EE616 Electronic System Design Course Project Report, EE Dept, IIT Bombay, Dec. 2013 Reset Stabilized Difference Amplifier Navnidhi Upadhyay (133070078)<> Pramod kumar (133070078)<> Instructor: Prof. P.C. Pandey ABSTRACT This report projects a circuit which reduces the offset error voltage and hence using this to implement a offset free difference amplifier. The effects of offset voltages are more pronounced especially while amplifying low level signals. Offset error is one of the major problems in the amplifiers, as it gets amplified with the base signal. Amplifier with automatic offset compensation can be very useful, as it can be implemented with any circuit and hence can be used globally. One way of achieving automatic offset compensation is to use Reset Stabilized Amplifiers. Reset stabilization is the technique in which the input signal is taken off periodically for determining the error signal present in the circuit. This error is then again fed back to the amplifier such that it will negate the effect of error signal in the output. The performance of such amplifiers can be further improved by removing the glitch in the output signal, by connecting a low pass filter circuit in the output. For a considerably low frequency signals, the glitch free output will be almost equivalent to the desired output. 1. INTRODUCTION Reset stabilized amplifier can be implemented using the analog switches and sample and hold circuits. The analog input is periodically disconnected from the amplifier input using the analog switches. During sampling time, the output of the difference amplifier is due to the offset voltage of itself, output op-amp and sample and hold circuit. In the hold mode, the sampled output from the sample and hold circuit is again fed back to the difference amplifier via output op-amp which nullifies the offset error ultimately. This output contains glitches at the time duration when the input gets disconnected. This can be reduced by using a low pass filter at the output of difference amplifier. 2. DESIGN APPROACH 2.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM Fig 1. Block Diagram of Reset Stabilized Amplifier for Difference Amplifier 2.2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Fig 2. Reset Stabilized Amplifier for Difference Amplifier The design consists of the following main blocks Clock Generation by microcontroller Difference Amplifier Sample and Hold Circuit Switches 2.2.1. GENERATING NON-OVERLAPPING COMPLEMENTARY CLOCKS Microcontroller: AT89c5131 microcontroller The microcontroller is programmed to produce two non – overlapping complementary clocks. Code: #include <at89c5131.h> sbit c0 = P0^0; sbit c1 = P0^1; int i=1,j,k; main() { TMOD = 0x11; TH0 = 0xFC; TL0 = 0x18; TR0=1; c0=1; c1=0; IEN0=0x86 if(i==1) { c0=~c0; for(j=0;j<5;j++); c1=~c1; i=0; } else { c1=~c1; for(j=0;j<5;j++); c0=~c0; i=1; } TF0=0; TR0=0; TH0 = 0xFC; TL0 = 0x18; TR0=1; IEN0=0x86; } Fig 3. Output of microcontroller (Non-Overlapping clocks) 2.2.2 DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIER IC 741 is used for a difference amplifier. The gain of difference amplifier is kept 100 to amplify small voltage signal. 2.2.3 SAMPLE AND HOLD CIRCUIT Sample and Hold circuit is used to sample and hold the output voltage of the difference amplifier, due to offset error. During sampling time; input is not applied to the reset stabilized amplifier and output present is only due to the offset voltage of op-amp in the difference amplifier. During hold time; differential input is applied to the amplifier so the output is because of the input and error voltage which is due to the offset voltage of Op-amp. . Fig 4. Sample and Hold Circuit 2.2.4 SWITCHES IC CD4066BE is used for switches. Control voltages used for switches are derived from clocking circuit with 5v voltage. Hence the clock frequency ultimately decides the switching frequency of the input signal. 3. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION Following figures are obtained as a result of the experiment. Fig. 5 Input to the voltage divider circuit Giving the input as shown in fig. 5 to a voltage divider circuit we have taken a low amplitude sine wave of 10m v p-p, which is then fed as an input to difference amplifier. Now we have grounded one terminal of difference amplifier and given the given the above input to other terminal, that gives us the following output. Fig 6: Output-1 of Reset Stabilized Amplifier And then we shorted second terminal to ground and first terminal to input, and we get following output. Fig 7: Output-2 of Reset Stabilized Amplifier From the figure given above we can easily see that the output is nearly error free with a reasonable gain of nearly 100. 4. CONCLUSION The error free output is successfully obtained using the reset stabilization. In some electronics circuits, sensors are used and there output ranges in few millivolts comparable to offset voltage of op-amp. So these small signals need to be amplified for further processing. Due to offset voltage present at the input of op-amp, output of amplifier is erroneous and inaccurate. Hence reset stabilized amplifier can be used to negate the effect of offset of op-amp and to get more accurate output. 5. References [1] Lecture Notes of EE616 Electronic System Design, EE Dept, IIT Bombay, Dec. 2012. [2] [3] [4] [5]