIRRESPONOENCE SMw, or, sh,p S!,.,, ”,, co”’,.,,,.. US.Cm,,Guard Heodquor,,,, Seol,f, Con,m,,nd Admin,s,,o,, on Ame, $com0.,,.. Wo, h,nqlo”. DC. 70590 of Sh,p~, ”g ,SR-223 l’lneShip Structure Committee recognizes thz,t .ir, formation concern i.n[;the environmental conditions under which ships and mar<ne structures are operated is of utr.ost importance for stnuckur.ai desi~n, and particularly in prijba– so for estimatin~~ their survival l.imitations . Recent progress bili.stic approaches to design permit: desi(<n.leads to be estimated with reasonable accuracy where ocean TJaTTespect:.rair. the operating areas c].f the ship (or marine structure ) are swfflcient ly known. ~~thO~~h there is a crest deal (jr data Ion visually observed wave hej.ghts and periods in the Nort’n Atlant, ic ar,d ir, ti,e Ncrth pacific OCean S , these they are not, in a COII_ data are not in a form which the designer TELn IISe; sistent form which can be easily processed; t’hey c over only a. sma:l. 1 PO+ tion of the geographical and sea state range. necessary for design purposes and even some of these are of smnewha t questionable validity. Therefore, it became necessary to undertake a stuciy directed toward developing a body of complete and reliable This describes report the ocean wave .loadin~ data. stu(iy and presents toward the development of wave loa,din,gdata in rational hull structure design. a rese>arch plan directe~ i.n a fsr-n which can be IJS21 SSC-268 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT on Project SR-223 “Wave Loading ENv IRONMENTAL DETERMINING Data Plan” WAVE DATA FOR HULL STRUCTURAL LOADINGS by D. Hoffman and D. A. Walden with contributions V. J. Cardone, W. J. Pierson, WEBB INSTITUTE by and Jr. OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE under Department of the Navy Naval Sea Systems Command Contract No. NOO024-75-C-4209 This docment has beenapprovedfop public release andsale: its distribution is m limited. U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters Washington, O.C. 1977 ASSTRACT A summary is given of the trade routes of U.S. ships, followed by suggestions for new projects and extension and improvement of current projects to meet the need for additional data on sea conditions encountered by U.S. ships. It iS concluded that the greatest benefit can be obtained by making a direct effort to obtain wave spectra for the ocean areas on important sea routes that are known to experience severe sea conditions, probably by the use of moored buoys, and by further verification and im.proveurent of wave hindcast techniques for eventual application tO obtaining wave spectra for design. At the same time, steps should be initiated that may lead to the availability of wave data in the future, such as seeking oil company data. It is felt that attention should also be given to the further analysis of available data, and of new data produced by buoy deployment and hindcast procedures, including the measurement of directional spectra and their application to.dasign. Hindcast techniques should be extended to the southern hemisphere, and new techniques for wave data collection -- disposable buoys and satellite systems -should continue to be developed. A survey evaluation is given of observed and measured wave data covering major U.S. routes, with appendices, tabulations and maps. The introduction of theoretical formulations leads to the discussion and evaluation of wave epectrsl hindcasting techniques. The methods used to predict ship motions and loads are explained followed by a section discussing the wave data format required for predicting short and long-term loads and motions as well as numerical axamplea showing the effect on and sensitivity y of predictions to variation in wave data format. Wed on the preceding discussion, presently available data suggested for use in determining ship loads are given. The use of a combination of statistics based on observations on the frequency of occurrence of various wave heights and a spectral family of measured spectra grouped by wave height is recommended. Finally, a survey of current and planned data collection projects is given. ii COWTSWTS ~ I. 1 Introduction 1 I 2 3 Background Wave Data Requirements Trade Routes of U.S. Ships Scope of Project II. 4 A Research Plan General Hindcast Techniques Development and Use of Wave Buoys Data from Fixed Platforms Measurement of Directional Spectra Improvement in Shipboard Data Satallite Systsma Priorities III. 8 Observed Wave Data s 11 14 Shipboard Operations Collections of Observed Data Unusual Conditions PI. Measured Wave Data 22 Sources of Wave Measurements Reliability of Wave Msasuring Techniques Analysis of Records v. Theoretical Spectral Formulations Baaic Formulations Genersl Form of Theoretical Spectra Specific Theoretical Formulations Spectral Shape Definition VI. 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 22 23 24” I 27 27 27 29 32 42 Wave Data from Hindcast Models by Vincent J. Cardone Introduction Significant Wave Hindcast Models Spectral Wave Hindcast Models Current and Planned Wave Hindcast Activities Development of Operational Spectral Wave Forecast Models Elsewhere Development of Shallow Water Spectral Wave Hindcast Models iii 42 43 46 55 55 ~ , ~ SsfE VII . Prediction of Loads 57 Ship Response Prediction Theory for Approximating the Distribution of a Function of Random Variables Application of the Theory Details of Ship Response Prediction Wave Data Format VIII. Effect of Variation in Wave Data Format on Load Predictions Comparative Calculations Probability of Occurrence of Various Wave Heights Directional Information Ix. Wave Data For Use in Design 57 58 60 62 64 77 77 82 86 90 The Ideal Data Base Present Data The Future 90 90 91 References 96 Appendices Index of Punched Carda Carrying Wind and Wave Data Available from Various Sources A-1 U.S. Naval Weather Service Command Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observation B-l c Sample Tables of Wave Observations from Various Sources c-1 D A Description of Wave Measuring Systems by W.J. Pierson, Jr. D-1 E A Tabulation with ,References of Available Measured Spectra E-1 F Catalog of Tucker Shipborne Wave Recorder Data F-1 G Sources of Unpublished Measured Data G1 H A Comparison of the Draper and Spectral Methods of.Analyaia H-1 I Sample Measured Spectra I-1 J Ocean Wave Parametrization by W.J. Pierson, Jr. A B Techniques J-1 K A Comparison of Wave Buoy and Hindcast Wave Spectra K-1 L Proposed Buoy System for Wave Measurement off South Africa by Cdr. C.S. !U.ederman,USCG L-1 iv LIST OF TABLES Correlation of Measured Maximum and Observed Wave Heights for Individual Weather Ship Records Correlation of Measured and Observed Wave Period 12 Special Hazards 20 Availabla Directional Spectra 26 v Average Characteristics of Wave Spectra from both “Papa” and “India” -- Whole Sample 66 VI Average Characteristics of Wave Spectra from “India” -- Samples of Eight Spectra 66 Wave Height Distributions used in Section 1 of Chapter VIII S2 North Atlantic Wave Height Distributions 83 Long-Term Vertical Bending Moment Predictions for Various North Atlantic Wave Height Distributions +34 Wave Height Distributions -- World Routee 85 Long-Term Vertical Bending Moment Predictions for Different World-Wide Wave Height Distributions 85 II III Iv VII VIII Ix x XI v LIST OF FIGuRSS Zzsw? & 1 Significant and Observed Wave Height Relationships 10 2 Areas of Coverage of Responsible WMO Members 13 3 Worldwide Wave Data (except North Pacific) 15 4 North Pacific Wave Data 16 5 North Atlantic Wave Data 17 6 Extreme North Atlantic Wave Data Ig 7 Areas with Special Hazards and Locations of Measured Spectra 19 8 Change in Wave Dimensions for Opposing and Following Currents 20 9 spectral Skewness parmeter, y, vs. .$ignif icant wave Height, H 1/3 10 ‘Theoreticaland Measured Relationship Between Frequency of Maximum Spectral Ordinates and Average Period 33 11 Relationship Between Different Period Definitions 35 12 Typical Fit Using JONSWAP Spectral Formulation 35 13 Comparison of JONSWAP and ISSC Spectra 36 14 Comparison of JONSWAP, “INDIA”, and Measured Spectra 36 15 Comparison of JONSWAP, “INDIA”, and Measured Spectra 36 16 Comparison of JONSWAP, “INDIA”, and Measured Spectra 36 17 Comparison of JONSWAP, “INDIA”, and Measured Spectra 37 18 Comparison of JONSWAP, “INDIA”, and Measured Spectra 37 19 Comparison of JONSWAP, “INDIA”, and Measured Spectra 37 20 Typical Fit Using Ochi’s Three-Parameter, Two-Stage Spectra 39 21 Comparison of Quadratic Regression Spectrum and Averages of Measured Spectra 40 22 JNWP Grid System of Northern Hemisphere 44 23 The Icosahedral-Gnomonic Pro.j ection of the Earth Designed for Global Numerical Wave Prediction 49 vi l=. 33 LIST OF FIGORSS (cent‘d) EL8Ks? !S3!? 24 A Comparison of Various Spectral Hindcast Model Predictions 52 25 Obsened 52 26 The Grid System of the Ff?WCOperational Mediterranean Sea Wave Spectral Model Grid 54 27 Calculation of rms Response 59 28 Scatter of Spectral Height Family - Group 1, 0-3 ft. Station “India” 67 29 Scatter of Spectral Height Family - Group 2, 3-6 ft. Station “India” 67 30 Scatter of Spectral Height Family - Group 3, 6-9 ft. Station “India” 68 31 Scatter of Spectral Height Family - Group 4, 9-12 ft. “India” 32 Scatter of Spectral Height Family - Group 5, 12-16 ft. “India” Station 69 33 Scatter of Spectral Height Family - Group 6, 16-21 ft. “India” Station 69 34 Scatter of Spectral Height Family - Group 7, 21-27 ft. “India” Station 70 35 Scatter of Spectral Height Family - Group 8, 27-34 ft. “India” Station 70 36 Scatter of Spectral Height Family - Group 9, 34-42 ft. “India” Station 71 37 Scatter of Spectral Height Family - Group 10, >42 ft. “India” 38 Mean and Standard Deviation -o-3 ft. Station “India” 39 Mean and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 2, 3-6 ft. Station “India” 40 Mean and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 3, 6-9 ft. Station “India” 41 Mean and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 4, 9-12 ft. Station “India” 42 Mean and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 5, 12-16 ft. Station “India” and Hindcast Spectra at Station “J” Station 68 Station 71 Spectral Height Family Group 1, 72 vii LIST OF FIGUBIS (cent, ~d) m ~ 43 Mean and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 6, 16-21 ft. Statton “India” 74 44 Mean and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 7, 21-27 ft. Station “India” 75 45 Mean and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 8, 27-34 ft. Station “India” 75 46 Mesn and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 9, 34-42 ft. Station “India” 76 47 Maan and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 10, >42 ft. Station “India” 76 48 Comparison 78 49 Short-Tens Bending Moment Reaponaes for Light Load Wolverina State -- Mean IU4Sand Standard Deviation 80 50 Short-Term Bending Moment Responses for Full Load SL-7 Containership -- Mean 3MS and Standard Deviation 80 51 Short-Term Banding Msment Responsas for — Universe —Ireland, Mean SMS and Standard Deviations 80 52 Long-Tarm Vertical Bending Moment for Light Load Wolvarine State for Five Spectral Families 81 53 Long-Term Vertical Bending Moment for Full-Load SL-7 Containership for Five Spactral Familiea 81 54 Long-Tens Vertical Banding Moment for Full-Load — Universe .Ireland for Five Spectral Families 81 55 Contributions frmo the Various Wave Haight Groups and Relative Heading Angles to the Total Probability of tha Acceleration at the Forward Perpendicular of the Wolverina State exceeding 58.2 ft./ 87 of Spectral Shape Variation aec2 56 Contributions from the Various Wave Height Groups and Relative Heading Angles to the Total Probability of the Acceleration at the Forward Perpendicular of the Wolverine State exceeding 29.4 ft./ sec2 88 57 Contributions from the Varioua Wave Height Groups and Relative Heading Angles to the Total Probability of the Vertical Bending Moment of the Wolver2ne State exceeding 9.6 x 104 Ft-Tons 89 viii i - LIST OF FIGURES (cent’d) = 58 Location 59 NDBO Planned Buoy Locations Through Fiscal Year 1976 of NDBO Buoys in the Gulf of Maxico ix SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE The SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE is constituted to prosecute a research program to improve the hul 1 structures of ships by an extension of knowledge pertaining to design, materials and methods of fabrication. RADM W. M. Benkert, USCG (Chairman) Chief, Office of Merchant Marine Safety U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters Mr. P. M. Palermo Asst. for Structures Naval Ship Engineering Center Naval Ship Systems Command Mr. M. Pitkin Asst. Administrator for Conrnercial Development Maritime Administration Mr. John L. Foley Vice President American Bureau of Shipping Mr. C. J. Whitestone Engineer Officer Military Seal ift Cormnand SHIP STRUCTURE SUBCOMMITTEE The SHIP STRUCTURE SUBCOMMITTEE acts for the Ship Structure Committee on technical matters by providing technical coordination for the determination of goals and objectives of the program, and by evaluating and interpreting the results in terms of ship structural design, construction and operation. NAVAL Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. SEA SYSTEMS R. J. C. G. COMMAND Johnson - Member B. O’Brien - Contract Pohler - Member Sorkin - Member NATIONAL ACADEMY SHIP RESEARCH Administrator E. S. C. J. MARITIME A. H. B. N. Chazal - Secretary Davis - Member Glass - Member Naegle - Member Mr. A. B. Stavovy - Liaison WELDING RESEARCH COUNCIL Mr. K. H. Koopman AOMINISTRATION INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS Mr. F. Dashnaw - Member Mr. N. Hanmer - Member Mr. R. K. Kiss - Member Mr. F. Seibold - Member - Liaison SHIP STRUCTURES Prof. J. H. Evans - Liaison U.S. COAST GUARD ACADEMY CAPT W. C. Nolan - Liaison MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND ~ Prof. J. E. Goldberg - Liaison Mr. R. W. Rumke - Liaison SOCIETY OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS & MARINE ENGINEERS U.S. COAST GUARD LCDR LCDR CAPT LCOR OF SCIENCES COMMITTEE STATE UNIV. OF N.Y. MARITIME COLLEGE Mr. T. M. Chapman - Member CDR J. L. Simmons - Member Mr. A. B. Stavovy - Member Mr. D. Stein - Member Dr. W. R. Porter - Liaison AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING Mr. R. H. Sterne - Liaison Mr. S. G. Stfansen - Chairman Dr. H. Y. Jan - Member Mr. I. L. Stern - Member U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY AMERICAN IRON & STEEL INSTITUTE Dr. R. Bhattacharyya - Liaison x I. INTRODUCTION Background The dynamics of ships or other types of marine structures is determined a large extent by their responses to the environment in which they operate. Wind, waves, current and ice are the four environmental factors which individually and interactively contribute to the forces imposed on the system and hknce to the resnlting responses. The definition of the excitation function is therefore of critical importance and a prerequisite for a prediction of the behavior of a ship in a realistic environment. Each of the above four categories is of e complex nature and involves several physicel phenomena. The waves, however, are the major influence on the behavior of marine vehicles. to Ever since the probabilistic approach was developed by St. Denis and pierson (1953),*–the complex problem of ship behaviOr i-nwaves has been conveniently separated into two components, i.e., the waves and the transfer function. While the latter has received rather exteneive treatmant over the pact 20 years, the wave description has been left to the oceanographers studying basic prinicples such as generation of wavee, the energy balance in the waves, growth of waves with wind, etc. Understanding the mechanism of wave generation has led oceanographers to formulate the shape of idealized wave spectra, particularly the spectra of fully-developed storm seae, although the ehapes of developing and decaying spectra have also been studied. They have ak+O repOrted spectra obtained from actual measuramente at varioue ocean locations, but have not given much attention to the variations in shape that these epectra chow. Thus cross seas, as created by local wind sea superimposed on swell or several swells, are not adequately represented by the ideal formulations; yet theee conditions are very coumon. Actual wave records and, particularly, wave spectra are available only for limited ocean areas, and the present design practice in most casea ia to aPPIY the abOve ideal mathematical formulations as defined by the observed significant wave height and period. This procedure requires tautious evaluation, as discussed in this report. The state of the art of wave load prediction has thus reached a stage in which the continuous refinement and exact mathematical solution of transfer functions cannot be satisfactorily applied to ship design without at least an equivalent refinement in the wave description. The time haa come when designer should actively seek the wave data needed, rather than to wait for the oceanographer to supply them. Hence, a major objective of this report is to make recommendations regarding further research to obtain the needed wave information. Wave Data Requirements The definition of the type of wave data desired by the ship designer is * See reference listed at the end of this report. unfortunately often determined by the designer!s knowledge of available data. It is therefore important to define present needs as well as idealized requirements assuming unlimfted wave data availability y. Only such an approach can lead to effective pursuance of future wave data collection and the correct application of such data in the statistical prediction of ship loadings in the environment. The method formulated by St. Denis and Pierson (1953) to obtain the response of a ship or other systsm to waves utilizes the wave spectrum, which can be expressed mathematically by analysis of a measured wave record of 20 - 30 minutes length or by estimate from the average characteristics of the seaway. wren the spectrum of the waves and the characteristic ship response to different frequencies (transfer function or response amplitude operator) the response spectrum can be obtained, and hence the statistical properties of the ship response can be determined. For design purposee the response of the system to all possible sea conditions ie of prime importance, and hence extensive wave data in spectral form are felt to be essential. Ideally, these wave epectra should be directional, i.e. , should define the wave components by direction as yell as by frequency, They should describe both growing and decaying storm eeas, as well as fully-developed seas. They should describe combinations of storm seas and swells that are typical of winter weather conditions in northern and southern latitudes, as well as slOwmoving circular storms of the tropics. However, in view of the extreme cost and time associated with an extensive data gathering plan, a more exact assessment is required today with regard to the influence of variations in wave spectra on response. As mentioned previously, different wave data can affect the prediction of the design loada and hence the structural design. Such influence can only be determined in terms of the final product, i.e. , the loads predicted on the ship. It hae already been shown (Hoffman, 1973, 1974, 1975) that such effects will vary from one size to another and most likely will be a function of the type of responee in question, such as bending mometitor acceleration. Hence, further study is needed of the degree of detail needed in wave spectral data. In contrast to the ultimate need of the designer for optimum wave data formatting, an important interim stage considers the best application of presently available data. Acquisition of reliable wava data is a lengthy process and an interim solution ia needed for the immediate years. Thus, a survey and asseasmant of available ocean wave data and of its suitability for design use is first required. Then a plan must be developed for obtaining needed additional data in suitable format. Trade Routes of U.S. Ships An important question that arises in surveying available and needed ocean wave data is what ocean areas are of greatest interest. A study haa been made to establish the most important world trade routes, with particular attention -2- to those served by U.S. ships. The routes of greatest volume of cargo and number of ships are those from the U.S. Eaat (and Gulf) coasts to Europe. There are three branches, one north of the British Isles to Scandinavia, one to northern Europe via the English Channel and the third to the Mediterranean, but all are vitally affected by weather and sea conditions in the North Atlantic Ocean. Another important group of trade routes is between U.S. East and Gulf coasts and the Caribbean and South America. These lend importance to sea conditions in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras and to the conditions prevailing during hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and North Atlantic. Also of importance are routes in the Pacific Ocean, which however are widely scattered -- covering U.S. ports on West, East and Gulf coasts (Panama Canal) and connecting with Japan, the Asian continent, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, etc. From the viewpoint of the effect of sea conditions on ship operation, hcwever, the ocean area of greatest potential interest is the North Pacific. Increased trade between West coast ports and Alaska has resulted in growing interest in sea conditions in the Gulf of Alaska. Although relatively few U.S. flag ships transit the Indian Ocean, the eastern part of the area is of intereat during the monsoon season. The South Atlantic and South Pacific oceans, as a whole , are also of secondary interest. Finally, consideration should be given to bulk petroleum movements to U.S. porta, which are carried on ships of which few are U.S. flag but many of U.S. ownership. The predominant route is from the Persian Gulf and Cape of Good Hope to Caribbean and U.S. Gulf ports. Sea conditions in the vicinity of the Cape are of particular concern, as discussed in detail later in this report. The opening of the Suez Canal can be expected to divert some of this traffic through the Mediterranean, but there can be no doubt that sea conditions around the Cape of Good Hope will continue to be of great importance. Scope of Project The scope of work for the project reported here was stated as follows in the contract schedule: “Conduct a survey and assessment of the type and scope of wave loading data presently available, and that which is needed, and establish a research plan to acquire a sufficient quatitit y of the needed wave data in a form which can be used in hull structural design.” This report describes the work done and presents the results of the study carried out in accordance with the above. For convenience the proposed plan for further research on ocean wave data, developed in the course of the project, is presented in the following Chapter 11. A survey is then presented of various types of ocean wave data, and their reliability (Chapters 111, IV, V, VI). Next the use of such wave data for the determination of hull loads is discussed, and the effect of variations in the wave data format is considered (Chapters VII and VIII). Finally, recommendations are made regarding the best available data and current data collection projects are surveyed. (Chapter IX). -3- 11. A RESF,ARCHPLAN General One of the principal objectives of this project was to develop a research plan for the acquisition of required additional ocean wave data, and their transOn the basis of the lation into a form useable by hull structural designers. survey given in the following chapters, recommendations for short and long-range research are given here. In addition to the proposed research projects themselves, however, consideration should be given to setting up a central management or coordinating project to oversee the acquisition of data for use by naval architects. One object would be to keep all interested parties informed as to what projects are being undertaken and who is sponsoring them. Some of the projects listed below could produce immediately useful data if undertaken promptly, while others would not be productive for some time. A discussion of recommended priorities is given at the end of the chapter. Hindcast Techniques 1. Evaluation and refinement of existing wave hindcast programs. The only suitable procedure in active operation is that of the Navy Fleet Numerical Weather Central (FNWC) in Monterey. A continuing, routine checking and verification process should be carried out, comparing hindcast spectra with those calculated from wave measurements at data buoys or weathei+ships. As improvements in the hindcast procedures are made, they should be evaluated by this continuous routine checking. It is understood that such checking is now being done by FNWC to some degree. From the long-range viewpoint, attention should be directed to private forecasting and hindcasting procedures (such as that of Ocean Routes, Inc., Palo Alto, California) which are being developed to serve oil well drilling activities but could perhaps be extended to serve shipping lines. 2. Development of a comprehensive hindcast data baae. After the validity of the FNWC hindcast system has been established, the data base can be developed by statistical analysis of daily spectra for at least a year at selected locations over the entire North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans, and in the Mediterranean Sea. Such a data base has been referred to as a “wave spectra climatology.” See NAVSEA (1975). It should be noted that funds have already been allocated to FNWC for hindcaseing directional spectra back to 1955, using the latest refinements in the hindcast model. Since this is a project of considerable magnitude, considerable effort should be devoted to improving and refining the prediction model (item 1) in parallel with this large-scale hindcasting effort. 3. Extension of the hindcast system to cover the South Atlantic Ocean and the Western Indian Ocean, including the ocean area in the vicinity of the Cape of Good Hope. After such a systernbecomes operational, it should be verified, analyzed and applied as in 1) and 2) above. -4- This project may require direct support from shippi,ngand ship design interests, since the Navy has not given it hi&h priority. Since a long time is required for this work, no ehort-term results can be expected. Development and Use of Wave BUOYS 4. Deployment of buoys. A number of buoys ehould be set out, with telemetered wave records regularly transmitted to shore and spectrally analyzed. See Steele (1974) for a description of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Data Buoy Office (NDBO) syetem. The buoys would be located on important steamship routes, particularly at locations where inadequate wave data are available. Resulting epectra would be used directly to increase the bank of data for designers! use. See Appendix E. Consideration should be given to incorporating slope, aa well as vertical acceleration measurements. Such slope measurements, while not eufficient to define the directional spectra completely, can give some directional information. Cartwright (1961) discusses the limits of such slope measurements. Tentative buoy locations: North Atlantic (Grand Banks, Faraday Sea Mount) Near entrance to Engltsh Channel North Pacific (South of Aleutians) (c) (d) Off South Africa. (a) (b) Consideration should also be given to the possible future use of smaller moored byoys intermediate in size between the NOAA and the WAVERIDER (Dutch) buoye. However, the problsm of collecting and processing the data -- which has been solved by NOAA on an almost worldwide baais -- must be dealt with before making practical use of such buoys. Hence, no immediately useful results can be expected. 5. Analysis of buoy data. Statistical analysis of wave spectra should be carried out in a manner similar to that described in the eurvey portion of this report, i.e. , stratified by wave height and analyzed to obtain mean values and stsndard deviations of spectral ordinates. Spectra should be ueed directly as a basic for checking and evaluati~ the regular hindcast procedures discussed under items 1 and 3. It is recognized that although this approach may be the most practical and useful for immediate problems in ship hull design, different types of analysis in order to improve the underlying theory of wave generation, propagation and decay should also be carried out for long-range ueefulnese. Data from Fixed Platforms 6. Oil company data. Companies engaged in off-shore drilling operations in varioue parts of the world have been vigorously collecting proprietary wave data in various formate. Efforts should be made to devise a procedure for making data for areas of interest to ship operation available generally. This should be more readily accomplished when a government is involved in the data collection (as in the case of the Britieh Government in the areas around the British Isles). -5- Maasurament of Directional Suectra 7. Development of techniques. Further development of methods of obtaining accurate directional apactra -- such aa stereo photographic techniquea — should ba pursuad, ainca other methode (including wave buoys, item 4) are not cowletely eatisfactory. Such accurate directional spectra would provide the ultimate baaia for verifying hindcaat directional spectra. A more long-range approach is the use of airborna synthetic aparture radare (sAR), which still requiree further theoretical developmetit. TMa approach can potentially provide diradtional spectra with a very large number of dagrees of fraadom par frequancy band. 8. Application of directional spectra. Aa mora data in the fom of directional apactra become available, both from measurement and hindcaating, raeearch ie needad on how to describa them in a generalized format for daaign uee. After grouping tha epectra by wave height, as hae been done with point spectra, it ia neceeaary to describe the variability of wave energy wdth direction aa well as with frequency. Improvement In Shiuboard Data 9. Analysis of weather ahip data. All wava data currently being collected by the various weather ships should be ragularly analyzed on a continuing baeia, in a manner similar to the data from Statiom I, K and P, in parallel with wave buoy and FNNC hindcaating data collection and amalyeia. 10. Analysie of obeervational wave height infotmation. Data accumulated from ships should be analyzed for several major routea acroaa the Atlantic end tha Pacific baaad on tha 6-hourly reports obtained by NOM, aa a means of up-dating and improving availabla studias. At least 2 - 3 yaara of paat data should ba included and the work should continue on a routine baeie (aa is now being done for coaatal wave data). Up-dating and extension of wave atlas publication should be encouraged, aa for example the extension of Hogben and Lumb (1967) to tha North Pacific. 11. Development of disposable buoy. Effort should be continued toward tha development of a small buoy which can ba “ehot” off the eida of a ahip, capable of transmitting a signal for k hour when the ahlp ia moving at 20 - 30 knots. Its accuracy nead not be greater than that of axiating small buoys. Although such a device might have ita primary application to improving the quality of operational wave data, it would alao provide data of value In ship design. Satellite Syetema 12. Centinued davelopmant of satellite wave maaeuremant. The anormoua potantial of aatallite wava measuring eystema dictatea tha continuation of afforta CO davelop a workable syatam for meaauring wave apactra from apacecraft, since currant efforts are only partially aucceaaful. See Piereon (1976). -6- Priorities The above plan covers a large number of areas for further work, with varying time frames and coat factors. The following paragraphs attempt to aeaign priorities to the various areas of effort on the basis of obtaining the meet useful information at the least coet in the leaat time. It ie believed that the first priority should be given to a direct effort to obtain wave epectra for the ocean areaa on important aea routee that are known to experience severe aea conditions. The moat iimnediatalyavailable method ia the uae of moored buoys, aa outlined in item 4. Of al.moatequal importance is balieved to the further verification and improvement of wave hindcaet techniques, item 1, in order to prepare tha way for eventual application of tbia approach to obtaining wava spectra for design. At the aama time, stepe should be initiated that may lead to the availability of wave data in the future, aa seeking oil company data, item 6. Second priority should be given to furthar analyaia of available data, items 9 and 10, and of new data produced by buoy deployment and hindcaat procedures, items 2 and 5. Attention should alao be given to the measurement of directional epectra aridtheir application to design, items 7 and 8. ~ priority should be given to the extension of hindcaat techniques to tha southern hemisphere, item 3, and to the development of naw techniques for wave data collection, disposable buoya and satellite syatams, items 11 and 12. Included in this catagory should alao be certain long-term aepecta of the varioua reaaarch items, such aa: - New hindcast procedure (item 1) Development and uae of small wave buoya (item 4) Development of airborne synthetic aperture radar (item 7). -7- III . OBSERVED WAVE DATA Shipboard Operations Centinuous information has been gathered on observed wave heights and direc. tions for approximately the last 100 years, and on wave periods for the last 25. This information comes from weather ships, voluntary observing ships and on a more limited basis from research ships, light vessels, fishery protection vessels, etc. Since the largest number of the observations comes from voluntary observing ships such as merchant ships, there is extensive coverage of shipping routes. Wave observation statistics are a collection of subjective judgments made by many different observers. The accuracy of the observations of course varies greatly from observer to observer. The reporting code used from 1949 to 1968 had discontinuities at 5 meters and 10 meters, e.g., 8 = 4m. , 9 = 4.5111., 10 = 5.cm., and a similar change at 10 m. This led to bias in favor of 4.5 m. and 9.5m. There is also a preference for whole meter wave heights in the higher ranges. The newer code reduces these biases. Three other factors also tend to bias observational data: 1. Fair weather bias occurs because ships in passage tend to avoid bad weather, resulting in lower average winds. 2. Observers frequently fail to code wave observations if wave conditions are calm; this reduces the percentage of reported fair weather conditions. 3. Observers tend to underestimate following seas and overestimate head seas because of the difference in ship behavior. Since it is impossible to quantify these factors, there is no way to correct systematically for the biases they induce. Verploegh (1961) estimates the standard error based on comparison between ships as follows: Wave direction 10”-13” Wave period 1.8 seconds Wave height 0.3 m. at 1.5 m.. (1 ft. at 5 ft.) l.Om. at 6m. (3 ft. at 20 ft.) In most cases, observations have been found to yield an adequate approximation in the range of practical interest, 5 to 30 feet (2 to 10 meters) , which represents over 95% of the expected frequency of occurrence. FOr values above 30 feet (10 meters) or below 5 feet (2 meters) the observers’ ability to estimate adequately is doubtful, in the former case due to the conditions on board ship and in the latter case due to cross seas, swell, etc. -8- In view of the large amount of observed data available and the uncertainty of its reliability, it is not surprising that a number of comparisons have been made between visual and measured wave estimates. Fig. 1 from Hoffman (1974) shows significant wave height versus observed wave height. It should be noted that all the observations included in Hoffman’s data were made by trained observers on ocean weather ships. Hoffman’s data also include more cases of severe weather since weather ships must remain on station and are not free to avoid storms. It may be seen that below 30 ft. observers tend to underestimate the wave heights. A reasonably good linear fit over the entire range is shown to be, = 7.0+ 0.775 H v“ ‘1/3 Table 1 from Hogben (1970) summarizes the results of several investigations of correlations between observed and measured wave heights (maxima in individual records). The measurements were rrmdewith Tucker wave recorders, with appropriate frequency dependent corrections included. The observations were made by officers aboard merchant ships, rather than by professional weather ship observers. The table gives the coefficients A and B which gave the best linear fit to the data points, when plotted in a manner similar to Fig. 1, and the coefficient C which gave the best fit for a line passing through the origin. Also shown in Table 1 are the standard deviation, u, of the data points about The latter is defined as follows: the lines and the correlation coefficient, P. Hm. 0= H ii--. Fv v- “Hm “ ‘Hv where the lines over letters indicate averages. It may be seen that the first three sets of data show very similar straight line fits. Where correlation coefficients are available, they show good agreement between observations and measurement. The material factors used to relate observations to measurements can only be expected to yield good results when applied to data of the same nature as that from which they were derived. This presents a difficulty in that whenever comparisons are made between observed and measured values the observer on board a weather ship is a trained observer, whereas the largest number of observers are not. It is likely, however, that various types of observers will agree most closely in the range of 5 to 30 feet (2 to 10 meters) , as previously noted. The ability to estimate the significant wave height by means of observed wave height is extremely important because of the large amount “of available observational data. It is apparent’that the several different realtionships in Table 1 show very slight differences. In the case of wave direction it is difficult to compare observation with measurement, since wave direction is not routinely measured. (The measurement of directional spectra, being a special problem, is discussed later). Direction is, however, -9- JFFF $3 L * DATA 19(s9-1973 ,/”“ i. -40 ./” / . . ,,---/- ~ / / / -/ / .