Courses without prerequisites


Courses without college prerequisites open to first-year students

Fall 2016

UPDATED 25 August 2016


for updates to this list)

Prior to registration, advisers will be notified of placement exam results in economics, languages, and music.

Courses numbered 300-499 will be especially challenging for a first-year student.

Visual Concepts (9 spaces are reserved for new students in each of 2 sections)

Intro History of Art (5 spaces are reserved

ART 161

ART 201

MUS 105**

MUS 107**

MUS 108**

Reed Chorus

Collegium Musicum (audition required)

Jazz Ensemble (audition required)

BIOL 101

CHEM 101

CHIN 110

DANC 101 for new students in each of two sections)

Topics in Biology I

Molecular Structure & Properties

First-year Chinese (year course)

Dance Technique (variable topics)

Intro Dance: Studio I (10 spaces are reserved for new students)

MUS 109** Chamber Music (audition required)

** To qualify for .5 unit credit, students must be enrolled in a oneunit music course numbered 111 or above.

MUS 111 Theory I

DANC 111 MUS 150

MUS 221

The Cultural Study of Music

Music History I

DANC 201

DANC 211

Intro Dance: History & Culture (10 spaces are reserved for new students)

Contemporary Dance I: (Previous dance training recommended) (6 spaces are reserved for new students)

Dancing Latin/x America

Dances of Bali, Indonesia

Intro Economic Analysis (12 spaces are

MUS 230

PHIL 201

PHIL 203

Tango: Music, Culture, History

Logic (8 spaces are reserved for new students in each of 2 sections)

Intro to Ethics (8 spaces are reserved for new

DANC 241

DANC 260

ECON 201

PHYS 101

POL 230 students in each of 2 sections)

General Physics I (corequisite MATH 111)

Intro to Political Theory (16 spaces are

FREN 110

GER 110

GRK 110 reserved for new students in each of 4 sections)

First-year French (year course)

First-year German (year course)

First-year Greek (year course)

Native Peoples in the 20th Century American


Ancient Mediterranean (year course)

POL 240

POL 260 reserved for new students )

Intro to International Relations (8 spaces are reserved for new students in each of 2 sections)

Intro to American Politics and Public Policy

HIST 261

HUM 110

POL 403

PSY 121

(16 spaces are reserved for new students)

Hegel and Marx

Intro to Psychology I

LAT 110

LING 296

LITG 330

First-year Latin (year course)

Psych of Language Acquisition (cross-listed as

PSY 296)

Gender and Sexuality in German Literature

(cross-listed as GER 330)

German Aesthetic Theory (cross-listed as GER


Holocaust in Film & Literature (cross-listed as

PSY 240

PSY 296

REL 121

Gender and Sexuality

Psychology of Language Acquisition (crosslisted as LING 296)

The Rise and Formation of Islam (5 spaces are reserved for new students in each of 2

LITG 347

LITG 358

LITR 373

LITR 382

GER 347)

Modern Russian Literature from Chekhov to the Present (cross-listed as RUSS 373)

Russian Auteur Cinema (cross-listed as RUSS


Russian Romanticism in the Western European

Context (cross-listed as RUSS 383)

REL 151

RUSS 120

SPAN 110

THEA 160

THEA 161 sections)

Intro to Judaism (4 spaces are reserved for new students)

First-year Russian (year course)

First-year Spanish (year course)

Applied Collaboration Techniques (Instructor permission required)

Applied Performance Techniques (Instructor

LITR 383

MATH 111

MATH 113

MATH 121

MATH 141

MUS 101**

MUS 104**


Discrete Structures

Computer Science Fundamentals I (21 spaces are reserved for new students)

Intro Probability & Statistics

Private Instruction

Reed Orchestra (audition required)

THEA 162

THEA 163

THEA 201

THEA 202

THEA 210

THEA 240 permission required)

Applied Theatre Production (Instructor permission required)

Applied Theatre Design (Instructor permission required)


Intro to Theatre Design

Acting Laboratory

Race & Identity in American Theatre

The following departments generally do not allow first-year students in their courses: anthropology (except

201), English, linguistics, sociology.

SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY TO STUDY ARABIC: This year Reed students may study Arabic language at

Lewis and Clark College (Mon/Wed/Fri 11:30-12:30pm). This course is available at no cost to the student and transportation is provided. Space is limited. Inquire with Prof. Kambiz GhaneaBassiri for more information.

Register for the course with Ben Bradley, Recorder (Eliot 311).

Courses without college prerequisites or with prerequisites that can be met in Fall 2016

Spring 2017

(See fall for year courses. Fall prerequisite course/s are listed below in parentheses.) n.b. Courses numbered 300-499 will be especially challenging for a first-year student, even if there are no prerequisites.

