cv Canova

Aldo Canova
1992: Degree in electrical engineering at the Politecnico of Torino (Italy)
1996: PhD in electrical engineering at the Politecnico of Torino (Italy)
October 1992 – March 1993: Researcher at the “Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris” (Torino,
January – July 1995: Researcher at Napier University (Edinburgh, Scotland).
October 1995 – December 2003: Researcher at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica of the Politecnico di
Torino (Italy)
Since 2004: Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering Science.
From 2003-2011 he is a member of the managing group of the Prototyping Service Centre of the Politecnico
di Torino (CSPP).
Member of the Comitato Elettrotecnico Nazionale (CEI) serving on Technical Committee CT02 (Rotating
Machines) in the period 1998-2003.
Member of the Comitato Elettrotecnico Nazionale (CEI) serving on Technical Committee CT106 (Methods for
the assessment of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields associated with human exposure) since
Member of the "Conference Intenationale des Grands Reseaux Electriques a Haute Tension (CIGRE)" in
Working Group 36.04 on "Magnetic field mitigation techniques" during 2002-2005.
Member of College of Arbitrators and President of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Non-Destructive
Testing (AIPND).
Project auditor for Danish Council for Strategic Research (DSF) (
Project auditor for Czech Science Foundation (
2007 - Founder and President (2007-of the Spin Off of Politecnico di Torino: AMC Instruments Ltd. operates
in realization of systems for non-destructive testing (
2009 -Founding Member of the Spin Off: NoField Ltd. operates in the design and implementation of systems
Magnetic shielding (
Author of about 160 scientific publications in international conference proceedings and international journals.
Inventor in 6 patents.
As a member of the Department of Electrical Engineering, he took part in these European projects
 "POLYCITY: Energy network in sustainable cities". (2005-2010)
 “HEGEL: High Efficiency in polyGEneration appLications”. (2006-2010).
Responsible of two national project (2012-2015)
 “Evaluation of the impact of distributed generation on the electrical system distribution "- Funded by
CRT Bank Fundation within the “Alfieri” project
 "Sustainability of the territorial distributed power generation and interaction with electrical and
energetic systems "- Financed by the Piedmont Region
Responsible of several industrial projects with Italian industries.
Prof. Canova acts as reviewer for the following international journals
 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
 IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
 Electric Power Systems Research (Elsevier)
 Journal of Thermal Science (Elsevier)
 The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
 Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE
Prof. Canova is Associate Editor, IEEE-IAS Power System Engineering Committee
Teaching activity
Teacher of Fudamental of Electrical Engineering in different engineering courses, co-teacher of courses in
the Mechatronic Master of Science (Modelling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems, Integrated Design of
Mechatronic Systems), co-teacher PhD courses (Application of the finite element method, evaluation of
environmental impact of electric and magnetic fields at industrial frequency, Labview).
Research activity
The main research activity regards the analytical and numerical field modelling mainly devoted to the design
and optimisation of electrical devices and the study of environmental magnetic and electric field pollution and
their mitigation techniques.
1. A. Boglietti, A. Canova, M. Chiampi, D. Chiarabaglio, M. Pastorelli.
"Induction motor parametrization at unconventional frequency for field oriented control"
"ICEMA-International Conference on Electrical Machines in Australia" (14-16/09/1993; Adelaide,
Australia), pp.250-255.
2. G. Bertotti, A. Canova, M. Chiampi, D. Chiarabaglio, F. Fiorillo, A.M. Rietto.
"Core loss prediction combining physical models with numerical field analysis"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 133, 1994, pp. 647-650
3. A. Canova, M. Chiampi, D. Chiarabaglio.
"Studio di motori asincroni con il metodo agli elementi finiti".
"94° Riunione Annuale dell'AEI-Associazione Elettrotecnica Italiana" (03-06/10/1993; Ancona), pp. 79-89.
4. A. Canova, M. Chiampi, D. Chiarabaglio, M. Tartaglia.
"A circuital approach for simulating short circuit tests in induction motors".
"IASTED - International Symposium Modelling Identification and Control" (21-23/02/1994; Grindelwald,
Svizzera), ISBN 0-88986-183-8, pp. 349-352
5. A. Canova, M. Chiampi, D. Chiarabaglio.
"Numerical simulation of no-load and short circuit tests for induction motor"
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1995, pp. 45-49.
6. A. Canova, C. Ragusa.
"Calculation of slot harmonic effects in induction motor by finite element method".
IEE Conf. Publ. 412, EMD95 - Seventh Int. Conf. on Electrical Machines and Drives" (Durham, Gran
Bretagna, 11-13 Settembre 1995), pp. 82-87
7. A. Canova, M. Chiampi, V. Ravello.
"Finite element prediction of flux pulsations in induction machines"
IOS Press, “Non Linear Electromagnetic System”, 1996, pp.80-83.
8. J. F. Eastham, S. Gair, A. Canova, T. Betzer.
"A new 2D FEM analysis of a disc machine with offset rotor"
"PEDES 96 - Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth" (8-11 Gennaio 1996;
New Delhi, India), pp. 617-621.
