Electricity Specification 215 Issue 2 August 2009 New Connections of up to 1,500kVA Capacity Contents 1 Scope 2 General 3 Connection Arrangements 4 Equipment Records 5 Documentation 6 Documents Referenced 7 Keywords Appendices A & B Approved for issue by the Technical Policy Panel © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. All Rights Reserved The copyright of this document, which contains information of a proprietary nature, is vested in Electricity North West Limited. The contents of this document may not be used for purposes other than that for which it has been supplied and may not be reproduced, either wholly or in part, in any way whatsoever. It may not be used by, or its contents divulged to, any other person whatsoever without the prior written permission of Electricity North West Limited. Electricity North West Limited. Registered in England & Wales. Registered No. 2366949. Registered Office: 304 Bridgewater Place, Birchwood Park, Warrington, WA3 6XG Amendment Summary Amendment No. Date 0 31/03/03 Brief Description and Amending Action Issue 1 First Issue. Prepared by: 1 27/07/07 P. Leather. Authorised by: Paul Whittaker Policy & Standards Manager Issue 1 Reference to ES397 and requirement for customer to provide substation LV supply added. Prepared by: Peter Leather 0 26/08/09 Approved by the Technical Policy Panel and signed on its behalf by Simon Rushton: Issue 2 Company names changed. HV cable restricted to 95 and 300mm2. Prepared by: Peter Leather Approved by the Technical Policy Panel and signed on its behalf by Simon Rushton: 1 31/03/10 Issue 2 New subsection 3.14 added on “Second Connection for Emergency Purposes”. Prepared by: Peter Leather Approved by the Technical Policy Panel and signed on its behalf by Simon Rushton: 2 02/03/11 Issue 2 Fuse ratings, metering ct ratios and connection arrangements tabulated in new Appendix B. Prepared by: Peter Leather Approved by the Technical Policy Panel and signed on its behalf by Paul Whittaker: ES215.doc Issue 2 26/08/09 PL © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. ES215 Page i of i NEW CONNECTIONS OF UP TO 1,500KVA CAPACITY 1. SCOPE This Specification details the requirements for new connections and metering of HV (11/6.6kV) or LV connections up to 1,500kVA directly connected to the Electricity North West Limited (Electricity North West) electricity distribution network (Network), that connection being intended to be adopted by Electricity North West. It is usually appropriate to provide connections of up to 300kVA capacity in accordance with ES214. This document shall be read in conjunction with ES210. 2. GENERAL 2.1 Any variation to this specification shall be agreed, in writing, with the Network Planning Policy Manager, Central Engineering Services (CES), Electricity North West prior to any design being accepted by Electricity North West. 2.2 The Owner’s Works shall comply with the requirements of ES210. 2.3 It is a requirement that all work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the provisions of all relevant legislation and industry best practice. 2.4 The design shall ensure that Electricity North West can comply with all relevant Energy Networks Association (ENA) Engineering Recommendations. 2.5 The Owner’s Works shall comply in all respects with the provisions of Regulations 3 (1), 6, 7, 8 (1), 8 (3), 9, 10, 12 to 14 and 17 to 22 of the Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002 and with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. 2.6 Users will be supplied and metered at 11000/6600 or 400/230 volts. More than one User may be supplied from a single transformer. 2.7 With any single circuit arrangement, the agreed supply capacity shall not be considered to be firm. 2.8 The design of the connection shall take account of the following system requirements: 2.8.1 Maximum Fault Levels on the Network are: 11 or 6.6kV = 250MVA LV = 19.4MVA (based on a supply from a maximum transformer size of 1000kVA) 2.8.2 2.8.3 ES215.doc The maximum short circuit ratings shall be: 11kV = 13.1kA for 3 seconds 6.6kV = 21.9kA for 3 seconds LV 27kA = The maximum earth fault current for both the 11kV and 6.6kV electricity distribution network is 3300A, based on connection to a primary substation, with three transformers operating in parallel. Issue 2 26/08/09 PL © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. ES215 Page 1 of 8 31/03/10 3. 