European Research Council AdG proposal preparation – do’s and don’ts Mirjam Witschke AdG Call Coordination ERCEA Scientific Management Department Advanced Grant Unit │1 European Research Council 3. AdG proposal preparation Æ do do’s s and don’ts don ts │2 European Research Council Milestones in p proposal p submission & evaluation Legal basis for ERC calls for proposals Approval of results and final notifications to applicants Preparation & submission phase (approx. 3 months) Call deadline Two- step evaluation Step 1 (Part B1) Step 2 ( (full u p proposal) oposa ) Registration and submission in EPSS Call published on CORDIS Work Programme 2011 Evaluation and approval phase (9 (9-11 11 months) │3 European Research Council Legal g and strategic g framework • Annual ERC Work Programme ( (usually ll published bli h d iin JJuly) l ) • Legal basis for ERC calls for proposals: Î Policy objectives and principles of ERC funding g Î ERC grant schemes (submission & proposal, evaluation eligibility & evaluation criteria) Î Call fiche (indicative call budget and di t ib ti b distribution by d domain) i ) │4 European Research Council Legal g and strategic g framework Annual ERC Work Programme 9Principle Investigator and Host Institution g for the call ((followingg the eligibility g y criteria and eligible restrictions for applications)? 9Profile of an AdG applicant: do I have sufficient significant research achievements in the last 10 years to be competitive? │5 ERC Work Programme eligibility modifications for AdG 2011 European Research Council WP 2010 WP 2011 Re-application rule changed: only allowed ll d tto re-apply l ffor ERC-2011-AdG ERC 2011 AdG if proposal is evaluated above quality threshold at step-2 but not funded. Re- application rule relaxed: Applicants of th ERC-2010-AdG the ERC 2010 AdG callll need d tto h have mett the quality threshold after step 1 to be eligible for the ERC-2011-AdG call. Restriction for AdG 2009 Panel Members: PIs who served as a panel member for the AdG 2009 may not apply to th AdG 2011 the Involvement of PI – eligibility criteria: at least 30% of working time to the ERC-funded project while spending at least 50% of the total working time in an EU Member State or Associated A i t dC Country t Involvement of PI – evaluation criteria: at least 30% of working g time to the ERCfunded project while spending at least 50% of the total working time in an EU Member State or Associated Country │6 European Research Council Profile of an ERC Advanced Grant applicant Î Active researchers which are exceptional leaders in terms of the originality and significance of their research contribution Î 10 years track track-record record of significant research achievements (extension of max 14,5 years if career breaks in that period) Î At least one or more of the following benchmarks (depending on the th research h fi field): ld) • • • • • • 10 publications as senior author 3 major research monographs 5 granted patents 10 invited presentations 3 research exhibitions led by the applicant 3 well-established international conferences were applicant was involved as member of the steering/organisation committee • international recognition through scientific prizes/awards or membership in scientific academies │7 European Research Council Evaluation Criteria Excellence as sole criterion, to apply to: 1. Principal Investigator Î Î Intellectual capacity and creativity Commitment 2. Quality of the research project Î Î Î Î Î Ground-breaking nature of the research and potential impact High risk/high gain balance Feasibility (step 1) Methodology and resources (step 2) Participation and added value of team members from another host institution (step 2) │8 European Research Council Evaluation criterion 1 - AdG 1. Principal Investigator IIntellectual t ll t l capacity it and d creativity ti it To what extent is the Principal Investigator's (and any Co-Investigator if applicable) record of research, collaborations, project conception, supervision of students and publications ground-breaking and demonstrative of independent creative thinking and the capacity to go significantly beyond the state of the art? Commitment Is the Principal Investigator strongly committed to the project and willing to devote a significant amount of time to it (PI will be expected to devote at least 30% of working time to the ERC-funded project and spend at least 50% of total working time in an EU Member State or associated country)? │9 European Research Council Evaluation criterion 2 - AdG 2. Research project Ground-breaking nature and potential impact of the research: T what To h t extent t t does d the th proposed d research h address dd iimportant t t challenges h ll att th the ffrontiers ti off the field(s) addressed? To what extent does it have suitably ambitious objectives, which go substantially beyond the current state of the art (e.g. including inter- and trans-disciplinary developments and novel or unconventional concepts and/or approaches)? Methodology: To what extent does the possibility of a major breakthrough with an impact beyond a specific research domain/discipline justify any highly novel and/or unconventional methodologies ("high-gain/high-risk