Oncogene (1998) 17, 1903 ± 1910 1998 Stockton Press All rights reserved 0950 ± 9232/98 $12.00 http://www.stockton-press.co.uk/onc Modulation of endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump by Bcl-2 Tuan H Kuo, Hyeong-Reh Choi Kim, Liping Zhu, Yingjie Yu, Huei-Min Lin and Wayne Tsang Department of Pathology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan 48201, USA Members of the bcl-2 gene family encode proteins that function either to promote or to inhibit apoptosis. Despite numerous eorts, the mechanism of action of Bcl-2, an anti-apoptotic protein, is still not clear. In particular, the relation between Bcl-2 and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium store is not well-understood. In the present work, we examined the eect of Bcl-2 on the ER store. We demonstrate that overexpression of Bcl-2 in breast epithelial cells modulates ER store by upregulating calcium pump (SERCA) expression without aecting the release channel (IP3R). The steady state levels of SERCA2 mRNA and protein were both increased in Bcl-2 expression clones. The increase in SERCA2 protein leads to accelerated calcium uptake and enhanced Ca2+ loading. In addition, we also show the detection of intracellular interaction between Bcl-2 and SERCA molecules by co-immunoprecipitation. Since high lumenal Ca2+ concentration of ER is essential for normal cell functions, the results suggest that Bcl-2 preserves the ER Ca2+ store by upregulating SERCA gene expression as well as by a possible interaction with the pump. Keywords: Bcl-2; endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump; gene expression Introduction Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a major intracellular Ca2+ storage site in mammalian cells (Carafoli, 1987). Maintenance of Ca2+ homeostasis within the ER is essential for a number of vital cellular functions, including cell growth (Short et al., 1993; Waldron et al., 1994; Cheng et al., 1996), signal transduction (Berridge, 1993; Calpham, 1995), protein translation (Brostrom and Brostrom, 1990), processing and transport (Lodish et al., 1992; Sambrook, 1990). Ca2+ movement through the ER membrane are regulated by two major Ca2+ transporters, namely the ER Ca2+ATPase pump (SERCA) and the IP3 receptor channel (Berridge, 1993; Calpham, 1995). During cell signaling, the IP3R channel is responsible for the release of Ca2+ from the ER, while SERCA functions to pump cytosolic Ca2+ back into the ER against a steep concentration gradient. Together, in conjunction with the ER calcium binding proteins, they are responsible for the maintenance of high lumenal Ca2+ concentration of ER which is essential for normal ER function. Recently, a connection between alteration of ER Ca2+ and apoptosis was suggested in studies involving the Correspondence: TH Kuo Received 24 February 1998; revised 6 May 1998; accepted 6 May 1998 use of Ca2+ ionophores and thapsigargin (Tg), a selective inhibitor of SERCA (Jiang et al., 1994; Lam et al., 1994; Zhu and Loh, 1995; Furuya et al., 1994; Preston et al., 1997; Bian et al., 1997). It has been shown that inhibition of SERCA by Tg directly leads to depletion of the intracellular Ca2+ store and induction of apoptosis. In addition, a decrease in ER calcium also precedes apoptosis induced by other agents such as hydrogen peroxide, okadaic acid or growth factor withdrawal (Preston et al., 1997; Distelhorst et al., 1996; Bay et al., 1993). The importance of the ER calcium is further supported by studies showing that overexpression of the Ca2+ binding protein calbindin, which resides in the lumen of the ER, or a decrease in Ca2+ eux from the ER can delay the onset of apoptosis in glucocorticoidtreated lymphoid cell line (Dowd et al., 1992). Members of the bcl-2 gene family encode proteins that function either to promote or to inhibit apoptosis (reviewed by Kroemer, 1997). Anti-apoptotic members such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL prevent cell death in response to a wide variety of stimuli including thapsigargin (Kroemer, 1997). Conversely, pro-apoptotic proteins such as Bax and Bak can accelerate death (Yang and Korsmeyer, 1996). One common feature of Bcl-2related proteins is that these proteins are localized to the outer mitochondrial, outer nuclear and ER membranes as a result of a carboxy-terminal membrane anchor (Yang and Korsmeyer 1996). Three dimensional structural analysis has suggested that Bcl-2 related proteins can potentially form a membrane pore, thus allowing the passage of ions or proteins through the membrane (Minn et al., 1997; Antonsson et al., 1997; Schendel et al., 1997). Despite numerous eorts, the mechanism of action of Bcl-2 is still not