2.8.4 The minimum impulse withstand level for new equipment connected to the 11kV and 6.6kV distribution network is 75kV. 2.8.5 In particular, the rating of any switchgear and fusegear, forming part of any new connection, must be fully compatible with all the system parameters, as set out in this subsection 2.8. CONNECTION ARRANGEMENTS 3.1 The connection provided from the Network may be one of the following arrangements: 3.1.1 Distribution Substation Connection with Provision for LV Network – see Figure 1 in Appendix A. A maximum of three fuseways shall be made available to the User. The maximum connected load, which is subject to the existing loading on the Network, shall not exceed the following: 1 Fused Way (400 or 500A Fuselink) up to 360kVA 2 Fused Ways in Parallel (400A Fuselink) up to 575kVA 3 Fused Ways in Parallel (400 or 500A Fuselinks) up to 1000kVA Fuse ratings, metering ct ratios and connection types for the above arrangements are tabulated in Appendix B. Metering current transformers (ct) shall be positioned as shown in Figure 1 in Appendix A. Where protection is to be provided by means of HV fuses, such as in a switch-fuse, the maximum length of the11/6.6kV transformer cable connection shall be 15m. The exit point shall be as shown in Figure 1 in Appendix A. The User’s connection to the exit point shall comply with the current edition of British Standard (BS) 7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations). 3.1.2 Distribution Substation Connection with NO Provision for LV Network – see Figure 2 in Appendix A. This arrangement is available where there is to be no provision for LV connection to the Network. The maximum connected load, which is subject to the existing loading on the Network, shall not exceed 1000kVA. Where protection is to be provided by means of HV fuses, such as in a switch-fuse, the maximum length of the11/6.6kV transformer cable connection shall be 15m. Metering cts shall be positioned as shown in Figure 2 in Appendix A. The exit point shall be as shown in Figure 2 in Appendix A. ES215.doc Issue 2 26/08/09 PL © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. ES215 Page 2 of 8 2/3/11 The User’s connection to the exit point shall comply with the current edition of BS 7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations). 3.1.3 11/6.6kV connection with NO LV Network Provision – see Figure 3 in Appendix A. This arrangement is available, where there is to be no provision for LV connections to the Network and the substation is not to be looped into an existing 11/6.6kV ring. The maximum connected load, which is subject to the existing loading on the Network, shall not exceed 1500kVA at 11kV or 1000kVA at 6.6kV. Where protection is to be provided by means of HV fuses, such as in a switch-fuse, the maximum length of the11/6.6kV transformer cable connection shall be 15m. Metering cts and voltage transformer (vt) shall be accommodated in an HV metering unit and be positioned as shown in Figure 3 in Appendix A The exit points shall be at the outgoing terminals of the HV metering unit. Part of the works to be adopted shall be a User-accessible emergency trip facility that, when operated, will trip the 11/6.6kV Electricity North West -owned switch. The substation shall be fitted with a low voltage electrical installation conforming with ES397, supply being provided, where necessary, by the User. 3.1.4 11/6.6kV RMU connection – see Figure 4 in Appendix A This arrangement is available where there is to be no provision for LV connections to the Network and the substation is to be looped into an existing 11/6.6kV ring. The maximum connected load, which is subject to the existing loading on the Network, shall not exceed 1500kVA at 11kV or 1000kVA at 6.6kV. The maximum length of the11/6.6kV transformer cable connection, connected to a switch-fuse, shall be 15m. Metering cts and vt shall be accommodated in an HV metering unit and be positioned as shown in Figure 4 in Appendix A The exit points shall be at the outgoing terminals of the HV metering unit. Part of