9. A. Canova, J.F. Eastham, S. Gair.
"Effects of slot closure by soft magnetic powder wedge material in axial-field permanent magnet
brushless machines"
Journal Applied Physics, Vol. 79, No. 8, 15 Aprile 1996, pp. 5554-5556
10. A. Canova, M. Chiampi, C. Ragusa, M. Repetto
"Automated multiobjective optimisation of slot design in induction machines"
Third Int. Workshop on Electric and Magnetic Fields (Maggio 1996, Liegi, Belgio), pp. 31-35.
11. M. Madlena, S. Gair, A. Canova, F. Profumo
"Torque control of a BDC axial field drive motor with open and closed slot configuration"
Proc. of IEEE-ISIE 96 - Int. Symposium on Industrial Electronics (17-20 Giugno 1996, Varsavia,
Polonia), ISBN 0-7803-3334-9, pp. 837-843.
12. A. Canova, M. Chiampi, C. Ragusa, M. Repetto
"Optimised Design of Induction Machines through a Combined Field and Circuit Approach "
7th Int. IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering (23-25 Settembre
1996, Graz, Austria), pp. 187-192.
13. A. Canova, J.F. Eastham, S. Gair
"Parametrizzazione di una macchina a magneti permanenti a flusso assiale mediante un codice 2DFEM"
Rendiconti 97a Riunione annuale AEI (7-9 Maggio 1997, Baveno), Vol. 1, pp. 173-180.
14. A. Canova, C. Ragusa
"Ottimizzazione multiobiettivo di una macchina ad induzione"
Rendiconti 97a Riunione annuale AEI (7-9 Maggio 1997, Baveno), Vol. 1, pp.167-172.
15. O. Bottauscio, A. Canova, M. Chiampi, C. Ragusa, M. Repetto
"A Coupled Field and Circuit technique for optimising cage induction motors"
9th ISTET - Int. Sym. On Theoretical Electrical Engineering (9-11 Giugno 1997, Palermo), pp. 64-67.
16. A. Canova, C. Ragusa
"A Coupled Field and Circuit Approach in the Electromechanical Device Modelling"
9th ISTET - Int. Sym. On Theoretical Electrical Engineering (9-11 Giugno 1997, Palermo), pp. 303-306
17. O. Bottauscio, A. Canova, M. Chiampi
"A non-linear voltage driven field approach for the analysis of closed slot induction motors"
Journal de Physique IV, vol. 8, pr 2, Giugno 1998, pp. 643-646
18. A. Canova, C. Ragusa, M. Tartaglia, B. Miedzinski
“Optimisation design of a low frequency eddy current rail heater”
5-th Int. Workshop on Optimisation and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, 7-8 agosto 1998,
Jyvaskyla (Finlandia). Accettato ed in attesa di pubblicazione su IOS Press, Int. Journal of Applied
Electromagnetics and Mechanics
19. A. Canova, M. Chiampi, C. Ragusa, M. Repetto
"Automated design of magnetic circuit of induction machines using multiobjective optimisation
techniques and finite element method"
IOS Press, Int. Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, no. 9, 1998, pag. 1-9
20. A. Canova, M. Chiampi, M. Ottella
“A Comparison among Different FEM Formulations for No-load Test Simulation of Induction Machines”
8th Int. IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering (21-23 Settembre
1998, Graz, Austria), pp. 484-489.
21. O. Bottauscio, A. Canova, M. Chiampi, D. Chiarabaglio, C. Ragusa, M. Repetto, M. Zucca
"An Advanced Electromagnetic Code for the Analysis and Design of Electromechanical Apparatuses"
WIT Press, “Software for Electrical Engineerig: Analysis and Design IV”, 1999, pp. 85-97.
22. A. Canova, M. Ottella, D. Rodger
“A Coupled Field-Circuit Approach to 3D FEM Analysis of Electromechanical Devices”
IEE Conf. Publ. 468, EMD99 - Canterbury, 1-3 Settembre 1999, pp. 71-75.
23. A. Canova, M.Chiampi, M. Pastorelli, M. Repetto, A. Vagati
“Performance Evaluation of a Reluctance Synchronous Machine by Finite Element Analysis”
IOS Press, “Non Linear Electromagnetic System”, 1999, pp.529-532.
24. A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Ottella
“Analysis of Dynamic Behaviour of DC Electromagnetic Relay by 3D Finite Element Method”
COMPEL, vol.19, no.2, 2000, pp. 602-607
25. B. Dilecce, F. Muzio, A. Canova, M. Tartaglia,
“Behaviour of Electric Fuses in Automotive Systems under Intermittent Fault”
ICEFA Sixth International Conference on Electric Fuses and their Applications, Torino, 20-22 Settembre
1999, pp.333-336
26. A. Vagati, A. Canova, M. Chiampi, M. Pastorelli, M. Repetto,
“Improvement of synchronous reluctance motor design through finite-element analysis”
Thirty-Fourth IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 1999 IEEE , Vol. 2, pp. 862 –871.
27. A. Vagati, A. Canova, M.Chiampi, M. Pastorelli, M. Repetto
“Design Refinement of Synchronous Reluctance Motor Design through Finite-Element Analysis”
IEEE Trans. On Industry Applications, Vol. 36, n. 4, Luglio/Agosto 2000, pp. 1094 - 1102.
