Y O U RC U S T O MI Z A B L EP A R E N T C H I L D MO B I L EP H O N EC O N T R A C T I fy ou’ r ewor r i edt haty ourl i t t l enuggeti s n ’ tgoi ngt of ul l ygr as pt he r es pons i bi l i t i est hatc omewi t haf i r s tphone,es t abl i s hi ngs omegr oundr ul es c anber eal l yhel pf ul . T ogi v ey oual i t t l ehel p,y ou’ l l s eeont henex tpaget hatwe ’ v eputt oget hera c ont r ac tt hati nc l udesal i s tofr ul esy oumi ghtwanty ourc hi l dt of ol l ow. Someoft her ul esmi ghts eem gr eat ,s omemi ghts eem l i k et hey ’ r enotqui t e t her i ghtf i tf ory ourf ami l y ,ands omemi ghtnotbet her ebec aus ewedi dn ’ t t hi nkoft hem.Nott owor r y ,t hi si sac us t omi z abl ec ont r ac t . Si mpl yr emov e,edi t ,oraddy ourownr ul ess ot hatt hemobi l ec ont r ac ty ou andy ourc hi l ds i gnandagr eet oi sev er y t hi ngy ouwanti tt obe. Si nc er el y , Y o u r f r i e n d sa t S p r i n t Sc ant hi sQRc odet ot r ySpr i ntFami l ySaf et yEs s ent i al s . Vi s i ts pr i nt . c om/ 4net s af et yf oraddi t i onal r es our c es . You,______________[ CHI LD’ SNAME] ,ar er ec ei v i ngt hi s_______________[ PHONETYPE] bec aus ey ouhav epr ov eny our s el fc apabl eofl ear ni nghowt ohandl es uc hapower f ul dev i c e.Butbef or e y ous t ar ts hoppi ngf ort heper f ec tc as eandt hef unni es tr i ngt one,t her ear es omer ul esweneedt odi s c us s . 1. If my phone has a password, my parent(s) will always know what it is. 2. If my mom or dad calls, I will not ignore it, I will answer or call back as soon as I can. 3. I will not use my phone to make calls, text, play games, or anything else after__o’clock PM until ___ o’clock AM. 4. I will not use my phone when I am in class, unless it is an emergency or my mom or dad is calling me. 5. I will not use my phone to bully, be mean to, or lie to anyone else. 6. I will not take or send pictures or videos of anything I wouldn’t show my parent(s). 7. I will not text or email anything to anyone that I would not also be willing to share with my parent(s). 8. I will not use my phone to look at stuff online that my parent(s) would not approve of. 9. I will not use my phone during a meal with my family, my friends, or anyone else because I know that it would be rude. 10. I know that my phone is expensive, so I will do my very best to keep track of it and to not drop it or put it places where it can get damaged. 11. My life and the lives of others are more important than any text or call or anything else my phone can do. I will not use my phone when I am driving. Ever. Without exception. 12. I understand that it is not my right to have a phone, it is a privilege, and my parent(s) are awesome. Therefore, I understand that if I do not follow the above rules, I should not be surprised if my phone is taken away from me. I ,_________________[ CHI LDSI GNATURE] ,andI ,____________________[ ADUL T( S’ ) SI GNATURE( S) ] ,her ebyc onf i r mt hatwe’ v et hor oughl ydi s c us s edt heabov er ul es ,andagr eet oabi de byt hem. Si gnedont hi s______dayof_______________,i nt hey ear20___.