the works to be adopted shall be a User-accessible emergency trip facility that, when operated, will trip the 11/6.6kV Electricity North West -owned switch. The substation shall be fitted with a low voltage electrical installation conforming with ES397, supply being provided, where necessary, by the User. ES215.doc Issue 2 26/08/09 PL © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. ES215 Page 3 of 8 3.2 Environmental Conditions 3.2.1 The equipment shall be designed and constructed to allow operation in environments defined in Clause 6 of BS EN 60947-1 as follows: Equipment that is housed in a controlled environment shall be suitable for operation in Pollution Degree 2. Equipment that is not housed in a controlled environment shall be suitable for operation in Pollution Degree 3. 3.2.2 3.3 All equipment shall be protected from the deposit of excessive levels of dust and from the influx of water or other substances liable to have a harmful effect. Cables 3.3.1 The 11kV cable to be used shall be 95 or 300 mm² Triplex formation single core ‘quasi-dry design’ polymeric insulated with solid aluminium conductors in accordance with ES400C9. No other types or cross section of cable is permitted. 3.4 3.3.2 Where the point of connection is to a single transformer or two transformer groups, the single core cable earth screen shall, as a minimum, carry the fault current detailed in BS7870, Section 4.10 without sustaining damage. 3.3.3 Cable of 95mm2 cross-section may be used for the local connection between switchgear and transformer and for connections to or from overhead lines of equal or less current rating. In all other situations, 300mm2 cable shall be used. 3.3.4 All multicore and multipair cables shall comply with ES400C13. Earthing Conditions All installations are to comply with Electricity North West Electricity Policy Documents 332 and 333. 3.5 3.6 CableInstallation and Jointing 3.5.1 The installation and jointing of underground cables shall comply with the relevant parts of ES400E4 and Electricity North West Code of Practice 411. 3.5.2 Small wiring shall be ferruled in accordance with ENA TS 50-19. Substation Housings and Enclosures Substation housings and enclosures shall comply with ES352. 3.7 ES215.doc Cable Entry to Substations 3.7.1 11/6.6 kV cable entries to substations shall be made at the laying depth of the cable, using red plastic duct of at least 150 mm diameter complying with ES400D4. Cable joints are not permitted within entry ducts. 3.7.2 Bends in cable ducts shall be of no smaller radius than that permitted for the cable. Issue 2 26/08/09 PL © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. ES215 Page 4 of 8 3.7.3 3.8 All entry ducts including any spare ducts and any ducts for earth conductors shall be sealed against the ingress of gas and water after installation of the cable. Sealing shall be achieved in an approved manner. Routeing of Cables in Buildings The following provisions apply where substations are sited within larger buildings and 11/6.6 kV cables must be routed through those buildings: 3.9 3.10 3.11 ES215.doc 3.8.1 Ducts for 11/6.6 kV cables within buildings shall be at least 150 mm in diameter. Where ducted cable routes change direction in buildings, draw pits at least 1.5 m square shall be provided, allowing for future repair or replacement of cables. No single run of duct within a building shall exceed 25 m between draw pits. 3.8.2 Alternatively, covered trenches may be used to route cables. On completion of cable work, cable trenches shall be filled with sand and covered with a 100mm thick screed. 3.8.3 Where 11/6.6 kV cables are fixed to racks or cleated to walls, adequate mechanical protection shall be provided. 3.8.4 All cables shall be securely supported. Particular consideration shall be given to the secure support of cables in vertical runs. 11/6.6 kV Switchgear 3.9.1 Switchgear shall comply with ES314. 3.9.2 Approval for the use of specific types of switchgear shall be obtained, in writing, from the Plant Policy Manager, CES, Electricity North West. 3.9.3 A switch-fuse shall be used to protect only a single ground-mounted transformer, where the transformer loop does not exceed 15m in length. 