Application of Fast Fourier Transforms in Some Advanced

Application of Fast Fourier Transforms in Some
Advanced Electroanalytical Methods
Parviz Norouzi1, Morteza Pirali-Hamedani2,3, Tayebeh Mirzaei Garakani1
and Mohammad Reza Ganjali1
of Excellence in Electrochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry,
University of Tehran, Tehran,
2Department of Medical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,
3Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center, Tehran,
1. Introduction
In the most of electrochemical (EC) experiments, measurements mostly are performed in the
time domain. However, in some cases, we require more information for the obtained data
such as knowledge about the frequency content and behavior of the electroanalytical signals
and of complete systems. Fortunately, there exists a defined method for transforming data
from the time domain into the frequency domain, where information exist about the spectral
content of EC data. The method for this propos is Fourier Transform (FT), which has the
ability to convert a time domain data to the complex frequency domain, meaning the
spectral data contains information about both the amplitude and phase of the sinusoidal
components that make up the signal. In addition, the inverse FT, converts the generated
complex frequency-domain signal data back into the time-domain without losing wanted
information. Accordingly, it can say that both the time- and frequency-domain data
complement and the two domains can provide a different view of the same EC data.
Application of fast Fourier transformation (FFT) algorithm for numerical EC data provides
the complex spectrum according to magnitude and phase, which can be used for real time
analysis. In this direction, in modern electrochemistry, FFT has been used for digital signal
processing and filtering. Also, the FFT process returns a vector of real and imaginary
elements, which represent the various resolved harmonics in impedance spectroscopy, AC
and square wave voltammetry (Popkirov, 1996).
On the other hand, it must be noted that in all EC data collection, to hold on the sampling
theorem for FFT, the bandwidth of the input signal is limited by an analog low pass filter
(cutoff frequency fc = fin,max) ahead of the Analog to Digital (A/D) converter. In fact, after
collecting data in the computer memory, they are used for calculating the signal in the
frequency domain.
This chapter serves as summary application of the FFT analysis techniques implemented in
EC measurement platform. By reading through this document, you will receive a
comprehension of the fundamental concepts in FFT-based measurements used throughout
EC application, providing you insights to better understanding of the measurement
Fourier Transforms - New Analytical Approaches and FTIR Strategies
parameters, procedures, and resulting EC data. In addition, this chapter describes the
general operation of the FFT analysis accompanied with modern EC methods.
2. Basic FFT theory
The FT, a pervasive and adaptable tool, is used in many fields of science as a mathematical
technique to alter a problem into one that can more easily be solved. Scientists consider FT
theory as a physical phenomenon, not simply as a mathematical tool. Based on the Fourier
theory, any signal in periodic manner in the time domain can be derived from the sum of
sine and cosine signals of different frequencies and amplitudes, which is called as a Fourier
series (Weaver, 1983). Thereby, it is notable to calculate the frequency spectrum of a periodic
signal according to Equation 1,
x (t ) =
A0 ∞
+ ∑ An ⋅ sin(n ⋅ ω0 ⋅ t ) + ∑ Bn ⋅ cos(n ⋅ ω0 ⋅ t )
2 n= 1
n= 1
where, x(t) is data in time domain, An and Bn are the amplitude, wo is the frequency of the
waveform and n is the harmonic number. Each of these elements leads to a discrete
component in the frequency domain, and periodic signals exhibit discrete line spectra.
However, signals with a non-periodic characteristic in the time domain cannot be described
by FT, and those signals exhibit a continuous frequency spectrum with a frequencydependency. Therefore, the frequency spectrum of such signals is not composed of discrete
spectral components. The signal in the frequency domain is calculated by means of a FT
(Equation 2).
) ∫ x ( t )e
X f ( f ) = F x (t) =
− j 2 π ft
Also, for measuring the harmonic section of the EC data, it is more useful to examine the
signal in the frequency domain (Rauscher et al., 2001). It has been shown that the signal in
the frequency domain of the fundamental (1st order harmonic) is superimposed by several
higher-order harmonics with the aid of a spectrum analyzer. As a matter of fact, this
information cannot be simply obtained by examining the signal in the time domain.
Practically, the higher order harmonics are not possible, and limited number of the data
samples can be used for FFT calculation.
3. Fundamentals of electroanalytical signals
It is well known that many fundamental microscopic processes take place on the electrode
surface, which can lead to the overall electrical signals. They may include the transport of
electrons through the electronic conductors, the transfer of electrons at the
electrode/electrolyte interfaces to form species which are originated from the cell materials,
and also, the stream of charged atoms. Indeed, the current depends on the ohmic resistance
of the electrodes and the electrolyte and also on the process rates at the electrode/electrolyte
In practical point of view, there are three different types of electrical signals in EC
measurements. Each basic electrical measurement of current (i), resistance (R), and potential
(V) has been used alone or in combination for analytical measurements (Brett & Brett, 1993).