clear. Partly this is due to the pleiotropic eects of Bcl-2 involving several organelles including mitochondria (Zamzami et al., 1996; Kluck et al., 1997; Vander Heiden et al., 1997), ER (Lam et al., 1994; Bay et al., 1993) and nucleus (Marin et al., 1996). It is not known whether these eects are independent of each other or may be linked. While recent evidence has provided some clues to the action of Bcl-2 at the mitochondria level, other study has suggested that Bcl2 also protects against apoptosis when speci®cally targeted to the ER using an ER retention sequence (Zhu et al., 1996). It is therefore important to understand the eects of Bcl-2 in various subcellular sites which may all contribute to the anti-apoptosis process. In the present work, we focus our study on the eect of Bcl-2 on ER organelle. We demonstrate that overexpression of Bcl-2 in breast epithelial cells modulates ER Ca2+ store by upregulation of SERCA-2 expression with little eect on IP3R-type 3 expression. In addition, we show the in vitro interaction between Bcl-2 and SERCA by co-immunoprecipitation. Endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump and Bcl-2 TH Kuo et al 1904 Results Upregulation of SERCA2 expression in Bcl-2 transfected cell lines Our previous study has indicated that alterations in calcium homeostasis are often associated with changes in the mRNA and protein levels of the major calcium transporters that include pumps and channels (Liu et al., 1996). Based on this consideration, we reasoned that if Bcl-2 action involves changes in Ca2+ homeostasis, then these changes may be re¯ected in the expression of calcium pumps and channels. We therefore tested the eect of Bcl-2 overexpression on SERCA and IP3R expression. Breast epithileal cell lines (MCF10A) transfected with Bcl-2 cDNA were selected and individual clones were compared with control cell line transfected with the vector alone (termed Neo). Protein lysate were collected and loaded on a 12.5% polyacrylamide gel for monitoring Bcl-2 expression by Western blotting (Figure 1a). Densitometric analysis showed that the relative level of Bcl-2 expressing clones varied from 1.3-fold for clone 40 to 3.5-fold for clone 30 as compared to Neo control (Figure 1a). The same samples were also loaded on a 7.5% gel for analysing SERCA isoform 2 (the major isoform) expression (Figure 1b). Proper control experiments were carried out (using actin probe) to con®rm equal loading of the protein samples (not shown). Comparison of Figure 1a with Figure 1b indicated a close correlation between Figure 1 Upregulation of SERCA2 protein and mRNA expression in Bcl-2 transfected cell lines. Cell lines of MCF10A stably transfected with Bcl-2 cDNA were analysed. Samples prepared from Bcl-2 clones 40, 30, 6 and 8 were compared with control (Neo) transfected with vector only. (a) Protein lysates for Bcl-2 detection were run on a 12% gel followed by Western blotting. (b) Protein lysates for SERCA2 detection were run on a 7.5% gel followed by Western blotting. (c) RNA samples from clone 30 and Neo control were compared by Northern blotting. Although not shown, control for sample loading was carried out using actin probe. The Western and Northern blotting experiments have been repeated two times. Using dierent exposure time, it has been determined that the image values were within the linear range the Bcl-2 expression level and the SERCA2 protein levels; higher Bcl-2 expression was accompanied by higher SERCA expression. The results suggest that Bcl2 overexpression leads to increased SERCA2 protein levels. Northern analysis (Figure 1c) also showed that Bcl-2 expressing clone 30 had a twofold increase in the SERCA2 mRNA level as compared to Neo control. Thus Bcl-2 expression upregulates SERCA2 expression at both the mRNA and protein levels. Increased SERCA2 mRNA levels are at least partly responsible for the observed increase in SERCA2 protein. Upregulation of SERCA2 expression leads to increased SERCA activity To determine if enhanced SERCA2 expression produces enzymatically active protein, microsomes were prepared from the Bcl-2 expressing clones 30 and 40 and compared with the preparation from Neo control in the calcium uptake assay (Figure 2a). This assay measures the ATP-mediated, oxalate-dependent 45 Ca uptake into microsomes which is speci®c for SERCA pump (see Materials and methods). Under the assay condition, in the presence of sodium azide (mitochondrial inhibitor) and oxalate (that traps the Ca2+ in the ER by forming insoluble calcium oxalate), Figure 2 Increased SERCA activity in Bcl-2 transfected cell lines. Microsomal membranes were prepared from the Bcl-2 clones 30 and 40, and compared with Neo control. (a) SERCA