The Showa Friendship Circle- SFC BLIP 08

Spring student groups
Spring is here! What now follows is warmer weather and new students at Showa Boston!!!
I know many of you are anxious to meet new students, and by far, this is the best time of
year to share Boston.
In this e-mail I will explain the SHOWA FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE (SFC) program for new folks,
and will outline the 3 student groups anxious to meet you through the SFC program.
The Showa Friendship Circle- SFC
The Showa Friendship Circle is a program which matches a
pair of Showa students with a community volunteer (Circle
Volunteers) for fun-filled international exchange including:
conversation and recreational activities. Circle Volunteers
often invite students to participate in their regular activities:
food shopping and a family dinner, a birthday party, relaxing
in a coffee shop, going for sushi and ice-cream, etc. By
sharing your own unique culture with Japanese students, you
can expand your global perspective, and form meaningful
Typically. Circle Volunteers meet with students 2 times per month- sometimes more
sometimes less, depending on everyone's schedule.
Who are Showa Boston students?
For the most part, Showa Boston students are university English majors from Showa
Women's University in Tokyo, Japan. However, there are some exceptions: short-term
summer groups vary in age from elementary to senior citizens, students from the Kyoto
universities Kyoto Koka and Ritsumeikan can join some of our programs, and we have some
programs for students that are non-English majors. Only the students in the longer
programs, 4 months and on, meet Circle Volunteers.
BLIP is our most intense program at Showa Boston. The students are
university English majors that study here for 17 months! Because the
students are here for the longest duration of any other student group
they experience all of our programs in a rotation of their semesters.
For example, they had CCP (meeting College students in Semester 1)
and they have SFC in their 2nd semester. Because this group is here
for so long their English greatly improves, and they become more
independent than any other group of our students. 44 students
SFC duration: April to early September
Spring 15
This is our second year of this program. The students in this
program are non-English majors, last year the students
were extremely outgoing and took advantage of every
opportunity while in Boston.
6 Students
SFC duration: April to July
Four Seasons Program
This is a new program! They are university students they will
arrive earlier than their classmates, to gain more English practice
and American experiences.
23 students
SFC duration: April to early September
To meet with a pair of students from one of these groups, please reply to me by Friday, April
10th. If you have a preference to a particular group based on the commitment duration,
please let me know.
Erin Naumann
Showa Boston