Application of Fast Fourier Transforms in Some Advanced Electroanalytical Methods
First, in transient measurements a waveform function of potential may be applied at
electrode surface and then the resulting time varying current measured. The ratio voltage
to current often called the time varying resistance, measures the impedance resulting from
the voltage perturbation at the electrode/solution interfaces. If a FFT is used, a distortion arises
because of the non-periodicity of excitation. Such transformation is only valid when the
applied potential waveform is sufficiently small so that system response becomes linear .
The second type contains signals containing random noise, and measure the resulting
current and voltage, and application of FFT to the results to obtain the frequency domain
data. This process can be used in electrochemical noise analysis (ENA) method for
determination of corrosion. This approach offers the advantage of fast data collection
because only one signal is applied to the interface for a short time .
The last type, the most common and standard one, is to measure EC data by applying a
single-frequency voltage or current to the electrode interface and measuring the phase shift
and amplitude, which leads to measure the real and imaginary parts of the resulting current
at a certain frequency. The most important advantage of such FFT analysis is in AC and
Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV), in which combines the first and third techniques.
4. Application of FFT in electroanalytical methods
As mentioned above, most electrical signals in EC measurements may be examined in the
time domain with the aid of a potentiostat and in the frequency domain with the aid of the
computer digital spectrum analyzer. The two display modes are related to each other, where
each signal variable in the time domain has a frequency spectrum characteristic (Gavaghan
& Bond, 2000). This calculation would be obtained in a continuous data collection, so the
frequency resolution would be unlimited. Noticeably such exact calculations are not
possible in practice, where by given certain prerequisites, the spectrum can be determined
with sufficient accuracy. In practice, the FT data is constructed with the aid of digital signal
processing, as a result, the signal to be analyzed has to be sampled by an A/D converter and
quantized in amplitude.
Most of the generated electrical signals in electroanalytical methods are continuous, in
which for every time value there is a defined data. However, in order these continuous
signals to be analyzed, it is needed a computer-based measurement system employed, such
as Labveiw interfacing program or other interfacing system. Those systems can convert the
EC electrical signal into a stream of digital data, which each data represents a numeric value
that is proportional to the measured data at a specific time. This process is known as data
sampling: converting the analog signals into a discrete-time signal (a process handled by
A/D converter) to allow electroanalytical data in a wide level range to be simultaneously
processed by FFT program and to be displayed on the computer screen (Norouzi et al.,
In the computing process, the FFT method operates by decomposing N data point in time
domain signal into N frequency domain signals each composed of a single point of the
electroanalytical measurement. The next step is to calculate the N frequency spectra
corresponding to these N time domain signals. Finally, the N spectra are synthesized into a
single frequency spectrum. If N is an integer power of 2, thus N= 2 p (p =1, 2, 3, ….), use the
fastest FT function that uses the decimation-in-time algorithm. Given N samples of a
periodic function f(t) by a normalized sampling rate (T=1), { f(0), f(1), f(2),....f(N-1) }, the
discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is defined by:
Fourier Transforms - New Analytical Approaches and FTIR Strategies
F( k) = Fr ( k) + i ⋅ Fi ( k) =
∑ f ( n) ⋅ ⎡⎣ cos ( 2π nk / N ) − i ⋅ sin ( 2π nk / N )⎤⎦
N −1
n= 0
Normally, at first, an electrode response was recorded and then, DFT was applied on the
collected data and the existing frequencies, phase angle, real and imaginary parts are
calculated. Based on this calculation, the modern methods are established, such as ENA,
FFT Cyclic voltammetry, FFT SW voltammetry and FFT impedance spectroscopy.
4.1 Application of FFT electrochemical measurements based on noise analysis
The frequencies of unwanted signals in EC data, with noise or random characteristics,
cannot be found easily (Aballe et al., 1999; Sang et al., 2009; Dai, 2000). The analyst requires
a plot of the intensity at each individual frequency in order to make identification and the
EC signal to be interpreted. A means of “decoding” for calculating the individual
frequencies is needed. This procedure can be accomplished via a well-known mathematical
technique such as DFT. This transformation is performed by the computer based programs,
which then presents the user the desired spectral information. When the frequency region
of the noise is found, it can be used for two aims in the EC analysis; data filtering for
enhancing signal-to-noise (S/N), and corrosion monitoring (Darowicki & Zieliski, 2001;
Safizadeh& Ghali, 2010).
4.2 Application of FFT in cyclic potential sweep voltammetry based on filtering
In modern EC methods, the FFT analysis voltammetry were developed in order to overcome
some existing limitations encountered with electronic instrumentations. In fact, the
selectivity and percision characteristics of the classic electroanalytical methods depend on
the number of filter circuits. Normally, the most potentiostat typically has many filter
circuits that are arranged before and after the amplifier. The main problem here is to apply a
fast excitation signal for fast EC measurement. Actually, application a fast excitation signal
can produce a large charging current due to existing capacitor in the analog filters.