---; / / 0 10 5 Figure 1. 15 35 30 25 40 Significant and Observed Wave Height Relationships. Table I Correlation of Meaeured Maximum and Observed Wave Heights for Individual Weather Ship Records A Reference B(ft.) .J(ft. ) c O(ft. ) N P Hc.gben& Lumb (1964) 1.41 6.72 4.59 1.89 5.41 905 Hogben L Lumb (1967) 1.41 6.46 4.17 1.70 4.43 317 0.86 Ifogben(1970) 0.83 6.26 3.25 1.42 5.03 527 0.73 A, B, and C are coefficients foundusinglinearregression. where Hm -A Hm -CHV HV+B (best straight line) (best straight line throughthe origin) lfm is measuredmaximum,exceptin Hogben (1970)where it is derivedfrom Hv ‘m - 1“6 ‘1/3’ is observedwave height. o N D standarddeviation. numberof comparisons. correlat ion coefficient. -1o- fs — It is usually apparert when one is sighting along a crest line 90 to the direction of the waves. This shows up in the smaller percentage error in direction found in comparisons between ships. However, when the sea is reported as a combination of sea and swell the direction definition becomes a problem. the easiest observation tg make visually. In a similar way Table 2 shows the results of several comparisons between measured and observed wave periods. As can be seen hy looking at the correlation factors and standard deviations, the correlation between observed and measured periods is much less satisfactory than the correlation between observed and measured wave heights. The poor correlation of period estimates may be at least partly due to the fact that period must be estimated by timing wave crests whereas heights can be directly observed. The combination of sea and swell, the periodic motion of the ship, and the random nature of the waves contribute to the difficulty in observing period. Hence, all tabulations of period statistics must be viewed with extreme caution. The National Climatic Center* can prepare Summaries of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (SSMO) based on a world-wide collec$ionaof observations from 1964 to present. SSMOS can be prepared for individual 1 x 1 squares or for any desired marine area so long as the boundaries are specified. The approximate number of recorded observations within an area of interest can be furnished when desired. It can then he decided if the area contains an adequate number of observations. Cost/time ●stimates can be obtained from NCC. The Naval Weather Service Command in 1969 began funding a centinuing program at the National Climatic Center to publish complete SSMOS for selected ocean areas. Copies of these publications are available. Each volume contains a complete set of tables for two or more ocean areas. Information concerning the geographical boundaries of areas for which summaries have been prepared and/or published is given in Appendix B. They are at present limited to coastal areas and the Great Lakes. Tables 18 and 19 in the SSMOS are the only ones including information on waves. (See example in Appendix C.) Other tables centain information on wind conditions, ●tc. SSMOS include both monthly tabulations and annual summaries. Collections of Observed Data The World Meteorological Organization (W140)has designated specific areas to various national organizations who have collected the observed data on wave he isht, period and direction and coded them onto punched cards. Fig. 2 shows the areas of responsibility. Appendix A describes the extent and availability of these coded data. This coded information, along with monthly climatological summaries which include wind and wave information, is also available through the WMO. This type of information has been available for many years and considerable use of it has been made. Of greater immediate usefulness are published compilations of wave data. The following four figures show the results of several compilations of wave statistics. ● NCC, Federal Building, Asheville, North Carolina, -11- 28801 (704) 254-0961. . Ti?ble II correlation of Measured and observed WaVe periOd Symbol for Meas. Per. A B(sec) O(sec) Hogben & Lumb (1964) Tc 0.37 5.19 1.12 Hogben & Lumb (1967) T~ 0.32 4.70 To 0.76 4.10 Tz --- ____ Reference Hogben (1970) c o(sec) N 0.86 1.41 834 0.48 0.88 0.73 1.20 294 0.50 2.15 ---- 1.12 2.23 294 0.50 1.37 2.71 467 0.04 P In addition to the notation used in Table 1: T= = crest-to-crest period from record. m T~=+ r where no and m 2 are the zeroth and second moments of the spectra. 2 To = modal period, period corresponding to the peak of the spectrum. Tz = zero crossing period. -12- - .“x““(-+/1“% v . . c-w ‘r. ,$ 0 J..., . . . ,, .b ..-” * . ,.* a -.,.”._ - .. pheim-Twmcl,mmwn,”$m ,. ,”,”,”” --=2!2 m* !o”m, 1 .-!. The addresses of the nine responsible WMO Members: 1. Germany, Federal Republic of Director Deutscher Wetterdienst Seewetteramt Bernhard Nocht Strasse 76 2 Hamburg 4 2. Hong Kong Director Royal Observatory Nathan Road, Kowloon 3. India Director General Observatories Lodi Road, New Delhi 3 4. Japan Director General Japan Meteorological Agency Ote-machi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 5. Netherlands Director-in-Chief Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut Utrechtseweg 297, De Bilt 6. South Africa Director Weather Bureau Private Bag 97, Pretoria 7. uSA Director National Climatic Center Federal Building Asheville, North Carolina 8. Figure 2. UK Director-General Meteorological Office Met O 12, London Road Bracknell, Berkshire 9. RG 12 2SZ USSR Institute of Aeroclimatology Molodezhnaya 3 MOSCCNJ, B-296 Areas of Coverage of Responsible WMO Members. -13- 28801 — !.. h. Appendix C contains saq.le tables from a number of these sources. The first source lieted (Fig. 3), the work by Iiogbenand Lumb, la the most comprehensive. It include coverage of moat major shipping routes. When using Hogben and Lumb statistica, the report by Hogben (1974) which contains corrections to the directional classes, shoul be consulted. One of the great deficiencies with the Hogban and Lumb data la that there is no coverage of Northern Pacific routee. Another shortcoming is that the area blocks for which statistics are given (only 50 in all) are quits large. It must be realized when using Hogben and Lumb data, or any other statistics based primarily on voluntary obaening ships, that the data are representative only of the condition encountered by the ships. This means that on the avarage the data represent leas severe conditions than thoee actually existing eince ships try to avoid regions of high wavee. A comparison between weather ship and transiant ship records by Quayle (1974) describes this bias. The work by Yamanouchi and Ogawa (1970) (Fig. 4) covers the Northern Pacific region not included in Hogben and Lumb (1967), In addition to the tables in this work which give the same information ae in Hogben and Lumb, there are roses and histograma which make it easy to see tha relations among conditione in differen~ areae and at different times. It should be noted that the tablea in this publication include all wavea higher than 7.7m (25.6 ft.) in one group. This lack of definition in the probability of occurrence of the large waves makes these data inadequate for accurately predicting long-term ship loads. Fig. 5 indicatea that the u.S. Naval”Oceanographic publication (1963) which COY ere the North Atlantic does not give aa much information ae Hogben and Lumb in that numbers of observations are not tabulated and thus percentage occurrences of large wave heighta cannot be obtained to an accuracy of greater than 1%. But it does give information for much amdler areas (5° aquarea). Thie type of subdivision may be needed for come purposes. Fig. 6 ehowe that information on observations in the norther North Atlantic, a region not covered in Hogben and Lumb, is availabla in Ewing and Hogben (1966). Appendix C contains sample tablea frcm all these various collections of wave observat ions. The 1964 ISSC Committee 1 report (ISSC 1964) includee statistical data for sh~ route areas. The wave height bands used were ao broad, however, that the data ara of limited usefulness. Unusual Conditions Bad weather areaa and seaaona are indicated by reference letters in the world U18p,Fig. 7. Table 3 liets special hazards which are also indicated on tha map. Tt table also indicatea the cauae or tentative explanation of the hazard. In the caaet where currents are lieted they may be important not only in themselves but for theiz effect on waves. Fig, 8 indicatee the effect a current can have on waves. This current effect la thought to be a factor off the Southeast Coast of South -14- SO. . II I I BO . ,,r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-, 0. 90 ● ,1 140 ● For each of 50 areas and each of four seasons (plus the whole year) , the following information is presented: Tables for each of 12 direction classes (plus all directions combined) showing nwnbers of observations in cells corresponding to every combination of wave height and period cc-denumber (i.e., height intervals in 1/2 meters and period intervals of 2 seconds) for which observations have been reported. About a million observations reported in the years 1953 to 1961 are covered. Figure 3 Worldwide Wave Data (except North Pacific) Source: Hogben and Lumb (1967) -15- Notes For each of 54 zones (as defined by the grid lines shown in the map above) and each of 12 months (plus the whole year) , the following information is presented: (i) Wind velocity rose with 12 direction classes Wave height rose with 12 direction classes Wave period rose with 12 direction classes (ii) Mean of wind speed, percentage of gale force (34 knots and above) Mean of wave height Mean of wave period (iii) Histogram of wave height Histogram of wave period Histogram of wave speed (~v) Tables of percentage frequency of ocurrence for wave height vs. wave period About 1,500,000 observations reported in the years 1954-1963 are covered. Figure 4 North Pacific Wave Data Source: Yamanouchi (1970) -16- Ice. w. m]. 70. m:. 50. ‘w 3“. 20. m. c. ,“. 20. ,0. Lo. Notes For each of 3 main ar?as, No. Atlantic, Mediterranean and Gulf of Mexico (sub-divj.dedinto alternat ~ .5”squares) , and each month, the following information is lmese.nted: (i) Wind roses wit”~8 direction classes (ii) State of Sea: Roses with 8 direction classes Isol.ines of frequency of exceeding var:ious wave heights Predou..inant ::eodirection (iij.) Swell: Same as for :stateof sea (iv) Persistence diagrams of wave height At weather si:at ions by seasons not months (v) Cumulative cross frequencies By seasons not months of wave height, period, and directf.on The information is presented graphically in the form of graphs and roses rather ttan in tables of numbers of observations. The graphs and plots cannot be read to an accuracy greuter than 1% The alternate 5% squares summarize about 600,000 observations. Figure 5 North Atlantic Wave Data Source: Naval Oceanographic Office (1963) -17- a For each of 3 areas and 2 seasons , the following information is presented: (i) Cumulative frequency curves of wave height and period and resettes of Beaufort wind force with 8 direction classes. (ii) Tables Wave Wind Wave Wave giving numbers of observations for height vs. wave period direction vs. wind force height vs. wind force length vs. wave period About 4,000 observations reported in the years 1953-1965 are covered. Figure 6 Extreme North Atlantic Wave Data Source: Ewing and Hogben (1966) -18- -. , -19- -. ., . 3.5 3.0 UCI Ho 2,5 2,0 ‘c/ Lo I,j I I Ho - WAVS HEIGHT IN STILLNATER H. - WAVE HEIGHTIN CUkRSh”C co - wAvs VELOclTYIN STILL WATER co = 3T (T - WAVS PER1OD) U - VELOCITYOF CURRENT,POSITIVE r— —. .-— +-AND FOR FOLLOwINC 0.5 FOR Lo - WAVE LENGTHIN STILLWATER Lc - WAVE LENGTHIN cCRREXT ..7. k +$ --+ ~ —. + -.q- i... -0.1 opposingcurrent - LENGTN L -0.2 .,— 0.1 UI co ;.2 f01lowingcurrent TABLE III - SPECIm HAZARDS Nature of Hazard Locetio. A* Figure 8 - Change in Wave Dimensions for Oppos~ng and Following - Currents (Wiegel, 1964) -—— HEIGNT 1,0 NEGATIVE OPPCSING (Pollack Sip), Sntr.n.eNantucketS.a.cd Nantucket Shoals(Rips), tipof Cape Cod (RacePoint) , Bay of Fundy Tidalctxren:s, shoaling B GrandBanks LabradorCurrent,shoaiLng c CaF.e Hatteras GulfStream D E.stemsideof NorthSea Shoaling E WeStem partof E.Blishchannel (continental shelf) Sho.lins F Bay of Reflection andrefraction G Southeast Coastof SouthAfrica Agulhas Current andswellfrom Antarctic Ocean H PacificOceanNortheast of Japan K..oShi.Current I SeYWUX Narrows,Bc Tidalcurrents Hurricanes andTyphoons fn vario.elo..t ions Highwindsa“dw.”.?, ● BiSCV lettersreferto Iocat ionsshownin Figure7. -20- Africa. Large waves can occur there when an area of low pressure moving to the east-northeastward produces a strong southwesterly wind blowing against the flow of the Agulhas Current. This combination of conditions has produced waves of 7 to 8 m (23 to 26 ft.) with a period of about 10 seconds and length 60-90 m (200 to 700 ft.) roving to the northeast. There may also be wave trains emanating from severe Antarctic storm centers further south having periods greater than 14-15 sec. These long swells , or “Cape rollers” may in themselves be a hazard for large super tankers. But when these swells move in the same direction as the storm seas (Quayle, 1974 a) and the crests of the two wave trains coincide, a “freak wave” of 20 m (66 ft.) in height may result. The lifetime of such a wave is short, and it will only extend over a limited distance. -21- Iv. MSASURSD WAVE DATA Sources of Wave Measurements The measured data are limited in qusntity and location compared with the vast systsmatic accumulations of visual observations. The need for measured data haa, howevar, besn fully established and collection programs are sxpanding. The number of wave measuring inatrumsnts that have been used in limited quantit is quite large. Altbough most have served a useful scientific purpose, few have bee widely used for long periods. The Tucker recordar (SBWR) ia the most successful shipborne instrument, and has bean used on waather ahipa for generating large qusnti ties of measurad data for the North Atlantic, and lesser amounts for the North Pacif ic and elsewhere. It is somewhat restricted by the requirement that the ship be hov to. (A numbar of mssaur~ents hava been msda using tha Tucker recorder on ahipa at spaad, but the validity of these measurement is in doubt, as discusssd later). The reliability of the Tucker recorder is critically dependsnt on the application of a frequency dependent calibration correction which depends on the size and characters tics of the vessel on which the recorder is mounted. The British Nat ional Institution of Oceanography (NIO) bas used ocean weather ships (OWS) aquipped with Tucker wave recorders to record long saries wave records. The equipment is built into the ships. Other ships have also been equipped with NIO Tucker recorders, including saveral American flsg merchsnt shipa. Howaver, the latter rasults obtained are inadequate becsuae of the forward speed of tha ship, Webb (1974), Wheaton (1975). Appendix F describes the sxtent of the data accumulated Usir. these instrumsnta. In locations where ftied towars are available, such as in the Gulf of Mexico, a resistance wire wave meter -- such as the Baylor gage -- is useful aa a simple yet accurate maasuring instrument. The Vibratron, a low-noisa transducer used to meaaul pressure variations, has besn used to measure wava heights from the bottom, snd fror the top of the Cobb Sea Mount off the West coaat of Canada. It has also been used in coubination with an accelerometer on flosting drilling platforms. Recsntly, the NOAA Data Buoy Office (NDBO) has used accalernmsters mounted In 40-feet diameter buoys to mske mssaur-ta. The results thus far have besn good al their progrsm is expanding. The Waverider buoy, a l-meter sphere with accelerometer’ dasigned and msnufactursd in tha Netherlands, haa been used to measure lake and coastal wave elevations. It has been used in open ocean locations in conjunction with specific ship test and measuring projects, but haa not been used routinely to obtain open ocean spectra. Buoys in the intermediate size range are being developet by oil companies for use in obtaining wava data for use in drilling platform design and operation; most of this information is proprietary. Data from other wave measuring syatsme, such as wava towers snd pressure trsns ducers in shallow watar, the pitch/roll buoy, the clover leaf buOy, aarial phOtOgra phy, insging radars, airborne laser altimeters, over-the-horizon high-frequency rad waves, and a nanosecond airborne radar, have yet to ba ussd extenaivaly for naval architectural purposes. -22- The four instruments for msasuring wavee and providing data of importance to naval architecturalin deep water or on the centinental shelf are the Tucker Shipborne Have Recorder, the NOAA Data Buoy Office Discus Buoy, the Baylor Gauga and the Waverider Buoy. See Appendix D for a full description of these instruments. Reliability of Wave Measuring Techniques Of the four important inatrumente mentioned in tha preceding section, all but the Baylor Gauge, the instrumsnt used on oil platforms, meaaure an acceleration and convert the data during processing to an elevation spectrum by means of either a double integration in the time domain or its equivalent in frequsncy space. Those that measure acceleration attsmpt to correct for ship or buoy rasponse to the high frequenciaa in one vay or another. Each of the systems using an accelerometer measurea something slightly different. The ship with the SBWR does not fallow the o=bital motion of the shorter “aves. The Discus buoy of NDBO probably follows tha orbital motions of the larger waves. The Waverider buoy being small is almost equivalent to a freely floating particle of water on the free surface. In addition, each of the aystam haa the equivalent of some kind of a band-paae filter acting on what would have been a “pure” record of acceleration. This filter is a function of the dimensions and response of the platform and of the range of tha accelerations eenaed by the recorder, The low-paas filter, deftied ae a function of frequency, say, F(w) , operates on the true elevation spectrum S(w) to produce, S*(W) = F(u) S (u) The low-frequsncy range of the band-pass filter, say w - 0 through u - 2n/25, presents particular problems, at least with the SBWR and perhapa with the other two. Fortunately, the long waves with frequanciea this low (lengths greater than 3000 ft.) seldom need to be considered for practical purposes. However, certain aapacte of non-1inear wave theory auggeat they may prove to have theoretical importante. For most wave frequencies of impo~tance to naval architecture, the filter F (u) can be found and the output spectrum S (u) can be used to Calculate s(IJ)as in s (u) = S*(U) / F(u) However, as F(w) approaches the high-f~equency cut-off, there will be a range of w where a subatantial smplification of S (u) is required, and when F(w) becomas nearly zero, the procedure yields poor results. For these reasons, the SBWR yields useful spectra only over the frequency range, 2n125 ~ 0) < 2T15 Or 2nf4 or the wave length range, 100 ft. < L < 3oo0 ft. -23- An additional problem with the SBWR is that the final output is the sum of two measurements -- pressure and accelerction -- each of which ideally should have a different calibration factor. The NDBO Discus Buoy must aleo have important filter effects for u > 2T/4. The Waverider buoy seems to be a good standard for calibration and appears to have the widest frequency range. The Baylor wave gauge was used to maaeure hurricane waves in the Gulf of Mexico.. It haa an unknown roll-off starting at w S 2?T /3, but still responds to high-fxequency waves in a useful way. Additional study of the electronics in these gauges could provide further information on F (to) . Waves shorter than 100 ft. (U . 2./4) are seldom of importance to larger shipe, but they are important to small craft, surface effect-ships and hydrofoils, They also contribute to problems in deck wetness and slamming. There is increasing evidence that strange things happen in the frequency range, 2n/4 < w < 2T (5 < L < 80 ft.) and that this range is wind-speed dependent. Growth of the epectrum with wind apeed in this range adds several feet to the significant wave height. New systems and new techniques are required to measure these sDectral components and new baaic research programs to deveiop these spectral system~ need to b: funded. Analysia of Records Once a record of wave height has been obtained,it can be analyzed in several ways. The simplest is the Dra~er method of analyai~ in which the number of peaks and troughs, number of zero crossings, and higheet positive and negative maxima are determined from visual examination of the record. These valuee are then used to determine various parameters of the record. The other method is to compute the energy spectrum by taking the Fourier transform of the auto-correlation function or by meana of a Fast Fourier analysia. The parameters are then determined by the relations between the various moments of the epectrum. A detailed comparison of the results using each of these methods with the same data is given in Appendix H. This comparison is important because analysis of all the records from the British NIO Tucker Recorders is being done solely by the Draper method. It can be convalues derived by this method are quite good and these data cl”ded ‘tit ‘he ‘1(~ should be made ava able. The original problem with the energy spectrum method of analysis waa the large amount of computation required to produce the apectrum from.the record. This problam has been solved with the advent of the large high-speed digital computer. The remaining difficulty is that much of the data, as for example that from the Tucker wave recorder, is in the form of strip charte, which require a great deal of manual effort to read and to put into digital form. Thie problem is being eliminated in that moat recording is now being done in a form that is directly compatible with computers. The number of spectra available is limited but increasing. The map, Fig. 7 shnvs the locations where spectra have been measured , as indicated by reference nem- -24- ,, hers. A table giving details is given in Appendix E, with typical results from the various sources given in Appendix I. If specific information is required about the availability of measured data for a particular coastal location, Appendix G can be consulted. It is a table compiled by PIANC (Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses) of organizations which can provide detailed tifO~t ion concerning wave recording sites in their countries. As can be seen frctnthe study of large samples of spectra from a single location there is considerable variation in spectral shape. It is difficult to draw conclusions about “typical” or mean spectra for a location without having a large sample. Such large samples of spectra are currently available for tbe following locations: weather stations I, J and K in the eastern North Atlantic; station P in the eastern North Pacific; Cobb Sesmount; and tbe Great Lakes. NOAA Data Buoys in the Gulf of Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico and off the eastern U.S. Coast have been providing an increasing amount of data. The number of directional spectra available is lir+it ed to a mere bandful. Such spectra, which specify the energy as a function of both direction and frequency, require sophisticated measurements. The methods available to obtain directional information include arrays of wave height measuring devices, slope measuring instruments, and stereo photography. Table 4 describes the directional spectra available. -25- - Table IV Available Directional Spectra Cote, L.J., et al (1960) Record Length Sample Rate Analysis Method Smoothing Canham, H. J. S., et al (1962) 1300’ X 27oo’ 12 min. ~ = 3(3! Correlation 20 x 40 lags 2-dimensional Hamming .5 sec. factors ~ ~ ~ 4’ 2’ 4 noise correction Units (ordinate) ftb ftz . sec. Units (abscissa) ft-l (wave number) Instrument Time Location Number of Spectra Stereo cameras -1 sec NIO pitch-roll buoy 1959 1954 40”N-65”w same instrument and procedure as Canham, H.J.S., et al (1962) Correlation 60 lags tilt of zero level Corrections Longuet-Higgins, M.S., et al (1961) 1953-1956 North Atlantic North Atlantic 3 5 1 -26- –-–— ., v. THEORETICAL SPECTfUiLFOSM02ATIONS S8sic Formulations The short-term description of the sea is the basic input required in order to $etermine the response of a vehicle in such a sea. The definition of short-te~ is a period of time short enough to make it possible to describe the sea as a stationary random process. The stationary property does not imply that the surface of the sea remains unchanged. On the contrary, at any given instant of time the surface pattern is unique. However, the statistical properties of the short-term sea, defined by its spectrum, may be regarded as constant over such a period of :ime. The significant wave height and average period alone cannot characterize :he short-term sea; hence, the actual wave spectrum, describing how the components of the surface pattern are distributed over frequency, is required. When the randcamprocess is stationary the spectrum remains essentially unchanged. NO records taken at different times having the same height and period would, sf course, not in general have the same spectrum. For the spectrum to remain the same, all moments must also remain the same. The height and the period are functions of the zero and second moments of the spectrum. Characteristic periods and other parameters are functions of higher order moments, all of which will change with variations in spectral shape. on the other hand, the first three or four moments do not exactly define the shape. It can be seen from Figures 25, 34 and 48 that wave spectra are highly irregular. While some of this irregularity in measured spectra is due to sampling variability, this does not account for it completely. This characteristic irregularity should be kept in mind whenever theoretical formulations are considered. General Form of Theoretical Spectra The lack of availability of measured spectra in a form suitable for application to response calculations has led to the use of mathematically formulated spectra. Although this approach has been extensively used, Pierson has tautioned that great care must be taken in choosing values of the parameters based on samples of spectra. (See Appendix J). The mathematical formulation commonly used is of the general form shown below: Sc (w) = AW ‘p ew (-Bw ‘q) [1] where S (u) is the variance spectrum ordinate (ft.2 . see) or (mz . .ec) is the circular frequency = 2w/T (see-l) w’ A,B,p ,q are the parameters of the spectrum The various moments of the spectrum are defined as: m m= c J s< (w) . Wc d~ o -27- $ Introducing the Gamma function, for convenience, . r (x) - J Y x-1 o and letting Y ~ ~-q . and & x= q the equation for the moment of order c becomes, mc r (~) [2] Thus , ‘-1 m [3] 0 [4] ‘1 [5] . ‘2 A r ($$, etc. [6] qB~ Expressions using various combinations of the moments are often used in describing spectra. For example, significant wave height ‘1/3 average mean period ‘1 energyaverageperiod ‘-l -28- = = = 4X [7] 2n mofml [8] 2n m-llrno [9] average zero crossing period % 271 (mO/m2) [10] 2n [11] ‘2 = skewness ‘4 Y = . broadness E= () flatness 8=42 n Id average crest-to-crest period (ru211n4 )% ~31m2312 l-— ‘2 mm 0.4 [12] % [13] [14] Specific Theoretical Formulations By substituting tbe definition of the moments in terms of the spectral parameters, (14) and (15), intO the abOve definitions fOr Hi/3 and T1 ~ we find: ~ @ B-l/q ‘1=2 ~ @ Solving for A and B, A.= B= The form for the spectrum is now, p-2 P-l [r(@)] SC (u) = f (y p-1 2 ~-e ~xp [-(&)ql ‘1/3 1 [r(~)l -29- :(J@’) q HI -+ 1.(y) w-q [15] TO find the frequency at which the peak of the spectrum occurs, we set the derivative with respect to u equal to zero: Carrying out this differentiation, setting the result equal to zero, and callins the frequency at which the peak occurs, IJIo, we have: (; . ‘n I B) l/q \ ox To - 2a (~ P I B)‘/q Letting p = 5 and q = 4 in [1S] yielde a formulation which is generally referred to ae the modified Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum, I SC(U) - 0.11 ($)4 1(,310-’-p [-0.44 1 Thie ie the ISSC reco-ended spectral formulation, ISSC (1970). T-l/T1 = 1.1114 T21Tl - 0.9208 c . indeterminate . 6.1438 - indeterminate e y ‘1/3 6 liL,3 UoT- 1 4.8692 -30- UT + () -4 ] For this case, — --- It is possible to calculate c by truncating the spectral density function at broedIII* freauencies. It has been shown iiILoukakis (1970) that tha epectral -ne~s fac~or for the above apectruniia given approximately by c = 0.59. If p = 6 and q = 2 in [15], tha Ne~nn 2 9.39 (*)5 Sc (lo) = -6 %/3 1 apectr~ u ia Obtained: UT exp [ -1.767 % 1 () ‘2 ] For this case, T2/T1 = 0.9217 E . 0.816 . 5.5279 % H1,3 - 14.8043 UJoT1 = 4.8223 y ‘1/3 TWO additional spectral formulation basad on the above general formulation were presented in Nlrakhin and Kbolodilin (1975) and are baaed on meaauramanta: Voznesenski-Netsvetayev spectrum, ti . () 1.97 +-6 u ‘c -4 exp [-0.53 + ] () u where 27= ;= mean wave frequency T1 ‘< = ‘0 .— H1132 16 . zero moment They define the spectrum peak as, [1 s (w) : - ‘c 2.10; % = 0.77 u @lax Krylov spectrum, ti = ‘< 3.12 () +-7 u exp -31- [ -0.79 * ()u -4 ] 2.21; ~ ~ = 0.82 Spectral Shape Definition It is evident from the preceding presentation that, as long as the basic formulation given bj [1] is used for the spectral representation, the only way one can control the ahape of the spectrum is by assigning different values to the parameters, p and q. In a recent study at Webb Institute, Walden and Hoffman (1975),an attempt was made to determine revised values for p and q. Tbia was done by determining the flatness and skewness in terms of p and q from the theory and then choosing the combination of p and q which provided the best fit to measured values. The measured values were determined from the spectra available from Stations 1, K and P. It was found that p and q are quite sensitive to the skewness and flatnesa. This means that if skewness and flatness could be determined accurately, p and q could also be determined. Unfortunately, it also meana that if there is a small uncertainty in skewness and flatness there is a large uncertainty in p and q. It wae found that the differences in measured skewness and flatness valuea which resulted from different averaging procedures reeulted in p ts from 6.2 - 5.7 and The q’s from 5.9 - 3,9. Fig. 9 shows the skewness data from Station “Papa.” intercepts from this plot and from a similar plot of the flatness data provided the basia for the choice of p and q. It was also found that adjusting the values of p and q in the theoretical formulation to provide better agreement between the measurement and theoretical values of the broadness and flatness factors led to greater disagreement between the values of other measured and theoretical parameters. In particular, the agreement was worse for the frequently referred to relation between W. and T1. It follows from the form of Eq. [1] that any combination of p and q predicts a relation of the form, when c is a function of p and q. The c resulting from the revised p and q resulted in a worse fit to the measured data. It can be seen from Fig. 10 that the actual relation is of the form u :Tl=c -32- I 1 I “’\ I I _——. — 0 -LEAST --- LIXE OF SLOPE --1, PASSING THROUGH DATA POINT AT MID RANGE —– INTERCEPT = 1, 64 SQUARES FIT -- TO DATA s,,”?, - -0.96s [wERcEPT - 1.56 -2 1 0 1 2 3 1“ HI,, Figure 9 - Spectral Skewness Parameter, y, vs. .signLf icant Wave Height, Hi/3 (Walden and Hoffman, 1975) ,. 4 .i .2 f-i). .F?AWSEC Figure 10 - Theoretical and Measured Relationship Between Frequency of Maximum Spectral Ordinates and Average Period (Walden and Hoffman, 1975) . .- where x is some power less than 1. This relation can never be accurately described by a spectral formulation of the form in [1]. Ferdinand, et. al. (1975) have also conducted an investigation into determining p and q. Their work was of a more limited scope and their measured values were based on a much smaller sample. They found for their”limited sample that p = 4.9 and \ q = 3.5 provides a better fit, based on measured and theoretical T-I/Te and TL/To I ratios. Fig. 11 shows the data on which they based their choice of p and q. Some recent work with spectral formulations other than [1] has also been ) was initiated attempted, Ewing (1974). The Joint North Sea Wave Project (.TONSWAP primarily to study the form of the source function of the energy-balance equation for the wave spectrum during conditions of wave growth. The formulation is for spectra corresponding to fetch-limited off-shore wind conditions and is a variance spectrum expressed as a function of frequency, f = l/T where forf~f Ua ~= II In for f > fm ‘b I and there are five parameters, fm, a, y, Oa and ub. As shown in Fig. 12, fm is the frequency of the spectral peak, y is the ratio of the maximum spectral energy to the maximum of the corresponding Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum and o= and ab are measures of the left and right-sided widths of the spectrum. I It can be seen that if tbe last factor in [16], yP 1 exp -. f - fm)z 202f2 . 1 m the latter reduces to the same form as the basic fully-developed s~ectral formulations . . [15], with p = 5 and q = 4. The additional factor or’scaling function yields a i wider variety of spectral shapes than the basic formulation and consequently it makes it possible to obtain a better fit with measured spectra. The JONSWAP spectrum has recently been presented in terms of the parameters HI/3 and Tl, Swing (1975); in its original form, it was based on wind speed and fetch. It is now possible to compare JONSWAP with corresponding Pierson-Moskowitz spectra”as”currently recommended by ISSC. Fig. 13 shows the ISSC and JONSWAP spectra for Hi/3 = 47.7 ft. and T~ = 11.5 seconds. It ~an be Seen that the JONSWAP spectrum is much more sharply peaked than the IsSC; there is thus less energy in the high and low-frequency regions above and below the peak. Figs. 14 - 19 show some typical comparisons between measured, ISSC and JONSWAP spectra. -34- ~ .. !s . I “c b..- Iz . o . . .. . m. a 1 3. . Figure 11. ,, , ,., ,= IS 0 s . Relationship Between Different Period Definitions. (Ferdinand, et. al. , 1975) 0.7 — Ill 11 H.. Figure 12. ~,. - Typical Fit Using JONSWAF Spectral Formulation (Swing, 1974) -35- !,, Figure 13 - Comparison of JONSWAF and ISSC Spectra ,0 . r I\ 1 j !\, 1< (-, I’?-ac ; % \, I ‘., ;,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, . 1’ 1“ I i ,.. - — —.. —.— ,:l+..- 1 9<(u) ,o- d-sac —. _ /r-.-’... \ ‘... ,,’ ,I ,,, ,/ / :> bbm ;~i ,. mm ,,. ,,, ,0 ,,- 00.2 ,,.,0 ,,!, :: . ./1 6s. “-‘“-j ‘, ,,. ,,- - ,$, <,,, Figure 15 - Comparison of JONSWAP, “INDIA”, .. and Measured Spectra i ;1 msc A---- ; ? so- Iq .:= — ,.- ,,, ,0 ‘.. ~. ..—. — — - ,..,, ,Ql . ,.m ,,c 4 — f .... --- ‘-...... % 7, :\ ~..~ ~ ,,,, / b.. \ , - ------......: --.: y++ 0., .,. ,,: — ,,,, -u . (*) ““ O.’ 0.9 ~.~ Figure 14 - Comparison of JONSWAI, “INIIIA”,and Measured Spectra 0 .— 0,, ,,, .,4 . .. —— ,:6 rwm.r w,.)”.’ ——.