28. A. Canova, P. Guglielmi, M. Pastorelli, A. Vagati,
"Design and Control of High Performance Synchronous Reluctance Motors with Multiple-Flux-Barrier
IPEC 2000, Tokio, Japan, April 2000, vol.1, pp. 627-636.
29. N. Bianchi, S. Bolognani, O. Bottauscio, A. Canova, M.Chiampi, M. Repetto, F. Tonel
“A Novel Design Platform for the Automated Design of Electrical Machines”, Europe Official Proceedings
of the Thirty-Seventh International Intelligent Motion. Conference PCIM 2000, 6-8 Giugno 2000,
Norimberga (Germania), pp .361-366.
30. O. Bottauscio, A. Canova, G. Crotti, G. Farina, L. Rege, M. Tartaglia
“Analysis of Magnetic field generated by tramway networks”,
9th Int. IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering (11-14 Settembre,
2000, Graz, Austria), pp. 252-257.
31. A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“Integral Magnetostatic Formulation for non-linear problems”,
9th Int. IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering (11-14 Settembre,
2000, Graz, Austria), pp. 76-81.
32. A. Canova, M. Manzin, M. Tartaglia
“Considerations about Different Analytical Methods devoted to the Design of ELF Magnetic Field
4th Int. International Symposium EL-TEX 2000, (26-27 October, Lodz, Polonia), ISBN 83-911544-1-6,
pp. 76-83.
33. A. Canova, A. Fiumara, M. Ottella
“Field Circuit Method for Simulation of Electromagnetic Devices in Automotive Applications”
ISATA 2000, Dublino, Irlanda, 25-27 Settembre 2000, pp. 181-188.
34. A. Canova, M. Manzin, M. Repetto, M. Tartaglia
“Multiobjective Design Optimisation of ELF Magnetic Field Shileds by Analytical Methods ”,
6th Int. International Workshop on Optimisation and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, (25-27
Settembre 2000, Torino, Italia), ISBN 88-8738-018-X, pp. 77-78.
35. N. Bianchi, A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto, F. Tonel
“Analytical and Finite Element Design Optimisation of a Tubolar Linear IPM Motor”,
COMPEL Vol. 20 no. 3, 2001, pp. 777-795.
36. A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“Synthesis of Linear actuators”,
COMPEL Vol. 20 no. 3, 2001, pp. 713-723.
37. A. Canova, M. Repetto
“Integral Solution of Nonlinear Magnetostatic Field Problems”,
IEEE Trans. On Magnetics, Vol. 37, n. 3, Maggio 2001, pp. 1070 - 1077.
38. A. Canova, M. Ottella, R.J. Hill Cottingham
“3D Eddy Current FE Analysis of Electromechanical Devices”,
COMPEL, vol.20, no.2, 2001, pp. 332-347
39. A. Canova, F. Degiovanni, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
"Integrated Design of linear Electromechanical Actuators"
Proc. of 4th International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Systems - Electromotion
2001, Bologna 19-20 Giugno 2001, ISBN 88-900615-0-2, pp. 239-243.
40. A. Canova, G.B. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“3D Electrostatic Field Solution with Dual Mesh”
Facta Universitatis (Nis Yugoslavia), Ser: Elec. Energ. Vol 15, No. 2, Aug. 2002, pp. 151-163
41. A. Canova, F. Profumo, M. Tartaglia
“Lcc Design Criteria in Electrical Plants Oriented to the Energy Saving”
IEEE-IAS Thirty-sixth IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record (Cdrom) of the 2001 IEEE-IAS, (30 IEEE
Trans. On Industry Applications, Vol. 39, n.1, Jan-Feb. 2003, pp. 53 - 58
42. O. Bottauscio, A. Canova, M. Chiampi, M. Repetto
“Iron losses in electrical machines: influence of different material models”
IEEE Trans. On Magnetics, Vol. 38, n. 2, Marzo 2002, pp. 805 - 808.
43. N. Bianchi, A. Canova
“FEM Analysis and Optimisation Design of an IPM Synchronous Motor”
IEE Conf. Publ. 487, PEMD02 - Bath, 16-18 Aprile 2002, pp. 49-54.
44. F. Anzioso, A. Canova, P. J. Leonard, M. Ottella, D. Rodger
“FE Analysis and Design of Electrical Devices for Automotive Applications”
IEE Conf. Publ. 487, PEMD02 - Bath, 16-18 Aprile 2002, pp. 159-164.
45. A. Canova, G.B. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“ Quasi-static integral formulation using duality and network equations ”
Fourth Int. Conf. on Comp. in Electromagnetics CEM 2002, Bournemouth, UK: 8 - 11 April 2002.
46. A. Canova, A. Manzin, M. Tartaglia
“Evaluation of different Analytical and Semi-Analytical Methods for the Design of ELF magnetic field
IEEE Trans. On Industry Applications, Vol. 38, n. 3, Maggio/Giugno 2002, pp. 788-796.
47. A. Buzzi, A. Canova, M. Gosso, A. Fiumara, P. Guglielminotti, M. Repetto, P. Spinelli
“Electrical Network Modelling of the Lead-Acid Battery for the Analysis and Design of Vehicle Electrical
5th Int. Conf. On Lead-Acid Batteries, Varna (Bulgaria), 10-13 June 2002, pp. 215-218.