On the other hand, by using FFT filtering method, instead of the analog filters, the signal can
be measured very quickly. Consequently, the time element per sample is reduced to a
matter of less than second ( 10 −9 s) rather than several minutes which happened in the
classical analog measurements. As cyclic voltammetry finds its greatest use in the study of
fast electrochemical process, and transient intermediates, we are supposed to choose this
method for its description and the FFT application. Through the use of analog filters, the
maximum permissible sweep speed is limited by the transient time of the applied filter. The
maximum span that can be analyzed at a specific resolution by means of FFT is limited by
the sampling rate of the A/D converter and by the memory available for saving the sampled
data. In fact, to allow shorter sweep times, FFT digital filters are advantageous for narrow
resolution bandwidths. Basically, the EC digital analyzer is designed for bandwidths from
100 Hz to 10 MHz. This digital filtration provides condition that can be used for very high
potential scan rates on working electrode for electrochemical measurement in flowing
Figure 1 shows an example for FFT filtration for fast cyclic voltammetric measurement
(Norouzi et al. 2007). In this method at the beginning, a CV of the electrode was recorded
(see Fig. 1a) and then by applying FFT on the collected data, the existing high frequency
noises were indicated (see Fig. 1b). Finally, by using this information, the cutoff frequency of
Application of Fast Fourier Transforms in Some Advanced Electroanalytical Methods
the analog filter was set at a certain value (where the noises were removed from the CV). The
resulted CV in Fig. 1c shows successfulness of the filtering procedure. This kind of filtration
and also current integration significantly reduces the noise level in the obtained data.
Cutoff Frequency
Invert FFT
Fig. 1. Application of FFT filtration to smooth a noisy CV, a) original CV, b) FFT spectrum of
the CV (the inset shows the cutoff frequency that is selected for filtration), c) the resulted CV
after removing the noise frequencies
The EC measurement based on the FFTdigital filters is widely used by Norouzi group for
determination of several organic compounds and drugs such as; Diphenhydramine
(Norouzi et al. 2010 b), Lidocaine (Norouzi at al. 2007), Methyldopa (Norouzi et al. 2009),
and Salbutamol(Ganjali et al. 2005). The EC method under reported condition was named
FFT Continuous Cyclic Voltammetry (FFTCCV). In this method the potential waveform was
Fourier Transforms - New Analytical Approaches and FTIR Strategies
continuously applied during an experiment run, where the collected data was digitally
filtered by the technique, before using them in calculation for the analyte response (Norouzi
et al., 2010).
It must be noted that, this digital analyzing, also, offers the possibility of the frequencydependent gain. Recorded spectra can automatically be displayed with the correct levels. In
these cases a reduction of the displayed noise by decreasing the resolution bandwidth is not
permitted. Due to this fact that, the sensitivity is also important for the fast measurement
speeds the program of the FFT digital analyzer featuring a low noise figure leads to the use
of greater resolution bandwidths, and also with manual setting of the resolution and
bandwidths, the sweep time can be adapted automatically.
An example of application of that waveform is shown in Figure 2. This figure shows a
sequence of CVs recorded during the flow injection of 50 µL of 1.0 × 10–6 M Cl- (in 0.05 M
H3PO4) into the eluent solution containing 0.05 M H3PO4. The potential axis on this graph
represents potential applied to the working electrode during each sweep. The time axis
represents the time passing between the beginning of the flow injection experiment and the
beginning of a particular sweep (i.e. it represents a quantity proportional to the sweep
number). The characteristic element of CVs at gold electrode is a set of peaks associated with
the formation and dissolution of a surface oxide layer at about 1600 and 400 mV (when
potential sweep rate is 20 Vs-1), respectively. The process is also initiated by the
electrosorption of the hydroxyl ion, which at more positive potentials undergoes
deprotonation and structural rearrangement. The surface oxidation can be initiated by
adsorption of water molecule and then at more positive potential AuOH forms leading to
the formation of a two-dimensional phase of gold oxide;
Au ( H 2 O ) → AuOH + e + H+
At more positive potentials we have AuO according to the following reaction;
AuOH → AuO + e + H+
Figure 2b shows the absolute current changes in the CVs curves after subtracting the
average background of 10 CVs (in the absence of the analyte). As can be seen, this way of
presentation of the electrode response gives more details about the effect of adsorbed ion on
currents of the CV. The curves show that current changes mainly take place at the potential
regions of the oxidation and reduction of gold. When the electrode-solution interface is
exposed to Cl − , which can adsorb on the electrode surface, the oxide formation process is
All CV curves observed during the entire experiment (typically 100 to 1000 curves) were
always stored in computer memory and could be saved onto a hard drive for future analysis
(See Fig. 2a). The important point in FFTCCV method is that parts of the adsorbed analyte
still remain on the electrode surface that can inhibit the oxidation process of the electrode
surface. In this method, ΔQ is calculated based on the all-current changes at the CV (See Fig.
