l May 30, 1933. w. H. KlT`ro

l May 30, 1933.
w. H. KlT‘ro
Filed April 4, 1931
1l, 'll/111111111111111; '[(11/1/11/111’1/4
A/ in'
2 Sheets-Sheet 1
May 30, 1933. «
w. H. KrïTo
'Filed _April 4. "1951
z'sheets-shee-a 2'
l1,911,367 l
Patented May 30, 1933
Non'rn CANTON, omo,
n l
Application ñled April 4, 1931. Serial 110.1521657.
section, of the structure shown in Fig. 4.
This invention relates. to spraying >'de Ain
» In each of the modiñcations _shown a part
vices of the type in which a liquid 1s at
of the air stream'is directed downwardly
omized >by and mixed with a current of alr. into the container and u‘tilized _to operate as
The .invention is shown and described as> a gas-lift pump to fill a small auxiliary res- 55
5 embodied in an apparatus for the use of a ervoir in the top ofthe container.' This
comparatively large and continuous flow of
is kept full,` the excess liquid ov'er
-air under comparatively low pressure, such reservoir
flowing, and constitutes _ a constant-level
as may be obtained by connection to the supply. for the short liquid -tube which leads
outlet of a suction cleaner. Devices of this
1o nature are usually-portable and utilize a
to the nozzle.
Two -types of Ínozzles are 60
shown, that of Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4 being of
container for the liquid, the size of which the
concentric discharge t e in which the
is determined by the weight of liquid which Vliquid supply conduit is dlrected laterally
may be conveniently supported by the hand, andÁ positioned concentricall in the air nozp_referably a glass jar of a size andv shape zle, and that of Figs. 4 and1 5 being of the e5
marketed lin large numbers. '
' aspirating type, in which the air nozzle dis
One of the objects of the invention is to charges across the open top of an uplwardly
provide a device lof this type by which a
directed liquid supply tube. In eac case a
uniform mixture will be maintained auto« definite liow‘of air into and out of the con
matically regardless of the height of liquid tainer is maintained, the outlet being b a 70
20 in the container. A. further object is to tube leading from a point above the sur ace
provide a device for this purpose which will of the liquid near the top of the container
be simple in construction, and which can be to a point of reduced pressure in the air
economically manufactured and'readily as blast tube. This current of air is utilized' to
sembled and disassembled for cleaning, ad keep the auxiliary reservoir full and so 75
25 Ájustment'or repair._ A still further object is maintain a uniform density . of spray re
to provide a device .which may be readilyd gardless of the >height of liquid in the con»
controlled to vary the rate of spraying anl
-Which will, under all conditions, maintain a . tainer.
In the embodiment shown in Figs. 1, 2 and
spray of uniform density and prevent the ’ 3, a main casting 11 is provided with a round 80
30 discharge of large drops of liquid,- or drib cap portion 12 .having a depending - flange
bling when the spraying action is-stopped. with a thread, which is preferably inter
Still further objects of the invention and
to lit upon the top of a glass jar 14,
novel features of invention and operation rupted,
container, the usual gasket being
‘ will be apparent from the following speci used to form a tight joint. The casting in- 85
35 fication when read with reference to the ac-- cludes a large horizontally extendin blast
companying drawings, in which:
tube 15, extending across the top of t e cap
Fig. 1 is a plan view, Ípartly in lbroken' portion
12, and continuous with,»a down
section, of a spraying device embodying the . wardly extending
air-supply tube ortion
16, which is adapted to be attache
by a- 90 -
Fig. 2 is a view in side elevation, partly íiexible hose to the outlet of a suction 'clean- '
in `Vertical section, of the structure shown er or similar supply of compressed air. The
in Fig. 1;
‘ Fig. -3 is a‘ view lin horizontal section, ta
size and inclination of the tube portion 16 .