48. A. Canova
“FEM Analysis of Automotive Electrical Devices – Workshop summaries: The finite element method as
applied to Electrical and Information Engineering in Italy”
COMPEL Vol. 21 no. 3, 2002, pp. 475-477.
49. A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto,
“Algebraic solution of Maxwell equations by means of finite formulation”
VI Congresso Societa' Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale Chia Laguna , 27-31 Maggio 2002.
A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto, M. Tartaglia
“Integral Methods for the Design of ELF Magnetic Shielding”, Int. Symposium on Electromagnetic
Compatibility, Sorrento (Italy), 9-13 Sept. 2002, vol. 1,pp. 341-345.
52 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“Optimal Shielding of Low Frequency Field”
7th Int. Conf. On Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, 22-26 Sept. 2002, Napoli (Italy), pp.
53 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Ottella, M. Repetto, N. Schofield,
“Soft Magnetic Composites for Tubular Linear Actuators”
15th Int. Conf. On Electrical Machines, Brugge (Belgium), 25-28 August 2002.
54 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, R. Pertusio, S. Toja, M. Tartaglia, R. Tommasini,
"Analysis of insulated joints to protect subway gallery structures against corrosion"
Workshop on Protection in Complex and Distributed Systems Including Railways, Budapest, June 3-5
55 O. Bottauscio, A. Canova, G. Crotti, G. Farina, A. Manzin, M. Tartaglia,
"Magnetic field generated by tramway systems and possible field mitigation"
Workshop on Protection in Complex and Distributed Systems Including Railways, Budapest, June 3-5
56 V. Allegranza, A. Canova, F. Profumo, M. Tartaglia, I.Visintainer, A. Ardito
"Reduction of magnetic fields in power lines: cables and gil"
Workshop on Protection in Complex and Distributed Systems Including Railways, Budapest, June 3-5
57 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“Integral Magnetostatic Solution with Dual Meshes”
Proceedings di Tenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation - Perugia, Italy,
June 16-19 2002
58 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“Lumped equivalent circuit modelling of massive conductive magnetic cores”
Proceedings of 10th International IGTE Symposium, Graz (Austria), Sept. 15-18, 2002
59 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“Response surface method for genetic algorithm based optimization”
presentato a OIPE 2002, Lodz (Polonia), Sept. 12-14, 2002
60 O. Bottauscio, A. Canova, M. Chiampi, M. Repetto
“Rotational Hysteresis and Eddy Current Losses in Electrical Motor Stators under Non-Conventional
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 254-255, Jan 2003, pp. 241-243
61 O. Bottauscio, G. Crotti, G. Farina, A. Manzin, Canova, M. Tartaglia,
“Magnetic field generated by tramway systems and possibile field mitigation” Proc. EMC Zurich 2003,
febbraio 2003, pp.407,412.
62 A. Canova, M. Repetto, M. Tartaglia,
"Identification of industrial electromagnetic field sources" Optimisation and Inverse Problems in
Electromagnetism, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 193-203.
63 A. Canova, B. Vusini,
“Design of Axial Eddy Current Couplers”
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 39 , May-June 2003, pp. 725 - 733
64 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“Magnetic design optimization and objective function approximation”
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol 39, Sept. 2003, pp. 2154 –2162
65 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“Integral methods for the analysis and design of low frequency conductive shields”
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, , Vol 39, Jul. 2003, pp. 2009 –2017
66 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“Field and circuit solutions using global variables and exploiting duality”
Int. Compumag Society Newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 1, March 2003, pp. 9-15.
67 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“Response surface methods for finite element based optimization of tubular linear permanent magnet
motor”, Proceedings of PES 2003, Nis (Yugoslavia), Giugno 1-2, 2003
68 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto, B. Vusini,
”3D non linear magneto-static filed solution with global Formulation”,
48. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 22/25 September Ilmenau (Deutchland)
69 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto,
“Circuit model for static hysteresis in magnetic cores”
Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Electromagnetism, NUMELEC 2003,
28-30 Oct 2003, Toulouse – France
70 N. Schofield, A. Canova, M. Ottella
"A tubular linear actuator for steer-by-wire applications"
Proc. of the 4-th Int. Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications, LDIA2003, 8-10 September
2003, Birmingham,UK
71 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
”Optimal shielding of low frequency fields”
COMPEL; Vol. 23, No 1, 2004 pagg. 173-86.
72 N. Schofield,A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto, M. Ottella
“The application of soft magnetic composites to the design of tubular linear actuators”
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, v 19, n 1-4, 2004, p 225-229
73 O. Bottauscio,A. Manzin, A.Canova, M. Chiampi,G. Gruosso,M. Repetto
"Field and circuit approaches for diffusion phenomena in magnetic cores”
IEEE-Transactions-on-Magnetics, March 2004; Vol. 40, No 2, pagg. 1322-5.
74 A. Canova, F. Freschi, M. Repetto, B. Vusini
"Eddy current coupler optimisation"
Second International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, (PEMD 2004). (Conf. Publ.