activity was determined by the ATP-mediated, oxalate-dependent Ca2+ uptake assay. (b) The formation of the SERCA phosphoenzyme intermediate (E-P) as indicated by a 105-kDa band after SDS gel electophoresis and autoradiography Endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump and Bcl-2 TH Kuo et al the majority (97%) of the Ca2+ uptake was due to SERCA activity, with less than 3% of the uptake being oxalate-independent (data not shown). The results suggest that non-speci®c Ca2+ uptake due to contaminating mitochondrial membranes was negligible. The 45 Ca uptake was also completely inhibited by 100 nM thapsigargin, supporting the notion that the activity assay is speci®c for SERCA. Figure 2a shows that the Bcl-2 overexpressing clones 30 and 40 have enhanced 45 Ca uptake activity (approximately 1.5 ± 2-fold higher than Neo) and the increases are proportional to their SERCA protein levels as determined by the Western analysis (Figure 1b). Therefore, increased SERCA2 protein led to enhanced SERCA activity. This conclusion is further supported by the assay of phospho-enzyme intermediate (E-P) formation (Figure 2b), which directly measures the amount of 32P-labeled active enzyme present in the calcium transport reaction (Cheng et al., 1996). The autoradiogram from the E-P reaction (Figure 2b), detects a radioactive band at 100 kDa representing the active SERCA. The intensity of this E-P band is proportionally increased in clones 30 and 40 according to their Bcl-2 levels (Figure 2b). Thus Bcl-2 overexpression led to increased Ca2+ uptake as well as increased E-P formation, indicative of increased active SERCA expression. Increased loading of the ER calcium stores in Bcl-2 transfected cell line Previous evidence from our laboratory has shown that the loading state of the agonist-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ stores correlates with the SERCA expression level (Kuo et al., 1997). Based on this information, it was expected that higher expression of SERCA in Bcl-2 overexpressing cell lines would result in higher Ca2+ load in ER stores. As a ®rst approximation to estimate the loading state of the ER stores, Bcl-2 overexpressing cells and Neo control cells were treated with thapsigargin (Tg), a speci®c inhibitor of the SERCA. The addition of Tg (1 mM) resulted in the release of ER calcium into the cytosol, where it was measured by Indo-1 as an increase in intracellular Ca2+ (Liu et al., 1996). To block Ca2+ in¯ux due to the release of ER calcium, also called capacitative Ca2+ entry (Putney, 1986), these studies were done in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ (see Materials and methods). Under this condition, the increase of cytosolic Ca2+ after the addition of Tg (together with 0.1 mM EGTA) is largely due to the release from the ER store. After reaching a peak within 20 ± 60 s, the [Ca2+]c starts to decline slowly, returning to baseline after 5 min (Figure 3a). This slow decline of cytosolic Ca2+ is due to the action of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase pump (PMCA) which removes Ca2+ out of the cell. Since PMCA is a low capacity pump (Carafoli, 1987), it takes longer time to reduce [Ca2+]c to basal level. Figure 3a shows that while the resting levels of [Ca2+]c in Bcl-2 clone 30 cell line and Neo control were similar (ranging from 80 ± 90 nM), the Tg-induced release of Ca2+ was signi®cantly higher in clone 30 as compared to Neo control. ER calcium release was estimated by measuring the dierence between basal and peak Ca2+ (Bay et al., 1993). Results from ®ve experiments indicated that the Tg-releasable ER Ca2+ for clone 30 was 315+53 nM versus 140+15 nM for Neo control (P50.004). The Tg-induced depletion of the ER store was complete for both clone 30 and Neo control as evidenced by the absence of further Ca2+ release by the second addition of Tg (data not shown). Thus the Tgreleasable ER Ca2+ was approximately two times higher in Bcl-2-transfected cell line (clone 30) as compared to Neo control. Similar experiments were carried out using ionomycin (5 mM) to release the ER Ca2+. In contrast to thapsigargin, ionomycin is a non-speci®c calcium ionophore which can release ER Ca2+ as well as mitochondria Ca2+ (Liu and Hermann, 1978). However, addition of ionomycin after the depletion of ER Ca2+ by Tg did not cause signi®cant further release of Ca2+, indicating that mitochondrial accumulation of Ca2+ in these cells was minimal (data not shown). For this reason, the ionomycin-releasable Ca2+ was also used as an estimate of the ER Ca2+ release. Figure 3b shows a typical trace for the ionomycin-mobilizable Ca2+ pool from the Bcl-2 clone 30 as compared to Neo control. Again the