balance")? To what extent is the outlined scientific approach feasible? To what extent is the proposed research methodology (including the proposed timescales and resources) appropriate to achieve the goals of the project? To what extent are the resources requested necessary and properly justified? (assessed at step 2) If it is proposed that team members engaged by another host institution participate in the project j t iis th their i participation ti i ti ffully ll jjustified tifi d b by th the scientific i tifi added dd d value l th they b bring i tto th the project? (assessed at step 2) │ 10 European Research Council AdG 2011: call publication p • Call published on CORDIS Æ IDEAS • Information package: applicable Guide for Applicants call fiche and ERC Work programme Applicants, • EPSS- submission (Electronic Proposals Submission Service) Æ • Single g submission Î full proposal, 2 step- evaluation │ 11 AdG 2011: Proposal preparation and submission European Research Council 9 register early, get familiar with the system and templates g in the forms and start filling 9 make use of the help tools and guidance documents (FAQ, GfA, EPSS guide) to prepare your proposal 9 submit your proposal and relevant annexes in EPSS well in advance before the deadline to avoid last minute errors ! A submitted proposal can be revised until the call deadline by submitting a new version and overwriting the previous one (only what is in the system at the time of the deadline will be evaluated) │ 12 European Research Council AdG 2011: Submission forms EPSS ERC Grant proposal AdG 2011 PART A – online forms A1 A2 A3 Proposal, PI (+Co-I),HI data H t iinstitution/ Host tit ti / other organisations Budget (reference for grant) Annexes – submitted as .pdf - Signed Host Institution letter - If applicable: explanatory info and docs on ethical issues - Co-Investigator Annex (if applicable) PART B1 – submitted as .pdf pdf Section 1 Track Record of PI a) Scientific Leadership (factual) b) CV (including “funding ID”) c) Early achievements track record d)) Extended synopsis y p 1 p. 2 p. 2 p. 5p p. PART B2 – submitted as .pdf Section 2 Scientific proposal 15 p. Section 3 Research Environment │ 13 European Research Council Proposal preparation EPSS: do’s and don’ts – Administrative A A--forms Section A1: Proposal and PI (+Co-I) information 9 accurate administrative data: PI and HI name, country and contact details (used for notification letters letters, applicant’s web account and administrative checks, statistical purposes) PART A – online forms A1 Proposal, PI (+Co-I),HI data A2 Host institution/ other organisations A3 Budget (reference for grant) 9 indicated Co-Investigator information consistent with details given in Part B1 and Co-Investigator Annex) 9 concise and no confidential information in title and abstract (may be communicated to external referees when contacting them) 9 carefully select Primary ERC Review Panel ('Targeted Review Panel') by which you would like your proposall tto b be evaluated l t d and d kkeywords d │ 14 European Research Council Proposal preparation EPSS: do’s and don’ts – Administrative A A--forms • Targeted Review Panel (of PI choice and responsibility) Î Can flag one “Alternative Alternative Review Panel” Panel • Primary panel is “responsible” and takes ownership for the evaluation of that proposal • Only in exceptional cases proposals can be transferred between panels e.g. in case of clear mistake by applicant • However: switching of proposals between domains (and deadlines) not possible • But: In case cross-panel or cross-domain proposals, evaluation byy members of other p panels p possible │ 15 European Research Council Proposal preparation EPSS: do’s and don’ts – Administrative A A--forms Section A2: Host information and other organisations 9 accurate administrative data: name of legal representative p from the Host Institution ((commitment)) and contact details for administrative contact person (e-mail address) 9 other institutes/organisations (e.g. legal entity from Co-Investigator, team member) ⇒ no consortia! PART A – online forms A1 Proposal, PI (+Co-I),HI data A2 Host institution/ other organisations A3 Budget (reference for grant) Section A3: Budget and cost allocation 9 budget table: breakdown of total costs per category and organisation 9 requested ERC grant and needs to be consistent with t the t e research esea c p proposal oposa ((Part a t B2,, Section Sect o 2c, c, Resources) 9 total eligible costs = grant request (full cost model), costs are g given without VAT and in whole Euros │ 16 Proposal preparation EPSS: do’s and don’ts – Part B proposal Part B section 1 : PI profile (+Co-I) a) Scientific Leadership profile (fact-based and not only self-appraisal) 9 content and impact of the major scientific or scholarly contributions, 9 international recognition and diffusion 9 efforts and ability to inspire younger researchers (e.g. careers of post-docs) 9 p proven ability y to change g research fields and/or to establish new interdisciplinary approaches b) CV (including “funding ID” with recent and ongoing grants and applications) European Research Council PART B1 – submitted as .pdf Section 1 Track Record of PI (+Co-I) a) Scientific Leadership 1 p. b) CV (including “funding ID”) 2 p. c) 10- years track record 2 p. d) Extended synopsis 5 p. │ 17 Proposal preparation EPSS: do’s and don’ts – Part B proposal Part B section 1: PI profile (+Co-I) c) 10-year track record (list of activities in the past 10 years depending on the discipline) years, 9 top 10 publications, as senior author (+ citations and if applicable h-index) 9 Research monographs g p 9 Invited presentations to peer-reviewed, internationally established conferences 9 Research expeditions p 9 Granted patents 9 Organisation of International conferences 9 International Prizes/Awards/Academy memberships 9 Memberships to Editorials Boards of International Journals European Research Council PART B1 – submitted as .pdf Section 1 Track Record of PI (+Co-I) a) Scientific Leadership 1 p. b) CV (including “funding ID”) 2 p. c) 10- years track record 2 p. d) Extended synopsis 5 p. ! Co-Investigator Co Investigator projects: also section 1 a), b), c) with Co-I profile │ 18 Proposal preparation EPSS: do’s and don’ts – Part B proposal European Research Council Part B section 1: extended synopsis PART B1 – submitted as .pdf 9 Should contain all relevant information including the feasibility of the scientific proposal 9 Ground-breaking nature in the proposed work in context of the state of the art 9 References to literature 9 PI’s time commitment to the project (min 30%) Section 1 Track Record of PI (+Co-I) a) Scientific Leadership 1 p. b) CV (including “funding ID”) 2 p. c) 10- years track record 2 p. d) Extended synopsis 5 p. ⇒ needs to be carefully drafted as it will give first impression of proposed research (panel will only evaluate Part B1 at step 1) │ 19 Proposal preparation EPSS: do’s and don’ts – Part B proposal Part B section 2): scientific proposal a) State of the art and objectives (incl. unconventional multi-/ interdisciplinary approaches) b) Methodology (novel aspects in relation to state of the art) c) Resources (incl. project costs) 9 use the costing table template to facilitate the assessment of resources and costs 9 breakdown of yearly budget subdivided in: - personnel costs, equipment, other direct costs: consumables, travel, publication costs, subcontracting if applicable + 20 % indirect costs (excl. sub-contracting) ⇒ summary in A 3 form d) Ethical Issues table 9 must be filled in even if no issues European Research Council PART B2 – submitted as .pdf Section 2 Scientific proposal 15 p. a)) State St t off the th artt and d objectives bj ti b) Methodology c) Resources d) Ethi Ethicall issues i table t bl ! realistic estimation based on actual needs unjustified, unnecessary and overestimated costs will probably be reduced │ 20 Proposal preparation EPSS: do’s and don’ts – Annexes Annexes and supporting documents 9 Scanned copy of the signed Commitement letter of the Host Institution (template!) If applicable: European Research Council Annexes – submitted as .pdf - Signed Host Institution letter - If applicable: explanatory info and docs on ethical issues - Co-Investigator Annex (if applicable) If YES in ethical issues table: 9 Ethical issues Annex (template): d description i ti off ethical thi l iissue + any supporting documents for authorisations e.g. from ethical committees 9 Co-Investigator Annex ! Given page limit should be respected and any other documents hyperlinks documents, to embedded material etc will be disregarded ( q (required Annexes will not count towards the page limit) │ 21 European Research Council AdG Call 2011: deadlines AdG 2011 call on CORDIS and ERC website PE deadline 9 February 2011, 17h Brussels time LS deadline 10 March 2011, 17h Brussels time SH deadline d dli 6A Aprilil 2011 2011, 17h Brussels B l time ti ! Submit S b it in i time ti ⇒ No N additional dditi l information i f ti can be b accepted after the call deadline │ 22 European Research Council ERC Advanced Grants 2011 - points i t to t remember b Synopsis of Part B 1 should be carefully written (this is the only proposal information that is accessible and assessed at step 1) Coherency C off budget figures f (A3 and Part B2, in case of doubt usually A3 figures serves as a reference) Feedback in form of an Evaluation report: ⇒ Evaluation report consists of panel comments summarising the Panel decision and individual comments (Panel Members, remote referees) f ) which hi h may nott b be necessarily il convergent! t! Individual reviews are done remotely and are not harmonised Resubmissions: an evaluation result can differ from one year to another (proposals are evaluated in the context of each competition) titi ) │ 23 FP7 IDEAS Programme European Research Council The European Research Council ERC Executive Agency │ 24 European Research Council ERC evaluation procedure Proposals (EPSS) Deadline Proposals ineligible (excluded) Checks I d Independent d t remote t reviews i by b panell members b Proposals passed t step to t 2 Step 1 panel meetings g Proposals rejected j t d Independent remote reviews by panel members and remote referees Step 2 panel meetings (StG +interview) Proposals selected Proposals rejected Proposals pending Final panel chair meeting Proposals selected Reserve list │ 25