No. 498) ,Vol. 1, 31 March-2 April 2004, pp. 436 - 441
75 A.Canova, C.Giuffrida, G.Gruosso, B.Vusini, M. Repetto
“Hybrid formulation for nonlinear magneto-statics”
Proceedings of 11th International IGTE Symposium, Graz (Austria), Sept. 13-15, 2004
76 A. Canova, F. Freschi, M. Repetto, M. Tartaglia
"Identification of Power Frequency Industrial Magnetic Field Sources for Shielding Purposes"
IEEE-39th Industry Applications Conference (IAS) Annual Meeting, 3-7 October 2004, Vol. 2, pp. 768-73.
77 A. Canova, B. Vusini,
"Analytical Modeling of Rotating Eddy Current Couplers"
IEEE Trans. Mag. Vol. 41, n. 1, Jan 2005, pp. 24-35
78 A.Canova, G.Gruosso, M. Repetto
“An Integral Approach based on Dual Discretization and Method of Moment for the solution of static
electric field”
COMPEL; Vol. 24, No 2, 2005 pagg. 446-457.
79 A. Canova, F. Freschi, M. Repetto, M. Tartaglia
" Identification of Equivalent Source System for electromagnetic field pollution evaluation"
18th International Conference and Exibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED, 6-9 June 2005, Torino
80 A. Canova, F. Freschi, M. Repetto, M. Tartaglia
18th International Conference and Exibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED, 6-9 June 2005, Torino
81 A. Canova, M. Lamperth, H. Razavi, B. Vusini,
"Enhancement of clutch efficiency in hybrid vehicles by electromagnetic assisting technology",
EVS21, Monaco (Germany), March. 2005.
82 A. Canova, B. Vusini, M. Repetto,
"Analysis of accuracy and computational cost of 1/R integrals"
Revue Iternationale de Genie Electrique, Vol. 8, n. 1/2005, 2005, pp. 59-76.
83 A. Canova, C. Giuffrida,. G. Gruosso, M. Repetto,
“Magnetization sources in 3D magnetostatic finite formulation”
Revue Iternationale de Genie Electrique, Vol. 8, n. 1/2005, 2005, pp. 23-33.
84 A. Canova, F. Freschi, M. Repetto, M. Tartaglia
" Description of power lines by equivalent source system"
COMPEL; Vol. 24, No 3, 2005 pagg. 893-905.
85 Canova, A. and Freschi, F. and Gruosso, G. and Vusini, B.,
“Genetic Optimisation of Radial Eddy Current Couplings”,
COMPEL, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2005, pp. 767-783
86 Canova, A. and Freschi, F. and Repetto, M.,
“Hybrid Method Coupling AIS and Zero-th Order Deterministic Search”,
COMPEL, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2005, pp. 784-795
87 A.Canova, F. Cavalli, P. Macchi, M. Silvagni, M. Visconti
“2D and 3D Modelling of U-shape Electromechanical Actuators for Mechatronic Applications”
IET- Conf. PEMD03 - Dublin, 4-6 Aprile 2006, pp. 281-285.
88 A. Canova, F. Freschi, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“Modelling of Magnetic Field Pollution Generated by Power Transformers”
IET- Conf. PEMD 2006 - Dublin, 4-6 Aprile 2006, pp. 566-570.
89 A. Canova, A. Garramone, G. Gruosso
“Design and Optimisation of Two phase Tubular Permanent Magnet Linear Motors for Custom
IET- Conf. PEMD 2006 - Dublin, 4-6 Aprile 2006, pp. 177-181.
90 A. Canova, G. Gruosso and M. Tartaglia
“Insulated Joint for Corrosion Protection of Buried Subway Gallery Structure: Consideration on Cable
Ground Connection”
IEEE Trans. On Power Del., Vol. 21, n. 2, Apr. 2006, pp. 966-970.
91 A.Canova, F. Freschi, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto,
"Characterization of an industrial U-Shaped electromagnet", Proc. of 7th International
Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2006), Aussois
(France), June 19-22, 2006
92 A.Canova, F. Freschi, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto,
"Coupling of Finite Formulation with integral techniques", Proc. of 7th International
Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2006), Aussois
(France), June 19-22, 2006
93 N. Amati, A. Canova, F. Cavalli, S. Carabelli, A. Festini, A. Tonoli, G. Caviasso,
“Electromagnetic Shock Absorbers for Automotive Suspensions: Electromechanical Design”
ESDA 2006 8th Biennal ASME Conference, ISBN: 0-7918-3779-3- July 4-7 2006, Torino, Italy
94 A. Canova, F. Spertino, L. Giaccone, M. Tartaglia
Sixth World Energy System Conference 2006, WESC 2006, ISBN10 88-8738051-1, Torino, 10-12, July
95 A. Canova, G. Chicco, G. Genon and P. Mancarella
Sixth World Energy System Conference 2006, WESC 2006, ISBN10 88-8738051-1, Torino, 10-12, July
2006, pp. 689-696
96 A. Canova, F. Freschi, M. Repetto, M. Tartaglia,
“Multi Objective Combinatorial Optimization on power cable Layout”,
Proc. 9-th workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetics OIPE 2006, Sorrento,
September 2006, pp. 211-212, ISBN 88 7146 733-7.
