Nursing Prerequisite List: Seattle Universities

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Prerequisite List
The following courses fulfill prerequisite requirements for the School of Nursing at Seattle Pacific University, Seattle
University, and the University of Washington. It is the student’s responsibility to verify prerequisite courses and
application requirements. Please contact the schools you are hoping to attend. Information may change without notice.
Type of Course
Specific Courses
Basic Requirements/Expository Writing
Please note: UW requires 15 credits of writing
courses. Please see an advisor for help selecting
an additional writing course.
Quantitative Symbolic Reasoning
ENGL& 101 – English Composition I
ENGL& 102 – English Composition II
10 Credits
MATH 102, 116, &148, or &151 – College Level Math
(UW, SU)
5 Credits
Note: UW will also accept MATH 107 or PHIL& 106.
Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts
Select three courses with three different prefixes
(e.g. CMST, MUSC, ART)
15 Credits
Note: CMST& 220 - Public Speaking recommended (UW)
Individuals, Cultures, and Societies
(Social Sciences)
PSYC& 100 - Intro to Psychology
PSYC& 200 - Developmental Psychology
Additional course of choice with a 2nd Prefix (not PSYC)
15 Credits
Natural World (Sciences) to include:
Prereq: BIOL& 160 or CHEM& 121 for
BIOL& 241.
25-40 Credits
UW strongly recommends BIOL& 160.
*CHEM& 121 and CHEM& 122 – Organic/Inorganic
BIOL& 241 and BIOL& 242 - Anatomy and Physiology I
and II
BIOL& 260 - Microbiology
NTR 150 – Nutrition (Not required for SU)
MATH 109 or BUS 210 - Statistics
Coursework needed to complete 90 credits and special
requirements** of the DTA degree. See an advisor for more
Total Credits
= 90
* Chemistry: For Seattle University, applicants must complete CHEM& 121 with a C grade or better or one year of high school chemistry (with a B grade or better)
within the last five years. Math and Science coursework must fall within the five-year limitation.
**Special Requirements include a 5 credit Lab Science course, a 5 credits Communication course, 8 credits of Integrated Studies, a 5 credit Global Studies Course, and
a 5 credit US Cultures Course. See an advisor for more information.
UW = University of Washington:
SU = Seattle University:
SPU = Seattle Pacific University:
Created for South Seattle Community College. Updated 07/2011.