+ “.” “’ lo Figure 16 - Comparison of JONSWAF, “INDIA”, and Measured Spectra ,,,, ,’, ,,h. ,s, ,,a- — I m d : -37- It is apparent thet cases can be found where the JONSWAP matches best, Figs. 16 and 19, where the ISSC matches best, Figs, 14 and 17 and where neither is particularly close, Figs. 15 and 18. The lines labeled JONSWAP in the figures indicate the effective spectrum actually used in the program. The points represent the actual JONSWAP spectrum, The JONSWAP form is of doubtful use for the open ocean becauee of the fetchlimlted and relatively shellow water nature of the measurements on which It ie based. W.J. Pierson (1975) raises serious questions about the procedures used in determining the parameters in the JONSWAP spectrum, particularly the discarding of double-peaked spectra. Ochi (1975) hae developed a three-parameter formulation of the f0110win8 form, [17] where W. is the frequency of the peak, H1/3 is the slgnificant waue height and L ie a shape parameter (which he eventually hopes to relate to an obeened quantity such as wind duration), He obtains good fits to measured epectra, as shown in Fig. 20, by combining two three-parameter spectra, one describing the low-frequency region with ~‘, Hi/3’, and A f and one describing the high.frequency region with ~’f, H1 /3’!and k!!. He found ha could not adequately repreeent the measurad spectra with a eingle threeparameter spectrum. He has developed a computer program which choosee ~’ , Hi/3’,,k‘, ~“, Hi/3”, and k“ by computing the spectra for various combinations of these parameter and then picking the particular combination which provides the best fit in the laaat squares senee to the measured spectra. Gospodnetic and Miles (1974) studies the ehape of 307 spectra from Station !iIndiafl as a function of Hi/3 and T-1. They non-dimeneionalized SC (w) and u using Hi/3 and T-l. They then grouped the 307 available epectra by HI/3 and T-1, using a second-order two-dimensional polynomial regreaaion in the parameters Hi/3 and T-1 to fit the average epectra obtained by the grouping process. Thus, their aix-paremeter spectra have the form: S(W, T, H) = ’00 + Alo (H - Ho) + Aol (T - To) + A20 (H - HO)2 + All (H - Ho) (T - To) + A02 (T - TO)2 where T and H are substituted for T-l and Hi/3, respectively, and TO and HO are average values for the entire sample of spectra. The eix A-parameters wera plotted aa functions of u. The difficulty ia that their analyais is baaad on only 295 measured spectra. Thus, some of their HIf3, T-1 groups have as few aa five spectra. This method accurately represents the average of the H1/3, T- I groupa but for 80 frequenciea requires 480 coefficients, which vary in no systematic way. So theirs la essentially a 480-parameter spectrum. Fig. 21 illustrates their results. -38- 160 SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT = 20.9 FT. 120-- WIND SPEED - 7 P.NOTS l’s’rER SPECTRUM 5$ (u) 2 PARAMETER SPECTRUM FT2-SEC 100--––—-,. 1 PARAMETER SPECTRUM [ 80 60 40 20- 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.s 1.0 FREQUENCY - ~ - (PLD/SEC) Figure 20 - Typical Fit Using Ochi’s Three-Parameter, Two-Stage Spectra -39- o&._.—*-._...;... .-.-+ ,.. .~.-.. . r (s) Locations of Ineasured waw spectra O. the T, H plane. H - ‘1/3 ‘meters) T-Tl (seconds) m I .. Figure 21. Comparison of Quadratic Regression Spectrum and Averages of Measured Spectra. (Gospodnetic and Miles, 1974) -40- In all the above examples, Ewing (1974), Ochi (1975) and Gospodnetic and Mil (1974), the spectral formulation was obtained through curve-fitting of many wave spectral estimates obtained from wave records, and the additional parameters controlling the shape were not related to physical conditions. Hence, the abilit! to generalize is rather limited in all the above three cases. Another possible way of generalizing such data is through the classification of spectra, as discussed in the following section. In Appendix J, Pierson discusses the entire process of parametrization of spectra. He concludes that often too little thought is given to what the parametrized spectra are supposed to represent. He suggests that the sample be stratified to the greatest extent possible. These considerations will become increasingly important as more measured or accurately hindcast spectra become available. -41- . VI. WAVE DATA FROM HINDCAST MODELS Introduction As noted elsewhere in this report, the quantity of measured wave data remains very limited compared to visual estimates, despite the centinued development of new techniques to measure waves and the rather intense activities being undertaken to test and implement the new techniques in the field. Measurement programs are expanding rapidly, most notably the NOAA data buoy program and the various special measurement programs sponsored by the oil industry in the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of Alaska and the North Sea. Nevertheless, these measurements are limited to the centinental shelf zone. Spacecraft measurement systems may be able to provide wave measurements on a global scale within the next decade. The concept is being tested currently on GEOS-C and will again be used on SEASAT A in 1978. Until global-scale measurements become available, wave spectra calculated by means of hindcast procedures using wave generation and propagation models may be the only recourse for general climatological wave studies. This section therefore reviews the available sources of hindcast data, outlines the models used to generate the data and describes the sources of hindcast data that may become available soon on the basis of current and planned wave hindcast programs. Hindcast wave data have been generated within the context of three basic activities: 1. Case studies associated with wave prediction model development. These data are usually limited in area coverage and in time to match an available wave measurement data set and are available usually only in the specific form analyzed and published for the purpose of model validation. 2. Climatological studies. In this activity a wave prediction model is used to compute a long history of wave data from which a wave climatologymay be developed. 3. Operational models. When a wave prediction model is used in an operational hindcast/forecast cycle, t~o types of spectra are regularl~ produced: - Forecast spectra based on forecast wind fields, and - Hindcast spectra based on observed wind fields (which constitute the initial conditions for the next forecast). Prior to the introduction of digital computers to wave hindcast studies, the quantity of wave hindcast data was very limited and consisted mainly of significant wave height hindcast data calculated by means of wave models. These early models will be reviewed here briefly, but the emphasis wil 1 be on spectral wave hindcast data, as they are potentially the most useful data , and current and planned wave hindcast programs will employ the spectral approach to wave prediction.almost exclusively. -42- Significant Wave Hindcast Models Most significant wave prediction methods are derived from the ori@nal work of Sverdrup-Munk (1947). The empirical relationships between the wind, its fetch and duration and the significant wave characteristics have been revised several tties (e.g., Bretschneider, 1952 and 1958, U.S. Army CERC, 1966). Prior to the mid 1960’s the methods were applied manually to subjectively analyzed wind fields to produce operational wave forecasts for marine forecast services. Hindcast data prior to this period were limited to specific locations and storms. Walden (1957), for example, evaluated several methods by comparing their hindcasts of swell obsened off the coast of Angola in January 1955. As another example, Bretschneider (1963) applied the methOd tO the hindcast of significant wave conditions at Station J for the December 1959 storm. The hindcast data generated in this typa of case study are not very reliable because of the very subjective nature of the application of the method, are not very sxtensive and are intrinsically not very useful since they closely overlap meaaured wave data. . Hindcast Data Produced by the FNWC SigrIif icant Wave Forecast Model. The implementalion of the aignificant wave method in an objective computerized w~ve forecast program was first accomplished at the U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Weather Central (FNWC), a reported by Hubert (1964). The method is an adaptation of the Sverdrup-MunkBretschneider system and was the operational wave forecast model of FNWC until December 1974 when it was replaced by a spectral model, as described below. That FNWC model routinely produced a daily wave analysis that was achieved and today prnvides the largest existing hindcast data base of the significant wave variety. Specifically, the hindcast wave data are available on the North Atlantic and North Pacific portions of the JNWP grid system (Fig. 22) in the form of combined sea-swell heights (the square root of the sum of the squares of the sea and swell heights) and the average period and direction of the sea and swell. The data are available twice daily (OOCMT and 12GMT) between 1964 and 1970 and 4 times daily from 1970 - 1974. To produce an enhanced wave hindcast data set, FNWC has extended the hindcasts back to 1946 on a once-a-day basis. The data are stored on computer-compatible magnetic tape. ,, ● .. The FNWC significant wave hindcast data set is not homogeneous in that the prothe specification of the meteorological input to the wave analysis forecast program was centinually updated and refined. The most recent hindcast data are probably the most reliable, as the input fields benefitted from a larger data base of weather observations and were updated more frequently.’ The evolution of the method is described more recently by Hubert and Mendenhall (1970) and Schwartz and Hubert (1973). Bunting (1970) has evaluated the hindcasts and forecasts of the FNWC model and compared the results to a spectral model ,,andto wave measurements made at Argus Island and at several North Atlantic Ocean Stations between March 1966 and March 1967. cedures for Hindcast Data Produced by NOM Significant Wave Forecast Models. On October 1, 1968, NOAA intreduced its first OperatiOnal autO~ted wave fOrecast mOdel. ‘e method is a straightforward adaptation of the FNWC model described above. It con- -43- w . A 0 . tkitmdt.ttt-mxd ● 1!!!!!!!!!!!! I >,, I ! , , ,, 1 I !; ,,!. i I , !,; I !; II j, I II !I I I :, 1 , , , I ,: 11’ L-4&’ I - times as the operational NOAA global wave forecast model. Forecasts are run twice daily at the National Meteorological Center (NMC) and provide analysis and forecasts on the portions of the NMC grid (JNWP) covering the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans. The technique is described in detail by Pore (1970). The NOM model produces wind wave forecasts in terms of significant wave height, period and direction to 48 hours in 12-hour steps, as well as a wave specification at initialization time (either 0000 or 1200 GMT) . Swell information is not available as an analyzed (hindcast) quantity but as forecast out to 24, 36 and 48 hours. Since 1968, changes have been made in the way the surface wind fields that drive the model are derived from the operational NMC hemisphere analysis and forecast models are described by Pore and Richardson (1969). The NOAA wave forecast model has recently been extended to the Great Lakes, whereby significant wave information is specified every 12 hours from analysis time (again either 1200 or 0000 GMT) to +48 hours on a special grid of points extending over all of the Great Lakes. A statistical procedure is used to provide the winds on the relatively fine grid of points from the large-scale NMC analysis and forecasts . The wind and wave specification procedures for the Great Lakes are described in detail by Barrientos (1970). As far as the author has been able to determine, there is no systematic effort within NOAA to archive the NOAA hindcast wave data generated within the context of the analysis (hindcast)/forecast cycle just described. However, inasmuch as most analysis/forecast products generated at NMC are intercepted and stored at the National Climatic Center at Asheville, North Carolina, it may be possible to retrieve some or all of the wave hindcast data generated by NOAA since the inception of the models. It is difficult to assess the accuracy of the NOAA wave hindcast data just described, since verification programs have heretofore been limited to the use of visual wave estimates (e.g. , Pore and Richardson, 1969). Significant Wave Hindcast Data Produced in Climatological Studies. Significant wave hindcast models have been auulied in climatological studies for both extratrop.. ical and tropical wind systems. Neu (1971), for example, used wind data for one year on the Canadian Atlantic Coast to calculate a wave climatology for the region. This approach is feasible for regions not affected significantly by swell, such as the upper east coast, but may be quite unrepresentative for say the Gulf of Alaska. The significant wave method has been applied to hurricanes on the basis of its adaptation to moving fetches (Wilson, 1961). Patterson (1971) calibrated slch a hindcast model with wave measurements obtained near and in intense hurricanes in the Gmlf of Mexico. The calibrated model has been used to develop a significant wave climatology of hurricane-generated waves for the deep water portions of the Gulf of Mexico coast from Mississippi to Texas (Bea, 1974). More general wave climatologies can be calculated from the time series of significant wave hindcasts produced by the FNWC and NOA4 significant wave hindcast pro- -45- gram. However, this has not been done, at least not in the public domain. It is probably not worthwhile at this point to proceed with such an endeavor, as global scale wave hindcast series are currentlY being calculated from more advanced and apparently mOre accurate spectral models, as will be described below. Spectral Wave Hindcast Models As early as 1953, the concepts of stochastic processes and spectra had already been incorporate ed into a practical wave forecasting method. This technique, referred to as the PNJ method (Pierson, Neumann and James, 1953 and 1955) was based on the spectrum proposed by Neumann (1953) which in turn was derived with the use of data on wave heights and periods obtained by visual observing methods. This imaginative derivation was in a sense verified when Pierson (1954) interpreted the observable properties of waves in terms of the wave spectrum. Among the innovative aspects of the PNJ method was the recognition of directional properties nf .yaves -- fetch width as well as length were considered. The cOncept of moving fetch was introduced, and the “period increase””of swell was correctly explained in terms of spectral component group velocity dispersion effects. One important waakness of all wave prediction schemes in existence in the early 1950’s was the subjectivity of their application. Wave hindcasting and forecasting was still an art -- only practitioners with considerable experience could produce consistent results. With the development of numerical wsather prediction, however, it became evidsnt that large digital computers could be applied to the wave prediction problsm. Gelci and Chavy (1961) and Baer (1962) were among the first to use a computer to make predictions of wave spectra. Baer’s work repressnted an early attempt to build a cornprebensiveand completely computerized wave prediction scheme. His model represented the North Atlantic ocean with a grid of 519 points spaced 120 nautical miles apart. At each grid point the spectrum waa described by 120 numbers that represented ten frequencies and 12 directions. Wind speed and direction were supplied to the grid and updated each 6 hours, while the 120 numbers were systematIcally modified each two hours, to account for wave generation and propagation. The ~J spectral cnmponent wave growth was coupled to the angular dispersion relationship given by Project SWOP (Cote et al, 1960) and expressed in the form of a large tab~e. At each tims step, growth was allowed only for components traveling within 90 of the wind direction, with the Neumann fully developed spectrum used to limit growth. No other form of implicit or explicit attentuation was assumed. Wave propagation waa approximated by the so-called jump technique -- that is, spectral components were simply translated to adjacent grid points after a sufficient number of time steps had clasped to account for the grid spacing. This technique allowed the wave energy to retain the quaai-discontinuous characteristics imparted by moving fetches, as occurs for sxample near meteorological frents. Baer tested his model by hindcasting the severe wave conditions observed in the North Atlantic in December 1959. -46- The suitability of this model to further development was soon realized. By 1964, a revised version had been used to hindcast the two-dimensional wave spectrum on the 519-point grid for the year 1959. This projdct, sponsored by the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office and carried out at New York University, has been summarized in detail by Bunting (1966). Briefly, the revisions included the introduction of objective wind field analysis techniques (Thomasell and Welsh,’ 1963), the adoption of the Pierson-Moskowitz fully-developed spectrum as a limiting state and the addition of a dissipation mechanism based on gross Austausch turbulence to simulate the attsnuation of swell travening against wind-generated seas. The end product of the project consisted of 30 reels of magnetic tape containing 6-hourly wave apectra and wind data over a 15-month period at 519 grid points of the North Atlantic Ocean. The data were for the months of Decsmber 1955, November 1956, Decsmber 1968, and January through Di?csmber1959. For each of the grid”points throughout the period there are available 222 pieces of six-hourly information consistfig of the following: 1) lgO numbers describing the directional wave spectrum for 15 frequency ranges and 12 directions. 2) 15 numbers summing the wave spectra for each of the frequency bands. 3) 12 numbers summing the wave spectra for each of the 12 direction ranges. 4) 12 numbers giving the percentages of total energy in esch direction range. 5) 2 numbers giving the wind apeed and direction. 6) 1 number giving the significant wave height equivalent to the spectral energy. The results have been used by Wachnik and Zarnick (1965) in the study of aircraft carrier mot ions. The centinusd availability y of this source dependa upon the condition of the magnetic tape copies that are in the poeaession of the Naval Oceanographic Office. The climatology described above will soon be replaced by a more extensive and accurate file of spectra as a result of the operational status of a contemporary spectral wave prediction at FNWC. The hindcast data presently available from this effort will be described after the nature of contemporary models in general is outlined. Modern Spectral Mcdel. The framework of contemporary spectral wave prediction can be traced through the work of Gelci et al. (1956), Hasselmann (1960), Pierson et al. (1966) and Bamett (1968). These models are,based on the numerical integration of the energy balance equation: -47- a at E(f, @,x, t) = -Cg (f,e) . V E(f,e,t,x) - S where E is the directional wave spectrum deftied as a function of frequency, f, direction, 9, position, x, and time t. C is the deep water Sroup velocity and S, the source function, represents all physicsf processes that transfer energy to or from the spectrum. .In principle, if S could be specified in terms of E and the wind field, the above equation could be numerically integrated, subject to appropriate e initial and boundary conditions, to yield wave predictions with an accuracy limited only by errors in the wind field and in the numerical methods. Propagation. The physical nature of wave propagation in deep water is well understood as a result of the work of Barber and Ursell (1948), Groves and Melter (1961) and Snodgrass, et al. (1966). Each component in the two-dimensional spectrum ; travels along a great circle in its direction at the deep water group velocity appropriate to its frequency. Baer (1962) demonstrated that propagation by a simple first order finite difference analog was inadequate if the quasi-discontinuous nature of the spatial distribution of wave energy is to be preserved. Such a scheme has been used by Gelci, er al. (1966) and Barnett (1968). The jump technique, as developed by Baer (1962) partially overcame this difficulty but was at best only an approximation to propagation for most spectral components and it could lead to serious errors for large propagation distances. Pierson, Tick and Baer (1966) proposed a technique that combines the finite difference and jump techniques. Their propagation algorithm attempts to keep track of discontinuities in the energy field and employs jump techniques in such regions, while the finite differences scheme is applied where the fields vary smoothly. Uzi and Isozaki (1972) I]avedeveloped a more complicated version of the jump technique whereby lateral spreading and longitudinal dispersion associated with discrete directional spectral components are simulated. Ewing (1971) has proposed a model in which a fourth-order differencing scheme is used to simulate propagation. Most numerical models have used grid systems on conformal map projections because of their minimal distortion, small-scale variation and conservation of angle. Grid paths on such projections are not, in general, great circles, though for distances less than one q~arter ~f the ~arth IS circumference, errors are mot too large. For global scale predictions, Baer and Adamo (1966) proposed a grid ~tem based upon the gnmmnic projection -- on which all straight lines are great circles. A multi-pro.j ection system was devised in which the earth was mapped onto 20 faces of an icosahedron circumscribed about the earth. This “Icosshedra2~ c Projectio~. ” is shown in Fig. 23. Within each triangular s“bprojection, ● ~ coordinate system defines a 1225 point grid of average spacing 95 nautical ties. A modified jump technique has been used on the Northern Hemisphere portk Of this grid system and appears to give reasonable results. -48- Figure 23. The Icosahedral-Gnomonic Projection of the Earth Designed for Global Numerical Wave Prediction. (Baer and Adams, 1966.) -49- ‘l’he Source Function. The dominant processes that can transfer energy to or from a spectral component include direct transfers from the wind field, wave breaking and wave-wave non-linear interactions. The wind generation part of the source function, Sw, is usually expressed as = s w. A(f, X, t) + B(f, X, t) . E(f, X, t) where A and B are also functions of the wind field. The quantity A has been given physical significance through the theory of Phillips (1957), which explains the initial generation of gravity waves on an undisturbed sea surface through a resonant excitation by incoherent aemoapheric turbulent pressure fluctuations bein~ con”ected by the mean wind. To this author’s knowledge, the only reliable fiel measurements of this pressure spectrum remain those of Priestly (1965) who obtained measurements over mowed grass for a variety of wind speed and stability conditions. The limited fetch wave growth studies of Snyder and Cox (1966), Barnett and Wilkerson (1967), Schule et al. (1971) and.Ross et al. (1971) have verified that the resonance mechanism is responsible for the early linear etage of wave growth. The wave prediction models of Barnett (1968), Inoue (1967) and Ewing (1971) and others all incorporate e Priestly’s functional form of the three-dimensional pressure spectrum with a scaling factor fitted to growth rates determined in the field experiments. The quantity B in (2) has been given dynamical significance through a series of studies beginning with the work of Miles (1957 and 1959). In those studies Miles was the first to calculate the amplitude of the component of atmospheric pressure, induced by a prescribed free surface wave, in the air flow over the wave and in phase with wave slope. His analysis was quasi-laminar, atmospheric turbulence being neglected except in the same that the wind profile over the waves was specified as logarithmic. Phillips (1966) was successful in extending Miles’ model to include some aspects of atmospheric turbulence and showed that these effects were important in determining the energy transfer to spectral components possessing phase speeds above anemometer height wind speeds. The important result of the Miles-Phillips instability theories is that spectral energy increases exponentially with time or fetch until dissipative effects become important. For a neutrally stratified atmosphere, they show that the dimensionless growth rate B/f can be expressed solely as a function of dimensionless friction velocity, u~fc, where u* = ~ (T i. the surface shear stress and p is air density). The instability theories have been verified qualitively by direct measurement of the wave-induced air velocity and pressure fields both in the laboratory (Shamdin and Hsu, 1967) and in the field (Dobson, 1971), but the theoretical growth rates appear to underestimate those observed by about a factor of 4. The significance to wave prediction of non-linear wave-wave energy transfers as originally proposed by Phillips (1960) and developed by Hasselmann (1963) remains a controversial subject, as does the related question of the existence of a fullydeveloped sea. Wave prediction models whose source function ignores non-linear energy transfers invariably involve the concept of a fully-developed spectrum to limit spectral component growth at frequencies below the equilibrium range. The PiersonMoskowitz spectrum has been widely used in this context. The calculation of non-linear transfers involves evaluation of quadruple inte- -50- -.. grals over the directional spectrum. Even with the fastest computers available, such calculations are impractical in a wave prediction model. The wave-wave transfer rates have therefore been computed only for typical spectral shapes and applied to a given spectrum parameterized in terms of total energy, mean frequency and mean direction. The wave prediction models of Barnett (1968) and Swing (1971) have included a wave-wave interaction component in their source function through such para. meter ization. Hindcast Data Generated Through Model Development. A very limited amount of wave data has been generated in the process of model development for the various spectral models described above. Ewing’s (1971) model, for example, was run only t< simulate two three-day periods in November 1966 and June 1967, for which wave measUreIOentS were available at Stations I and J in the North Atlantic 13c&Ln. The limited applicability of most spectral models has made model intercomparisons difficult except for ideal imposed wind conditions. Several hindcasts of the severe storm in the North Atlantic in December 1959 have been compared by Hayes (1973). The comparison is significant because each hindcast was made by a numerical spectral model applied on the same sxact grid systsm (Baer, 1962) and driven with the ssme wind fields. The differences between the hindcasts therefore reflect mainly differences in the source function and propagation method. tii t~e hi~tOry ~f hindcast and observed significant wave height for this storm at ocean station J is shown in Fig. 24, with the hindcast and observed one-dimensional spectra at peak storm conditions shown in Fig. 25. It is clear that the “second generation” spectral wave prediction models (Ino”e, 1967; Barnett, 196!3;Isozaki aridUj i, 1973) significantly improved upon the original Baer (1962) results. The source function of Barnett’s model included a non-linear interaction parameterization but its hindcasts are not significantly better than those models that do not include non-linear transfers explicitly. Those models that include a dissipation mechanism for turbulent attenuation of spectral components propagating against locally wind generated seas (Inoue, 1967, and Isozaki and Uj i, 1973) appear to simulate better the decay of seas after peak storm conditions. The observed spectrum at peak conditions (Fig. 25) appeare tO be narrOwer than all hindcast spectra, and this discrepancy cannot be completely sxplained by sampling variability or the limited frequency resolution of the hindcast spectra. Further refinement of these hindcasts would appear to require two-dimensional measurements and a further reduction of the remaining differences between the grid wind fields and the true wind distribution. More recently, Feldhausen, et al. (1973) have also compared hindcasts for the Earnsetorm. Both spectral and significant wave methods were intercompared. For the beat models, the correlation coefficient betwesn hindcast and measured significant wave height at station J averaged 0.85, but there was a systsmzit ic tendency for all methods to overspecify sea states between storm periods. Operational Spectral Wave Prediction Models. The potential for the rapid accu-lation of a global scale wa’vehindcast data bank through the implementation of -51- 14. . x 0 A --- x 12 - 10 - Isozoklr3Uji Barnett Inoue Baer Observed 1’ 8- 6( -x 4 —x 2 t/ o~ 0612160612180612 180612180612180 ~16~17~ 18~19~20+ DECEMBER, 1959 Fig. 24 - A comparison of various spectral hindcast model predictions of the time history of significant wave height at the position of the ocean Station Vessel ‘J’ (52° 40’ N, 20°W) in the eastern North Atlantic, durfng the severe storm of December, 1959. (Hayes, 1973). 400 I 300 ‘: -c m. -. . ,,.1.,1 a “1, . *W”.,, . . ..- .. . .. O.. r .,,,,* -t 0 .04 C4 .,2 ,,4 0, ,,0 PRCWE”G” , “,.’, ,,s ,,, Fig. 25 - Observed and hindcast spectra at station ‘J’, (Hayes, 1973). -52- — spectral models in operational wave forecaat programs was realized in December 1974 when the model described by Pierson, Tick and Baer (1966) became the operational model of the FNWC. Two years earlier, a Mediterranean wave spectral model was placed into operational use at FNWC (Lazanoff, Stevenson, and Cardone, 1973). AS a result, hindcast wave spectra are now produced routinely for the entire Northern Hemisphere and are archived at FNWC in the format to be described below. Mediterranean Sea Wave Hindcast Data. Twice a day, the wave spectrum resolved into 15 frequencies and 12 directions is updated and forecast to 48 hours on a grid of points with average grid spacing of 40 nautical miles (Fig. 26) that represents the Mediterranean. The forecasts have been verified against measured wave staff and laser profilometer data with good results. Shallow water effects are not yet in the model. FNWC is presently saving and archiving all grid point hindcast spectra, available 4 times per day, on magnetic tape along with the significant height field. This complete archiving system began in October 1975. Between April 1972 and October 1975, the significant wave height field is available on microfilm and for most of the period complete spectra are available for about 30 grid points distributed acrosa the grid, also on microfilm. Northern Hemisphere Icosahedral Grid Hindcast Data. The Icosahedral hemispheric spectral wave prediction model has been operational at FNWC since December 1974. Forty-eight-hour forecasts and 12-hour hindcast updates of the spectral field are made twice daily for the North Atlantic Ocean, the North Pacific Ocean and adjscent basins, the Gulf of Mexico and northern half of the Indian Ocean. With regard to Fig. 23, the model uses seven subprojections for the North Pacific, six for the North Atlantic and Gulf and one for the Indian Ocean. There are 325 grid points on each subprojection with a spacing of 350 km at the point of tangency and 194 km at the vertices. As in the Mediterranean model, at each grid point the spectrum is resolved into 180 discrete variance elements representing 15 frequencies and 12 di- rections of propagation. Since October 1975, the wave hindcast spectra have been saved at all grid point points and are available four times a day at six hour intervals (03GMT, 09GMT, 15GMT, 21 GMT). Prior to October 1975, a small subset of grid points was available covering portions of the Gulf of Alaska, the West Coast of the U.S. , the Gulf of Mexico and portions of the North Atlantic. Lazanoff and Stevenson (1975) have described the model itself as implemented at FNWC and have presented a preliminary evaluation of the hindcasts and forecasts as verified against measured wave data. They conclude that the method “produces far superior results than the previous FNWC operational singular wave model” for significant heights. More recently, comparisons of the hindcast data with wave spectra measured at locations of NOAA data buoys (e.g., Appendix K) suggest that systematic errors may be present in the FNWC model. These effects are probably caused by errors of a systemtiC IKXUre in the wind input to the FNWC model. Beginning in late 1975, specification of the winds was changed (nit ala, personal coumnmication) to conform more -53- —-’ ● A _ ,s. SACLANT WAVE BUOY 1&15 APRIL 1972 SACLANT WAVE BUOY 25.29 MAY 1972 NAvocEANo 1106Z-123OZ, I AIRPLANE TRACK 29 MAY 1972 .. ,. ( . .. .,, Figure 26. 0 ,! .< !,, w “’=+-y ,., ,,, ,,, The Grid System of the FwWC Operational Mediterranean Sea Wave Spectral Model Grid. (bzanof f, Stevenson and Cardone, 1973) closely with the procedure described by Cardone (1969). Hindcasts made with the o wind input have yet to be evaluated. Currently, a hindcast series is being genera hindted on the Univac 1108 machine at the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office. ‘l’he casts will initially extend for a month period (mid December 1973 - mid January 1974) and only for the North Atlantic portions of the grid system. The winds for that hindcast were calculated precisely according to the procedure described by Ca] done. The hindcasts will be compare to special Tucker meter wave measurements madt at the ocean stations in the eastern North Atlantic during the SKYLAB experiment. This study should be completed within a few months and could provide insights as t( the role fo the wind input in the discrepancies observed in the FNWC operational output. Current and Planned Wave Hindcast Activities The operation FNWC spectral model will provide an ever-expanding data base of hindcast wave spectral data, since the total hindcast output continues to be archived. This source will therefore rapidly increase and should supersede all exisl ing sources in quantity and probably in accuracy as well. To extend this data bast FNWC plans to hindcast a twenty-year period with the hemispheric spectral model. The effort will begin this year with a complete hindcast of the year 1975, and thee will be extended back in time year by year. The rapidity with which this effort will proceed is not yet determinable as it depends on the exact nature of computer resources that will become available this year at FNWC. Development t of Operational Spectral Wave Forecast Models Elsewhere Several countries are engaged in the development of spectral models for event al operational application. The model described by Swing (1971) could now produce operational spectral wave forecast and hindcasts for the eastern North Atlantic bu has not been implemented. r. i- In Japan, the model developed by Isozaki and Uji (197L) has been programmed f a portion of the North Pacific Ocean. Recently, Isozaki and Uji (1974) performed test hindcast with the model for a seven-day period in January 1972, using the marine boundary layer model of Cardone (1969) to provide the winds. The hindcasts W* compared to visual wave estimatee provided by ships. The comparisons were favorab However, there is no indication that the model will be implemented operationally I the near future. Australia is also engaged in the development of a spectral model for application to the southern oceans. The form this model will likely take was indicated i the study of Dexter (1974) in which four spectral models were tested against simpl idealized wind fields. The study suggest the form!an operational model will likel take, but does not indicate when such a model will be implemented. -55- Development of Shallow Water Spectral Wave Hindcast Models The emphasis in the development of new wave hindcast models appears to be on the applicability to shallow seas. Cardone et al. (1975) have developed a model that can be applied to small time and space-scale meteorological phenomena each as hurricanes, with particular application to the continental shelf zone of the Gulf of Mexico. Iiindcasteof shallow water spectra associated with several hurricane compared quite favorably with spectra measured from specially instrumented oil rigs. The oil industry will probably use that model to calculate a climatology of hurricane-generated wave conditions in the Gulf of Mexico within the next year. In a study supported by Shell Development Co. and NOM, the model ia being adapted to the east coast of the U.S. (deep water) , and may be applied to forecast hurricane generated sea states quasi-operationally this summer, using NOAA’s computer in Miami. Collins (1972) and Barnett (1969) have also developed spectral wave prediction models for shallow seas but the models have not been used extensively snough to provide hindcast wave data. A major re8earch effort ie currently underway in Great Britain to develop a wave prediction model for application to the shallow and deep portione of the North Sea. The model will employ a parametric approach (Hasselmann et al. 1976) for the wind eea, while ewell will be tracked separately. Bottom friction but not refraction will be modelled. The model will be used to hindcast a sample of 50 of the most eevere etornw that occurred between 1965-1975. Wave records from oil rige and weather ships available recently for the North Sea will be used to calibrate the model. The effort is schedulsd to be completed by the end of 1976. -56- VII . PREDICTION OF LOAOS Ship Response Prediction So far general wave characteristics and wave spectra -- theoretical, measured and hindcast -- have been discussed. Considerate ion must be given next to the use to which the wave data are to be put -- namely, the determination of the responses of ships and ‘other flo-stingstructures to the waves. This leads to the question of the characteristics and variability of the response spectra. In general, the main interest is in the area of the reaponme spectrum representing the root-mean-square of the process, whic~f ties the principal statiatical properties of the response. By contrast the _ of the wave spectra are of great importance, since they affect the response spectrum area, yielding some scatter about the mean area. This statement will be clarified in the following paragraphs. In general, on the basis of the superposition principle ship motions was first demonstrated by St. Denis and Pierson spectrum, SR, is obtained by multiplying a ,sea spectrum, SC, tude operator @AO), Y, obtained from model tests in regular cal calculation. Hence, for the point spectrum, SR(W) = SC(U) whose applicability to (1953), the response by the response ampliwaves or by theoreti- Y(u) It is apparent that the magnitude of the response spectrum quency is directly,proportional to the sea spectral ordinate at highly tuned responses such as roll, with sharply peaked SAO’s, changes in the shape of the sea spectrum can have large effects spectrum. ordinate at any frethat frequency. For seemingly minor on the response These changes in the sea spectral shape can be due to several causes. There ia first the obvious variability y of sea conditions. Changes in ship speed or heading can also affect the shape of the encounter spectrum, i.e., the waves which the ship actually sees and responds to, as discussed later. It is often assumed that the ship response is a narrow-band process and therefore that the short-term peak-to-mean responses are Rayleigh distributed, i.e. , r2 r p(ro) = Q rms 2 ~- %s2 when r. is peak-to-mean reeponse and . ~*2 . r: p(r > ro) = SR(IJJ)du and oI ~- *S2 Thus the probability of exceeding a certain response over a limited period of time, during which sea conditions are stationary, depends only on the rms response, i.e. , on the response spectrum area and not on its shape. Nhen the variability of ocean wave spectra is considered, the problem of determining the response is more complicated than when only one wave spectrum is consid- -57- r‘-ered, but aprediction for longer periods oftime, such asseveral hours orthe lifetime ofthe ship, ispossible. Itwill beassumed that arepresentative random sample ofwave spectra isavailable, all falling within arelatively small band of significant wave heights (hence spectral areas). For a particular ship speed, heading and wave component direction; f SR((A)) du = x Y(u) do f SC(U) N = SR((I,)n) AM = ~ SC(Un) y(~ n) Au n= 1 n= 1 Inthis summation, Y(%) has specific values depending on~ and relative wave direction. However, each SC(Un) isarandom function, assumed tobenormally distributed, asillustrated inFig. 