basal Ca2+ levels were similar for both cell types (80 ± 90 nM). However, the peak Ca2+ was much higher for Bcl-2 clone 30 than control. Results from six experiments indicated that the ionomycin-releasable ER Ca2+ for clone 30 and for Neo control were 703+147 nM and 230+101 nM respectively (P50.003). Further studies were carried out using ATP (0.1 mM) as agonist to measure the agonist-sensitive Ca2+ pool (Figure 3c). ATP binds to purinergic receptor which activates the phospholipase C and generates IP3 which in turn activates the IP3R and causes the release of ER Ca2+. Results from ®ve experiments indicated that ATP-releasable ER Ca2+ for clone 30 and for Neo control were 680+100 nM and 320+27 nM respectively (P50.003). The results again suggest that the ER loading state of the Bcl-2 clone 30 was approximately two times higher than Neo control. It is important to point out that the Tg-induced Ca2+ signal had a lower peak Ca2+ and slower kinetics than ionomycin- or ATP-induced Ca2+ signals (compare Figure 3a with b and c). The lower peak Ca2+ observed with Tg treatment is explained on the basis of slower release of Ca2+ by the non-speci®c channels of the ER, reaching peak only after the activation of plasma membrane Ca2+ pump (PMCA) which by removing Ca2+ out of the cell can reduce the maximal Ca2+ concentration detected at the peak of the signal. In the case of ATP-mobilized Ca2+ signaling (Figure 3c), peak Ca2+ was higher due to the faster release of Ca2+ by IP3-activated channel which precedes the activation of both PMCA and SERCA pumps. The combined action of PMCA and SERCA then results in a more rapid decay of the Ca2+ signal in both ATP-and ionomycin-treated cells (Figure 3b and c) as compared to Tg-treated cells (Figure 3a). Despite their dierent mechanism of action, all three agents (Tg, ionomycin, and ATP) caused a larger ER Ca2+ release (twofold or more) in Bcl-2 clone 30 as compared to Neo control, suggesting a higher loading state of the ER store in Bcl-2 expressing cells. Physical interaction between Bcl-2 and SERCA pump Because SERCA and Bcl-2 are both localized to the ER membrane, the possibility that SERCA and Bcl-2 1905 Endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump and Bcl-2 TH Kuo et al 1906 may physically associate and participate in the regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis was explored. To test for interaction between SERCA and Bcl-2, cells from Bcl-2 overexpressing clone 30 and also from human lymphoma cell line DHL-4 were used for this study. Because of the fact that Bcl-2 localizes to several organelles and interacts with multiple proteins in the cell, the immunoprecipitation experiment was carried out by using SERCA antibody instead of Bcl-2 antibody. Cells were metabolically labeled with S-methionine and then processed for immunoprecipitation experiment using the anti-SERCA2 antibody. Figure 4a shows the autoradiography of the 35Slabeled immunoprecipitate after electrophoresis on 5 ± 20% gradient gel followed by blotting. Three major radioactive bands at 105 kDa, 52 kDa and 28 kDa were detected. While the 105 kDa and 28 kDa bands were identi®ed by immuno-detection as SERCA2 and Figure 3 Increased loading of the ER calcium stores in Bcl-2 transfected cell line. Ca2+ response in cells overexpressing Bcl-2 (clone 30) was compared with the vector-transfected control (Neo). Ca2+ response induced by various agents in single cells were recorded using the ACAS 570 laser cytometer as described in Materials and methods. Cells incubated in Ca2+ free medium for 40 ± 60 s, were treated with 1 mM thapsigargin (a), 5 mM ionomycin (b), or 0.1 mM ATP (c) and time-resolved measurements were performed to follow the changes in [Ca2+]c during the course of treatment (see Materials and methods). Note that Bcl-2 clone 30 (lighter trace) has increased loading in the ER store compared with Neo control cells (darker trace). Experiments typify results from ®ve or more independent experiments Figure 4 Co-precipitation of SERCA with Bcl-2. 