ANTH 201 Language, Culture, Power (12 spaces are MATH 382 Algorithms and Data Structures (Course in

ART 161

ART 201

ART 262

ART 265

ART 296

ART 310

ART 320

ART 355

BIOL 102

BIOL 131

CHEM 102

CMPL 201

DANC 101

DANC 112

DANC 212 reserved for new students)

Visual Concepts (9 spaces are reserved for new students in each of 2 sections)

Intro History of Art (10 spaces are reserved for new students in each of 2 sections)

The Figure (ART 161)

Relief Printmaking (ART 161)

Digital Video/Interactive Art (ART 161)

Art of the Italian Renaissance Courts (ART 201)

Iconoclasm (ART 201)

Representation and After (ART 201)

Topics in Biology II (BIOL 101)

Intro to Computational Biology (BIOL 101)

Chemical Reactivity (CHEM 101)

Intro to Comparative Literature

Dance Technique (variable topics)

Intro Dance: Studio II (6 spaces are reserved for new students in both the 1 credit and the 0.5 credit sections)

Contemporary Dance II (Previous dance training

MUS 101**

MUS 104**

MUS 105**

MUS 107**

MUS 108**

MUS 109** computer science or equivalent, and MATH 111.

See catalog for details.)

Private Instruction

Reed Orchestra (audition required)

Reed Chorus

Collegium Musicum (audition required)

Jazz Ensemble (audition required)

Chamber Music (audition required)

** To qualify for .5 unit credit, students must be enrolled in a one-unit music course numbered 111 or above.

MUS 142

MUS 211

MUS 222

MUS 280

MUS 305

PHIL 202

PHIL 203

PHIL 204

Latin American Popular Music

Theory II (MUS 111)

Music History II

American Folk Music of Twentieth Century

Musical Ethnography (cross-listed as ANTH 305)

Intro to Metaphysics (8 spaces are reserved for new students)

Intro to Ethics (8 spaces are reserved for new

DANC 232

DANC 362

ECON 201

ECON 312

ECON 314

ECON 342

ECON 354

ECON 358

ECON 371

ECON 382

ECON 383

HIST 221

HIST 256

LING 323

LITG 334

LITG 349

LITR 404

LITR 413

MATH 112

MATH 113

MATH 121

MATH 141

MATH 241 recommended) (8 spaces are reserved for new students)

Community Dance and Collective Creation (8 spaces are reserved for new students)

Dance Ethnography (Dance 201)

Intro Economic Analysis (12 spaces are reserved for new students in each of 3 sections)

Theory & Practice of Econometrics (ECON 201

& MATH 141)

Macroeconomic Theory (ECON 201 & MATH

111 or equivalent)

International Macroeconomics (ECON 201)

Economics of Science & Technology (ECON


Urban Economics (ECON 201)

Law and Economics (ECON 201)

Economics of Development (ECON 201)

International Trade (ECON 201)

From Treaty Ports to Megacities: Chinese Urban


Migration Histories in the British Imperial World

Intro Syntax

German Landscapes: New World Horizons

(cross-listed GER 334)

Literature and Cosmology (cross-listed GER 349)

Tolstoy’s Great Novels (cross-listed RUSS 404)

Russian Formalism, Structuralism, and Semiotics

(cross-listed as RUSS 413)

Intro Analysis (MATH 111)

Discrete Structures

Computer Science Fundamentals I (21 spaces are reserved for new students)

Intro Probability & Statistics

Case Studies: Statistical Analysis (Course in

Sociology, Economics, or Political Science, and course in statistics. See catalog for details. Crosslisted as POL 341)

PHYS 102

POL 220

POL 338

POL 341

POL 343

POL 372

POL 381

POL 398

PSY 122

PSY 217

PSY 348

REL 115

REL 132

REL 321

THEA 160

THEA 161

THEA 162

THEA 163

THEA 245

THEA 250

THEA 310

THEA 321

THEA 323 students)

Intro to Epistemology (8 spaces are reserved for new students)

General Physics II (PHYS 101 & MATH 111)

Intro Comparative Politics (8 spaces are reserved for new students in each of 2 sections)

Environmental Politics and Policy (Introductory

Political Science course)

Case Studies in Statistical Analysis (Course in

Sociology, Economics, or Political Science, and course in statistics. See catalog for details. Crosslisted as MATH 241)

Torture in Wars (Introductory Political Science course)

International Environmental Politics (POL 240)

Constitutional Law and Judicial Politics (POL

230 or 260)

What is Political Freedom? (POL 230)

Intro to Psychology II

Neuroscience of Consciousness

Research Design & Data Analysis

Religion and Philosophy in Preimperial China

(10 spaces are reserved for new students)

Introduction to South Asian Buddhism (10 spaces are reserved for new students)

Islamic Thought in the Nineteenth and Twentieth

Centuries (REL 121)

Applied Collaboration Techniques (Instructor consent required)

Applied Performance Techniques (Instructor consent required)

Applied Theatre Production

Applied Theatre Design (Instructor permission required)

Performance and Activism in South Africa

Theatre History I

Techniques of Acting (THEA 210)

Advanced Design Studio (THEA 202)

Puppetry & Performing Object (THEA 202 or

THEA 210)