27,for which the mean and standard deviation are known for each value ofUn.Hence, the mean and standard deviation ofeach product inthe sum isalso known. Assuming that the functions SG(Un) for different values ofonare independent oruncorrelated, then the mean and standard deviation ofthe rms values, [SR(Un) Au]%, can bedetermined bystandard statistical techniques, asshown below. Theory for Approximating the Distribution ofaFunction ofRandom Variables Wewish toapproximate the distribution ofafunction ofrandom variables of the form where the XNare Nrandom variables with means p and deviations, a. n’ standard n Ifgisrepresented byits first-order Taylor series expansion, N dx1J29ee*d$J = g(lj,v2,.. .,uN)+ ~ { y3 w1dJ2> {Xn-lln} ....%)} n= 1 n Sogisnow approximated byalinear combination offunctions, for which the following relations are easily derived. First, % = N.j91J29***9MN) And ifthe Xn’s are independent a;=? {+ g(.l 9“**slJ N)}2 a2 n= 1 n n -58. ‘#)n) .S$(q● Y(LJ n) = — ‘RL)) n (W.n) ‘tin) Y(atn) “1 r p(s@+!n)) F -U = (AREA)% asa finite sum . \ I I .-/.. ..- -. -- . .... -.——-_______ ____ -=----- i. I I Figure 27 Calculation ofrms Response I , Application of the Theory Now consider the function = = ~ ~= 1 + s~(un) Y(wn) which defines the rms response, where Au the S<(U ) are N-random variables with mean and standard deviation pn and on. meanof~, isgiven by: The i The standard deviaticn of ~ .2R “$, assuming the SC(wn) are independent, is givsn by: i 2 +1 [ Y(wn) Au o; ‘R II 1 ‘4U2 R ? n= 1 Y2(Q AUIz U2 n In actual practice it was found in this study that the assumption of independence of spectral ordinates is not valid, and the correlation among them must be taken into account. This point is further discussed in a later section of this chapter on data format. Meanwhile, an alternate approach was to umke use of eight representative spectra from each group and to compute the mean and standard deviation of rms response based on eight nns response spectra obtained using these wave spectra. Either method can be extended to short-crested seas by considering the directional components of the sea and the corresponding response amplitude operators. The final response spectrum can be obtained by integrating over wave direction. 2T sR(&l) = f SC(W,V) Y(w,$) dv Q The integral that determines the statistical properties of the response can then be obtained, In practice this result ie usually obtained by numerical summation rather than by integration. It applies to a specific ship speed and relative heading angle, -60- If it is assumed that for each ship heading the rms response, which is a result of contributions from all wave directions, as well as all frequencies, is normally distributed, then the mean and standard deviation can be calculated in the manner just outlined. (Of course, this assumption might not be true in the case of spectra from two storms superimposed, or a sea spectrum made up of sea and swell coming from different directions.) Certain responses, acceleration at the forward perpendicular, for example, are strongly dependent on frequency of encounter and thus ship heading relative to the waves. Wave bending moment, which depends on effective wave length, is also dependent on heading angle. This means that for accurate predictions, reliable estimates are required of the percentage of time spent at various headings of the ship relative to the waves. This information can be obtained by combining information on the ship’s course over its route with information on occurrence of various wave directions from a statistical source. It has been found by experience that the increment in relative heading must not be larger than 15°. Hence, finally, the whole procedure described above must be carried out for each ship heading relative to the dominant wave direction. The final distribution of rms response is a weighted sum (the contribution for each heading being weighted by the expected percentage of time to be spent at that heading) of all the normal distributions resulting from the calculation for each ship heading; it may not necessarily be a normal distribution. The final result applies to one ship speed and one band of significant wave heights. It is recognized that any calculated wave spectra is an estimate whose confidence bounds depend on the length of the record and the spacing of data points. In principle, therefore, it would be expected that the standard deviations of spectral ordinates in a sample of wave spectra would include the effect of this sampling variability. If the above calculation is made for a number of different wave height groups, the result can be nresented in the form of a Dlot of mean rms and standard deviation . of rms response vs. wave height. (See Chapte~ VIII). One procedure, Band (1966), Hoffman and Lewis (1969), HOffman et al. (1972), for making long-term predictions of wave bending moment (or other ship responses) is to integrate the Rayleigh distributions using the above assumption with regard to the distribution of rum values (Rayleigh parameters) for each wave height group. Finally, these long-term distributions can be combined into a single distribution on the basis of the expected probability of each heading and wave height group. It should be noted. however. that since the results of each individual wave height group are combined to yie~d the long-term trend, a consistent approach must be adopted for each of these groups, i.e. , number of spectra in the group used to obtain the rms response, the method of calculation or statistical combination of the data, etc. -61- ml I Details ofShi~ ResDonse Prediction Details will begiven inthis section ofthe procedure for the long-term prespectra ofdifferent severity diction ofwave loads, assuming that families ofwave are available. has been defined; for each often Itisassuped that afamily ofwave spectra significant wave height groups, eight spectra have been chosen asrepresentative, g=1....10, n=1....8. This family isused inmaking long-term predics ,nwhere f The procedure isgiven asfollows: tens. 1)Assume aspreading function, most often the cosine-squared function; s~(w,$) “ f(l)) = SC(LO) where andf(~) =O elsewhere f(l)) = : COS2 * for-~<~<~ — — 21T f(~) d$= 1 0J where $isthe angle between aparticular wave component and the dominant wave direction. I, I . 2)Assume probabilities, P,ofvarious ship headings relative tothe dominant waves, Y1 p(xi) =1,based ondetails ofship’s route and operation. Usually Xpwhere i= seven headings are used inthe computation which, because ofthe symmetry, give results for 12headings. 3)Ob:~in probability ofoccurrence ofthe 10significant wave height ranges, p(g), 4 where ~~1P(g) =1.This distribution depends onship route and operating seasons. This information iscurrently obtained from summaries oflarge numbers ofvisual ob. servation such asHogben and Lumb orNOAA Summaries ofSynoptic Meteorological Observations. (See Chapter IX). 4)Obtain RAOS for response ofinterest from model tests ortheoretical calcula~ tions, Y(u9X4-$). 5)Compute rms response for each of80spectra for each of7headings, X=, 4’ REsP(q, Sg,n) = Y(U,)(~-l$) ‘g,n (~) f(~)d~do ~$ resulting in7x80=560 responses. A m -62. . 6) For each of the ten wave height groups, g, find mean and standard deviation at each of seven headings, Xi. llg(xi) = * f (xi, Sg,n) ~sp n= 1 O;(xi) = + ~ n=l [ REsP2 (xi, Sg,n) - !l: (xi) 1 7) Assume at each heading in each wave height group, the ITUSresponse, R13sP, is normally distributed. [m.9 - llg(xi)12 I P(ms) 2 Og(xi)z e- = J211Ug (Xi)z Thus the probability of exceeding a particular value, rmso, is given by, m P(rms > rmso) J = P(rms) d rum rmso 8) For each rma, the peak-to-mean responses, r, are Rayleigh distributed. _— P(r I nn.v) =x 2r ~ 222 where P(a I b) is read, “the probability of a for a given b.” The probability of r exceeding a particular value, r., is given by r~ ‘1 - P(r > r. Zrlnsz lrms)=e Thus the total probability of exceeding r. for a given heading in a given group, p(r > r. I i,g) is given by the product the probability of each rms value for that heading and group tim~s the probability of exceeding r. for that ma, summed over rum values. That is, . P(r > I. I i,g) P(r > r. \ nns) P(rms I i,g) d ?IOS ‘Io which is the integral of a Rayleigh distribution times a normal distribution. -63- 9) The total probability of r exceeding r. is given by, P(r > ro) = :~, ; i=1 p(g) P(r > r. \ i,g) P(xi) where P (g) is the-probability of occurrence probability of occurrence of each heading. of each wave height group and P (xi) is Wave Data Format As has been explained in the previous sections, both the methods being used to predict ship loads and motion are based on the probability of occurrence of a number of wave height groups, and the mean and standard deviation, due to variation in spectral shape, ship heading, etc. of rms ship response for each wave height group. The required wave data format differs for the two methods. The first approach, discussed in a previous section, was based on the use of a mean value and standard deviation of the wave spectral ordinate at each frequency These values are obtained from measured spectra by the for each wave height group. following procedure. First the spectra are sorted into wave height groups. Then for each group the values of the spectral ordinate are assumed to be normally distributed at each frequency. The mean and unbiased estimation of standard deviation of spectral ordinates are then c~p”ted. It can be seen that by using this method any number of apectra can be included in each group, each contributing to the mean and standard deviation of spectral ordinates at each frequency. The mean and standbe conqmted. ard deviation of response spectral ordinates can then It was previously explained that the assumption of independence of the spectral ordinates was not valid. This means that the effect of the dependence must be included. Thus the correlation coefficients must be computed and their effect included in the method for predicting rms resp,JDsevariation. This is feasible, but it is complicated, and this approach has not yet been developed and applied. The other method, multiplying a number of spectra from each group by the response operators, and then using the rms response values thus obtained to determine the mean and standard deviation of rms response, was adopted here, as described in the preceding section. The number of spectra in the highest groups was limited to eight by the number available. In the lower wave height groups, the number of specof the short-term trends tra was limited to eight in order to maintain consistency and to limit computer time needed to make the response predictions. In groups where more than eight spectra were available, the eight were chosen “sing a Monte Carlo technique designed to match as closely as possible four parameters, the H1 3, T1 and c (the broadness factor, see Chapter V) , of the average spectrum of the wh 4Ie available sample with the Hi/3, T1 and & of the average of eight selected spectra. Furthermore, the standard deviation of H1/~ of the whole available sample was matched wfth the standard deviation of H1/s of the group of eight. -64- A typical example showing the characteristics of the total number of available spectra and the selected eight is shown in Tables 5 and 6. The tables show exHence, the Monte Carlo selection procedure cellent agreement for Station “India. ” seems reasonable, and it was adopted instead of a purely random choice. Such families of wave spectra have been developed at Webb Institute of Naval Architecture from available wave records obtained at Stations “India”, Hoffman (1972), and “Kilo”, Hoffman (1975), in the North Atlantic and Station “Papa” in the North Pacific, Haffman (1974). The differences are not great among these families, but the one that is believed to have the best statistical basis because of the method of selection and to be generally the most useful for ship design purposes is the Station “India” family. Figs. 28 to 37 show the eight sp-ctra in each of the ten wave height groups in this family. Also shown in Figs. 38 to 47 are the means and standard deviations of spectral ordinates for each of the ten wave height groups. (Text continues on Page 77) -65- Table V Average Characteristics of Wave Spectra from both “Papa” and “India” Whole Sample PAPA Wave Ht. Band =~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <3 3-6 6-9 9-12 12-16 16-21 21-27 27-34 34-42 >42 of Recs. No. 14 31 42 55 87 103 65 40 12 > 454 %3 INDIA ‘1 w sec. ft. . 2.44 6.42 .614 4.70 6.95 .629 7.60 7.24 .629 10.64 7.69 .662 14.18 8.24 .685 18.43 8.70 .701 23.35 9.11 .715 30.82 10.11 .753 37.93 10.53 .769 43.59 10.88 .775 No. of Recs. 0 .52 .52 .73 .63 .58 .52 .52 .47 .42 .42 12 39 43 43 40 28 25 5 8 ~ 251 ‘1/3 ft. sec. 2.36 7.06 4.91 7.41 7.36 8.15 10.63 8.25 13.97 8.86 17.97 8.73 24.08 9.4-5 30.20 9,87 37.22 11.21 47.69 11.49 Table VI Average Characteristics of Wave Spectra from “India” Samples of Eight Spectra Q!2Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Wave I-ft. Band Width <3 3-6 6-9 9-12 12-16 16-21 21-27 27-34 34-42 >42 No. of Recs. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ‘1f3 ft. ‘1 sec. 2.40 4.90 7.34 10.51 13.90 17.82 23.34 28.89 37.05 47.47 7.06 7.48 8.35 8.34 8.93 8.78 8.85 9.98 11.34 11.64 -66- E —— .571 .591 .628 .640 .674 .675 .704 .722 .760 .782 w 0 .75 .75 .65 .55 .55 .55 .50 .45 .40 .40 —— co .568 .590 .626 .638 .677 .673 .708 .737 .764 .784 w .75 .70 .65 .60 .55 .55 .50 .45 .40 .40 \+ ..J/t ”..”.. -67- ..”. . . . . . -69- S?:crRuLl (*1.0 E+ X3) FT. **2-sFc smxiw 0 3.u90+.---..-, 50 -.._ 100 -_-_-: . . .._ ,53 209 . . . . ------------------------------ Fr. **2-sEc 250 0 cl. 030+ --------., ., ZEC02D Ml. _— ------- (, I .OZ+X) 100 ,-.----..-, 200 -....--— 330 , _—------ 400 , --_._ -_, 500 _-.___ mu 8(X. —-. — 7 I 04 150 219 254 269 270 309 * Ii : * * t r , 2-0c02.Figure 34 - Scatter of Spectral Height Family Group 7, 21-27 ft. Station ‘India’ Figure 35 - Scatter of Spectral Height Family Group 8, 27-34 ft, Station ‘India’ -_, S2GCIHLJ;, o.uJo 0 +-.---. 10s -_,. ---. (*! 203 ---.: ------- .Oz+ml 390 _ , --------- ;r. *.2.s Ec 4 ml ,--–—--—, 300 ------—-, 0 ~.a30+.______ 203 —:-_ w; CTlfdlJ -_.. 409 -..:--- FT. *2-sEC (*1 .0:+30) -— .-— aoo !--—--—— 630 : --------- r ~03 :----- :* RE@RD 1 .500-’ ![ :; !3 x j 2. Ow- Figure 36 - Scatter of Spectral Height Family Group 9, 34-42 ft. station ‘India’ SYMLKIL _— ___ I !39 303 3%4 325 326 321 328 329 SY’i80L ..--— + * ! 98 304 305 31! 314 320 IK1. ,+ , 2.000 Figure - 37 - Scatter of Spectral Height Family Group 10, ~42 ft. Station ‘India’ —-- , . SPEC {RUM ( * I . oE+02 ) 0 0.000+ -—----— 25 , -------—, 50 75 -—----—, .-----.— FT. *2-SEC swmrw I 00 I 25 , _________ , -_._-. 0.0020 0.0132 0.0365 0.1185 0.2021 0. IH34 0.1948 0.2488 0.3601 0.4647 0.4965 0.5229 0.479! L1.d702 0..4782 0.4253 0.3s70 0.3408 0.2591 0.2165 0.2099 0.1771 0.1729 0.1524 0.1276 0.1153 0.10!36 0.0962 0.0792 0.0546 0.0358 0.0268 0.0)81 0. IX343 -_, 0.0053 0.0147 0. G365 0. I 3(,3 0.2009 0. I 3’/5 0.2860 0.40[)1 0.3514 0.3730 0.3405 0.3320 0.26(31 0.28%7 0.2671 0.2431 0.2510 0.2183 0.!897 0.1853 0.1909 0.15% Q. 1531 0.1293 c1.0961 0.0144 a.366i3 0.0685 0.0772 0.0567 0.0258 0.0169 0.0133 0.0092 o 0. O’W+--------- 20!3 t --- —---- (*I .0 E+02) 400 L---------, FT. *2-sEc 600 -–.----— , 0.0139 0.0502 0.106Ll 0.1794 0.2126 0. 29v4 0.5543 1.2198 2.3553 2.9263 3.4590 3.8542 3.3368 2.4477 I .6689 ] .2358 0.7929 0.6409 0.6861 0.6051 0.4346 0.3232 :.:1:; 8 MAVE $ I . OO(J,, 0:3586 0.4214 0.4159 0.3326 0.27!1 0.2333 0. IB58 0.1214 0.0420 0.0182 8 . * We” maw Iwh .. .... ..... AVMNR)@ Wxltw: Figure 38 - tin wulol .. . . . * 0.0367 0.0v68 0.1697 0.1607 0. ! 593 0.0949 0.2663 0.7256 1.1563 I .5306 2.0417 1.8821 !.7143 1 .23/30 0.7370 0.6084 0.4548 0.4359 0.5064 0.4L124 0.2535 0.1029 0. I 668 0.1835 0.3482 0.4959 0.4682 0.32!3 0.2575 0.2494 0.2239 0.1543 0.0261 0.0402 0.000-’ RECUHU IYPE .-_—--__-AVERWE UEAN-SID. DEV. MEAN+SLI. DEV. ; and 8tmdud Dwiation -- !lpoctral 1, 0_3 ft. Height Family @OUp Station ‘Indtiq 8CU 1000 ,_________ , -—------ Figure 39 SY!iBOL --—— + : Mean and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 2, 3-6 ft. Station ‘Indiat , SPECTRUM 0 0. 0,30+ .---—--, 50 (*1 .0S+01 Ica ----—-—, ) 150 --.----—, 2W ---—--—, SPECTUUM Fr.-2-sEc -------— 250 * -------—, 0 0. Ore+ -------- 100 1-------—: (*1. oE+o I) 300 200 --—---—! -—— FT. *2-sEc 4f2i3 ——, --—----- 500 , -—--—— s , * * , 0.0000 0.0505 0.1057 0.2142 1.3618 4.374-1 5.9829 4.1038 2.9029 5.3567 3.9071 2.4-152 2.7494 I .7968 1 .98’/1 I .6547 0.9652 0.9289 0.6338 0.6506 0. /321 0.(470 0. 7(97 0.4704 0.3459 ($ g:; 0.500-1<”> FREO. ; ?{( * 0.500- “% c u’ I . 50D 0:1631 0.1528 0.2385 0.2104 0.1 4/9 0.1!82 0.0487 0.5931 0.4080 0.2367 0.0889 0.0000 0.0300 0.1020 0.4581 4.1217 8.4679 1%.6011 I 1 .7*36 7.1257 5.2738 5.3224 4.7179 4.5382 3.7424 3.4437 3.6231 3.4038 3.3430 2.5450 1 .6!)56 1.2090 0.9305 0.5&15 0.5321 0.46.?0 0.3902 0.4450 0.5675 0.5830 0.4594 0.4530 0. 34tJ0 0.1699 0.1754 , 0. OuO- 0. oocRECORD lYPE ------- —-- AVERAGE MEAi*S7D. DEV. MEAN+ SfD. DEV. SYYBUL . . ---+ * # Figure 40 - Mean and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 3, 6-9 ft. Station ‘India’ REC1lRU TYPE --—------AVERAGE tik AN-S ID. UEV. KEAN+SID. UEV. SYMBOL -----+ * * Figure 41 - Mean and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 4, 9-12 ft. Station ‘India’ SPECTRUM (, I . OE+3 ,, FT. *.2-s Ec WECLWM 0 0. 003+.—---—— * 200 t -.--..-----, 400 6!)0 --—---—, -------—, !3Ca 1900 -____---, -_--___a , * , 0. oOLlo 0.1048 0.3201 1.1100 5.9173 15.27]8 3u. 7468 41.1027 33.8797 21.9543 16.0150 13.0496 10.5698 7.9755 6.6031 5.5200 4.0351 3.2471 2.8954 2.8828 2.8532 2.2595 1.8145 1.7452 I .9577 I .8696 I .3093 I .0578 1.2244 I .2677 1.0409 0.7252 0.3832 0.0686 0 0, 003+ ------—-, 0.02>0 0.!a15 0.2<36 0.9655 6.57i4 11.9=54 !8.6223 13.28?9 5.3310 5.41.7 2.3539 3.9535 5.4a:5 3.53s0 2.5430 1.5914 I .4536 1.1196 ! .0520 I .0576 1.11.49 0.6722 0.64?3 0.5>?1 0.7121 0.81.3 0.5711 0.47?3 0.6271 0.7733 0.66?? 0.45.2 0.5257 0.1816 25 (*I .oE+oo) 50 -------—, FT. 75 -------—, 100 ---—--—, SYm!WL ----+ * s Figure 42 - Mean and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 5, 12-16 ft. Station ‘India’ 125 .---, ..-- __-.-, !.6210 1.4164 I .2035 I .2232 0.4440 i * RECORD lYPE ----------AVElfKE MEAN-S II). DEV. MEAwsro. DE v. -—.._ o. Oocu 0.3941 I .6005 9.@503 18.4331 26.0880 41.5913 46.4359 40.5872 39.1144 32.2621 25.9449 21.0705 16.1961 ]2.’2 456 9.3536 7.6335 6.1436 5.5805 5.6664 4.6540 4.2052 5.0541 4.3685 3.7558 3.5273 3.2682 f.:;;: * 0.000- ●*2-SEC 0.0000 0.7609 3.4193 21.1286 35.9.364 29.1976 29.3363 35.4419 17.8718 17.4841 18.3564 ]2.4690 10.30d7 9.3267 7.6461 4.2125 4.2914 3.0485 2.2d44 3.1348 2.2369 ! .9420 2.52]4 ] .?532 1.4814 I .3529 !.2T/a o.~:do 0.7307 I . !)56 0.9123 0.9517 1.5580 0.6486 0.000-’ RECORD TYPE -- —------AvERAGE MEAN- SII>.l J!:V. ML AI{+:310.1>1.V. SYMBOL -----. . # Figure 43 - Mean and Standard Ilwtnt10: I -- SIMWIral Height Family Group 6, 16-21 CL. Station ‘India’ .—. —.. p------ SPECTRUM (,1. oE+w31 FT. ti2-sEc SPECTRUM (*I .OE+OO) 0 0. 000+--—--—— * 50 *-------— 100 150 2D0 250 x--—---— , -————---, -—----..-, -___---_, 0.1488 2.6550 8.3375 21.2975 34.6921 65.1179 106.1445 101.3971 70.2815 56.1665 42.4!07 29.4132 25. 11:7’) 18.2/>) I.. 7X4 12.0440 }0. 8422 9.3-437 7.4D56 6.4804 7.2290 7.41)6 6.0847 5.9477 6.23’32 5.7978 4.7223 3.995a 3.0641 1.8823 I . 2’/50 I.221O 1.!367 0.9452 , * , 0.3937 5.5199 17.6983 37.4098 32.5947 33.8770 32. 93-/6 43.1975 27.9345 ;:.: C/g 8:2006 6.6461 4.7445 2.4426 2.8J38L 2.3712 3.0000 3.80[2 3.5079 3.079> 3.4766 2.6247 2.63bs 2.7984 2. t 703 ).9a15 2.1805 1.7945 !.3681 1.270C 0.8695 1.0530 0.9028 0 0.000t----—---, * lm ----—-—, 2W 300 -,-_____, ——---. REC(M?DTYPE ----------AVEUAGE ME,W-SID. UEV. ME4WSTL7. DGv. SYSIBU1 _____ + + * Figure 44 - Mean and Standard Deviation -- Snectral Height Family Group 7, 21-27 ft.” Station ‘India’ . 400 _-_-_-, 500 ___-__, * 0.2499 3.3618 7.6591 37.8569 111.1989 179.2877 157.1213 116.8767 Y2. 7993 54. I 333 45.5175 39.4263 27.4957 20.5170 16.7729 13.6727 11.8770 10.4970 12.0326 11.9805 8.6382 8.1771 10.0329 9.59]2 8. 765] 7.3916 5.8654 4.3!787 3.6051 3.6227 2.4859 0.7906 0.5335 0.0390 , O.pl* * , * : WAVE 1 1.00+’ FREo. ‘ * * 8 * 1.500-’ : * * : 0.000-” FT. *2-SEC 0.6611 1.7628 5.602) 31.9896 57.7978 83.2645 61.1390 39.0965 19.7671 5.9901 7.7476 15.8720 11.2758 4.8752 5.0726 3.2539 4.5513 3.9753 5.4490 6.102 I 4.2407 4.6246 7.6488 6.1005 4.8341 4.05L7Li 3.4638 2.4584 1.5938 I .8293 1.0715 0.8180 0.9202 0.1032 O.00*’ RECUllU lYPE ---------- SY!{B(lL ------ AVEIL$GE HEAti-sTD. DEv. + . MEN+5~u. t DEv. Figure 45 - Mean and Standard Deviation -- Spectral Height Family Group 8, 27-34 ft. Station ‘India’ _.. —.. ..r.r. #prmr ........ .....=. ,,. SPECNNIM (*1.0 E+30)FT.**2-SEC 400 500 o 100 200 330 X--------8------.-: -—----—s 0. OF@------—z---—--— 8--—---— 1 : 1 a ; 8 : 8 0.500-: 1 8 8 : 8 s WAVE : I.OOO-: FREQ. : 8 a a 1 : : 1● 500-‘ a a 1 8 11 8 1 1 0. OOO-: SY’!N)L RECORD TYPE ---------------AVE ltA@ + MEANDEV. * MEA N+ SSII). ’1l). DEV.# SPECII?UM (*i.OE+OO) FT.**2-SEC o.-----200 400 630 800 I000 —:-----— —-: _-—--_:-—---—$-------* ------: 0. Ow+ 8 1 : 1 t # r 8 2.7997 1.8054 6.1719 4.4688 21.3473 13.9120 182.2296 127.2340 139.1807 86.5816 0.500-: 73.4645 223.7169 I i<5.06!38 39.5150 a 22.4162 93.5349 : 68.5257 15.6122 t 21.0076 56.5124 s 10.3068 41.5447 8 7.6302 33.4242 26.2555 9.7874 NAVE : 23.1997 7.’/175 4.7745 19.1127 l.OOO-; 13.9753 4.6492 5.0244 14.3767 FREQ. : 13.6544 3.7779 s 3.3728 10.6754 2.6957 a1 8.9311 10.7245 3.9593 1 3.0161 10:5038 1.4680 88 7.9144 2.3223 6.6498 6.0005 2.5996 I.500-2 2.4517 5.1363 1 2.6965 4.7546 a i 2.693-I t 4.7582 2.0480 4.1904 8 I.98/35 8 3.5523 2.2742 8 2.9243 2.2371 2.1957 1.2364 8 0.7528 1 0. 000-* 93.7754 70.30 20.71 26.5702 Y4.4169 89.14 228.53 387.6674 80.42 587.9735 I 75.55 513.1639 66.35 295.1291 175.2326 4b. 1856 25.28 116.8034 17. G314 81.1244 7.164 56.3298 44.7500 7.024 44.1458 10.52 39.4805 6.-12 34.1517 7.713 6.328 35.0277 12.84 33.5076 28.9902 11.29 13.83 25.1407 10.94 21.4512 9.294 19.8246 20.1633 9.447 18.8230 8.638 16.2030 7.042 6.521 14.4044 6.403 13.3778 12.5638 6.483 11.5515 6.822 9.5490 5.237 6.7178 2.483 4.8064 2.772 3.4070 2.137 i.3548 0.869 ) .34673.563 RECORD lYPESY!iB!)L -------------AVERA(3E+ MEAN-STL).DEV. * MEA N+SII).DEV. # Figure 47-Mean and Standard Deviation --Spectra Figure 46-Mean and Standard Deviation --Spectral ft. Height Family Group 10,>42 Height Family Group 9,34-42 ft. Station ‘India’ Station ‘India’ !i!k m-z -- .’.~-.“ I --- . 4 SPEC”llNIM (*1.OE+OO) FT***2-SEC SPECIRUM (*1 .OE+!)O) FT. *~2-sEc o-----100 200 330 400 500 o------200 (j 800 —:--—-_ _ *.1000 — --— : --------:--------:-—----: 0. 0 000+ —:----400 *--—--O(XJ+ _~o :-—----— #—-----:-—----$ : 8 8 ● : 8 8 8 1 $ 0.500-: a 8 a : I 1 WAVE : I.OOO-s FRE(2. : 1 t 1 8 a $ 1. 500-‘ a 1 1 8 1I : 1 1 0.OOO-: 1 8 8 1.8954 2.799-1 93.“7754 70.3i)76 6.1719 4.4688 a 26.570220.7104 21.3473 13.9120 #: 94.416989.1442 127.2340 8 387.6674 228.5375 139.1807 587.9735 00.4266 86.5816 513.1639 I75.5594 223-7169 73.4645 0.500-; 295.1291 66.3550 id5.06&38 39.5150 t 175.23264.5.1856 : 22.4162 93.5349 116.803425.2866 68.5257 15.6122 a 81.1244 17.C314 a 21.0076 56.5124 56.3298 7.1640 8 41.5447 10.3068 44.7500 7.0249 33.4242 7.6302 : 44.1458 10.5217 26.2555 9.7874 39.48(-)5 6.723o 23.1997 7.-/175 WAVE : 34.1517 7.7132 19.1127 4.7745 35•0277 6.3289 13.9753 4.6492 1.000-8 33.5076 12.8435 14.3767 5.0244 28.9902 11.2967 13.6544 3.7779 FREQ. : 25.1407 ]3.8!342 : 10.6754 3.3728 21.4512 10.9444 2.6957 s 8.9S11 19.8246 9.2946 10.7.245 3.9593 s 20.1633 9.4474 10.5038 3.0161 z t 8.8230 8.6385 7.9744 1.4680 :: 16.2030 7.0427 6.6498 2.3223 14.4044 6.5213 6.0005 2.5996 13.3778 6.4032 5.1363 2.4517 1,500-1 12.5638 6.4831 4.7546 2.6965 : 11.5515 6.8220 4.7582 2.693-1 a i 9.5490 5*2377 s 4.1904 2.0480 6.7178 2.4830 I.9885 : 3.5523 4.8064 2.7723 a 2.9243 2.2742 8 3.4070 2.1371 2.1957 2.2371 i .3548 0.8692 1.2364 8 0.7523 1.3467 3.5630 8 0.000-: RECORD TYPE SY’ff30L RECORD lYPE SY!4B!)L -------------------------— AVE }/A(uE+ AVERA(3E + MEAN-S 11). DEV.* MEAN-STD. DEV.* MEA N+ S’rD. DE V. # MEA N+SID.DEV. # Figure 46-Mean and Standard Deviation --Spectral Figure 47-Mean and Standard Deviation --Spectral Height Family Group 9,34-42 ft. ft. Height Family Group 10,>42 Station ‘India’ Station ‘India’ VIII. EFFECT OFVARIATION INWAVE DATA FORMAT ONLOAD PREDICTIONS Comparative Calculations From the point ofview ofthe naval architect, the only variations in wave data which are ofconcern are those which affect his predictions of ship motions and loads. Itfollows that those variations inwave data which have the greatest effect onthe accuracy ofhis predictions are ofgreatest concern. The following discussion will indicate the effect ofanumber of variations inwave data format onload predictions, using asexamples vertical bending moment for the 496-foot general cargo carrier Wolverine State, the 880-foot SL-7 high-speed container ship, the 1082-foot tanker Universe Ireland, and the design for a 1300-foot 600,000-ton VLCC (based ontheoretically derived RAOS). Aspreviously noted, the determination ofthe adequacy ofspecific wave data for ship response calculations isafunction not only ofthe wave parameters but also ofthe wave spectral shape characteristics. Hence, the availability ofwave data, such asthe height and period values and their frequency ofoccurrence for certain locations asafunction ofthe season or direction ofpropagation, isnot adequate for performing the prediction of ship responses and loads inirregular seas. Adefinition ofthe sea surface inthe form ofspectra must beavailable, along with the basic transfer function given asthe response tounit wave height asafunction ofwave frequency. Ideally, aspreviously discussed, measured spectra for the specific area of interest are preferred. However, the limited availability ofsuch wave data has led tothe substitution ofmathematical formulations for the actual spectra. The usual input parameters required togenerate atheoretical spectrum include wave height and period, though other additional parameters such asfetch, or the spectral peak frequency, have been shown todefine amore realistic spectral shape. (See Chapter V). 48illustrates seven spectra, Fig. all having roughly the same period and height parameters Also shown are ~plotted in anon-dimensional form. the mean line and the equivalent two-parameter ideal spectrum corresponding tothe mean height and period ofthe seven records. When plotted nondimensionally inthis way, the theoretical spectrum isrepresented byasingle line for all choices ofH 1/3 and Tl~ thus eliminating variations inthe spectra resulting from small differences inH ~/3 and T1.Hence, the difference between each ofthe seven spectral shapes and the single mean theoretical spectrum represents actual variations inshape. The large scatter ofmeasured spectra about the mean over the entire frequency range isofgreat significance and would naturally lead toscatter inthe response spectra aswell asinthe rms values. Even though the mean spectrum isnot appreciably different from the mean theoretical line, this fact bears nosignificance astothe suitability ofthe theoretical spectrum torepresent sea conditions ofthis severity. One approach commonly used toobtain short and long-term response predictions when measured spectra are not available istoobtain some indication -77. , — - -.—.. ——-. —.. — .——-—. , Record No. 182 224 228 265 268 273 277 Mean ml ~—” \ \ \ iI // ,1 /! .... .624 .700 .628 .658 .662 .638 .687 .660 T_ —— —. -— —— ..r Y--i- \. \ . f- —-. cs Theoretical Spectrum \ .010 I Hi/3 ‘1 13.458.561 14.018.84 11.478.72 13.588.98 14.578.86 14.908.73 14.789.00 13.878.82 ‘——— -—.. ——- —..--—- II --— ____ 9 Fig. 48-Comparison ofSpectral Shape Variation. .— I 1.0 11 I It~ I .--.. .. -.--— . ofscatter bymeans ofthe distribution ofthe various period groups within the bounds ofeach wave height groups using amathematical formulation to describe the various spectra, each defined byits own characteristic period. While this method yields some measure ofscatter, itfails totake into account the variation inspectral shapes discussed above. This would naturally result inalower predicted long-term extreme value, due tothe smaller standard deviation inRMS response. Further doubt iscast onthis method bythe extreme uncertainty inthe observed period information. Ofthe three commonly observed parameters, height, period and direction, period isby far the most tincertain. Finally, wemay consider the approach described inthe preceding chapter-the use ofarandom sample ofwave spectra classified byarea or significant height. Inthis chapter the use ofvarious formulations will becompared tothe results obtained bythis method. Tosummarize, the following formats are compared: Formulations ITTCone-parameter spectrum, inwhich wave height is the only parameter, ISSCtwo-parameter spectrum, inwhich both significant height and average period are included. Families “H-Family” original Webb random sample, Lewis (1967) Station “India” new Webb samples from the Station “Kilo”North Atlantic, Hoffman (1972, 1975) Station “Papa”New Webb sample from N.Pacific, Hoffmann (1974) The effect onshort-term bending moment predictions ofusing anumber ofdata sources isshown inFigs. 49through 51.See also Hoffman (1975a) and Hoffman (1975b). These figures show the mean and standard deviation of rms bending mo~ent asafunction ofsignificant wave height. The various spectral families were created byclassifying measured spectra from the various sources bysignificant wave height (H )and t hen choosing anumber 143 (usually eight) torepresent each wave height ange, asoutlined inthe previous chapter. Itmay beseen from the figures there are significant differences inthe case ofthe small Wolverine State, less differences inthe SL-7, and relatively small differences inthe case ofthe large tanker, Universe Ireland. Inorder toevaluate the effect ofthese different sources ofwave data onlong-term predictions Figs. 52through 54compare the long-term predictions based onthe means and standards deviations discussed above. The wave height distributions used inthese calculations are given inTable 7.Itcan be~een -79. - , ,... --- . -. — _____—. -. —- ! I :. ..— —— -- .–- -——-b——.——.-..--————— ————— -L 1 !! — 3G — — ——-— . .— —, }1ODEL TEST RACS “–--––r–– ‘–- \ 4\ ___ .—. —. ll--mT ‘<. , ,.....J “ \ —. 1 t .... 1s 25— . 3\ $, .-— -.—- ‘\ !. __._] $. 20—---- ------- .. —-. .—— ---r 1, Lo -...Y’._ I SS?:31%G KXU,T ST-TOYSt ~j 15— _ /. tj,: -+ ——_ .— ‘\ ----- —- s?~~ — “lndh”” —- ‘.?apa’” —ai .& .-~.Issc lTTC — KFartily ~-MOcQ I 10 k — (. \ .. ..-. -_ > ,+ T —--— \ —_ \# Fig. 52-Long-Tern Vertical Bending 53-Long-Term Vertical BendMoment for Light Load Fig. ing M oment for F ull-Load WOLVERINE STATE for Five SL-7 Containership for Spectral Families. Five Spectral Families. $!)– ---r - EEII *O--— .. -——- la ------- .--—- .— 1- “’PaOa’” ! ~..++ Issc 10 .——- -a-6-~-lTTC H-Family - LOG [~(X) ) -—. — . -- 3 k —---\ \ Xi)) 6 —. b —. —. Fig. 54-Long-term Vertical Bending Moment for Full-Load UNIVERSE IRELAND for Five Spectral Familie6. -81- . that there are significant differences inthe results, because ofthe variations inboth mean rms response and standard deviation. Since the calculation based onactual wave spectral families isbelieved tobemore accurate than use ofthe theoretical formulations, itisconcluded that inmost cases the ISSC formula overestimates the trend and therefore isnot satisfactory for general use. Onthe other hand, the ITTC one-parameter formulation underestimates the trend and should bediscarded. Asfor the wave family results, the “India” family isbelieved tobe the most complete and reliable,especially for awide range ofship types and sizes. Furthermore, results are inall cases inclose agreement with simpler early H-family results. The “Papa” results differ, perhaps because ofan inadequate sample ofthe highest wave height groups, aswell because ofpossible oceanographical difference. Table VII Wave Height Distributions Used in Section 1ofChapter VIII ISSC, ITTC, ‘Papa’ and ‘India’ Families Range (ft) Cum. o-3 8.75 91.25 3-6 23.75 67.50 6-9 30.70 36.80 9-12 16.45 20.35 12-16 6.90 9.55 16-21 4.95 4.60 21-27 2.00 2.69 27-34 1.70 0.30 34-42 0.25 0.05 >42 0005 Range (ft) 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 >45 H-Family g 84.54 13.30 2.01 0.14 0.01 Cum. 15.46 2.16 0.15 0.01 Probability ofOccurrence ofVarious Wave Heights The previous predictions oflong-term responses utilized anassumed probability ofoccurrence ofwave height, usually expressed ingroups covering -82. various ranges, aswell asthe rms response distribution for each ofthese wave height groups. Thus, inevaluating the reliability oflong-term predictions the accuracy ofthe wave height distribution, aswell asthe accuracy ofthe rms response and its scatter ineach wave height group, must beconsidered. Inthe previous section, where the effect ofspectral shape was explored, the distribution ofwave heights was taken tobe--asnearly as possible --the same. However, asmight beexpected, the long-term prediction, the Value tobeexceeded once insay 108 cycles, isquite sensitive to i.e., the probability ofoccurrence ofthe highest few wave groups. This isdue tothe fact that, inspite oftheir small probability ofoccurrence, the magnitude ofresponse when these wave height ranges dooccur, isexpected tobequite high. 8shows several different wave height distributions for the Table North Atlantic. The column labeled “Hogben &Lumb” was obtained bycombining (1967) ofareas 2,6,7(the the results inHogben areas covering the North Atlantic) weighing 2twice and 6and 7once each. The column labeled “RW alden” was derived using data onthe probability ofOccurrence ofvarious wave heights atweather ships inthe North Atlantic given inWalden (1964). Inthe distribution labeled “H. Walden modified” the percentage occurrence ofthe highest group was arbitrarily increased tosimulate possible extremely severe conditions. The following Table 9 shows the effect ofthe different wave height distributions oncalculated long-term vertical bending moments for three ships . Itmay beseen that the small differences above 21feet between the two H.Walden distributions has asignificant effect onresponse. The results from Hogben and Lumb data are somewhat lower ~possibly because the ships on board which observations were obtained tended toavoid heavy seas whenever possible. Table VIII North Atlantic Wave Height Distributions ‘1/3 H.Walden (modified) H.Walden Hogben &Lumb Range (ft)& cum. & Cumm. ~ Cumm. 8.75 91.258.75 91.25 11.210 88.79 o-3 3-6 23.7567.50 23.75 67.50 36.524 52.27 6-9 30.7036.80 30.70 36.80 25.916 26.35 9-12 20.3516.45 20.35 16.45 13.690 12.66 12-16 6.90 9.556.90 9.55 7.544 5.12 16-21 4.95 4.604.95 4.60 2.232 2.88 21-27 2.69 2.003.350 1.25 2.126 0.076 27-34 1.70 0.301.060 0.190 00743 0.015 34-42 0.25 0.050.168 0.022 0.0121 0.0029 >4z 0.05* 0.022 0.0029 *Percentages for highest groups were changed, asdiscussed intext. -83. . Table IX Long-Term Vertical Bending Moment Predictions for Various North Atlantic Wave Height Distributions * in10” cycles, ft-tons Values expected tobeexceeded once Hogben H.Walden and Lumb H. Walden (modified) Wolverine State 496 ft., x105 X 105 1.846 X 105 1.770 1.882 16-knot, light load SL-7 880.5 ft., 6 x10 x1051.3034 X 105 1.475 1.542 15-knot, full load Universe Ireland 1082.7 ft., 6 6 3.4210 6 3.872 X 10 4.043 x 10 X 10 14-knot, full load developed byHoffman from Another set ifwave height distributions, Hogben and Lumb (1967) data for eight different world shipping routes, is Itmay beseen that No.L“Most summarized inTable 10incumulative form. Walden modified” inTable 8. Severe North Atlantic,” isthe same as“H. Calculated long-term bending moments for a600,000-dwt VLCC design are Itmay beseen that awide given inTable 11for all ofthe above routes. variation inwave height distributions produces considerable variation in long-term response. Thus itcan beseen that for accurate long-term predictions reliable values for probability of80ccurrence ofthe various wave height groups Ifthe 10value isrequired, the highest three wave groups are necessary. seem tobeofgreatest importance. -84- Table X Wave Height Distributions -World Routes Frequency ofExceedance of Average Significant Wave Height H,,Q Route No. 