97 A.Canova, C. Cavallero, F. Freschi, M. Repetto, M. Tartaglia,
“Energy Management System for Cogenerating Units”,
Proc. 9-th workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetics OIPE 2006, Sorrento,
September 2006,. pp. 143-144, ISBN 88 7146 733-7.
98 A. Canova, F.Freschi, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto
“Identification Of Magnetic Circuit Parameters For Power Electronic Transformers”
Proc. 9-th workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetics OIPE 2006, Sorrento,
September 2006,. pp. 143-144, ISBN 88 7146 733-7.
99 A. Canova, G. Gruosso,
“3D source simulation method for static fields in inhomogeneous media”
Int. J. Numer. Meth. In Engng, Published 21 Nov 2006 in
( DOI: 10.1002/nme.1923.
100 Canova, D.M. Carrara,M.T. Cazzaniga, G. Gruosso, M. Zavatti,
“Campo magnetico prodotto da cabine di trasformazione”, Terzo convegno nazionale: Controllo
ambientale degli agenti fisici, dal monitoraggio alle azioni di risanamento e bonifica, 7-9 Giugno, Biella,
101 N. Amati, A. Canova, F. Cavalli, M. Padovani, A. Tonoli,
" Dynamic behavior of torsional eddy current dampers: sensitivity of the design parameters"
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol 43, Issue 7, July. 2007, pp. 3266 - 3277
102 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, D. Lahaye and M. Repetto
“Adaptive Manifold-Mapping Using Multi-Quadrics Applied to Linear Actuator Design”
COMPEL; Vol. 26, No 2, 2007, pagg. 230-240.
103 A. Canova, F. Freschi, M. Tartaglia
“Multi Objective Combinatorial Optimization of Power Cable Layout”
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol 43, Issue 10, Oct. 2007, pp. 3914 – 3920
104 V. Cacciatore, A. Canova, A. Vallan and B. Vusini,
“Experience and technologies in NDT of ropes”,
Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 347, 2007, pp. 627-632
105 A. Canova, C. Cavallero, F.Freschi, L. Giaccone, M. Tartaglia, M. Repetto
“Economical Benefits of dispersed trigeneration”, Int. Conf. on Sustainable Building South Europe, 7-8
June 2007, Turin (Italy), ISBN 10 88-7661-748-5, pp. 193-200
106 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Mitolo, M. Tartaglia,
“Evaluation of Voltage Exposures due to AC/DC Stray Currents”, 2007, 42-nd IAS Annual Meeting
Conference Record of the 2007 IEEE, pp. 1517-1521.
107 A. Canova, C. Claudio, F. Freschi, L. Giaccone, M. Repetto, M. Tartaglia,
“Comparative Economical Analysis of a Small Scale Trigenerative Plant: a Case Study”, 2007, 42-nd IAS
Annual Meeting Conference Record of the 2007 IEEE, pp. 1456-1459.
To be published on IEEE Industry Applications Magazine
108 A. Canova, L. Giaccone, F. Spertino,
“Sun Tracking For Capture Improvement: Simulation and Experimental Results On Operating System”,
22nd EU PVSEC, Milano, Italy, 3 – 7 September 2007, pp 3053-3058 , ISBN: 3-936338-22-1
109 A.Canova, B. Vusini,
“Magnetic Analysis of Non Destructive Testing Detectors for Ferromagnetic Ropes”
COMPEL; Vol. 27, No 4, 2008, pagg. 867-878.
ISEF 2007 - XIII International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and
Electronic Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, September 13-15, 2007, pp. 520-521 ISBN 978-80-0103784-3
110 A. Canova, L. Giaccone,
“Numerical Modelling of Busbar System“
ISEF 2007 - XIII International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and
Electronic Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, September 13-15, 2007, pp. 334-335 ISBN 978-80-0103784-3
111 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, B. Vusini,
“ Electromagnetic Modelling of Resistance Spot Welding“
ISEF 2007 - XIII International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and
Electronic Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, September 13-15, 2007, pp. 453-454, ISBN 978-80-0103784-3
112 A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto,
“ Design Procedure and Parameter Analysis of Switched Reluctance Transverse Flux Motor“
ISEF 2007 - XIII International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and
Electronic Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, September 13-15, 2007, pp. 16-17, ISBN 978-80-0103784-3
113 A. Canova, G. Chicco, and P. Mancarella
POWERENG 2007. International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives,
12-14 April 2007, pp. 684 – 689, Setubal, Portugal, ISBN: 978-1-4244-0895-5,
114 A. Canova, B. Dalla Chiara , A. Vallan and B.Vusini,
“Prestazioni e caratteristiche della nuova attrezzatura LMA per il controlo delle funi in esercizio”
Quota Neve, vol. 142, pp. 44-48 novembre-dicembre 2007
115 A. Canova, B. Dalla Chiara , A. Vallan and B.Vusini,
“Il controllo delle funi in esercizio attraverso la misura del campo magnetico assiale”
Tecnologie del Filo, Marzo 2008, pp. 48-54.
116 A. Canova, F. Freschi , G. Gruosso and M. Repetto
“Coupling of finite formulation with integral techniques”
COMPEL; Vol. 27, No 1, 2008, pagg. 37-46.