35S-labeled cells (clone 30) were treated with anti-SERCA (a) or anti-Bcl-2 (c, lane 2). After binding to protein G-Sepharose, the immune precipitate was washed ®ve times and samples loaded on a 5 ± 12% gradient gel. The gel was blotted to nitrocellulose membrane and processed for autoradiography (a, c) and also for Western blot detection of SERCA and Bcl-2 separately (b). To show the speci®city of the immunoprecipitation, the whole cell lysate before precipitation with anti-Bcl-2 was included in c, lane 1. Numerous protein bands were present in the lysate (lane 1) while the Bcl-2 precipitate (lane 2) contained only a limited number of bands 35 Endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump and Bcl-2 TH Kuo et al Bcl-2 respectively (Figure 4b), the identity of the 52 kDa band was unknown. Control experiment using normal rabbit serum for immunoprecipitation indicated no radioactive bands in the precipitate (data not shown). Because of the short duration of metabolic labeling (2 h, see Materials and methods), the radioactive bands were faint and required 10 days to develop. Using lymphoma cell line DHL-4 which expresses high levels of endogenous Bcl-2, it was found that anti-SERCA2 antibody also coprecipitated SERCA, Bcl-2 and the 52-kDa protein (data not shown). The co-precipitation of these three proteins was further vari®ed by using anti-Bcl-2 antibody with DHL-4 cell lysate. Figure 4c shows numerous cellular protein bands in the DHL-4 detergent solubilized cell lysate before precipitation (lane 1), and a distinct pattern of the immune complex after precipitation with anti-Bcl-2 (lane 2). Because of the required 10 day exposure (for lane 2), protein bands in Lane 1 became unvoidably dark. It is interesting that the Bcl-2 precipitate (Figure 4c lane 2) appeared to contain additional bands than the SERCA precipitate (Figure 4a) and this is consistent with the fact that Bcl-2 is known to interact with proteins of mitochondria as well as ER. Despite this dierence, it is clear that both precipitates contain SERCA, Bcl-2 and 52-kDa as common proteins. To avoid redundancy with Figure 4b, the Western analysis for the anti-Bcl-2 immune complex was omitted here. Taken together, the results suggest that there is possible interaction between Bcl-2 and SERCA in the breast epithelial cell line as well as DHL-4 cell line, and that the SERCA immune complex appears to be a multi-protein complex. The eect of Bcl-2 on IP3R protein expression and calcium release Since both SERCA pump and IP3R channel participate in the regulation of ER Ca2+ homeostasis, it was important to determine if Bcl-2 expression might also in¯uence the steady state level of the IP3R protein and its activity. Whole cell lysates were prepared from the Bcl-2 expressing clone 30 and compared with that from the Neo control by Western blot analysis. The results (Figure 5a) indicated no signi®cant change in the IP3Rtype3 protein levels in clone 30 as compared to Neo control. However, the possibility that Bcl-2 may aect the other two isoforms can not be excluded. To ®nd out if there is functional alteration of the IP3R by Bcl-2 transfection, we have carried out studies to determine the IP3-mediated Ca2+ release in permeabilized cells. For this purpose, both 45Ca2+ uptake and release in saponinpermeabilized cells were followed (Figure 5b). The uptake of 45Ca2+ in the ER of saponin-permeabilized cells after 10 min incubation was 1.5-fold higher for clone 30 as compared to Neo control (Figure 5b left panel, 5000 versus 3000 c.p.m.). This result con®rmed Figure 2 data obtained by microsomal assay of the 45Ca2+ uptake. The IP3-induced release of 45Ca2+ was initiated after 10 min when the uptake reached plateau (Figure 5b right panel). Addition of 5 mM IP3 (indicated by arrow) caused an immediate release of Ca2+ such that greater than 90% of the accumulated radioactivity was released in 20 s. The speci®city of the IP3-induced release was con®rmed when control experiment carried out in the absence of IP3 1907 Figure 5 The eect of Bcl-2 on IP3R expression and IP3-induced Ca2+ release. (a) Lysate prepared from Bcl-2 clone 30 was compared with control (Neo); samples were run on a 7.5% gel, followed by Western blotting for IP3R-3 expression. (b) Assay of 45 Ca2+ uptake and 45Ca2+ release in saponin-permeabilized cells (see Materials and methods). Neo control (®lled square) and Bcl- 2 clone 30 (circle) were permeabilized and incubated for 45 Ca2+ uptake assay at various time intervals (0 ± 10 min). After 10 min of uptake, the medium was switched to eux medium and IP3- mediated 45Ca2+ release was assayed from 5 ± 60 s. The results indicated no signi®cant change in IP3R protein levels or calcium release by Bcl-2 indicated less than 5% of release (data not shown). Calculation of the initial rate of IP3-induced Ca2+ release from three experiments (Figure 5b) indicated no signi®cant dierence between Bcl-2 clone 30 cells versus Neo control. Thus Bcl-2 does not aect IP3-induced calcium release. However, other subtler eects of Bcl-2 on the IP3R, such as regulation of phosphorylation can not be ruled out. Discussion The present results show for the ®rst time that overexpression of Bcl-2 aects the ER Ca2+ store by upregulating the SERCA2 expression with little eect on the IP3R-3 expression. The 2 ± 3-fold increase in SERCA2 pump expression is largely responsible