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 Mean Hlt3(ft) 2 100.00 100.OO 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.OO 4 91.25 86.37 88.79 77.62 82.26 82.72 74.56 79.64 8 67.50 68.17 71.14 35.12 56.62 57.60 29.16 54.38 10 36.80 35.41 36.01 13.07 19.03 19.969.3220.50 15 16.45 17.51 17.182.836.466.823.03 8.81 20 9*554.884.551.411.071.130.51 2.14 25 4.602.702.560.8000420e480.18 1.10 30*4O 35 00300.350.310. 0.13 50 0.0500020.0100020.010.010.01 0.O1 1.Most severe North Atlantic 2.North Atlantic (Northern Europe) 3.North Atlantic (Southern Europe) 4.Europe --Persian Gulf via So~th Africa 5.North Pacific 6.Europe --Persian Gulf via Suez Canal 7.Persian Gulf --USA 8.Europe --USAWest Coast Table XI Long-term Vertical Bending Moment Predictions for Different World-Wide Wave Height Distributions 600,000 dwt VLCC, FU1l Load8 Value expected tobeexceeded once in10cycles, ft.-tons Speed 30.06 ft/sec., 17.8 knots Route 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Vertical Bending Moment 7.3806 7.0596 6.7469 6.7012 7.0074 6.7473 6.7460 6. 75f x10-6 i- ll “ -85- — ,., ‘!s . \ Directional Information Athird factor inaddition tospectral shape and probability of occurrence ofwave heights which affects ship motions and load predictions isthe probability distribution ofrelative angles between ship heading and wave directions. Asrefinement inthe incorporation ofvariation in spectral shape takes place and more accurate information onthe probability ofoccurrence ofwave height groups becomes available, more attention must begiven todirectional information. Certain responses such asacceleration atthe F.P. are very sensitive toheading angle. Others, such asvertical bending moment, are not quite assensitive. The following figures illustrate the magnitude ofthe contributions from various heading angles and wave height groups tothe total probability ofexceeding particular acceleration and vertical bending moment values for the Wolverine State, assuming equal probabilities ofall headings. Acosinesquared spreading function has been used. InFi.g. 55, t he total volume of the solid isthe probability that the amplitu eof the a cceleration at the i. Ifthe forward perpendicular will exceed 58.2 ft/sec average period is approximately 11seconds, the acceleration of58.2 ft/sec2 will beexpected tooccur once in20years, the approximate lifetime ofaship. Itcan be seen that the largest contribution comes from head seas inthe largest wave height group. This occurs because, even though the probability ofoccurrence ofthe lower wave height groups is‘larger, the probability ofexceeding 58.2 ft/sec2 isextremely remote for those groups. Fig. 56shows asimilar plot, inthis ca the probability of 9efor acceleration atthe F.P. exceeding 29.4 ft/sec . Here the largest contribution comes from the eighth wave height group. This happens because the large probability ofexceeding the stated value inthe large wave height group isoutweighed bythe larger probability ofoccurrence ofthe eighth wave height group. Fig. 57shows the probability ofthe amplitude ofthe vertical bending moment exceeding 9.6 x 104 ft.-tons. Again itcan benoted that the largest contribution does not come from the highest wave height group. These figures show the trends inimportance ofvarious heading and wave height groups relative topredicted ship responses. These plots also show the importance ofthe role played bythe largest wave height groups. The lower wave height groups make nocontribution tothe maximum value expected inthe lifetime ofthe ship. The large variation inthe contributions of different heading angles indicates the need for reliable ship heading and wave direction information. . Itshould benoted that the method used inthe treatment ofheading angle here and outlined inChapter VII isdifferent from that used inLewis (1967) and asderived inthe appendix byKarst toHoffman (1972a). Previously, itwas assumed that the rms response was normally distributed ineach wave height group, involving all headings. Now the more accurate assumption is made that the rms response isonly normally distributed ateach heading, with the result that the actual distribution ofall rms values obtained bycombining all headings isnot normal. -86● 0.5x 10-8 PROBABILITY OF 0.4x 10-8 ACCELERATION EXCEEDING 58.2FT/SEC2 0.3x 10-8 0.2x 10-8 0.1x 10-8 10- 6 7 8 9 5 4 3// 2 1 / / ./0 0° 90 FOLLOWING BEAM SEAS SEAS TOTAL PROBABILITY OF ACCELERATION EXCEEDING 58.2FT/SEC2 = 1.49~ 1o-8 180° HEAD SEAS Figure 55Contributions from the Various Wave Height Groups and Relative Heading Angles tothe Total Probability ofthe Acceleration atthe Forward Perpendicular ofthe Wolverine State exceeding 58.2 ft./sec2. ,.. , . ..... . .,..,, 0.3 x 10-4 PROBABILITY 0.2 x 10-4 OFACCELERATION EXCEEDING 29.4 FT/SEC2 II III\ 0.110-4 x 10 WAVE HEIGHT7/ GROUP 6 5,’ / / / / Q 4/ 2“/ 1/ / / / / / ,/’ //’ 0° 90° FOLLOWING BEAM SEA SEA ~/ , --. --,. ) . TOTAL PROBABILITY OF ACCELERA~ION EXCEEDIN~4 29.4 FT/SEC =1.68 X 10 180° HEAD SEA , Fig. 56-Contributions from the Various Wave Height Groups and Relative Heading Angles tothe Total Probability ofthe Accelerat on at the F orward Perpendicular of $. the WOLVZ!! SM2’11 exceeding 29.4Ft/Sec “.. ---- 0.3 x 10-4 t . 0.2 x 10-4 PROBABILITY OF BENDING MOMENT EXCEEDING 9.4 x 104 FT-TONS 0.1 x 10-4 -. I!-1 /5 .... TOTAL PROBABILITY OFBENDING MOMENT X 104 FT-TONS =1.9x10’ EXCEEDING 9.4 10 // H }-10 /-,’ / J-’.’/ _ /4’ ‘; ~’ / ---- - -.— .-.—. WAVE HEIGHT 7 GROUP 6 . 7 2 , ‘“-”-’+-77-----’7’-”-7’ /“”1 ‘o 6 180 90 FOLLOWING HEz4D BE&-i SEAS SEAS SEAS Fig. 57 -Contributions from the Various Wave Height Groups and Relative Heading Angles tothe4Total Probability ofthe Vertical Bending Moment ofthe J40LVZ7R1A7E STATE Exceeding 9.6 x10Ft-Tons. \ IX.WAVE DATA FOR USE INDESIGN The Ideal Data Base Itisconcluded from the discussion inthe preceding chapters that the ideal wave data base would beaninfinitely large sample ofdirectional sea spectra, covering all seasons and all ocean areas traversed byships. Since such adata base isnot available now nor isitlikely tobeina satisfactory form inthe foreseeable future, the question ofhow toanalyze and classify such amass ofinformation for practical use has not yet been addressed. Nodoubt the problem can besolved bystudying statistically the variability ofwave energy bydirection aswell asbyfrequency~ (See item 8inChapter II). The nearest feasible approach tothe above ideal data base appears to bethe use ofwave forecasting and hindcasting techniques, asdescribed earlier inthis report (Chapter VI). The distinction between forecasting and hindcasting issimply that the former involves predictions ofwaves from wind forecasts while the latter includes data from actually observed winds. When the routine operation ofsuch asystem has been adequately checked and verified, then adata base for one ormore years can beconstructed for any number of points inthe North Atlantic and North Pacific. Although the system ofFNWC (based inMonterey, California) appears very promising for this purpose, the creation and verification ofsuch acomprehensive climatology isstill some distance inthe future. Serious thoughts should, however, begiven to the format ofthis climatological data and Its application todesign soas tofacilitate its use assoon asitbecomes available. Present Data Meanwhile, weare left with alarge amount ofobservational wave statistics and alimited quatity ofpoint spectra calculated from wave measurements atspecific ocean locations. Acommonly used method ofapplying this information towave load problems istoconstruct wave spectra from observed wave data bymeans ofidealized spectrum formulations inwhich the variables are based onthe observed characteristics, such aswave height and characteristic period. This method, asshown here (in Chapter VIII) and inother referenced work, isnot felt tobeentirely satisfactory since itdoes not give sufficient weight tothe effects ofspectrum variability and seems tooverestimate the predicted responses even where the input parameters, i.e., the wave height and period, are based onactual measurement. The appmachrecommended here (as described inChapter VIII) isto make use offamilies ofspectra classified bysignificant height inconjunction with observed data onthe distribution ofsignificant heights (i.e., making nouse ofobsened periods). The spectral shape variation istaken account of byeither oftwo methods: a)Use atleast eight spectra for each wave height category. b)Use the mean spectrum and standard deviation ofordinates for each wave height category. -90- A standard cosine-squared spreading function would beapplied totake account approximately ofshort-crestedness, and unless information tothe contrary isavailable equal probability ofall headings would beassumed. Speed can beaccounted for byselecting RAOS for the maximum reasonable Nospecific allowance need bemade speed tosuit each wave height category. for the possible effect ofmore than one storm --orsea and swell - combined, other than the ‘.aclusion ofsuch conditions inthe statistical sample ofwave spectra used. The effect ofvariation inship cargo loadings onwave bending moment But where large variations indraft are can inmany cases beignored. possible --asbetween full load and ballast conditions ofmammoth tankers -completely separate calculations should bemade for these two conditions of loading. See Lewis, et. al. (1973). Asindicated inChapter III, the recommended sources ofobservational data for determining the wave height distribution are asfollows: Hogben and Lumb (1967) for the North and Central Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and South Pacific. Ysmanouchi and Ogawa (1970) for the North Pacific. U.S. Navy, Summaries ofSynoptic Meteorological Observations for regions which they cover (see Appendix B). The recommended wave spectral families are those derived byHoffman (1975) from Station ?$ndiat records, asgiven inChapter VIII inthe two forms: a)Eight’ representative spectra for each group. b)Amean spectrum and standard deviations for each group. The Future The previous chapters have indicated the continuing need for more data inorder, for example, tostratify spectra further, toimprove statistics ofwave height occurrence and toevaluate hindcasts and forecasts. Anumber ofprojects that will help fulfill these needs, some still inthe planning stage and some already operational onanexperimental basis, are discussed below. Satellites. The GEOS-3 satellite now inoperation has onboard aradar altimeter. This instrument isbeing used, experimentally atpresent, to measure significant wave heights. Reliable measurements have been made ofsignificant wave heights offrom 2to10meters byanalyzing the changing shape ofthe radar return pulse. The accuracy ofthe method inmeasuring storm seas generated byhigh winds, where the waves are long, isstill being investigated. the GEOS-3 system becomes fully operational and starts collecting When data routinely, the potential volume ofinformation isalmost overwhelming. Data will beavailable from all portions ofthe oceans, even those far from land and traveled only infrequently byships. The information will beavailable both night and day. Bythe very nature ofthis acquisition and transmission these data will beindirectly computer-compatible form and their management should bestraightforward. -91- SEASAT-A isscheduled for launch in1978. This satellite will include aradar altimeter similar tothat onGEOS-3 that will beable toprovide Ithad been hoped that the synthetic data onsignificant wave height. aperture radar tobeincluded onthis satellite would provide asystem for imaging waves, thus allowing the estimation ofwave spectra. There is some question now astowhether itwill bepossible toobtain wave images, The task does not appear to and hence spectral estimates, from spacecraft. behopeless and-investigations inthis area are continuing. Asystem toprovide accurate wind speed measurements istobeincluded onSEASAT-A. These wind speed measurements, which will cover all oceans, will beused asinputs for the FNWC weather forecasting and hindcasting model. Since the current limiting factor inthe FNWC wave predictions isthe accuracy ofthe wind fields, the more accurate wind data --combined with the more accurate adjustment ofthe empirical factors inthe model based onthe significant wave height measurements --should greatly improve the accuracy ofthe FNWC predictions. Data from Platforms The oil companies, inconnection with their interest inexploring the possibilities ofoil production off the U.S. East and West Coasts and British Isles, will becollecting large amounts ofenvironmental data including information onwaves. Unfortunately, ashas been the case with large amounts of data collected b-y the oil companies inthe North Sea, Gulf ofMexico and near Alaska, most ofthis information will beconsidered proprietary and will not beimmediately available. Ifthis information were made available toFNWC, whose predictions the oil companies use routinely, and tointerested scientists, the accuracy oftheir predictions would undoubtedly increase. Furthermore, some ofthe areas covered are near shipping lanes and would beofconsiderable value, especially because ofthe effect ofshoaling water and wave steepness. Data Buoys Asnoted inChapter IVthe NOAA Data Buoy Office (NDBO) has deployed anumber of40-foot discus buoys for the collection ofenvironmental data. The information collected includes wind speed and the vertical component ofbuoy acceleration from which spectra are computed. Figs. 58and 59show the current and planned location ofthese buoys. NDBO has over the years deployed several different measurement systems for recording the waves. These included accelerometer data subjected to double integration, anauto-covariance analysis and .a wave spectrum analysis. Plans for the future include awave directional analysis (tiummer/fall 1976). While not providing the wide scale coverage ofthe satellite systems, they doprovide year round information for specific areas. Their spectra can beused for checking and verifying the output ofthe FNWC hindcast model and other large-scale data collection systems. Furthermore, ifadditional funding were made available buoys could bedeployed inlocations where additional data are particularly needed --asoff the coast ofSouth Africa. (See Appendix L). 96 94 I 92 90 32 1 86 t I 84 I t 30 28 u. 78 80 I ■ 1 1 I 32 ATLANTIC 01,’ AN WV-4-A. 1’ 30 7 / 95 kt/9G8 mb ~.,~D10 9/23-00 ● / l(t/980 18 ●85 mb EB-04 (.&J_— 75kf/!X?6 12\ Imb OR o 65 k/993 t mb &$’ 26\. 82 1. Hurricane Eloise s~or-m Track f GA., 1 t i .—. —.— -n“L.- -.—.—. . I 88 1 n 24 r I 22 \ . 20 18 9’6 9’49’2 8’J 80 Fig. 58-Location ofNDBO Buoys inthe -IfofMexico from l’Data Report: Buoy observations 11, 1975]’1, Environmental Sciences Div. NDBO during Hurricane ELOISE [Sept. 19tooct* Nov. 1975. . .. \ —— .———--- .—..—-- o0 ml I o —. . ACKNOWLEDGMENT S The authors wish toacknowledge the help provided bythe National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Data Buoy Office (NDBO) inBay St. Louis, Mississippi and byFleet Numerical Weather Ceniral (FNWC) inMonterey> california~ ofNAVOCEANO. inparticular Mr. S.Lazanoff The discussions and support given byvarious members ofthe research staff atWebb Institute ofNaval Architecture ismuch appreciated, inparticular Mr. T.E. Zielinski who assisted with computer programs and calculations. The assistance ofProfessor W.J. Pierson, Jr., and Dr. Vincent J.Cardone ofthe CUNY Institute ofMarine and Atmospheric Sciences isacknowledged for their assistance inproviding background ideas and information, aswell as preparing material for the report: Dr. Cardone: Chapter VI Professor Pierson: Appendices Dand Jand part ofChapter-IV. ofthe NOAA Data Buoy Office furnished Appendix L. Niederman, USCG, Cdr. C.S. This work was carried out under the supervision ofEdward V.Lewis, Director ofResearch, Webb Institute ofNaval Architecture. His valuable opinion inall phases ofthe work and his editing ofthe text isgratefully acknowledged. Finally, the authors are indebted tothe Ship Research Committee advisory Burkhart, for their constructive group, inparticular tothe Chairman, Mr. comments. -95. I .- — REFERENCES Baer, L., 1962: “An Experiment inNumerical Forecasting ofDeep Water LMSC-801296, Lockheed California Co. Ocean Waves,” Report No. “The Icosahedral Gnomonic Projection and Baer L.and L.C. Adams, 1966: Grid ofthe World Ocean for Wave Studies,” Report.No. LR20157, Lockheed California Co. . “Analysis ofShip Data toPredict Long-Term Trends Band, E.G.U., 1966: ofHull Bending Moments,” Webb Report toA.B.S., November 1966. “The Generation and Propagation ofOcean Barber, N.F., and Ursell, 1948: Waves and Swell,” Philos. Trans. R.Sot. A,Vol. 240, p.527. 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H,@.t P. rl.d Dir. <,,.. ‘mm ,?50 wind speed ‘,( r.clb,,,? pd,,,s b.i. rc 1956 N. Shti. tical Summary card. wig,, II !.,,,. “,,..,,. N.,.. w.”,. ..,”.,,,, n.au[. r,..!1 w;,,. IX,..,,..,d spa=. ” j M.<r., 2 S,.”. (I. 10“ ~ 2 ne..f. rt 30” S,. ed Knot. s,,... D,r.c,km [ 1]. N. f-k lx,..,,.. Directi.a” Records C.ntre ,+sh.. SC. s,,.,, ,...,,.. ,. D,., CO*S ——. 42.000 U.S.A. E Sped — H, i,h t P. .,0.4 lx,, c ,io. ,1,.,1. 8. 12 R.m..k. Ii r/S., Direction .—— 279, 000 r.,”p. * 2 P. rid Direction Brmknell Be,k,hir. .— . .. .. Y.. 10” K“.,, 10° A,r/S,a te,”p, 1., 1... a,.,., 1965. . . . .f, e, APPENDIX B U.S. NAVAL WSATHER SERVICE COMMAND SUWMARY OF SYNOPTIC METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS CNINESE-PHILIPPINE COASTAL MASINE AREAS VOLUKE AKEA NAM2 1 1 2 Gulf of Chihli Tsingtao Yellow Sea S.W, : Shanghai 5 6 7 8 Wenchow Taiwan E. Taiwan W. 2 CENIT@L LOCATION 38.8”N 36.3”N 120.3”E 122.2”E NTIS NO. AD 75S 372 33.6”N 121.8”E 30.5”N 122.8”E AD 760 333 SWatow 27.3”N 122.3”E 23.2”N 122.7”E 23.4”N 119.4”E 22.2”N 116.S”E 3 9 10 11 12 Hong Kong Luzon N.E. Luzon N.W. Hainan S.E. 20.5”?4 112.8”E 18.8”N 123.3”E 18.5”N 117.9°E 17.l”N 112.6”E AD 762 423 b 13 14 15 16 Luzon S.E. Manila Bay West York Ieland Mindanao E. 13.5”N 12.4*N 12.5”N 9.O”N 123.8”E 119.7”E 114.O”E 127.O”E AD 762 424 5 17 18 19 20 Mindanao W. Balabac Strait Brunei N.W. Saigon 300 S.E. 7.5”N 7.7”N 7.5”N 6.8”N 122.O”E IUJ.5”E 112.5”E 108.6”E AB 762 425 B-1 JAPANESE AND KOREAN COASTAL NAHINS AREAS CENTEAL LOCATION NTIS NO. Kushiro Tomakomei Sendai 42.6”N 145.88X .41.8”N L42.4”E 39.5”N 142.7”E Au 757 107 Tokyo Hachijo Jima NaSoya 35.5”N 140.9”E 32.O”N 140.5”E 33.8”N 137.4”E An 754 773 Nobeoke Yaku Shime Amami O Shime 32.3*N 30. O”N 2S .O“N 133.2*E 130.O”E 129.5*E AD 753 46S 10 11 12 Okinawa Sakiahima Ialande Southern Ea.etChine Sea 26.O”N 127.5”E 25.O”N 124.5*E 27.7”N 125.S”E AD 753 216 13 30. O”N 126.O”E AD 743 48S 32.O”N 126.O”E 15 Central Eaet China Sea Northern Eaat China Sea Nagaeaki 32.O”N 129.4”E 6 16 17 18 Saaebo Inland Sea Nateue 33.9”N 34.2”N 36.l”N 129.S”E 133.2”E 133.3*E Ao 743 944 7 19 20 21 Niigata Akita Nekodate 38. O”N 40 .O”N 137.5”E 138.O”E b2.6”11 139.4”E AD 742 797 8 22 39.9-N 133.7*E AN 733-997 24 Central Sea of Japan Southern Sea of Japan Wonean 40. O”N .9 25 26 27 Kengnung Puean Cheju Ieland 38.1*N 129.8*E 35.7*N 130.O*E 34.l”N 127.4”E AD 732 758 10 28 34.O”N 124.5*E AO 730 958 29 30 Southern Yellow Sea Inch’on Korea Bay 31 32 33 Benin Ialanda Volcano Ielands Mercue Ieland 27.5”N 142.5*E 24.5”N 141.5”E 24.O”N 153.5”E VOLUME AHEA 1 1 2 3 b 2 5 6 3 7 8 9 4 14 23 11 NAME 38.O”N 133.5*E 129.8*E 36.5”N 125.3”E 38.9”N 123.6”E B-2 AD 730 958 - SOUTHWESTASIAN COASTAL WARINE AREAS VOLUIU?, ABEA 1 NAME CENTRAL LOCATI02j NTIS NO. 19.8”N 19.S”N 18.3”N 15.7ell 91.8”E S8.5”E 85.3”E 82.3”E AD 733 692 b Akyab Calcutta Vishakhapatnam Mamlipatam 2 5 6 7 s Madras N,E. Ceylon S.E. Ceylon W. Ceylon 11.9”N 8.8*N 5.8*N 8.O”N 81.4”E 81.9”E 81.2”E 79.5”E AD 736 449 3 9 10 11 12 Cape Comorin Mangalore Panjim Bombay .7.9”N 11.3”N 14.4*N 17.4”N 77.4”E 74.4”E 72.7*E 71.6”E m 4 13 14 15 16 Gulf N,E. N.W. S.E. 20.3”N 20.5”N 20.5”N 20.3”N 70.9”E 67.O”E 63.O”E 59.8”E AD 734 693 5 17 18 19 20 Karachi Sonmiani Gwadar N. Gulf of Oman 22,9”N 23.7”N 23.6”N 25.O”N 68.3*E 65.5”E 62.5”E 58.7”E Al)733 693 6 21 22 23 24 S. Gulf of Oman S.E. Persian Gulf N.E. Parsian Gulf N .W. Persian Gulf 23.5*N 25.3”N 27.7”N 27.5”N 59.O”E 53.7*E 51.4”E 50.O”E AD 737 909 1 : of Cambay ArabIan Sea Arabian Sea Oman B-3 735 441 I SAWAIIAN ANN SELECTED NORTH PACIFIC ISUNO COASTAL MARINK AREAS VOLDT.fS AREA NAME CENTRAL LOCATIOti NTIS NO. 1 1 2 3 4 Hawaiian Windward Hawaiian Leeward Barking Sands French Frigate Shoale 20.9”N 20.3”N 22.7”N 23.6”N 156.O”W 15S.2”W 160.3”W 166.5”w AD 723 798 2 5 6 7 Johnston Ieland Midway Island Wake Ieland 17.4”N 169.3”W 27.8”N 177.2”W 19.2”N 166.4”E AD 725 137 3 8 9 10 Majuro Kwajalein Eniwetok 6.8”N 171.4”E 8.8”N 167.7”E 10.9”N 162.1°E AD 725 13S 4 11 12 13 Ponape Truk Pagan 6.9”N 15S.6”E 7.2”N 151.l”E 17.5”N 145.2”E AD 726 740 5 14 15 16 17 Saipan Guam Yap Koror 14.8”N 13.O”N 9.6”N 6.9”N AD 727 900 145.4”E 144.7”E 139.1*E 134.4”E SOUTHEAST ASIAN COASTAL MARINE AREAS VOLDME AREA 1 1 2 3 4 Tonkin Gulf Da Nang Nha Trang Saigon 2 5 Southeaet Gulf of Siam North Gulf of Siam Southwest Gulf of Siam 6 7 NANs 3 8 9 10 11 Kuala Trengganu Endau South Malacca Strait North Malacca Strait 4 12 13 14 Rangoon Pagoda Point Victoria Point CENTKAL LOCATION 19.5”N 15.7”N 12.5”N 9.3”N NTIS NO. 10S,O”E 109.5”E 11O.O”E 107.3”E AD 747 638 9.3”N 103.7”E AD 749 936 12.O”N 101.O”E 9.O”N 101.O”E 5.5”N 104.4”E 2.6”N 104.9”E 2.l”N 102.O”E 6.O”N 99.O”E 10.O”N 14.3”N 15.7*N B-4 96.8”E 96.5”E 93.3”E AD 749 937 AD 750 159 WESTESN EUROPEAN COASTAL MARINE AREAS AREA 1 1 NAMS CENTRAL LOCATION NTIS NO. Lisbon Aveiro Port0 La Corune Gijon Bordeaux 38.O”N 40.O”N 42.O”N 44 .O”N 44.2-N 44.8”N 7 8 9 10 11 Nencee Plymouth English Channel Dover Strait Bristol Channel 46.8*N 49.l”N 49.7”N 50.4”N 51..1”N 12 13 14 15 16 17 Irish Sea Cork S.W. Irish Coast W. Irish Coast Scottish Sea Outer Hebrides 53.7”N 50.8”N 52.2°K 54.l”N 56.1*N 58.2”N 7.4”W 6.8”W 4 18 19 20 21 22 23 Shetland Is. N ~W. Orkney Ielanda Edinburgh Grimeby Rhine Delta Bremerhaven 61.O”N 59.O”N 36.6”N 53.9”N 52.4-N 54.2”N 4.5*W 3.4”W 1.2”W .9”E 3.l”E 7 .O’E AD 775 435 5 24 Eebjerg Oogger Banks North Sea Shetland 1s. S .)3. Stavanger Bergen Aleaund 55.9”N 55.2”N 56.9”N 58.9”N 57.8”N 60.O”N 62.2”N 6.5”E 3.2”E 2.2”E .2*E 5.7*E 3.8”E 4.3”E AD 776 396 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 01s0 Copenhagen Bornholm Is. Gulf of Danzig Stockholm Gulf of Rigs 58.1*N 55.4”N 55.2”N 56.I”N 58.4”N 58.5*N 9.8”E U.2”E 15.3”E 19.2el? 18.4”E 21.2*E AD 777 049 2 3 b 5 6 3 6 B-5 10.7”W 10.6”W 10.5”W 9.7*W 5.8”W 2.a”w All 773 141 3.6”w 5.5”W 2.8”W .6”E 6.O“W AD 773 59; 4.8”W 8.3”W 11.5”W 11.S”W AD 775 177 WESTERN EUROPEAN COASTAL MARINS AREAS (Continued) VOLUMS ARsA 7 37 38 39 40 41 42 8 NANE 43 Gulf of Finland Gulf of Bothnia S. Gulf of Bothnia N. Murmansk Andenes Central Norwegian Coast OSV Mike 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Iceland S.E. Raykjavik Iceland N.W. Iceland N. Iceland N.E. Angmagsaalik Cape Farewell S.E. CENTRAL LOCATION 60.O”N 61.O”N 63.9”N 70.3”N 70.2”N 66.O”N 25.5”E 19.4”E 21.8”E 32.9”E 17.4”E 10.O”E 66.O”N 2.O”E 63.8”N 14.6”W 24.l”w 25.l”w 18.8”W 13.4”W 37.5”W 38.5”W 64.O”N 66.2”N 66 .,6”N 66.3”N 64.9”N 58.O”N B-6 . NTIS NO. AD 777 133 AD 777 601 - MEDITER2UNSAN MARINE ARBAS VOLUME AREA 1 1 NAME NTIS NO. CSNTSAL LOCATION Rota Tangier Malaga 36.4”11 35.O”N 36.0”24 7.8”w 7.7”W 3.4*W AO 713 992 Oran Cartagena Barcelona Marseille 36.5°1i 37.7”ti 40.4”N 42.6”N .3*W .5”E 1.9”E 5.O”E m 714 288 40.8”t4 38.9”N 37,4”N 42.7”N 5.2*E 4.6*E 3.9”E 8.4”E m 713 779 10 11 N. Kenorca 24al10rca Algiers Corsica 12 13 lb 15 Sardinia Annab@ Rome S. Tyrrhenfan Sea 39.O”N 37.6”N .41.2”N 39.l”N 9.l”E 7.98P, 12.O”E 13.4”E IQ 713 780 16 17 18 19 s,W. Sicily Tripoli N, Adriatic Sei, S. Adriatic Sea 36.8”N 34.l”N 43.9”N 41.5”N 12.2*E 12.3”E 14.7”E lg,lOE An 713 648 W. Ionian Sea Malta Gulf of Sidra E. Ienian Sea 37.9*N 35.3”N 32.7°N 37.6”N 16.g”E 16,7*E lS.3”E 20.4”E ~ 2 22 23 7 24 25 26 27 N. Aegaan Sea S. Aegean Sea Crete Benghazi 39.9”N 37.9”N 35.8”N 33.9”N 24.8”E 25.l”E 24.9”E 22.9”E Al)713 084, 8 28 29 35.7”N 34.O”N 29.9”E 27.5”E AD 713 085 30 31 Shodes Central Levantine Basin Alexandria N. Cyprue 32.2”N 35.7”N 27.8*I2 34.3*I3 32 33 34 35 s. Cyprus Nile Delta Beirut Port Said 33.9*N 32.3*N 34.2”N 32.2”N 31.9*E 31.O”E 34.9”E 33.3”E ; 2 4 5 6 7 3 5 8 9 6 9 B-7 713 295 AN 712 761 NORTH AMERICAN COASTAL MARINE AR2AS (Revised) VOLUME 1 AREA 49.2”N 47.O”N 46,0”N 46.8”N 49.6*N 51.0% 52.7%1 51.5”W 54.5*W 58-.3”w 62.5”W 10 11 12 13 14 St. Lawrence River Gulf of St. Lawrenca Cape Brenton Island SE Halifax Boeton Quonset Point New York 49.4”U 47.8”N 44.9*N 48.7”N 43.4”N 40;8”N 40,4”N 66.9”w 62.4”w 58.9”W 63.7”w 68.3”W 70.4”W 72.7”W 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Atlantic City Norfolk Cape Hatteras Bermuda Charleston Jacksonville Miamf 39.O”N 37.O”N 34.7”N 32.O”N 32.9”N 30.5”N 27.O”N 72.5”V 74.S”W :74.Sew “65.O”W 77.4”W 79.7”V 79.2”W Guantanamo Ray lieet Fort Myere Apalachicola Panaacola New .Orleane Gelveaton Corpus Christi 19.O”N 24.O”N 25.8”N 28.6”N 28.7”N 2S.28N 28.4*N 27.3”N 75.O”W 81.O”W 83.2”w S4.4”W 87.5”w 90.5”W 93.5”W 96.2”w 4 5 6 7 3 4 APPROXIMATE CEWIBAL LOCATION Belle Iele Strait OSV Bravo NS NewfoundlandCoaet SE NewfoundlandCoast Placentia Bay South Cabot Strait Ant$coeti Island 1 2 3 2 NAus 8 9 B-8 50.5”N 51.5”N 58.3”U F CARIBBRAN ~ VOLUFOt ABXA uY ISL4ND COASTAL NARIN2 AREAS NAME APPROXIMATE CENTIbM LOCATION : British Honduras Ciudad .delCarmen Veracrwz Cape Rojo Yucatan Isle of Pinee 17.5”N 19.5*N 19.5*N 21.5”N 22.5”N 21.5”N 87.5”W 92.5”W 95.O”W 96.5”w 89.5”W 82.5”w 2 7 8 9 10 11 Cepman Jamaica West Jemaica South Jemaica North Jamaica Southeaet 19.5”N lS.O”N 17.O”N 19.0°N 17.O”N 80.5°W 79.O”W 77.O”W 77.O”W 75.O”W 3 12 13 14 : 17 Hiepaniola South Windward Paasage Grand Bahame Naaaau San Salvador AckLina Ieland 17:O”N 20.O”N 26.5”N 25.O”N 24.O”N 21.5”N 72.5”w 74.O”w 77.5”W 77.O”W :75.O”W “73.5”W 18 19 20 21 22 23 Hiepaniola North Santo Domingo None Paeaaga. Puerto Rico South Puerto Rico North Viequea 19.5”N 17.5*N 18.5”N 17.5°N .19.5”N 18.5”N 69.O”W 69.5”w 6S.O”W 66.5”w 66.5”w 65.6”w 5 24 25 26 27 28 29 Virgin Ialende Leeward Ielande Windward Islands Trinidad Barcelona Caracas 18.O”N 16.5*N 13.5”N U.O”N 11.5*N 11.5”N 64.O”W 62.0°W 60.5”w 61.5*w 64.5”W 67.O”W 6 30 31 32 33 34 35 Gulf of Venezuela Riohache Cartagena Colon Gulf of Panama Gelapagoe Ialenda 12.5”N 12.5”N 11.5”N 10.O”N 8.O”N .5”s 69.5”w 72.5”W 75.5”W 80.O”W 79.5”W 90.5”W 1 1 2 3 b B-9 INOON8SIAN COASTAL MARINS AREAS VOLUMR AsF.A 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 “NAns Southeaat Sumatra Christmaa Island Sunda Strait Northwest Java Sea Bangka Island Northwest Natuna Island Sarawak . APPROXIMATE CENTRAL LOCATION 04.3”s 10.5°s 6.1”S 4.0”s .8”s 3.5”N 3.8*N 101.7”E 105.5”E 105.7”E 107.5”E 105.5”E 108.O”E 111.8”E 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Weat Borneo Karimata Strait Southwest Java Sea South Central Java Southeaat Java Southeaat Java Saa Northeaat Java Sea .7el’l 107.8”E 2.7”s 109.2”E 5.5”s 109.6”E 8.4”s 11O.6”E 9,7°s 115.2”E 6.3”s 113.l”E 4.4”s 113.9”E 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Bali Sea Floraa Sea Northwest Floree Sea South Mekasaar Strait Central Hekasaar Strait North Wakaeaar Strait Southwaat Celebes Sea 7.8”S 7.8”S 6.0”s 4.2”s 2.0”s .1”s 2.2”N 116.5”E 119.9”E j17.5”E 117.8aE 117.8*E 118.7aE 120.3”E 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Northwest Celebes Sea Eaet Celebes Sea Northeaat Molucca Sea SoutheaatMolucca Sea Northeaat Banda Sea Timor Northwest North TimorSea 3.8*N 3.O”N 3.0°N 1.0”s 5.5”s 7.8”s 8.4”s 120.2”E 123.5”E 127.O”E 126.7”E 131.o”l! 124.5-E 129.3”E 29 30 31 2 34 Melville Ia2and Weat Arafura Sea East Arafura Sea Weat Torrea Strait Eaat Torrea Strait Gulf of Papua Southeaat 11.2”s 9.3”s 9.6”S 10.5”s 10.8”s 10.3”s 130.8”E 133.3”E 136,8”E 140.5”E 143.8”E 146.8*E 35 36 37 38 39 40 Southeeat New Guinea Northwest Solomon Sea Mmiralty Ialanda Eaat New Ireland Northeaet North Solomon Sea Southeast Solomon Sea 10.7”s 6.9”s 1.8”s 2.1”s 5.5”s 8.5”s 151.5”E M8.7’E 149.O”E 152.6”E 153.5”E 154.5*E B-10 ~ EAST ~ICAN AND SELECTED ISLAND COASTAL MARINE AREAS APPROXIMATE VOLUKS AnzA 1 1 2 3 CENTS& LOCATION Kuria Nuria Is West Arabian Sea Qamr Bay Socotra IS Gulf of Aden US Gulf of Aden NW 18.O*N 16.O”N 15.3*N 13.3”N 13.5*N 12.6*N 58.O”E 57.O”E 53.O”E 54.4”E 49.O”E 45.7”!3 Red Sea Red Sea Red Sea Xed Sea Red Sea Gulf of 14.6”N 17.5°N 20.5”N 23.5”N 26.4”N 28.5”N 42.3”E 40.5”E 38.5”E 37.O”E 35.3”E -33.2*E Somali Coaet NE Somali Coaat Eaat Somali Co@et SE Somali Coaat South 11.4”N 12.4*N 9.4”N 6.5”N 3.4”N .5”N 45.7”E 51.5”E 52.3*E :51.4”E “48.9*E 45.8°E z 21 22 23 24 25 Kenya Coaat Zanzibar Tamzania Coaat SE POrtO Amelia Lumbo Mozambique Channel NW Mozambique Channel SW 2.5”S 5.5”s 8.5”S 11.5”s 14.4”s 17.5”s 20.6”S 42.8”E 41.6”E 41,8”E 42.3”E 42.2”E 40.O”E 37.2*E 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Lourenco Marquea Tulear Nezambique Channal SE Nezambique Channel NE Diego Garcia Gan Ninicoy Ia 24.5”S 25.0”s 20.5”s 13.2”s 8.5”S .5*N 8 .O”N 37.4*E 42.2”l! 41.7”E 46.3”E 72.5”E 73.o”l! 7300”E b s 6 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 13 14 15 16 17 18 4 5 N&m South South Central Cantral North Central North Suez Gulf of Men Gulf of SW Men SE B-II SIBERLAN COASTAL MARINE AREAS APPROXIMATE CENTML LOCATION VOLUME AXEA 1 1 2 3 4 5 Wrangel Ieland North Capa Anadyrakiy Gulf Khatyrka Khatyrks 340S 72.O”N 69.O”N 64.O”N 60.5”N 57.O”N 178.5”W 175.O”W 177.Oew 176.O”E 175.O”E 6 7 8 =raginekiy Island Kronoki Coumander Islands 58.O”N 54.5”N 54.O”N 166.O”E 162.5”E 168.O”E 9 10 11 Kurll Strait W Kuril Strait E Kuril Strait 400E 51.5”N 51.5”N 51.5*N 156.O”E 159.5”E 167.O”E 12 13 14 15 16 Magadan ShelikhoveGulf SakhalinekiyGulf Sobolevo 24o NW Sobolevo 58,5”N 60.O”N 55.O”N 55.5”N 54.4”N 147.5”E 158.5”E 143.O”E 153.O”E 155.5”E 5 17 18 19 20 Tartar Strait N Tartar Strait S Sakhalin NE Sakhalin SE 51.O*N 48.O”N 52.O”N 49.O”N 141.5”E 140.5”E 146.O”E 146.O”E 6 21 :: 24 Okhotak.Sea SE Oneketan Island 135W Onekotan Ialanrl Soya Strait W 52.5”N 49.5”N 48.O”N 45.5”N 152.O”E 152.O”E 155.5”E 139.5”E 25 26 27 28 Soya Strait E Urup Island Vladivostok 01’ga 46.O”N 46.5”N 42.O”N 42.5”N 145.5”?! 151.O”E 131.5”E 135.5”E 7 NAME Publications Volumes i through 6 atill in production, NTIS No. for Volume 7 ia AD 733 988. B-12 NORTH ~ICAN COASTAL MAHNS AMAS VOLUMI! AR2A 1 1 2 3 Argentina Bermuda Guantanamo 45-47”N 30-34”N 18-20”N 53-56”w 63-67“W 74-76*W Au 706 357 2 4 5 6 7 BOBton @onset Point New York Atlantic City 42”N-C 40-42”N 40”N-C 38-40”N 66”W-C 69-72”w 72”W-C 72”w-C AD 707 699 3 8 9 10 Norfolk Cape Hatteras Charleston 36-38”N 34-36”N 32-34”N 73”W-C 73”W-C 75”W-C AD 707 700 4 11 12 13 Jacksonville ?’!iami Kay West 29-32eti 25-29”N 23-25”N 78”w-c 78-81”w 79-83“W AD 707 701 5 14 15 16 Fort Myers Apalachicola Pensacola 25-27”N 27”N-c 27” N-c 81-84“W c-86°w 86-89”W AD 709 973 6 17 18 19 New Orleans 27 “N-C 27”N-C 26”N-c 89-92”w 92-95”w 95”W-C AD 710 770 Ga2veston Corpus Christi 7 20 21 22 23 Baja San Diego 200SW San Diego, Santa Rosa 28-31*N 28-31”N 31-34”N 31-34”N C-120”W 120-125°W C-120”W 120-125”W AD 709 054 8 24 25 26 Point Mu@ San Franciaco Point Arena 34-36”N 36-38”N 38-40”N C-l25”W C-l26”W C-127“W AD 710 771 9 27 28 29 Eureka North Bend Nevport 40-42”N 42-44”N 44-46”N C-127“W C-127*W C-127”W AD 709 939 10 30 31 Astoria Seattle 46-48”N 48-50”N C-127”W C-l29”W AO 710 829 Vancouver Queen Charlotte Sitka 50-53”N 53-56”N 56-60”N C-134”W C-135”W C-140”W m 11 : 3 NAM3 BouwomY (C-COASTLINR) B-13 NTIS.NO. 716 721 NORTH AMERICAN COASTAL MARINS ARSAS (Continued) VOLIMS AREA NAME mmmm (c-COASTLIm) NTIS NO. 12 .4 5 6 Cordova Seward Kodiak 57”N-C 57”N-C 56”N-c 140-146”W L46-151”W 151-157°w AD 714 360 13 7 8 9 Unin!ak Dutch Harbor A&k Attu 53”N-C 51-55*N 51-55*N 51-55”N 157-165”W 165-172°W 172-180”W 172-180”E AD 717 949 Bristol Bay 55-59”N 55-59”N 55-59-N C-165”W 165-172”W 172-180”W Ao 719 345 59-62”N 59-62”N 62-66”N 66-70”N C-171”W 171-178”W C-172”W C-170”W 154-170”W .4D 718 346 10 14 15 11 12 13 St Paul 14 15 16 17 18 Nunivak St Matthew St Lawrence Cape Lisburne Barrow St Paul 180W 70-74”N B-14 I Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations for Great Lakes Areas Volume Area 1 Ontario 1 Erie East 1 Erie West 2 Huron South 2 Huron Central 2 Huron Northwest 2 Georgian Bay 3 Michigan North 3 Michigan South 4 Superior East 4 Superior East Central 4 Superior West Central 4 Superior West B-15 APPENDIX C SAMPLE TABLES OF WAVE OBSERVATIONS FROM VARIOUS SOURCES TABLE C-1 SAMPLE TASLES FROM “SUMMARY OF STNOPTIC METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS FOR (VARIOUS AREAS) ,“ U.S. DEPT. OF COhMERCE, NOA4, ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SERVICE DECEMBER PER1ODI [PRIMARY] lDVER-&LLl AREA 0007 MAKE ISLANO 19.3N 166. *E TAC.LE 18 (CnNT) 1963-1969 MINDSPEEDIKTSIVS SEA HEIGHTIFTI ncr o-s <1 1.0 H 5-6 1 :; 13-16 17-19 20-22 23-25 26-32 33-40 41+8 49-60 61-70 7:;:6 TOT 00S TOT PCT 11.21 22.33 34.47 48+ 2,0 ,0 :: .0 9,5 8,8 3*9 ,3 ,3 .0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 .0 ,0 ,0 ,C .0 9.2 18.0 17,6 9.8 2.6 1.3 .0 .7 .0 .3 ,0 .0 .0 ,0 ,0 .0 ,0 .0 2.3 24,8 59,5 .0 8-9 1;;11 4.10 :: .0 .0 .0 .0 :: .0 .0 .0 .0 :: 1.0 2,6 3,6 3.9 1,3 ,7 .0 ,0 ;: .0 :: ,0 .0 :: IS2CI 46 *.7 8.9 <1 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 8,9 6.2 3.4 6,0 10.4 10.6 1.9 4.4 7.5 10.11 ,7 .2 1:1;2 ,0 .0 1.0 :; .0 ,3 .2 ,0 .0 .0 .5 .7 INDET 1,4 135 1;: TOTAL 1s i; 106 23.1 2Z.1 ~cr 2,6 10.4 lZ.1 .9 ,0 .3 ,0 8.9 1,2 ,2 .0 8-9 10.11 1.7 3.4 3.1 :; .2 ;; 9.7 :: ;: 4.4 .3 ,0 .0 ,0 ,0 .7 .0 .0 .0 ,0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ,0 .0 Ij:; Z.b ,1 :; :: .0 :: .0 .0 :; ,0 ,0 ,0 .0 ,0 :: :: 1.0 .0 100,0 VS WAVE PERIOO (.$ EcfJNos) 12 13-1617-1920-2z23-2526.32S!4.40 41.4849.6061.707i.06 ,0 .9 1:: ,9 1.4 1.0 .2,9 ,0 .0 19,3 .0 30,4 .0 24,Z 306 12,4 PERCENT FREQUENCY OF h’AV2 HEIGHT tpT] PER1OO 00 ,0 .0 ,0 ,0 .0 TOT 00s PCT ,5 .3 .0 ,0 15 2.6 .0 .5 1.2 1,0 .7 .2 .0 21 3,6 ,0 .0 .0 :; :: .Z ,0 8 1.6 .0 .0 ,0 .0 ,0 00 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3 .0 .0 ,0 .0 .0 .0 .0 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 0 ,0 .0 .3 .2 .7. .0 .0 .0 :: 4 ,7 0 .0 .: .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 :: ,0 .0 .0 .0 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .: 00 .0 .0 .0 ,0 .0 .0 0 17s 201 121 33 24 2; 583 .0 100.0 MEAN HG7 k 6 7 10 10 10 3 6 TASLE C-2 SAMPLE TASLE FROM U.S. NAVAL OCEANOGF@J’HICOFFICE (1963) c-2 - ‘kEEzlId: ........................ ........-----------..” ,.., c-3 ,“9,?” ,.”