3.9.4 Substation, circuit and plant identification shall as directed by the Design and Construction Manager, Electricity Connections, Electricity North West, prior to the commissioning of the equipment. Transformers 3.10.1 Transformers shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with ES322. 3.10.2 The ratings of transformers, to be adopted by Electricity North West, shall be selected from the standard ratings allowed by current version of ENA TS 35-1 and shall be such that the initial utilisation factors are not less than 0.6. 3.10.3 The maximum transformer size to be adopted shall not exceed 1000kVA. Metering Current Transformers, Fuse Cabinets and Remote Metering Cabinets 3.11.1 HV metering units shall comply with ES314. 3.11.2 All HV metering cts and vts shall be in accordance with ES501. 3.11.3 LV Transformer flange mounted fused metering chambers, cts and all ancillary equipment including multicore boxes for metering purposes shall be in accordance with ES319. Issue 2 26/08/09 PL © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. ES215 Page 5 of 8 3.11.4 3.12 Remote metering cabinets will be provided by Electricity North West on a chargeable basis. Metering Current Transformer Burdens In order to ensure the accuracy of metering, the burden of the cts shall be restricted by using multicore cable of at least 2.5mm2 copper cross-section and by limiting the length of the cable connecting the cts to the meter. The designer shall ensure that the burden connected to the cts is not excessive. As guide, the length of the cable should not exceed 25m for cts rated at 15VA. 3.13 31/03/10 Supplier Where the connection is installed by an Independent Connection Provider (ICP), it shall be responsible for ensuring that a Supplier is appointed on behalf on the User. 3.14 Second Connection for Emergency Purposes 3.14.1 The request for a second connection for emergency fire fighting lifts and equipment, pressurised escape routes, or any other emergency purpose shall be refused even if the Installer claims to satisfy the requirements of BS7671 “Requirements for Electrical Installations” also known as the “IEE Wiring Regulations”. 3.14.2 The preferred option is for the Installer to install automatically started generation (in accordance with BS 9999) for the following reasons: There are adverse safety implications (inadvertent re-energisation, stray earth and return currents etc) from having two connections. It is not prudent to introduce a safety risk in order to mitigate another. It cannot be assumed that the second connection will always be available during 11/6.6kV (or higher voltage) faults. Even if a second connection were to be derived from a separate source, Electricity North West could not guarantee that this separation would be maintained. 31/3/10 It may be necessary to de-energise substations or feeders for fault location or maintenance work. It follows that Electricity North West cannot guarantee 100% availability of the second connection. To be of practical use, the integrity of the second connection would need to be continuously monitored. Electricity North West cannot undertake this responsibility. ES215.doc 3.14.3 The Installer shall be made aware that, although a second connection might appear to be the cheapest option, it would not produce the desired level of safety and might engender an unwarranted sense of security. 3.14.4 Distributors are absolved from the obligation to provide a quotation on demand for a connection where it would not be reasonable in all the circumstances (s17(1)(c) of the Electricity Act 1989 (as amended)). The issues listed above mean that it is not reasonable to provide a second connection, where a safer and more reliable option is for the Installer to install on-site generation. Issue 2 26/08/09 PL © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. ES215 Page 6 of 8 31/3/10 4. EQUIPMENT RECORDS The installer shall provide records of all equipment installed, using form C of ES210 and marked upon the latest version of the Ordnance Survey MasterMap Topographic map for the area, at 1:500 scale with any complex details shown on 1:250 enlargements. Guidance on the provision of records of underground equipment may be found in ES281, Part 6. 5. 