SMSS Catholic School Council Meeting Monday June 6, 2016 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm @2nd Floor Teachers’ Lounge Present: Rob Majdell (Principal), Diane Corkery (Chair), Allison Allan (Treasurer), Theresa Clark (Secretary), Tita DeMattos, and Jennifer Meades. Absent: Dawn Clapperton, Doug Gervais, and Mariette Moeller. 1. Opening Prayer: Rob Majdell – Opened our meeting with a prayer. 2. Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Allison Allan, seconded by Jennifer Meades, carried. 3. Approval of the April 11, 2016 Minutes: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Allison Allan, seconded by Theresa Clark, carried. 4. Reports: Student Council Report: by Rob Majdell for Laura Dalton/Students There is a New Student Council The council has been having planning meetings for the coming year. After reviewing the applications and going through the screening process we currently have two representatives for each grade. The council have offered there assistance to the school’s students and faculty. Please contact Laura Dalton to request the groups help. Financial Report: by Allison Allan, Treasurer, (See Attached Detailed Financial Report.) As of June 3, 2016 General Account: Parent Involvement Acct: Pro-Grant Account: Balance $ $ $ $ 323.26 323.26 0.00 0.00 Parish Report - St. Michael’s Catholic Church: by Theresa Clark, Secretary Preauthorized Payment – Now using PAP as a form of donations. To learn more about this program, there are information/signup sheets at the back of the Church, or contact the office. The St John Paul II Youth Group - Will be travelling to Poland in August to attend World Youth Day 2016 with Pope Francis. The total cost for the trip is $4,300 US per youth. Currency fluctuations have created a challenge for the group to meet their financial goals, resulting in the need for additional $1,400 Canadian before June 10th. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. You can place these donations in the offertory basket marked WYD16. Symposium for Life - Come to gain a deeper understanding of Church Teaching on End of Life Care. Friday June 17: 7:00 – 8:30pm (Public lecture and reception) and Sat. June 18: 9:00am – 4:00pm (Day Symposium) at PVNCC District School Board Offices, 1355 Landsdowne St. W., Peterborough, Ontario. Keynote Speaker: Dr. William Sullivan, MD, PhD, Family Physician, Ethics Specialist, President of the International Association of Catholic Bioethicists and member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Parish Report - St. Michael’s Catholic Church (Cont’d): by Theresa Clark, Secretary Those in Need – Reminder : If you, or someone you know, have a sudden illness or injury, is hospitalized, and cannot attend Mass, please contact the office and arrangements can be made to visit them weekly. (Note that when you register someone at the hospital, be sure to tell them that they are Roman Catholic and have it on their file.) 905 372-6844. Strawberry Supper - The Knights annual Strawberry Supper is Sunday, June 19 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the Columbus Community Centre Adults: $15 Children 5-12 $5. Come and enjoy a selection of cold meats, various kinds of salads and delicious fresh strawberries. Tickets available at the door. YOUTH GROUP YARD & BAKE SALE - Saturday, June 11 (weather permitting) at St. Michael’s Church parking lot from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm. Call Kathy at 905 372-3623 or Noelle 905 349-3721 for pickup of your sale items. Teaching Report: by Rob Majdell, Principal for Doug Gervais Staff Changes : o We are losing one educational assistant. o We will have 6.5 additional teachers added to our current staffing allotment o Ms. Jen Pool has returned to her full-time position. o Ms. Patricia Talock, English Dept. is retiring. o Miss. Vanessa Crutchly, Head of Math is taking a two year absence. o V.P. Karen McCormack and V.P. Jason Roberts are both leaving next year. Karen McCormack is going to St. Mary Catholic Elementary School and Jason Roberts is headed to Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School. o Our new V.P.’s will be Ms.Nicole Simpson who is a special education consultant and Joe Kennedy who was the principal of Grafton. Students: o 150 more students will be joining the school next year. Support Staff: by Tita DeMattos, Educational Assistant Nothing to mention at this time. . Principal’s Report: by Rob Majdell, Principal May 25th - CPEC – Catholic Parents Education Council – SMSS hosted. All went well. June 7th – Year end School Mass and clap out for graduating students. June 10th – Graduate/Teacher Football game will be in the morning and the Athletic Awards Ceremony will follow in the afternoon. June 14/15th – Grade 9 EQAO Math test. June 27th – St. Anthony’s will be hosting their graduation at SMSS. June 29th – Our Grade will start at 5:30 pm at the C.C.C. 2016 OFSAA – SMSS hosted the 16 schools from across the province for Rugby. The winner was Trenton who played LaSalle from Kingston. Comments from one of the coaches were that it was very well run and that the kids walked away not only being better rugby players but being better people after experiencing SMSS over their stay. Chairperson’s Report: by Diane Corkery OPAC Conference – Attended the event. o Overall was impressed with the event and enjoyed her time away. o Met Cardinal Collins and had a great meal. o The only negative was that the speakers messages were repeated on Saturday that had already been shown on the Friday. So for the folks attending both nights this was very repetitious. o Heard an IT speaker Paul Davis and found him very interesting. The best advice from him was to be sure to check your kids electronics and to not allow them to take them to their rooms. He also stated that the App named Kik is not controlled well for content and that it is not recommended. Diane believes he is a speaker we should consider for next year as a speaker at the school. o Several of the other speakers were also of a great interest to her. o Overall the time was informative to Diane and she would want to go again. Next year it is to be in Kingston. 6. New Business Graduation: by Rob Majdell, Principal A motion was made by Theresa Clark to donate $ 250.00 for a Bursary to be given to a graduating student and seconded by Allison Allan, carried. o The winner of the bursary is to be decided by the graduating committee. A motion was made by Theresa Clark that we will donate $ 73.36 towards the purchase of 4 cakes for the graduation students celebration and seconded by Allison Allan, Carried. RHB Group - McCarthy’s: by Diane Corkery To clarify the store will be open from July 5, 2016 until October 29, 2016. The hours will be Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. 10 – 5 pm, 14 King Street, Cobourg, On. The students have been asked to being in all of their old clothing for us to sell at Grade 9 Orientation Day September 1, 2016 which begins at 8:30am - The Uniform sale will begin at 8:00am. Theresa Clark has agreed to wash, repair if necessary, and label with the correct size information to make the sorting at the sale goes easier. She will contact the office staff to arrange the picking up of the items. Diane Corkery has agreed to make a poster and Theresa Clark a flyer to handout to the parents at the Grade 9 Orientation Day and used clothing sale. 7. Closing Prayer – Rob Majdell – Closed our meeting with a prayer. 8. Adjournment - Motion made by Jennifer Meades, seconded by Allison Allan, carried. Next meeting Monday, September 26, 2016@ 6:30 in the Teachers’ Lounge