. . : : APPENDIX D A DESCRIPTION OF WAVE MEASURING SYSTEMS adapted from “The Theory and Applications of Ocean Wave Measuring Systems at and Below the Sea Surface, on the Land, from Aircraft and from Spacecraft” by Willard J. Pierson, Jr. Prepared for the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland under contract NAS-5-ZO041 Report NASA CR-2646 June 1975 D-1 The Tucker Shipborne Wave Recorder A routinely operated system for recording ocean waves is the Tucker Shipborne Wave Recorder as described by Tucker (1956). This particular instrument has been in virtually continuous use on the European weather ships since the time of the publication of the above reference and many hundreds of records have been obtained in various places in the eastern North Atlantic since that time. During SKYLAB for the month of January 1974, the winds over the North Atlantic were extremely high and an area of high winds where the winds exceeded 65 knots (3Z.5 meters per second) , equal roughly to the area of the United States east of the Mississippi, occurred and lasted for a number of days. European weather ships on station in the North Atlantic recorded the waves during this period with this instrument for use in the interpretation of SKYLAB data. The Tucker Shipborne Wave Recorder consists of two pressure-sensitive transducers mounted with a water-tight seal on each side of the hull of a ship on the inside at a point below the water line. They are provided access to the ocean by means of small holes drilled through the hull plates. The function of these two pressure transducers is to provide the average value of the pressure caused by the height of the water on the outside of the ship above this point. The idea of these two transducers to record that part of the wave motion is that these two signals are averaged before further processing. On the line connecting these two points, which are located near midships on the particular ship being used, is an accelerometer. The design of this accelerometer is quite simple, and the signal recorded by the accelerometer is double integrated continuously as a function of time to yield a function that represents the rise and fall of that point. The signal from the pressure transducer is then added to this doubly integrated acceleration signal and the output is graphed as a function of time on a piece of chart paper. The ships on which these wave recorders are installed are typically quite small, being of the order of 150 to 200 feet long (say, 50 to 65 meters long) . When extremely high waves are being recorded, the waves are typically four or five times longer than the ship and the ship rides up and down on these waves and follows the wave profile quite closely. The correction added by the pressure transducer is thus a relatively small part of the total vertical excursion sensed by the ship. If the ship did not move up and down on the waves, it would be flying part of the time and acting like a submarine during the other part of the time. A sample record from this recorder is shown in Fig. D-1. The date, time and other pertinent information is also shown on the figure. The wave record obtained by the Tucker Shipborne Wave Recorder needs to be corrected as a function of frequency. The double integration is not perfect so that some waves are over amplified by the process for some frequencies and others are attenuated. Also, the added correction for the pressure fluctuation due to the shorter period waves is a function of the depth of the pressure transducer on the side of the hull and of other dimensions of the ship. A calibration curve needs to be derived for each ship on which this recorder is installed. The procedures for deriving this calibration curve were given by Cartwright (1961). Wave records obtained by this instrument, as used on many different ships, have been spectrally analyzed and corrected according to the appropriate calibration curve by many different scientists. Pertinent references are Moskowitz, Pierson and D-2 $’ A’ “,J-K$i&do lL— — 1 TT- D-3 Mehr (1962, 1963, 1965), Ewing and Hogben (1971), M. Miles (1972) and Hoffrmn (1974. a). Sample calibration curves for three different ships are tabulated as a function of frequency in Table D-1 from Miles (1972). It can be noted that a spectrum esthated from a record such as the one graphed in Fig. D-1 has to be multiplied by values greater than one for low frequencies, values closer to one for certain intermediate frequencies, and values considerably greater than one as the frequency increases towards the upper range of definition. For the high end of the frequency band typically covered in a spectral analysis of such a record, the amplification factors are very high, and any white noise digitization error in the records can lead to unrealistic valuea. Moat acientiats who analyze these records calculate the white noise level at the high end of the band, assuming it to be all white noise and well above some unknown Nyquist frequency. This white noise level is then subracted from the entire record and the calibration curve given by the above table is then applied. Fig. D-2 and D-3 shows some examples of spectra calculated from the data obtained by the Tucker Shipborne Wave Recorder. The peak of the first spectrum is at a spectral value of about 50; that of the last one is at 0.07. Table D-2 shows a sample from Miles (1972) of the data available from these records. The parameters of records NW 181 to NW 210 are tabulated. The significant height is related to m. by The values T(-1) , T(1) and T(2) are different kinds of “average” period, hased on various moments of the spectrum. The K’s are related to slope parameters of the spectrum. Table D-3 shows the values of the spectrum for the top record in Fig. D-2. The raw spectrum is given by SO, the spectrum minus noise is given by S1, and the spectrum after multiplication by the calibration curve is given by S3. The data from this instrument have proved to be invaluable to naval architects. Over t!e years the records for the ten highest sequences observed in a twenty minute interval in the North Atlantic have been assembled and analyzed. The very highest waves had a significant wave height of 55 feet from crest to trough. This implies that one wave in one hundred at that ttie was 1.5 times that significant wave height, or somewhere near 82 feet from the crest of the wave to the trough of the wave as it passed the weather ship that was recording this train of waves. The probabilistic structure of the wave motion for such extremely high waves has been quite well verified by calculating the so-called significant nave height and the highest wave fn a twenty minute interval and comparing these values with the theoretical results obtained by Longuet-Higgins. The advantages of the Tucker Shipborne Wave Recorder are considerable. It can be mounted on any relatively small ship and waves can be recorded wherever that ship is stationed. The water can have any depth. Typically, the ship is hove to while the waves are being recorded but in principle it could be underway in head seas and record the waves as a function of their frequency of encounter. The calibration problem is somewhat more difficult under these circumstances, however, so that this D-4 TASLE D-1 FSSQUSNCY RSSPONSE COBF.ECTIONFUNCTIONS [from Miles (1972)] NEATVEP REPORTER WEhTHEl? ADVISER N 0:4EGA A(fl) B(H) C(N) o 0.00 1.0000 1.0000 1’.0000 1 0.05’ 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.4524 1.3253 1.204S 1.1394 1.1294 1.1519 1.1999 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.42b5 1.2787 1.1442 1.0622 1.0303 1.0256 1.0405 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.6677 1.2979 1.1392 1.0673 1.0400 1.0402 1.0599 :: 15 16 17 18 19 20 0.55 0.60, 0..65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.s5 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.2703 1.3641 1.4829 1.6301 1.80!33 2.0277 2.29U8 2.6214 3.0173 3.5052 1.05s4 1.1107 1.1635 1.2307 1.37.03 1.4046 1.5162 1.6470 1.7979 1.9751 1.0956 1.1456 1.2098 1.2888 1.3839 1.4970 1.6307 1.7882 1.9737 2.1922 :; 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.3U 1.35 1.40 1,$5 1,50 4.1087 4.8559 5.7837 6.9462 8.4121 10.2667 12.6353 15.6792 19.6103 24.7277 2.1S30 2.k256 2.7084 3.0409 3.4329 3.8940 4.4413 5.0934 5.8701 6.s016 2.4499 2.7545 3.1157 3.5451 4.0575 4.6710 5.40s7 6.29’30 7.3782 8,6918 31 32 33 ;4 35 36 31 3S 39 \ll 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 l.g~ 1.9s 2.00 31.4321 40.2135 52.0057 67.7020 SS.8b Sl 117.4970 15 G. G320 210.5760 265. 337o 389.2o2o 7.9219 9.272S 10.9108 12.9024 15.3343 18.3199 21.9977 26.5521 32.2142 39.2524 lU.2930 12.2707 14.7046 17.7216 21. b78S 26.1S04 32.0919 3g.56~9 119.0439 61. IL3S ; 4 5 6 7 8 Y 10 11 12 — WEATHER EXPLORER —— 1 D-5 TABLE D-2 SAMPLE DATA SDMMARY FOR SBWR FREQIJSNCYSPECTRA [Miles (1972)] RECORD DATE 1!(1/3) CONFIDENCE INTERVAL Otl }1(1/3) UPPER 95% LOWER 5% T(-1) T(1) T(2) (SEC) (Silt) (SEC) K(-1) K(1) K(2) (H R- DY+O-YR) (i4ETERs) tiwl El I;w182 ll\i183 Nw184 Pl!ila5 IJW186 NW187 tlw138 ll\l189 t; P!190 12-22 -12-G1 12-27-12-61 12-28-12-61 12-221-62 12-281-62 12-291-62 12-311-62 129- 2-62 12-102-62 12-112-62 3.64S 4.102 5.331 9.229 L.551 6.968 10.04s 6.357 13.657 10.084 4.033 4.491 5.756 10,285 4,976 7.765 11.315 7.024 15,170 11,107 3.300 3.748 4.938 8.282 4.162 6.252 8,923 5.7s3 12,294 9,156 11,03 9.33 8,67 11.95 10,58 10.08 11.5b 10,31 12.11 11,42 9.8k 8.56 7,70 10.62 9.41 9,06 10,03 9,17 10,13 9.88 9.12 8,11 7.23 9,74 8.75 8.45 9,08 8.48 8.97 8.97 1,35 1.08 0.88 0,92 1.16 0,89 0.85 0.95 0.76 0.84 1.34 1.03 0,86 0.91 1.14 0.89 0.82 0.94 0.71 0.81 1,35 1.13 0.88 0.90 1,15 0.90 0.81 0.95 0.68 0,80 11W191 I:W192 l:ki193 Fiwl!lh NW19> tiW196 t{w197 WW198 lJvi199 :/w200 12-1312-1512-2012-2112-2512-2412-2912-30123124- 2-b2 1-64 1-64 1-64 1-64 1-64 l-6k 1-64 2-64 2-64 5.064 5.036 b. 739 6.668 3.592 2.427 8,047 11,327 8.197 6.332 5.635 5.553 5.173 7.446 3,975 2.679 8.990 12.772 9.047 7.019 4,551 4.568 4.342 5.972 3,24fj 2.19S 7,203 10.,046 7,k26 5,712 11.17 9.05 9.29 12.62 11.33 10.62 10.53 i2,20. 11.04 11.00 10.17 8.00 8.35 11.12 10,29 9,5s 9.40 10,82 9,81 9.67 !7.50 7,k2 7.83 10.11 9.67 8,92 8.68 9.88 9.09 8.84 1.16 0.94 1.00 1.14 1,3’3 1.59 0.87 0.85 0.90 1.02 1.17 0,92 0,99 1.12 I.til 1.59 0,86 0.83 0.89 1.00 1.19’ 0,93 1.01 1.10 1.44 1,61 0.86 0.83 0.89 0.99 flw201 :{W202 NW203 liW2U4 :JW2U5 i:W206 NH207 :(W208 tiw209 NN210 12512-2612-2812-2912-3012412512812-1312-15- 2-64 7-G4 7-6k 7-64 7-b4 8-G4 8-64 8-64 8-Gk S-64 2.189 2.926 3.336 1.600 3,804 3.328 3.602 1.337 0.G98 1,208 2.400 3.221 3.68k 1.744 4.222 3.712 4,016 1,453 0,750 .1.305 1.9!37 2.659 3.022 1,468 3.k27 2.983 3.230 1.231 0,650 1,118 9,15 7.90 9.73 8.27 8.79 8.83 9.67 8,09 7.30 6,35 8,30 7,41 8,94 7.G3 8.23 S,17 8.96 7,40 6,45 5.83 7.83 7.11 8.46 7,30 7.91 7,79 8,50 7,10 6.13 5.66 1.1,4 1.08 1,24 1.53 1.05 1,13 1.19 1,63 2.04 1,35 1,45 1.12 1,27 1,56 1.09 1.16 .1.22 1.66 2.00 1,38 1.49 1.17 1..30 1.63 1.14 1.20 1.26 1.73 2,07 1.05 TMLE D-3 1200 Feb. 10, 1962 Variance- 11.6438 M**2 WAVE DISPLACEMENT 5pECTKUN [MILES (1972)] Ship-Weather Reporter Sig. Wave Hgt. - 13.6568 M Noise Level- 0.2993 M**2/RFs DOF- 26 Total DOF- T(-l)- 12.1150 K(-l)- 0.7650 sec CUT-OFF- 0.225 RFS 120 T(l)- 10.1342 K(l)- 0.7108 sec N T(2)- 8.9675 sec S2 (M,,2/~s (%s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Record No. NW189 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.1010 2.3511 15.3540 41.5457 45.4963 29.7557 15.9786 8.9441 6.7661 3.9787 4.1182 2.3214 1.8938 1.6525 1.7907 2.1731 1.7692 1.2048 0.6864 0.5704 0.8488 0.7162 0.4234 0.3289 0.3320 0.3281 0.3062 0.2040 0.0569 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 o.of+55 0.0309 0.0018 0.0008 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.4003 2.6504 15.6533 41.8450 45.7956 30.0550 16.2779 9.2435 7.0654 4.2780 4.4176 2.6207 2.1931 1.9518 2.0900 2.4724 2.0685 1.5042 0.9857 0.8697 1.1481 1.0156 0.6277 0.6198 0.6456 0.6142 0.6359 0.5359 0.3057 0.2777 0.2335 0.2703 0.3921 0.3248 0.2793 0,3209 D-7 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.4078 2.69o2 16.3087 42.8062 46.6592 30.9617 16.9113 9.9341 7.8723 4.8960 5.3962 3.2608 2.8714 2.7216 3.2195 4.2920 3.8621 2.9224 1.8591 1.7346 2.9139 2.7890 1.8803 1.6753 1.9487 2.2319 2.4254 1.8920 0.6209 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0009 0.8214 0.0573 0.0319 ) m, = 1m’ 1.6 %3= 137m h s(”) In’lrp, 60.0 I L NW s(w) all’, rps Nw 288 I L 40.0 0.4 0.8 !8r”2 ‘,,, ”082 m 12002 Aw 9,1967 1200Z Feb.9, 1%2 0.0. I.2 * 1.6 w 0.4 0.8 [.2 1.6 w r- 5((U)m’/rp$ S (UJ) NW 0.8 ~...0+ O.oc 20.0 1.2 0.[2 189 223 mO=0.35 mz ‘,0’ 2.37 m March 12,,9,5 !2002 \ 0.4- m’/rp, 0.06 0.04 1200Z htcy 18, !’36C 0.02 J 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 u Fig. D-2 – Sanmle Suectra Estimated fro; Tuc~er Shipborne Wave Recorder Data. 0.4 Fig, D-3 - Sample 0.8 I.2 from Tucker Spectra Wave Recorder Data Shipborne is not done very often. This particular instrument has yielded a wealth of data on the wave conditions jtistto the west of the British Isles over a period of almost twenty years. Data on wave statistics can be found, for example, in a rePC,rtbY Draper and Squires (1967). The Tucker Shipborne Wave Recorder has also been installed on a ship off the coast of South Africa for a number of years and is currently in use on the weather ships from Canada that occupy weather station PAPA in the North Pacific. Data Buoys The February 1975 issue of the “Data Buoy Technical Bulletin” (Volume 1 No. 6 ) published by the NOAA data buoy office, NSTL, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, contains I description of a modification of the experimental buoys developed by NOAA so that they now provide real time wave spectral data. The article in this technical bulle tin describes the system quite completely, and there is little point in paraphrasin~ it. Therefore, the article is quoted in full below. BUOYS NOW PROVIDE REAL TIME WAVE SPECTRAL DATA “A new experimental wave measuring system was installed on two environmental data buoys in early December 1974. Both EB-01 (deployed in the Atlantic off Norfolk Virginia) and EB-03 (deployed in the Gulf of Alaska) are 12-meter diameter discus buoys configured to produce, each 3 hours, raw data from which wave spectra are computed. These buoys are equipped with payloads that include an on-board programmable computer. The wave sensor hardware on board these two buoys consists of an accelerometer and a two-stage electronic double integrator sensor system that produces anaheave motion. The logs of acceleration, velocity, and displacement for the vertical on-board computer has been programmed to produce data from which heave displacement spectra are computed. A total of 51 data words associated with measurement of spectra is reported to the Miami Shore Collection Station (SCS) once every 3 hours. ‘rTheinstantaneous acceleration analog voltage is sampled each second by the buoy multiplexer and analog-to-digital converter. Readings are taken for approximately 15 minutes; the on-board digital computer processes these samples into 51 autocovariances of acceleration, corresponding to lags of 0,1, 2 --- 50 seconds. These autocovariances are encoded and relayed to the SCS. They are then partially decoded and relayed to the Data Handling Center at the National Space Technology Laboratories. There, raw spectral densities are produced from the autocovariances, Harming smoothing is applied, noise corrections are made, and the spectrum is modified to account for the ocean platform transfer function. Finally, the heave displacement spectrum is produced by assuming superposition and operating on each spectral density with U-4. These computations result in the graphic presentation of spectral density for heave displacement at frequencies of 0.01, 0.02 --- 0.49, 0.50 Hz. “The performance of these systems has been determined by comparison of the spectra produced by the EB-03 system to spectra produced by a Waverider buoy deployed nearby. Shown below are results of this comparison test, during which EB-03 was not anchored, but tethered to a ship standing by. Other tests have been performed and evaluations are continuing, but all preliminary analysis indicate that D-9 —. the spectral data are excellent. “Both EB-01 and EB-03 have heen producing these spectra each 3 hours since early December 1974. These buoys are being used to test the new measurement concept from both the engineering and operational points of view, with the objective of installing similar systems on future operational buoys. -- NOBO Contact: K. Steele” As can be seen from Fig. D-4, which accompanied this article, the spectra compare quite favorably. It is hoped that this experimental program will be extended to include the other operational buoys presently on station in the North Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico, and off the east coast of the United States. If this were done, there would be a total of five experimental buoys, two in the Gulf of Alaska, two off the east coast, and one in the Gulf of Mexico that will be able to obtain wave spectra every three hours routinely. It is noted that these experimental buoys are quite a bit smaller than weather ships and that they probably track the rise and fall of the sea surface quite well at the frequencies involved in the gravity wave spectrum. Thus only minor modifications are required to relate the twice-integrated vertical accelerations recorded by the sensor installed inside the buoy to the wave spectrum. It might also be noted that there have been a number of variations of the basic Tucker principle tested on various ships. A device with a laser on it that projects over the bow of a ship can be used to measure the distance between the instrument containing the laser and the surface of the water below. This distance plus the twice integrated acceleration of the laser thsn yields a wave record. The problem with this instrument is that the bow of the ship , especially when the ship is under way, may plunge below the surface of an oncoming wave and the entire instrument system may be damaged, or torn completely loose from its mounting, and lost at sea. However, for not too high waves such a system does provide better information on the high frequencies in the wave pattern. Wave Poles and Wave Wires Another system for recording the rise and fall of the sea surface as a function of time at a fixed point is a wave pole, or a wave wire mounted in a fixed structure. Also pipes with spark plugs sticking out of the side at fairly close intervals have been used. The rising water shorts out these spark plugs as it rises and the signal that is produced is a measure of the position of the last shorted out spark plug. These wave poles or wave wires work on a variety of prin~iples. Some sense the change in capacitance induced by the rising and falling of water, others sense a change in resistance. However, the output is simply a graph of the rise and fall of the water at the point involved. For all such systems, the frequency response of the recorder is usually a problem, and there tends to be some roll-off at some frequency that in general is not too high. In considering the work of Stacy (1974) it appears that the very high-frequency part of the spectra of hurricane waves in the Gulf of Mexico may have undergone some attenuation due to this roll off. Such a recording D-10 - .m01Jh?4m, Hz Figure D-4. Comparison of Displacement Spectra from EB-03 and Waverider at Latitude 4B0 54’ N, Longitude 126° 22’ W. D-n system has the disadvantage that it requires a fixed platform for installation. Consequently wave poles and wave wires can only be operated in shallow water. Wave recorders referred to as Baylor gages were installed on oil drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico by a consortium of oil companies a number of years ago in order to record the waves generated by hurricanes that passed near by. Later, the same oil companies supported a program to develop a numerical wave specification and numerical wave forecasting procedure for hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. The Baylor gauge is described in a report by Draper and Fortnum (1974). Two models are available. One contains the electronics and transducer in a stainless steel bousing that can operate when submerged; the other is more conventional. The wave staff consists of two tensioned steel wire ropes spaced about 9 inches apart and electrically connected to a transducer at the top of the staff. The sea water acts as a short circuit between the two wire ropes and the transducer meaaures the a.c. impedance so that the length of the wire above the water surface is known. The Waverider Buoy The Waverider buoy is a sphere 0.7 meters in diameter. It is weighted to float with a preferred upward direction. An antenna sticks out the top, and the upper portion is transparent so that a flashing light can be seen inside the buoy. The sensing system is an accelerometer that tends to stay vertical as the sphere pitches and rolls on the waves. The sphere is tethered by an elastic line to a submerged buoyant flost that produces tension on the anchoring line. It behaves essentially like a small fluid particle of sea water and follows the orbital velocity of the passing wavea essentially in circles of varying radius with time. The vertical component of the acceleration of the buoy is recorded and double integrated. The output is therefore a representation of wave elevation versus ttie in Lagrangian coordinates. To first order, a spectrum from such a record is essentially the same as the spectrum from waves passing a fixed point (see for example Cbang (1968)). Of the many commerciallyavailablewave recording systems, this one appears to have been very successful. A study by Briscoe and Goudriaan (1972)describes the various ways that the data can by analyzed and shows numerous spectra obtained from the data recordedby this system. Calibration of Wave Recorders Draper and Humphery (1973) have compared the calibration of the shipborne wave recorder and the Waverider buoy. One of the problems in calibrating an instrument that senses the vertical acceleration of its motion ia that it is difficult to build a device that will accelerate and decelerate the recorder over distances much larger than three meters. The shipborne wave recorder and the Waverider buoy have been calibrated for simulated wavea of about three meters in height, but this did not demonstrate the full capabilities of these recorders which are frequently used to measure much higher waves. In order to simulate waves of much greater height arrangements were made to use the “Big Wheel” Ferris wheel, or merry-go-round, at South Sea Fun Fair. This Ferris wheel has a diameter of 14 meters and could be rotated to give si.mulat ed wave periods from about 13.6 aeconda to 30 seconds. The ac- D-12 - celerometer part of the Tucker shipborne wave recorder and the Waverider buoy were fastened to a seat of the Ferris wheel and the Ferris wheel was rotated at various speeds, as rapidly as 13.6 seconds per rotation. The output of the recording system should be, after double integration, a sinusoid with height given by the diameter of the wheel after correction for known calibration effects. The conclusions of this study were essentially that both instruments function as predicted except that the shipborne wave recorder response was better for long periods than had been theoretically calculated and that a slight correction to the previous calibration for long period waves might be made under certain circumstances in analyzing the data. The errors in the measurement of the waves as a function of tbe frequency spectrum are very small indeed compared to the problems of sampling variability for the data. The two systems can be considered to have been thoroughly calibrated by these techniques and by the studies that bad been carried out previously. D-13 APPENDIX E A Tabulation of Available Measured Spectra PierSo” 6 Marks (1952) RecordLength 1500 sec. (750 data) SampleRate At = 2 sec. AnalysisMethod Correlation 30 lags Smoothing Hamming Freq.Ranse Units Freq. Assoc. Para. Instr.mentat ion Tfme (Year) Location No. of Spectra approx.900 sec. (approx.600 data) 1-1/2sec. Correlation(B 6 T) 60 lags Hanming Noiseaverageof last ten valueswas subtract ed Correct ions Units Energy Moskowitz,Pierson& Mehr (1962,1963,1965) 1/1::=-11/3 cm 2 . sec sec-1 90% confidence band variance pressure gause 32.5 ft. Inoue, T. 1967 ~hr - 3omin 3 sec. Correlationfrom 2 sensors’data, 120 lag RamiMng Noise ratio -1 11720 - 1/6 sec (ft)z. se. ~z *e= -1 sec -1 sec 95%, 5% confidenceband var. significant ht. AverageT(+’20) TuckerShipborne Wave Recorder %3 Vibrotron press transd. at depth of 30.6, SS.1 m 1951 1955 - 1960 Long Beach, NJ OWS in Atla”tiC FLiP North Pacific 400 .560 E-1 1963 I Pickett (1962) Lazanoff (1964) Record Length 20 tin. 112 hour CorrelatIon 60 lags Units Freq. AtwOc. Para. low pass anti-aliasing filter averagelow freq. Cut off high freq. smoothing and white noise subtraction -1 11120-112 sec f tz sec. O - 5.12 @S coqut ed o-2rps ftz . Sec -1 sec Total Energy Instrumentation ResistanceWire -1 sec TotalEnergy SparBuoy staff T2me (Year) bcaticm FFT 20 point averages 10 point overlap Corrections Units Energy ~otin , Ismi* Auto-correlation 120 lags Smoothing Freq. Range Miles, N. (1972) At - 0.613 sec 1 sec. Sample Sate Analysis Nethod Brown,Stringer & Kelly (1966) 1961, 1962 1966 ksus Island Pacific mzlrps radiansper sec (rps) var.,sig. wave ht. T(-1), T(l), T(2) analosue+dig. + analog + 10V pass filt. +digit. Tucker Shipborne Wave P.ecorder 14 years, 1954-1967 StationIndia,OWS Weather Explorer,ReporterIII, Adviser 2S0. of Spectra 323 100 . E-2 Snodgrass, et al (1966) RecordLength SampleRate Analysis Method Smoothing 5400x 8 sec = 10800sec = 3 hr. t = 2 eec. Auto-correlat ion Moskios& Deleonibus(1965) mostly30 min. At = 0.5 sec. 0.04 sec that correspond = 15 ft. (46 m) ro”ghl: Correlation Correlation and 21s. FFT Correcticmby ship speed UnitsEnergy 9.5 nautical miles (17.6 h) “Parzenfader’(to avoidneg. sidebands 0.0030,0.0617,0.2471, 0.3762,0.2471,0.0617, 0.0030 Corrections Freq.Range Schule, et al (1?71) ~T- 250 m CIS . +4 See) e(cmzImcts) low-passby Butterworth filter .03-1 ‘p’ o - 0.11 ft.-l (0.35 m-l) -1 ftzlsec fts(ms) (log scale) Units Freq. mcls Cps -1 ft, m -1 Wave direction(par- Assoc.Para. Instrumental ion Time (Year) Location tially) , eventsidentif icationtidesare removedby mm. high-pass filteri”g Vibrotrondepth20 m 1965 6 points in Pacific along a great-circleroute betveen Antarcticaand Atistr.alla Linearand expo”enc ial growthparameters %/3 ShipboardWave HeightSensor AirborneLaser 1963 - 1964 1969 Near ArgusIsland 12 No. of Spectra E-3 Cape Hen20pe”, Del. Barnett =d Wilkerson (1967) Record Length sample &te 1200- 1700 0.05 sec. correspond AnalysisMethod Freq. Range Hamming 1728 sec (864 data) & At = 2 sec = 1 Sec Correlation 64 lags Pa#:wlag Hamming Airplanemotion was filtered, fIeq. “=S transformed o - 0.5 Hz (used O - 0.2) .05 - .25 CPS Units Energy m’ se. log- ower density IN8lHz Units Freq. Cps Rz Assoc. Para. growth of wind wave Instrumentation radar wave profiler & accelerometer(resOlution 1 ft. in vertical 100 ft. horizontal) Time (Year) Location Rudnick (1969) 1800 SeC (lBOO data) Correlation 60 lags Correlation Sm..thing Corrections Bennett (1968~ DirectIonal Bottom Pressure Instrument Array (6 probes) 1965 1965 Offshore areas of the Middle Atlantic States Cps Gulf of Mexico off Panama City, Florida No. of Spectra E-4 Directional FLIP - Press sensor at 30 m, two horizontal ace. 1963 near 39”20’N 148”30’W Record Length Sample Rate Analysis Method Caul a“d Brown (1967) wing and Hogben (1971) 15 mm (900 data) 10 min. 1 SEC At =lsec At = correlation 45 Smoothing Corrections O - 0.5 Hz (o - 0.35) Units Energy ~T2/& Time (Year) Location No. of spectra Hamming 114,112,114 sec. Q filter -0.06, 0.24,0.64,0.24, -0.06 noise correction O -0.25 m Hz Hz press. gauge in FFNM (free-floatin’g wave mate.) s accelerometer for Monster BUOY Tucker Shipborm Wave Recorder 1966-1967 1963 Marsden Square 285,286,287,217, 218,219,251,252,222 6 97 E-5 0-2 rps m2 sec circular freq. rps B.F. No Hs Tz, Wind Dir.,Wave Dir. Berm”da a“d off San Diego = 0.5 Correlation 60 lags m2 se. Assoc. Para. Instlume”tatio” lit Correlation high and low freq. range were cut off Freq. Range Units Freq. 10 min. lag Blacluaan& Tukey Yamano”chi (1969) var %/3 ShipborneSncounter Wave Recorder 1968 off Honshu Longuet-Riggins, Cartwright& Smith (1963) Record Length Sample Rate Analysis Method 12-17 min. (about 2000 data) At - SeC Correlation (57-66 Smoothing 0.5 lags) Ewing (1969} 25 min. bt = 0.5 sec. Correlation 100 lass ILmming 114,112,114 Corrections Freq. Range subtracted noise energy 0.4 - 4.0 rps 0.8 - 0.24 Cps Units Energy f3nitsFreq. F& XC circular freq. rps A.ssoc.Para. directional spectra Instrumentation Roll-PitchBuoy Time (Year) Location 1955-1956 )?.ngland 0.S - 0.24 Cps directional spectra CloverleafBUOY 1967 R.R. S. Discovery 56”45’ N 18”57‘ W No. of Spectra E-6 ...L ..L. Rafer (1970) Record Length I hr. Sample Rate Analysis COrrelation SmOotmng I Correction Freq. range UnitsEnergy UnitsFreq. Lockheed (1974) 8,10,20min. Hz ft2/ffz 30 min. At = .61035 At = .8789 Correlation FFT I limited .04-.2 Larsen and Fenton (1974) mean and I trend removed Ploeg (1971) 20 min. B&T Ifanmingf .053-2.0 mtlrps mzlrps+ ft fttlrps rps w Assoc.Para. Instrumentationace. & press + read T2me Location # of Spectra Notes 1967-69 Coast of BC 425 Tucker 1971-73 Pacific- between Seattle& Japan 176 Ship at speed E-7 Vibratron accelerometer 1972-73 Cobb Saamount 614 4,000 46 published Lockheed (1971) Lockheed (1973) Hoffman, (1974a) Ferdinand, V. et al, (1975) Record Length 12 min. 15 mh. Sample Kate lit- 1 sec. At = .60 Analysis Auto-correlation 60 las SmoothinS f Correction Freq. range Auto-correlation 100 lag Units Ener8y mz sec Units Freq. -1 sec 12 min. At = .3059 FFT Hamming 3 point avg. ,25,.5,.25 u = 0-2.0 rps 0-2.0 rps I selected low-f req. cutoff Saminslcorrection Trmo encounterfreq. hi freq. cut off u - 1..4 Hoffman, (1975) ftz see. -1 sec mz/ Tps rps Asaoc. Para, Instrumentation Tucker Tucker Tucker N. Atlantic Station ‘Fapa’ N. Pacific Station ‘Kilot N. Atlantic Tfme Location t of Spectra Notes 45 355 6 305 Shipat speed E-8 93 - NOBO Saetre (1974) Record Length Smoothing I Freq. range At Units Energy Units Freq. = 1 Sec auto-correlation 51 lag avg. over 6 harmonicsj equilib. law tail at hi freq. .02-.2 (see text) ~wc every 12 hours F~ Correction text) 13 min. Sample Rate Analysis (see N2 M2iHz Sa”ni”g / buoy transfer function knowm .01-.50 Hz mzIHz Hz Sk .04-.16HZ f t2/Hz Hz Assoc.Para. Instrument ation Tfme Tucker . Winters 69-70,71-72,72-73 ion North Sea # of gpectra 41 LOcat Accel Notes Storm epectra Computer forecastusing PiersonlNTUspectral model COntinuous EBO 03 56”N,147.9”w EBO 13 36.5”N, 73.5”W EBO 12 26”N, 94”W System still under development large no. of spectra available,potential for large amounts of high quality spectra E-9 Northern Hemisphere 2275 grid points in N. Pacific 12 direction,15 frequency c-ponents at each grid Pint APPEWDIX F Catalog of Tucker Shipborne Wave Recorder Data From ISSC 1973 Committee 1 Report ATLANT AND -. Id!. EUR PE =J& T , F-1 t ATLANTIC AND FUROPI -. .._ - Nlms% mgwmaa da - F&m W&0 *!=S!.T DATA 5,6 “-”l=, ,5 tinu,.. Iur.u.. t T r ,Z.,m Brui* a....ra ,r..,Qr Zstk.t.. .1 1,.lm a p-la fro. . . .. . 526 “cold.. Smtt.r.d me CQ. t., ‘ml E.rdQn SWn-o *C r P,.*. V.:B2W555:81 , frm 97 nb: ,n7. ‘218. 219. Z5iti?sl I I SW .,8, I h.= be & ,.-” ‘kUY .P.dti COr$s 1. .er. au.”. L F-2 (huh~t) F-3 APPENDIX G SOURCES OF UNPUBLISHED lf3ASUREDDATA FROM RSPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THs STUDY OF WAVES Excerpt from Bulletin No. 15 (vol. 11/1973) of the Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses AFRIQOT DU SUD — SOUTH AFRICA 1, Hydraulics Research Unit S.A.Council forScientific and Industrial Research P.O.EIOX 320 Stcllenbosch (Cape) 2. oceanography Department University ofCapeTown %tvateBag Rondebosch(Cape) 3. Oc-eanographic Research Unit AngloAmericanCorporation Oranjemund(SouthWestAfrica) 4, Fkheries Dwdopment Corporaii on P.O.Box 539 Cape Town (Cape) 5. Oceanography Division National Physical Research Laboratory P.O.Box 1 COngeOa(Natsl) 1. Seewettcramt Hamburg desDcutschcn Wetterdlenstes 2. Dcutschcs Hydrograpbisches Institut 2 Hamburg 4 Bemhard-Nocht.Strasse 78 3. Bundesanstalt furWasscrbau Karlsruhe 4. Institut ftiOcophysikdcrUniversitit Kiel 23 KielNeue UniversAiX, Haus B 2 5. TwhnischeUniversit% Hamburg 2 Hamburg 36Jungiusstrasse 9 6. Biologische .&MaltHelgoland 2192Helgoland 7. Bundesforschungsanstalt furFischerei 2 Hamburg 50 Palmaille 9 G-1 8. — Strom— undHafenba. Hamburg Focsch”ngsgruppe Ne.werk 9. Forschungsstetten auf den Insdn Norderney He1801and Syo 10. Hydrautik — bzw. Wwserbauinstituten der Universkiten e.a Franziusimtitut der T.U. Hannover Wtchtweissinstitut dr.r T.U. Braunschweig 3nstitut ffir theoretische Geophysik der UnivemiIX Hamburg Ozeanoqapbiwhe Forsch.ngsanstah Kiet Imtitut ftir Mcereskunde Kiet Biotogiscbe Ansttdt Helgolaud Bundesforschuossanstatt fii Fischemi BUGIQUE — BELGIUM L Monsieur ~Hydropaphe en Chef Service Sp&iat de la C8te Rue Christine 113 8401 Ostendc CANADA1. Z CANADA Cb.ief.Engineer Dcsi8n Branch, Department of Pubtic Works Sir Charlm Tupper Buitding, Riverside Drive, Ottawa 8 (Ontario) Tbef)iior Madoe %ienca Branch Environment Canada 6t 5 Booth Street, Ottawa (Ontario) KfA 0E6 Canada 3. The Head Hydrmdics bbontmy Division of Mcchamical Engineering National Research Councif Montreal Road, Ottawa (Ontario) KM 0R6 Canada DANSL - DENMARS Vandbygningsinstituttet Hydraulics) (Oinish institute ofApptied Oster Voldgade 10 Dk 1350 Copenhagen, K G-2 .— 2. Vandbygning$direktoc?.ted (Dunish Board of hlaritimc Works) Kampnmnnsgade 1 DK 1604 Copenhagen. V mA39-~s L 3S. S. Army, ‘Gsslal Engineering R&arch tinter Ktngman Building Fort Bdvoir, Virginia 2206Q U.S. A. SBPAGNS - L D,.U@SIQUE - U.S.A. gPA3N 3-abOIatorio de Pucrlos Ramo” IRIBARREN Alfonso XII, 3 — Madrid — 7 PINLANDE - S3NLAND L Fhisb Meteorological Institute Vuorikafu 24 00100 Helsinki 10 2. Finnish Oceanographical Institute Vuorimiebenkatu 1 00140 Helsinki t4 PltANCS - PSANCE Technique dm Pharcs etBalks(1) 1%route dcStains 94- Bonne@sur-Mame 1. Service Z M4t40rologie Nationale Fran$aiw (2) 1, Quai Bmnly 75 — park P 3. C8ntrc Nationsf d’Exploitati.n 39, Avenue dWna 75 — F& 169 4. Imdtut Francs,is du.P6trole (1.F.PJ 1, Avenue de Bois-Prtau 91 — Rucil.Malmaison des O&.m (CN=O) (1) Stations Onreldstm,mt a. law d. Ham (2 stations), i Rose.fl c1 k Port H.li.um + 3 tiuk dkmr4tremem a tmmte + okrvauons “iw+ll”. OtT-dwm -dins station%1. front of Lc H.vr. [2 swims), at R.%wU .nd .t Porl Hmligum + 3 dins b.op Mediwramm + visual .krv.ti.ns, f2) k.. f~tcs ?wc emresistre.m,T.ck.er .UX points mtit.rologiqtm K et A (.. Jl + .taa’vati.m riwell~ Two frlgatea wuh T=kr recmdmg mtr.mc.t$.1 rmteomlwcal poim K .“d A (or 11 + visual .krv.lmm G-3 McJiin {he 5. SOGREAH 84186 Avenue L&on Blum Cedex n. In 38 — Grenoble-Gare 6. Laboratoire Central c?Hydrau!ique de France 10, Rue E@ne Renault 94 — .Maisons-AUOrt 7. Laboratoire National rYHydraulique 6. Quaiwati~ 78 — Chatou 8. Ceotre de Recherches et rYEmdes Ocianographiques 2, Avenue wpp 75 — Paris 7e cw-D%B=TAGn . UNITSD 15.WDOM 1. British Oceanographic Data Service Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Womdey Godalmkg (Surrey) GU85UB z Mcteorologk.tl Office (Marine Division) Eastern Road BrackmU (Berkskire) ISLANDE - IRSI.AND 1. Meteorological Sernce 44 Upper OCOnnell Street Dnbli” I 2. National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics Study Gm”p of Oceanographic Obsemers (Chairman : Nick Bary of University college, Galway) ISR&$L — ISRAEL L TheIsraEl Ports Authority Coast study Division P.O.B. 15 Ashdod 2 The Israeli Metewologicd Clinutologiad Service Dtvision P.O.B. 25 Beit Dason G-4 — - IIALIE L rrAI.Y Istituto Cmtrak di Statis!ica Direziouc Ciemerzde%vizi Tcmici Rcparto SF LWCO Roma Skation sitrtophotogrammttriquc etdynamcnnttrique en service dcpuis 15 ..s : z (Stereopbolowammetrical and dynamonutricd station operatin$ since 15 years): Ufdc40 del Genio Citile per 1. Opine Marittime NaPoki 3. 4. Mituto Talassografic.a ~ F. Ver~lli n via Romolo Gessi 2 Trieste (d6pendard du Mitist&e de ~Agricultwe — controlled by the h!inktry istitwo Idrografcn ddJaMarina Geneva(d&pendant delaMm”neMilitaire — .mmmlled bytheNe.vy) JAPON - JAPAN 1. Chief of tbe Construction Section Harbmr Bureau Ministry of Transport 3.1-2, Krsumikaseki,Cbiyoda-Ku Tokyo z The Fisheries Asency (Ministry ofAsric.lrure andForestry) 3. The Ministry ofConstruction 4. Tbe Universities MAROC — MOROCCO 1. delaMtt60roIogk Nationale 7,rueduDmteurVeyre Sem”* Casablanca z BibLiothtque Ginirale du Minist?rc desTravauPublics Rabat NORV12GE - NORWAY 1. The Norwegian Meteorological fnstitute fWels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Oslo 2. f3et Norske Verbs Research D@artnmnt 0510 3. Oept. of Port and tieao EngincerinS The Tccbnical University of Norway 70M Trondheim G-5 of AKriculluce) PAYSBAS — NETHES3.AN09 1. Rijkswatmtaat Directie Waterhuisho.diog m Waterheweging Konin.q$kade 25 %..Gravenhage 2. Rijkswaterstaat Deltadknst Van tiemadelaan ‘s=Gravcubage 402 3. K.N.M.1. (lnstitut Royal Mttiorologique) De silt 4. W-aterloophndig B.P. 177 DeUt 5. Rijkswatm staat Studiedienst Vlksi.gen prim Hendrikweg 3 Wissingen 6. Rijkswaterstaat Deltadiemt Moetdienst voor afsluitingmvcrkz.amnheden en metingen in de Z.euwse Wateren Van Veenla2.n 1 Zierikzee 7. Laboratorium Riikswaterstaat Deltadimst Meetdienst voor het Benedmririerengebied Kanastwex 2 (OZ) HeUev0e&i9” 8. Rijkswatersiaat Direcde Waterhuisho.ding en Waterbewesing Afdelin$ Hydrometie Koningsk?.de 25 ‘s-GravenhagO 9. Rijkswaterstaat Studie&enst Umuiden De Wetstraat 3 Umuiden ● 10. Rijkswaters@at Studiedienst Hoom Grote Oost 26 Hoom 11. Rijkswaterstaat Directie Groningen Afdelins Studiedienst Farmmerzijl 10 Dell%jl G-6 - 12. Rljkswaterstaat Zuidcrmmwrken Af&ling Watcdoopkunde Kanaalweg 3 ‘6-Gravenbmge POLOGNE - POLAND 1. Insdtut Polonais #Hydmlogie Section Maritime Gdpia ut. Wazyntom 42 L Hydmtectmicpes de l,Acad&nie Polonaise dm Scimcss Institut dcsConstructions Gdansk-Oliwe. u3. C!ystersow 11 3. Institut Mmitirm Gdmmk Dlugi Targ 41/43 et de M&?oroIogie PORTUGAL - PORTUGAL 1. L.aboratorio Nwiond Awnida do Bmsil L&boa .5 de Engeaharia Civil 2. fmdtuto Hidrogra6w (Minis3erio de Marinha) Rus dasTrinas 49 fisboa 2 3. DireL@o dea %m”cos Maritimm Rua &s Porlns de Santa Ant&a 167 Maboa 2 4. Sern”so Meteorolosico National Rua Saraiva de ~ath.a 2 Lisbcla 3 Us&s,- u.ss.