2c). A total absolute difference function can be calculated by using the following equation:
E= Ei
⎡ E= Ev
Δ QTA ( sτ ) = Δ t ⎢ ∑ i ( s , E) − i ( sr , E) + ∑ i ( s , E) − i ( sr , E) ⎥
E= Ev
⎣ E= Ei
Application of Fast Fourier Transforms in Some Advanced Electroanalytical Methods
Current / μA
nt / μA
ΔQ / nC
Time /s
Fig. 2. a) Cyclic voltammograms at Au ultra-microelectrode recorded during the flow
injection. The eluent was 0.05 M H3PO4 with the flow rate of 0.5mL/min., b) Curves resulted
from subtracting the CVs in fig. a, from the average of 10 CVs (in the absence of analyte),
c) Response of Au ultramicroelectrode to 5 consecutive injections of analyte
Fourier Transforms - New Analytical Approaches and FTIR Strategies
Where, s is the sweep number, is the time period between subsequent sweeps, Δt is the
time difference between two subsequent points on the CV curves, i (s, E) represents the
current of the CV curve recorded during the s-th sweep and i (sr, E) is the reference
current of the CV curve. Ei and E are the initial and the vertex potential, respectively. The
reference CV curve was obtained by averaging a few CV curves recorded at the beginning
of the experiment (i.e. before injection of the analyte). These equations show that for the
same flow injection experiment the analyte response can be obtained using different
integration limits.
It should be noted that in this method, all studied processes involve adsorption of analyte;
hence both charging and faradic currents may potentially carry useful analytical
information. To get such information, it was important to sample current at a frequency at
least two times higher than the current transducer bandwidth. In order to fulfill this
requirement the sampling frequency was always adjusted at 100 kHz. In addition FFT
digital low pass filters with 0.5-30 kHz cutoff frequencies lead to remove noise from the
data. If the main contribution to the baseline noise is from the “white” noise generated by
the potentiostat, the integration procedure usually provides a 3 to 60 fold improvement in
S/N compared to the simple monitoring of the current at a fixed potential. However, in the
case of severe environmental noise (e.g. power line noise) the improvement may be much
larger. Signals with weak level are thus shown more distinctly in the voltammogram and
the measured level values are thereby stabilized and reproducible. In the case of a
sinusoidal signal, the displayed level is not influenced by a reduction of the bandwidth. To
obtain stable and reproducible results of noise measurements, a narrow bandwidth should
be selected. The noise bandwidth is thus reduced and high noise peaks are better to be
5. Application of FFT in electrochemical noise analysis
As mentioned above the identification of noise frequencies in the electrochemical data by
FFT method, can be used for study of some processes that occur on the electrode surface.
This type of noises, which are created by EC process, called electrochemical noise (EN). For
many years, EN has been observed during corrosion and other electrochemical reactions,
and the phenomenon is well established.
The theoretical behavior of EN is not, completely, discussed, but there have been many
useful applications, both in scientific surface and in corrosion monitoring studies. In an EC
system, noise of potential and of current can be made independently or together during
corrosion reaction that can be take placed on the electrode surface. The important point is
that EN measurement technique does not involve any external perturbation of the corroding
system. In fact, the instruments required to perform EN measurements are reasonably
simple, particularly with FFT digital analyzer and modern computer-based data acquisition
techniques. More commonly, the EN curve for potential and current has an appearance
similar to that shown in Figure 3.
Generally, localized corrosion processes tend to give particularly strong EN signals, which
consist of low frequency (< 1 Hz) and small amplitude signals. Those signals are
spontaneously generated by electrochemical reactions occurring at corroding or other
surfaces (Zaveri et al., 2007). However, In this process, both the noise of potential and
current are of the 1/f type. The range of frequencies depends on the sampling interval Δt
(typically 0.5 s) and on the number of readings M of a time record. The maximum and
Application of Fast Fourier Transforms in Some Advanced Electroanalytical Methods
minimum frequencies that can be analyzed are: fmax = 1 /2Δt and fmin = 1/ Mt). The limiting
value at a frequency approaching zero is defined as the spectral noise resistance.
In practice, spectral noise plots can be obtained only in a frequency range that is more
limited than in EIS. On the high frequency side, the limit is imposed by the instrumental
noise, whereas in the low frequency region, the time of acquisition becomes very long
(Lafront et al., 2010).
