Environmental Procedure – Water Managent

Environmental Management System (EMS)
Environmental Procedure Water Management
Issue Date
Issued By
Approved By
Water Management
1 of 6
29 November 2013
Environmental Systems Manager
Head of Corporate Assets
Environmental Procedure – Water Management, Version 1
EP-16: 29 November 2013
This procedure sets out how to minimise water usage and to
manage water in accordance with legislation and other
requirements. The Water Act 2003 places a duty on public
bodies to monitor, conserve, reduce and minimise water use.
Facilities Team / Responsible Persons
• To monitor water use
• To install metering and water saving devices
• Manage water discharges and abstractions from Natural
Resources Wales’ (NRW) estate
Environmental Management System (EMS) Team
• To collate and report water usage on NRW estate
• To check via internal EMS audit compliance with any
relevant legislation
All Staff
• Staff should minimise water use whenever possible
• Ensure taps are turned off fully
• Report any leaks
• Minimise the use of hoses and pressure washers
Pollution Prevention Guideline PPG3 - Use and design of oil
separators in surface water drainage systems
Pollution Prevention Guideline PPG4 - Treatment and
disposal of sewage where no foul sewer is available
Pollution Prevention Guideline PPG13 - Vehicle washing and
Environmental Procedure – Water Management, Version 1
EP-16: 29 November 2013
The supply of water is limited, so we need to make sure that
it’s managed and used effectively.
A wide range of measures can be applied to reduce water
usage these include;
metered supplies including sub-metering
improved instrumentation and control
dealing immediately with known leaks, dripping taps
the use of flow control and pressure reducing valves to
limit supply
a reduction in the temperature of the hot water supply
fitting trigger nozzles to hoses
fitting water efficient shower heads and taps in wash
sensor fitted and dry wash urinal fittings
re-use of rainwater in toilet blocks
Water usage should be monitored monthly direct from meter
readings where available (this includes mains water use,
abstractions, and rainwater). This will enable sites to gain
control of their usage and demonstrate improvements and
cost savings in the future.
Site drainage plans for all buildings managed by NRW should
be available at the locations concerned. The plans should
clearly identify drainage arrangements (including surface
water and foul / effluent drains, penstock valves and
inspection chambers), as well as any septic tanks, package
treatment plants or separators in place.
As best practice surface water drain covers should be
coloured blue and foul drain covers should be coloured red,
with the direction of flow indicated where possible to aid
identification in the event of fire and to prevent accidental
disposal of effluent to surface water drains.
Environmental Procedure – Water Management, Version 1
EP-16: 29 November 2013
Drainage systems with oil interceptors or separators should
never be used to dispose of effluents containing detergents
and should be regularly checked and maintained.
Maintenance records and any hazardous waste
documentation relating to emptying should be retained on site.
Current guidance is PPG3: Use and design of oil separators in
surface water drainage systems:
If the site uses a septic tank or package treatment plant to
deal with the site sewage then an exemption needs to be
registered or an environmental permit applied for.
Current guidance:
Even if exempt, the tank must be checked, maintained and
emptied in accordance with the terms of its consent and in
accordance with the manufacturer’s and installer’s
instructions, with the relevant waste Duty of Care documents
and maintenance records held locally.
If the discharge of treated sewage effluent, to a river, stream,
estuary or the sea and the volume is greater than 5 cubic
meters per day or greater than 2 cubic meters per day if the
discharge is to groundwater, then an environmental permit to
discharge will be required.
Current guidance is EA Pollution Prevention Guidance Note
PPG4: Treatment and disposal of sewage where no foul
sewer is available:
Environmental Procedure – Water Management, Version 1
EP-16: 29 November 2013
We aim not to carry out vehicle washing on our sites, as there
are often local facilities already available for this, and many of
our sites are not suitable to undertake this activity. However,
where vehicle washing takes places, any vehicle washing on
sites must:
• be in designated areas only;
• hold an environmental permit to discharge may be
required or permission from the local sewerage
undertaker if the discharge is to foul sewer;
• be by hand (hoses and pressure washers should only
be used sparingly if required);
• be at least 10 metres from a ditch or watercourse and at
least 50 metres from a well/spring or borehole;
• not enter surface water drainage systems;
• (where an environmental permit to discharge is
required) hold the documents, compliance and
monitoring records locally.
Current guidance is PPG13: Vehicle washing and cleaning:
In the event that an NRW-owned discharge is found to be
non-compliant with a permit or exemption, or is thought to be
causing pollution the local Environment Management Team
should be contacted for advice and the pollution reported as
an internal incident.
If a site takes water from a surface or groundwater source, an
abstraction licence may be necessary. The following cases do
not need a licence;
if you abstract less than 20 cubic meters a day
water used for fire fighting
certain emergency abstractions
with consent water quality testing
If an abstraction licence is required the documents,
compliance and monitoring records will be held locally.
Environmental Procedure – Water Management, Version 1
EP-16: 29 November 2013
The amount of water abstracted must be monitored and
recorded irrespective of whether a licence is required, and
reported to the EMS team monthly.
Current guidance is here:
Before any structures are built that can change the level or
flow of an inland water an impoundment licence may need to
be applied for.
If an impoundment licence is required the documents,
compliance and monitoring records will be held locally.
Land Drainage Consents may be required for works on
discharges or outfall structures within 7 meters of a main river,
and for any temporary dewatering of excavations –
Flood Defence Consents guidance:
Temporary discharges from excavations:
Environmental Procedure – Water Management, Version 1
EP-16: 29 November 2013
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