Instructional Expectations - Professional Learning Community

Instructional Expectations
Professional Learning Community
o 90 minutes per week
o Enforce NORMS
o Active participation of all members
o Be prepared with lessons and data
o Create and Review SMART Goals
o Bring lessons examples to share and discuss
o Develop common SE’s that will be used on the same day
o Create high quality lessons using strategies listed below
o Review student work samples
o Create common assessments
o Use data from common assessments to plan future instruction
o Minutes for each meeting address the following:
 What are your students learning this week? (Student Expectation/Objective)
 Does the level and type of instruction match the level of the TEKS?
 What strategies are you going to use to support learning?
 How will you know they learned the content and skills? What formative assessments will you
use to assess the level of student learning? (Language Objective)
 If students did not master the content and skills what interventions will you implement? What
will you do to extend learning for those who show mastery?
Individualized Lesson Plans (DAILY)
o Due in Eduphoria by Sunday for the current week.
o All portions of the lesson plan template must be completed
o Attach lesson components
o 1:1 should include the use of technology at least three times a week
Use of Student Expectations and Language Objectives (DAILY)
o Student Expectation (SE) = Content Objective: Should be the focus and should include the language of the
Student Expectations for the specific lesson.
Language Objective: Uses English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and is comprised of three
essential parts:
1. Starts with critical thinking verb from Critical Thinking Verb List.
2. Includes a research based literacy strategy
3. Uses content language from today’s lesson
Both are referenced throughout the lesson
Effective Vocabulary Strategies (DAILY)o Examples include but not limited to:
 Word Walls
 Frayer Model
 Using academic language in questions
 Requiring students to use academic vocabulary in all responses
Cornell Notes
o Notes should include the following:
 Topic
 Essential Questions and/or Topics
 Summary
Effective Writing Strategies (WEEKLY)
o Examples include but are not limited to:
 Sentence Stems
 Quick Writes
 What do you know?
 What do you want to know?
 What have you learned?
 How can you apply?
 Graphic Organizers with structure and higher level questioning
Effective Reading Strategies within the Curriculum (WEEKLY)
o Examples Include but are not limited to:
 Jigsaw
 Annotating Text
 Pay Attention To
 Graphic Organizers with structure and higher level questioning
 Answer
 Back it Up
 Conclude
Effective Questioning Strategies (DAILY)
o Examples include but are not limited to:
 Randomize Questioning
 Total Response
 Don’t accept “I don’t know”
 Direct questioning
 Blooms Levels of Questioning
 Planned questions using posted SE
 Appropriate three second wait time
 Rigorous Follow-up questions
 Scaffoldings
 Provide appropriate feedback
o Processing breaks should be included every 8 minutes