In a different approach, the time record of potential or current is converted into a power
spectral density (PSD), which is the distribution of the power in the frequency domain. This
transformation is usually made by means of the FFT method. Figure 4 shows the calculated
power spectral density (PSD =1/fn, where n is a constant). The figure shows that PSD falls
with increasing frequency, giving a straight line on a log-log plot, implying a relationship. In
addition to the sloping 1/fn region of the spectrum, there are often indications of plateaus at
the high and/or low frequency ends of the spectrum. Potential noise frequency relation
changes have been noticed in the form of a component of character 1/f 2, this being
attributed to pit initiation.
Fig. 3. The sample graph for EN measurements of an Al palate in NaCl 0.01 M, top) Current
noise, bottom) Potential noise
The character of PSD changes as a function of frequency depend on the type of corrosion
and has also been the subject of investigations. The area under the curve is the total power
in the signal, and is identical to the standard deviation calculated from the time record.
Thus, as the frequency spectrum moves to higher PSDs, so the rate of reaction may be
expected to increase .The details of the calculation are beyond the scope of this book.
Fourier Transforms - New Analytical Approaches and FTIR Strategies
Fig. 4. The sample of PSD graph for EN measurements of an Al plate in NaCl 0.01 M
6. Application of FFT in AC voltammetry
The determination of the characteristics of the EC data system by AC techniques requires
measuring the impedance at various frequencies, to result a frequency spectrum (Bond et al.,
1997). The most dominant application of FFT methods in AC voltammetry is in calculation
of the impedance of the electrode response, which is known as electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy (EIS).
By definition, AC voltammetry (ACV) utilizes a small-amplitude sine wave which is added
to a potential ramp to modulate the current output. In fact, ACV is an extension of classical
linear sweep techniques such as cyclic voltammetry. A DC ramp with a comparatively slow
sweep rate and an AC signal are superimposed and applied to a working electrode, and the
response of the AC current and its phase angle are registered. In general, modulation
potential amplitude up to 20 mV is used; higher amplitudes are not used to specifically
avoid contributions from higher order harmonics. This may be considered as a limiting case
for ACV. In fact, all of the information is intentionally contained in only the lowest order
harmonics. Its main strength lies in the quantitative characterization of electrode processes,
and it can also be used for analytical purposes.
A second general approach has employed AC voltammetry and the mathematics of the FFT.
This technique was introduced and used extensively by (Smith, 1976). In it, the perturbation
signal is composed of a sum of selected sinusoids. This approach, although powerful, is
quite expensive and complex as well, and has not been widely employed. Both experimental
implementation and data analysis employ a small-amplitude excitation waveform.
Application of Fast Fourier Transforms in Some Advanced Electroanalytical Methods
The applied excitation waveform consists of a fundamental harmonic frequency f0 and a
number of odd harmonics (2n + 1) f0. This arrangement is superior to other excitation
waveforms. All these frequencies are applied at the same time and the data to each frequency
is found by the FFT. Depending on the method used for the data acquisition, different
methods are used for data validation. In case of a sinusoidal signal were applied to a nonlinear
system, the data function would contain multiples harmonics of the excitation waveforms.
The techniques commonly employed for AC-impedance measurements in modern
equipment can be subdivided into two main groups: single-sine and multiple-sine methods.
The lock-in technique and frequency-response analysis will be described as representatives
of the single sine techniques and FFTs will be introduced as an example for multiple-sine
techniques. In single-sine methods, a small-amplitude sinusoidal signal with a fixed
frequency is applied to the test cell. The response signal is then analyzed to extract the two
components of the impedance (real and imaginary parts or magnitude and phase).
Here, invalid impedance data cannot only be caused by nonlinearity but very frequently by
a lack of stability of the system under investigation. Impedance test equipment usually
comprises an AC measurement unit and a potentiostat or galvanostat. For many
applications, such as biomedical investigations or the characterization of thin films in which
it is not essential to maintain a DC-voltage level during the impedance measurement, a
potentiostat is not required (Házì et al., 1997).
EIS is frequently used to characterize systems that are changed during the time. Another
way to reduce the effects of a system changing during the measurement is to reduce the
total measurement time by using a multi-sine technique, which is FFT method. Figure 6
shows typical curve obtained by this technique for electrodeposition of Cd on a gold
electrode in 0.1 M Cd SO4.