for the 2 ± 3-fold increase in microsomal Ca2+ uptake and ER Ca2+ loading in these cells (Figures 2, 3 and 5). Thus we have provided clear evidence for a role of Bcl-2 in the maintenance of ER Ca2+ pump expression as well as Ca2+ uptake. As this work was in progress, a report appeared (He et al., 1997) showing similar maintenance of Ca2+ homeostasis in the ER by Bcl-2. By studying Endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump and Bcl-2 TH Kuo et al 1908 WEH17.2 lymphoma cells and the corresponding Bcl-2 stable-transfectant, W.Hb12 cells, these authors found large increases of SERCA-mediated calcium uptake in Bcl-2 overexpressing cells (He et al., 1997). Thus both studies are in agreement regarding the enhancement of SERCA-mediated Ca2+ uptake by Bcl-2. However, the two studies dier in the suggested mechanism for this Bcl-2 eect. While our study suggests that the twofold increase in SERCA pump density is the major reason for the twofold increased Ca2+ uptake, the other study (He et al., 1997) suggests a direct mediation of Ca2+ uptake by Bcl-2. In addition to the SERCA-mediated uptake, a direct mediation of Ca2+ movement across ER membrane by Bcl-2 seems to be an intriguing possibility, especially in view of X-ray and NMR studies showing that Bcl-2 family proteins can potentially form ion channels (Minn et al., 1997; Antonsson et al., 1997; Schendel et al., 1997). Indeed, this Tg-resistant Ca2+ uptake was detected in W.Hb12 cells overexpressing Bcl-2 (He et al., 1997). However, this SERCA-independent Ca2+ uptake (presumably mediated by Bcl-2) in W.Hb12 cells was very low which amounts to only 1% of the SERCA-dependent uptake (see Figure 1 of He et al., 1997). In MCF10A clone 30 cells overexpressing Bcl-2, we failed to detect such Tg-resistant Ca2+ uptake. It is possible that our assay may not be sensitive enough to detect such small dierences. Although our study does not rule out a novel function of Bcl-2 as Ca2+ transporter, it is clear that this small uptake mediated by Bcl-2 can not quantitatively account for the 2 ± 3-fold increase of Ca2+ uptake detected in MCF10A cells as well as in W.Hb12 cells. We would rather propose that Bcl-2 mediated upregulation of SERCA gene expression is responsible for the large increase of Ca2+ uptake in Bcl-2 overexpressing cells. The Bcl-2 eect on ER Ca2+ load is likely related to its anti-apoptotic function. Previously, we and others have demonstrated in various cell types that SERCA expression is required for cell cycle progression whereas low SERCA expression leads to cell cycle arrest (Short et al., 1993; Cheng et al., 1996). Furthermore, we have evidence that treatment of MCF10A cell culture with calcium ionophore A23187 (1 mM) caused a depletion of ER Ca2+ store and subsequent cell death. After 48 h in the presence of A23187, approximately 70% of MCF10A cells had died and only 30% survived. In contrast, Bcl-2 overexpressing clone 30 cells were resistant to this treatment, with only 22% death and 78% survival. Thus Bcl-2 can inhibit cell death caused by disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis with ionophore treatment. Other laboratories also showed that depletion of ER Ca2+ leads to apoptosis and Bcl-2 can inhibit both store depletion and associated cell death (Lam et al., 1994; Bian et al., 1997; Distelhorst et al., 1996). Thus the ®lling state of the ER store which is mainly determined by SERCA expression exerts a profound control over cell growth and cell death. It is also worth mentioning that the high Ca2+ loading state is not observed in cells that overexpress the Bax, a proapoptotic protein (our unpublished results). In contrast to the Bcl-2 overexpressing cells, the Bax-overexpressing cells are associated with either no change or a decrease of the Ca2+ ®lling state when compared to the Neo control. Thus Bcl-2 could preserve the normal ER function by maintaining ER Ca2+ homeostasis. The mechanism of SERCA-upregulation by Bcl-2 is not clear. Previously, during the study of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis (Liu et al., 1996; Kuo et al., 1997), we have shown that while Ca2+ pumps and channels cooperate in their action to maintain [Ca2+]c, their own gene expression is subjected to regulation by the Ca2+ signal. Speci®cally, we have shown that the ®lling state of the ER store (as determined by the size of the agonistinduced Ca2+ signal) is an important factor for regulating SERCA gene expression (Kuo et al., 1997). Low ®lling state is associated with low SERCA expression and high ®lling state with high SERCA expression (Kuo et al., 1997). Furthermore, Ca2+ signal stimulates SERCA gene transcription as demonstrated by nuclear run-on