117 A. Canova, M. Capuzzi , L. Giaccone, “Impiego della cogenerazione in ambito alberghiero”
Power Technology, Luglio 2008, pagg. 44-53.
118 A. Canova, G. Chicco, G. Genon and P. Mancarella
ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, pp. 2900-2909, 2008, Vol. 49, ISSN: 0196-8904, DOI:
119 A. Canova, F. Cavalli
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol 44, Issue 10, Oct. 2008, pp. 2381-2395
120 A. Canova, L. Giaccone
“Economical comparison of CHP systems for industrial user with large steam demand”
APPLIED ENERGY, 2008, ISSN: 0306-2619, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2008.10.025
“Identification of Equivalent Material Properties for 3-D Numerical Modeling of Induction Heating of
Ferromagnetic Workpieces”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, vol. 45; 2009, p. 1851-1854,
ISSN: 0018-9464, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2012830
“Simplified Approach for 3-D Nonlinear Induction Heating Problems”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
MAGNETICS, vol. 45; 2009, p. 1855-1858, ISSN: 0018-9464, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2012831
123 CANOVA A., F. FRESCHI, M. REPETTO, M. TARTAGLIA, “Identification of an Equivalent-Source System
for Magnetic Stray Field Evaluation” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, vol. 24; 2009, p.
1352-1358, ISSN: 0885-8977, doi: 10.1109/TPWRD.2008.2007015
“Optimal energy management.” IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE, vol. 15; 2009, p. 62-65,
ISSN: 1077-2618
125 CANOVA A., L. GIACCONE, F. SPERTINO, M. TARTAGLIA, “Electrical Impact of Photovoltaic Plant in
126 A. Canova,
“La verifica dell’integrità delle funi per il sollevamento delle persone e delle merci”
Tecnologie del Filo, Marzo 2009, pp. ????.
127 A. Canova, L. Giaccone, “Numerical and Analytical Modelling of Busbar Systems” IEEE TRANSACTIONS
ON POWER DELIVERY, Volume 24, Issue 3, July 2009 Page(s):1568 - 1578, Digital Object Identifier
128 A. Canova and L. Giaccone,
“Magnetic field mitigation of power cable by high magnetic coupling passive loop”
20th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2009,
Prague, Czech Republic, 8-11 June 2009
129 A.Canova and L. Giaccone,
“Optimal design of high magnetic coupling passive loop for power lines field mitigation”
COMPEL, vol. 28, pp. 1294–1308, 2009
130 A. Canova, F. Degasperi, F. Ficili, M. Forzan, B. Vusini
“Experimental and numerical characterisation of ferromagnetic ropes and non-destructive testing device”
Proc. OIPEEC Conference 18th - 20th March 2009, pp. 289-298, Stuttgart, Germany
131 A. Canova, P. Boschiazzo, F. Ficili, P. Frighi, B. Vusini, “Magneto-inductive testing of steel ropes in
elevators” Elevatori, The European Elevator Magazine, n.2, 2009, pp. 66-75, ISSN 1121-7995.
132 A. Canova, F. Freschi, L. Giaccone, A. Guerrisi, M. Repetto, “Magnetic field mitigation of power lines by
means of passive loop: technical and economical optimization”, 11th Workshop on Optimization and
Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, OIPE 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 14 - 18, 2010, pp 96-97,
ISBN 978-954-438-855-3
133 A. Canova
“La tecnica magneto induttiva per il controllo delle funi metalliche
AIPnD Conference – Rome, 15-17 October 2009
e-Journal of NDT (eJNDT) ISSN 1435-4934
134 A. Canova, F. Freschi
“Multiobjective Design Optimization and Pareto Front Analysis of a Radial Eddy Current Coupler”
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, IOS Press, Volume 32, Number
4 / 2010, DOI 10.3233/JAE-2010-1079, pp. 219-236
135 A.Canova, F. Ficili, D. Rossi, F. Sciacca, B. Vusini
“Magneto-inductive sensors for metallic ropes in lift application”
International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2010), Lecce, June 3-5, 2010
Submitted to Sensors & Transducers Journal ISSN 1726-5479, pp.71-81, Vol. 9
136 A.Canova, F. Ficili, D. Rossi
“Innovative Magneto-Inductive Systems for Metallic Ropes”
10th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Moscow 2010, June 7-11
e-Journal of NDT (eJNDT) ISSN 1435-4934
137 E. Bonisoli, A. Canova, F. Freschi, S. Moos, M. Repetto, S. Tornincasa, “Dynamic simulation of an
electromechanical energy scavenging device”, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 2010, August 2010,
46(8), ISSN: 0018-9464, DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2010.2044156, pp. 2856-2859.
138 A. Canova, F. Freschi., L. Giaccone., M. Repetto, “Exposure of working population to pulsed magnetic
fields” , IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, pp. 4, 2010, Vol. 46, pagine da 2819 a 2822, ISSN: 00189464, DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2010.2044393
139 A. Canova, L. Giaccone, “A Novel Technology for Magnetic-Field Mitigation: High Magnetic Coupling
Passive Loop”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, pp. 9, 2011, Vol. 26, pagine da 1625 a 1633,
ISSN: 0885-8977, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2010.
