Lecture List - Faculty of Philosophy

Philosophy Lecture List for Michaelmas Term 2016
PLEASE NOTE: the Philosophy Centre is based at the Radcliffe Humanities building (Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG).
That building is designated as Rad. Hum. on this plan.
Lectures begin on the first possible day after the beginning of Full Term (Sunday 11 October) unless otherwise
stated. Lecture series run for weeks 1 to 8 unless otherwise stated.
Lectures will begin at five minutes after the hour and end at five minutes before the next hour.
The information below is subject to change. Please make sure that you check the Faculty’s website
http://www.philosophy.ox.ac.uk/lectures for the most up-to-date information. Detailed course descriptions
will be published in the Lecture Prospectus, available on that webpage.
Please comment on our lectures using the online questionnaire at the same webpage.
This information is correct as at 27 September 2016.
Lecturer / Convener
Undergraduate Lectures: Lectures for the First Public Examination (“Prelims” / “Mods”) - see notes, p.3
M. 12
Introduction to Logic
Prof James Studd
W. 12
General Philosophy (route A)
Prof Peter Millican
Moral Philosophy: Mill, Utilitarianism
Early Greek Philosophy
Prof Will MacAskill
F. 12
Dr Irini Viltanioti
M. 12
Th. 10
Undergraduate Lectures: Core Lectures for the Honour Schools (“Finals”)
101 Early Modern Philosophy: Descartes
Prof Paul Lodge
101 Early Modern Philosophy: Spinoza
Prof William Mander
101 Early Modern Philosophy: Berkeley
Prof Peter Kail
W. 11
(weeks 1 to 4)
W. 10
102 Knowledge and Reality: Epistemology
Prof Lizzie Fricker
M. 10
Prof Jeff McMahan
M. 2
104 Philosophy of Mind
Dr Denis Buehler
F. 10
Rad. Hum.
(Lecture Room)
106a / 124 Philosophy of Science
Prof Adam Caulton
T. 10
106b Philosophy of Social Science
Prof Frank Arntzenius
F. 10
Rad. Hum.
(Lecture Room)
107 Philosophy of Religion
Prof Brian Leftow
Th. 4
112 Kant: Critique of Pure Reason
Prof Dan Robinson
113 Post-Kantian Philosophy: Heidegger
Dr Elizabeth Cykowski
T. 2 – 4
(weeks 1 to 4)
F. 10
103 Ethics: Applied Ethics
113 Post-Kantian Philosophy: Schopenhauer Prof William Mander
113 Post-Kantian Philosophy: Nietzsche
Prof Stephen Mulhall
W. 11
(weeks 5 to 8)
T. 12
Rad. Hum.
(Lecture Room)
New College
There are two lecture series covering General Philosophy, Route A and Route B, falling in Michaelmas and Hilary Term respectively. Route
A approaches the topics via readings from Descartes, Locke, and Hume; route B by a variety of classic contemporary readings. Students
need attend only one of the series but are strongly encouraged to attend both.
These lectures cover both topics on applied ethics for the 103 Ethics paper and the topics for the new paper 128 Practical Ethics (which
will be first examined in 2018). In the event of attendance exceeding room capacity, priority will be given to undergraduates on
Philosophy degrees taking one of these papers for Finals.
114 Theory of Politics
T. 12
115/130 Plato: Republic
Lecturer / Convener
Dr Gideon Elford, Prof Dan
McDermott, and Dr Stuart White
Prof Luca Castagnoli
T. 10
116/132 Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics
Prof Ursula Coope
W. 10
118 Later Philosophy of Wittgenstein
Prof Bill Child
T. 10
120 Intermediate Philosophy of Physics:
Quantum Mechanics
121 Advanced Philosophy of Physics
Dr Christopher Timpson and Prof
Harvey Brown
Prof Harvey Brown
M. T. 11
122 Philosophy of Mathematics
Prof Alex Paseau
124 Philosophy of Science
Prof Adam Caulton
M. T. 12
(weeks 5 to 8)
T. 10
128 Practical Ethics
Prof Jeff McMahan
M. 2
131 Plato: Theaetetus
Prof Michail Peramatzis
133 Aristotle: Physics
Prof Ursula Coope
W. 12
(weeks 1 to 6)
T. 12
University College
(10 Merton Street)
Rad. Hum.
(Lecture Room)
Rad. Hum.
(Ryle Room)
Rad. Hum.
(Lecture Room)
Rad. Hum.
(Lecture Room)
Rad. Hum.
(Lecture Room)
Worcester College
134 Sextus Empiricus: Outlines of
135 Latin Philosophy
Prof Luca Castagnoli
Prof Terence Irwin
Other Lectures (suitable for all audiences)
Gareth Evans Memorial Lecture: Pronouns, Prof Peter van Inwagen (Notre
Variables, Properties, and Relations
W. 4 – 6
Th. 11 – 1
(weeks 1 to 6)
T. 11 – 1
(weeks 1 to 6)
Corpus Christi College
(Fraenkel Room)
Oriel College
(MacGregor Room)
Keble College
T. 5 (week 2)
Merton College
(T S Eliot Lecture
Practical: Prof James Grant / Prof
Alison Hills / Prof Jeff McMahan
Theoretical: Prof Ralf Bader / Prof
John Hyman / Prof Ian Phillips
T. 2 – 4
Practical: Exeter / St
John’s / Corpus
Theoretical: Merton /
Queen’s / Rad. Hum.