assay (Kuo et al., 1997). This is consistent with the presence of a putative Ca2+ response element (Li et al., 1993) in the SERCA promoter sequence (Lytton et al., 1989). Taken together, it is plausible that a Bcl-2-mediated Ca2+ uptake (by way of the slow ion channel) could accelerate the transcription of SERCA gene, resulting in increased SERCA expression. During apoptosis-condition, when SERCA function is depressed and the depletion of the ER pool occurs, this ability of Bcl-2 to mediate Ca2+ uptake becomes critical to maintain a threshold level of ER Ca2+ that is essential for cell survival. While we favor this explanation, the possible involvement of other Bcl-2 aected signal pathways in SERCA expression can not be ruled out. In addition to the Bcl-2 eect on SERCA expression, we have also shown a possible interaction between Bcl-2 and SERCA by immunoprecipitation. This physical association may be a direct one or may be bridged by the 52 kDa protein (Figure 4). In either case, the results suggest that Bcl-2 might modulate SERCA function through protein-protein interaction. In summary, we have demonstrated that Bcl-2 modulates ER store by regulating SERCA gene expression and perhaps by physical association with SERCA protein. Further study on the functional interaction between Bcl-2 and SERCA is now being investigated. Materials and methods Cell lines and culture conditions Breast epithelial cell line (MCF10A) was stably transfected with pcDNAI expression vector with or without Bcl-2 cDNA insert (provided by Dr S Korsmeyer) as described previously (Upadhyay et al., 1995). The resulting Bcl-2 expressing clones were selected and compared to cell line that was transfected with the vector without the insert. These cell lines are termed Bcl-2 clones and Neo-control respectively. Human DHL-4 lymphoma cell line expressing high endogenous level of Bcl-2 was provided by Dr L Boxer (Wilson et al., 1996). Bcl-2 or Neo control cell lines were routinely cultured in DMEM medium supplemented with appropriate serum and factors at 378C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere as described (Upadhyay et al., 1995). DHL-4 cell lines were cultured in RPMI medium as described previously (Wilson et al., 1996). RNA preparation and Northern analysis For detecting SERCA mRNA, 70 ± 80% con¯uent cells were used for RNA preparation and Northern analysis (Liu et al., 1996). The blots were hybridized with speci®c cDNA probes. Endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump and Bcl-2 TH Kuo et al The SERCA cDNA probe was a 330 bp fragment (nt 892 ± 1222) of the SERCA2 gene (Lytton et al., 1989). Western analysis For detecting SERCA or IP3R protein, 70 ± 80% con¯uent cells were lysed and protein samples were separated on 7.5% polyacrylamide gel for Western blotting (Liu et al., 1996). The SERCA2 speci®c antibody was obtained from Anity BioReagent. The IP3R-type 3 speci®c antibody was obtained from Transduction Laboratory. Intracellular Ca2+ measurements Intracellular calcium was measured using a Meridian Ultima laser confocal microscope and the calcium-sensitive ¯uorescent dye Indo-1 as described before (Liu et al., 1996). Bcl-2 clones were grown overnight on a glass coverslip, then loaded with Indo-1 AM (2 mM) in loading buer containing (in mM) 5.4, KCl; 137, NaCl; 0.44, KH2PO4; 4.2, NaHCO3; 0.34, Na2HPO4; 11.1, D-glucose; 5, HEPES, pH 7.3, 2, CaCl2; 0.1% bovine serum albumin. Indo-1 ¯uorescence was measured at an excitation wavelength of 360 nm and emission wavelengths of 405 and 485 nm. To estimate the loading state of the ER store, cells were rinsed (after dye loading) in loading buer that does not contain Ca2+, and then treated with thapsigargin (1 mM) plus 0.1 mM EGTA. Time-resolved measurements were performed to follow the changes in cytosolic Ca2+ during the course of treatment (0 ± 10 min). For measurement of capacitative Ca2+ entry, the thapsigargin-EGTA buer was replaced with buer containing 2 mM Ca2+. For each experiment, there were between four and nine cells per ®eld. Microsomal membrane preparation Cells were lysed in an ice-cold buer containing (in mM) 10 HEPES, pH 7, 10 KCl, 0.05 EGTA, 0.05 dithiothreitol and a mixture of protease inhibitors (in mg/ml: 0.1 soybean trypsin inhibitor, 0.05 aprotinin and 0.01 leupeptin). The lysates were then homogenized and centrifuged for 10 min at 48C and 3500 g. The supernatants were centrifuged for 60 min at 100 000 g, and the resulting pellets resuspended in 20 mM HEPES, pH 7, 160 mM KCl and 0.1 mM dithiothreitol. The microsomes were used immediately for SERCA assay or phospho-enzyme (E-P) formation. Ca2+ transport assay and measurement of phosphoenzyme intermediate The assay of