140 R.. Turri, P. Casagrande, A. Canova, L. Giaccone, M. Manca, “Simplified power transformer models for
environmental magnetic impact analysis”, accepted for the 2nd International Conference on Extremely
Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields, Paris, France, 24-25 Mars 2011
141 D. Bavastro, A. Canova , L. Giaccone, “Multilayer shields for MV/LV electrical substations”, accepted for
the 2nd International Conference on Extremely Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields, Paris,
France, 24-25 Mars 2011
142 A. Canova, L. Giaccone, “Application of High Magnetic passive loop to the magnetic mitigation of HV
junction zone”, accepted for the 2nd International Conference on Extremely Low Frequency Electric and
Magnetic Fields, Paris, France, 24-25 Mar 2011
143 A. Canova, F. Freschi, L. Giaccone, A. Guerrisi, “The High Magnetic Coupling Passive Loop: a steadystate and transient analysis of the thermal behaviour”, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 37, pp. 154164. - ISSN 1359-4311
144 A. Canova, D. Bavastro, F. Freschi, L. Giaccone, M. Repetto, “Magnetic shielding solutions for the
junction zone of high voltage underground power lines”, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 89
(2012), pp 109–115
145 A. Canova, F. Freschi, L. Giaccone, A. Guerrisi, M. Repetto, “Magnetic field mitigation of power lines by
means of passive loop: technical optimization”, The international journal for computation and mathematics
in electrical and electronic engineering COMPEL, Vol.31 n. 3, 2012, pp 870–880.
146 D. Bavastro, A. Canova, L. Giaccone, M. Manca, "An integral model for the computation of the magnetic
field emission of MV/LV oil transformer", In: Proceedings of 19th Conference of the Computation of
Electromagnetics Fields, COMPUMAG 2013, Budapest, Hungary, 30 June - 4 July
147 Bavastro, D., Canova, A., Cirimele, V., Freschi, F. , Giaccone, L., Guglielmi, P., Repetto, M., "Design of
wireless power transmission for a charge while driving system", In: Proceedings of 19th Conference of the
Computation of Electromagnetics Fields, COMPUMAG 2013, Budapest, Hungary, 30 June - 4 July
148 D.Bavastro, A.Canova, L.Giaccone, M.Manca, "Mitigation of Complex MV/LV Substation", In Proceedings
of 3rd International Conference on Extremely Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields, Nara, Japan,
15-16 October 2013
149 D. Bavastro, A. Canova, F. Freschi, L. Giaccone, M. Manca, "3D Modelling of Conductive and
Ferromagnetic Shields", In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Extremely Low Frequency
Electric and Magnetic Fields, Nara, Japan, 15-16 October 2013
150 D.Bavastro, A. Canova, L. Giaccone, M. Manca, "0" Emission MV/LV substation, In Proceedings of 3rd
International Conference on Extremely Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields, Nara, Japan, 15-16
October 2013
151 D. Bavastro, A. Canova, F. Freschi, L. Giaccone, M. Manca, "Equivalent transformer model for stray field
computation", In Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation,
Annecy, France, 25-28 May, 2014.
152 Canova A.; Del Pino Lopez J.C., Giaccone L., Manca M., "Active shielding system for ELF Magnetic
Fields", In Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Annecy,
France, 25-28 May, 2014.
153 Bavastro, D., Canova, A., Giaccone, L., Manca, M., “Integral and analytical models for evaluating the
distance of compliance”, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and
Fields, Volume 27, Issue 3, May-June 2014, Pages 590-599, DOI: 10.1002/jnm.1941
154 Bavastro, D., Canova, A., Cirimele, V., Freschi, F. , Giaccone, L., Guglielmi, P., Repetto, M., “Design of
wireless power transmission for a charge while driving system”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Volume
50, Issue 2, February 2014, DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2283339
155 Bavastro, D., Canova, A., Giaccone, L., Manca, M., Numerical and experimental development of
multilayer magnetic shields, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 116 (2014), pp 374–380, DOI:
156 Juan Carlos del-Pino-López, Luca Giaccone, Aldo Canova, Pedro Cruz Romero, Ga-based active loop
optimization for magnetic field mitigation of MV/LV substations, IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 12,
N. 6, pp. 1055-1061, DOI: 10.1109/TLA.2014.6894000
157 Canova A; Freschi F; Giaccone L; Manca M, "A simplified procedure for the exposure to the magnetic
field produced by resistance spot welding guns". To be presented at the 20th International Conference on
Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (Compumag 2015), 28 June - 2 July 2015 in Montreal, Canada
158 D. Bavastro, A. Canova, L. Giaccone, M. Manca, "Local distributor zero emission substation", To be
presented at the 23rd Internationa Conference and Exibition on Electricity Distribution, Lyon, France, 1518 June 2015.
159 M. Manca, A. Canova, L. Giaccone, J.C. del-Pino-López, "Low-cost active shield for MV/LV substations",
To be presented at the 23rd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Lyon,
France, 15-18 June 2015.
160 Juan Carlos del-Pino-López, Luca Giaccone, Aldo Canova, Pedro Cruz Romero, Design of active loops
for magnetic field mitigation in MV/LV substation surroundings, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol.
119 (2015), pp 337–344, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2014.10.019