& 1. Strdc Oceanographic rnstituta 6 Kropotkin$ki pcreulok Moscow 2. 0ccanolo2y Institute of tbe U.S.S.R Academy of Scicnws L Zmnjaja ufitza, Lublino Moscow G-7 Situation scptcmbre 1972 scptember 1972 DOCUMENTATION CONCEliNANTLES ENREG1STREMENT5 DE LAMES INFORMATION RELA’2XD TO WAVES RECORDS Comdonn&, Geogrnpbicd PAYS Omnlsnm COUNTSIPS + dmsea Organizations + Addrum Akiw d“S.(I ,. Allm.mm (R4P. F66.) Cornmny (Fed. ReP.) C..rdinaIcs E.dmil d. r,nrw.i,,lemcr,t Recorditw Site Lo”gk”de SouulAfrico gtq.,aphiques Durte d’mrcgismmmt (c. m.is) Dut Ob]cctiw Recording Pwi.d (month) elkk > 6 mois &oul& dt, Wb.t oflcctiw 6 month awed $.< besi..ms — — — — :0. :,C N. M, (1) [2) [3) :4) — — — Latitude Hydraulics Rescamh Lh,it RA. Council ror Sci.ntik and r.d.wri.l ]kmwch P.0, Box 320 S[cllonbosch (Cam) Uchwd Bay A.wcl my .Id,nl,a thy M,% Point 10 1: Fishcri= Dm’dopmmt Corporation P,o. no, 539 Can, Town (CaPe) ;an, bmi .a,nbc,[, baai Jhvo P.i.1 :.lkbmi ;o. sbmi h,lkbati 3s,4 33,6 M,9 0,4 8,1s S,30 9 x x x x x x x x x : 2s 30 30 D,utsches HydrowaPhisches Institut Hwnb,m 4 tlemhmd-Nochl slrassc 78 2 x x. x x x x :: ;: 1 x 4: x x x x x :; ~ 39 k & Syll 6. x x ,. 1 Laichtwdss Imtltut llJr Wa$,crb, u de, T. U. Pcckelstra,sc 4 33 Drm.mhweig Cured, [1. de Syl! The lli<ccto, MnriIIc Scimcm Br.mh Envi,mmwnt Canada 615 Booth street Ottawa (“”i.) K[A 0E6 Cmada 0W15< W’, w $927,00’, $6.10,24”: 53°36, W’, 1 M. 3P’ w i x 13.27< w< 9 W I(3,W 1 x x W 36, 10<<! 14.00,49”1 x ;~. ,9. *~.? y .3.37, 20” F . !3. 27, 50,, Y 6.23,K)>, v 4-32,409, @ 12,00- ? F K V 6,49,39,, 3“ 47,45- ! K 5.543 w, v 9.09’ Gti F , 7.33, 00- v SS4!, 06,, N 8 < 09,, M 7.40<09<, N 8 < R-07’05<, N 7.33,01- w s < 5.02,04”M 946’ 05- M P 1s’05,, w 5. 4S. 09,< N ?. 10<03>, N )0 5S, 00,, N 1! 8 ( [. 14, 02- \\ 1°20<07<< N 10 1.39’ 03,< w ,.48, 0,,, N 9 .42, 10,2,2,m.. ~ 6 W ,. 04, 09,, N 6 61.09, c?@’W o 55< 05,, N 6 W w - 07, 077, N 6 w 17, Co. CC. N. M, -, .= - C“”,lr,lutl”n m ,1.4”. “*,. Conslroctio. A 18.Ote, Noutk, ue, M&&mol.8iq.e. 1 01,, W 6@03,03,, (1) (1) (N (4) x 16.15, 00’, 1 17.47, 45-1 !4. 01, Is- (0. x , ;3. 42, 03-1 Hydraulics Laboratory bivkiq of Mcchmic,d ;“E?.W,.8 ~al ikmal R.sw.rch Cc,uncj, U o“t,.$!1 1<..<!, <maw. <1A0R6 Chnm!a x 6 55, w, L-al- w x (!1 co,= (2) Cc, (3) N, (4) M. OILSIW. Slru.,,or,. r,,”,,,,! s,rw,,,,c, - N.u!i.d. = M,lcorc,lon,c.1. - c4.xdorlnte3 g$ogm.hiqlm Geo2raphiml PAYS cam-rules Organism+ Otgmizatiom .dms$es + Addmsxs But Objective Coordinaks En&wit de l’cnmEiwrmtIetIt Rcco,dinE Site .ITcctiw > 6 mois effectiw 6 month IIrightm, Dmmmrh Dmnmrk b“. V.ndbyminminmimttct Da.ish Hydraulics Imtit Omter Vold2ade 10 DK 13S0 Cownhwcn K Service Tcchniqw On. Hmslhulm tkub. (North 2CI) Hirtdmls Hub, (North S.,) Kmachi Ha,b. (Ambian S.,) Slint.l.n,, is, S<”egrd — — 2.0 :.C N. M. (1) (2) (3) [4) — — — — Latitude Lormitude East Point, Pri..o Edw. 1s1., c.”. cane North, cape B,e[on, Nova Scotia, 5., Fwsq..ile Point, — 61. S2, 02,< W 46031, M’, N 8 x 12 x 60s 16, M’, W 7P 44,03’, w 08. 3s, 31,, E S7. 07< 39,> N 104 x W57,1M”E 5P 35, 34,7 N 24 x d6°S8,[2,> E 17°41, 36,< E 24°47, 06,, N 1S” S9<35,< N 36 24 x x 05.03, !2,, B 4> 19’ IM’S N x d“ Phwcs et Bdises 1<..1. de Stains 12 91D.nnc.il-s-Mmm 3nbomt. ire National crllydm”liqllc Quai Walicr 6 78cl,,:.” x x : x x x x x x x 01. 0!. UIIP 4Y 49, 40, 36’ 10- w 55- w S63- W 07,, w 0P40’2S,W x x x x x - xx Xx.x. XXx xxx xxx xx x G-n x xxx G-12 x xx Xxxx xxx x xx x x Xxxx } -i G-13 XXxxxxxxxxx xxx XXxxxxxxxxx xxx Xxxxxxxxxx xxx XX,xxxxxx. xxxx xxx. x. ,x,x xx x.x G14 .. 7... x xx x.., Xxx xxx xx xx U.5.A But PAYS CQ7J2473W2 OmrJslm$ Or@I.iUti.N + dmsaw + Addm.sim Clbjatiw Emdmit de l%lu@12mm Recwlins Sit, 7.m8itude .kctiw > 6 moi .17cczivc ht. NJ. ksti”, Ha. ).hcny, cm 1 C4mimn, C8. ,1Scc,mdo, Ca. “de,,,, C,. Orl Walton Seact 74. W 30,, NY 26’36~r !1?41 ,03,, 12W0[,09,, 11*2S’0% 124. 0S,36<> @ 14,41,, 3W 23,00°$ 33.27,439, 24s27, 33‘, 33.55, 00,, 4P 42, 30>< Fl,, r.l”cis, cl. O& Pm Shoal, 8@ 35, Cd” 12P 26,49., 312@ 23, 24,, 37° 2S, 30,3 7P 34,0094.47’02” 73.25, 00123.07< 3S<< wco, oOS5. 59, CW 33. 2s,w, batRd. G. ir”nd 1,1., La. rnnd MC, La. I,w,”” ]kuul, S,at 2%k, 13a, . ,m,}!o” 3!4 H.H ;x,mki. Ilawtii ilkboro lfilct, F), old.. 13c;,ch.N.C .1 Iy,vu”d 33ch,Fla ,Ind!,l$o” 11.1,,c“ u.tington I!+h, Ca ,,., u&, Li, N.Y ,pitcr Ikwb. Fla 81!UIui Iiwbor, I 1, ,wm Btach, F1a ,kc Worth, l=!.. m Cwril lo, Co,, ,“* B,ach is.. NJ ,ng 33rrmch,NJ. ,, An@m (W.ic. Piw) Cz ,JL,,,, I,., NJ. nd River, C.. :Wk.,rricl,cr. Cn. wchc$lm, t.. c Gm,h. C.. ,Ibour,% Fla isquamic.t, RJ, M“ 08, ls- 29.17, !30<> w 37,M’, 3S026’46°. 2P 13,45,, 29.83, w,, 156.28,00<, 8S. 55, 12,, Sw 02, 02,, 11S.56<17,, 74.10, 5613.59, 0!2,, 3W 19,06,, 43.56’30<, ~,o,*?29.. 26”1s’30,, 33.54, 36,, 26.02, 30’, 33.38’ 49,, 33.38, cuss 4@ 33,co’, 16.58< !5,> 2* 543WY! ]@ 14’18,, 26.43, 09<< 34.02, 39,, 39s38,14,, W 18,00<, !18.28 <03,, 14-41, 30<S 124.08, 00)> 123.47.40’5 123. 42,23,, 11915, 5s’4 8W 35, W,, 71. M’ 30- 33.58, W 3909,09,, W St!’ 00” 3W 29’30<< 38.$9,02” !4.14,11,, 28.13, 00,< 41.18 <12,, 7LN47P30<, 159°30<11,, w“ 0s, Lo’, 7s. 17, 20W 06’ ‘4s,, 117.s,), 14,, I 18.w Lw 73”31,80” SW 04,30- — :( N, M, [1 (1 (4] — — Latit.dc 6 Mm 1,1,,s,.., T,XM IIlg. Beach, L2, N. — 57 :: 47 117* 1s 287 !8t 64 W 42 14 108 I 102I 179 96 17,12 22 % 211 l;! 30 211 Zg 34 57 2s 172 17 22 ———. .— -- _ .— G-18 . APPENDIX H A COMPARISON OF THE DRAPER AND SPECTRAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS This is a part of Hoffman (1974) , “Analysis of Wave Records and Application to Design, ” International Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, New Orleans, 1974, Vol. 11, pages 235253. - 4 The methods of data collection and analysis are closely linked to the specific application fOr which the wave data are intended. While for response calculation of most types the spectrum is ideally suited, the maximum expected wave height is the criterion for determining the height of a jack-up platform above the mean water level. For long-term statistics the distributions of wave heights and periods in various ocean zones are required which are often presented in histogram format giving the probability of exceedance and the frequency of occurrence of such conditions. It is therefore desirable to establish the appropriate analysis technique for each application and, furtherumre, to illustrate the relationship between the results obtained by different analysis methods. A large amount of wave measurement data is available to date oniy in an analog form on paper strip charts. These represent data collected over the past twenty years, such as thousands of records at Weather Stations A, 1, J, K in the eastern Atlantic, and other locations around the British Isles, recorded hy pen recorders. During the la.s t few years the development of portable mini recording devices, along with the advent of the digital computer indus try, have led to more economical data storage such as tape cassettes as well as on-line digitizing and processing of data using analog to digital converters in conjunction with a digital computer. Wtiilewave records stored on magnetic tape are usually easy to reduce and analyze, the analysis or transfer of paper strip charts to magnetic tape are usually time consuming and require variable amounts of manual work. A substantial amount of the available wave records in deep water was collected using a Tucker wave meter mounted on small ships or trawlers and a standard analysis technique of the data was formulated through the”years and recently presented by Draper (1966). Each record, approximately 12 minutes long is characterized by stx parameters including the highest and second highest crests and troughs about the mean line, and the number of zero upcrosiings as well as the total number of crests. From the above parameters significant wave height (H ) is calculated, as well as the predicted maximum for a s~ecific steady 1(3 sta e duration such as three hours . The zero crossing period Tz and the crest period ~c are also calculated as well as the spectral width paramster eT defined as ‘T= [1- (3211’2 Most of the data analyzed as described above , which include but are not limited to Draper (1965, ’67, ‘71), are-presented on an annual as well “as a seasonal basis including the following: 1) Bar charts of the probability”of exceedance of Hi/s and ~=. 2) Histogram of zerc-crossing periods (Tz). 3) Histogram of spectral width parameter (ST). 4) Scatter diagrams illustrating the probability of occurrence of wave con~itions within li~ted height and period bands such as usually customary to describe visual wave statistics. Two additional presentations suggested by Draper (1966) are diagramswhich illus- trate the persistence of a range of wave heights of a given wave condition, once a thresholdheight is achieved and the lifetimewave which is an estimate of the most probable value of the height of tbe highest wave in the lifetime of a structure. H-1 A recent analysis of 323 wave records from Station “India”was performed using a routine similar~to that advocatedby.Draper as well as spectral analyais, Miles (1971). All records were originallyon etrip charts approximately12-15 minutes 10ng and cover“primarily “noonrecords collectedover a period of twelve years (1954-1966)at that locationby three cliff erent weather ships, i.e., the Weather Explorer;Weather R6cGrder and “WeatherRepdfter. The recordswere selected from a list suppliedby the National Institutionof Oceanography (NIO) in Wormley, England, and were selected to include all records of Beaufort 6 and above which were availa$leas well as a fair sample of recoide representing Beaufort 5 and below., The Spectral analysiswas performedusing.a computer controlledx-y Bendix digitizer tak~ng 333 samples per inch of time axis by simply followingthe curve with a light weight cursor, and then carrying out a digital spectrum analysis. . . . .. .- The manual analysis of the.records-”i?as performed “at Webb “Institute.of Naval Architecture. For each record, a 720 second period was selected snd the nunber of crests and zero croseing periods was first determined. In several oases where the records length was shorter than 12 minutee, the actual available record length was used. All creets were defined aa such only if a definite positive and negative slope could be detected. For the purpose of defining the zero crossing period the mean line of the record was usually taken as the geometrical center of the record and adjustments for off center records waa only called for in a faw cases. The number of crests (Nc) vary between 140 and 60 and the number of zero croesings (Nz) vary from 119 to 53. The ~im~ height (~a) was the combined sum of the highest wave crest and the lower wave trough in a given record, which varied from 63.41 ft. to 1.00 ft. Based CI-I the above 3 parameters the following quantities were calculated: %/3 where f~ and ‘2 q %x “ f2 are a function of ~z and ~c respectively, and 5= -. + Tc. k Nc z where L ie tha Iength of record in seconds usually L = 720. The spectral width parameter CT was also evaluated. N2 ‘T - / l-(f) based on the derivation of Longuet-Higgine (1952). The function f~ was also given above aa follows: fl = $ [(in N=)% + 3fl (ln N=)-%] where Y = .5772 is the Euler number. Values of fl were found to vary between 1.664 to 1.532 corresponding to Nc valuee of 140 and 60 respectively. The function f2 is a function of the number of zero crossings and represent a frequency dependent correction to account for the dynamic correction applied to the preesure record as measured by the Tucker wave meter. H-2 - The frequency response correction f~ is given as a function of frequency and can assume high values for the higher frequency range. Hence, each spectral estimate is multiplied by a different constant. ‘“In the above a-nalySisa meafi”value.:representing the square root of the frequency response correction must be applied to the measured height and it is usual to select the constant corresponding to the zero crossing frequency. For each of the three ships, a different frequency response correction table was obtained and f2 values varied from 1.020 for zero crossing frequency of ..48radfsec to 1.872 at a zero cross- ing frequency of 1.00 rad/sec. The Hi/3 value obtained from spectral analysis were calculated from the square root of the area under the spectrum (rms) times four, i.e. , . %/3 S(u) do = 4/j = 4~ 0 All spectra were represented at discrete frequencies between O -2.0 rad/sec at increments of .05 radlsec. The comparison between the HI/3 values obtained by the two msthods is illustrated graphically in Figures H-1 - 4. The overall agreement is rather good, though a slight tendency toward a lower estimate of Hi/3 from ~ is somewhat evident. For the 0-10 ft. wave height group, the approximation technique seems to slightly overestimate the HI/3 by roughly 10%. Over the next range of 10-20 ft. as well as 20-30 ft. there seems to be an increase in the scatter about the mean line. However, the distribution about the mean lime is approximately equal, indicating an exc~l.lentagreemant between the two techniques with a standard deviation of approximately *2.5 ft. The data for HI/3 larger than 30 ft. are rather scarce; only 14 Of the 323 records fall within this range. Most of the data fails below the idealized maan line, with only one point above it and two points lying on it. Hence, in genera2 it can be stated that the predicted Hi/3 ia a reasonably good estimste. This, however, should be further investigated due to the fact that the relationship between H1 /3 and HWX shown previously was made under the assuWtiOn Of a narrow band process. In reality, the value of ~ aa calculated from the ratio of Nz and Nc varies between 0.20-0.70, rather than the ass-d cue Of CT = 0. The general relationship between Hm~ and Hi/3 WaS develOped by Car=ight and Longuet-Higgins (1956) using the distribution of maxiwa, 0 ~=max P2 [h (l-cz) % N % ]%+% (1 - [1n(1_c2)% %E2)% 2 - E2, i.e., the second moment about the origin the number of crests the process width parameter Euler number the Ze~Oth nuxnsnt of the process, -=% peak to mean, or mean to trough variation H-3 % N]% ., ,. . . m Lc . .“ .“, .. . .. ... . . ,. ., . . . . . . ++ . . . . K . .. - --.-LL ~‘3 “~” . W“ 3 “. .. . ”., :. ..: . ... . . .. ...’.“ . . .. . .. . --l - . . :.. .. . . .’ :. ... . . . .. . I . . -.. . . .. . \ . . .. . .... . ~ . ~,T 11 ‘3 H-4 y z — . mm” II” ‘– m > - — —. + + + —— L . — _—— 8 \ —— +& - ‘% \ + + \ — ----> . ,’ +’ ,, + :., I ,\ + + I“ .;,, + + + m 2 z * \+ + + + 4 ,., c.. 11 j + \ \ -: Substituting n and p; [[h (k’)% N]% + fi Substituting for ~ *% the generalized expression for ~1/3 T . 0 4 c ~ (1 ‘c2/2)% = [In(1-s2)% b N] ‘] c # O (1 - E212 i% fij[ in (1-.2)% N] % + ~ [In (1-.2)% N ] ‘% 1 /i 2EW= H1,3 H-= [ in (1-.2)% N] % 2(1-c2/2)~ n max = ‘1/3 ‘: = for [ + %Y [In (1-s2)% N] ‘% 1 f; + ln(l-E2) N + %[ in (1 - 62) % N] -% (2- E2)~ c=O ‘1 =fl= where N is the number of crests (Nc) . ‘$ [ (ln N)% of zero crossings + % (1IIN)-% I (Nz) which is equivalent to the number Values for CT were calculated using the relationship between Nz and Nc and it was found that the range of f4 shift upward by approximately 8-10% hence, causing an equivalent decrease in the predicted Hi/3 value. This, however, was offset by a correction of approximately the same order to the HI/3 values calculated for the spectrum as a result of inclusion of z in the following relationship: ‘1/3 = 4 (1 - S212)+ L& Values of ET calculated from Nz and Nc were compared with those obtained by the second and fourth moment of the process -es. It can be generally concluded that in spite of the fact that the difference in the order of 40-50% existed between the Hi/3 values obtained by the two methods the general agreement shown in Figures H-1 - 4 was maintained. Comparison of the zero crossing period T= estimated for the record with the calculated zero crossing period as obtained from the second moment of the spc[. t:rum,j.e. , H-6 - m T2 .Zmg are of a rather poor quality. In most cases, the predicted period was in the order of 10-25 higher than the calculatedTZ and only 10-15 records out of 323 were approximatelyequal or lower than the ~z calculated. In general, the ~z valuee were in closer agreement with T-1 or T1 respectivelyas illUStrated in Figure H-5. The relatively large error in T and c is expected because of the crude way of maaeuring N= and Nc directly from the strip chart. It should be remembered, however, that even though the absolute value of T and E ray be in error the distribution of the data is valid and is extremelyuseful for a quick relatively inexpensive analysis of wavee in various ocean zones. It should also be noted that the large difference in T and c between the two techniques as compared to the relatively good agreemant of the HI ~ ratios can be logicallY explained. While Hi/3 ia related to the zeroth mod nt of the process T is a functionof the eecond mmment and c is a function of the fourth moment both of which are more dependent on the tail of the spectrum. At this region, the Tucker wave mater reaulta require an increasinglylarger frequency response correction function which ia often of a magnitude larger than the rest of the lowez frequency range. The tendency may thereforebe to exaggerate the spectral ordinate in the tail of the spectrum in soma cases, which in turn “willcause a larger moment with a correspondinggreater increasewith fourth moment. It will also affect the value of c~ as shown by the expressionbelow ~2 % c~ =,(1-*) 2 Aa a result of 2 hence c increaee% decreasing the term under the radical sign gets larger and The comparisonbetween the predicted and calculated zero crossing periods and the epectral width paramater i.sillustrated in Figs. H-5, H-6, respect:ti~i::,, It is apparent that in the case of the period, the prediction methOd is genera:. ., higher than the calculated ~. by 10-20%. The spectral width parameter ST as oil tained from the number of crests; is generally much lower than the calculated value from the mnments of the record in the order of 20-30%. A comparison of seven records all having a period T1 between 8.5-9.0 secOnda and Hi/3 between 11.50-15.00 ft. is given in Table H-1 shciwingthe characteristic paramatera as obtained by the two me thode. It is evident from the table that the mean value of Hi/3 is extremely close by both rnethcds and ~Z corresponds better to a period lying somewherebetween T-1 and TI, the energy average period and the average wave period respectively. The mean deviation of q-is sob etarrtialand amounts to about 25%. It is further illustrated that the values obtained from the analog rec,rii are conaistent and the deviation about the mean, though somewhat larger than that of the values obtained from spectral analysis are all the same, which is extremely useful in defining wave conditions at various locations. It should be also noted that for several of the records the H~/3 was calculated by averaging the 1/3 highest peak to trough heights over the length of The results obtained were within 3-5% of the calculated HI/3 from the record. H-7 T, -,2 “L ‘1 * - ,.O,,,, .,, b / . . : / .,. ~;, ,:.. ,: . ,. . e. ,i “ .:. . .. . .. ‘ / . / .:’ ji? j~l :yj~.,: .,,. .::...i . G *2- 7., — . .: . :. .. . . “.. * 1.21) f=. /, .. T, - ,.4,, ,2. ,, ,, ~ ,., .% ,,. ,. /..,lx / 8I I d 4 Lb Ii ,> m between values’ of T2 and ~ calculated from spectral analysis and the analog r~cord. Fig. H-5 - Relationship ..-K:< . . . I . . I . .. 1 . . . . .“. I . . . . .. . I i 4 ..6- I 1 .. . . -. . . -. . . . . . . . . . .“ .“ . .. . . / . “. . . . . . . . :. . “., j,---- . . 1 r), , q / . . I 1“ . . A /-1 “ 0!3 ..$ ,,. Fig. H-6 - Relationship between c~ and CT alculated from spectral analysis and the analog record. H-8 @C- TARLE H-1 ComparativeResults of TWO wave Analysis Methods From Analog Record From Spectral Analysis Record No. ‘1/3 ‘-1 ‘1 ‘2 182 13.45 9.33 8.56 8.11 .624 15.34 22.07 8.89 .391 90 224 14.01 10.60 8.84 8.02 .700 14.44 21.48 9.35 .586 95 228 11.47 9.61 8.72 8.24 .628 10.10 14.83 9.35 .465 85 265 13.58 9.80 8.98 8.44 .658 13.87 19.80 9.35 .586 95 268 14.57 9.81 8.86 8.31 .662 13.50 18.75 9.11 .513 80 273 14.90 9.76 8.73 8.20 .638 16.20 22.50 9.00 .553 80 277 14.78 9.94 9.00 8.29 .687 14.60 20.79 9.86 .585 75 Mean 13.87 9.83 8.82 8.24 .660 14.00 20.03 9.27 ,.526 86 ‘s ‘1/3 ‘max 7= ‘T N= the spectral area. The only correction to the actual peak-to-trough heights was a constant correction for frequency response, which was applied using the value corresponding to the frequency of the spectral peak. The excellent agreement between the values of HI/s calculated by the different techniques is of great importance and is indicative of the flexibility of the Draper method of analysis. Although when comparing individual records some substantial deviation may occur occasionally, for statistical purposes where the mean is required, excellent agreement is shown in Table H-1 for HI/3. If T= is taken as the mean of T-1 and TI, a close approximation results. It is felt, however, that the discrepancy in the periods by “the two methods is of concern. The preceding comparison is of further significance since it covers both the most comprehendive and the simplest possible approaches to data analysis. Several other methods fall in between these two techniques. For example, the rms of the record can be determined directly from the record, and hence, the significant wave height. Similarly, by analyzing the peak-to-mean distribution of the record, the H1/3 can be directly obtained, as mentioned above. The degree of sophistication that should be applied to the data analysis should be compatible with the method used to collect the data. If the latter is deficient, it may be useless to carry the analysis to a high degree of accuracy. In the above example, the source of the data in both cases was identical, i.e. , paper strip charts recorded by a NIO Tucker wave meter. The limitation of the NIO recorder at high frequencies is known. It should, however, have a limited effect on the zero-crossing period which is a function of the second moment only. H-9 I The broadness factor, E, is a function of the fourth moment which is more dependent on the high-frequency tail of”the spectrum; which msy be affected in both techniques by the nature of ctierecord”obtained from the Tucker ineter. The discrepanciesare therefore” large And verj little”similarityexists between results obtained by the two methods. ‘l’he purpose of the preceding evaluation was two-fold: 1. To evaluate the spectral analysis Draper and technique by comparing with hence provide a criterionof acceptance for the large amonnt of data already analyzed by this technique. 2. To determine the extent one is justified in using it for general analyeis of strip chsrts. The complete answer to these questions can only be given in terms of the ship responses as predicted using one eource of wave data or the other. If, however, one has to judge the reliabilityof such data baeed on the wave characteristicsonly it is apparent that the method proposed in Draper (1966) only provides a partial answer, i.e., a good estimate of the significantwave height, but fails to supplementit with additionalrequired informationsuch as the period or othsr parametersof interest. E-lo I APPENDIX I SAMPLE MllASUREDSPECTW —.. ..-. -— — —. —.. ~1— 1 16-17 Ma — ., NOV. 1971 0900 h,, 1200 no1 . o Sample from: Saetre, H.J. , “On High Wave Conditions In the Northern North Sea,” Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Surrey England, Report No. 3, 1974. This report ccmtxi.ns:a[) nu:dy::lsuf waves measurc,ldt,rl),:: tIlreewinters by f.f/V in the uortl)ernpart of the NcurthSe:,(77” “III’ N, 1<’IX)’E). ‘fIw41 spectra were selected from the S.LXmost severe sturms illordel t.1) study gruwth and decay of the spectra. It is concluded that storm spectra Lrom the North Sea (and North Atlantic) have the same form and that their shapes are similar to the JONSWAP spectrum, i.e., the spectrum has a much sharper peak than the PiersonMoskowitz spectrum. In Seneral the wave spectrum 3 hours before the spectrum with maximum total energy is sharper and has more energy in the peak frequency band. For example, compare the spectra for 1500 and 1800 in the above sample. Saetre fi.n,lsgood of wave the spectra record and except corre Iat.inn I,etweer)parameters dc rIved tti~jngthe moments those in clef ttle iued CCIS,L IIV ‘T!!rkc!-’s method of visually in~pecting tl!e uf specI r:,{ width parameter. Based on all the records collected over the three winters, he draws the following conclusions from the long term statistics: The Gumbel probability the best fit to the complete time series. The Gumbel probdistribution gives abilitydistribution gives higher extrapolated, predicted wave heights than the Weibull distribution applied to the same data set. 1-1. q ,,,, w. ,,. 0,*,U61N* ,!1. S“,,9M C+,.w.in,, ..,,.,a. ,,.,!, . ... ,,,,, m,- “mu,,, m.. w.?+,. ,,,,, u“ w.. ,.,., ,!.,,. ,,.,,,, ,,, ,.,’,) m,, “. ● ,.”,, ‘,.*,,, ....,.,, ,[.,,. w. ,, m.,). ,!8, ,“ ,,, ,(,,. *.,,,, ,,, .(,,. ,.,,,, ,,,,. ,.,,,, 9U “ “ ,,:$, ,“..,,”.s, W:;.”,,,4”, #..,,. ..,,,, 8,,,,, ,.,,,, ,.,,,, 0.,,4, ,.,,,, ,,,,,, ,.,,,, ,,,,,! >.,1,. ,,,,,, ,.!.,, ,.,,,, ,..,,, ,..,., ,.,.,, ,,,,1. ,..,,+ ,,,,,. ,,,,,, ,.!,,, ,.,,,! ,,,,,, ,.,,1, ,.,,+, ,,,,0, ,.0,,, ,,0.. ,,0!,, ,.,!,, ,.,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,0’. ,,,0,, ,.0!,.,,,, *, w,, ..,”,, ,..,,, Sample from: y: ..,,,, ,,0.,, ..,00. . ..).’ ..,0,, 0.,,,, ,.,0,. ,.,.,, 1 0.. NW 147 t ,,’?0, ,,,,?, :,:::; ,..,,, ,,,,?, ::::/: ..’?), .,,,,. ,,.,,! . ..1.3 4.11.. *.,6,, C.,,?. . ..’., .,,,,, 0,,,,. 0.!,50 ,,, +,1 ..,,’, ::;:: ,.,,6, ,.,0,, ,,,0,, ,,$,,, ,.,!?, ..*.*, ;.:: 4.0 - ●W ...- ... .,. ,., ,.$ I Miles, M. , “Wave Spectra Estimated from a Stratified Sample of 323 North Atlantic Wave Records,’” Report LTR-SH-1 18A, Division of Mechanical Engineering, National Research Council, Canada, May 1972. This report presents the 323 spectra and describes the analysisprocedure used to compute thqrn.‘is shtmn in Table 1 In.this report (freqwency response correctionfunctions), . the correctionfactor for than” OWS’Weather Explorer becomaa extremely large”ti freqtiency “increases.“Fortfiisreason, records from tha Weather Explorer should be regarded as questionable. These recordswere not selected to repreeent fully developed conditiooa. Except for 16 records se~ted in order to facilitatea short study of spectral variationwith time over limited periods, all records were taken at noon and were chosen randomly to represent the total range of conditionsencountered. I-2 DISPLACEMENT SPECTRUM 10 J 1 “9 RMSA = 1.95FT H~= 4x1.95 x (ClXC2)=11.70FT ~1~ ~’;~ SEE PAGES 22,23 J 8 L — 7 6 . I / — ...— I 5 “+ —. I IL —— 4 —.—. _-— –~– ‘—- “– I 3 (4 2 —. .-—.. —. -—. ——.. ——. --- I ,— 0 0 05 10 Is 20 2.5 30 FREOUENCY 35-40 45 50 55 60 65 IN RPS Sample from: Ploeg, J. , “Wave Climate Study -- Great Lakes and Gulf of St. Lawrence,” SNAMR T & R Bulletin No. 2-17. The data tabulatedby Ploeg includesHI s and peak period IJJo.The spectra are availableonly in the form of plots. Taiulatione of spectral ordinateswere never made. of the 4,000 spectra, there are only approximately10 spectra with Hi/3 > 16 ft. I-3 ,..,,!,, ,x , h “ x n. xx x ,, * x , .“, , ,, , :x,x .?. ,, I , ,x, x xx”” , “x.”” “ k,”,, ! ,,””, r “,,,<, . , x, r r“,, ., ,“, ,!, ,” ,, ,, r r .,, ,. , . ; r , r x x .,, .,.1 ,: ,, E ., ,, ,!. ,,, ,, ,,, ;,,~,:, 11,1?! ( II ~ug u v:[l, raking wire pressure transducer (vi’uraLrb,l; placed ULI LiIL (.ULJ of LuLL Seamount in the North Pacific. The first volume of this report (Discussion of Data Analysis) provides a complete description of the instrument used and the method of analysis. Jfi Sample from: PAN Q181L VOVA6E 13 sPECTRR 1 Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Company, “Instrumentation and Analysis of Data Collected on the S.S. Japan Mail and the S.S. Philippine Mail from December 1971 to July 1973,” Report to Sea Use Foundation, Seattle, 1974. This report describes the data reduction techniques used on data gathered with Tucker meters installed on ships crossing the Pacific. The method described is not unusual and the description tifit is straightforward. They fail, however, to mention several factors of crucial importance. In almost all cases, the ship is traveling at a speed of approximately This means that the frequency measured is actually the frequency of encounter. If the direction in which the waves are traveling and the heading and speed of the ship are all known, the frequency,of encounter can be related to absolute frequency. This information can be extracted from the ships logs which accompany this report. 20 knots. If the waves are not predominantly from one direction but consist rather Of a cOmbi~tion Of 10ca2 wind waves and swell, as is often the case, then measurements from the ship at speed cannot be analyzed to give the true spectrum. The dynamic effects of ship motion on the Tucker wave meters have not been discussed. The possible influence of such effects warrants careful consideration. 1-5 1- .!.-.!. ,.,6 . w. ,0!., 0, ., .. . . ,, s.!. ,. !,. “.,, ,., ,,,, .6’-! . ,J5’W: :::“,-.-,.. .,,, “0,1, . cm?. “,’!.. ,,,, W!,. -.2 .,,,, FL. !!.,. . .m. -“0!,, ,0..., Sample from: ,“cZ., :r, %’<%,; : !., w,,, ., .,, (c.,,. Moskowitz, L. , Pierson, W.J. , Jr. and Mehr, E. , “Wave Spectra Esthated from Wave Records Obtained by the OWS Weather Explorer and the OWS Weather Reporter,” Parts 1, 2 and 3, New York University, College of Engineering, Research Division, Department of Meteorology and Oceanography, November 1962, March 1963 and June 1965. These data were collected to study the shape of fully developed spectra. Hence, the spectra included cannot be considered a random sample of typical spectra encountered by ships. I-6 i m 20 Sample from: Is 12 ~fj 8 e ~lOD (sac.) 6 4 M.C. 16Jw.cs3 Pickett, R.L. , “A Series of Wave Power Spectra,‘q Unpublished manuscript, IMR No. o-65-62, M2rine Science Department, U.S. Naval Oceanographic office, Washington, November 1962. These SpeCtra were measured at Argus Ieland Tower (31° 56! N, 65° 10! W) in 192 feet of water. The effects of this limited depth must be considered in dealing with these spectra. I-7 Fig. Fig. Samples fram: 1d) lc) Ferdinand, V. , DeLambre, R. and Aertssen, G. , “Spectres de Vagues de l’Atlantique Nerd (Sea Spectra from the North Atlantic),” Association Technique W.xritime et Aeronautique, 1975 Session. The spectra included in this report were made using the Tucker Shipborne Wave Recorder on French naval vessels in the North Atlantic. The measurements were made while the vessels were at speed and correctedusing the equations: ~v J-&l; cos Ue=u SC(UI) = (1 -4 ; u , ,, ,-. !J we Cos P)% s (@e) V is the ship speed, we is the encounterfrequency,and v is the angle betwec.r[ the direction in which the ship is travelingand that in which the waves are traveling. where The dynxmic effects of the ship motion on the Tucker wave meter are not considered in the report. Based on the spectra included the authors conclude p - 4.9 and q = 3.5 provide a better mathematical approximation than the usual choice of p - 5 and q=4. Based on similar work done at Webb with a much larger group of spectra, we cannot support this conclusion. See text, chapter V. I-8 ....’._. ..~’,, ,., .: . ! ’11 l!!, , REMARKS ON OCKAN WAV1 ! I ANIITHWIN All’] 1’ i 111:’’ 11:1:, [1 [1 \,.1 .’1’1,1[1 ,1 ,:({1 (,.(!, ‘81’( 1(11111111:: \ , I I \ ,, ( — Statisticsand Random Variables In 1949, when J.W. Tukey wrote a paper entitled “The SamplingTheory of Power Spectrum Estimates”, a new techniquebecame available to study ocean waves. The total variance of the wave record could be reeolved into frequency bands in such a way that the contribution to the total variance from different frequency bands could be graphed or tabulated as a spectrum. A highly correlated time history and a highly correlated covariance function were replaced by a sequence of essentially independent numbers in frequency epace that formed the spectrum. There are important parallels between spectral estimation and the estimation of the variance of a normal population. Given an independent sample of eize n from a normal population, the mean and the variance can be estimated from the sample. The estimated mean has a “student t“ distribution, and the estimated variance has a Chi-Square distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom. A fiducial confidence interval on both the mean and the varience can also be construtted. The essential point, however, is that theee estimatee of the parameters are both random variables and statistics. In the spectral analysis of an ocean wave record, an estimate of a function called a spectrum is found. Just as in the example from the normal distribution where p and Crzmust be distinguished from ~ and 82 (the “mean, u, and the variance, U2, are unknown constants, and the second two are random variables that are estimates of p and U2) , the spectrum of the population from which the sample wave record was taken as defined by S (II)) must be distinguished from the estimate of the spectrum at a finite number of frequencies, as in hj) uj = 21T j t2pAt j=o top The point of the paper by Tukey was to show that, with the method he used, every other estimate was independent and that theee estimatee had a ChiSquare distribution, whose degrees of freedom were known. The valuee of L? (u,) are random variables. Fast Fourier Transforms (FPTe) make it possible to estimate spectra such that all values of tbe spectrum are independent. of Tukey, Since each point on a spectrum estimated by the technique either as originally propoeed or in terme of the more modern square filter smoothed FFTs, is a random variable, the complete spectrum ie a random function. Or stated in statistical terms, if S(u) is the true, but unknown, spectrum of the infinitely long stationary time aeriee, and if J Wj-Auf2 then the variance in that band is estimated by ; Oj = ~ (jAw) Au J-1 The experred value of !Ic, 1 is given by E (ioj ) =M. 03 and M M ~th has a Chi-Square distribution with an unknown scaling parameter, is unknown theadegrees of freedom given by Tukey in which M ag~’ in which ?ioj is an estimate is an estimate of 02 in a sample ulation with a zero mean. of it in exactly 04 nse as the same s of size n from a univarjate normal pOp- The spectral estimate:, S(jAw), j=O, 1.. .P, in theaolder methOd are weakly correlated ~n that S (jAu) is not ind~pendent of S ((j+l)Au), but independent in that S(jAw) is independent of S (qAu) if q # j-1, j , j+l. In both cases, however, since each spectral estimate is a random variable, each and every one of the spectra that have been estimated from ocean wave records over the course of the years i.sa random function. Plotting the 90% fiducial confidenceintervals on a number of spectral estimates with tYpically 50 to 100 degrees of freedom, is a convincing way to learn how poorly the true population parameters have been located. In the sane sense that each spectral estimate is a random variable, it is also true that each spectral estimate is a “statistic” and that the entire sequence of frequency ordered spectral estimates is a sequence of It is true that these “statistics” are computed using a “statistics”. blend of Fourier series concepts plus probabilistic concepts. The spectral estimate is some linear combination of tbe observed data where the linear combination involves trj. gonometric terms; it is nevertheless a statistic. Target Populations In statistical sampling theory, the first requirement is to define the target population to be sampled. If one is interested in selling clothes for 10 year old girls in New York City, it does little good to study the sizes of 5 year old boys in Manila. Only in the study by Moskowitz (1964)$ which led to the so-called Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum, was the target population defined and only in that study was it shown that the spectra could indeed have been samples from the target population. In each of five different wind speeds, the target population was the spectra of those records that might be obtained for “infinite” fetch and duration, generated by a wind blowing for a long time with a constant speed and direction over an infinite ocean. It was postulated that, for the wind speeds actually used, “infinite” duration and fetch were actually fairly finite as to the time the wind needed to blow and the distance over which it blew. All other * Note that the first word in the title of this paper is “Estimates”. J-2 . parametrization procedures that have been proposed have ignored the two most essential aspects of statistical procedures, namely defining the target population and proper consideration of sampling variability. spectral Since this study by Moskowitz is more than a decade old, much could be learned by repeating it, using better calibrated wave data and FFT spectral estimates, a much larger sample, and tbe correct application of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Crutcher, 1975). Of great importance would be a careful study of the high-frequency tail of the spectrum. The equilibrium range probably does not exist. A