SERCA activity was based on the measurement of ATP-mediated, oxalate-dependent calcium uptake into crude microsomes according to Cheng et al. (1996) and Kuo et al. (1992). The reaction mixture contained 100 mM KCl, 50 mM K-HEPES (pH 6.8), 6 mM MgCl2, 5 mM NaN3, 7 mM oxalate, 50 mM 45Ca2+, 15 mg of microsomal membranes and the reaction was initiated by addition of 5 mM ATP. Radioactive Ca2+ accumulation at each time point was determined by ®ltration (Kuo et al., 1992). The formation of phospho-enzyme intermediate (E-P) during the catalytical cycle was carried out at 08C, using 50 mg of crude membrane and 0.08 mM of [32P]ATP in the reaction as previously described (Cheng et al., 1996). Metabolic labeling with 35S-methionine and immunoprecipitation of Bcl-2 MCF10A transfected with Bcl-2 (clone 30) or human lymphoma cell line DHL-4 that expresses high level of endogenous Bcl-2 was used for this study. Cells (3 6 106) grown in 100 mm dish were pre-labeled for immunopre- cipitation experiment (Boulay et al., 1997). Brie¯y, after a starvation period of 30 min in methionine/cysteine-free DMEM medium (ICN), the cells were incubated for 3 h at 378C with 5 ml of the same medium containing 20 mCi of [35S]-methionine (Amersham). The cells were washed twice and scraped from the dish in the presence of PBS and harvested by centrifugation. The cell pellet was homogenized in 500 ml of RIPA buer (20 mM Tris/HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, 1% Nonidet P-40, 0.5% deoxycholic acid, 0.1% SDS, 0.1 mM PMSF, 1 mg/ml soybean trypsin inhibitor and 0.5 mg/ml leupeptin) by drawing the cells through syringe needles (25 gauge). The cell extracts were clari®ed by an incubation of 30 min with 40 ml of a 50% slurry of pre-washed protein G-sepharose (Gibco ± BRL) in RIPA buer. Prewashed Protein GSepharose was prepared by treatment for 1 h with 25 mg/ ml bovine serum albumin in RIPA buer followed by two washes with RIPA buer alone. After a centrifugation of 5 min, 5 ml of Bcl-2 antibody (KLH Denmark) was added to the supernatant and incubated for 18 h at 4 8C with shaking. The antigen-antibody complexes were separated from the mixture by incubating with pre-washed Protein G-Sepharose for 2 h at 4 8C. The beads were centrifuged and washed four times with RIPA buer at room temperature and recovered each time by centrifugation. The immune complexes were then eluted in SDS sample buer and loaded on a 5-20% gradient gel for electrophoresis and blotting. The membrane blot was either exposed to X-ray ®lm for autoradiography or processed for immuno-detection as described previously (Liu et al., 1996). Measurement of Ca2+ release in permeabilized cells The assay of IP3 induced 45Ca2+ release was done according to Zhao and Muallem (1990). Bcl-2 clone 30 and Neo control cells (66104 per well) were plated in 24-well culture plate for 24 h before the assay. Cells were washed in KMH medium containing (in mM) 140 KCl, 3 MgCl2, 10 HEPES, and then permeabilized with 0.0075% saponin as described (Zhao and Muallem, 1990). Ca2+ uptake was initiated by the addition of uptake medium containing 5 mM Ca, 5 mg/ml oligomycin, 10 mM antimycin A, 2 mM ATP and 45Ca. During the uptake period (0 ± 10 min), samples were withdrawn for measurement of 45Ca uptake into the microsome. After 10 min incubation, the uptake medium was replaced with eux medium which had the same composition as uptake medium but without ATP and 45Ca2+ and contained 5 mM IP3. The IP3-induced eux was stopped at various times (from 5 ± 60 s) and cells were washed and processed for measurement of 45Ca2+ content as described previously (Zhao and Muallem, 1990). Densitometry analysis and statistics Autoradiograms and protein blots were quanti®ed by using Ambis image analysis system (San Diego). Each experiment presented is representative of at least two experiments performed independently. Where applicable, data (mean+s.d.) were analysed by Student's t-test and signi®cance de®ned as a P-value of 5 0.05. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the support of National Institutes of Health (HL-39481 to THK, CA-64139 to HRCK) and the American Heart Association/Michigan (to THK). We also thank Dr Shmuel Muallem for discussion. 1909 Endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump and Bcl-2 TH Kuo et al 1910 References Antonsson B, Conti F, Ciavatta A, Montessuit S, Lewis S, Martinow I, Bemasconi L, Bemard A, Memod JJ, Mazzei G, Maundrell K, Gambale F, Sadoul R and Martinou J-C. (1997). Science, 277, 370 ± 372. Bay G, Miyashita T, Williamson JR and Reed JC. (1993). J. Biol. Chem., 268, 6511 ± 6519. Berridge, MJ. (1993). Nature, 361, 315 ± 325. 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