In the case of multi-sine techniques, a measurement is carried out at several frequencies
simultaneously. The phases of the superimposed signals are randomized to minimize the
amplitude of the composite signal (see Fig. 5b). In contrast to single-sine techniques, multisine techniques do not require waiting for a full cycle to be completed for each of the
frequencies used. The time-domain signals are digitized and transferred into the frequency
domain by carrying out the FFT. The resulting data for each discrete frequency can be
treated the same way as the impedance data obtained with a single sine technique. Repeated
application of the waveform and averaging of the signal before FFT is applied can improve
the S/N ratio of the multi-sine technique, although it increases the measurement time
required. The impedance data obtained in this manner can be presented in several different
Impedance spectra Zreal versus Zimg measured at a number of fixed DC potentials are
suitable for quantitative studies of redox reaction kinetics whereas potential-dependent
admittance values (1/Z) obtained at fixed frequencies can provide AC voltammograms that
are more readily interpreted in electroanalysis. The ratio of the two is the impedance of the
test electrode. The measurement is then repeated at another frequency. The impedance
spectra measured in this work were usually shaped as shown in the following Nyquist- and
Bode-plot. Once real and imaginary parts of the input signals have been determined by
correlation, the complex impedance of the test object can be calculated. It can be
mathematically proven that all the spurious components are rejected by this technique of
correlation provided that a sufficiently large number of cycles have been used for the
integration (Garland et al., 2002).
Fourier Transforms - New Analytical Approaches and FTIR Strategies
Zimg /koh
l /m
ift / deg
Phase sh
Fig. 5. Typical FFT EIS graph for electrodeposition of Cd on gold electrode, a) Z imaginary,
b) phase shift, changes in deterrent frequency and potential
Application of Fast Fourier Transforms in Some Advanced Electroanalytical Methods
The advantage of modern FFT technique is that the information is obtained quickly;
therefore it may be used to study impedances evolving with time. The limitation of the FFT
technique is that the response to individual frequencies is usually weaker than that when
only one frequency is used. It should be added that other types of analysis of system
responses were also used, for example, Laplace transform of the applied perturbation and
the response to determine the impedance spectra (Carstensen et al., 2008). The time-domain
signals are digitized and transferred into the frequency domain by carrying out a FFT. The
resulting data for each discrete frequency can be treated the same way as the impedance
data obtained with a single sine technique.
In modern EIS analysis, lower frequency data are usually measured in the time domain.
The current response is then measured using an A/D computer. In this case the FFT is used
to convert the current signal into the frequency domain as carried out for other techniques.
The FFT capabilities have subsequently been incorporated into several commercial
instruments, primarily to speed up the acquisition of impedance data at low frequencies by
exploiting the multiplex character of the technique. Such determinations are normally
carried out at a single, fixed DC potential. In order to obtain potential-dependent
impedance data, repeated experiments at different applied DC potentials are therefore
required (Arundell et al., 2004).
The use of the FFT in combination with a controlled sequence of potential steps or pulses
has been shown to offer an approach by which these time-consuming repetitions can be
avoided and impedance measurements can be collected over a wide range of frequencies
and DC potentials in a single experiment. However, here, the voltammetric waveforms
composed of a sequence of potential steps are ideally suited in mathematical modeling
based on the techniques of numerical integration. This approach is elegant in its generality,
can be made arbitrarily precise, and is extremely efficient (Baranski et al., 1996). Baranski
developed a technique in which a small amplitude square-wave potential perturbation is
superimposed upon a potential staircase and in which the FFT is employed to convert
current measurements taken as a function of time during several cycles of the square wave
at each step potential to the frequency domain. Higher harmonics can be detected by FRAs
or lock-in amplifiers, which can be tuned to detect a multiple of the excitation frequency. An
alternative is to extract the harmonic signals from the response using FFT.
7. Application of FFT in SWV
The idea of obtaining electrode admittance from transient current time curves was
investigated previously by Pilla (Pilla, 1972). The speed and sensitivity of SWV is its main
advantage (Osteryoung & O’Dea, 1986). In the last years, data acquisition boards in the
electroanalytical instrumentation have improved significantly for carrying out SW
voltammetric analysis. The SWV has been used for study of the kinetics of electrode process
(Winston et al., 1988). Nevertheless such applications of this method are relatively rare,
which may be as a result of the rather complicated equations relating the current response of
the electrode to the kinetic parameters of the electrode processes. Also, the theory of SWV
does not take into account the effect of uncompensated solution resistance and a distortion
of the EC signal by a slow response of a current transducer. These problems are not easy to
be solved in any time domain voltammetric techniques. Because the electrode response
under AC voltammetric conditions is represented as an admittance (i.e. in the frequency
Fourier Transforms - New Analytical Approaches and FTIR Strategies
domain), all data manipulations needed for obtaining kinetic information are relatively
The principles of this technique are simple. Normally, FFTSWV experiments are done
under conditions identical to the traditional SWV, but the electrode response at each DC
potential is converted into the frequency domain via FFT. Therefore, FFTSWV measures
the admittance of the electrode as a function of potential (Baranski & Szulborska, 1994).