(Ryle Room)
W. 4 – 6
Philosophy of Action
Prof Terence Irwin and Prof
Dominic Scott
Prof Cecile Fabre
Prof Will MacAskill and Prof
Andreas Mogensen
Dr Katherine O’Donnell (University
College Dublin)
Prof John Gibbons
Philosophy of Physics
Prof Harvey Brown
W. 4 – 6
Philosophy of Logic and Language
Prof Volker Halbach and Prof Tim
Dr Peter Hacker and Dr Dan
W. 11 – 1
Rad. Hum.
(Lecture Room)
All Souls College
Rad. Hum.
(Ryle Room)
Rad. Hum.
(Ryle Room)
Rad. Hum.
(locations TBC)
Rad. Hum.
(Ryle Room)
Rad. Hum.
(Ryle Room)
Rad. Hum.
(Ryle Room)
Graduate Classes
BPhil Pro-Seminar
Aristotle’s Ethics
Political Philosophy
Moral Philosophy
Feminist Philosophy
Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics
Th. 11 – 1
T. 11 – 1
F. 11 – 1
Th. 2 – 4
M. 11 – 1
These lectures cover both topics on applied ethics for the 103 Ethics paper and the topics for the new paper 128 Practical Ethics (which
will be first examined in 2018). In the event of attendance exceeding room capacity, priority will be given to undergraduates on
Philosophy degrees taking one of these papers for Finals.
Locations for the class will be finalized nearer the term: the series will likely take place in the Ryle Room and Lecture Room.
Regular Faculty Seminars
Moral Philosophy Seminar
Lecturer / Convener
Prof Jeff McMahan
M. 4.30 – 6.30
Rad. Hum.
(Lecture Room)
Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar
Prof Volker Halbach, Dr Dan
Isaacson and Prof James Studd
Dr Manuel Dries and Prof Joseph
Dr Anna Marmodoro
M. 4.30 – 6.30
Rad. Hum.
(Ryle Room)
T. 5 – 7
(even weeks)
Rad. Hum.
(Ryle Room)
Corpus Christi
Th. 4.30 – 6
Rad. Hum.
(Ryle Room)
Philosophy of Physics Seminar
Prof Terence Irwin, Prof Karen
Margrethe Nielsen, Prof Michael
Dr Christopher Timpson
Th. 4.30 – 6.30
Theoretical Philosophy Work in Progress
Dr Martin Pickup
The Jowett Society / Philosophical Society
Various conveners
F. 1 – 3
(even weeks)
F. 3.30 – 5.30
Rad. Hum.
(Lecture Room)
New College
Post-Kantian Philosophy Seminar
Power Structuralism/Metaphysics of
Entanglement group Seminar (odd weeks) /
Reading Group (even)
Workshop in Ancient Philosophy
Other Events
Feminist Theory Lectures
Freedom of Speech
Applied Ethics Discussion Group
Dr Pelagia Goulimari and Dr
Katherine Morris (conveners)
Prof Richard Sorabji (convener)
Dr Tom Douglas and Prof Julian
W. 4.30 – 6.30
Rad. Hum.
(Lecture Room)
T. 2
(i) T. 4 – 6 (weeks
1 – 3, 5, 6, 8)
(ii) T. 4.30 – 7
(week 7)
(iii) Th. 5.15 – 7
(extra in week 1)
T. 4 – 6
(weeks 3, 5, 8)
and T. 3 – 5
(week 7)
(i) Rad. Hum.
(Lecture Room)
(ii) St Antony’s College
(Syndicates Room)
(iii) Wolfson College
Rad. Hum.
(Meeting Room 4)
Students preparing for their First Public Examination (Prelims or Mods) should attend the following lectures this term:
PPE; Philosophy and Modern Languages; Philosophy and Theology; Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics: Introduction to Logic and
General Philosophy and Moral Philosophy/Mill
Mathematics and Philosophy; Physics and Philosophy; Computer Science and Philosophy : Introduction to Logic and General Philosophy
Literae Humaniores: Any of the lectures which corresponds to their chosen option for Mods
A note on locations:
The Radcliffe Humanities building (“Rad. Hum.” on the scheme above) has four floors, with lift access to all floors. The rooms chiefly used
by Philosophy for classes and lectures are the Ryle Room (1st floor), Lecture Room (2nd floor), and Seminar Room (3rd floor). Other rooms
sometimes used are the Colin Matthew Room and Meeting Room 4 (both ground floor).
The Examination Schools (“Schools”) is a major site for University lectures. It is found at 75-81 High Street. Electronic screens showing the
location of lectures and classes are found in the lobby of the building.
These lectures are open to all: the Feminist Theory Seminar, which assumes attendance at the lectures, is open only to those enrolled on
the MSt in Womens Studies.