31/3/10 DOCUMENTATION Documentation shall be as described in ES210. 6. DOCUMENTS REFERENCED Non- United Utilities documents eg ENA TS, British Standards etc may be purchased by the Installer or Owner. They will not, under any circumstances, be provided by Electricity North West. Non- Electricity North West Documents Electricity Act 1989 Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002 31/3/10 Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 ENA ER G81 - Framework for Design and Planning, Materials Specification, Installation and Records ENA TS 35-1 - Distribution Transformers ENA TS 50-19 - Standard Numbering for Small Wiring BS 7671 - Requirements for Electrical Installations - IEE Wiring Regulations. BS 7870 - LV and MV Polymeric Insulated Cables for use by Distribution and Generation Utilities BS 9999 - Code of Practice for Fire Safety in the Design, Management and Use of Buildings 31/3/10 BS EN 60947-1 - Specification for Low Voltage Switchgear and Control Gear Electricity North West Documents EPD332 - Customer Installation Earthing EPD333 - Supply System Earthing CP411 - Cable Jointing ES210 - General Specification for New Connections, Extensions and Alterations ES214 - New LV Connections of up to 300kVA Capacity 31/3/10 ES281 - Company-specific Appendices to ENA ER G81 ES314 - 12kV & 7.2kV 21.9kA Switchgear ES215.doc Issue 2 26/08/09 PL © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. ES215 Page 7 of 8 ES319 - LV Distribution Fuseboards ES322 - Ground-Mounted Distribution Transformers ES352 - Design of Distribution Substations 31/3/10 ES397 - Electrical Installations within Distribution Substations ES400C9 - 11kV Distribution Cables ES400C13 - Multipair and Multicore Auxiliary Cables ES400D4 - Plastic Ducts, Conduit & Accessories ES400E4 - Installation, Commissioning and Repair of Solid Type Underground Cables Operating on the United Utilities Low and Medium Voltage Systems and the Restoration of Excavated Areas ES501 - Metering Current & Voltage Transformers 7. KEYWORDS Connection ES215.doc Issue 2 26/08/09 PL © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. ES215 Page 8 of 8 APPENDIX A Equipment to be Adopted by Electricity North West Point of Connection to the Electricity North West Network CB or SwitchFuse 15m Max with Sw-fuse LV Cabinet Max Size 1000kVA 1, 2 or 3 Ways per Phase Fuses 400A or 500A Exit Point Remote Metering Cubicle Multicore M Network Connection if Required Customer’s Cables Figure 1 Distribution Substation Connection with Provision for LV Network Point of Connection to the Electricity North West Network CB or SwitchFuse 15m Max with Sw-fuse Remote Metering Cubicle Max Size 1000kVA M Multicore ACB P Equipment to be Adopted by ENW Multicore Exit Point P = Protection Figure 2 - Distribution Substation Connection with NO Provision for LV Network ES215.doc Issue 2 26/08/09 PL © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. ES215 Page A1 of 2 Point of Connection to the Electricity North West Network Remote Metering Panel CB or swfuse M Multicore Equipment to be Adopted by Electricity North West Multicore Customer's Emergency Remote Trip Facility Exit Point vt 15m Max when sw-fuse used Customer's Transformer Figure 3 Connection with NO Provision for LV Network Point of Connection to the Electricity North West Network Equipment to be Adopted by Electricity North West Remote Metering Panel M CB or swfuse Multicore Multicore vt Exit Point Customer's Emergency Remote Trip Facility 15m Max when sw-fuse used Customer's Transformer Figure 4 RMU Connection ES215.doc Issue 2 26/08/09 PL © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. ES215 Page A2 of 2 APPENDIX B Fuses, Metering CTs and Connection Types Maximum Import Capacity Range (kVA) 301 - 360 Fuses per Phase 1 x 500A 361 - 453 2 x 315A 454 – 575 2 x 400A 576 – 680 3 x 315A 681 – 864 3 x 400A 865 - 1000 3 x 500A ES215.doc Issue 2 Metering CT Ratio Connection Type 500/5 Single way with metering cts at Electricity North West’s LV Board. 800/5 2 parallel ‘consumer ways’ with metering cts at Electricity North West’s LV Board.. 1500/5 3 parallel ‘consumer ways’ with metering cts at Electricity North West’s LV Board. 26/08/09 PL © 2010 Electricity North West Limited. ES215 Page B1 of 1 2/3/11