is preferably such that. it maybe'` readily
ken on line 3--3 of Fig. 2;
used as a handle by which the’sprayer and 95
45 - Fig. 4 is a view in front elevation of the its contents maybe su ported so as to direct
nozzle shown in Figs. 1 and 2;
spray as -desiredî A nozzle cap` 17,
Àto Fig.'v 1, ‘the’
formed yof sheet metal, vis fric
but showing a- modiñed embodiment of the tionally mounted
on the forward end of the 100
invention; andblast
50 Fig. 6 is‘a View in side elevation, partly
Fig. 5 is a plan view, similar
A baille 18 projects part way across the
The nozzle ca 17 is4 preferably provided
blast tube 15 from the bottom thereof and with a flange 3 which` is friotionally re
the cap portion 12 is perforated just back ceived within the end of the blast tube and
of the baflie 18, to receive a tube 19 which -with an abutment 38 engaging the end of
Ul is threaded ‘or’ otherwise suitably secured
the blast tube to define 'its position accurate
therein. The lower end 0f the tube 19 ex-_ ly. The central portion of the nozzle cap
tends to a point adjacent the bottom of the is bent outwardly and formed Awith a blast
- 'jar 14 where it is bent laterally and then opening 39 which may be circular if desired,
Vterminates in a short upturned end 20. The but which is preferably. distorted from circu
tube for `supplying liquid to the nozzle- is lar shape by the formation of short channels 75
preferably formed in several parts, to facil 4_0 at diametrically oppdsite points, as best `
itate assembly and permit it to be easily shown in Fig. 4. These channels 40 permit
cleaned. A cup, or auxiliary reservoir 21 greater flow at the sides of the liquid tube ~
is secured adjacent the top of a vertical pipe 26 and direct cross currents of air which,
15 v22,
and from within the reservoir 21 a short meeting in a central plane, effect a flat spray, 80
vertical pipe 23~ extends,- being secured to that is, cause the particles of li uid to‘di- '
the side of the pipe 22, as shown.` vA small verge more widely in a vertica vdirection
drain vent 21b being provided in the base of than` in a horizontal direction, with the capv
the reservoir 21, if desired, to permit the in the position shown.
reservoir to drain and avoid spilling of the
The lower end of the pipe 22 is ilared out- j85
liquid when the cap 12 is removed. -A drip wardly at 41 to form a conicalmouth and
ring 24 surrounds the lopen top of the pipe the upturned end 20 of the tube 19 projects
22, being secured to the side of the pipe 23, slightly into such mouth.~ To prevent/a . »
- as shown, and acting both as an abutment
building up of'pressure above. the surfaceof
to determine the position of the parts rela the liquid equal to that in the blastvtube,-a' 961
tivev to the cap, and to direct the liquid from tube 42 is provided which extends through
the top of the pipe 22 down into the reser the cap 12 and is directed forwardly at its
voir 21. Pipe 22, cup 21, pipe 23 and ring upper end. The tube 42 is held in place by »
24 may be conveniently secured together as a tube 43, below the cap 12, which _is thread
a unit by soldering or sweating the parts to ed tothe lower end of tube' 42 and is bent,
gether, as shown, but anyÀ other suitable preferably upwardly,- to prevent accidental
means of assembly may be employed. The entry of liquid therein.
enlargedv upper end of the pipe 23 extends
In the modification shown in Figs. 5 and j
through the cap 12 and an enlarged head or 6, the invention is embodied ,in a sprayer of .
elbow 25 is threaded upon the upper end of the aspirating _type and the operation is 00
' the pipe A23 and engages the upper side of shown as controlled by venting the main airthe cap 12 to secure the entire assembly. A ílow to atmosphere.4 A main casting 11“,
horizontally extending tube 26 is threaded, comprising a cap 12a and a portion 13a for
or otherfwise secured to the head 25, and a threaded engagement with a jar 14a, -is pro- .
valve is provided in the head 25, comprlsing j vided with a horizontal _blast tube 15a in con- . y. .
a conical end 27 fitting in a corresponding tinua'tion of a handle tube portion 16a', the
. seat in the top of the pipe 23, and having forward end of the blast tube‘having ‘a de
va stem 28 which extends through the top of tachable Acap 17a frictionally held thereon.
the head 25, a _spring 29 surrounding the A 'Venturi tube 44 'is inserted in the blast
45 stem 28 and normally holding the valve
tube 15a and held in place therein by a bent - 11o
closed. The upper end of the stem 28l is tube 45, the end of which extends back to
Y slotted at 30 to receive the forward wedge
the throat of the Venturi tube and which' ~
shaped end 31 of a valve-operating rod 32. connects with and-is threaded upon the up
This rod 32extends rearwardly through the per end of the vertical tube 19“, The up
wall of the blast tube, the wall being pref turned end 20a of tube 19“ is received in the
erably provided with a recess 33 to house lower flared end 41a of tube 22a, which con
a spring 34 which surrounds the rod and _ ducts the liquid to reservoir 21a, and a short
acts against a thumb piece 35, which is liquid tube 23a extends upwardly“ from reser
threaded upon the end of the rod, to hold voir 21“, and the whole assembly is position
55 the rod in its rearward position, as deter
~ed by a- drip ring 24“, secured to tube 23“,
mined by the engagement of a collar or abut as in the prior modification, a drain vent 21*1
ment 36 on the rod with the inner wall of being provided, if desired. A liquid nozzle
the tube. If desired, the rod 32 and the 46 is threaded upon the upper end of the
opening in the wall of the tube through tube 23a and extends upwardly to a point
60 which it extends may be of non-circular
in _front of the air-blast opening 47 in the
l cross section to hold it from rotation, and cap 17“, which is here shown as circulanto
it will be apparent that the thumb-piece 35 effect a substantially circular spray pattern.