second important situation where a target population can probably he defined is that of the fetch-limited case. To simplify things, it would be useful to use wave records where the upwind end of the fetch is land, where the wind is always from the same direction, and where the range of admissible wind speeds is severely restricted to one or two knots. The true population spectra would then be functions only of wind speed, since the fetch would be fixed. For the open ocean, far from land, in a region where a continuous procession of transient cyclones and anticyclones moves by, the target population is difficult to define. An attempt to define a thi~d target population is, however, necessary. Consider, for example, a point on the ocean surface, and a circle around it with a radius of 10 nautical miles. NOW imagine a wave record taken for 20 minutes for every two-mile intersection on a square grid inside this circle, all starting at the same time. There would be about 78 such records. No two would be exact1y alike, and the correlation between nearby records and spectra would be vanishingly small. If each spectrum were estimated over exactly the same frequency bands for exactly the same algorithm, these 78 different spectra could be averaged. The average would still be a random function, but the confidence intervals would be about one-ninth as wide as those for one spectral estimate. The target population spectrum is then some spectrum,probably “ithin the 90% confidence intervals of this averaged estimate. The individual spectra from the 20-minute records should fluctuate about this “averaged” spectrum in ways predictable from sampling theory. The target population is the limit in an infinite number of degrees of freedom of this kind of spectral estimate at each grid point of the model. If wave spectra could be estimated with 5000 or 4000 degrees of freedom,as opposed to about 30 to 100, many of these problems could go away. A recent study by Pierson (1975) suggests that this may indeed be possible if wave imaging techniques can be f.rther developed. Wave records taken for longer times at a point are usually not the answer. Increasing the record length from 20 minutes to 2,000 minutes (33 hours) leads to problams of changing wind speed and direction over the longer recording time. J-3 As an exception, in the trade wind areas of the world oceans, it might be a most interesting experiment to record wind speed, wind direction and waves for several days continuously. Except for swell from some distant source, that will usually be in different frequency bands, this long record may respond only to the minor (?) fluctuations in the strength of the trades. Its analysis could provide a very precise estimate of the spectrum of a target population with sampling variability greatly reduced. Numerical Wave Prediction Models Insofar as a numerical wave forecasting and wave specification (or hindcasting) method that attempts to describe the spectra of wind-generating gravity waves and of swell is a valid method, it can only hope to predict, or specify, the expected value of the wave spectrum that will be observed at a particular point on the ocean surface (or in a particular area) for a particular time (+2o to 30 minutes) of observation. The actual spectrum computed from a wave record at that point in space and time will not, and cannot be expected to, agree with the predicted spectrum in exact detail because of the fundamental nature of the waves. The random part of the problem cannot be predicted. The target population is the third example given above in the most general case and at various points in the model at various times,the target POPulatiOn becomes either a fully developed sea or a fetchor duration-limited sea. Stated another way, wave forecasting methods attempt to specify S (w) to be varified against S(w). In this context, it should be emphasized that all theories of wave generation and propagation are really working with S (u), and S(u,*), and are only indirectly concerned with the problem of verifying what they predict in terms of actual data. It may be, though, that some of the more recent aspects of wave generation theory have falsely attributed certain effects of sampling variability incorrectly to some physical cause. A numerical wave forcasting theory can be wrong in several different ways. One way is that the idealized spectrum, S (u), is really not an adequate description of the true population spectrum. A second is that the physics of wave generation, wave propagation and wave dissipation is not correctly modeled. A third would be that the winds that “generate” the waves are not given correctly. Even if perfectly correct in all three of the above ways, there would still be the problem of comparing the numerically predicted spectrum with the estimated spectrum, using valid sampling concepts. Curve Fitting Procedures The great danger in the present procedures for curve fitting spectral estimates lies in the lack of appreciation of the fact that they are indeed estimates with a substantial sampling variability. Insofar as these “estimates” are equated, without considering the consequences, to the true, but unknown, spectrum of the conceptual population for the seaway under considerate ion, then J-4 a mistake is being made. but they are nevertheless The consequences present. of this mistake are hard to define, Numerous fundamental points arise as to the best way to use estimated It is wave spectra, as random functions, in problems of naval architecture. here that various deterministic and probabilistic concepts are in sharp contrast and even, at times, sharp conflict. For example, in towing tank studies a long-crested approximation to a random seaway can be generated. The response of this model to that seaway is in principle a deterministic problem in hydrodynamics. The fact that the spectrum of the seaway produced might depart substantially from the prototype wave conditions that attempts were being made to model is not critical. For example, a modeled spectrum that was twice too high in a given frequency band would produce an output in a linear theory that was twice too high in the spectrum of the mtion. The motion of the model predicted from the forcing function that was used would still be the correct one. The real problems of Naval Architecture should be concerned with shortcrested seas. Under these conditions, the coherency between the ship motion and the forcing waves is not one. Most of the research in the time domain in towing tanka does not carry over to real oceanic conditions. Model tests are quite different from observing the waves at one point on the ocean, observing a ship !s motion in an area a few miles away and then trying to relate the motion spectra to the wave spectra. (Someone might try this as a thesis in naval architecture; nearly everyone will be interested in the result). The lengthy debata over the ISSC spectrum and the validity of the free choice of the two parameters A and B, as in, s(u) - A exp (-B W-4) /u5 has never properly defined a target population, never checked on whether the spectral form lies within the appropriate limits of the variable estimates, and never looked at the sampling variability of A and B as multiple spectral estimates from a target population. that the model is inadequate. Were this done it would now become clear Tha new spectral parametrization technique used in the JONSWAP program is even worse. The procedures fail to account for sampling variability effects and stratify the spectra by using the “estimate” that was accidentally the maximum. Its routine application is guaranteed to provide biased spectra for design purposes in naval architecture. A paper has been written on this particular subject, Pierson (1975), but has not yet been published. Attempts to parametrize ocean wave spectra in terms of analytical functions and two or more constants, to be defined, are motivated by the idea that the new function is somehow better than the spectrum that was fitted. Even this is debatable. To use the resulting spectral form, it must be evaluated at a set of frequencies and multiplied by appropriate transfer J-5 .— functions so that the result will predict various ships’ motions. Are these predicted motions any better in any way from those that would be predicted using the original spectral estimates for each frequency band? Other Parametrization Techniques Various attempts have been made to stratify spectra accordingto wind speed only and accordingto non-dimensionalconcepts. The PiersOn-MOakOwitz spectrumused a non-dimen~io~alfrequency,~ = f U/g, where f is frequency, and U is wind velocity. S (f) had a ncin-dimensionalized fonr”independent of F and t (fetch and duration). This may have been an accident,since more recent results suggest that the equilibriumrange does not exist for high winds. There are also reasons to doub~ that S(f, U, F, t) can be non-dfmsnsionalizedto the form S(f U/g; g F/U ) for t large and F finite, and S(f U/g, f t/U) for F large and t finite. For U alone fixed as a parameter, the family of all possible spectra for a given U does not seem to have a properly defined target population even for one single location on the ocean , as shoti by Moskowitz, for example. The ssmple space will have to be defined in terms of a distribution of diatr$butions, and this is difficult to formalize. This is the concept of a stratified sample, somewhat analogous to tbe sampling techniques of political pollsters. Another popular technique (as use of a non-dimensional frequency quency of the spectral maximum for recent paper (Pierson, 1975), this for example in the JONSWAF project) is the given by f = f/f where f is the frethe estimated spec?rum. Asmshown in a procedure is fraught with difficulty. ConcludingRemarks All in all, it seems that the need to think about the basic meaning of spectral estimation, sampling variability, the terms “statistic’”and random sample, and the concept of a target population should precede curve fitting techniques applied to individual estimates of spectra. Sefore further debate about present spectral parametrization techniques and before other new ones are attempted, the following questions need to be answered: 1. What are the target populations? 2. What causes the parameters of the target populations to vary as a function of the physics of the waves? 3. Can sampled spectra be picked such that the parameters of the target population are fixed, and then can these parameters be in turn estimated from the spectra estimated for these conditions? 4. In what ways, if any, do parametrized spectra yield more useful results than using spectral estimates from a set of actual wave records? J-6 . So at the present state of wave data collection it is recognized that the target population cannot be defined as precisely as might be desired. This does not mean that this goal connot be accomplished in the future as a better understanding is developed of r,heclimatology of waves. Essentially, samples from different populations have to be combined, and the overall probability distribution for a new kind of climatological population needs to be derived. One segment of the target population is the fully-developed seas generated by a wind that is constant in direction, without contamination from other storms or swell. It would be grossly inaccurate to use this as the entire target population of seas expected to be encountered by ships, since account must be taken of waves caused by both growing and decaying seas, of effects of sudden wind shifts, of combined effects of different storms and of swell. In this report it is assumed that without defining the target population precisely it is possible to make a useful stratified random sample of spectra at specific locations. It is recognized that the sample must be stratified over all seasons, so that seasonal variations can be included. It is recognized that results apply only to the location where the samples are taken. However, when results from several locations are compared (as, in this case, Stations 1, K and P) limited judgments can be made regarding the variabilityy with geographical location. J-7 APPENDIX K A COMPARISON OF WAVE BUOY AND HINDCAST WAVE SPECTW By David A. Walden Intreduction Wave data for the month of March 1975 were obtained from the NOAA Data Buoy Office for buoy EB-03 located at 56.0° N - 148.00 W in the Gulf of Alaska. These data consistof spectral ordinates for frequencies from 0.01 to 0.50 Hz. in 0.01 Hz increments. The spectra are based on 16-minute samples taken every three hours. The predicted directional wave spectra produced by the Fleet Numerical Weather Central (FNWC) Spectral Ocean Wave Model (SOWN) were obtained from the Naval Oceanographic Office. These analyzed spectra are based on the best available wind data, including measurements and the previous wind hindcast. They cliff er from the spectral forecasts produced by FNWC, which are based on wind forecasts. Both hindcasts and forecasts include the wave state of the previous hindcast. These spectra, again for March 1975, are the hindcasts for a computational grid point located at 56.2360 N - 147.537° W, 15 nautical miles ENE of EB-03. These spectra consist of 180 numbers, representing the spectral variance in 15 frequency bands for 12 directions, which are computed every three hours with winds updated every aix hours. If at each frequency the variance is summed over the 12 directions, the one-dimensional frequency spectrum for a grid point can be derived. Wave Heights and Periods The first step in this study was to plot Hi/3 and T1 from both FNWC and EB-03, versus date. These plots are shown in Figs. K-1 and K-2. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the T1 results from EB-03 are usually lower than the results from FNWC. This ia due to the fact that the plots are baaed on the assumption that the highest frequency for the FNWC spectrum is 1.03 rps, while the buoy spectra extend to 3.14 rps. It has since been learned that the FNWC high frequency band extends from .164 Hz to .400 Hz (1.03 rps to 2.51 rps). ‘1/3 is defined by ‘1/3 = 4@_, and T, is defined by, ‘1 = 2T ~ ml m where m., ml are the moments defined by mn = J SC(U) (on dw o The effect of the high frequency tail of the EB-03 spectra is to make ml larger and therefore TI smaller. Figs. K-3 and K-4 show HI/ 3 and T1 versus date with HI s and T1 computed from EB-03 spectra which are cut off at 1.068 rpa. It can 1 e seen that the agreement is greatly improved for wave period and slightly improved for height. K-1 ‘1 Since most response sAO ts of medium-size ships have significant values at frequencies above 1.03 rps, the FNUC spectra which, in its present form, lack definition in this high frequency are not ideally suited for predicting the motions and stresses of such ships. Thus the inclusion of only one”band from icant ahnrtcomi,mg.As can he seen from the effect on 1.03 to 2.51 rps is a ‘s,ignif T~, the laak of accuracy in describinghigh frequencycomponentssignificantly affects higher moments of the spectra. Figs. K-5 and K-6 show the skewnessy defined by y w rn3/m23/2for the FNWC cut “offat 1.03 rps spectra and the EB-03 spectrawith and without the tail. The lines are least squares fit to the data points. Also .qho~ is the ISSC relation between Y and H1,3 y = -1 6.1458 HIj3 The results for another shape parameter, flatness, defined by f?= m41m22, are shown in Figure K-6. Similar results from Stations “I, “ “P” and “K” indicated a fairly close agreement with the ISSC line. Thus, the large scatter of the EB-03 data with the tail included about the ISSC lines, compared with the scatter of the Station “P” data, raises some doubts about the buoy results, particularly the high frequency tail which strongly affects m2 and m3. Groups of Spectra The next step was to create a group of spectra based on Hi/3. The spectra selectedwere those for which H~/3 was between 2 and 3 meters for botb FNWC and EB-03 at the same times. Eight such spectra were found. The results are shown in Figs. K-7 and K-8. In spite of tbe selection of spectra where tbe wave height artreedfairlv . well.. the ameements between the means is Door. This difference is important in predicting ship response?. The next group was of 8 spectra from consecutive observation where HI/3 ranged from 1% meters to 3 meters. Again the maana, as seen in Figs. K-9 and K-10, show poor agreement. The last group was of 8 consecutive spectra including tbe largest H~/3 value (7.0 m). Figs. K-11 and K-12 show that the magnitudes of the maans do not agree. Fig, K-13 shows the non-dimensional means. It can be seen that the means are in only fair agreement with each other and with tbe ISSC spectrum, but the shapes are similar. Individual Spectra A one-to-one comparison of the spectra near tbe peak of the HIf3 versus date curve was made. These results are shown in Figs. K-14, K-15 and K-16, and in non-dimensional form in Figs. K-17, K-18 and K-19. The poor agreement in Figs. K-14 - K-16 and the somewhat improved agreement in the non-dimensionalFigs. K-17 K-19 showe that there are large differencesin significantheight, HI/3, and mean period, TI, but that some similarityin spectrum shape exists. At the suggestion of Profassor Pierson, the confidence intervals for the EB-03 spectra were investigated. The 90% confidence intervals based on the 36 degrees of freedom at each ordinate are shown in Figs. K-14, K-15, K-16 and K-23. It can be seen that even if the actual spectra corresponded to tbe extremes of the confidence intervals, the agreement with the FNWC spectra is still poor. K-2 Professor Pierson also suggested that the disagreement near 27 March might be due to an error in the arrival time in the FNWC model. For this reason, Fig. K-23 shows the FNWC spectrum for 12002 27 March and the EB-03 spectrum for 12002 26 March. Significant disagreement is still apparent. The non-dimensional results also show good agreement with the non-dimensional ISSC spectrum. This is expected since these cases approximate the pure fullydeveloped, wind-generated sea on which the ISSC spectrum and the FNWC model are based. Fig. K-20 is a scatter diagram of FNWC H~/3 versus EB-03 (based on the full spectra out to 3.14 rps). The lest squares lines through the origin has slope 1.2, which indicatesthat the FNWC model is predictingan average total energy excess of about 20% over that measured by the buoy for this period. Wind Speed In seeking an explanation for the differences between the FNWC and EB-03 the wind speed, which was given for both sets of data. The 1results shown in Fig. K-21 indicate quite poor agreement in wind speed. results, we examined On the basis of a preliminary version of this report supplied to NOBO, and >ther information, they have re-examined the wind data from EB-03 for March and Iave discovered that there were problems with the anemometers and therefore all rind data are unreliable. It has also been learned that only after March 1975 has FNWC been correcting all rind speeds to 19.5 m. This includesobservationsused in determining the rind field and the values printed in the output with the spectral values. Fig. K-22 shows that the wind directions agree for most cases within 30°. This agreement caq be considered fairly good. The following quotation from the Mariner’s Weather Lo~* indicates mild one in the Gulf of Alaska. that March 1975 was an exceptionally ,,More Sto- tracked into the eastern Bering Sea, ad fewer into the Gulf of Alaska, than normal. Higher-than-normal pressure over extreme northern Canada diverted the storms away from the Gulf of Alaska and further south along the U.S. west coast. ” This exulains the low sienif icant wave heights for this. neriod. It iS . unfortunate that it was not possible to compare the FWC and EB-03 results for a period when higher wave heights prevailed because it is these higher waves that are of more significance in predicting chip responses. * Mariner’a Weather Log, “Smooth Log, North Pacific Weather -- March and April 1975,” MWL, vol. 19, No. 5, September 1975. K-3 KEY : EB-03. — FNh7c . ----- 8---—- -II M 6 4 . 2. b 0 io 1 i5 1 DATE (MAncH1975) Fig. K-1 - Hi/3 FNWC and H113 EB-03 (with tail) vs Date Cw : FNWC . ----- EB-03 . — 2 L5 10 15 DATE 20 25 30 (XARCH 1975) Fig. K-2 - T1 F2iWCand T1 EB-03 (with tail) vs. Date K-4 K2Y : FT M 8 25 ‘1 6 I 4 2 01 1 ‘ig” ‘-3 - ‘1/3 1 1 5 10 1 I 20 15 DATE (MARCH 1975) , , 25 30 FNWC and H1,3 EB-03 (without tail) vs Date 16 14 12 .810 n : E a 6 DATE (MARCH 1975) Fig. K-4 - ‘IIFWWC and ‘flEB-03 (without tail) vs Date K-5 I . l“’-””-””--- ● \ ✎ — + B s“.., --’ B UN. —a n! , .---,,,c _ . ‘j:’”” + \ Fig. K-5 - ● .”. ., 5 +. .+: -0.5 \++ \ T . \ ● ., .+. . q . 2.25 Logarithm of Skewness vs. in H 1/3 . \ . I . .. :\\\ 2.w — 86 1.5- ~ B 1-10 (..,.,,) +— .\.+ \ /+ 1.00 T -L , 1t 0.2 I , I 1.,0 I 1.$0 ‘\I‘\\ *..* FN 1-10 B 7 0.6 { +1 “ Fig. K-6 - In @ (flatness) vs. in H 113 l’:(hl“’”F+-/.. ,’ I 91mz .>M..KJ— . ./‘ I ,’ 1.00 —_ /’ ,’ )’ _m!r3, ... ,’ 0.’2 0 !4 @ mm Bnllc -— - 0 !6 ,:0 0.’8 id <,,,-1, Fig. K-7 - Group of EB-03 spectra with 2m . H1,3 . 3m ,, %(IJ)I r’ md ,-/ . 1.00 ..--1..... Ef.,, o, a ,Rw “n.!” BOW ,.!”.., ,.W<Z 1’ 0.1 F-. 0,4 0.6 (4)(s,,-1, 0.8 K-8 - Group of FNWC spectra with ~ K-7 1.0 < Hll ~ < 3m o W($td) Fig. K-9 - Group of 8 consecutive spectra from EB-03 , 3.00 — +-. ‘“,i .,. m \.p..o,.!.!!lctml 4-11 2.6 MAwU 2,00—.— — s~ (w Qms%c -L &.00 0,1 1 0:5 U 0:6 .9.7 O:* o (m-> Fig. K--1(I - Group of 8 consecutive spectra from FNwC K-8 12,0 t , I t I?ud-scc 6,0 L 4.0 2.0 / ., i 0.2 25-32 13-16 IUffifl 1,0 Bf(u> \—.. -—. ~“ -—. .—..-— — 10.0-. —- .—. .. . 7 - ‘--- -’ -.. ,/’ . ,,- ---- 0,4 --- 0.5 Fig. K-n - Group of 8 consecutive spectra from EB-03 (bracketing peak Hi/3) 12,0 - 1- ! ,“ Ii ,,-3, 13-16MARC, P -. t==- Fig. K-12 - Group of 8 consecutive spectra from FNWC (bracketing peak H1,3) K-9 0,3— ! 0.2 I I i- L ,#&- 0.1 /j — 0 0.2 — 0.4 0,6 0.8 ,,0 L.2 ,,, ,,* 1,, !?% . K-13 - Non-dimensional means from EB-03 & FNNC spectra bracbthg peak ‘1/3 I PX17 9m —. Cn”cidmlc. —----- +(w) )lzp%zc 0 0,s 1:5 ,:0 U 2,0 (s.,-5 Fig. K-14 - EB-03 and FNWC spectra near peak H113 K-10 I 5 Fig . K-15 - EB-03 & FNWC spectra near peak H1,3 11.0 —-.. .,- I .,. 10.0—–—-. ,.. 00, ,, I!ARc” B 29 FN 29 8,0—— +— o— 902 Co.ridm.. ---— S@, ,Td.sm 6.0 6.0 ,,.. 0.> I 1.0 1,5 (d 2.0 (w+, Fig. K-16 - FB-03 and FNWC spectra near peak H 1/3 K-n 2.s —k $ I — ““”---T L 0.03 m lbmmcn ,2, I 0.02 !_ .—l m,7. - ‘*%% 0.01 — . 0 0.2 —. i o ,.8 0 Fig. K-17 - Non-dimensional EB-03 & FNNC spectra near peak %/3 0,03 _ I ---1-– lfz 14 mm” ,28 .— 0,02— * 0,01— — — -4 1.6 0.6 : Fig. K-18 - Non-dimensional BB-03 & FNWC spectra near peak %/3 K-12 — ___L. 0,03 L 1 — 0,02 S/u WLJLw!4 B29 rn29. .— — I — ) ~, — O.OL— — 0 Fig. K-19- Non-dimensional ., 8 BB-03 & FNWC speCtra near peak Hi/3 :.. 7 ! $ 6 * %3 . m,. . “ Smut / . . Fig. K-20 - Scatter diagram 4 / . — , ,. .. 2 “ 1 ,. .. , , , ,. / “. . ‘. “ —..-i... —. 6 K-13 ‘1/3 ‘Wc EB-03 and Hi/3 + 19.98 ITT-WIW I -1111’11 I I 1+.+1 .1’ I I 1 1’ -1.0 Fig . K-21 - Percentage difference in wind speed vs. date 110 I I Dirm [ L - D1rB ++mz,s, 90 I ;- ! L* I 50 . “1 1-.’40 Fig. K-22 - Wind directional differencevs. date “ I . _ .— ;-r—-.—– ,. __ _“ ___ _ ..+ . . 5 10 ,+ls :0 . 25 . . <m=) ., -10 ——..—, .“ L- __ , —— . , - +. -30 -‘* -50 K-14 (’ / ,.”, ?I wncti [ /1 — 5 nmc-h +— 152 llm I VW hfidsm. m e . s,,, ,— .– — i ,1 I r%.,‘(--- - \--———— I-!nv —_ . ..-— S(al) ,..,s2 ----- Iwnd. I —.— \ , W-OS ..– .—- —Mw -/,} s mm. >0 I ““%-’--l 0.2 0.. 0,6 0.8 1.0 u ,.1 ,,, ,.’ ,., (arc-l) Fig. K-23 - FNWC and EB-03 Spectra for 26-27 March K-15 2,0 APPENDIX L PROPOSED BUOY SYSTEM FOR WAVE MEASUREMENT OFF SOUTH AFRICA by Cdr. C.S. Niederman, U.S.C.G. NOAA Data Buoy Office - Introduction This appendix reviews, in brief , a proposal submitted by the NOAA Data Buoy Office to the American Bureau of Shipping (ASS) during December 1975. It represents the state-of-the-art in proven wave measurement capability from a buoy reporting on a long-term basis in a severe ocean environment. A description of the buoy system, its data output, costs, and schedule, are presented. At the present time, June 1976, ABS is seeking additional monies from shipping intcrests to assist them in funding such a buoy. System Description The system was designed to survive severe storms and strong currents and to report wave conditions on a three-hour synoptic basis for a period of at least a year. Thus it would be expected to report the severe seas off the South African coast which have resulted in serious ship damage or loss. The system was to consist of a 40-foot (lZ-meter) diameter discus hull and a battery powered payload which transmitted in the SF range by relay to a u.S. shore communication etation. Unfortunately, the location IS bevond presently available USF satellite coverage, which is more reliable and less expensive than tbe HF system. In addition to the wave measurement capability, wind vector, air temperature and pressure measurements were proposed, since their inclusion made little difference in cost and they would be parameters of interest in relation to the recorded waves. The proposed wave measurement system consists of a hull-mounted accelerometer and a wave spectrum analyzer which filters the acceleration data into twelve discrete frequency bands, which can be selected during aesembly to best describe the anticipated epectra. At the NOAA shore communication station (SCS) these inputs are converted to twelve-point displacement spectra. The data at the SCS are then available on a real-time basic for use by forecasters and ship routers and on an archival basis for use by naval architects. The wave data available in the one-dimensional spectral form can be converted easily, if desired, to wave heights and periods. The systernproposed was selected from existing hardware wherever possible to reduce production costs. The mooring costs were conservative since the mnoring line length and diameter were chosen to withstand a maximum Agulhae Current profile, which occurs in deep water off the continental ehelf. Coste would be less for mooring over the continental shelf, where water is ehallnwer and currents are less strong. The payload, including the sensors, the data processing and control unit , and the communications set were mnstly on-hand items. The communications were to be set up from Miami to the buoy on a direct L-1 command link and from the buoy via Ascension Island and Patrick Air Force Base on the data link. A tape recorder was included on the buoy to provide a record of data that might be lost in transmission. Logistic costs were based on one repair trip during the year. Transportation costs to South Africa were not included since it was felt that transportation might be available from a shipping beneficiary of the program. Redundancy of the payload was proposed as an option for added reliability, but the single-repair trip cost was also retained. The costs were based on one year of operation with a second year of operation proposed as an option for a redundant system. Estimated costs, assuming the buoy to remain the property of the U.S. Government, are given in table K-1. Table K-1 WAVS hEASUREMSNT BUOY COSTS SECOWD YEAR Redundant System FIRST YSAR Single System Redundant System Payload & Spares , Including Wave Spectral Analyzer $ 33,000 $ 95,000** .$ 4,000 2,000 4,000 7,000 13,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 20,000 60,000 60,000 Connnunications& Data Processing 23,000 23,000 5,000 Logistics (Deploy, Repair, Recover) 25,000 25,000 11,ooo On-Load & Off-Load on Transport — 20,000 20,000 Power Supply Integration & Test Tape Recorder Hull Refurbishment 4,000 (11 ,000 ft. in Mooring* Aguihas Current) TOTAL to approximately depth. $195,000 $10,000 $265,000 if moored * Reduced 600-foot ** This is more than twice as expensive as the single SyStem since * first consists of parts on hand, while the second requires s~ procurement. L-2 on cent inental S20,000 shelf ● t Mditional Conclusion It is method for which data with other believed that the system described here would be a feasible obtaining reliable, long-term wave data for an ocean area for are scarce. Furthermore, the spectra obtained would be consistent data being collected in U. S. coastal waters. The cost does not seem high in relation to the value and quality of data to be obtained and financial assistance may be obtained from the operators of ships regularly engaged in service around the Cape of Good Hope. L-3 uuIz 1)111]11] )111 1111 1]11 II1111!1. I I I \ IIP II,,, ,,,,,!.,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Illllill”lll”llllllll ,0% ,,, ,, IllIll Ill:lllw!iwwH111!!!1/ 1111 Ml 11 91 ,1 8 ] C1:111OIC11 ,S, c;t !!1! N!Il!lll:iwlllll 1111111 l!l;!llllllllllll;,llll !!!1 M IIINIIIIIIII Ilil !:U Illllull ii!! :11 Illl!illl(llll !!11 111!1111 !11 IIlmll Ill Ill 1/1 Ill Ill 1/1 Ill s *1 7 Sext Ill Ill Ill s “s -=%% 6 82 1/1 Ill Ill Ill 11.1Ill 1/1 Ill 4 1 1 ?l!”a~vk’i *US. 1 ;“*. , ,. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1977- 240.897UV )RITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE fW!en DM. .ht.r.d) READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM REPORT 00CUAENTATION PAGE IEPoRT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESS1OM NO 3. RECIPIENT’S 5. TYPE cATALOG NUUSSm SSC-268 I I .!71. E (and S“btltl.) I Environmental Wave Data for Determining Hull Structural Loadings w THOR(*) ORGANIZATION NAME AND OFFICE NAME AND h PERIOD COVERCO Final Report S PI! RFORMINO m c0N7RAcT 10. ADDRESS Webb Institute of Naval Architecture Glen Cove, NY 11542 CONTROLLING REPoRT ORG. on REPoRT GRANT NUMmER NuMsEsf.J NoO024-75-C-4209 Dan Hoffman and David A. Walden ,ERFORMING OF PROGRAM ELEMENT. ARCA ● WORK UNIT PROJECT, NUMBERS SF43-422-703-06 !2. ADDRESS REPORT TASK Task 2022 DATE June 1976 13,NuMBER OF PAGES Naval Ship Systems Command 222 MON!T OR IN G AGENCY Ship NAME Structure 6 ADD RESS(II dlffw-t 1- O1flc.J w Co%trolllnd SECURITY CLASS. (of thh woro Committee DISTRISUTl ONSTATEMENT (d I thl, Rw.xt) Distribution is unlimited. DISTRIBUTION K EV WORDS STATEMENT (Conll”w M f.f -Vu.- th. #ldc .b.t,.et 9mt_d It “*o*,,w I. B1.ok md 20, Idm!lll? u & atl.rsnt tram R**) blook Ocean waves Wave hindcasti.ng Ship hull loads Wave statistics Wave spectra Wave data collection AOSTRAC1 (C-11- -...0-. .Id.If “00...” -d lSmW& & Neck “-b”) Wave measuring buoys -S00 A summary is given of the trade routes of U.S. ships, followed by sugetions for new projects and extension and improvement of current projects to et the need for additional data on sea conditions encountered by U.S. ships. is concluded that the greatest benefit can be obtained by making a direct fort to obtain wave spectra for the ocean areas on important sea routes that e known to experience severe sea conditions, probably by the use of moored oys, and by further verification and improvement of wave hindcast techniques ,yd$, 1473 EDITION or 1NOvSs19ODCOLCTC #/N 010’2-014-6601 I U-nclaasified Secunl?v CLNUFICATIOS orTHIS ● Aac+ m. ~ ,.,, 10. !?,,, CLASSIFICATION OF TH,5 P. GE(Wh.o D.,a Ent.r.dJ Abstract At the same application to obtaining wave spectra for design. :ime, steps should be initiated that may lead to the availability of wave data Eor eventual Ln the future, as seeking oil company data. It is felt that attention should also ge given to the further analysis of ~vailable data, and of new data produced by buoy deployment and hindc?st ?rocedures, including the measurement of directional spectra and their supplicationto design, Hindcast techniques should be extended to the southern hemisphere, and new techniques for wave data collection -- disposable buoys and satellite systems -- should continue to be developed. A survey evaluation is given of observed and measured wave data covering najor U.S. routes, with appendices, tabulations and maps. The introduction of theoretical formulations leads to the discussion and evaluation of wave spectral hindcasting techniques. The methods used to predict ship motions and loads are explained followed by a section discussing the wave data format required for predicting short and long-term loads and motions as well as numerical examples showing the effect on and sensitivity of predictions to variation in wave data format. Based on the preceding discussion, presently available data suggested for use in determining ship loads are given. ‘l’he use of a combination of statistics based on observations on the frequency of occurrence of various waveheights anda spectral family of measured spectra grouped by wave height is recommended. Finally, a survey of current and planned data collection projects is given. The opinions and conclusions presented in thie paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Ship Structure Committee nor of the Department of the Navy. .sccumv CLASSI fICATION OF mm PA6E(WII.. hf. m.red) . -- F. SHIP RESEARCH Maritime National Academy interagency CW41TTEE Transportation I?esearch Board of Sciences-National Research Council The Ship Research Com!rrittee has technical cognizance Ship Structure Committee’s research program: of the School of PROF. J. E. GO1.DBERG, Chairman, DR. J. M, BARSOM, Szc!tion Sttperuisor, U.S. CioiZ Engrg., Georgia Inst. of Tech. SteSZ Corporation MR. D. P. COURTSAL, vie< l%sidc~~t, D.~V~ Corpomtion MR. E. S. DILLON, Con.m3tant, Si2ver Sprin;, t.kwykml University of IZLinois DEAN D. C. DRUCKER, CoZ@e of I+@nwring, PROF. L. LAN DNEBER, rnst. of Rydrmlic Reswl>ch, The Univ8rsity of Iova MR. O. H. OAKLEY, Coz.sultmt, LtJcm. Virg{~zia MR. D. P. ROSE!,IAN, C)iie,f,vavcz L .4rchitect, A2@omzutics, Inc. OEAN R. D. STOUT, G~cduabe School., Lzhigh U,live~si tg MR. R. U. RLOIKE, Ececutive Secretm’;l,Ship .Wseczrc~2 Comittee The prepared the Ship project Design, P,esponse, and prospectus and Load evaluated Criteria Advisory the proposals for Group this project: Z A.rch>tect,F@mzzwtics, Inc. MR. D. P. ROSi24A 14, Cna irman, Cki.?f//ava PROF. A. }l.-S ANG , Dept. o.t”Ci-2i Z E}2y.fl. eer,. n;,~nz~ersity of 11 linois PROF. S. tl. CRANDALL , Dept. of :~cch. EiiL7r9. , Massachusetts Inst. of Technology m!,ics d /!Lm<st. ;c3, S.V. Research Institute DR. D. D KJViq, I%W?:J,W, St.ruct. Dyr, MR. W. J LA!iE, Sir:(ctwal Erqi?wer, .BethLehc! %eel Corporation DR. M. K. OCHI , ,?esearci~ scientist, Naval S;lip:?osearch& DeveZOpment Center PROF. W. l). PILKEY, Dept. of Mechanics, UniueYsity oaf Virginia Uni.v.of Rhode Island PROF. H. E. StlEETS, C%W, Dep.&. of C?cean .?ngginec?in~g, MR. H. S. TOWSEND, Cow Ltant, WesLport, (lmwctiwt PROF. G. A. WEMPNER, Schm2 of WgPJ. Science 3 Mecknic., Georgia In.t. of Technology technical The SR-223 Project ,!dvisot-y Committee provided the 1 iaison guidance, and reviewed the project reports with the investigator: o,~fieeof oeearwm@er of the NCZOZ,A lewndria, Va. Prof. J. L. Bogdanoff , SCkml of Aeronautics & ,t.~tronautie:;, Amdue Uiiir)ersity Prof. J. C. Samucls ,J n~~t 7,~r!qineeri>l~ & ,?no.Mechanics. Rmdard Uiiiver situ ...,., o.fCi~~i Prof. M. Shinozuka, ‘ . :iechanics,’ of - Plvi1 EngLeerin; “4 Erlg Dept. CoZwnbia University Mr. M. D. Burkhart, Chairman, .HeaL, 7 )~arine ~(:~c~~e ~c,foirs, ,..., ‘ SHIP ST?JLTL!RE CO!O1lTTEE PUBLICATIOi4”S docxnenbs are distributed by the National Technical These dcwInforrnatioti Service, Springfield, Va. 22151. journal uments have been announced in ihe Cle~inghO~~e (USGRDR) U.S. Gouerrment ,.. Research & Development Reports urxierthe ma% cated !41> .n~wn,bers. These SSC-254, A Guide for the Ncmti’e.ztwctive Testing of )Jcxt–Pd Lt b]eldsin Commercial 1976. ships – Part TZJOby R. A. Youshaw and E. L. Criscuolo. AD-A014548. SSC-255, Purther Analysis of Slawing Data from the ,s. S. WGL,WRI?jESTATE by J. W. Wheaton. SSC-256, SSC-257, 1976. AD-A021338. DyncwnieCrack Propuga$ion and Arrest in Stru.ctunz Z Steels by G. T. Hahn R. G. Hoagl.and, and A. R. Rosenfield. (SL-7 -5 ) - 3L-7 W. J. Siekierka, AD-A021337. Instrmentzt ion Program Bczckg??wndcmd Research Plan bJ R. A. Johnson, and 1976. CDR AD-A021339. C. S. Loosmore, USCG. 1976. Study to Obtai>[Verification of Liquid Na turaZ Gas (LNG) Tank Criteria by R. L. Bass, J. C. Hokanson, and P. A. COX. ]976. SSC-258 , A Loczd~n: AO-A025716. SSC-259, (SL-7-6) - Verification of the Rigid Vinyl Modelin~gTechniyue: Structure by J. L. Rodd 1976. AD-A025717. SSC-260, A Survey of Fastening Techniques for Shipbuilding by N. Yutani T. L. Reynolds. SSC-261, 1976. The SL- and AD-A031501. Presenting DeZayed Cracks in .S’hip welds - Part I by H. W. Mi shl er. 197f AD-A031515. SSC-262 , Preventing Delayed Cracks in Ship welds - Port II by H. W. 1976. SSC-263, Mi shl er. AO-A031526. (SL-7 -7 ) - Static StructtiraZCalibration of Ship Response Instrwnentati 5ystem Aboard the Sea-Land McLean by R. R. Boentgen and J. W. Wheaton. 1976. AD-A031527. SSC-264 , (SL-?-8) - Finst %ason Re.ul.tsfrom Ship Respon.e Instmunentation Abo~rti the SL-7 Class Containership S.S. Sea–Land McLean in !iorthA tlantic Yezwice by R. R. Boentgen, R. A. Fain and J. W. Wheaton. 1976. AD-A0397! SSC-265, ,1 study G. Hahn, 1976. SSC-266, SSC-?67> of Ship HulZ Crwk C. Marschall A~rester Systems by M. Kanninen , E. Mil 1s , , D. Broek, A. Coyle, K. Masubushi and K. Itoga. AD-A040942. I?evie?Jof Ship and D. Zoner. Strwe@TJaZ lg77. L)&z~Ls by R. Glasfeld , D. Jordan, /4. Kerr, AD-A0409L11. - Theorg and Compress iw Strength of Ship HuZI?Girders - Part 1“1.? 1977. Additional E.zperimentsby H. Becker and A. Colao. Jr,