The resultant data are almost similar to those obtained under AC voltammetric
Indeed, in comparison with traditional AC voltammetry the equipment is much simpler
and less expensive, measurements are carried out much faster and it is possible to obtain
information about the admittance of the electrode at different frequencies from a single
The potential waveform used in the FFTSW voltammetric measurement consists of many
SW pulses were superimposed on a staircase potential function, which was changed by a
small potential step of ΔE (Norouzi et al., 2008). The values of potential pulse of SW (ESW)
and ΔE were in a range of few mV (10 to 50 mV). In the computer program, the number of
SW cycles, Nc, in each staircase potential step was calculated based on the SW frequency as
follows, Nc= f0 ⁄1400Hz, for f0 >1400Hz, and Nc=1 for f0 ≤1400Hz. The values of Nc, fo, Esw,
Einitial and Evertex were the variable parameters of the technique, which were optimized for
achieving to best detector performance. It should be noted that in this method all processes
studied involve adsorption of analytes hence both charging and faradic currents may
potentially carry useful analytical information.
To get such information, it was important to sample data current at a frequency at least two
times higher than the current transducer bandwidth. In order to fulfill this requirement the
data sampling frequency was always adjusted between 50 and 100 kHz (depending on scan
rate). In addition a second order low pass filter with a 20 kHz cutoff frequency was placed
between the current output of the potentiostat and the data acquisition board. In the
computer program, the discrete FFT analysis was used for data processing. If one SW cycle
per potential step is applied, the time domain response resulted with this method is similar
to that which obtained using Osteryoung SW voltammetry. Here either four data points per
SW cycle were collected. If there is more than one cycle at one potential step, the current
recorded in different cycles at the same DC potential is averaged (i.e. the first data points in
every cycle are added together and divided by the number of cycles then the second and
subsequent data points are treated in the same way) (Baranski & Szulborska, 1994).
The first component in Eq. 5 gives the imaginary part (Zimg) of the impedance and the
second part gives its real component (Zrel). A full discussion for the determination of Zrel
and Zim based on the sampled currents (Is) will be given in the next section. Theoretically,
the detector impedance,
Z = Zimg
+ Zrel
where|Z| in a specific frequency is equal to E/I.
Application of discrete FFT analysis on the sampled current requires a specific method in
current sampling. The admittance of the electrode is calculated at each potential step by the
DFT method. High frequency components are removed by placing an analog low pass filter
Application of Fast Fourier Transforms in Some Advanced Electroanalytical Methods
between the current transducer and the A/D converter (Van Valkenburg, 1982). It required
the number of sampled currents at each pulse cycle which must be represented by 2 n
(where n is an integer and greater than 1). Therefore the currents, Is, were sampled at even
time intervals, ts,
ts = 1 +
4 f0
where s is an integer number and changes from 0 to 7. Therefore if currents are sampled at
even time intervals, ts, ts+1/4f0, ts+2/4f0 and ts+3/4f0, then the values of the sampled currents
will be,
i0 = ∑ An sin(2nπ f0tc − φn )
i1 = ∑ An sin(nπ / 2 + 2 nπ f0ts + φn )
i2 = ∑ An sin(nπ + 2 nπ f0ts + φn )
i3 = ∑ An sin(n3π / 2 + 2 nπ f0ts + φn )
n= 1
n= 1
n= 1
n= 1
The equations show that in the first harmonic (n=1) the current components i0 and i2 (as
well as, i1 and i3) have a phase shift equal to π. However, their absolute values are the
same with an opposite sign. As mentioned above, the currents were sampled four times
per SW cycle, i0, i1, i2 and i3. In each step, ΔE, of staircase potential ramp, the total sampled
currents were 4Nc (Nci0, Nci1, Nci2 and Nci3), which were reduced to four by averaging
each Nci. Because of dependence of Nc on frequency, at SW frequencies lower than 1400
Hz lager number of currents were averaged, which could be helpful for reducing the
noise level. At the end of each potential ramp, the data were stored in an array matrix as
⎪⎪ .
Data array = ⎨ .
E3 ⎫
. ⎪
. ⎬
. ⎪
E3 ⎪⎭
where n is the number of the potential step and E0 to E4 are the electrode potentials at which
the current is sampled.