>is so positioned that it may be conveniently
A pressure reducing vent, for insuring the
operated by the thumb of the hand whic operation of the gas-lift pump, is providedV
/65 supports the device.
_ .
by a bentvtube 43“, siìnilar to tube 43 in Fig.-
2, upon which a bent tube 42“ is threaded, under such conditions. The flow of air from lextending forwardly to a point. almost in the « the throat of the Venturi tube 44 down~ tube ,
plane -of the air-blast opening -47.
It is ne- cessary that the forward end of the tube42“ be at a point at which the pressure> is
lower than that in the tube 45, when air is
flowing' through the blast tube 15“, and it is
preferable that such point be. a point of at
‘mospheric pressure. It will be appreciated
that varying the relationship between the
19.a and up through tube 22“, escaping
through pipes 43“.and 42“, is suíiicient vto
raise the liquid and maintain an overflow
from the res rvoir 21a. `When the opening
48 is partly cçlosed, the pressure in the blast>
tube -15a is increased, andthe force of the
air blast from the opening 47 has suflicie'nt
aspirating effect on the liquid nozzle 46 to 75
air blastnozzle 47 and the forward endl of overcome the liquid head above the top of _'
tube. 42“ variesthe pressure which will be reservoir 21a and'spraying begins,ofthe
the air~
maintained above the surface of the liquid- sure in the blast tube, velocity
stream at the nozzle and hence the liquid
in the container, and hence the operation of ' content
of the spray gradually increasing
the gas-lift pump. -To vary
spray from zero to a maximum, an opening’ as the opening 48_'is further closed.
4In both modifications, it will be apparent '
48 is provided in the top'of the tubular air
supplying' handle 16“, where it joins the that the density of> spray can be gradually*
blast 15“, such opening being so located and varied, by simple means, from a condition in 85
of such size that it ma be conveniently which there is no liquid- in the air stream to'
closed by the thumb of t e hand by which whatever density maybe desired, and that
the device is supported.
the shape and size of the air-blast opening, may be readily operated by one hand.
as described heretofore. ' A constant flow of
the action of the device as a'whole is entire
In the modification shown in Figs. 1 to 4, ly independent of the level of -the liquid in
the air blast is continuous, and the shape the container at any moment. The s__truc
and force of the blast will be determined by tures are simple, may be easily cleaned, and
While several embodiments of the invention
air-_will be maintained down pipe l1_9, up have been shown and described, it will be
through pipe 22, carrying with it liquid to understood that various changes -may be
keep reservoir 21 overíiowing, and through made in the structural details( Within the
pipes 43 and 42 back into the main air scope' of the invention, which is defined in
stream in the _blast tube 15, As the thumb
piece 35, andthe wedge 31, are pushed for
the following claims.
I claim:
1. A »spraying device, comprising an air 100
ward valve member 27 will be raised to per
mit liquid to be drawn from the reservoirv supply tube having a reduced nozzle, a
21 by the aspirating action of the air blast ' closed liquid container secured to and below
upon the end of the horizontal liquid supply said tube, a liquid supply tube having an
tube 26, and the air mixed with the small outlet in aspirating relation with respect to
particles of liquid will be projected as a said nozzle, and a gas lift ump for supply 105
40 spray, and the liquid content of the spray ing ‘liquid to'said liquid tu e _ from said con- .
will'vary withthe size of` the valve open tainer including a tubeconnected _to said' air
ing. It will be apparent that, whatever the supply tube and an outlet tube. communi
‘ height of the liquid in the container 14, -the cating with thespace‘ above the liquid in
liquid -head which must be overcome bythe said container and having its end extending 110
-45 aspiratingy action is constant, as the- liquid .forwardly within said air supply'tube. ._ _
2. AI portable spraying device, comprlsingl
'level in the reservoir 21 remains constant
supply tube having'a nozzle, a liq
when the valvev 27 is closed, there -caIÈ uid aircontainer
secured to and below said `
be no “dribbling” or blowing of drop
level reservoir in fixed re. 115
liquid .by the air blast.