To calculate the admittance of the detector response, first the real and imaginary
components of the alternating current need to be calculated. The real component of I’ and E’
are given by,
Fourier Transforms - New Analytical Approaches and FTIR Strategies
I’= i2 –i0
E’ =E2 –E0 =-2Es
and the equation for the imaginary components are,
I” = i1 –i3
E” =E1 –E3 =2Es
Now, the real, Y’ , and imaginary, Y” , components of the detecting admittance can be
calculated as follows,
Y ' − jY " =
I '− jI "
I "− I '− j ( I '+ I " )
E '− jE "
Y' =
i0 + i1 − i2 − i3
e0 + e1 − e2 − e3
i0 − i1 − i2 + i3
e0 + e1 − e2 − e3
Also, the average current, Is at each potential step is given by
Is =
i0 + i1 − i2 − i3
The results from application of FFT analysis showed that measurement based on the first
harmonic component offered better detection limits. Therefore, the components at higher
frequencies than fundamental frequency were removed from the current response. The
filtration was initially done by utilizing analog filters. A series of low pass filters were
located before the A/D converter board. However, such filter may cause a small distortion
in the magnitude and phase of the fundamental harmonic (which can be determined by
calibrating). Also, a digital filtration was occurred during data acquisition. If the excitation
potential and the electrode response can be represented by periodic functions, the electrode
admittance can be calculated. Briefly in order to avoid problems with the interpretation of
the electrode admittance, it is necessary to remove all components of the electrode
response at frequencies higher than half the data acquisition frequency. This condition
is known as the Nyquist sampling theorem (Weaver, 1983).
The examples of the SW voltammetric responses on the Au UME in the FIA measurement
are shown in Figure 6. The analyte signal appears as a current decline in certain potential at
the SW voltammogram. It results the inhibition of the electrode surface processes by the
analyte adsorption process (Norouzi et al., 2009). To visualize the dependence of the analyte
signal to the electrode potential in Figure 6a, the differential form of the SW voltammograms
are shown (Figure 6b). In the differential graphs, also, it can be noted that the analyte signal
extends over a potential range of the SW voltammogram.
Application of Fast Fourier Transforms in Some Advanced Electroanalytical Methods
μ AV-1
Admittance/ AV
-400 60
Fig. 6. a) FFT SW voltammograms at Au ultra-microelectrode recorded during the flow
injection. The eluent was 0.05 M H3PO4 with the flow rate of 0.5mL/min., b) Curves
resulted from subtracting the SWs in fig. a, from the average of 10 SWs (in the absence of
Fourier Transforms - New Analytical Approaches and FTIR Strategies
8. Conclusion
Electroanalytical techniques can offer rapid and low cost analysis of electroactive
compounds and heavy metal ions in aqueous systems with a parts-per-billion sensitivity
range. Electrical signals may be examined in both the time and in the frequency domain. The
two display modes are related to each other by FTT, so each signal variable in the time
domain has a characteristic frequency spectrum and vice versa. In the FFT based EC method
(such as ENA, FFT Cyclic voltammetry, FFT SW voltammetry and FFT impedance
spectroscopy), initially, an electrode response was recorded. Then, FFT was applied on the
collected data and the existing high frequency noises were indicated. Based on this
information, the cutoff frequency of the analog filter was set at a certain value (where the
noises were removed from the electrode response). The smoothing function is, effectively, a
moving average filter which is applied to the transfer function data before it is displayed in
order to minimize the presence of jagged edges and discontinuities in the displayed data.
Finally with the aid of this function a displayed trace can be smoothed by averaging over
several electroanalytical measurements. Therefore the signal at the spectrum analyzer input
may give rise to unwanted components which do not show any relationship to the input
Some of the major advantages of FFT-voltammetry over other electrochemical techniques
Speed: Because all of the frequencies are measured simultaneously, most measurements
by FFT-voltammetry are made in a matter of nano seconds rather than several minutes.
Sensitivity: Sensitivity is dramatically enhanced with FFT-voltammetry for many
reasons. The detectors employed are much more sensitive, the electrical throughput is
much higher which results in much lower noise levels, and the fast scans enable the coaddition of several scans in order to reduce the random measurement noise to any
desired level (referred to as signal averaging).
Finally, the sensitivity and accuracy of electroanalytical methods based on FFT, along with a
wide variety of software algorithms, have dramatically increased the practical use of
voltammograms for quantitative analysis. Quantitative methods can be easily developed
and calibrated and can also be incorporated into simple procedures for routine analysis.
Thus, the FFT-electroanalytical techniques have brought significant practical advantages to
other electroanalytical methods. It has made possible the development of many new
sampling techniques which were designed to tackle challenging difficulties which were
impossible by older technologies. It has made the application of electroanalytical analysis
virtually limitless.
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Fourier Transforms - New Analytical Approaches and FTIR
Edited by Prof. Goran Nikolic
ISBN 978-953-307-232-6
Hard cover, 520 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 01, April, 2011
Published in print edition April, 2011
New analytical strategies and techniques are necessary to meet requirements of modern technologies and
new materials. In this sense, this book provides a thorough review of current analytical approaches, industrial
practices, and strategies in Fourier transform application.
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In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Parviz Norouzi, Morteza Pirali-Hamedani, Tayebeh Mirzaei Garakani and Mohammad Reza Ganjali (2011).
Application of Fast Fourier Transforms in Some Advanced Electroanalytical Methods, Fourier Transforms New Analytical Approaches and FTIR Strategies, Prof. Goran Nikolic (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-232-6, InTech,
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