In the modified structure shown in Figs. lation with and adjacent said nozzle, a liq-.
> Y 5 and G, the densitA of the spray is ucon
uid supply conduit communicating with said
trolled by varying t e air íiow through’the reservoir and having an outlet aspirating
>blast-tube 15“ and the air-blast opening 47 .» relation with respect to said nozzle,` and
Since the area of the opening 48 is of much pumping means responsive to air flow in said 120
455 greaterarea than that at the throat ofthe air supply tube for continuously supplying
Venturi tube 44, there will be only a slight vliquid from said container to said constantv
flowy of air through the air-blast opening 47 level reservoir.
3. A portable spraying device, comprising
when the opening 48 is uncovered, and the
fiow vmay be gradually increased to a maxi an air supply tube having a nozzle, aliq
so mum as the opening 48 is gradually closed. uid container below and 'secured to vsaid
rl‘he liquid nozzle> 46 is so placed that vthe tube, a cup adj acent'said nozzle and adapted f
minimum air flow, when opening 48 is un to overflow into said container, a'liquid sup
ply tube communicating with said cup and
covered, has insuñicient aspirating eiiect to having
an outlet in .aspirating relation with 130 ‘
lift liquid from the reservoir 21a, so that
there can be no spraying or “dribbling” respect -to said nozzle, and means responsive
- 1,911,367`
to air flow in said air supply tube for rais, a cup carried by'said tube adjacent said
ing liquid from-said containery to said cup. nozzle and arranged to overflow into said- „
4. A portable spraying device, comprising container, a liquid supply conduit communi
an ,air supply tube having a nozzle, a liquid cating with >said cup and having an outlet
container below and'secured to said tube, >in aspirating relation 'with respect to said 70
a cup adjacent said‘nozzle within the upper nozzle, an upwardly extending secondary
portion of said container and adapted to tube connecting the lower part of said con
overflow into‘said container, a liquid supply tainer with said cup, and a primary tube in
conduit communicating4 with said cup and communication with said air supply tube
§10 having an outlet in aspirating relation with and arranged to discharge u wardly into
respect to said nozzle, and a gas-lift pump - the lower end'of said upwar ly extending .
in said container for raising liquid yfrom secondary tube, the space above the liquid
in said container being vented to maintaln
said container to said cup.
5. A spraying device, comprising an air therein a pressure below that in'said primary
15l supply tube having a nozzle, a liquid. con
Signed at North Canton, in the ,county
tainer below and in fixed relation to said air
’ tube, a cup adjacent said nozzle and adapted of Stark, and State of Ohio, this 20th day
to overflow into said container, a liquid sup of March, 1931.
ply conduit communicating with said cup
and .having an outlet in aspirating relation
with respect to said nozzle, and ymeans car- v
ried by said air tube and projecting into
said container operably responsive to air
_ ,2s flow in said air supply ltube for raising liq
uid from said container to said cup.
- 6. A spraying device, comprising an air
supply tube having a nozzle, a liquid con
tainer below 'and secured to said tube, an
overiiow cup adjacent said nozzle Within.
`so the upper portion of said container, a liquid
supply conduit .communicating with said
cup` and having an outlet in aspirating-rela
A '_ tion with respect'tosaid nozzle,_and means'
4responsive to a dlíference 1n air pressure be
35 tween the- air supply tube and the space in
i the top portion of said container forraising
liqpid from said container to said cup.
. A spraying device, comprising an air
supply tube having a nozzle, a liquid con- ‘
tainerI detachably 'secured to and below _said
`tube, a constant level- reservoir in fixed re- '
_lation‘to and adjacent saidnozzle, a liquid
supplyv conduit communicating with- said
reservoir and having an outlet in aspira-ting
relation with respect to said nozzle, means -
responsive to air flow in said air supply tube
for continuously supplying liquid from said
container to said constant level -reservoir,
and manually -actuable meansy for controlling
the flow of liquid in- said 'liquid conduit;
~ 8.-A spraymg device, comprising an air-
supply tube having a nozzle, a liquid lcon-A
tainer secured to and below said nozzle,` a i
cup _arranged in Íixedrelati‘on to said nozzle
and to overflow into said container, a liquid
supplytube communicating- with said cup
and having an outlet in aspirating relation "
_with respectto said nozzle, a Venturi tube
within said air supply tube, and a gas-lift
pump for raising liquid from said container
to said cup including a tube having an-_inletY
positioned in- thefthroat of said'Venturi tube,
' - 9. A portable spraying device, comprising
?‘an air vsupplyotube havin a nozzle, a liquid
container secured 'to an below said Y tube,